The location of the seats on the plane. Aircraft cabin layout

The question is what better places choose on the plane, relevant only to ensure their own comfort. From a safety point of view, absolutely all seats are in the same position, and for a flight that will last an hour or two, the choice of seat does not seem relevant at all.

But, when flying at 10-12, or even more hours, the choice of a place is really important. To ensure maximum comfort for yourself, you need to choose seats based on two main criteria - personal preferences in flight and the technical features of the seating arrangement.

Locations by preference

Every traveler has their own idea of ​​the perfect seat on a ship. Someone likes to sit next to the window, someone closer to the toilets, as a rule, these are people who do not tolerate flights, who often feel sick, or who have problems with the intestines, and someone likes to fly at the tail of the plane.

In general, all seats according to the preferences of passengers can be divided as follows:

  • next to the porthole;
  • by the passage;
  • In the middle;
  • next to emergency exits and hatches;
  • next to the sanitary zone;
  • ahead, "behind the pilots";
  • at the tail of the liner.

Each of these options has its pros and cons, which you need to know about before the first flight in your life, when your own preferences have not yet been formed.

At the porthole

The window seat is usually loved by children, no matter what transport it is in.

Speaking about adult passengers going on their first flight in their lives, it should be noted that the porthole has only one drawback in flight - it will be difficult to get out of your seat, there are no other drawbacks.

By the passage

At first glance, it seems that nothing good can happen in the flight "in the aisle", but this is not at all the case.

In general, the only downsides are that you have to get up every time those sitting further want to leave and that you will not see clouds outside the window.

Michael Gra/

The undoubted advantages include your own freedom of movement around the cabin, at any time you can go to the toilet or to the conductors, without disturbing anyone, and the ability to "stretch your legs" into the aisle. Although “stretching the legs” is relative, because other passengers walk along the aisle, flight attendants with their carts, and in general it does not look very nice.

But if the flight is to be at night, during which almost everyone is asleep, the opportunity to stretch your tired legs from walking on excursions can be simply priceless.

In the middle

With regard to the seats in the liner, the well-known saying about the “golden mean” is completely untrue. This is the most inconvenient position of all possible, of course, if we are talking about a solo flight. If a family or a group of friends is flying, the picture changes.

The biggest disadvantage of sitting in the center is the neighbors. When flying in such chairs, it is exactly what your neighbor will be that completely determines the entire flight. In addition, you will have to get up, releasing those sitting further and disturb those flying closer to the aisle, if you want to get out.

At emergency hatches and exits

In general, the seats are very comfortable. There is an increased space between the rows, almost no one walks by, and when flying to big liner, where many seats are lined up in a row, there are fewer of them, usually there are no more than three seats in a row in front of an emergency exit.

However, the airlines have a semi-legal rule - the elderly, women, children and persons who do not inspire confidence are never put here. As for the latter, it is, in fact, a dress code left to the discretion of the flight attendants.

But representatives of law enforcement agencies or the military, rescuers or athletes, on the contrary, are persistently trying to seat them exactly at the emergency exits.

In flight, hatches have a significant difference from all other seats, which can be both a disadvantage and an advantage. The point is that the chairs located here have design restrictions on opening, that is, on the “lying” position. For those who want to fly in a reclining state, this, of course, is a minus.

But the indisputable advantage of these seats is that women with small children almost never sit here, this is very important for a calm long flight and the fact that no one in front will throw back the seat, slamming the passenger's laptop.

If you plan to spend most of the flight at the computer, then emergency hatch seats are the best solution.

Close to sanitary area

These chairs are not popular, since flying near the toilet is inconvenient from the psychological side, and passengers often passing to the bathroom do not deliver positive emotions.

But if there are digestive difficulties, for example, arising from nerves, due to excitement or fear, then the aisle seat next to the sanitary zone will become the best option.

The seats “behind the pilots” are good because the very first rows do not have other seats in front of them. You can calmly stretch your legs forward or leave your seat at the porthole without asking your neighbors to get up.

But when choosing these places, you need to specify if there are sockets nearby, since it is almost always not possible to recharge gadgets here.

In the tail

They do not like to fly in the tail of the cabin, but this is an absolutely individual rejection. Since the places here are completely different from all the others.

The opinion that the “tail” shakes much more strongly when it gets into turbulence is completely subjective and does not correspond to reality. As for the opportunity to take photos from the porthole, the places here are no worse. The nose of the plane, of course, will not get into the frame, but the shots of the turbine look no less impressive.

