Rating of the best vacation spots in the Crimea. Rating of the best places in Crimea for recreation

Once upon a time, the resorts of Crimea were considered the most prestigious vacation spot for Russians. People came here to get away from the bustle of the city, improve their health and, in general, enjoy their holidays. But then everything changed - vouchers abroad, available to the general public, lured away most of the vacationers.

Where and how can you relax in Crimea today?

Changes are taking place in the life of the peninsula today. More recently, it again became part of Russia, and this event aroused the interest of compatriots in the eminent health resort. Currently, the resorts of the region are becoming more and more in demand. Why is the rest on the Crimean coast so attractive? Let's consider in more detail.

The advantages of the Crimean holiday

In a relatively small area, you can see a variety of landscapes - reserved forests, majestic mountains, amazing vineyards, caves, bays and waterfalls. The Crimean reserves (Kara-Dag and its Golden Gates) deserve special attention. Tourists from all over the world come to visit them.

1. Sea and beaches

Black and Sea of ​​Azov, washing the Crimea, amaze with their purity. In most cases, they attract residents of megacities to the Crimea, who want to relax by the sparkling in the light, crystal clear water.

As a peninsula, Crimea boasts a large number of beaches that can cater to the desires of every vacationer. Rocky or pebbly, with fine or coarse sand - there are plenty to choose from.

2. History

During its long life, Crimea has experienced and seen a lot. Here you can touch the traces of ancient history (Chersonesos, the Historical and Archaeological Museum), see the dilapidated fortress cities of the Middle Ages (“cave” cities, the Genoese fortress of Feodosia) and knight’s castles (“Swallow’s Nest”), admire the palaces and estates, the beauty of which Russian poets sang (Bakhchisarai and Massandra palaces), experience a quivering sense of pride in their country by visiting war memorials (Malakhov Kurgan and Adzhimushkay quarries).

Each of the cities of Crimea is so rich in historical memorable places that it is impossible to see everything in one trip, so you want to come here again and again, each time discovering something new.

3. Climate

Soft climatic conditions, healing Crimean air can significantly improve health. No wonder this resort in Soviet times bore the title of the main health resort of our country.

First of all, the problems associated with the respiratory organs are perfectly solved. The healing air by the sea, near waterfalls and in protected coniferous forests, which improves the well-being of those suffering from bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, comes to the rescue. Taking air baths in the Crimea is useful for people with diseases of the thyroid gland and the nervous system.

Local mud therapy is also famous, helping to forget about skin problems once and for all. And diseases of the musculoskeletal system are treated here in an unusual way - by conducting psammotherapy, or sand treatment.

4. Places to stay

Anyone who comes to Crimea can decide for himself where to live - in a hotel, a private house or rented apartment, in tent city, there are all conditions for this.

5. Transport

You can get to the Crimea by any existing mode of transport - by plane, train, bus and, of course, by car. To travel to the Crimea do not need a visa and passport!

Cons of rest in Crimea

Like any other resort, rest in the Crimea has its drawbacks.

1. Prices

The road itself, the cost of living and eating here are unreasonably high, which frightens off many potential tourists who, for the same amount, prefer to rest abroad.

2. Service

For a very long time, nothing was put in order at the popular resorts of Crimea. All buildings are still from Soviet times and require attention. The work of the staff leaves much to be desired - many vacationers complain about the inattention they have to face in hotels and boarding houses. But on vacation you want to receive only positive emotions.

3. Lots of vacationers

There are so many people who want to enjoy their holidays in Crimea that sometimes there is not enough space for everyone on the beach and in the sea. Therefore, it is imperative to find out about those beaches that are not crowded. Not for example, in Kacha (Sevastopol), on the Yashmovy Beach (Cape Fiolent) you will not find such a crowd of tourists that is observed on Uchkuevka in Sevastopol.

In Crimea, there is a place for everyone - families with children and lovers of camping, youth and creative people.

Where is the best place to travel with children?

With the advent of a child in the family, parents begin to plan their vacation so that their beloved child does not lose the opportunity to spend time at sea. But finding a suitable option for a joint holiday can sometimes be difficult, especially for families with small children under 3-5 years old. Parents are afraid of long flights and possible problems of acclimatization of the child. These problems will not arise if you choose the resorts of the Crimea.

It is best to come to the Crimea with children in June or the end of August, when it is still not so hot, and the sea has already warmed up to the optimum temperature for swimming.

When choosing a place of rest, it is important to take into account the age and physical characteristics of the child. So, for children under 3 years old, the flat sandy beaches of Evpatoria or Feodosia, which have a wide strip of shallow water, are best suited. With older active children, you can go to Alushta, Sudak, Koktebel and Yalta.

All Crimean resorts rich in entertainment - water parks, amusement parks, botanical gardens. Children will be happy to visit the Dolphinarium in Sevastopol, walk along the Fairy Tale Street of Yevpatoriya, here they will visit the Dinopark and enter the House upside down.

For kids, Crimea is an ideal vacation spot!

For lovers of the wild

Despite the huge number of offers to relax with comfort and all amenities, many vacationers prefer hotel rooms romance of "wild" rest with its tents, fires and the immense night starry sky. Crimea has all the possibilities for such a holiday away from civilization.

