What are the names of the mountains in America. The highest mountains in North America - descriptions, names

North America can be conditionally, in our head, divided into two parts: the northern and central parts of the continent are covered with plains. But in the west and southeast of North America there are mountains. It so happened that it is in this part that a very large number of beautiful and scenic spots. Every year, these areas attract many thousands of climbers and other tourists who love dangerous hiking. Also a very large number ski resorts located in this area. We present to your attention the 5 most beautiful mountains of North America that everyone should visit and, if possible, conquer.

Mountains of North America - Cordillera

The Cordillera are the longest rocky mountains in North America. On the territory of North America there is a very large number of rocky mountains and the most famous of them are located in this mountain system. The Cordillera Mountains stretch from the territory of Alaska to the central part. Further, they already pass into the Andes mountains where they cover the southern mainland. This mountainous area is crossed by many faults that start from the ocean itself and end on land. These mountains resulted from the convergence of two lithospheric plates. But some experts argue that the process of mountain formation has not yet been completed to the very end. Earthquakes are very common in this area. Only the Himalayas can compete with them in height. The highest point of the Cordillera is Mount McKinley, whose height is 6193 meters. These mountains are truly unique, they fascinate, you can look at them throughout your life, and to conquer them is the cherished dream of millions and millions of people on the planet. Built along the entire length of the mountains the most beautiful hotels which will accept all interested tourists.

Mountains of North America - Appalachians

These beautiful mountains create a very beautiful landscape in North America. On the border of the United States and Canada, the most beautiful mountains of the Appalachians are stretched, the length of which is 2600 kilometers. The mountains are not very high compared to others, the highest is Mount Washington with a height of 1916 meters. The slopes of the mountains are covered with mixed and coniferous forests, there are deposits of iron ore, oil, coal and gas. It is worth looking at the Appalachians, as you immediately want to climb them and believe me it's worth it, but be careful on the slopes. Such mountains are suitable for almost all novice climbers and amateur tourists.

Mountains of North America - Sierra Nevada

These mountains are the most famous mountains in North America and looking at the photo you will understand why they are the most famous. Probably every person on earth has heard this at least once in their life. beautiful name. But very few people know that we are talking about these mountains that stretch for west coast USA. The length of the mountain range is 750 kilometers and originates from the Fredonier Pass and reaches right up to the Tehapachi Pass. Of course, they are not the most high mountains North America, but the most beautiful and picturesque. Every river, every source that is located on the tops of the mountains, flows into Pacific Ocean. The highest point is Mount Rose, which is 2700 meters high. These mountains are known all over the world for their beauty and unique scenic spots.

Mountains of North America - Eastern Sierra Madre

A very beautiful and probably unique ridge, which is located parallel to each other in Mexico. It is the eastern part of the Sierra Madre. This beautiful mountainous area is located on the edge of the Mexican Highlands and stretches for 1000 kilometers. The landscape is very beautiful and varied. In this mountainous area there are several great peaks with a height of 1000 to 3000 meters. There are also individual peaks whose height reaches 4000 meters. The highest peak is Mount Peña Nevada, its height is 4054 meters. Also worth visiting are the mountains of El Coahuilón and Cerro Potosi.

Mountains of North America - Coast Range

These mountains are located in the very west of the mainland. Their length is 1600 kilometers and they originate from Lake Atlin and end near the Fraser River. In fact, the Coast Range is part of the highlands of the Cordillera. But it so happened that it is correct to allocate it in a separate array, despite its location and some features. The highest point is Mount Waddington, its height is 4016 meters. Garibaldi Provincial Park is located on its territory and is the most visited place among tourists.

The material will help to form an accurate representation and supplement existing knowledge about the mountains in North America. Get an idea of ​​the mountain systems of the study area. The article will provide an opportunity to consolidate the knowledge gained earlier.

Features of the relief of the mainland

The peculiarity of the North American mountains is that they are located in almost every geographic zone. The mountainous terrain of the continent is provided with landscape diversity and a rich palette of the natural world.

