The most unusual bath. Unusual baths - exotic in all its glory

Unusual technologies break into our lives faster than a tornado: today, even those who have not yet figured out the smartphone consider themselves residents of the last century. And the same story in construction: no matter how proven and kind glorious bricks and logs turn out to be, tomorrow the baths will already begin to “spit out” huge printers, and ordinary people today are building their steam rooms from improvised materials, competing in whose architectural invention will last longer . Have you always dreamed of building an amazing steam room on the site? Take advantage of new technology!

Baths in style 2999

To build a bath with ideal geometric shapes according to a standard drawing? Boring things! So, at least modern architects think, and pervert with forms as best they can:

Would you like to build such a miracle? Here are a couple more photo instructions:

Volumetric-modular construction: the time of transformers

This interesting construction method appeared not so long ago in North America, and already today in Russia there are entrepreneurs who have taken note of the idea. It all looks like this: in the morning on land plot a truck with a container arrives, the cargo is removed from the trailer and placed on the foundation (concrete slab or piles, for example). Only four people turn the house around with their bare hands and connect devices with communications. It was the first day.

On the second day, furniture is brought in and the space is minimally decorated. On the third day, you can already call in and live with the whole family. More of these containers - more spacious house. The minimum area of ​​one such house is as much as 70 sq.m.

Moreover, it is not at all difficult to equip a Finnish sauna in such a house as a built-in one. And if you want to move somewhere, such a house-bath is also quickly disassembled and transported in the same container. In the second - already furniture, sauna and household appliances. Amazing, isn't it?

Of course, this is an economical option. One such container costs in Russia from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles per square meter. True, at this stage the issue of the expensive transportation of such a house has not yet been resolved. So for now, prefabricated Canadian bathhouses are not very interesting for a simple Russian person, although marketers are actively working on this problem.

In the meantime, mini-saunas without a foundation are gaining popularity:

Transparent concrete: steam rooms in the form of ice sculptures

A sensational novelty among building technologies is transparent concrete. This innovative composite material has the ability to truly transmit light, yet it truly has all the properties of conventional concrete. The same strength, water resistance, heat and noise insulation. But from now on, in such a bathhouse it will be possible to see not only which stove is used and how many regiments are in the steam room, but also the vacationers themselves.

This miracle of technology came to us from the USA. For the first time, fences of government buildings began to be built from it, but in Sweden and Japan several transparent objects have already been built. For example, the BMW main building was built using this particular technology, for which it received the German Architecture Prize in 2005.

Light fixtures are also created from transparent concrete, the creator of which - the architect A. Losonci - now lectures around the world about the possibilities of building from such a material.

Transparent concrete consists of a fine-grained matrix and fiber - dispersed-reinforced pieces of glass fibers. This material has excellent compressive, bending and tensile strength, good impact strength and frost resistance. But the weight, unlike ordinary concrete, is 40-60% less.

But in Russia, transparent concrete is referred more to heat-insulating materials than to a monolith - there is even such a term as PTI, transparent thermal insulation. There, by the way, polycarbonate also applies. Another transparent concrete that is actively used abroad is concrete, which is made by crushing broken glass on special equipment and gluing them together. But it’s impossible to see something completely through such walls - in the same bathhouse only silhouettes will be visible. Read more about new construction technologies on the website - there are a lot of worthy articles there.

We also note separately the Frozen Smoke airgel, which is also called “frozen smoke”. It is all 1% silicic anhydride and 99% air. From a bath built using such material, it is simply breathtaking: it seems that the bricks are just hanging in the air! But this gel is also fireproof, which is of particular value for a steam room.

Being very light, airgel is able to hold huge weights. And it is even used in space - to catch dust from the tail of comets. But it looks like a cosmic miracle will soon be in every home - all leading architects are sure of this. Shelves, oven and even stones in the air - why not? There will be something to surprise your friends!

3D printers - the future is here!

Already in several countries, special construction printers are being prepared for release at the same time, which are capable of printing entire buildings. These are the same 3D printers, only huge, and they print not with paint, but with concrete.

In appearance, the 3D printer looks like a living construction kit: an overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 300 kg and a working area of ​​up to 20 m. Special rails are also thought out for the design itself.