Traditionally, more independent tourists attract the wild beaches of Sevastopol, with its small cozy bays and capes (beaches near the village of Lyubimovka, "Mayak", "Yashmovy"; capes Khersones and Fiolent). beautiful beaches, which can be reached on foot or by water, can be found in Balaklava - "Golden", " lost World"," Laspi.

There are also places for camping on the southern coast of Crimea - Simeiz beach, surrounded by rocks, the wild beaches of Alushta and the famous Lisya Bay in Feodosia, which has become a traditional meeting place for informals and nature lovers.

There are many ways to organize a wild vacation. Seekers of secluded places can set up a tent where they find suitable conditions for this. Lovers of communication and cheerful gatherings in nature are ready to accept independent tent camps located in convenient places and having a source of fresh drinking water. Those who want to combine proximity to nature and comfortable living conditions can choose paid campsites for accommodation, where for a certain fee you can rent a tent, visit an equipped shower and toilet, and cook in the kitchen. This type of recreation is presented quite widely, convenient places can be found from Sevastopol to the Tarkhankut Peninsula.

When choosing a “wild” vacation, it is important to remember the need to respect nature and observe your own safety. Only in this case, the days spent at sea will be the best, and the preserved beauty of the surrounding world will beckon here again and again.

Where to rest the youth?

New acquaintances, fun entertainment, incendiary parties all night long - this is what kind of vacation to the taste of young people. And all this can be found in the Crimea.

Young people can choose to live in boarding houses and hotels, as well as stay in specialized youth camps. So, camping"Heraclea", located in the bewitching Laspinskaya Bay, will allow you to feel the romance of nightly gatherings, enjoy swimming in clean sea ​​water and the beauty of the surrounding nature, to find new friends. More active young people who want to ignite will appreciate the famous camp "Azure" in Feodosia. A popular club complex is located here, attracting with reckless show programs and dancing from night to morning.

In Crimea, all types of recreation and entertainment of interest to young people are collected:
Nature explorers will be able to test their strength in conquering mountain peaks (Ai-Petri, Chatyr-Dag) or descending into deep, mystical caves (Marble Cave, Red Caves "Kyzyl-Koba").

Fans of extreme recreation will be able to feel the taste of adrenaline while riding ATVs on Crimean mountains(Sevastopol, Bakhchisaray, Sudak, Alushta) or be reborn after rope jumping - jumping with a rope, from a frighteningly high height.

Those who are primarily interested in the sea and water are invited to explore the beauties of the Crimean bays and grottoes by kayaking (Sevastopol, Balaklava), surfing (the eastern coast of Feodosia), visiting the unique underwater museum in Tarkhankut, scuba diving.

And of course, the famous bright and memorable Crimean festivals will not leave indifferent the youth. Informals and lovers of jazz music can visit the festival in Koktebel, and relax here, renting a house or settling in a tent camp. Festivals in Shchelkino, on Cape Kazantip, held in an old spent nuclear reactor, have been uniting lovers of modern music from all over the world for many years in a row. You can also find yourself in the center of a musical party by arriving in Sevastopol on its "Star Coast", or in the village of Sokolinoye "Eagle's Flight". A music festival is held here, where both young talents and popular creative teams show their talents.

The best beaches of Crimea

The first association that arises when thinking about Crimea is a sun-drenched beach and a crystal-clear sea behind it. It is the beach holiday that attracts the largest number of tourists here. According to the latest estimates, 573 official beaches are waiting for visitors in Crimea. With so much variety, it's easy to get confused. When visiting Crimea for the first time, you can choose one of the most popular beaches:

1. Golden Beach (Feodosia)

Wide 15 km beach with a shallow sandy bottom. Children love to run along the golden sand of the beach, build sandy palaces and figures here. One of the best places for family vacation.

2. Quiet bay (Koktebel)

From the side of the bay, you can see Cape Chameleon, captivating with purple-orange tints, which turns into different colors depending on the time of day. Clear water, shallow bottom and no waves allow you to enjoy a calm and peaceful holiday.

3. Jasper beach (Cape Fiolent, Sevastopol)

Great option for a wild getaway. Even at peak holiday season there are not so many tourists here, because. The beach is surrounded by rocks and it is difficult to get here. But it's worth it - clear water, through which you can see the bottom dotted with colorful pebbles, leaves no one indifferent.

4. Blue Bay (Sevastopol)

awesome clean beach which can be quickly reached. Small, cozy, "allows" to fry shish kebab. We wrote more about him.

5. Beaches of Cape Tarkhankut

The Crimean mecca of diving enthusiasts who flock here to enjoy the beauty hidden in the sea of ​​incredible purity.

6. Massandrovskiy Beach (Yalta)

Everything here is arranged so that the vacationer enjoys a trip to the sea. A chicly equipped beach with small pebbles, a variety of leisure activities, incendiary music and bars with drinks on the shore. And, of course, the unique sea air and gentle sun!

7. Beach in Olenevka

Arriving here, you can admire the majestic sloping rocks, the whiteness of which dazzles your eyes in the bright Crimean sun, or go diving to make amazing underwater shooting and visit the museum of divers without rising to the surface.

8. Oasis Beach (Evpatoria)

So popular that it often cannot accommodate everyone. To take a place here, you need to come early in the morning. But there is something to fight for: an area completely free of garbage, magnificent sand and a convenient entrance to the sea.