When landing, more precisely, after its completion and before takeoff, it makes sense to look around if the seat you have got seems uncomfortable. If there is a place that, in your opinion, is more comfortable, you should not be shy, you should contact the flight attendant with a request to change seats.

Airline employees are completely calm about such movements of passengers, since the calmness and healthy environment on board depend entirely on the comfort of people during the flight.

Video: the best seats on the plane - how to choose?

Design features of seats in the liner

All planes are different, their main difference is how many seats are in a row. They can be 2, 3, 4, 5 - than more liner, the more seats are located between the aisle and the porthole, moreover, the narrower the distance between the rows themselves. In general, flying on large aircraft is less convenient than on small ones.

The location of the sanitary area and service compartments can also differ in different aircraft, as well as the location of sockets, the size of the compartments for hand luggage, the availability of monitors, and much more.

When choosing the best seats for yourself on an airplane, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Must See detailed plan the cabin of the model of the liner in which the journey is to be - special attention should be paid to the little things - the presence of monitors, sockets, the distance between the rows, and so on, it is not difficult to find cabin diagrams on airline services.
  2. If you want to calmly and slowly choose a seat, you need to book in advance through online services, again guided by the cabin scheme, which are available on almost any portal selling air tickets.
  3. If there was no prior choice, then seats are allocated “in order of priority” when boarding the plane, the stewardess will simply show the free seat. But even in the airport building, it is possible to understand which seats on the plane are free and choose the most optimal of them - for this you need to use self-check-in terminals or ask for a diagram with seats at the counter at which check-in is carried out.

In addition to all the details that provide comfort in flight inside the cabin, it is imperative to take into account such a moment as the direction of the aircraft, this is especially important for those passengers who plan to fly from the window.

it important point, it must be taken into account when choosing which places near the porthole are best for photographs and just admiring the clouds. Regardless of the direction, it can turn out that the sun will blind the entire flight and carefully chosen, the best seats will turn out to be the biggest disappointment.

In recent years, airlines have been very "not fond" of distributing seats directly in the cabin before departure, preferring a preliminary selection of seats by their passengers. In general, this is a good trend, but sometimes there are overlays, that is, several people apply for the same seat.

You can avoid such troubles by making a choice directly on the portals of air carriers. In addition, in all disputable situations, preference always remains precisely for a direct reservation, and not for the one that was made through an intermediary company, regardless of when this very reservation was registered.

The question of which seats are better on airplanes is completely individual and each person decides for himself where exactly it will be more convenient for him to fly, and this will become clear after the first flight. It may well become very comfortable and full of positive emotions if you approach the choice of flight, aircraft model and seat location in the cabin carefully, responsibly and book everything in advance.

The flight, whether long or short, is tiring in and of itself, and even harmful. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to create at least some additional comfort for yourself, you should use it. And one of these important nuances is the choice of the best seat on the plane.

To begin with, you need to realize that perfect place in an airplane simply does not exist. You need to choose it individually for yourself, based on your needs, which I will talk about in this article now. So, for example, I like to sit near the engine at the window, where, in fact, the noisiest place, dangerous and the view is blocked by half of the wing. But this is due to my first flight and habit. Therefore, let's look at the root of the problem: how to choose a seat on an airplane based on your personal needs?


Aircraft seat classes

So, if you start like this, roughly divide all the seats on the plane, then initially they can be divided into economy class, business class and first class seats.

  • Economy class seats are the cheapest class of seats on the plane, which is mainly used by travelers (although, what is there, the President of Lithuania also flies in economy class and nothing). This is the base rate. As a rule, these are three rows of seats (two rows for narrow-body aircraft), three seats for each row. Legroom is minimal. Comfort is about the same as in a minibus: nothing more, you are simply delivered from point A to point B.
  • Business class seats are seats that are curtained off from economy class. There is a little more legroom, plus - less seats (2 chairs in a row). In addition, the ticket price includes à la carte meals and free alcoholic drinks. However, at the same time, prices are about 5 times higher than economy class, and you won’t notice much difference, especially on flights of a couple of hours. If it comes to that, then food can be purchased separately and in economy class, the difference will be only 10 - 20 bucks.
  • First class seats are an alternative to business class on intercontinental flights. Prices are 10 times higher than business class. For this, you will check in faster on board, get high class services and chic seats (for example, on some planes, the chair folds out into a sofa, that is, full-fledged lying places! Is it worth it? Everyone thinks for himself, but this is clearly not a topic for our blog, we are discussing how to travel cheap and beautiful 🙂

Therefore, most likely, for a budget tourist, the choice is an economy class, except when it is a free upgrade in the form of a bonus, like,.