So, literally in a day, just one of the printers is able to “print” a house with an area of ​​200 sq.m. Instead of the reinforced foundation, to which we are accustomed, fiber cement is used, or rather, pseudo-reinforcement from it in the form of a W-bond. Concrete is supplied from a device similar to a construction gun, and the curing time of concrete in different places is strictly calculated. But the first step towards such a revolution was machine plastering, which saves a lot of time and provides a remarkable quality of work.

But while a 3D printer raises a lot of questions for many: will fiber cement replace a real foundation, how quickly does the mixture used harden to hold a new layer on itself, and why does it then not harden in the hose itself? How expensive will it be to rent such a colossus and how to move it? These are the questions that the creators of the 3D printer are working on. Recall that the fax at one time was also from a series of science fiction, and 3D images were considered unrealizable at all. Therefore, it is quite possible that the scenario in the near future will develop as follows: in the morning they wanted a bathhouse on the site - in the afternoon a 3D printer arrived - in the evening they already started the first wall decoration!

So, in Southern California, Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis has already built something similar - his creation builds a house by releasing separate finished blocks, the dimensions of which are strictly calculated. This 3D printer model is equipped with a special nozzle through which the concrete is poured. Everything is controlled by a computer. This technology is called "Contour Crafting", and thanks to it, a completely finished frame of a house or a bath appears on the white light. But windows, doors and communications are all done by hand.

You will be surprised, but in fact, 3D printers have been around for a long time and are actively used. With the help of such technologies, wood, iron and polymers are already being printed. So why not build entire houses the way wasps and bees do?

Construction of a bath with fixed formwork

Yes, we are talking about the most convenient non-removable formwork, which is increasingly used today for foundations - convenient and heat-efficient. But more recently, walls have also been built from such material. Moreover, today the main material is still used foam - such houses turn out to be warm and inexpensive, and with properly organized ventilation, the microclimate in such a building will turn out to be absolutely healthy. That's just when building a bath using such an unusual technology, it is customary to remove the foam from the inside of the building - after the concrete itself has hardened. And use more natural materials as a heater.

But in the near future, scientists are going to apply more environmentally friendly alternatives to polystyrene using the same technology. So warm and light saunas will be built in just a week!

The only thing that the owners of such houses are worried about is that any polystyrene foam contained in the laminate, plastic windows, polystyrene foam, rubber mats and linoleum will release the harmful volatile substance phenol. Therefore, ventilation in a modern house is really needed not only because of the walls.

Bath-domes: unique technology in a new way

You have already heard that unique greenhouses, houses and baths in the form of geodesic domes are being built: here is an example of this amazing technology:

And this architectural marvel really economical and looks amazing on any site, which is why work on this method continues to this day. And now, another know-how: now such houses and baths will not be built, and not even printed, but ... inflated.

This method was proposed by the architect Nicolo Bini. In just a couple of hours with little expense, a wonderful building is obtained, without seams and any interpanel joints. This dome is called Binishell, and the forefather of this technology was Dante Bini, who built a similar house right next to active volcano Etna. Moreover, the domed house was able to withstand both hurricanes and earthquakes. And here is how the beanieshell is built today:

  • Step 1. The foundation is being built.
  • Step 2. A ball and a solid membrane are laid on the foundation.
  • Step 3 Temporary formwork is installed around the ball.
  • Step 4. All this is poured with a good layer of concrete.
  • Step 5. Now, with the help of a powerful pump, the balloon is inflated to the desired size. Not yet hardened concrete takes the form of a dome.
  • Step 6. The balloon is deflated and packaged for the construction of the next house.

Inexpensive, effective and pretty. A “green” roof is often arranged on such houses, and then the result is generally amazing.

Cordwood-baths: a masterpiece with your own hands!

This material for construction is called "clay". Ordinary wooden firewood and clay with straw are taken as the basis (In translation, cordwood means “woodpile”). And, even if right now you imagine that you can only build a decrepit rural house this way, you are mistaken:

Here are the main advantages of such eco-houses:

  1. Building materials are free.
  2. Excellent thermal insulation.
  3. 100% environmentally friendly.
  4. Original appearance.
  5. Durability and amazing ease of repair.

Clay and wood have a similar ability to absorb and release moisture. In summer, in such a bath it will even be cool, until the stove is kindled, and in winter it will be warm. The walls instantly absorb and release moisture, and therefore there is no point in worrying about some kind of insulation and expensive foil material.

So, you still don't have a bath due to a limited budget? Adopt this unusual technology and all your neighbors will be amazed!