Recreation for "creative" people

For some, rest is relaxation on the beach, for others it is the conquest of mountain peaks and diving to the seabed, and others relax by visiting excursions to memorable places. But there is a group of people who cannot imagine themselves without creativity. And what, if not picturesque nature and a rich historical past, will inspire a flight of fancy better? In the Crimea, all conditions have been created for the implementation of creative ideas.

In just a few hours in specialized workshops, you can learn pottery and master the technique of creating clay sculptures. Those who dreamed of drawing can learn this from the master painters in two weeks by signing up for seascape courses. And certainly, every guest of the peninsula can learn how to knit original Crimean scarves, since it does not take much time - only 3 hours.

Crimea is so diverse and many-sided that everyone will find a holiday to their liking here. Everyone who visits here once will certainly want to come back to once again experience the charm of the legendary land.

The amazing Crimea offers tourists the most varied vacation, which will definitely become a pleasant memory. The peninsula hospitably welcomes both youth companies, thirsty active entertainment, and couples who prefer a quiet holiday. For everyone here there is a variant of ideal leisure and unique places.

Couples who have planned a relaxing holiday will be able to visit the quiet resorts of Crimea, which have a special atmosphere. They give a feeling of coziness and relaxed comfort. A relaxing holiday will restore vitality and without haste to explore the unique nature of the peninsula. Guests can enjoy fragrant and clean air, soft and warm sea, magnificent natural beauty.

Quiet places in Crimea for recreation

Many have heard about the most popular cities of the peninsula and the most famous resorts. However, there are still many amazing places in Crimea that can offer an impeccable quiet vacation. These places include:

  • The village of Peschanoe is an ideal place for families with children. There are excellent, clean beaches, there is not too much influx of tourists, there are attractions, various cafes, excursion programs. Nature is distinguished by rich vegetation, pleasant climate.
  • Cape Tarkhankut is a unique area with unusual landscapes. It is located in the western part of the Crimea and has a rocky surface. There is little vegetation here, but vacationers can enjoy the crystal clear sea. It provides a quiet rest among the white cliffs and calm bays. Also for lovers of scuba diving, all conditions are created here.
  • The village of Kurortnoye is a cozy place not far from Feodosia. Here you can enjoy all the delights of a quiet family vacation in the Crimea. Vacationers expect picturesque landscapes, excellent beaches, comfortable infrastructure.
  • Cape Khersones is distinguished by landscapes of unusual beauty that delight the eye and give pleasant emotions. Especially calm place, where a quiet holiday in the Crimea is guaranteed, is the Cossack Bay. Guests will appreciate the clean, warm sea and unique sights that are definitely worth a visit.
  • A quiet bay in Koktebel is a great cozy place with a sandy beach and shell rock. There is a bay not far from Cape Chameleon, you can easily get here from Koktebel. Tourists will be able to enjoy clean, clear water and impeccable beach holiday. A quiet bay in Crimea promises excellent leisure for couples with children, as the place is shallow and safe. Nearby there are therapeutic muds, which are covered with pleasure by adults and children.

Quiet rest on the southern coast of Crimea

One of the most popular holiday destinations is the southern coast of the peninsula. It attracts tourists with its unique nature and a particularly mild climate. There are absolutely all conditions for a quiet holiday on the South Coast: magnificent shady parks, luxurious coastline, exotic landscapes, Mountain peaks, fabulous waterfalls, pine forests.

A variety of hotels, hotels, holiday homes are located along the entire coast. Each city and town has its own unique scenery and culture to offer. The south coast is perfect for a quiet study of sights, museums, palaces. Here is the whole variety of Crimean traditions. For family leisure, you can choose interesting excursions that will delight children and be useful to adults.

The quiet resorts of the Southern coast of Crimea include:

  • The village of Gurzuf is an amazing place with a magical landscape and favorable nature. The village is rich in vegetation, among which there are rare species. The beaches will delight you with clean water and special comfort for relaxed leisure.
  • The village of Malorechenskoye is a beautiful area surrounded by green vineyards and many orchards. Vacationers can enjoy pleasant beaches, a luxurious park, and juicy fruits.
  • Maly Mayak is a beautiful village, which is located near Alushta. People come here for a quiet, wellness vacation. The area is distinguished by a healing climate, picturesque nature, and a variety of beaches.
  • Resort Otradnoe is a small village with a warm, subtropical climate. It is located near Yalta, so the prospects for vacationers are the best. The place is not crowded, ideal for a relaxed and quiet holiday for two or with children.
  • Semidvore is a pleasant and quiet village, which is surrounded by a magnificent juniper grove that purifies the air and fills it with a pleasant aroma. The resort is suitable for a leisurely and measured rest, pleasant walks, cozy days on the beach.

In addition, a quiet holiday in the Crimea can be provided by the amazing Yalta, striking in its diversity. Here you can find both noisy entertainment and secluded places. Main component a relaxing holiday in Yalta - right choice hotel. Comfortable living conditions, competent staff, exquisite views outside the room window, are able to give guests exactly the leisure they dream of. Villa Elena is a luxurious hotel in the heart of Yalta, which guarantees a cozy VIP vacation in the Crimea.

Hotel Villa Elena - a calm and measured rest in Yalta

Often, couples who are looking for solitude and tranquility want to retain the opportunity to visit entertainment venues from time to time. Such couples should choose a quiet vacation in Yalta, which can be provided by the five-star hotel Villa Elena. The location of the hotel provides an opportunity to visit any interesting places, stroll along the Embankment, visit exquisite establishments. The very policy of the VIP hotel allows guests to completely relax and enjoy the calm atmosphere of home comfort and hospitality.