Glaciers located in the mountains cover an area of ​​90 thousand km. sq. The bulk of the hills are concentrated in the northern part of the mainland.

Mountains of mainland North America

The largest mountain ranges are the Cordillera, they are divided into two parts: the Cordillera of North America and the Cordillera South America.

The Northern Cordilleras occupy the territories of such countries as:

TOP 4 articleswho read along with this

  • Canada;
  • Mexico.

They wander their origin from Alaska and reach the Isthmus of Panama.

The total length of the mountain system from north to south is about 6000 km. The highest point of the North American Cordilleras is McKinley Peak. This peak is also the highest point on the North American continent.

Rice. 1. Mount McKinley

This mountain peak was renamed Denali in 2015. In the dialect of the local Indians, it means "big."

The Cordilleras here are divided into a chain of mountain ranges. The highest of them is the "Alaska Range", where the highest peak is located.

In the southeast, within the territory of Canada and the United States, the Cordillera are already referred to as the "Rocky Mountains".

Rice. 2. Cordillera, or Rocky Mountains

The length of the Rocky Mountains exceeds six hundred kilometers. most high peak considered Mount Robson (3954 m.).

The list of mountain peaks is complemented by the Cascade Mountains. The ridge is almost entirely located in the United States. A small part of it covers the territory of Canada. most high point The Cascade Mountains is Mount Rainier (4392 m.). Rainier, among other things, also belongs to dormant volcanoes.

The peaks in the United States and the areas adjacent to them are declared national parks. Nature here is protected by the state and preserved in its original form.

The Siera Nevada complex is located in the western belt of the mountain range. Its highest point is Mount Whitney (4418 m.).

Rice. 3. Mount Whitney

In Mexico, the North American Cordillera split into two mountain ranges. They make up the Western and Eastern borders of the Sierra Madre.

At the southern tip, these mountain ranges are cut by a ridge of volcanic origin. It includes two famous volcano: Orisawa (its height is 5700 m.) and Popokatepetl (its height is 5452 m.).

In the old days, Asia and North America were united by dry land. The piece of land was called the Bering Bridge. Then the sea level was much lower. Several times the continents were united by this isthmus.

Plains occupy more than half of the mainland territories. In addition to the highlands and plains, North America also has a considerable number of natural sources with fresh water. Water comes from the atmosphere and thanks to the melting of glaciers.

The Cordillera Mountains of North America are the largest mountain chain in the world.

What have we learned?

We learned what is included in the complex of mountains of North America. Which mountain ranges have the highest peaks of the continent. Through which countries do the Cordillera pass? The article touches upon the issue of dormant and active volcanoes. Where are natural springs fresh water. What part of the continent is covered by mountains.

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The highest peaks are at the peak of the highest mountains of the seven continents. Among climbers they are known as " seven peaks", which was first conquered by Richard Bass on April 30, 1985.

Here are a few interesting facts about the highest points in all parts of the world.

highest mountain peaks

One of these days program Google Maps street view invited everyone to enjoy the view of the highest peaks of the world, offering interactive galleries of the highest mountains on Earth.

Maps include panoramic view of 4 of the 7 peaks: Everest in the Himalayas of Asia, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Elbrus in Europe and Aconcagua in South America.

You can make a virtual ascent of these peaks without exposing yourself to the heights and natural difficulties that climbers face.

1. The highest peak in the world and Asia - Mount Everest (Chomolungma)

Mount Everest height

8848 meters

Mount Everest geographic coordinates:

27.9880 degrees north latitude and 86.9252 degrees east longitude (27° 59" 17" N, 86° 55" 31" E)

Where is Mount Everest located?

Mount Everest or Chomolungma is highest mountain on earth, which is located in the area Mahalangur Himal in the Himalayas. The international border between China and Nepal runs along its summit. The Everest massif includes the neighboring peaks of Lhotse (8516 m), Nuptse (7861 m) and Changze (7543 m).