  • Step 1. We prepare good firewood and clay. It is better not to take whole firewood for such buildings - they can, unfortunately, crack. But chopped, especially aspen, will do just fine. A good length of firewood is from 40 to 60 cm. Now make a canopy over the finished walls and hold them like this for 1.5-2 months.
  • Step 2. We make a rubble base as the foundation of the bath. It should go into the ground no more than a meter deep. Pour the stone in layers with clay or cement mortar.
  • Step 3. Get colored glass bottles for wall decorations.
  • Step 4 Cut the hay with an ax so that it is not long. The amount of clay should be 20% of the total volume of firewood. And the amount of straw is 10-15% of the volume of clay. It is this composition that will not allow the clay to crack later. Here's how to mix: in a trough of water, mix sand with clay and add hay directly there. Here is the mixture on the firewood and lay out.
  • Step 5 Place supports if the bath will have a standard rectangular shape.
  • Step 6. We lay out the walls: in a continuous way, with an air gap or with some kind of insulation. For example, the void space can be filled with sawdust - it will be much warmer.
  • Step 7. We make a roof: ordinary or just from straw.
  • Step 8. We install the stove and shelves - the bath is ready! But if you are going to finish such a bath, then let it settle for at least a year.

Moreover, steam rooms with such walls are very warm and absolutely environmentally friendly.

Interestingly, in Canada you can still find houses built using exactly this technology 100 years ago - and they are in excellent condition! And historical documents say that such buildings existed even in Greece and Siberia.For example, the St. Petersburg "House of Lovers" is made of ordinary birch firewood and is already several hundred years old!

Despite the thickness of the walls, the construction itself turns out to be surprisingly light, and a strip rubble foundation is really enough for it.By the way, there are baths that are built from bottles alone:

But if you are building such a bath with corners, then bandage the rows in these places as with brickwork.

Great ideas and inspiring progress, isn't it?

There are more than a thousand public baths and saunas in Moscow. Some of them fell in love not only with the residents of the capital, but also with those who came from other regions, others are not known even to the citizens themselves. But there are baths in Moscow, which have been heard even outside the country. These are the famous Sanduny - baths, which are more than two hundred years old.

Sanduny (otherwise - Sandunovsky baths) was opened in 1808. They chose a convenient place for them - along Neglinnaya, 14, right on the corner. They were named in honor of Sandunov, a Georgian actor, who bought the land near the Neglinnaya River in order to build a steam room.

After the death of Sila Nikolaevich, the baths were transferred many times from one owner to another. Like the saunas of Izhevsk, these baths were bought over and over again.

And then came the year 1894. The baths passed into the possession of Alexei Ganetsky and his wife, Vera Firsanova. They decided to completely change the old baths - it is their efforts with the Sanduns that now only the metropolitan saunas Lux can argue. In order to restore order, they invited a famous architect, Kalugin.

The renovated Sandunovsky baths were luxurious. Water was supplied to them from the Moscow River, lighting was provided by their own power plants.

Much later, in the 45th-46th year of the twentieth century, the baths were reconstructed again.

For a long time Sanduny remained a museum complex. Until September 8, 2011, VIP-type saunas opened their doors to guests again.

Now Sandunovskie baths are excellent service, separate rooms, comfortable steam rooms and recreation areas. Guests can choose from eight stylized rooms, each with a Russian stove, swimming pool, hammam and Jacuzzi.

Available rooms:

1) "Sadko" (in a fairy-tale style, for a company of up to six people);

2) "Lukomorye" (in the epic style, for a company of up to four people);

3) "Roman" (in classical style, for a company of up to six people);

4) "Merchant" (in the old Russian style, for a company of up to four people);

5) "Soviet" (in the style of "Stalin's Empire", for a company of up to three or four people;

6) "Baikal" (in the classical style, for a company of up to ten people);

7) "Kandaria" (in the ancient ideological style, for a company of up to four people);

8) "Kamchatka" (in the style of the Russian Cossacks, for a company of up to ten people).

Sanduny baths are still a favorite place for visiting residents and guests of the capital, foreign ambassadors and local bath fans. The cost of visiting here is higher than in other metropolitan baths and saunas, but the service is much superior to the usual "bath" service. They still follow all the traditions - both for kindling, and for the care of steam rooms and washing rooms. Because "Sanduny" is still the most famous, oldest and favorite baths in Russia.