On the territory of Villa Elena you can enjoy a measured rest by the outdoor pool, gourmet cuisine in the Grand Terrace restaurant. The staff will provide guests with unobtrusive, but impeccable service 24/7, taking into account all wishes. In addition, elegant rooms with a unique interior, both in the historical and in the new building, are conducive to a cozy and measured rest. Also, view terraces with picturesque landscapes contribute to the restoration of spiritual harmony and vitality.

The Sunny Peninsula is famous for its resorts, where 75% of vacationers come with babies, and at the age of one year old! For such families in cities and resort villages trying to create the right conditions. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has compiled a list of places that are in the greatest demand.


The resort is focused primarily on families with children. The city has a water park, a dolphinarium, several amusement parks, many museums and excursion routes. In the evening, on the embankment, tourists with small children are entertained by animators in costumes of fairy-tale characters, living statues, stilt walkers, magicians, strongmen perform, and they arrange a show of soap bubbles and fire.

Beaches: sandy, with a flat bottom, which gradually goes to the depth. The perfect place for kids. No pebbles or sharp stones. Babies are not afraid to go into the water.

For an additional fee on each beach you can rent sun loungers and umbrellas for the day, the price is from 100 rubles. The entrance is free. There are changing rooms and toilets on site.

Water temperature: if there are no heavy rains, in mid-June - July at the seashore +25 degrees. Kalamita Bay warms up very quickly.

Housing: for any wallet. You can rent a room in the private sector from 800 rubles per day with outdoor facilities, or from 1200 rubles with air conditioning, a refrigerator and a shower in the room. There are a large number of hotels and mini-boarding houses that specialize in children's recreation. Children under 3 years old are admitted free of charge.

Pros: west coast the sea is one of the cleanest in the Crimea. The city several times received the "Blue Flag" - an international quality mark, indicating good ecology.

Minuses: there are no picturesque landscapes and mountains.

How to get there: from Simferopol by taxi or minibus. The price of a bus ticket is 114 rubles per person. Travel time is about an hour.

Most often, tourists arriving by plane go to Evpatoria. It will take about 5-6 hours to drive from the Kerch crossing.

Evpatoria is a paradise for children. The beaches are sandy, with a flat bottom, which gradually sinks into the depths. A photo: archive "KP"


Resort capital of Crimea. Tourists come here all year round. Most of all attract stunning landscapes, mountains, air. Both adults and children will find entertainment to their liking. A large number of parks and squares, a water park, attractions, a zoo, a meadow of fairy tales, a botanical garden - everything is nearby. In addition, easy access to the main business cards peninsula - the castle "Swallow's Nest", Livadia and Massandra palaces. By bus from the city center to go from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the direction. Tour guides offer dozens of different tours, including donkey and pony tours for the little ones.

Beaches: pebbly, deep. Sun loungers and umbrellas can be rented, the price is from 150 rubles per day. The beaches are free, but there are also private ones. For example, with a bungalow located above the sea, there are soft beds inside, waiters bring food from a nearby cafe, there are two sun loungers and a table nearby in a fenced area. During sunbathing, ozone is sprayed on vacationers. The cost of a bungalow for two is 500 rubles per hour, per day - 1500 rubles.

Housing: for tourists who come here with children - it's just a paradise. Most hotels specialize in families with kids. Up to 3 years they are often accepted free of charge, an extra bed is placed in the room. There is a children's menu, playrooms, animators who come up with a new program for the children every day. Many hotels have separate pools for the little ones.

Pros: beautiful nature, good transport interchange.

Minuses: the beaches are narrow, there is little space and a lot of tourists, it feels like you are lying on each other's heads. The highest prices in Crimea for everything: groceries, food, rooms.

How to get there: from Simferopol by bus - 160 rubles, by trolleybus - 120. Travel time by bus is 1.5 hours, by trolleybus - 2.5.


Quiet, small town by the sea, located near Yalta. A well-maintained embankment, there is a water park, a dolphinarium and a square with attractions for children. Walking distance to shops, market, pharmacies, hospital.

Beaches: pebbles, the bottom sharply becomes deep, there are cobblestones in the water. For a fee, you can rent a sun lounger and an umbrella, the cost is from 100 rubles per day. There are changing rooms and a toilet. The entrance is free.

Housing: a large number of hotels designed for families with children. Accommodation for children under 3 years old is free, for older children there is a free children's menu, there are strollers on the territory of the hotels so that mothers do not carry their own, bicycles, scooters and even kindergartens. You can safely leave the kids there for five hours and go about their business. Experienced caregivers will play with your child, feed them, and put them to sleep during the day. But the cost of living in such hotels is not small - from 6 to 10 thousand rubles per day.

Pros: prices are lower than in Yalta. It is convenient to go on excursions to any corner of the peninsula.

Minuses: small beaches and a lot of vacationers, tourists lie on them like herrings in a barrel.

How to get there: from Simferopol by bus - 100 rubles, by trolley bus - 87. Travel time by bus - 50 minutes, by trolley bus - 15 hours.


The city is considered the mecca of hang gliding. Not only lovers of extreme sports come here to relax, but also a large number of couples. Thanks to the modern infrastructure, mothers with small children have something to do here. A good embankment, along which it is comfortable to walk with strollers, many shady squares and amusement parks, museums, pharmacies, markets, everything is at hand.

