When does online check-in for Aeroflot aircraft start? How to check in online for a flight with Aeroflot

When a flight to another city or country is on the horizon, a lot of pleasant and exciting troubles appear. It's about packing your suitcase and planning your time in a new place. However, many are also worried about how the flight itself will go. Someone prefers to sleep the whole flight, and someone prefers to look out the window. But in order to travel, you need to know how to book a seat on an airplane in order to be sure that you will be able to fly exactly where you want.

Why do it?

Previously, before the active development of electronic technologies, passengers always had to be content with the seat on the plane that was offered during check-in for a flight at the airport itself. And it was a lottery - they could give a place even in the tail, even at the beginning of the plane, by the window or by the aisle. Now, fortunately, you can choose a seat yourself, just using the online check-in for a flight.

You can choose a place only from those that are still free. If you use the opportunity to choose a seat in advance, as soon as registration opens, you will be able to choose the seat that you like best, taking into account your wishes and preferences.

The airport has special terminals that allow you to print an electronic ticket. In those terminals where such equipment is not installed, you will have to print a ticket at the check-in counter. As a rule, the online check-in procedure begins about a day before the departure of the plane - this time is enough to book a cozy and comfortable place for yourself. Online check-in closes approximately 45-60 minutes before departure.

There are many advantages to this type of registration:

  • the ability to check in for a flight from anywhere, where there is access to;
  • the registration period is long and amounts to a day - during this time you can have time to choose a place for yourself;
  • there is a chance to have time to book a seat near the window or on the edge of the row, that is, in a way that is convenient for a person;
  • at a number of airports it is possible to independently print boarding passes;
  • You can arrive at the airport not three hours before departure, but only by the end of check-in for the flight.

The innovation is also not without its shortcomings. So, sometimes two people can book the same place at the same time using the Web. In this case, the place will go to the one who completes the entire registration process the fastest. Also, if a person wants to fly next to escape hatch, he will only have to book a seat at the airport.

The main stages of the procedure

To check-in for a flight through the Web, you only need a device with Internet access, as well as the electronic ticket itself, redeemed for the plane. It is called, as you might guess, e-ticket. It contains a certain code, with the help of which registration is made for the selected flight. This ticket can be in both paper and electronic format. But still, before boarding, it is better to print it out in order to be able to demonstrate it at the airport.

The whole procedure is quite simple, if you present it in general terms. You need to go to the website of the airline on which the flight will be made. Then there, in a special field, the same ticket reservation number is entered. After that, the traveler will see a full map of the aircraft cabin, where he can choose any seat convenient for him.

On a note! Most passengers find seats next to windows or after business class seats to be the most comfortable. Someone likes to fly with their legs outstretched and prefers to be located near the emergency exits - there is clearly more free space there.

In general, a prospective passenger who buys a ticket online usually goes through three stages before getting on a flight. To begin with, he makes a ticket reservation. That is, on the company's website, he chooses the most suitable route and date of the flight and, by clicking the "Buy a ticket" button, enters all his passport data. The booking ends approximately 6 hours before the departure of the aircraft. By the way, if a person books several seats (for example, for his family, if he is not flying alone), this is not a problem - he can do everything on his own without the participation of other people. The main thing is to have information about them on hand. This is the full name and surname, passport data and date of birth.

Booking tickets can be made both on the websites of airlines and on services that accumulate data on the availability of tickets. This may be the AviaTutu.ru portal, Yandex.Air tickets, etc.

On a note! On the airlines' websites there are distinctions between passengers by age. So, people over the age of 24 are classified as adults, those who are 12-24 years old are considered youth. Passengers aged 2-12 are minors.

Tickets must be paid for after booking. To do this, follow the instructions on the airline's website. Usually, payment can be made immediately using applications such as "Mobile Bank" or services such as WebMoney. As a rule, payment is required to be made within a day. The most important thing is to double-check all the specified data before paying. It is most likely impossible to return a budget ticket or exchange it.

Attention! If a person is flying with an animal, then it is important to call the airline and clarify whether it is possible to transport a four-legged friend on this flight. This must be done before paying for the ticket.

After paying for the ticket, it will be possible to check in for the flight with a choice of seat immediately before departure. You need to choose it on the same website of the airline, in the registration section. There you need to click the "Register" button and go through the whole procedure step by step. The boarding pass is printed at the airport. If the passenger does not have luggage, then he can immediately go after that for landing. If there are bags that need to be checked in, you will first have to check them out in accordance with all the rules.

Location selection

In fact, you can also choose a seat during check-in in the traditional way, at the airport. You just need to arrive at the airport at the very beginning of check-in and go to the boarding pass counter as early as possible. Then there is a chance to agree with the employees on the most convenient place to be decorated. Less often, but still, the registrars themselves can ask where it would be more convenient for a passenger to sit. But due to the fact that many now register online, the number of places to choose from is significantly reduced by this point.

On a note! If a person flies alone, then it will be easier to choose a place. If a family or a group of friends is flying, then choosing the most convenient seats becomes more difficult. It is better to hurry with the choice, otherwise all convenient places will be sorted out.

With the standard check-in procedure at the airport, it is advisable to immediately submit all the passports of people flying in one company to the registrar. In this case, it may turn out to arrange nearby places. If you go in turn, it may turn out that the seats closest to the first passenger who registered will already be occupied and the rest will have to be located in another part of the aircraft.

The advantage of registering through the Network is not only the ability to choose a seat on one plane, but also on others if there are transfers on the route. That is, there will be a certain place on all segments of the flight.

