Tauride garden where. Tauride garden: familiar and unusual

Tauride Gardens.

Tauride Garden: historical background

The Tauride Garden arose on the site of the estate of Prince Potemkin, the founder of Black Sea Fleet and its first commander in chief. For success in the conquest of the Crimea, which the Russians called Tavria, the prince began to be called Potemkin-Tavrichesky, which later became the basis for the name of the park.

Catherine II gave her favorite a piece of land between two streets, Shpalernaya and Kirochnaya, which serve as its borders on the north and south sides. Later, two more streets were laid, Tavricheskaya and Potemkinskaya, framing Potemkin's property from the east and west.

In the spring of 1873, the construction of the palace began according to the project of the architect Ivan Starov. At the same time, the garden was laid out. An English garden master, William Gould, was invited to direct this work. As you know, the British are masters of landscape parks. A British gardener has transformed a dull place. On a completely flat area, he managed to arrange a real english park with cozy hollows, ravines and clearings. But most importantly, the garden master managed to create the relief differences necessary for the natural flow of water.

In place of the small river Samoroyka, two ponds were dug and connected by canals. This system was supplied with water from the Ligovsky Canal. The sterlet and beluga, launched there, lived in the ponds, swans swam. At one time, a seal lived there, which was presented by a Persian prince. An island was created on the southern part of the pond, which was connected to the "mainland" by two bridges. The author of one of the bridges was the famous Russian designer Ivan Kulibin.

The soil excavated during the construction of ponds was used to create picturesque hills and scenic mountains. Canals and winding paths were laid in the park, an orchard was laid out, ornamental trees and shrubs were planted. Some of them were brought from England by order of a garden master. A large number of trees were planted around the perimeter of the site. Some of them have survived to this day. Thus, a natural fence was created around the garden, which was later supplemented by an almost two-meter metal fence.

Another decoration of the park was the greenhouse, the construction of which was first worked by William Gould, and then by Fyodor Volkov, who became the successor to his English colleague. Watermelons and pineapples, peaches and melons, outlandish flowers and trees were grown in the greenhouse. Under the leadership of Fyodor Volkov, they also built the Garden Master's House, outbuildings and the "Admiralty" - a small pavilion in which boats intended for walking along the surface of ponds were stored.

At first, the park was administered by the imperial court and was closed to the public. Since 1861, the Tauride Garden, in addition to the greenhouse and the area with fruit plantings, has become publicly available. The park immediately fell in love with the townspeople: in the summer they walked along its shady paths, in the winter they went sledding from the mountains and skating along the frozen pond.

In Soviet times, the Tauride Garden was turned into children's park, in which the Leningrad cinema was built, sports grounds were made, and attractions were installed. By the 300th anniversary of the city, a lot of work was done in the garden to restore it.
Luxurious nature of the Tauride Garden, with its picturesque hillocks, winding paths, well-groomed lawns and calm ponds, is an excellent decoration for romantic meetings, quiet walks, and healthy recreation.

Attractions and entertainment

Thousands of different trees grow on 21 hectares of territory: slender maples and luxurious chestnuts, tender willows and birches, beautiful conifers at any time of the year, mighty oaks and centuries-old lindens that have been preserved since tsarist times. Along the paths and in the middle of the lawns, various flowers replace each other from spring to autumn: tulips and daffodils, peonies and astilbes, begonias and petunias. There are many birds around the water. Children love to feed ducks, gulls, pigeons. In the crowns of trees and bushes, tits whistle, finches ring, sparrows chirp.

Tauride Gardens.

The greenhouse in the park is the realm of eternal summer, tropical flowers and exotic trees. It is the most prominent landmark of the ancient garden. Here you can not only escape from the bustle of the city and relax your soul surrounded by luxurious nature, but also visit an exhibition or concert, take part in a photo shoot or master class, celebrate a wedding or other significant event. On the second floor there is a cafe with a magnificent view of the park, the pond and the palace.

The Tauride Palace looks quite modest from the outside: its style is Russian classicism. But the impressive halls of this building are impressive. In a large round hall, called the Dome, as it occupies central location Palace under its very dome, a wind organ is installed. Behind the Domed Hall is Catherine's. Both halls are regularly used for concerts of symphonic and organ music. The Museum of the History of Parliamentarism also operates here, and exhibitions are organized.