The highest mountain in the world attracts many experienced climbers and amateurs from all over the world. Although climbing the standard route is not technically a big problem, on Everest the biggest dangers are considered to be lack of oxygen, disease, weather and wind.

Other facts:

Mount Everest, which is also called Chomolungma from Tibetan it is translated as "Divine mother of snows" and from Nepali as "Mother of the Universe". The mountain is considered sacred to local residents. The name Everest was given in honor of the Briton George Everest, who was the first to measure the height of the highest mountain peak in the world.

Mount Everest annually rises by 3-6 mm and shifts to the northeast by 7 cm.

- First ascent of Everest committed New Zealander Edmund Hilary(Edmund Hillary) and Nepalese Sherpa Tenzing Norgay(Tenzing Norgay) as part of the British expedition on May 29, 1953.

The largest expedition to climb Everest consisted of 410 people who were part of the 1975 Chinese team.

- The safest year on Everest was 1993, when 129 people reached the top, and 8 died. The most tragic year was 1996, when 98 people conquered the summit, and 15 people died (8 of them died on May 11).

The Nepalese Sherpa Appa is the person who has most climbed Everest. He set the record by climbing 21 times from 1990 to 2011.

2. The highest peak in South America - Mount Aconcagua

Height of Aconcagua

6.959 meters

Geographic coordinates of Aconcagua.

32.6556 degrees south latitude and 70.0158 degrees west longitude (32°39"12.35"S 70°00"39.9"W)

Where is Mount Aconcagua

Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the Americas, located in the Andes mountain system in the province of Mendoza in Argentina. Also this highest peak in both the western and southern hemispheres.

The mountain is part Aconcagua National Park. It consists of a series of glaciers, the most famous of which is the Polish Glacier in the northeast, a frequent climbing route.

Other facts:

- Name "Aconcagua" probably means from the Araucan language "on the other side of the Aconcagua River" or from the Quechua language "Stone Guard".

In terms of mountaineering, Aconcagua is easy mountain to climb if heading for northern route that does not require ropes, hooks and other equipment.

- First conquered aconcagua british Edward Fitzgerald(Edward FitzGerald) in 1897.

The youngest climber to reach the summit of Aconcagua was 10 years old Matthew Monitz(Matthew Moniz) December 16, 2008. The oldest is 87 years old Scott Lewis(Scott Lewis) in 2007.

3. The highest mountain in North America - Mount McKinley

McKinley height

6194 meters

Geographic coordinates of McKinley.

63.0694 degrees north, 151.0027 degrees west (63° 4" 10" N, 151° 0" 26" W)

Where is Mount McKinley

Mount McKinley is located in Denali National Park in Alaska and is the highest peak in the United States and North America, as well as the third most prominent peak in the world after Mount Everest and Aconcagua.

Other facts:

Mount McKinley used to be the highest peak in Russia until Alaska was sold to the US.

Locals call it "Denali" (translated from the Athabaskan language "Great"), and the Russians who inhabited Alaska simply " big mountain". She was later renamed "McKinley" in honor of US President William McKinley.

- The first to conquer McKinley steel American climbers led by Hudson Stack(Hudson Stuck) and Harry Carstens(Harry Karstens) June 7, 1913.

Best climbing period - from May to July. Due to the far northern latitude, there is lower atmospheric pressure and less oxygen at the summit than other high mountains in the world.

4. The highest peak in Africa - Mount Kilimanjaro

Height of Kilimanjaro

5895 meters

Geographic coordinates of Kilimanjaro.

3.066 degrees south latitude and 37.3591 degrees east longitude (3° 4" 0" S, 37° 21" 33" E)

Where is Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and is located in Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania. This volcano consists of three volcanic cones: Kiba, Mawenzi and Shira. Kilimanjaro is a huge stratovolcano that began to form a million years ago when lava erupted in the Rift Valley region.

Two peaks: Mawenzi and Shira are extinct volcanoes, while the highest - Kibo is dormant volcano, which may erupt again. The last major eruption occurred 360,000 years ago, and activity was recorded only 200 years ago.