On a note! A number of airlines require you to pay a certain fee for the opportunity to choose a seat in the cabin. It can vary from a small amount to a fairly large amount.

Table. Features of online check-in for a number of airlines.

Airline namePeculiarities

Seat selection on the flights of this company can be made a day before departure. Check-in closes approximately 45 minutes before departure. The boarding pass is self-printing. If you are traveling with pets, you will not be able to check in online. Also, people with disabilities cannot register online if they need to be accompanied.

Check-in for the aircraft of this company starts 24 hours before departure, and ends an hour before. Sometimes you need to check boarding passes at the front desk (relevant for residents of a number of cities).

With this company, check-in begins 23 hours, but ends early - 4 hours before departure. Interestingly, passengers flying from Yekaterinburg cannot complete the online check-in procedure earlier than 12 hours before departure. For charters, the procedure starts in 6 hours.

Check-in opens 30 hours before departure and closes 50 minutes before departure.

For flights of this company, online check-in opens 2 hours before departure. It ends 40 minutes before the start. But the service is not available in all cities.

On a note! you can go not only on the airline's website, but also in special applications, which are developed by a number of companies and can be installed on the phone.

How to get a good seat?

Step 1. First you need to decide on the class that you want or have the opportunity to fly. So, allocate first, business, economy and premium economy classes. They differ in having various amenities and bonuses. So, the most prestigious is the first class. Here, the seats are soft and spacious, and there is plenty of room to stretch your legs. The service is very high quality. But this is the most expensive option. Business class is similar to the first, but a little less luxurious. Economy - familiar to many, the cheapest class. Cramped between the seats, the food is ordinary, without frills. Premium economy - these are the places where, as a rule, there is additional legroom.

Step 2 Next, you need to decide on your preferences - where you want to fly (for example, in the tail or at the exit of the plane), do you want to look out the window, do you need frequent access to luggage racks, etc.

Step 3 At the next stage, you need to select the airline on whose plane the flight will be made.

Step 5 After that, on the site you need to look at the scheme of the aircraft and explore all types of places. Some seats can be spacious, some can fold out, etc.

Step 6 It is best to choose seats near the aisle or near the window, if we are talking about economy class. But this will depend a lot, of course, on personal preferences. You should not take a seat by the window if you want to sleep through the entire flight.

Step 8 After that, as online registration opens, you also need to select and book a seat on the website in accordance with the proposed aircraft cabin layout.

Step 9 At the airport, even despite the online check-in, it is still better to leave in advance. After passing all the formalities in the cabin, you need to take your seat.

Video - Choosing a seat on an airplane

Undoubtedly, online check-in of a seat on an airplane is very convenient. The main thing is that this service is available in a certain city. But even with regular registration there is a chance to get treasured place. The main thing is to smile and behave politely with the airport terminal employees.

Online registration starts in 24 hours and ends in 45 minutes before the flight departure and is available when departing from the following cities:

Anapa, Antalya, Bangkok*, Bodrum*, Goa, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Larnaca, Moscow (airport Vnukovo), Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk,
Ovda*, Omsk, Pardubice, Paphos, Perm, Punta Cana, Phuket, Samara, St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Sochi, Tyumen, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Sharjah, Enfidha**.

* At Bangkok, Bodrum and Ovda airports, online check-in closes 4 hours 10 minutes before departure.
** At Enfidha Airport, online check-in closes 5 hours 10 minutes before departure and boarding passes received as a result of online check-in must be reissued at the check-in counter at the airport .

If you are traveling with baggage that exceeds the cabin baggage allowance, you must check in your baggage at the designated DROP OFF check-in desk or at the check-in desk for your flight before check-in time ends.

If your baggage exceeds the weight or dimensions free transportation baggage, you need to pay for excess baggage at the rates established by the airline.
Familiarize yourself with the baggage rules and pay attention to the list of items and substances restricted / prohibited for transportation.

You can use the online check-in service for Rossiya Airlines flights numbered 5501-5949 if:

    You don't need Additional services such as accompanying a child without parents, accompanying seriously ill people on a stretcher, etc.;

    You are traveling without animals, do not carry weapons and heavy luggage;

    You do not have extra seats in the cabin, including for luggage.

How to check in for a flight online:

1. On the official website of Rossiya Airlines, go to the page of the online check-in service (the "Online check-in" button) or use the direct address of the service.

2. Fill in the fields in accordance with the itinerary receipt:

  • Last name of the passenger. Enter the passenger's last name as it appears on the itinerary receipt of the ticket. Example: RYBAKOV (when entering the copied text, check that there are no hidden spaces), a double surname is also entered together without spaces, for example, ALEKSANDROVAANDREEVA.
  • Number of ticket. Enter the e-ticket number as it is indicated in the itinerary receipt. Example: 1952420251055

3. Read and confirm your agreement with the online check-in rules, privacy policy, terms and conditions for the provision of the service, and the list of main dangerous substances and items prohibited from being carried on board the aircraft.

4. To identify the passenger, press the "Search" button.

If identification is successful, the page will display flight information, passenger information, and online check-in status.

Online registration status can be displayed in two states: OPEN or CLOSED according to service activity. By pressing the button, you can get acquainted with the information about the start and end time of check-in at the airport, as well as the start and end time of boarding the aircraft.

The "Passenger selected for check-in" field displays the passenger whose last name was specified during authentication;

As long as you have a companion(s) in the same booking, you can add him/her(s) for joint online check-in by clicking on the "Add passenger" button and entering their last name and ticket number.