Selecting a seat on the plane

So, as I said, the best places - they are individual. And you have to decide on one. Often these questions are asked before their first flight. I also shoveled then the entire Internet for information about which place to choose. Then, over time, you will find your ideal option, on which you will feel comfortable, and in the future you will begin to try to take a seat on the plane for yourself. In the meantime, we will analyze the most frequent needs when choosing places.

The safest places on a plane

In general, the concept of safe or dangerous places in the plane is quite blurry. Which side to look at. After all, you need to understand that there is no chance to survive in a fallen plane from a height, no matter where the passenger is sitting. But the largest number of accidents occur, often, during takeoff / landing, as a result of errors by pilots or airport employees, due to poor coverage and the condition of the runway, or other factors. In this case, you can be saved. But again, how can you tell which is safer? After all, a plane can crash its nose into a fence, or it can hook trees with its tail. The engine may explode, or the chassis may lock up.

I am not telling you this to scare you. And just to show that there is no safest place. However, you can choose a seat near emergency exit. It is, in most cases, still safer. But the main thing is still your psychological conviction that there is the safest place on the plane. You can find out which seat will be near the emergency exit in a particular aircraft from the seat layout diagrams, which we will discuss below.

The most comfortable seats on the plane

The best and most comfortable seats are usually considered the seats in the front row. There will be no other passengers in front of you, which means that you can comfortably stretch your legs, from which they will become less numb. Especially true for people with my height (which is 189 centimeters). Although, to be honest, you don’t suffer much in two hours in the middle rows. In addition, in this part the plane does not shake as much when it enters the turbulence zone and is closer to the flight attendants. But the toilet is far enough to go. And be prepared for the fact that there will be babies and small children nearby, because such places are usually intended for them. Not everyone will be happy with such a neighborhood.

Seats for children and babies on airplanes

Children must either fly with a seat belt attached to their parents (infants) or in a separate seat (children over a certain age, depending on the rules of the airline). There are no special places for such passengers, especially since, often, babies are generally carried free of charge. On the other hand, it is recommended to buy the very first row. There is more space, sometimes there are special places for formula feeding your children. In addition, there they will interfere with fewer people, while they will not recline the back of the seat in front of the person sitting.

Seats at the tail of the aircraft

Since when falling from a high altitude, the aircraft falls nose first, the clearances capture the tail section the least. This was the reason for the placement of the "black box" in the tail section of the aircraft, and this also led to the opinion that here are the safest places. As I said, this is more of a psychology of self-hypnosis, but it also has its advantages: as a rule, on not very popular flights, there are much fewer passengers who will bother you. The same applies to passengers with children - as a rule, you will not meet them here, unless it is a charter somewhere to places of mass Russian tourism during the high season.

Sleeping places on the plane

Sleeping places are found in first class on flights of companies such as Emirates on long flights. I did not meet, and saw only in the pictures, and photos of other travelers. Somehow, not even interesting.

Standing places on the plane

Fiction, replicated by the yellow press 😉 Naturally, safety standards prohibit such nonsense, and it has no basis. But the yellow press needs some kind of PR, as well as unsuccessful Internet projects, therefore, from time to time they give out such pearls that, allegedly, there will soon be standing places.

Bad seats on the plane

In my opinion, the worst seats are in the tail near the toilet, right above the wing, from where nothing can be seen, and of course the seats in the row in front of the emergency exit, where the seats do not recline.

Location (diagrams) of seats on the plane

And now, it seems, you have already decided where and what place you want. But before you start choosing a seat online or at the front desk (if you get there one of the first, they usually don't mind giving you good seats. So, in Sarajevo, where there was no online check-in, they gave me perfect place, and even closed the registration for a seat nearby, so I flew like a king =)), you need to find out what seat, number and row you need. For this, there are schemes of aircraft of various models.

As a rule, the location of the seat in the aircraft of different airlines does not differ. that is, the seating arrangements of Transaero and Aeroflot on the same aircraft models will be the same, unless it is an individual order of the company (as, for example, with berths).

Where to find out how the seats are located on the plane

There is such a wonderful service called Seat Guru. It contains diagrams huge amount aircraft on different flights with passenger reviews. The downside is that I didn’t find some large low-cost companies in the database. But you can find diagrams of other airlines for the same aircraft model. The difference will only be in the reviews. But which places are near the partition, which ones are near the porthole, where the wings will block your view - you will know this quite accurately.

For example, below is a diagram of the Airbus 320 from Aeroflot:

And here is the layout of the Boeing 777 and Boeing 737 seats.