Let's start with the most interesting - what is a beautiful bath from a bar, by what criteria and who evaluates it, on the basis of which this “status” can be assigned to a bath. By what signs will we determine the beauty of the bath?

The beauty of the bath does not depend on the size, as some owners think. It can be a wonderful small bathhouse in all respects. Or maybe a huge building, reminiscent of an ordinary barracks and indicating a complete lack of a sense of reality of its owner. It also happens the other way around, of course.

Price. Save in this case is not worth it, from low-quality cheap materials beautiful buildings are not created. But in everything you need to observe the measure - the "golden toilet" in the bath is also not a sign of beauty. Each item or element of the bath should be done in accordance with generally recognized standards.

The concept of beauty. This is a very conditional definition, some people like tall and thin women, while others prefer short and plump ones. Who can give an objective assessment of beauty? Objectively, no one, and rightly so. Hence - a beautiful bath from a bar should, first of all, be liked by its owner, and not by others. It is very pleasant when your concepts of beauty coincide with the opinions of others, if they do not match, listen to your voice. In the end, you are building a beautiful bathhouse to please yourself, and not to give food for empty reasoning to various "experts and critics."

VIP - bath from glued beams
The project of a one-story Finnish bath

The interior of a one-story Finnish bath with a veranda
Finnish steam bath interior

Layout of a one-story Finnish bath

In view of the foregoing, we will present to you, in our opinion, several beautiful bathhouses made of timber. We do not hope that absolutely everyone will like them, everyone will have their own opinion. And this is very good, otherwise the architects would be left without work, and all the baths would be "twin brothers".

Bath 6x4 with a veranda
The appearance of the bath

Bath, back view The layout of the bath size 6x4 plus veranda

The dimensions of the building are 7.65 × 7.65 m. The roof is gable sloping, insulated, slopes of various lengths. The roof covering is made of high-quality flexible tiles. The bath is perfectly inscribed in the existing design of the suburban area. The presence of independent heating allows you to use the bath all year round and not only during the warm period.

A spacious beautiful terrace makes it possible to relax on it not only after taking water procedures. Inside there is a steam room and a washing room, a toilet and a rest room, for maintenance there is a separate technical room.

Bath architectural featuresDescriptionIllustration
Foundation.Shallow-reinforced reinforced tape on a sand cushion. The plinth and chimney are lined with natural stone. All ventilation openings are covered with decorative grilles.
Srub.Production material - glued laminated timber, the outer side is polished. The final coating of the facade walls of the bath is made with three layers of stable transparent varnish.
Internal lining.The premises are sheathed with natural clapboard, the surfaces are varnished. Steam and waterproofing is used. Rolled mineral wool 100 mm thick was chosen for insulation. The ceiling and walls of the washing room and steam room are insulated with aluminum foil.
Ceilings.There are ceilings only in the steam room and the washing room, in the rest of the rooms the sheathing of the truss system serves as the ceiling. The roof is insulated with mineral wool. All visible wooden elements are varnished. Such a roof device allows you to significantly increase the volume of the premises and give them an original exclusive look. Lighting fixtures are mounted on the structural elements of the truss system.
Floors.In all rooms, except for the washing room, the floors are made of natural boards. In the washing room, warm floors were made on a concrete base; foam concrete was used to reduce unproductive heat losses. The floor heating system in the washing room is connected to the bath heating system.
Roof.The coating material is high-quality flexible tiles, the top coating of the tiles is mineral chips. The base of the bituminous tile is a non-woven fiber with increased physical strength indicators, the service life of the tile exceeds fifty years.
Windows and doors.Made of natural wood, have an original geometric shape. Interior doors are framed with stained glass. Carved oak entrance doors with additional decorative elements.
Network engineering.Sewerage is autonomous, there is a complete cleaning and accumulation system. A single-phase electrical network is connected to the bath, there is a ground loop, internal wiring is carried out with a three-core cable. The stove for a steam room is solid fuel on wood, the firebox goes into the technical room. An electric boiler with fully automated control is installed to heat the interior and the floor of the washing room. It is allowed to connect all electrical devices to the "smart home" system.

The sauna is used all year round; if desired, the interior premises can be used as an additional reception room. The presence of a kitchen in the rest room greatly expands the functionality of using the room.

The next project has a more impressive size, which allows you to increase the status of the bath and create excellent conditions in it not only for taking water procedures, but also for a good rest on ordinary days.