Beaches: sandy, the coast is not deep, there are rarely waves. The entrance is free. Many beaches have cabanas, outdoor showers with fresh water, fungi under which you can hide from the sun. For an additional fee - umbrellas and sun loungers, from 100 rubles per day. Toilets on some beaches are also paid - from 10 to 20 rubles.

Housing: For every taste. In mini-boarding houses and hotels, the price is from 3 thousand rubles for a double room, housing in the private sector with private facilities in the room - from 1200 rubles per day per person.

Pros: Convenient location. Feodosia is chosen by families who drive their own car. Two hours drive from the Kerch ferry and you are already at sea.

Minuses: You will have to spend a lot of time in order to go, for example, on an excursion to Yalta in your car.

How to get there: By bus from Simferopol - 137 rubles, travel time - 3.5 hours.


The city is a magnet for lovers of the Middle Ages. In summer, knightly tournaments are held in the Genoese fortress. Guests are offered not only to look at the battles of the wars, but also the most daring to take part in them. You can try on armor and learn how to shoot a bow. City with developed infrastructure. There is a water park and a champagne factory. Excursions to the neighboring village of Novy Svet are very popular. From there, a stunning view opens up from the mountains.

Beaches: pebbly, well-groomed, clean water. There are awnings and changing cabins, showers with fresh water. Sunbeds for an additional fee - from 100 rubles per day.

Housing: varied, from cheap rooms in the private sector to good hotels, accommodation per day in which costs 5 - 8 thousand rubles per room.

Pros: fresh air, beautiful view, well-groomed streets, many shops and markets.

Minuses: the road to Sudak is not easy, firstly, serpentine, and secondly, due to the repair of the Kerch highway, during the season you have to stand in traffic jams from 20 minutes to a couple of hours. Entertainment is not so much.

How to get there: from Simferopol by bus 178 rubles, travel time - 3 hours.

In Sudak, there are many water attractions for children on the beach. A photo: archive "KP"


Russian city with a rich military history. There are no more museums dedicated to the exploits of people during the Great Patriotic War in Crimea. It is interesting to visit them for both adults and children, especially boys. There is a water park, a dolphinarium, children's parks and squares, clubs, cafes, restaurants, theaters and cinemas. Good roads, clean streets, lots of greenery and flower beds. There is shopping centers and go-karts.

Beaches: mostly stony. On the territory there are sheds, changing cabins - separate for men and women. For an additional fee umbrellas, sunbeds and massage. The beaches near Sevastopol are more convenient - in Uchukuevka, Kacha, Orlovka. There are small pebbles and a wide beach line, no one walks over each other's heads.

Housing: Most visitors rent apartments. Price from 1.5 thousand per day.

Pros: well-developed infrastructure, there is where to walk. Close to South Beach.

Minuses: there are few beaches in the city, to get to them, if you do not live in the neighborhood, you need to use public transport. They don’t bring you straight to the sea, but to a regular stop, so you still have to walk.

How to get there: from Simferopol by bus 137 rubles, travel time - more than an hour. By train - 60 rubles, on the way - 2 hours.


Resort villages in Simferopol and Bakhchisarai regions. Mostly Crimeans rest there, as it is not far to go to the sea. Russians choose these places if they are looking for budget holiday. Of the entertainment in Nikolaevka, there is only one park, several attractions and a shooting gallery. There is no park in Peschanoe, there is no swing either.

Beaches: in Nikolaevka there are pebbles, the bottom quickly becomes deep. In Sandy - sand, very fine, for children the class. There are two changing rooms on the beach, there are no toilets.

Housing: in the private sector without the convenience of a room from 400 rubles, with amenities - from 800 rubles.

Pros: cheap holiday.

Minuses: undeveloped infrastructure, nowhere to walk with children, narrow beaches.

How to get there: from Simferopol to Nikolaevka - 50 rubles, travel time - 40 minutes, to Sandy - 80 rubles, travel time - about an hour.

Crimea is a beautiful peninsula, where everything is conducive to a serene rest. Having visited it, even the most spoiled tourist will not remain indifferent. Even just looking at the photos, you can understand what a wonderful place this is. No wonder that every year hundreds of thousands of people from different countries spend their holidays here.

Crimea's best vacation spots

New World

This is the pearl of the peninsula and definitely worth a visit. The landscapes of this small village are picturesque, juniper groves peacefully coexist with mountains and beaches. There is a unique microclimate here, many rare plants grow, which are listed in the Red Book. This is a good place for active rest.

There is a champagne factory in the New World, where fascinating excursions are organized. Sea lovers will find the purest white sand beaches here. They are located in three bays: Green, Blue and Blue. All three bays got their names according to the color of the water.

The city is located in the heart of the mountains, respectively, the views there are simply amazing. Among the main attractions are the attractive embankment and the Genoese fortress. Of the shortcomings, only the absence sandy beaches, throughout the city they are pebbly. As for the prices, they are quite adequate.


Highly popular resort, whose name is always heard. Since ancient times, this city has been loved and sung by writers and poets in their works. Clean air, fabulous mountains, stunning landscapes - all this every year attracts a huge number of people who want to fully and beautifully relax.