Very soon you will find out which places are right for you, and if possible, you will book them. Unfortunately, on some low-cost companies, like WizzAir, you cannot choose a seat in advance, so be prepared to fly in any seat.

Based on my experience, I can give the following advice:

  • Try to choose and reserve seats on the airline's website yourself. On my blog there are instructions for some of them, for example:.
  • If you do not have a seat reserved, then try to be among the first at the check-in desk and ask: to give you a good place and, if the flight is not popular, to leave the neighbor's seat empty. As a rule, the same people work at check-in, just like you, who understand that you want to fly in comfort. Therefore, such requests, said with a sweet smile and the right degree of warmth in your voice, as a rule, guarantee you a good place.
  • When flying in low-cost companies where seats are not reserved for free, never climb ahead of the crowd. Firstly, because you will be taken to the plane by bus, where, if you go down last, you will also be the last to enter, which means you will be the first to go out, and you will not be pressed against the back wall. Secondly, if there are a lot of people on the flight, you can go last.
  • And again, low cost. If you see that a full house is planned for the flight, stand on the field to the last, until you are driven into the plane. Your task is to go last. The reason is simple: companies often sell a little more seats than available, as about 90% of passengers are on the flight. Someone’s plans change, another’s trip is disrupted, and the third one will be late… The calculation is simple: if there aren’t enough seats, then those who didn’t have enough will go… either in places of increased comfort (like WizzAir with extra legroom), or in general in business class.
  • When flying on flights that are completely clogged with Russian tourists who do not shine with intellect, when sitting down, drop a few words in English. Very often I was asked to sit down to the emergency exit, so that in case emergency could respond to the command and open the exit. In this row, many low-cost airlines have a row of increased comfort with extra legroom. However, this applies mainly to physically strong men who, in an emergency, will not faint and will be able to open the hatch and help in the evacuation. Also note that in this row you can not put under your feet hand luggage sometimes the seats don't recline.
  • Choose the shady side. That is, so that the sun does not shine through the porthole. This will allow you to take pictures and just watch from the window what is happening below. Since 99% of flights are on the same route, with the help of my instructions on how to find out where, how and when you fly on an airplane, spending 5 minutes of your time, you will quickly find out where is the sunny side and where is the shady side will be located during your flight.

If you found my article helpful or liked, please share it on in social networks. It is very important for me. Thank you!

Questions comfortable flight concern beginners who travel in this way for the first time and want to make the trip enjoyable. The relevance of the topic increases when you have to travel to distant countries or you have to fly with a child. The choice of a good seat on board determines the comfort of the passenger, so let's figure out how to find your seat on the plane.

Let's start with general information about the arrangement of the salon. Given that most people prefer to fly economy class, consider the location passenger seats on boards of this type. After all, to find out where it is better to sit on an airplane, you need to clarify the nuances seats and figure out which one potentially becomes the optimal choice.

When developing the interior of the liner, the designers plan to divide the board into three parts: the bow, middle and tail compartments. Moreover, traditionally the best seats in the aircraft are installed immediately behind the cockpit. According to reviews of travelers who practice frequent flights, shaking is less felt in the first compartment of the cabin. Turbulence is most pronounced in the tail of the liner.

On different models of boards, developers install seats according to several possible schemes - on small liners, the seats are fixed on the sides. Modifications of aircraft, which are adapted for long-haul flights, require additional installation of seats along the central center line.

Typically, designers design chairs in a 3:3 or 3:4:3 format. Thus, another evaluation criterion appears. In addition, it should be clarified here that on any board there are chairs, the distance between which is large enough and allows you to sit comfortably. Also on all aircraft there are seats where there are small defects: restrictions in unfolding, curvature, close proximity to a neighboring seat. Let's consider the details of how to choose a seat on an airplane, and learn the secrets of experienced tourists.

We sit on the edge

Seats that are extreme to the aisle are an unfortunate choice for a person who wants to get enough sleep during the flight. After all, a passenger who occupies such a seat is forced to let the neighbors through when they want to leave the seat. In addition, there is a risk that the stewards will hit you with a cart during the delivery of food and drinks. Travelers call the only advantage here mobility and the ability to comfortably sit, stretched out to their full height.

Seats in the middle

The places that are installed in the middle of the block can hardly be called comfortable due to the lack of a “personal” armrest. Here you have to skip the neighbor, who takes a seat at the porthole. In addition, in order to leave the seat, it will inevitably be necessary to disturb the person sitting on the edge. This place is not suitable for solo travellers.