Other facts:

There are several versions explaining Origin of "Kilimanjaro". One theory is that the name comes from the Swahili word "Kilima" ("mountain") and the Kichagga word "Njaro" ("whiteness"). According to another version, Kilimanjaro is the European origin of the phrase kichagga, which means "we did not climb it."

Since 1912, Kilimanjaro has lost more than 85 percent of its snow. According to scientists In 20 years, all the snow on Kilimanjaro will melt.

- First ascent was made by a German researcher Hans Meyer(Hans Meyer) and an Austrian climber Ludwig Purtsheller(Ludwig Purtscheller) on the third attempt October 6, 1889

- About 40,000 people try to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro every year.

The youngest climber to climb Mount Kilimanjaro was 7 years old Keats Boyd(Keats Boyd), who made the ascent on January 21, 2008.

5. The highest peak in Europe (and Russia) - Mount Elbrus

The height of Mount Elbrus

5642 meters

Geographic coordinates of Mount Elbrus

43.3550 degrees North, 42.4392 East (43° 21" 11" N, 42° 26" 13" E)

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Mount Elbrus is an extinct volcano located in the western part of Caucasus mountains on the border of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia in Russia. The top of Elbrus is the highest in Russia, in Europe and the western part of Asia. The western peak reaches 5642 m, and the eastern 5621 m.

Other facts:

- Name "Elbrus" comes from the Iranian word "Albors", which means "high mountain". It is also called Ming tau ("eternal mountain"), Yalbuz ("mane of snow") and Oshkhamakho ("mountain of happiness")

Elbrus is covered by a permanent ice sheet that supports 22 glaciers, which in turn feed the Baksan, Kuban and Malka rivers.

Elbrus located in a mobile tectonic region, and deep under the extinct volcano is molten magma.

- First ascent on the east summit Elbrus was made on July 10, 1829 Hilar Kachirov, who was on the expedition of the Russian General G.A. Emmanuel, and to the western one (which is about 40 m higher) - in 1874 by an English expedition led by F. Crawford Grove(F. Crauford Grove).

From 1959 to 1976 a cable car , which takes visitors to a height of 3750 meters.

A year on Elbrus about 15-30 people die mainly due to poorly organized attempts to conquer the summit

In 1997 SUV Land Rover Defender climbed to the top of Elbrus, setting a Guinness world record.

6. The highest peak of Antarctica - Vinson Massif

Vinson array height

4892 meters

Geographic coordinates of the Vinson massif

78.5254 degrees south latitude and 85.6171 degrees west longitude (78° 31" 31.74" S, 85° 37" 1.73" W)

Vinson Massif on the map

The Vinson Massif is the highest mountain in Antarctica, located on the Sentinel Range in the Ellsworth Mountains. The massif, approximately 21 km long and 13 km wide, is located 1200 km from the South Pole.

Other facts

The highest peak is Vinson Peak, named after Carl Vinson- Member of the US Congress. The Vinson Array was first discovered in 1958, and first ascent was committed in 1966.

In 2001, the first expedition reached the summit via the Eastern route and measurements of the height of the summit were made using GPS.

More 1400 people tried to conquer Vinson Peak.

7. The highest peak in Australia and Oceania - Mount Punchak Jaya

Height of Puncak Jaya

4884 meters

Geographic coordinates of Puncak Jaya.

4.0833 degrees south latitude 137.183 degrees east longitude (4° 5" 0" S, 137° 11" 0" E)

Where is Punchak Jaya

Puncak Jaya or Carstens Pyramid is the highest peak of Mount Carstens in western Papua, Indonesia.

This mountain is highest in Indonesia, on the island New Guinea, in Oceania (on the Australian plate), the highest mountain on the island, and the highest point between the Himalayas and the Andes.

Mount Kosciuszko is considered the highest peak on the Australian continent., whose height is 2228 meters.

Other facts:

When Indonesia began to administer the province in 1963, the summit was renamed Sukarno Summit in honor of the President of Indonesia. Later it was renamed Punchak Jaya. The word "Puncak" in Indonesian means "mountain or peak", and "Jaya" is translated as "victory".