5. Select the last name of the passenger(s) to be checked in and click the "Proceed to online check-in" button.

6. Click the Select Seat button to select seats on the aircraft cabin map.

When choosing a place, be guided by the following designations:

Seat chosen by the passenger

Blocked seats and seats already selected by other passengers

Paid seats category "Space + Upper Deck"

Paid seats of the "Space+" category

Paid places of the category "A-ZONE" and "FRONT ROWS"

Paid seats category "B-ZONE" (Preferred seats)

C-ZONE category seats (standard seats) available for selection

When choosing a seat for a passenger booked together with an infant (child under 2 years old), only seats equipped with spare seats will be available. oxygen masks(extreme places at the aisle).

* - seat with additional comfort on board the aircraft, belonging to a special category of seats ( ) provided for a fee during check-in for flights (with the exception of seats of the Space + category in rows at emergency exits).
Before completing the online check-in, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the layout of seats:Boeing 747-400, Boeing 737-800.
The layout and location of seats on board the aircraft may vary due to slight differences in the modifications of individual aircraft.

7. After choosing a place on the scheme, click the "Register" button.

If you select a paid seat, you must enter your mobile phone number and e-mail, then go to the payment page and make a payment.

The passenger's status will change to "Checked in", the selected seat will be assigned to the passenger, and a boarding pass will be generated.

8. The boarding pass is generated in PDF format. Use the buttons:

"BOARDING PASS" - for immediate viewing and printing of the ticket;

"RECEIPT" - for immediate viewing and printing of the receipt (for paid places)

"QR CODE" - for immediate viewing and printing of the QR code.

"Send documents to e-mail" - in order to print all documents later. Enter the email address(es) to which the boarding pass will be sent.

9. Online registration is over.


A paper boarding pass is required to proceed to the boarding gate. If you were unable to print your boarding pass at home, you can print your boarding pass at self check-in kiosks at the airport or at the airport check-in desk.

How to unregister:

1. In order to cancel the registration subject to the previously selected free space Passenger identification is required.

3. In the window that opens, you must confirm your intention to cancel online registration.

4. Cancellation of online registration is over.

5. Cancellation of online registration in case of purchasing paid seats with additional comfort is not performed. Refunds for the purchased service are made in the claim procedure in accordance with

In connection with the introduction of additional security measures at airports for passing security control procedures, and for international transportation, also border and customs formalities
you must arrive at the airport of departure in advance .

The airline, in order to ensure flight safety, reserves the right to change the seats you have chosen without prior notice, as well as to refuse a flight if:

    Before the end of ground check-in (40 minutes before departure), you did not have time to go through all the pre-flight procedures regulated by the airport of departure.

    You arrived at the boarding gate after the boarding time had ended.

Question "How to book seats in the cabin" many travelers are interested, because this opportunity provides an excellent chance to make their trip more comfortable. This is due to the fact that not all seats on airplanes meet the requirements that this or that air passenger imposes on them. Below are all the options that allow you to book exactly those seats in the cabin that, in your opinion, will provide the maximum level of comfort during the flight.

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (click on the link for a quick jump)

Detailed information about what kind of seats there are on airplanes, about the advantages and disadvantages of such seats for various categories of passengers can be found on the page. Based on the available information, having determined which option is most preferable to you, you can choose one of three options, each of which with a high degree of probability will allow you to book the seat on the plane that suits you best.

Seat selection during check-in

The classic way of choosing a place, which before the advent of the opportunity was the only possible one. The bottom line is to arrive at the airport at the start of check-in for your flight in order to be one of the first to go to the counter and ask the airline employee (usually girls) for the seat you want to get. Sometimes the flight registrars themselves are interested in your preferences in this regard, but it’s better not to take risks and, without hesitation, immediately tell us about the places where you would like to sit during the flight. In most cases, your wishes will be fulfilled, and you will get the place you asked for without any problems. For example, next to the window in the front of the aircraft or at the aisle in the rear of the cabin.

The easiest way to book seats in the described way, provided that you are flying alone or as a couple. It is already more difficult for three or four people to choose places nearby, but it is possible: again, provided that they arrived at registration early, until all the best places have already been sorted out. If you are flying in pairs or threes, I advise you to approach the check-in desk all together and present all your passports at once (if you approach in turn, someone else may well take the seats on the plane next to the first passenger by booking it at another check-in desk or online).

As I already wrote, usually, if there are free seats, the airline employees at the check-in counter will meet the passengers and provide them with the desired seats, however, in order to increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome, I advise you to be polite and smile. In other words, try to win over with personal charm. But it’s better not to give a bribe, because now airlines often control their employees on this account, and no one wants to lose a job because of an extra 500 rubles (that’s how much they used to put in a passport to book the right place).

A few years ago, it was the early check-in for the flight that I used most often and usually got the desired seat. However, due to the development of the system electronic registration and online shopping air tickets, there are ways that give a greater guarantee of getting your preferred seat in the cabin.

Booking a seat on an airplane when buying a ticket

In the case when you purchase a plane ticket on the official website of the airline, even before the moment of payment, you will be offered an aircraft diagram with vacant seats marked on it. Of course, the earlier you buy a ticket before departure, the convenient places there will be more, therefore, in a situation where there are several weeks left before the flight, there are often no designated empty seats at the window on the websites of airlines (the most interesting thing is that later, when choosing a seat at the check-in desk, they “appear”).