Monuments are also present in the Tauride Garden. In 1962 on the shore Big Pond a majestic five-meter commemorative sign dedicated to the "Young Heroes of the Defense of Leningrad". In May 1990, in honor of the 150th anniversary of Tchaikovsky, a bronze bust of the composer was installed on a pink granite pedestal in the southwestern part of the park. And in 1995, a monument to Sergei Yesenin was erected near the entrance, thus commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the poet's birth.

"Leningrad Center" - this is the name of the multifaceted show space, which was arranged instead of the restored cinema "Leningrad". The four floors of this building include two stages for concerts and various shows, an art gallery, a multimedia area, a restaurant and music bars. Performances are organized here, in which Russian and world stars take part, film screenings and master classes are held.

"Tauride Garden" - so unpretentiously called the new building, which appeared here in 2007. This multifunctional entertainment complex offers its visitors an indoor ice rink for hockey and figure skating, a gym and a fitness room combined with a swimming pool and sauna. There is also a chic restaurant and a cozy cafe.

But even without entertainment centers in the Tauride Garden you can spend your time in an interesting and varied way. In the summer, free-to-attend classical music concerts, performances by circus and pop artists are held in the park, and various youth festivals replace each other. Events dedicated to the protection of the environment have become regular. For the youngest visitors, the park has special playgrounds. In winter, kids and adults will be attracted by the skating rink and ice slides.

Tauride Garden: how to get there

To get to the Tauride Garden, it is most convenient to get to the Chernyshevskaya metro station. Leaving the station, you need to go around the house on the way to the right and go to Furshtatskaya street. It will lead to the main entrance, where the two entertainment centers are located.

If, after exiting the Chernyshevskaya metro station and going around the building on the left, walk along Kirochnaya Street, and then turn left onto Tavricheskaya Street, you can enter the garden from the side entrance, which is located closer to the ponds.

Tauride Gardens

In plan, the Tauride Garden is an exact square with a side of about 550 m. The garden arose at the Tauride Palace, built in 1783-1789, created at the personal expense of G. A. Potemkin.

Initially, the garden consisted of an English park and structures. The English gardener William Gould was engaged in planning and laying out the garden. The ponds were filled with water from the Ligovsky Canal, sterlet was released into the reservoirs, and species slides were poured. In the southern part of the Big Pond, two islands were created, in the northern part of the Big Island a high hill was poured, from where a view of the palace opened. Big Island was connected to the shore by two bridges, one of which was created by the mechanic Ivan Kulibin. This bridge was made in 1793 according to the model of an unbuilt wooden bridge across the Neva in 1/10 of its natural size. The Tauride Garden was surrounded by a log palisade and a moat, through which wooden bridges led. Trees were planted around the perimeter.

In 1794, according to the project of F. I. Volkov, the House of a garden master was built in the Tauride Garden (Potemkinskaya st., 2a). Several service buildings, a fence and a stone access bridge were also built, a greenhouse and greenhouses, garden bridges and benches were erected. Watermelons, melons, peaches, apricots and pineapples ripened in the greenhouse and greenhouses. On the bank of the Big Pond, Volkov built a gazebo called "Admiralty". It kept boats for water trips.

Foreign guests arriving in St. Petersburg were often taken here for a walk. In 1829, the Persian prince Khosrov-Mirza presented the garden with a seal, which was released into the Big Pond. In 1815, the first steamship in Russia, the Elizaveta, was tested in Taurida.

In 1822, architect. L. Charlemagne along Tavricheskaya st. a fence with stone gates was built.

The Tauride Garden was under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Court and was closed to the public. In 1861 (the year serfdom was abolished), the Tauride Garden, with the exception of the greenhouse and orchard, became open for festivities.

The garden becomes public place. In the gazebo "Admiralty" merchants Solovyov and Makarov organized a restaurant. In winter, in Tauride, Petersburgers began to skate and ice mountains. The Society for the Physical Development of Children, the Ladies' Charitable Society, and the Cavalry School were opened in the garden.

For Societies for the guardianship of people's sobriety, located on the corner of Potemkinskaya and Kirochnaya, in the garden was built theatre, one of the garden's most popular establishments. In 1910-1914. in the north-eastern part of the garden for the Imperial Russian Society of Horticulture was built Exhibition Pavilion (Leningrad Cinema).

After 1917, the building was rebuilt into a two-story garage.