The summit of Punchak Jaya conquered for the first time in 1962, Austrian climbers led by Heinrich Garrer(Heinrich Harrer) and three other members of the expedition.

Access to the summit requires government permission. The mountain was closed to hikers and climbers from 1995 until 2005. Since 2006, access has been possible through various travel agencies.

Puncak Jaya is considered one of the hardest climbs. He has the highest technical rating, but not the greatest physical demands.

The Cordillera is the longest mountain system that crosses South and North America. Therefore, it is divided into the Cordillera of North America and the Cordillera of South America.

The top 10 included highest mountains in North America.

10. Split | Height 4 287 m

Opens the top ten of the highest mountains in North America. Mountain peak located in the state of California (USA) in the territory national park Kings Canyon. The height of the mountain is 4287 m above sea level. The peak was named after the bifurcating peak by climber Bolton Brown in 1895.

9. Russell | Height 4 296 m

Mountain peak in the Sierra Nevada system in North America, located on the territory of the Sequoia National Park (California, USA). Located 1.3 km north of Mount Whitney (the highest in the range). In height it reaches 4296 meters.

8. Sill | Height 4 316 m

A mountain peak with a height of 4316 meters, located in the Sierra Nevada system in the United States, on the territory of the Kings Canyon National Park. The Paiute Indians called the mountain Nen-i-mish, which literally means "Guardian of the Valley." The English name Sill was given to the mountain by Joseph LeConte in 1904, after the American poet Edward Rowland Sill.

7. Shasta | Height 4 317 m

The highest mountain in North America, which reaches 4317 meters. According to one version, the origin of the name of the mountain has Russian roots - from the word "happiness". So the first Russian settlers in California called the mountain, and the Indians changed it to Shasta. The mountain belongs to the stratovolcanoes. Volcanic scientists say that Shasta's eruption is imminent, but it's impossible to predict the timing yet. There are 4 peaks adjacent to the main peak, which have different degrees of activity. Shasta is characterized by eternal snows that do not melt even in the hottest summer months. In total, 7 glaciers were discovered on the mountain, located on the northern and eastern slopes at an altitude of over 3000 m. In clear weather, Shasta shines like a gem and can be seen for 100 miles.

6. North Palisade | Height 4 341 m

The third highest mountain in the Sierra Nevada massif in California (4341 meters). The peak did not submit to man until 1903. The northern slope of the mountain is one of the popular climbing walls. The mountain is located in the Kings Canyon National Park.

5. White Mountain Peak | Height 4 342 m

Included in the list of the highest mountains in North America. The height of the peak is 4342 meters. The University of California has three high-altitude research stations on the slopes of this mountain: Crooked Creek at an altitude of 3100 m, Barcroft (3800 m), and a small station at the top. Conquering the peak does not require climbing skills, but it is a serious problem for tourists due to the high altitude.

4. Williamson | Height 4 390 m

One of the highest mountains in the Sierra Nevada range of North America. The height of the peak is 4390 meters. The summit was not conquered until 1884. Best season to climb the mountain: June, July, August, September. Climbing a peak like Mount Williamson requires more physical than technical training. Some sections may require some effort, but the entire route can be completed in one day without the need for a lot of special tools and equipment. The organization of intermediate camps, as well as complex acclimatization on such a peak, is not required.

3. Mount Whitney | Height 4 421 m

The highest point of the Sierra Nevada ranges in North America, whose height is 4421 meters. The western slope of the mountain is located on the territory of the Sequoia National Park. The mountain got its name in honor of the 19th-century American geologist Josiah Whitney, who laid the foundation for a comprehensive geological survey of California lands. The first conquerors of its summit in 1873 were the fishermen Charles Begole, A. H. Johnson, and John Lucas, who lived in the California city of Lone Pine. Whitney is the first peak on the California Fourteen-Thousanders list, the twelve mountains in California that rise above 14,000 feet. It is also the highest point in the Continental States.