Dimensions 9x9 meters, which allows you to increase the area of ​​the interior to the optimum level. There is a steam room (8.41 m2), a shower room (6.87 m2), a relaxation room (2.89 m2), a separate pantry (7.91 m2), a sanitary unit (1.56 m2) and a vestibule (3.25 m2). ). The impressive terrace (16.86 m2) can accommodate a large number of guests at any time of the year. The floors on the terrace are made of special boards made using plastics - they do not rot, are not afraid of freezing / freezing, and have high wear resistance.

Bath architectural features

The bath is built of profiled timber, in the corners there is a connection with the rest, the roofing material of the roof is high-quality ondulin.

The veranda looks very original, the use of timber as fencing not only increases the reliability of the structure, but also significantly improves the appearance of the building, gives it solidity and increases reliability.

The foundation is tape shallow-reinforced, there are ventilation ducts and technical holes for drainage.

Prices for ondulin

Video - Do-it-yourself shallow-depth tape foundation

The holes are "masked" with decorative grilles. The plinth is finished with natural stone, around the building there is a blind area made of concrete and natural stone.

Log cabin made of profiled timber 150×150 mm, external walls are covered with resistant paints in several layers. All architectural elements made of wood are impregnated with antiseptics.

Doors and windows have a darker color - the bath is artificially aging. The last three crowns of the log house gradually increase in length in the corners, the bath takes the form of an old "merchant's house". All visible joints of wooden structures are made without the use of nails and self-tapping screws; complex notches of wood are widely used. The steps are concrete, trimmed with natural stone.

The interiors are insulated with pressed mineral wool 100 mm thick. Modern materials were used for steam and hydro protection, the steam room and washing room are insulated with aluminum coatings - moisture penetration to wooden structures is completely excluded. The upholstery of the inner walls is natural lining, the interiors have a lot of carved wooden decor. Ceiling and floor plinths are characterized by a unique profile and increased cleanliness of processing.

Inside the premises, there are a lot of carved handmade wood items, the use of furniture and finishing materials of artificial origin is minimized. The bath should be attractive not only from the outside, the interiors of the premises are very important for a comprehensive assessment of the beauty of the building.

Prices for wooden plinth

wooden plinth

Video - Carved decor for a wooden bath

Now let's move on to an even more original and beautiful project of a bath with a pool.

The dimensions along the perimeter are 14.1 × 9.9 meters, the bath has an indoor pool with an area of ​​47.35 m2. The room has a lounge with a fireplace, a shower, a steam room, a pantry, two warm vestibules and a porch. The windows and doors are made of natural wood, the walls are insulated from the inside. It should be noted that all beautiful and expensive baths do not have additional finishing of facade walls, they have only a natural look.

The premises are heated - the sauna is used all year round. There is a system of water supply, sewerage and independent heating. The heating boiler is electric with an electronic control system, it is possible to automatically turn on the heating system for preliminary heating of the interior. If the sauna premises are not used for a long time, the boiler can only maintain the “standby” temperature. It eliminates the appearance of unpleasant odors and mold.

The material of the external walls is rounded timber, the internal partitions are insulated frame, lining with clapboard with log imitation. Carved decorative elements were used to decorate the rest room, the room is divided into several separate zones. The floors in all rooms (except the shower room) are wooden. The shower floor is made of ceramic tiles, there is heating, the coolant is taken from a common boiler. The shower room has separate temperature control. Shower water is taken from the second circuit of the heating boiler.

The roof is complex broken, the angle of inclination of the slopes is 30 °, which makes the bathhouse look like ancient buildings. Attic space is not used, but the roof is insulated. This was done on purpose in the expectation that, if necessary, they can be easily used. The main entrance to the attic is from the pantry, the spare from the rest room. If desired, the owner of the bath in the minimum lines can install a wooden spiral staircase to the attic.

Roof covering from high-quality ondulin with increased thickness. The upper layers of the material have increased resistance to hard ultraviolet radiation. The color of the coating is selected taking into account the design of buildings already existing on the site.

The pool is the pride of the bathhouse owners. A complex of complex equipment for cleaning, disinfection and heating of water has been installed. The walls in the pool are made of special durable concrete, the surfaces are treated with high-quality materials with waterproof properties - leakage is completely excluded. The room with the pool is heated, a forced supply and exhaust ventilation system is installed, the units have the function of heat recovery. To create a comfortable temperature regime, additional electric heaters are installed, warm air enters through channels mounted around the perimeter of the room.