The location of Yalta is very good, you can easily and quickly get to botanical garden or visit the Swallow's Nest and famous mountain Ai-Petri. The Yalta embankment is simply teeming with entertainment: from the dolphinarium to the theater with sea animals. Small children can ride ponies and donkeys here.


This is a small village, well located between Yalta and Alushta. It is famous for its sanatoriums and health resorts. Not the most suitable option for a noisy holiday, it is quiet and calm here. In the evening, only a few restaurants are open. For many people, this is a favorite vacation spot where you can improve your health in parallel.

The main attraction of Partenit is the powerful and majestic Bear Mountain. In general, this is a city with rich history, you can visit mosques and other historical monuments. Here you will find many attractive clean white-sand beaches, a dolphinarium, and an aqua park.


This city has a long history. In addition to beauty and grandeur, Evpatoria is also a very cozy place. There are many large sandy beaches here. You can also stroll along the spacious and luxurious embankment, visit the sights located in the center. In addition to the sea, there is famous lake Moinaki. Near it there is a mud bath, which uses healing mud extracted from this lake. Therefore, every year many people flock here to improve their health.


There is an excellent embankment, beautiful nature and a large number of entertainments for every taste. In Alushta, you can visit the zoo, Aluston fortress and various old estates. Not far away is the famous Ghost Valley and Dzhur-dzhur waterfall.


This village is located near the Karadag volcanic massif and is famous for the fact that unsurpassed cognac is produced there. Lovers of secluded relaxation can find wild beaches and unexplored bays here. Interesting sights are the house-museum of the poet Voloshin and the Karadag nature reserve.

Koktebel is the most suitable resort for youth recreation. There are many clubs and night discos, restaurants with live music, foam parties and the like.

The peak of the season is July, when life in the city is literally in full swing. Clubs and restaurants are open until the morning. You won't be bored during the day either. Interesting options Leisure activities: go horseback riding in the local area, paragliding or hang gliding, diving, quad biking.


This town is thoroughly saturated with oriental atmosphere. There are mosques, hammams and even a palace where the khan once lived. In the oriental bazaar, located in the center, you can find outlandish products and spices.


The city is located in the southeast of the Crimean peninsula. It has a lot interesting places: Aivazovsky Gallery, Alexander Grin Museum. Ilyinsky lighthouse.

Feodosia is the mecca of hang gliding. Therefore, for lovers of extreme recreation, this city is ideal for an unforgettable vacation.

Where is the best place to relax in Kruu in summer?

You need to choose a holiday resort based on what is your priority: sandy or pebble beach, availability of entertainment, attractions, and so on. Also, for many, price is of great importance.

Rest in Alupka, Gurzuf, Yalta, Alushta, Partenit will cost the most.

The average option for money is the eastern coast of the peninsula (Ordzhonikidze, Koktebel, New World). There are a large number of comfortable hotels at affordable prices.

The most affordable options are cities on west coast Crimea, away from the popular resorts: Olenevka, Chernomorskoe, Rybachy, Sandy, Zaozernoye, Saki, Nikolaevka.

This is very beautiful place located near Yalta. Many creative personalities liked to relax here (Gorky, Kuprin, Chekhov). Here you can stroll through the old park with relic trees and visit the local landmark - the Vorontsov Palace.

This is a good choice for families with children, as the resort has its own clean beach, and in general it is calm and serene. The hotel offers a gym, swimming pool, parking.

Tourists are happy to visit this place, comfortably located between the villages of Privetnoye and Rybachye. In the evening, you can stroll along the beautiful promenade, and visit the local market during the day. The beaches here are pebbly and the sea water is clear.

In this former military town, you can have a very good rest with your family and children. There are restaurants, cafes and shops here. But at the same time, it is quite quiet and calm here. The beaches here are sandy, and not far from the village there is an artificial Donuzlav bay (a former lake), where the water is two to three degrees warmer than the sea.

To Crimea with children

The western part of the peninsula is well suited for spending holidays with children - places that run from the town of Chernomorskoye to Sevastopol along the Kalamitsky and Karkinitsky bays (Saki, Evpatoria, Olenevka, Nikolaevka, Inkerman, Zaozernoe, Sandy, Uglovoe, Balaklava). There are many shallow bays with clear water, a gentle entrance and white sand.

If you want to acquaint your children with the history of the Great Patriotic War, then you can choose the hero city of Sevastopol for your vacation. It hosts a lot of excursions to places of military glory, where you can learn about the heroes of the war and the defense of the city. Among the sights that are definitely worth a visit are the submarine museum in Balaklava, the museum of the Black Sea Fleet.

If your kids have a sweet tooth, they will definitely want to visit the Marmalade Museum and the Ice Cream Museum. Also of interest may be the Lukomorye ecopark, an aquarium, a dolphinarium, and the Zurbagan water park.

In Evpatoria, there will also be something to do for both adults and children. You can take a health course in a sanatorium, visit a dolphinarium, take a walk in the Frunze park.

A large number of entertainment will not let little adventurers get bored. Here is the Museum "Pirates of the Black Sea", the water park "Banana Republic" (photo below). In addition, you can find attractions for every taste, ride around the city on the "Tram of Desires".

Worth visiting Dinopark. This is a large-scale entertainment complex with life-size figures of dinosaurs. Thanks to modern lighting and sound effects, they look alive.

In Yalta, you can visit the "Glade of Fairy Tales" - a museum with sculptures located under open sky. Surrounding landscape - mountain ranges, Uchan-Su waterfall, Stavri-Kaya rock.