2. Robson | Height 3 954 m

One of the highest points of the Rocky Mountain range located in North America with a height of 3954 m. Mount Robson is distinguished by an amazing vertical structure of the relief and separation from the surrounding area. The distance from Lake Berg to the summit is 2300 m. The northern slope is heavily snowed. The thickness of the ice sheet leaves 800 meters from the summit to the Berg Glacier. The height of the southern slope reaches 3000 meters from the foot to the top. The south side of the mountain is clearly visible from the Yellowhead highway (highway 16). The northern slope is visible from the shore of Lake Berg, from a distance of 19 km. The lake has a length of about 2 km. Camps were built at different ends of the lake. Robson Glacier is the source of the Robson River, which flows around the northeast side of the mountain and flows into the ocean. At the foot (on the peneplain) of the Robson Glacier, Nunatak is located, which divides the flow of the glacier into two parts: the western valley of the Robson River and the Eastern Albert Trench. Mount Robson has a very low summit statistic - only 10% of expeditions are successful. Although the mountain is below 4000 m, there are no easily accessible routes to the top, and bad weather crush most climb attempts.

1. Denali | Height 6 190 m

The highest mountain in North America, which is 6190 meters high. Located in the center national reserve Denali in Alaska. For more than a hundred years, this two-headed mountain was called McKinley. Only in 2015, US President Barack Obama returned its historical name. This is one of the most inaccessible peaks in the world. It is believed that in 1839 the Russian navigator Ferdinand Wrangel put the mountain on the map of Russian America. Until 1867, Denali was the highest point Russian Empire until Alaska, along with the mountain, was sold to the United States on March 30. In the translation from the language of the Athabaskan Indians, the name of Mount Denali (Denali) means "Great". Russians during the period of colonization of Alaska called it simply - Big Mountain. According to some reports, this is one of the variants of the translation of the Indian name. In 1896, the gold digger William Dickey made the first scientific measurements, which showed that the height of the peak reaches over 6000 meters. He proposed to name it in honor of the US presidential candidate William McKinley, who, in his election program, put the security of the US dollar with a gold reserve as one of the points. This name (Mount McKinley) was used until 2015. The mountain has an unusual shape, it is one of the few "two-headed mountains". Counting from the bottom (deep underwater) to the top, this massif is taller than the world's greatest peak, Mount Everest.

The North American relief can be conditionally divided into several types: in the central and northern parts you can admire the delightful plains, and the southeast and west are represented mainly by mountain ranges. North America is a unique continent where you can see all the diversity and splendor of nature. Despite the fact that the local peaks are far from even reaching seven thousand meters, mountaineering in these places is popular. On some slopes you can snowboard and ski almost all year round, on other peaks there are routes of different difficulty levels. In any case, the mountains of North America leave no one indifferent, we present to your attention the rating - the highest mountains in North America: Top 10.

10. Mount Steel (5073 m)

Mount Steele is administratively located in the United States, is part of mountain range"Alaska and the Yukon Ranges". The summit did not submit to man for a long time, until 1935 not a single climber managed to climb the peak. Guides and professional climbers consider the end of summer - the beginning of autumn to be the most preferable for rock climbing. Despite the relatively low altitude, climbing to the top takes a lot of time and requires careful preparation. You can’t climb Steel alone, you will definitely need the help of a whole team of like-minded people. Depending on the route, a person may need to organize several intermediate stops and a long acclimatization.

9. Mount King (5173 m)

Administratively, Peak King is located in the state of Canada, in the Yukon province, geographically - it is part of the Alaska region, in the Saint Elias Mountains. The height of King Peak is measured with high accuracy and in feet is 16,971 feet. The most favorable period for climbing is spring, summer and the first two autumn months. The summit is far from being conquered by everyone and requires sufficient preparation, since along the entire route there are extremely difficult sections to overcome. Experienced climbers believe that Peak King cannot be overcome without high quality equipment. Another difficulty here may be difficult weather conditions, which should not be underestimated.