So, right on the website of the air carrier, you can choose seats for all segments of your trip at once. For example, when purchasing air tickets departing from Moscow on special offers from airlines from the Persian Gulf (Emirates, Etihad or Qatar), with the help of which it is often possible, you have the opportunity to pre-book seats on four aircraft at once. For example, Moscow-Dubai, Dubai-Bangkok, Bangkok-Dubai and Dubai-Moscow. Later, during the check-in process, just tell the airline employee (just in case) that you have already selected seats when buying tickets.

However, in addition to the advantages of this method, there are some disadvantages. For example, some airlines do not allow you to select emergency exit seats with more legroom during the ticket purchase process, preferring to give these seats to tall and well-supervised passengers only at the check-in counter. Therefore, if you want to book these particular seats in the cabin, you still have to apply to the check-in desk.

In addition, some airlines charge an additional fee for the possibility of choosing a seat on the airline's website. For example, British Airways rates a similar service from $16 to $32 for choosing a seat in economy class for medium and long haul flights, respectively. When choosing a seat in a business class, you will have to pay almost $100 at all (IMHO, an extra waste of money, because all seats in this class have increased comfort and are located only in front of the aircraft).

Increasingly, online flights the best prices you can buy not on the official websites of airlines, but with the help of a special service (the search form is located above) that searches 728 airlines at once, including low-cost airlines. As a result, in the process of buying tickets, you have to deal with intermediaries - special agencies. As a rule, this does not increase the cost of the air ticket (and sometimes makes it cheaper), it just eliminates the possibility of choosing a seat on the plane on your own. The best way out in this situation is to write in the notes about your requirements regarding the choice of seats during the process of applying for a ticket on the agency’s website or to inform the agent by phone.

Reservation of seats on the plane during online check-in

More and more people are not using the classic check-in for a flight, which I wrote about above, but more convenient in some cases online check-in. To do this, you can either use special online check-in counters at the airport where you are flying from (pictured above), or you can check-in with a choice of a seat in the cabin directly on the airline's website. This opportunity usually appears a day before the departure of your aircraft or for a different period of time, depending on the policy of the airline you have chosen. For example, Etihad allows this procedure 24 hours before departure and blocks this possibility two hours before the scheduled take-off of the aircraft.

On the one hand, the advantage of the latter method is obvious: there is no need to arrive at the airport several hours before departure and stand in line for check-in there. You can arrive an hour before departure and immediately go through the necessary procedures (passport and customs control). Just don't forget your seat-selected boarding passes at home or at work, which you'll need to print at the end of the online check-in process.

However, there are also disadvantages: online check-in with some airlines is not possible for passengers with small children, for passengers with luggage and for passengers carrying animals on the plane. On the other hand, some airlines, on the contrary, provide bonuses for online check-in. For example, Etihad allows you to increase Weight Limit baggage for 7 kg (although not for all airports and Minsk is not included in this list). By the way, in any case, I recommend arriving at the airport early, because if online check-in with luggage is allowed by your airline, this same luggage will still have to be weighed and checked in at a special counter, so it’s better not to be late, because nerve cells are not restored well.

At the end of the article, one more useful advice: Before online check-in on an aircraft with a choice of seats, familiarize yourself in advance with the layouts of these seats directly in the model and modification of the aircraft that is declared for your flight (usually such information is provided in the printout of your electronic ticket). As a rule, such schemes (on which the rows and seats are numbered, emergency and regular exits, the location of galleys and toilets) are on the websites of all major airlines.

Reservation of seats on the plane through a mobile application

In our time, when information technology is rapidly developing, and most people can no longer imagine their lives without the daily use of smartphones, it would be wrong not to mention another way to check in for a flight and choose a seat in the cabin . We are talking about the use of mobile applications from airlines. Most popular airlines have such proprietary applications: Aeroflot and S7 in Russia, Ukrainian UIA, Emirates and Etihad in the Middle East, etc. These applications for Android and iOS can be downloaded directly from airline websites, and their use is not limited to check-in for a flight and booking seats in the cabin.

Today, mobile applications from airlines offer almost a full range of basic and related services: search and purchase of air tickets, insurance, online check-in for a flight, provision of information on the status of all flights in real time, departure and arrival delays, airport services, accrual of bonus miles and ways to use them. Therefore, having such an application in your smartphone (especially if you travel more than once a year) can be very useful. Applications do not take up much disk space, which is also convenient, because you probably want to bring as much as possible from your trip. more photos and video.

Aeroflot mobile application - allows you to select seats in the cabin

The only caveat is that, as in cases with the purchase of air tickets on the official websites of airlines, when using a branded application for this, the price is higher than when buying from intermediaries. Therefore, if you want to save money, it is better to use airline branded mobile applications not to buy air tickets, but to search for dates with minimum fares, and only then check these dates in the metasearch. I use Aviasales all the time and for all the time I have probably already saved on a free flight to Thailand. By the way, this metasearch also has, by installing which on a smartphone, you will always have access to air tickets at the lowest prices, which include all taxes and fees (at the top of the page, you can select a device (iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows Phone smartphones or tablets) using the link ).

Unsuccessful booking of a seat in the cabin

If for some reason you were unable to book a seat on the plane that was comfortable for you (did not have time for online registration, forgot to warn the airline employee at the counter or she did not meet you halfway), then all is not lost. After boarding is completed, when the flight attendant announces it (“Boarding is over”), you can take a more comfortable seat on the plane, if there are any in sight. You can ask the flight attendant about this, or even better, warn the latter that you would like to change your seat immediately upon boarding and politely ask her to find you such a place if possible.