In St. Petersburg, not far from the Chernyshevskaya metro station, there is the work of the architect Gould - the beautiful Tauride Garden: both on weekdays and on weekends it attracts many tourists, guests, and residents of the city. it historical park with buildings, lakes, trees, entertainment complex. The monument of landscape gardening art has been known since the time of Catherine II. Find out what to visit in the garden, where to go, how to get to the place of rest.

What is the Tauride Garden

The famous Tavrichesky Park in St. Petersburg occupies the central part of the city for a reason: it is a monument to landscape gardening art. The position is limited by Kirochnaya, Potemkinskaya, Shpalernaya and Tavricheskaya streets. The area of ​​the park is over 21 hectares. The name of the garden was in honor of Prince Grigory Potemkin with the title of Tauride, awarded to the figure by Catherine II. These lands, on which the park is now located, were presented to the owner for the conquest of the Crimean lands.


In 1783-1800, the Tauride Garden appeared in St. Petersburg. The creator is the English garden master architect Gould, who simultaneously built the Tauride Palace. On the site of the Samoroyka River, they made a complex system of two ponds with channels, filled them with sterlet and water from the Ligovsky Canal. Two islands were built on a large pond, slides were poured. In 1866 the general public visited the garden for the first time.

Soviet times gave the park of culture and recreation the name of the First Five-Year Plan, then the place was called the City Children's Park. In 1985, the place was given back its historical name. During the years of the Civil, First and Second World Wars, it was badly damaged, in 1958 its restoration was completed. The second time the garden was restored at the end of the 20th century. Today there are sculptures to pioneer heroes, Tchaikovsky, Yesenin.

architectural complex

The depth of the Tauride Garden hides a complex of architectural purposes, the main one being the Tauride Palace. The front yard is separated from the street by a low fence. The two-storey building with a portico of six columns is crowned with a flat dome. Galleries adjoining it, from which a view of the Neva opens. The complex includes a garden master's house, a semi-rotunda, and two small outbuildings. The rotunda is decorated with stucco and is connected by a double colonnade to the White Column Hall. Inside the palace, the Picture, Divan, Chinese halls and the Gobelin living room are distinguished.

garden complex

The State Botanical Garden on Chernyshevskaya still has historical trees along its borders. These are oaks, larches, lindens. In the center, plots without trees and post-war planted ash-trees, birches, and shrubs alternate. The southern part of the Big Pond is connected to the ground by metal bridges, which are surrounded by oaks and birches. In 1794, a greenhouse, garden fences and a stone access bridge with paths were built. The landscape of the park varies in relief.


Inside picturesque park a greenhouse has been preserved, where exotic fruits were grown earlier for the royal table, and now interesting plants grow. Even in winter, you can admire summer exoticism there. Before the USSR, trees, vegetables, flowers grew there, in the 1920s there was a decline due to floods, but by the end of the 20th century there was a restoration due to the administration of Leningrad. The greenhouse can be seen on the frames of several Soviet films, now they have made a bistro-type cafe there.

Modern Tauride Garden

The antique park on Chernyshevskaya after the decline, destruction and trials of the war, the blockade was restored. The modern complex has preserved alleys, lawns, a pond with six swans. Children's playgrounds were broken on the territory, the greenhouse was renovated, monuments were painted, fountains were broken. It attracts many visitors who come to admire the plants, nature, historical buildings, German towers.

How to get there

The exact address of the park is Kirochnaya street, house 48, the nearest metro station is Chernyshevskaya. The palace is located opposite the Museum of Water on Shpalernaya street, house 47. To get to the garden from the metro, you need to turn right, after 50 meters repeat the turn, go to Furshtadskaya street and go to the end. The street connects with Potemkinskaya, from where the park is visible. If you turn left from the metro, after 50 meters repeat and walk to the fence along the busy Kirochnaya Street, you will see a view of the southwestern corner of the place.

Working hours

The official website of the Tauride Garden states that it is open daily, seven days a week and public holidays. Opening hours - from seven in the morning to ten in the evening, then the park closes. You can walk on it in the morning or in the evening, in winter or summer - the garden is equally magnificent. There is no entry fee. The greenhouse is open on Mondays from 14:00 to 20:00, on other days - from 11:00 to 20:00. Tickets cost 40-60 rubles. You need to issue a ticket to visit the Tauride Palace in advance, the lists are compiled 3-7 days in advance. The ticket price will be 570-750 rubles for an hour tour.