Pool in the bath - one of the options

Pool in the bath - an example

Video - Pool Construction Technology

Windows and doors have expensive durable baroque fittings, all joinery is made of natural hard and valuable wood. Glazing with double-glazed windows with innovative means of heat saving.

Such baths can be found not only in personal plots, but also in elite hunting farms. Two-story baths are used both for taking water procedures, and for short-term or long stay. These baths are both beautiful and multifunctional.

Architectural features of a two-story bath

The material of manufacture is rounded timber, the roof is covered with flexible tiles.

The second floor is an attic. On the ground floor there is a shower room (6.34 m2), a steam room (6.34 m2) and a large relaxation room (18.87 m2).

The interior of the rest room - an example

At the entrance there is a covered terrace (21.85 m2). The terrace is perfectly insulated, which allows it to be used all year round. An electric fireplace is installed to heat the terrace.

A wooden marching staircase leads to the second floor.

The layout of the second floor is more like a small country house. It has a kitchen (9.12m2), a bedroom (9.93m2) and a bathroom (2.94m2). From the kitchen there is access to a spacious balcony (21.85 m2). In a word, a two-story bath has everything you need not only for a temporary comfortable stay, but also for a long stay.

Bar prices


Blind area - an example

Reinforced tape, the depth of occurrence is below the maximum level of soil freezing in winter. The basement part is finished with natural stone, a concrete pavement is made to protect the foundation from rain and melt water, the upper decorative coating is stone blocks. Ventilation openings and technological exits of engineering networks are provided in the foundation.

log cabin

For the construction, rounded timber Ø 150 mm was used, interventional insulation was jute.

The corners are collected in half a tree with a remainder.

The bar of chamber drying, has impregnation against rotting and fungal diseases. Such impregnation allows the material to retain its original appearance for a long time.

Interior decoration

Internal walls are covered with several layers of transparent and safe varnish for residents. The steam room and shower room are insulated with mineral wool and lined with natural clapboard. Aluminum foil is used for vapor protection of these rooms.

Floors and ceilings

From natural boards 35 mm thick, the floors are insulated with mineral wool, waterproofing from modern materials. To increase the durability of floor coverings, the most modern building technologies are used. Ceilings are insulated with a layer of rolled mineral wool, paneling. On the second (mansard) floor, the ceilings can be hemmed with sheets of high-quality plywood, followed by varnishing the front surface.

Windows and doors

Made according to individual projects, the material of manufacture is natural wood. They have an original shape that emphasizes the overall design and design features of the bath. Fittings of well-known manufacturers, selected according to the type of interiors. In terms of decoration, the interior of the bathhouse resembles a country style, but with the observance of folk characteristics.

Network engineering

For ease of use, the bathhouse has a water supply and sewerage system. The sewer system has full set special equipment for treatment and temporary storage of wastewater.

Video - An example of installing a septic tank for a bath

Video - Installation of plumbing in the bath

For heating, a separate electric heating boiler is installed, the control and monitoring of operating modes is carried out by an electronic unit. Water is supplied by a deep well pump or an ordinary float pump from a well. There is no storage tank, the pump has its own rubber accumulator.

It is immediately clear that experienced architects worked on the project, they managed to successfully combine the beauty and functionality of the bath. Moreover, this version of the structure takes up quite a bit of space, which allows you to build a structure in small free areas.

Project #5

Gradually, we approached the consideration of the most original, complex and beautiful project. This bath has everything that "soul, body and eye" wants, the presence of such a bath is evidence of the high social status of its owner.

We list what the owner of this bath can boast of. Steam room, Turkish bath, shower room, dressing room, rest room, sanitary unit, swimming pool, wardrobe, covered barbecue area, porch and terrace. What else do you need for complete comfort and good rest?

The bathhouse is made of profiled timber, the roof is covered with high-quality tiles made of modified bitumen and artificial rubber, the top layer of the tiles is covered with natural stone chips. Ceiling ceilings, except for the steam room and shower, are absent. The roof is insulated, sheathing of the truss system is made of natural lining. Heated pool. The basement, the supporting structures of the brazier and the visible part of the chimneys made of stone.