Watching the flight from the window

The seats at the windows are good because no one here will disturb the passenger who flies in this place. Moreover, in such areas of the cabin, the lighting is much better than that of the seats next to the aisles. The only drawback is the difficulty of the exit - it will be possible to leave the seat only by lifting the neighbors.

Such places are good for people who like to watch the flight from the porthole window. True, flights at nighttime deprive travelers of such an opportunity. Although it will be possible to sleep well or work here - some remoteness of the seats from the center of the aircraft, where it is always too noisy, contributes to this.

Choosing a compartment

Now we will find out in which part of the plane it is better to fly. As we have already briefly described, the forward nasal compartment is traditionally more comfortable. Since the kitchen units are located on the sides of small sizes, it is here that passengers in the first rows begin to offer food and drinks. True, on liners where several catering units are installed, the relevance of this moment is somewhat lost.

In addition, airline customers flying on these rows are the first to leave the cabin after the announcement of the landing of the liner. Equipment for installing baby carriers is also located here, so the bow compartment is occupied by passengers with children. However, other travelers estimate this factor ambiguously. After all, babies often cry, which disturbs the peace of their neighbors in the armchair. And the parents of babies are forced to periodically go out with the baby to warm up, which also does not affect the comfort of the neighbors in the best way.

The middle part of the cabin is considered a neutral choice. The disadvantage here is the lack of portholes on several rows in some models of liners. In addition, on large models of boards, it is always quite noisy here, especially at the seats that are installed close to catering units or bathrooms.

If the adjacent seats are empty, the company's employees will be loyal to the passenger's desire to take them

The last compartment is considered the cheapest. There are usually no comfort elements here, and restrooms are installed at the end of the cabin, so passengers occupy the seats in the last rows only if there are no other options. However, the tail section of the liner is characterized by high safety relative to the rest of the cabin.. In addition, there are situations when places here remain free. So, the passenger has the opportunity to take several seats in order to sleep well. On large models of liners, customer service begins at the same time from the nose and tail, so on such sides the client will also have a good choice of food and drinks.

Places at the technical blocks

Separately, we single out the groups of lines of seats that are installed in front of the emergency evacuation hatches and between them. Here, the extreme seats towards the exits are slightly curved. In addition, all such places suggest the impossibility of fully expanding the chair. Given that the passengers sitting in front are unlikely to give up the opportunity to travel reclining, the situation is further complicated by the difficulties with access to the cabin. After all, the back of the front seat blocks the exit of a person and creates discomfort during the flight.

Although there will be an advantage here - an increased distance between the rows of seats. Such a moment slightly eliminates the described inconvenience and allows you to periodically change the position of the legs.

A similar situation occurs with chairs that stand in front of technical blocks - dressing rooms, kitchens, lavatories. In addition, there is also an extra noise caused by the frequent passage of other passengers and staff by you. When occupying these seats, get ready to patiently endure the slamming of doors and the constant crowding of people next to the chair. Such shortcomings are especially pronounced in the last row of the cabin.

Passengers name the best seats on the plane the rows located immediately behind emergency hatches liner

Now consider which is better to choose seats on the plane. Travelers and airline employees unanimously argue that in economy class cabins, seats immediately behind the emergency exits are the best option. Some models of liners suggest the placement of paired rather than three seats here. In addition, ample space in front of the seats contributes to a comfortable journey. Such seats cannot be booked upon purchase. electronic ticket- after all, airlines charge a surcharge for such seats. In addition, childless and physically strong passengers will be able to take these places, for other categories of citizens such an opportunity will not be available.

To make the trip memorable with pleasant impressions, it is advisable for a beginner to take care of the comfort of the trip in advance. Today, it is possible to buy air tickets on the Internet and go through the check-in yourself. This method is recommended by experienced travelers - after all, the passenger chooses seats by looking at a schematic representation of the liner's cabin in a relaxed home environment. At the same time, it is appropriate to remember that different aircraft models are characterized by an individual layout. Therefore, look for the layout of the cabin of your liner on the airline portal.

To choose a seat in the cabin that suits you, at check-in, check the nuances you are interested in with an airline employee

When buying a ticket at a branch of the carrier company, ask the employee about the quantity and quality of class service, the number of seats on the line, and the space between the rows. It is advisable to find out about the availability of monitors, the ability to charge gadgets, the layout and specific location of technical units on board and the immediate proximity of the intended place to these elements. Feel free to voice your personal preferences - if you want to take a chair by the window, ask about this opportunity. In addition, timely arrival at check-in guarantees the reservation of successful and comfortable seats.