A relatively new attraction of Yalta is the “Upside Down House”. In this unusual building, all objects are located contrary to the laws of physics. Once here, you feel the unreality of what is happening.

A good place for a family vacation is the city of Alushta. There are excellent climatic conditions, many beaches, hotels, dispensaries. It will be interesting for children to visit the Dendrozoo, a water park in the Almond Grove entertainment complex.

In Alushta, there is a park "Crimea in miniature", which presents the sights of the peninsula in a reduced form. For children, there is a corner where they will be met by the heroes of their favorite cartoons.

For lovers of active recreation, the Treasure Island rope park is open here. It is located right by the sea and is made in the form of a pirate ship with three decks. There are several trails that are designed for people with different training.
Sanatorium "Alushtinsky" is located near the city. It has its own pebble beach and many buildings to accommodate guests.

Where to relax in the Crimea inexpensively?

Most budget resorts for recreation, these are Kerch, Feodosia, Evpatoria and Sudak. The price tag for housing will differ depending on the distance of the hotel or private housing from the beach.


In ancient times, the ancient Greeks lived in this city, so there are many historical and archaeological relics here. For vacationers, there are many sandy shallow beaches. The region is famous mineral springs, therapeutic mud. As entertainment, you can choose beach rides, boat trips on yachts. Cognitive bus tours to the most beautiful places.

This is an ecologically clean recreation area, as it is far from the city. This is a good place for those who love history and the Middle Ages.

The Genoese fortress is a venue for knightly tournaments, where you can not only look at the battles, but also take part in them yourself.


In Evpatoria, to save money, you need to choose suburban villages. A good option would be, for example, Storm and Nikolaevka. There are clean beaches and warm sea. Of course, in the summer there are a lot of vacationers, so if you do not want to fuss, then it is preferable to visit here in September.

From entertainment in Nikolaevka you can ride jet skis, go diving or fishing, as well as ride a yacht. Children will also not be bored here, as daily games are held for them animation programs. In addition, there are many attractions.

Another good place is the village of Zaozernoe. There are a lot of inexpensive boarding houses with their own fenced beaches. They are cleaned regularly, so they are clean and comfortable. Fans of the private sector will also easily find apartments to their liking.

Budget holidays in Crimea (video)

The following video tells about where you can have a good rest on the peninsula affordable prices.

Crimean beaches for families with and without children

According to statistics, June is considered the most successful month for a holiday in Crimea. The water in the sea by this time period is well warmed up and suitable for swimming. There is no exhausting heat yet, so you can stay in the sun longer. Throughout the peninsula there are many hotels, resorts and boarding houses for families with children of different ages.

by the most popular cities for such a holiday it is customary to consider Alushta and Evpatoria. Their value is in the developed infrastructure and good beaches.
  • Quiet bay beach in Koktebel is a long arc with coarse sand. It is easy to get here from the city, by car or public transport it takes 10 minutes. The water here is clear, and shallow water stretches for a long distance. Nearby there is a place where you can find healing mud. Tourists flock there willingly.
  • Beaches of Feodosia characterized by thick golden sand and clear azure water. These places are very popular among couples with children, as here you can find a gentle entrance to the sea, and the sea itself is quite shallow at the entrance. The beaches of Feodosia are deservedly considered one of the best in the Crimea. In the photo: Golden beach of Feodosia.
  • in Evpatoria there are many gently sloping sandy beaches, where, when entering the sea, the bottom is flat and the depth increases slowly. Even toddlers can enter the water without fear, as there are no pebbles and sharp stones. It is very convenient, so many tourists with small children flock here. There are plenty of water activities on the beaches.

As you can see, there are many good and interesting places to stay on the Crimean peninsula. Therefore, it is suitable for both young people and families with children. Beautiful nature, warm sea, exciting excursions and entertainment - all this fascinates and makes you come back here again.

Compilation the best beaches Crimea with the cleanest sea from Feodosia to Tarkhankut - 10 places for a perfect holiday.

It is reliably known that there are more than five hundred beaches in Crimea, and if we consider any approach to the sea as a beach, where you can stretch out under the sun or pitch a tent, then it will be almost impossible to count all the options. This review is dedicated to the cleanest beaches of Crimea with clear water. Some of them are hard to reach and unique in their own way.

Golden beach in Feodosia

Thick sand and its juicy golden hue made this beach famous all over the world. east coast Crimea. The Golden Beach stretches for several kilometers from Feodosia to Primorsky, there are recreation centers and cafes. You can get from Feodosia by car or public transport, the beach is located a few kilometers from the city.

Water with a wonderful azure hue, clean and transparent. This beach is very fond of couples with kids: a shallow sea, a gentle entrance, although sometimes there are stones. Golden Beach is very popular, many say that the beach is always clean and well-groomed, and consider it the best beach in Crimea. A little saddened by passengers public transport traveling in that direction.

Quiet bay in Koktebel

Not far from Cape Chameleon is the beach of Quiet Bay - a long arc of coarse sand with shell rock. The water is clean and clear, shallow. You can get here from Koktebel, even on foot it is easy to get there in just 40 minutes. There are many vacationers: most often they come by car, pitch tents and live.

Shallow water stretches for tens of meters, so people like to relax here with small children. Nearby there is a place with healing mud, which everyone willingly smears themselves with. People who have visited Quiet Bay noted the charm of these places, but complained about the crowding and underdeveloped infrastructure of the beach.