Photo of the pool - one of the possible options for a bath

The water in the pool is heated, cleaned and disinfected automatically. All bath rooms have water heating, an electric double-circuit boiler with an electronic control unit, it is possible to connect to the "smart home" system. Windows and doors are made of natural boards, paneled, decorative glass is inserted in the interior doors.

The brazier is used for preparing original snacks, a wood-fired oven, the floor is paved with paving stones. All external extensions are illuminated, sensors are installed to respond to movement and changes in natural light. Opening skylights are installed on the roof - it is possible to quickly ventilate large interior spaces. In addition, skylights provide an additional source of natural light.

The bathhouse has completely autonomous engineering communications, the power of the heating system allows you to maintain favorable microclimate indicators in the winter. If the owner wishes, additional electric heaters can be installed.

The interiors have a lot of decor, natural hardwood floors. The walls, floor and roof are insulated with mineral wool 150 mm thick; installation of steam and hydro protection is provided during the cladding.

Skylight prices



In the article, we specifically chose several completely different projects of beautiful baths, going from simple to complex. Thus, they tried to give general directions to modern designers and architects. A beautiful bath is the fruit of the work of many professional specialists; not only architects, but also engineers, technologists and, of course, designers are working on the project. The highest quality materials and advanced technologies are selected, and individual solutions are chosen for each individual case. Most of the projects are exclusive, designed for individual orders. Of course, each developer can make their own changes, but this must be done carefully and with knowledge of the matter. Unprofessional changes in complex projects can adversely affect the strength of the supporting elements of the bath. If there is a desire to make your own changes, then it is better to change only design solutions, not to touch engineering and architectural developments.

And the last. Everyone dreams of a beautiful sauna, but surprising as it may seem, most of the "dreamers" can make it come true. This will require perseverance and the ability to choose the best solution for yourself. This should take into account the maximum number of different factors.

Video - Construction of a bath from a bar

Bath, with its steam and brooms, cozy atmosphere, is not so much an object of hygiene as favorite place recreation. And if so, I want her to be the best. But to be honest, we all love to add “cheap” to “convenient” and “beautiful”. And since the ingenuity of our people is not to take, then the decisions are very curious, albeit often practical. We've put together a selection of photos, some of which might give you ideas...

Many are often confused by the window in the steam room. Well, how to make it so that under no circumstances does it blow, but opens easily. And here is the solution - the door from the washing machine. Well, why not a sealed window. No drafts or problems with opening.

More to the question of beauty. How do you store firewood? Yes. Me too. And there are some very simple, but very unusual and decorating solutions. Moreover, they do not require any extra effort to implement.

For the construction of such a woodpile, you need to give a medal. Only now, it would be a pity to disassemble it ... I'll have to go back to the forest.

And this is a work of art. It will be a pity to destroy

Recently, Japanese mini-baths with heating ofuro or furako have become more and more popular. Here is our response to the Japanese who stole our wooden barrel. Everything is very simple and you do not need to build anything.

The main thing is not to overheat ...
There would be a hunt, you can take a steam bath ...

We already wrote, but there are still baths in trailers.

This version of the mobile bath does not need to be assembled. You can steam even on the road .... if you have a desire

But this is not all mobile baths. For lovers of cycling there is a sauna on bicycle wheels. Cling to the bike, and go. This is a miracle on wheels.

For lovers of cycling — sauna on bicycle wheels

There are even stranger baths. On one of ski resorts there is a steam room in the lift. Frozen while skiing down the mountain? Get in, steam up.

Sauna at the ski the ski lift

You can move not only on the roads (or off-road). If there is a lake or a river nearby, you can put a floating bathhouse. And no problems with and . Went out and into the water.

Sauna on the water - and no problems with the pool
Floating steam room - immediately into the water

Who told you that they should only be in the oven? If there are several large stones, all that remains is to finish the walls between them. Get a fireproof bath. Like in this photo.

And yet we associate the bath with a tree. And rightly so: due to the fact that the wood “breathes”, we can breathe in the steam room without any problems. But the construction of a log cabin is not an easy and very expensive undertaking. Not everyone knows how to work well with an ax or pay the cost of building a log house by specialists. Here is a solution: a bath of chocks. They are smeared with clay mixed with straw. It turns out warm, reliable, beautiful walls, which also breathe well and keep heat just as well. These are the baths from the category "cheap and cheerful."