Keep in mind that the workload of the liner changes during the seasons of the year, days of the week and hours, so try to choose the date and time of departure with the least flow of people. This method increases the chance of getting a good seat on board. Airline employees note a decrease in demand on weekdays except Friday. Accordingly, it is appropriate to plan the departure time at lunchtime, since morning and evening flights fly with a full cabin load.

Focus on choosing a place where you will be comfortable flying. If you are going to fly for a book, it is appropriate to choose the sunny side of the cabin. You will not lack a source of natural light when flying southbound on a morning flight while sitting on the left side of the liner. Other tasks will determine the choice of a chair on the opposite side.

How to fix the situation

In cases where check-in is completed, and the boarding pass identifies an unsuccessful seat, experienced passengers correct the unpleasant situation. During the landing, pay attention to the places that would suit you and remain empty. The passenger has some time to take the desired free seat after the announcement of the end of boarding. Airlines employees are loyal to such situations, so there will be no difficulties.

Buy tickets in advance and check in yourself for the flight - this is an appropriate choice. Usually this function is available a day before the departure of the board. Remember, the comfort of the flight is an individual criterion, so it is important to focus on personal needs and preferences here.

Cabin Seating Safety Diagram
Seats at the end of the aisle are not suitable for travelers planning to sleep during the flight
Seats at the windows allow you to observe the clouds, but leaving these chairs on the way is quite problematic
Each compartment of the liner has positive and negative characteristics, so this choice is determined by the needs and preferences of the passenger.

If you like to travel a lot and often, then you probably spend a lot of time on the road, namely on board an airplane. If the flight does not last long, then you do not pay attention to minor inconveniences, but if you need to fly for 8-10 hours, then comfort is of great importance, and other things being equal, I will always choose more convenient flight conditions.

The comfort of your flight depends on many factors - entertainment on board, but most importantly - on the convenience of the very place where you will spend almost the entire journey. Today I want to talk about the difference between different seats on board an aircraft, how to find out in advance which cabin will be on your flight, and how to choose the seat you like.

To choose the best seat on board an aircraft, you must first find out which aircraft you will be flying on. Moreover, even the same aircraft from different airlines may have a different seating arrangement, so it is important to find out not just the type of aircraft, but the specific aircraft.

You can do this even before buying a ticket on the airline's website (in the flight schedule) or in the ticket search engine.

For example, when searching for a ticket for a flight, you can immediately see the name of the airline and the flight number in the route description. Let's look at the example of a London-New York flight:

The first segment of the flight will be operated by Norwegian Air, flight number DY-2802. Using this information, you can learn more about a particular aircraft at and

2. Where to find the interior layout

You can also view the scheme of the salon on specialized sites.

Let's try to find the layout of the aircraft cabin for the same flight London-New York for the first segment of the flight at

First, on the main page, enter the necessary information - the name of the airline and the flight number (we already learned them on the ticket search engine or on the airline's website):

A window opens where you can see what the plane will be like. To see the layout of the salon, click "View map":

The page opens with detailed information about the aircraft, as well as the layout of the seats:

3. Features of different places on board the aircraft

In addition to a detailed study of the schemes, you need to remember some features of different places on board and select the best place based on your needs. Consider the different types of seats on the plane.

3.1. Emergency exit seats

If your height is above average, then these places are created especially for you! There is much more legroom in the row opposite the emergency exit than in regular seats. But there are also restrictions - hand luggage will have to be removed to the luggage rack, because. safety rules do not allow you to put things in the aisle to the emergency exit. So you can’t put anything under your own or under the seat of the passenger in front. Also, passengers with children are not allowed to sit at emergency exits. it is assumed that there should be a person sitting at the emergency exit who will be able to help the flight attendants open the emergency exit and carry out the evacuation of passengers.

Also note that if your seat is located in the row that is in front of the emergency row, you will not be able to recline the back of the chair so as not to block the emergency exit.

3.2. Seats at the beginning of the plane

  • Most often, the very first row is booked for frequent flyers and passengers with children. So keep in mind that you may not be able to sleep because of a crying baby. Although you are not insured against this in other places, but here the probability is higher.
  • Service starts right from the front rows, so you will have the maximum choice of dishes.
  • You will have to walk to the toilet, because. business class toilets are normally not allowed to be used.
  • After landing, you will be able to leave the plane in the first rows, right after the first and business class passengers.

3.3. Seats in the middle of the plane

These places do not have pronounced disadvantages or advantages. When choosing a seat in the middle of the plane, pay attention to whether the wing of the plane will block your view if you plan to sit near the window.