Photo © mr. Wood / flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0

The famous village of Novy Svet is located near Sudak. The village is known for its unique bays, relic junipers and a champagne factory. But the main attraction of the New World is its beaches.

The most famous and popular among holidaymakers is the small-pebble Tsarsky beach. It is believed that this is where Tsar Nicholas II bathed during his visit. The beach is located in the Blue Bay, you can get to it by walking along the path from the western outskirts of the village to the turn to the gorge.

The Royal Beach is one of the cleanest beaches in Crimea. All rubbish is collected in specially designated bins. The water is so clean and transparent that flocks of small fish can be seen. The bottom is sandy in some places, in some places there are large stones. The beach is wild and small, located on the territory of the reserve. Tourists who have been here are delighted with the beauty of this place, although the descent through the gorge seemed difficult to some, they recommend getting there by boat by sea. The beach is located on the territory of the reserve, officially due to landslides, its visit is prohibited.

Photo © make-trip.ru

Bay of Love in Rybachy

A wild beach of volcanic origin, located between the villages of Rybachye and Malorechenskoye, near the lighthouse. The bay is small and cozy, and the water is so clean and clear that you can see the inhabitants of the seabed. Basically, lovers of underwater fishing and snorkeling rush here, as well as romantics seeking solitude with nature. The descent on foot is very difficult and steep, so the beach is not crowded, it is easier to get here by sea. At the very bottom of the path leading to the beach, a small vent of a volcano with a diameter of about three meters has been preserved.

Tourists in their reviews write that it is very difficult to get to the place, and a few brave daredevils have not received the desired solitude, since there are still a couple of tents with inhabitants there.

Massandra beach in Yalta

The beach is well-maintained and very popular, especially among young people. The sea is deep, for lovers of a comfortable stay there are bamboo bungalows. According to vacationers, this is one of the best beaches in Yalta and Crimea: warm pebbles and clear water.

Beach "Mermaid" in Miskhor

The famous beach with a sculpture of a mermaid near the shore. The beach is small, pebbly, fully equipped, the water is always clean and warm. The beach is popular and crowded, nearby beautiful park. Most vacationers speak well of the beach, only complaining about the tightness in the high season.

Photo © Grigory Gusev / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

"The Lost World" (at Cape Aya)

This place got its romantic name for a reason: there is a unique sparsely populated beach, surrounded on all sides by tall five-hundred-meter cliffs, it is simply impossible to get there without special skills and equipment. Tourists are advised to go there by boat from Balaklava, locals get by swimming or by boat.

The shore is gradually crumbling, relict plants grow on it, and the beach itself is surrounded by the remains of an ancient collapse. There are no traces of civilization here, so you need to take a supply of water and food with you. Romantics and adventurers, as well as outdoor enthusiasts, who are able to appreciate the pristine beauty of Crimean places untouched by man, speak with enthusiasm about the beach.

The “Lost World” stands out for the best beaches of Crimea and attracts many with its beauty, inaccessibility and solitude, but due to scree and landslides, the beach is often closed to the public.

Silver and Golden beaches in Balaklava

Surrounded by mountains, Silver Beach - a mixture of sand and small pebbles - is located near Balaklava Bay. The beach is large, the water is clean, the bottom is sandy, at a depth there are large boulders. Golden Beach is a little further. It got its name because of the unique color of the surrounding landscape, the beach looks especially beautiful during sunset. Here is a clean, open sea.

From Balaklava, both beaches can be reached on foot or by boat, flights run every hour until 19:00. According to tourists, the beaches do not differ in developed infrastructure, although there are awnings and sun loungers in the season, the crystal sea compensates for some inconveniences.

Jasper beach in Sevastopol

The famous wild beach, usually not crowded, the influx of tourists is greater during the season. It got its name because of the multi-colored pebbles that dotted the seashore, among which there is jasper interspersed with pyrite. Opposite the beach in the sea stands the rock of the Holy Appearance with a cross, steps in the rock that you can climb.

One of the cleanest beaches in Crimea: at the entrance to the beach there are bins where all the garbage is collected. The water is clear, so you can see the pebbles, the bottom is uneven and rocky.

You can drive to Jasper Beach by car or on a boat. Tourists who have been here complained about the difficulties: to get to the beach, you need to overcome 800 steps of the Monastery stairs. The descent is difficult and dangerous, the handrails are far from everywhere, it is even more difficult to overcome the reverse ascent. However, those who cannot afford such physical efforts can use sea transport: every two hours a boat runs from the beach to Balaklava.

Photo © make-trip.ru

Olenevka beach (Cape Tarkhankut)

The cleanest sea and the cleanest beach in Crimea, in our opinion, is Miami Beach in Olenevka. Here the water is very clear, because not a single river in this area flows into the sea. Rocky landscapes, wide steppes, crystal clear water, strong current - Cape Tarkhankut has become a true paradise for diving enthusiasts. Most of the beaches are difficult to access, characterized by steep slopes and strong rockiness. Fans of wild recreation are very fond of these places and consider them one of the best in the Crimea.

Vacationers with their families rush to Olenevka: there are sandy-shell beaches, uncomfortable, but clean, and the water is clear. As the tourists themselves note in their reviews, the lack of good infrastructure and some seclusion of the village allows only those who are comfortable to relax.