Another possible option is to immediately take a comfortable free seat: it is quite possible that no one will sit on it. In the end, you will always have time to take your "legitimate" place. Thus, there are several ways to book seats in the cabin according to your preference. Use them wisely and all your further flights will be pleasant and comfortable. I wish you pleasant air travel and soft landings!

Those who have booked a seat in the aircraft cabin online can also check in before boarding using the Internet. Aeroflot customers can easily and easily check in online. Those who value personal time know that registration via the Internet takes no more than 5-7 minutes.

E-ticket holders can check-in online in one of the following ways:

  • by contacting a special kiosk, which you can find on the territory of large air terminals;
  • using the official website of Aeroflot Airlines;
  • using the official websites of airport terminals;
  • using third-party sites where you can purchase tickets and check in without leaving your home.

Passengers who bring pets with them cannot check in online. It is also impossible to check-in without leaving home for travelers accompanying people with disabilities or other people's children in the absence of parents. In the above cases, tourists must go to the check-in counter and complete the standard procedure in the usual way.

In order to go through online registration through the official website of Aeroflot, you must follow the following instructions:

  • Open the "online service" tab, click on the "online registration" button and confirm your consent to the processing of data.
  • A field for entering the booking code will open. You can find it on the e-ticket.
  • In addition to the unique number, on the registration page, you must enter the full name of the traveler. Personal data should be entered in the Latin alphabet.
  • Next, you need to verify the specified data. Check the boxes where required.
  • Regular customers of Aeroflot have the opportunity to participate in the bonus program. To accumulate bonuses for completed flights, you must enter your personal card number in a special column.
  • The advantage of online check-in for an airplane is the ability to choose a passenger seat in the cabin of an airliner. The layout of the seats on board the aircraft will open in a separate window. You should choose a free one by marking it with a mouse click. Click save.
  • Send an electronic version of the boarding pass to your personal mail.
  • You will see a PDF document attached to the email. It must be printed and presented at the airport before boarding the aircraft.
  • This completes the online registration.

Another advantage of checking in for a flight via the Internet is that the passenger can start the procedure a day before departure. This means that the Aeroflot client is given the opportunity to choose the best seats in the cabin. Online check-in closes 45 minutes before departure. But it will be possible to carry out the registration procedure for air travel to some American cities no later than 50-60 minutes before the departure of the airliner.

The check-in procedure for passengers of domestic departures will be unavailable half an hour before departure.

To check in for the required flight online, a unique code is required. You can find it on the electronic travel document in the upper right corner. Also, the passenger can find it in the e-mail received after purchasing the e-ticket. The booking code consists of Latin letters.

If the plane ticket was not purchased through the official website of the air carrier or airport, you will have to find out the booking code yourself. By purchasing tickets through an intermediary, you will receive an email with an order number. You can send a reply email asking for the booking number. Without it, it is impossible to complete the online registration.

Airplane boarding receipt

When the online check-in is successfully completed, you will find an email containing your boarding pass in your email. It should be printed out by yourself for presentation to the airport staff during boarding. You cannot fly without a boarding pass.

Not all passengers have the opportunity to print an electronic boarding pass. But on the territory of large airports there are special kiosks where you can print your boarding receipt.

There is always mandatory information on the boarding pass. This data can be found on any receipt, regardless of the air carrier.

On your boarding pass you will find:

  • Name of the traveler;
  • terminal number;
  • the number of the terminal from which the aircraft will depart;
  • date and time of departure;
  • the number of the airport for landing the plane.

Aeroflot customers who have registered online are well aware of the advantages of this procedure:

  • Significant time savings. The passenger does not need to spend time on the road to the ticket office and back, as well as on a long wait in line.
  • Saving money not spent on the road to the airport and back.
  • Registration at any convenient time of the day or night.
  • Possibility to choose the best passenger seats in the aircraft cabin.
  • No need to queue in front of the check-in desk at the airport.

If you travel frequently by air, checking in online can save you time and money. Experienced Tourists have already been able to appreciate the benefits of procedures performed electronically.

Try to enter personal information without errors, and after filling in all the fields on the registration page, carefully check the entered data.

If you notice an error after receiving your boarding pass, contact Aeroflot employees. The sooner the error is corrected, the better for the passenger. You can visit the office of the air carrier in person, call or write an e-mail.


When planning your trip, find out how to book your plane seats and choose the options that suit you. If earlier you could only determine whether you want to sit near the porthole or at the aisle, now it is allowed to reserve almost any seat. But under what conditions is the service provided?

Benefits of online booking service

Reservations for aircraft differs from the similar procedure for land transport. After all, initially you get only travel document, and the seat number is given to you at check-in. For this reason, you need to arrive at the airport in advance: this will increase the chance of getting comfortable seats.

But what if you don't want to spend a few extra hours in duty-free stores? Make your reservation online: you can choose in advance at the porthole or at the aisle. If you want to buy a certain seat, the air carrier will most likely ask for an additional fee.

Pre-booking seats on an airplane via the Internet has the following advantages:

  • To carry out the procedure, you only need a computer connected to the World Wide Web.
  • The ability to choose a place in the bow, center or tail section will allow you to find the best option. After all, there are no universal recommendations: some passengers prefer the comfort of a business class located closer to the cockpit, while others rely on safety (according to statistics, in case of accidents, travelers sitting in the tail survive).
  • Pre-booking can be done at any time, and you choose the date and compare prices. Payment is made with electronic wallets or a bank card.

The option to book using the Internet has its drawbacks. Sometimes 2 passengers almost simultaneously choose a seat: the ticket is received by the one who completes the process faster. In order not to compete with another contender for the seat you like, proceed to the procedure as soon as the web check opens (as online registration is called) or pay an additional fee at the stage of buying a ticket.

What you need to book a seat on an airplane

To book a flight, you will need the following:

  • access to a computer or gadget that has Internet access;
  • passport (to confirm identity);
  • purchased e-ticket.

The latter is also called electronic ticket: Major carriers have switched to this format. Information about it is contained in the databases of the airline; you will receive it by email. If you have not bought a travel document yet, determine the type of flight, points of departure and arrival, dates of travel. Enter the data in the search form on the website of the carrier or intermediary and click "Find tickets".

Then select the offers you like and click on "Buy". Fill out the form that appears and proceed to payment. There is no reason to fear for the safety of money transfers if you make a purchase on official websites or through trusted intermediaries.

The information will be stored in the airline's databases, and the passenger will receive a copy of the itinerary receipt with the ticket number by e-mail. Some companies even allow you to not print; if you need to present them at check-in for the plane, use the printers at the airport.

If you do not have Internet access, you can contact the air carrier's office or contact them by phone.

Online check-in for a plane: instructions

Airplane seat reservations can be made 24-36 hours in advance (depending on the carrier) when the airlines start check-in. The process goes like this:

  • open the itinerary receipt delivered to your e-mail when buying a ticket;
  • find the booking number;
  • enter it in the appropriate box on the airline's website, indicate your last name;
  • check the information to avoid errors;
  • if you have a frequent flyer card, enter its details;
  • in the opened chart of the aircraft, indicate the desired seats.

Finally, print out your boarding pass, which you will present at the airport. By using this method, you will save time: you will not need to stand in a general queue at the check-in counter.

How to find out how many seats are left on the plane? When passing the web check, you will see the aircraft diagram, where the necessary information is indicated.

How to make a payment

If you book tickets through the network, make payment using a bank card or electronic payment systems. When buying at the ticket office of the airport, it is allowed to pay in cash or by card. Pay attention to the correctness of the specified data, because it can be difficult to return funds.

How to print your boarding pass for an airplane

Some companies accept boarding passes received on the phone, or do not require them to be presented: it is enough to say your last name. But most carriers insist that you make a printout. You can use the printer at your home, at the self-check-in terminal, or at the machine near the counter.

What does a plane ticket look like?

If you printed out a coupon and forgot it at home, don't worry: the action can be repeated. Please also note that you can change the already selected place after the paper document is in your hands. Usually passengers from economy class can choose another option 1 time without paying extra.

Not all categories of passengers are allowed to print coupons on their own. Unaccompanied minors, infants, and people requiring special services must apply in person at the check-in counter.

Advance booking: is there a guarantee

Passengers are often interested in whether it is possible to secure certain options for themselves, which they will choose not a day before departure, but a couple of weeks. But the final placement in the cabin is determined at the registration stage. If you did not go through it online and did not indicate your wishes in other ways, it makes sense to be among the first to arrive at the airport: the chances of a comfortable flight will increase. But it happens that the aircraft starts to fill up from the tail, so the method does not give a 100% guarantee.

Even if you go to the site, open the map and indicate the desired location, the procedure is regarded as "indicating the preferences of the passenger." From the point of view of the company, you order a certain type of service (special service request), but it has the right to refuse you unilaterally. Sometimes airlines provide bonus miles passengers whom they placed on other seats without consent. But this is not their responsibility: compensation is given for the sake of preserving the image.

If you are flying in the business section of the aircraft, all options will be convenient

How to increase the chance that you will sit on the indicated chairs? Pay extra! The “Buy Seat” option becomes available when you make a purchase online, at the box office, in mobile applications. And to save yourself from unpleasant surprises, find out the prices in advance. For example, in British Airways, the pleasure will cost $16, provided that the flight lasts less than 3 hours and you are traveling in economy class. With a longer stay in the air, the choice will cost $ 32; Business class travelers will pay the highest price as they part with $100.

In some cases, the company refuses to confirm the order: this is due to the fact that the selected option may be needed by passengers with special needs. Money for the unproven service is returned in full.

How to book seats through mobile apps

On the websites of airlines or intermediaries, customers are offered mobile applications for iOS and Android. They allow you to search for offers, buy tickets, compose complex routes. At your disposal is a price map and their calendar by dates: postponing a flight for a couple of days often saves money.

Learn more about the benefits mobile application from Aeroflot and how to book seats on an airplane with it, you can from the video:

To choose the placement you like on board, follow the same pattern as when working with a stationary device.

Codeshare Information

Does it happen that you study the departure board and see that flights of different companies are indicated at the same time and in the same direction? This does not mean that 2-3 airliners will rise into the air at the same time. In fact, different carriers enter into agreements for the flight, which is why you see several names on the scoreboard. This situation is called code-sharing - thanks to it, companies expand coverage without increasing the number of aircraft.

The option is suitable for travelers who want to be loyal to a certain company and earn miles. You will also book flights with suitable connections.

In most cases, you need to check in for code-share flights at the airport counter, and the procedure is carried out for all “shoulders” of the flight. For example, Aeroflot reports that web-checking for such trips is impossible (in practice, it can sometimes be done). This means that certain boarding options cannot be reserved in advance. But clients are advised to try the following trick:

If you bought a ticket from another company, but in fact you will fly with Aeroflot, contact customer support by phone. Please provide your departure time, destination and your personal details to receive a booking code for online check-in. According to reviews, you can go through the procedure remotely with it.

But, even if the carrier allows you to check-in online, the feedback from passengers indicates that the sites experience failures. To save yourself from unpleasant experiences, you need to find out how much you can book seats on the selected aircraft, and not delay registration until the last moment.

But, even if you go through it using the Internet, it is not always possible to make a choice. Users on the forums claim that on some sections of the route a scheme appears where places are marked automatically. Features of the procedure depend on the carriers, so check the conditions in each case.

Even if the company's website says that you will complete the procedure online, due to technical problems, passengers sometimes have to rush to the check-in counter.

Features of online check-in with airlines

Carrier rules are based on general principles, but the information needs to be verified. In order to take suitable seats on time, pay attention to the features of online registration.

At Aeroflot

The carrier starts web-checking 24 hours before departure and ends 30-45 minutes before departure. For a comfortable seating, go through the procedure early, while there are many places available. But it is not available for flights bound for the US and India: you have to go to the airport.

Keep in mind that even with web-checking, you have to go through security control. Calculate the time for pre-flight formalities, because in 20 minutes. before departure, you must complete all stages.

The ability to select seats depends on the fare of the ticket: in some cases, the function is not available. But how attentive is the carrier to the wishes of passengers who have indicated certain accommodation options? The answer comes from user reviews:

Traveled with a friend from Bangkok to Moscow, booked seats in the "economy". When landing, it turned out that the seats in the first row, which we were going to take, were given to other passengers. The representative of the company said that since the service is not paid, the carrier has the right to change the arrangements. The first row is often provided to passengers with children, so I was not surprised. But when flying to "business", I sat on the reserved 1A, although I did not pay money for the service.

I made sure that booking for accommodation works depending on which point to fly from. When I depart from Moscow, the agreement is respected in 99% of cases. I flew to Munich, London, Bangkok - everything went smoothly. But on the way back, surprises are possible: in Germany, the principle “as lucky” works, and in London I never got into the seat that I ordered. Even if you were among the first to register for the plane!

When departing from Moscow, there was another nuisance: one day the record that I had booked seats in the bow disappeared from the system. The representative of the company said: “This happens,” and sat me down near the toilet.

Compliance with the agreements depends primarily on the fare of the plane ticket and whether you ordered a paid service. If you chose the "Buy a seat" option when purchasing, then problems occur less often.

To learn more about how to go through the web check procedure at Aeroflot, watch the video:

Ural Airlines: what you need to know

When traveling by Ural Airlines, check in early to select seats. The function becomes available 24 hours before departure, and web check ends 3 hours before this date. You will be able to indicate your preferences, focusing on the free options. To be guaranteed to keep a certain seat immediately after buying a ticket, use the paid service.

The site states that the following categories will not have to pay money for choosing a place:

  • members of the loyalty program who received gold or silver cards;
  • those who bought a ticket in the "Premium Economy".

How realistic are the promises? The answer to the question is given by the carrier's customers:

I used to be satisfied with the company, so I joined the loyalty program. But the service has deteriorated: despite the information on the website, the bonus program in practice does not give the right to reserve a certain seat. When I flew last time with Ural Airlines, I decided to look in advance at the aircraft layout: up to the 15th row, everything was free. But I couldn't choose! Why promise then?

Alas, the inability to book a place was not the biggest drawback. It turned out that tickets for my flight were not sold in the required quantity, so it was canceled. It was like I was on a bus! I was warned about the cancellation, but I did not find other tickets at adequate prices, and the vacation had to be canceled. " Ural Airlines They returned the money, but the vacation was ruined.

S7: how to book seats on an airplane

If you want to be seated in a certain seat, S7 will offer you to use the corresponding service. The cost depends on the chosen type:

  • For booking a standard seat, you will have to pay 300 rubles.
  • The Extra space category will cost 1,000 rubles. Legroom will be 25 cm wide and you will be seated at the emergency exit or in the 1st row.

For children aged 2-12 and their parents, the service is provided free of charge, although the choice is limited. They are not allowed to land near emergency exits: in case of force majeure, flight attendants may need help to quickly open the hatches. For this reason, minors or people with disabilities are not accommodated in nearby places.

The price for the service is determined by the tariffs:

  • If you have bought an Economy Flexible ticket, you will not have to pay extra for the booking. You can decide on your wishes at the web checkin stage.
  • Rates for "Economy Basic" are given above.
  • When purchasing tickets under the Business Basic and Business Flexible fares, you will make a reservation at the stage of ticketing. If you do not take advantage of this option, it will be available when you register online.

The service is free for the following categories:

As for the quality of service, it can be judged by the reviews:

On the S7 plane we flew from Novosibirsk to Bangkok, we had children with us (2 kids 2 and 3 years old). To make it more convenient for us, I paid for comfortable places, spending 12,000 rubles. They were in no hurry to register, because they knew that they had made a choice and transferred the money. As a result, after arriving at the airport, I found out that the seats were given to other people. The company did not even return the money, because for this you need to present boarding passes, which I did not save.