3.4. Seats at the tail of the aircraft

According to statistics, the places located in the tail section of the aircraft are considered the safest, because. most of the passengers who survived the crash were in the tail section.

But there are no absolutely safe places, so let's look at other features of these places:

  • there are toilets in the tail section, which, on the one hand, is convenient - you don’t have to go far, but on the other hand, people will always walk next to you, so it can be very noisy.
  • there are not always windows on the last rows, so if you want to enjoy the views, look in advance at the diagram of the aircraft on which you will fly.
  • also on the last row the back may not recline, because. no extra bed provided.
  • if you like to photograph the view from the porthole, then please note that there may be poor visibility in the tail section due to the exhaust plume.
  • if the plane is not packed to capacity, then most of the empty seats are usually in the tail section, so that you can take several seats at once, comfortably lounging.
  • if you are flying with a transfer, then it is better not to sit at the very tail of the plane, because. You can only leave the last one, thereby losing a lot of time.
  • food distribution usually starts from the beginning or middle of the plane, so if you did not order special meals, some dishes may not be enough for you (for example, you eat only fish, and only a few portions with meat remain).

3.5. The most uncomfortable places

In addition to relatively convenient places that have both advantages and disadvantages, there are also places that are absolutely not recommended to sit on, for example:

  • seats in the row located in front of the emergency exit. You won't be able to recline your back.
  • seats in the middle row (if the aircraft has three rows of seats, with the layout 3-3-3, 3-4-3, 2-5-2). Especially if you are sitting in the middle of this row - it is difficult to get out to the toilet, you may have to let passengers through yourself, it is also difficult to get something from the luggage rack, it takes the longest time to get out after the plane has stopped.
  • places next to the toilet - there may be an unpleasant smell, as well as people scurrying back and forth will not let you rest.

4. How to book a specific seat on board

When you have decided on the place you want to take, you need to book it. You can do this both in advance and immediately before departure. At the same time, you need to understand that the earlier you start booking a place, the more likely it will be to take exactly what you want.

So, there are several options for booking a seat.

4.1. Booking when buying a ticket

If you, then most likely it will be possible to book a place on board immediately upon purchase. Find out about this option right away.

Peculiarities. If you are flying on a low-cost airline, then most likely an additional fee will be charged for booking a specific seat. So I don’t see the point of booking something in advance, only if for some reason you really need a certain place (for example, you are traveling with a child and want to be sure in advance that you will sit next to or take a seat in the first row) . If you do not book a seat in advance, then it is likely that you will be able to use another selection option, more on that below.

4.2. Booking in your account

If you bought your ticket from an intermediary (for example, through or skyscanner), then you can manage your booking on the airline's website. Just go to the airline's website, register (or immediately go to your personal account if you are already registered) and personal account go to "my bookings" or "manage bookings". There you can already select places (if there is such an option) or, for example, insert a card number to count miles.

4.3. Seat selection during online check-in

Online check-in usually starts 24 hours before the departure of the aircraft, but sometimes it opens earlier, you need to find out on the airline's website. It is best to register immediately, in the first minutes after the start of registration, so there will be more chances that you will have time to book the right place. In order not to miss the time, set yourself a reminder. Again, this option does not apply to low-cost companies, because there is a choice of seats only for an additional fee.

4.4. Seat selection during check-in at the airport

Here, too, it makes sense to arrive at the airport early in order to be among the first to check in. The best seats are already taken, but at least you can choose a seat at the window or in the aisle, in the middle of the plane or at the end. If you resort to the front desk at the last minute, then most likely it will no longer be possible to choose a seat. This applies to flights to popular destinations during high season. If you are flying in the low season and the plane is half empty, then closer to the end of check-in, you can, for example, ask for a seat in a free row where there will be no one next to you.

4.5. Seat selection after boarding is completed

As soon as the landing is announced, you can safely choose a more convenient place for yourself. This applies, first of all, to low-cost airlines, because this is the only free seat selection option.

Also, a feature of low-cost airlines is that they sell a little more tickets than seats on an airplane, because. according to statistics, about 10% of passengers do not come to the flight. Therefore, the passengers who arrived the latest can often be put in the best seats, sometimes even put in a business class (if, of course, it is provided in this low-cost).

When traveling by plane, each of us usually has his own idea of ​​where it is more convenient for him to sit. Someone tends to choose a seat by all means at the “window”, some of the passengers, on the contrary, prefer the outer row so that they can stretch their legs into the aisle between the rows. However, most people do not like to sit in the tail of the aircraft. As it turned out, even these not the most convenient places have their advantages.

To begin with, we note that the vast majority of leading airlines fly on two types of aircraft: on liners of the Airbus family and the popular Boeing 777.

In Airbus, seat 1A is the most comfortable. Here the passenger is waiting for a number of pleasant advantages: additional legroom, a good “view” from the window. The only negative is one of the coldest places on board.

Many passengers try to choose seats at the beginning of the cabin, immediately after the business class. The reasons are different - drinks and food are offered first. Yes, and they can also be the first to leave the board of the liner after landing.

True, and the first rows have their minus. Usually in this part of the aircraft, mounts for baby carriages or cradles are installed, and passengers with small children are also placed here. Therefore, such a neighborhood in an unsuccessful scenario cannot be called calm.

In the tail

Did you know that the seats at the end of the cabin of any aircraft are the safest?! According to statistics, almost 70% of passengers who survived plane crashes sat in the tail section of the aircraft.

Despite this, few passengers choose their own this part of the cabin. Proximity to a toilet or kitchen and the corresponding smells are not very comfortable for travelers.

And on the Boeing-777, perhaps, the most uncomfortable places are on the last two rows - the 44th and 45th volumes. This is a complete "antipode" of the first row described above. Here, in addition to the forced proximity to the toilet and kitchen, there is also limited legroom, and, alas, the inability to recline the back of the chair in the last row: in some cases, it can simply be rigidly fixed.

But if the board flies incomplete, then the last rows most often remain free. So, passengers who got seats in the last part of the cabin have the opportunity to take a whole row of seats on one side - to sleep or just sit in more comfort.

At the wings

As for the seats in the middle of the cabin, they are considered neutral: when the cabin is fully loaded, passengers can sit on both sides of you, and their physique can be very impressive. So it remains to be seen what could be worse: sitting in the “tail” or in the middle, sandwiched between two fat men and resting their knees on the back of a chair reclined in front.

Tip: look at the layout of the aircraft in advance, if, of course, you know which one you will fly on - on a Boeing or Airbus. This information can be found on the official website of the airline.

It is customary to attribute seats by the window to convenient seats on an airplane. Firstly, you can simply look out the window of the plane, and secondly, it is more convenient to sleep in such a place, and in general there is minimal contact with the rest of the surrounding passengers. But if you plan to actively move around the cabin during the flight - this also happens - then a window seat can create inconvenience for you and your neighbors in a row.

A certain category of passengers certainly need to stretch their legs. We advise such people to choose places in the aisle or at the exits - emergency or ordinary, because there are no seats in front, which means that the distance allows you to stretch your legs. But in these places you can’t keep any hand luggage with you, or even ladies’ bags on your knees - the approach to the emergency exit hatches should be as free as possible.

Have time to choose your place

Choosing the right seats on the plane is not a problem now: almost all leading airlines have open online registration for the flight - usually 24-30 hours before departure. There is another "old" way - to come to the opening of registration early. Usually such disciplined passengers get seats in the first third of the cabin, because tickets are distributed starting from the front of the aircraft. Well, those who are still late will have to be content with chairs already in the “tail”.

There is another way to get around the "competitors" in flight. Register at the self-registration kiosk while already at the airport. And then with boarding pass on hands .

Optional little things

Depending on the direction of the flight, the day of the week and the time of departure are important. Morning and evening flights tend to be the busiest. According to statistics, the chance of getting on an unloaded flight is much higher if you fly from Monday to Thursday, and even in the middle of the day.

The designation of seats in the ranks of the cabin is Russian and English. For example: Russian - 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1D, 1E, English - 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F. And in this case, place 1B (English "B") is not at all the same as place 1B (Russian "B"). After all, these places are different: the first is at the aisle, the second is in the middle.

So it's easier to remember that way. With any layout of the cabin: seat 1A will always be at the porthole, and 1C - at the aisle.

It matters which way to fly. After all, if the sun shines directly into your eyes, you will have to hide behind the porthole curtains. If this is important to you and you are well oriented in the cardinal directions, then determine in which direction you are flying. If from east to west, then the sun will shine from the left. If from west to east, then on the right. When flying from north to south, the sun will be on the left in the morning, but in the evening it will be on the right. If from south to north, then vice versa.

Well, if the "stars" nevertheless converged unsuccessfully for you, and you got a bad place, then you can always change it - if the salon is not full. To do this, you need to contact the flight attendants within 5 minutes after boarding the plane is completed and the flight attendant announces “Boarding is over”. If you do not have time to do this, you will have to wait until the plane reaches the required height and passengers are not allowed to get up from their seats.

Good luck with your flight!