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8. Istaxihuatl (5230 m)

It is located in tropical equatorial latitudes in the north of the Western Hemisphere. Administratively, Iztaccihuatl belongs to Mexico, geographically to the Cordillera Neovolcanica mountain range. The summit was first climbed in 1889. Winter and early spring are considered optimal for climbing. Climbing the peak is akin to walking, but for a person with heart problems, you need to be careful. Several routes of varying difficulty have been developed for climbers; professional climbers are invited to use the most extreme route.

7. Mount Lucania (5240 m)

Mount Lucania is located in subpolar latitudes and administratively belongs to the state of Canada (the exact location of Mount Lucania is Yukon Province). Geographical position the peak is associated with the Saint Elias Mountains. The first ascent took place in 1937, before that several attempts were made to conquer the summit, but they were not crowned with success. The best time for climbing is summer, and the expedition should consist of several people, since a solo ascent is almost impossible here. Particular attention should be paid to insurance, as there are very dangerous gaps along the route.

6. Mount Foraker (5304 m)

It is located in the mid-subpolar latitudes in the northern part of the Western Hemisphere. Administratively, Mount Foraker belongs to the United States of America; geographically, the peak belongs to the Alaska Range. The summit was conquered by man in 1934, after which routes of varying degrees of difficulty were laid along its slopes. Climbers consider the period from April to June to be ideal for climbing, while without serious preparation it will not be possible to overcome the height. Periodically, there are sharp temperature drops and worsening weather conditions, which only complicates the ascent.

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5. Popocatepetl (5426 m)

Administratively, the peak is located on the territory of the state of Mexico, geographically belongs to the Cordillera Neovolcanica mountain range. The name Popocatépetl is translated from the Nahuatl dialect as "smoking hill" and this is quite justified: Popocatépetl in its geology is active volcano, located next to another giant of volcanic origin - Istaxihuatl. These two peaks have become famous all over the world, as they are part of the "Legend of Popocatepetl and Istaxihuatl". Not far from the volcano is the capital of the country - Mexico City, whose population is more than 20 million people. For the first time, the mountain was conquered by Diago de Ordaz in 1519, after which the image of Popocatepetl was applied to the clan hymn of the climber.

4. Mount St. Elias (5489 m)

Mount St. Elias is located in the mid-subpolar latitudes, in the northern part of the Western Hemisphere and administratively belongs to the United States, and geographically is part of the Saint Elias Mountains. The first ascent was made in 1897, although attempts had been made before that, but weather conditions stopped climbers in the middle of the path. The summer months are considered the most favorable for climbing, although even in this case, daredevils will need professional equipment, special insurance and a guide who knows the local specifics.

3. Mount Orizaba (5675 m)

Pico de Orizaba or Sitlaltepetl, translated from the Aztec "star mountain", is part of the Cordillera mountain range. According to the geological component, it is a stratovolcano, administratively located on the territory of Mexico and is considered its largest peak. The last major eruptions were officially recorded in 1613, 1630, 1687 and 1846. The first ascent was made in 1848 by American explorers Maynard and Reynolds. best time for the rise is considered the winter period and the beginning of spring.

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2. Mount Logan (5959 m)

Geographically located in Canada and is its highest point. Geographically included in mountain system The Cordillera is located in the southwest of the Yukon province, in the Kluane National Park, just 40 km from Alaska. The peak was named in honor of the famous Canadian geologist, who founded the first geological survey in the country. The base of the mountain in girth is more than 100 km, so Logan has one of the largest massifs. The first ascent took place in 1925, the discoverers of Logan were climbers from the Canadian Club.

1. Mount Denali (6194 m)

The mountain is located in the center of the national park of the same name, in the Athabaskan language the name is translated as "great". The mountain is located in Alaska, is part of the Alaska mountain range and belongs to the United States. On the geographical map the summit was marked by the Russian explorer Wrangel. Until 2015, the mountain was called McKinley - in honor of the American president. For the first time McKinley was conquered in 1913, the first who climbed to the top were a group of explorers led by the Englishman Hudson Stark.