    Built back in the 19th century, the Krasnopresnensky baths have turned into a huge modern health complex that carefully preserves all the bathing traditions of the past. In the early 2000s, a large-scale reconstruction and redevelopment of the premises was carried out here, and now there are many women's and men's departments of various categories, as well as Russian steam rooms, Finnish saunas, spacious pools, hot tubs, its own gym, solarium, laundry and salon beauty. In terms of price and quality, perhaps the best baths in Moscow. Great place for a male or female company, family vacation, youth and the elderly. Clean, comfortable and very friendly.

    A real palace of bathing art, built in 1808 and still popular among Muscovites and visitors. The interiors amaze with their splendor, you can come here as if on an excursion to a museum and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the century before last right from the doorstep. There are three men's and two women's bath departments, there are spacious lounges, many showers, deep pools under huge vaults with stucco, real Russian steam rooms. The restaurant "Sanduny" always serves cold beer, mead, rye kvass with horseradish, ice vodka, dishes of Russian, Uzbek and Chinese cuisine.

    The oldest three-story bath complex in Moscow, which has been under reconstruction for a long time. But after it was acquired by the Gizma Project company and underwent a major overhaul, a restaurant was located on the ground floor. The women's department occupies the entire second floor, the men's - on the third. The bathrooms are huge and very clean. There is a small pool where you can take a dip after the steam room. Tuesday is the day of visiting only for preferential categories of citizens. On other days the visit is at full price. And although the prices cannot be called low, you can purchase a subscription for 5 or 10 visits.

    There are three bath departments here: women's and two men's (first and second category). The steam rooms are made of hardwood (oak, ash, larch, linden) and equipped with gas stoves with cast-iron ingots, which create the atmosphere of a real traditional Russian bath. The institution works all year round without interruption, despite summer water cuts, there is always hot water here. On Sunday mornings, a special steam is served here with eucalyptus, horseradish and fullness - the best remedy from a cold. Boiling water containers are installed everywhere, you can brew tea for free. There is an ice-cold pool, massage tables and its own restaurant, where they cook delicious food.

    The oldest baths in Moscow, built in 1888, are included in the list of "14 most interesting baths in the world", according to Forbes. The procedure of soaring is erected here into a real ritual. Thanks to the unique atmosphere of the vaulted steam rooms, which have not been rebuilt since its inception, you can always try a real “light steam” here. And thanks to its own boiler room, it is possible to constantly maintain the correct temperature in the steam rooms. There are women's, men's departments, as well as superior rooms.

    The bath complex is located in several Stalin-era buildings built in 1938. Despite this, modest but high-quality repairs have been made in all departments. However, real connoisseurs loved this place for high-quality steam, cold pools and fonts, and for a very affordable prices. In addition to the public section, there are several VIP rooms with private booths. One of the few places in Moscow where the visit time is not taken into account, and you can relax at least all day.

    Izmailovo baths have been famous for many years for their luxurious interior, perfect cleanliness and order. That is why it is customary to come here with children, especially since children under 7 years old enter for free, from 7 to 12 years old - a 50% discount. There is a hairdressing salon, a body philosophy studio, and a solarium in the bath building. Here you can get a manicure and pedicure, visit the spa-procedures. Two large halls receive visitors divided into "male" and "female" days. It is better to clarify the schedule and coordinate the visit in advance by phone.

    A popular public bath since Soviet times. Simple and cozy interior, calm pleasant music, spacious and bright halls, visiting time is not limited. Friendly staff, professional masseurs and attendants meet and see off any client as a family member. In the building of the bath complex there is a beauty salon, a hairdresser, departments of the Finnish sauna, Russian bath, Turkish bath. A large selection of aromatic oils for the steam room, a spacious deep pool with ice-cold water, separate changing cabins where tea and dishes from a cafe with Russian cuisine are served.

    The bath has existed since 1936 and consists of 6 halls, made in different styles. The facility is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Steaming in the Russian bath is carried out on birch wood. Three large renovated halls accommodate big companies up to 25 people. There are two small family saunas designed for 2-6 people. Professional bath attendants soar with oak and birch twigs and do massages. The complex has 10 lounges, its own gym, karaoke, large swimming pools and a billiard room.

    Bathhouses appeared in the 18th century, water for them was taken from the nearby Neglinensky ponds. Seleznevsky baths, along with Sandunovsky, were a favorite vacation spot. The Seleznevsky baths are unique in their structure - the buildings of the red brick baths do not stand on the foundation, but on oak piles, under which small rivers flow.