Rossiya Airlines: what you get

The Rossiya carrier also offers the opportunity to choose suitable accommodation on board. If you want to use the free service, then you will have at your disposal the seats that were left unoccupied after pre-booking. They become available 24 hours before departure: mark the appropriate seats on the map when checking in online.

For an additional fee, you can choose seats from the categories of Space + (with increased row spacing), A-Zone (in the bow) or Front Rows (in the front rows). You can familiarize yourself with the conditions.

I paid for the Space + category: I wanted a pleasant vacation to start in the air. But it turned out that the armrests of my chair did not fall. And on the right side was the remote control, which occupied an already small space. As a result, I had to sit sideways, and I didn’t manage to buckle up at all. When I tried to put my head on the headrest, it fell off. I demanded that the flight attendant transfer us to other seats, so the money paid for Space + turned out to be wasted.

The recent case of Ann Coulter, a social worker, is an example of how not to behave when you are treated badly on airlines. After flying with Delta Airlines, Ann launched a Twitter campaign where she complained about the breach of agreements.

A few days before the trip, she booked seat 15F, located at the porthole next to the emergency exit. 24 hours before departure, the company canceled the booking and offered Ann the 15D option, which suited her. But when registering, Coulter turned out to be on 15A, which caused outrage of the woman. She expressed it after the flight: almost 2 million subscribers read complaints about non-compliance with the preliminary agreement.

As a result of the proceedings, it turned out that Coulter's claims are related to the fact that she did not read the terms of the contract. She got back the $30 she paid for the booking, but her image was damaged. Insults against the attendants looked especially ugly, which almost led to litigation by the company.

Does the carrier have the right to cancel the booking

What to do in order not to waste time and energy on futile complaints? Read the terms of service. Companies usually stipulate that they have the right to send another airliner on a flight, delay or cancel a flight, and determine the necessary accommodation for passengers in accordance with the load. In fact, they are only required to get you from point A to point B, providing other services where possible. What can you expect by paying for a booking?

When you are given other seats during check-in

When a carrier cancels an arrangement, it is usually because seats are being given away to family members who wish to sit together, or to those who are accompanying them (elderly or those in need of assistance). medical care). Sometimes disabled travelers ask for an aisle seat so they don't have to wade into a seat next to a window. Also, changes are due to the fact that passengers are evenly distributed throughout the cabin so that the center of gravity of the aircraft does not shift. You just need to know how to react in such a situation:

  • If you are asked to transfer, be polite and remember that the carrier is within your rights. Instead of arguing with staff, save your boarding passes to get your booking refunded later.
  • What to do when you are traveling alone with a child or an elderly person? Notify the company in time, and the chances of your booking being canceled will decrease.
  • Have you been put on a broken seat? If there are empty seats in the cabin, take them. When this is not possible, take a photo of the damage: later try to contact the representatives of the carrier and ask for compensation. Alas, you should not count on large sums.

Since the airlines reserve the right to change the arrangements, do not waste your energy and nerves in vain. If the booking is canceled, politely ask the carrier's employees to meet you halfway and, if possible, put you in comfortable seats.

When there are no options available to book

Sometimes it happens that you cannot make a reservation when you check in online, although the function is included in the rate. The fact is that not all options are available for web checking. And those from which it is allowed to choose are occupied! In this case, periodically check the information: other passengers may refuse the flight, and the seats will become free. Also, airlines make a reserve for regular customers, so towards the end of registration, new options appear.

Feature not available? Get to the airport early to get good places. If they do not suit you, contact the employee who checks boarding passes. For example, when family members fail to sit next to him, he asks other passengers to sit in their chairs. Is this your case? Be patient and polite - ask, don't demand. Keep in mind that airport employees are not able to magically satisfy the wishes of passengers!

A separate instruction is provided for those who travel as a family, but cannot reserve seats located nearby. The problem arises when there are more than 1 children: it is difficult to book 4 comfortable seats nearby. Once in a similar situation, mark on the diagram the best of the available options. Later, an airport employee will ask passengers to change places: they will respond more willingly if they do not have to sit near the toilet.

To make it easier for yourself, use the "Buy a Seat" function: it is available when you issue a ticket. True, you will have to pay significantly more! In extreme cases, mark your wishes on the diagram, taking into account that an adult family member should be near each child.

When you did not have time to make a booking or were unhappy with the result

It happens that travelers do not have time to make a reservation or they do not like the chosen option: a family with a baby sits next to it, the seat is broken, etc. In this case, warn the flight attendant that you want to find a more comfortable accommodation.

You can not wait for help, but take the initiative in your own hands. When the announcement sounds that boarding is complete, select a comfortable seat and take it. Just do not try to transfer to chairs located near emergency exits. You may be asked to return to your seat: options with extra legroom sell for more and are not allowed to sit on your own. Exceptions are possible when the entire row is free.

When is it not allowed to make a reservation?

The selection of suitable seats is not available if you buy tickets from low-cost airlines. You will not be able to indicate your wishes when traveling on the lines of large companies if you prefer the cheapest fare.

Airfare fares that do not allow seat reservations


When making a booking in economy class, keep in mind that air carriers have the right to cancel it unilaterally. Even if you have made a payment, there is no guarantee to get the desired seat. If you cancel your seat reservation, you will simply be refunded. True, when you fly in the "business" sector, the chances of being in the desired place increase. But in this class of service it will be comfortable wherever you sit. If you booked certain seats in the "economy", but they were not provided, remember: the carrier stipulates the possibility of such situations. Be polite with the staff and ask to find a better option; Your booking money will be refunded.

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