Tauride Gardens

The last third of the XVIII century in St. Petersburg is characterized by the appearance of numerous country estates of the highest state dignitaries and courtiers. One of them arose in the Foundry part in 1783-1789. Here, on the vast territory of the left bank of the Neva, simultaneously with the construction of the Tauride Palace, donated by Empress Catherine II to Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin in gratitude for joining the Tauride Territory to Russia, a backyard landscape garden is being laid out according to the project of architect Ivan Yegorovich Starov and garden master William Gould. It was a vast territory with greenhouses, artificial ponds, hills and park pavilions. The scale of its construction can be judged by the number of trees planted in just one year: there were 23,000 of them. Many of them were specially brought from abroad. The garden is called Tauride after the palace.

Tauride garden and palace. Before 1797

In the middle of the 19th century, the once private Tauride Garden became public. In winter, on the ice of its picturesque ponds, one of which was popularly called "Swan Lake", daily ice skating was organized. In folklore, they were called Tauride skating. However, official name garden has become a key to the creation of other folklore microtoponyms. Among Petersburgers, the entire area of ​​the Tauride Palace, surrounded by a garden, had its numerous nicknames: "Tavria", "Tavrik", "Tabor", "Tavriga", "Tavrida".

Tauride Palace. 1970s

In the 1930s, the Tauride Garden was turned into a park of culture and recreation, or Pkio, as they liked to say in the language of abbreviations at that time. It remained to assign him the appropriate proletarian name. A convenient opportunity also presented itself. Since 1928, the development of the national economy of the Soviet Union has been carried out on the basis of five-year plans sent down from above. In the people, these plans are called five-year plans. Until 1990, there were twelve such five-year plans. But the meaning of the first was special. It is clear that very soon this economic term became official and acquired a pronounced ideological character. Collective farms and steamboats, palaces of culture and factories were named after five-year plans. This name was also given to the Tauride garden. It became the Park of Culture and Leisure named after the First Five-Year Plan.

It is clear that not without a monument to Lenin. It was made by the sculptor V. B. Pinchuk. In 1957, the monument was erected near the main entrance to the garden. The time has come when attempts were made in Soviet art to rethink the image of Lenin, to give his appearance purely human qualities, opposing them to the official features of a stern statesman and political figure. What came of it can be judged by the joke, the hero of which was the monument to Lenin in the Tauride Garden: “Dad, who is this little one?” - asked the father's son at the entrance to the garden. “Who ... who ... - the young dad was confused. - Ilyich in a coat, that's who.

After Stalin's death, the Kremlin's ideological pressure somewhat weakened. This had a beneficial effect not only on samples of monumental sculpture of that time, but also on urban toponymy. The pathetic names of urban objects began to be changed to more human ones. This is what happened to our garden. In 1954, it was renamed the City Children's Park. In 1962, with funds raised by students of Leningrad schools, a monument to the "Young Heroes of the Defense of the City of Lenin" was erected in the park.

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    - (Petersburg, Petrograd, St. Petersburg [In this article, instead of the words S. Petersburg, abbreviations are allowed: St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg] the capital of Russia and the residence of the Russian Imperial House. The fate of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe present St. Petersburg. until 1703. In 1300, the Swedes put the city over …

    Central Leningrad region It was founded on May 16, 1703, when Peter the Great founded a fortress called St. Petersburg in honor of St. Peter, the emperor's heavenly patron. The fortress after the construction of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul in it began to be called ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Petersburg, in 1914 24 Petrograd, in 1924 91 Leningrad, a city in Russia, the center of the Leningrad region. St. Petersburg is the most important industrial, scientific and cultural center of Russia. A large transport hub (railways, highways). ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Saltykov Shchedrin Street, 50), a monument of garden and park art. The area is about 24 hectares. Destroyed in 1783 89 (architect I. E. Starov, garden master V. Gould) on the territory of the estate of G. A. Potemkin, behind the Tauride Palace (hence the name) ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    "Leningrad" redirects here; see also other meanings. "Petrograd" redirects here; see also other meanings. The word "St. Petersburg" has other meanings: see St. Petersburg (disambiguation). The city of the federal ... ... Wikipedia

    I (Petersburg, Petrograd, St. Petersburg [In this article, instead of the words S. Petersburg, abbreviations are allowed: St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg] the capital of Russia and the residence of the Russian Imperial House. The fate of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe present St. Petersburg until 1703. In 1300, the Swedes put the city ... … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron