Golitsyn trail work schedule. Goodbye, Summer! Walk along the most famous trail of Crimea

The Golitsyn trail is one of the most beautiful tourist routes Crimea, which gained popularity even with Emperor Nicholas II. Everything that people love Crimea for is the picturesque landscapes of the sea and mountain peaks, azure secluded bays, mysterious caves and grottoes can be seen on this unique walking route that starts in the vicinity of the village New World.

The length of the Golitsyn trail is 5470 meters

Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn is considered the founder of winemaking on the peninsula.

Golitsyn trail (New World): history

The history of the trail dates back to 1912, when the famous Crimean winemaker, Prince Lev Golitsyn, hosted the family of the last Russian emperor. Lev Sergeevich set himself the goal of showing his possessions in the best possible way and ordered to ennoble the most beautiful path, which since ancient times stretched along the seashore. The arrangement of the trail was carried out by workers specially hired by the prince from Turkey. On the trail, surrounded by rocks, picturesque viewing platforms and reliable stone steps were built. At that time, the village from which the route along the trail began was called Paradise.

Emperor Nicholas II arrived in the village with his family on the Shtandart yacht.

After walking along the path along the sea and tasting champagne, he enthusiastically commented on the reception. Namely, he said that he saw life in a new light. Just as the legends say, the village of Paradise got the name by which it is known to modern tourists - the New World.

The Golitsyn trail is a unique journey into the world of Crimean nature and the fascinating history of the peninsula.

The route starts near the western part of the beaches of the Novy Svet village and ends at the cape with the funny name Kapchik. You can get to the New World both by private car and by public transport from Sudak. In summer, both buses and boats from Yalta and Alushta go to Sudak.

So you are in the New World. The Golitsyn trail starts at the foot of Mount Koba-Kaya (it is also called Cave because of the large number of grottoes and cavities). The easiest way to navigate is along the western edge of the beaches (if you look at the sea, the entrance to the trail will be on the right). The picturesque gate to the trail is marked with a stone arch. Before embarking on the route, make sure you have a sufficient supply of water - at least one liter per person on a hot day (there are no shops or cafes on the trail), comfortable sports shoes. The trail is generally quite comfortable for walking, but in some places there are placers of small pebbles. However, the route is accessible even to children.

Mount Koba-Kaya

Grotto of Golitsyn

The very first sight on the route is the famous and legendary Golitsyn grotto. Its history begins many centuries ago, when ancient tribes lived on the trail. At first, a spacious grotto served them as a safe haven, because its depth is about 20 meters. Then Christian temples appeared in the caves, now lost. Centuries after, Prince Golitsyn appreciated the spacious grotto and turned it into a storage for his wines. The remains of the cellar are still visible to tourists - neat niches for Golitsyn bottles. The acoustics of the grotto made it possible to place here a unique concert hall. Champagne tastings, combined with musical accompaniment, delighted the prince's guests. famous singer Russian Empire, F.I. Chaliapin also performed in the Golitsyn grotto.

Today, the grotto also hosts classical music concerts by candlelight. And many tourists take a bottle of Novy Svet sparkling wine with them on the route in order to feel the atmosphere that once delighted the emperor. In the most intense Crimean heat, a pleasant coolness reigns in the grotto.

Unfortunately, during the powerful Crimean earthquake in 1927, the grotto was significantly damaged, and now it has not been fully restored. However, its greatness still amazes the imagination. By the way, the entire trail was damaged during the earthquake. It began to be restored in the 80s of the last century.

path of fidelity

According to the legend, one of the most difficult sections on Golitsyn was called the “path of fidelity” in ancient times. A rich and powerful king, returning from distant campaigns, tested his wives and concubines for fidelity as follows: Heavy jugs of water were placed on the heads of women, with which they had to walk along the path without spilling water. It was believed that if a woman was faithful to her husband, she would not be nervous and the water would not splash.

Loyalty Path - now this section is not part of the tourist route.

Throughout almost the entire route, the trail passes just a few meters from the clear sea. In hot weather, it is very pleasant to refresh yourself in clear water and continue on your way.

The next attraction on the Golitsyn trail is the picturesque Blue Bay. The beauty of the purest water beckons to swim in it on a hot day. Its other name is Smuggler's Bay. In this quiet harbor, as the legends say, smugglers hid their boats, and in numerous caves - goods. Now a boatman is “on duty” in the bay during the season, which transports everyone to the Royal Beach.

In the vicinity of the bay, extreme lovers are attracted by an underwater cave. You can get there only if you have sufficient experience in diving and the necessary equipment. And be sure to take a guide who knows the cave well. Otherwise, you may not return to the trail.

The winding paths leading away from the main path also hide interesting sights. For example, the Through Grotto, which is closed to tourists after a tragic incident in 2006. Then the stone fell off the ceiling of the grotto and fell on a tourist from Poland. Now the entrance to the grotto is closed with a grate through which the entire cave is visible through and through. Standing at the grate, you can feel the cold cave air, which is wonderfully refreshing on hot days.

The Through Grotto is a unique cave of natural origin that runs through Cape Kapchik and connects two bays, Blue and Blue, on both sides of it. The length of this grotto is amazing - 77 meters underground.

It was discovered and appreciated by Prince Golitsyn. By order of the prince, the entrance to the cave was ennobled with stone, stone steps were built from the grotto to the water, and a door was installed in the old style. A lover of everything unusual, the prince arranged luxurious banquets in the grotto, which were attended by the emperor himself. The ceiling of the cave became the abode for many bats. Also, the grotto is dangerous with rockfall.

Cape Kapchik

From the Blue Bay, the path follows to the top of Cape Kapchik. This is one of the most beautiful and mysterious capes of the peninsula. It resembles a giant lizard or dragon, forever frozen in sea ​​waters. The origin of the name of the cape is still not completely clear, however, most researchers believe that "kapchik" is translated from the Crimean Tatar language either as "shoes" or as "monk's purse". If you look closely, the elongated shape of the cape really looks like a long dervish purse.

Blue (Tsar's Bay)

On the other side of the cape is Golubaya, or Tsar's Bay. If you look at the water from the top of Cape Kapchik, you can really see that the color of the water in the bays is different. In the royal bay there is a more secluded beach where the Romanov family used to swim. Now you can get there either by boat or along the steep winding paths of the cape.

Blue Bay (Tsar's Bay)

The water in the Tsarskaya Bay has an amazing azure color due to the special rocks that make up the bottom of the bay. And the sand on the beach is dark, almost black, which makes it even more exotic. a unique corner nature.

Juniper grove on the Golitsyn trail

The route along the Golitsyn trail ends with a unique juniper grove, which is now part of the protected area. Some of the trees are over 100 years old. Walking through the juniper grove is not only pleasant, but also very healthy. Phytoncides produced by juniper are able to purify the air of harmful substances. Strong sea winds bizarrely bent tree trunks, turning the grove into a fabulous forest. In addition to juniper, beautiful pine trees grow on the slopes of the mountains. All this makes the surrounding landscapes an excellent location for cinema. The azure water allowed filmmakers to shoot believable scenes of exotic landscapes. The views of the Golitsyn trail and the landscapes surrounding it are forever captured in Soviet adventure films. Among them are "Treasure Island", "Pirates of the XX century". They filmed here both "The Amphibian Man" and the foreign scenes of "Anna Karenina".

The price of the Golitsyn trail (New World) in 2019

Adult/child ticket price: 200 rubles

There are quite a few that can only be seen after a long walk. However, there is hardly a more interesting hiking route than the Golitsyn trail in the New World. Do not be afraid that the tour will be difficult:

  • the path is carefully monitored, so all the steps and railings are in place;
  • along the way you will find many places to relax and even be able to lie down on the cleanest shore and swim in the azure water;
  • ascents will be replaced by descents and flat areas.

Location: southwestern coast of Zelenaya Bay in the village of Novy Svet (Sudak).

What is the most convenient way to get there: from the bus station along Golitsyna street, then - to the left, onto Shalyapin street. Further - to the sea: go out to the Green Bay. Follow the signs - and you will find a grating from which the ascent to the Golitsyn trail begins.

What is the best time of the year to visit: best of all in summer and early autumn - then you will be able not only to enjoy the scenery, but also to swim.

Already photos of the Golitsyn trail can thrill everyone who loves seascapes. During the walk you will see cliffs, charming with beauty, cozy coves with crystal water, ancient juniper grove. It is very convenient that you can go for a walk along the Golitsyn trail without a guide: the main attractions here are natural and do not need explanations.

The history of the Golitsyn trail in the New World

The Golitsyn trail is a legacy of the 20th century: it was built by Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn in 1912 for the arrival of Nicholas II. He rightly decided that walking tour will allow the emperor to fully enjoy the beauty of the eastern Crimea, which is why he ordered to cut steps on the slope of Mount Koba-Kaya.

The estate of Prince Golitsyn was called Paradise. According to legend, it was Nicholas II who gave the village at the foot of the mountain a new name. After the walk, Lev Sergeevich invited the emperor to the table, where he treated him to champagne made from grapes grown on his estate. Nicholas II was so pleased with the drink that he said that he now sees everything in a new light. So the village got its current name!

Golitsyn trail route

The Golitsyn trail in Crimea is carved on the cliffs of Mount Koba-Kaya, an ancient coral reef. The road immediately takes a sharp upward, from the overhanging rocks and a steep cliff very close to the path is breathtaking. But there is nothing to be afraid of: the stone parapet will not let you stumble. The higher you climb, the more beautiful the resort village of Novy Svet looks!

The first stop on the Golitsyn trail is Chaliapin's grotto (it is also called Estradny or Golitsyn's grotto). It is a natural niche carved into the mountain by the waves. The height of the grotto is about 30 m, the width is 17 m. This place has rich history: even during the Middle Ages, there was a cave monastery. Until the 19th century, the walls of the cave were decorated with frescoes, but they have not survived to our time. Prince Golitsyn ordered to arrange a wine cellar in the grotto: stone arches remind of the stunning collection of the first Crimean winemaker. There is a well in the center of the cave. spring water, and in the back of the center of the hall there is a stage, where musicians gave performances and, according to legend, F.I. himself sang. Chaliapin! True, historians are still arguing whether the brilliant singer really visited the New World. That does not prevent the grotto and one of the streets in the village from bearing his name.

Further, the Golitsin trail leads along the coast of the Blue Bay. It is also called the Robber's, since pirate ships hid here during storms during the time of the ancient Hellenes. The path descends to the very shore: the photo of the Golitsyn trail shows that many travelers are happy to make a halt here to sunbathe and swim!

Further, the path passes along Cape Kapchik, which connects Razboynichya and Golubaya bays. The Through Grotto is also located here - a 77-meter cave laid along a tectonic fault. In this place, you will be able to take unforgettable photos of the Golitsyn trail - through the "view windows" a stunning view of the bays opens.

Cape Kapchik offers a magnificent view of the Golubaya Bay and the Tsar's Beach - it was here that Nicholas II sunbathed. At this point, the well-maintained part of the Golitsyn trail ends. An excellent end to the walk will be to climb Cape Kapchik and return to the village through the juniper forest. A shady path and an amazing smell of trees, many of which are over a hundred years old, will complement the tour with their colors!

By the way, the beauty of the Golitsyn trail in Crimea has been attracting filmmakers for many decades. So, it was here that such famous films as Pirates of the 20th Century, Three Plus Two, Sportloto-82, Andromeda Nebula, Youths in the Universe, Anna Karenina and many others were filmed.

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The path starts from the foot of Mount Orel, which is also known as Cave Rock or Koba-Kaya. Tourists usually go in small groups accompanied by a guide.

But there are those who want to see all the charms of these places without too much haste and go on a hike, armed with a guidebook or navigator. To get the most out of your trip, bring with you:

Headwear and water;

Comfortable clothes and shoes: this route is no less difficult than to the top of Mount Sokol;

Camera - you will not find such landscapes anywhere else.

A stone path trodden to a shine leads to most interesting object- a majestic grotto with overhanging blocks of rock. There are excellent acoustics inside, so Lev Sergeevich liked to arrange festive dinners here with wine tasting and concerts of opera singers.

According to legend, Fyodor Chaliapin himself sang here, and his strong voice once broke a glass of wine. In this regard, the grotto is often called it. Chaliapin, and also - Variety. Today you can see the recesses where bottles of champagne were stored, a stone well and the remains of a stage for celebrity performances.

Wonderful Journey

The path and grotto of Golitsyn is a place of extraordinary beauty, shrouded in secrets and interesting stories. An excursion accompanied by an experienced guide will take you back to the Middle Ages, when the cave was a monastery. (Now it is hard to believe, because there is no trace left of the ancient Christian temple).

Heading from the grotto to Cape Kapchik, you will pass along the Path of unfaithful wives - as the Muslims called this path in ancient times. Having reached the cape, travelers will be delighted with the beautiful panorama of the Golubaya (Tsarskaya) Bay. It is here that the same Tsarsky beach is located, where the last Russian emperor rested. Since rockfalls have become more frequent, the passage to the beach area is now prohibited.

The final point of the route is the Through Grotto, which literally permeates the entire Cape Kapchik. Its length is 77 m, height - 20 m. Golitsyn equipped here a hall for receiving guests and held solemn banquets. Currently, due to the danger of collapses, the entrance to the premises is closed by an iron door. At the end of the hike, tourists find themselves in a juniper grove. Centuries-old Red Book trees give a delicious aroma: the air is thoroughly saturated with phytoncides. It's so easy to breathe here!

After all that I have seen, I want to go to the Golitsyn's house-museum. You need to get to know the history of a person, thanks to which hundreds of thousands of people can see these heavenly man-made landscapes. And not somewhere in the Maldives or the Seychelles, but at home.

We offer you to watch an informative video about the Golitsyn trail:

The mountain component of the Crimean peninsula boasts not only natural, but also man-made miracles. The Golitsyn trail in Crimea combines both. Nature created grottoes in the rocks near the site, and man turned them into an interesting excursion route!

Where is the route in Crimea?

The Golitsyn trail runs from resort village New World, famous for the production of wines, to Cape Kapchik (Turkish slippers with a pointed toe) from the sea. The nearest city is Sudak, but you can get here from others settlements Crimea.

Golitsyn trail on the map of Crimea

Walks for singers and emperors in the village of Novy Svet

Although the appearance of a mountain path, from where beautiful views open and passing through unusual grottoes, is associated with the name of Prince L.S. Golitsyn, it existed before. The Crimean Tatars called it the road of the infidels. The prince made it easily passable, equipped it with stone stairs, viewing platforms, arranged storages of his unique wines in the rocks, because he is the founder of the Winery in the New World.

Lev Sergeevich tried on the occasion of the imperial visit. Resting in 1912 in the Crimea, Nicholas II expressed a desire to enter a small village on his yacht Shtandart. The prince decided not only to treat the autocrat with wine (and the monarch knew a lot about drinking), but also to do it among the mountain beauties. For the sake of this, the path was strengthened and landscaped, passing through one of the grottoes with stocks of aged champagne.

But not only the king was honored to walk here. Golitsyn had another favorite guest - Fyodor Chaliapin. He appreciated both the beautiful views from here and the grottoes through which the path passes. The singer believed that the acoustics were perfect there. In 1927, the Golitsyn trail in the Novy Svet was badly damaged by destruction, but it remains passable without any equipment and attracts crowds of tourists every year.

Legends of the Golitsyn trail

Like almost all historical and, the Golitsyn trail in the New World has long been overgrown with a mass of fairy tales and legends. Some guides who lead excursions here, "in all seriousness" explain the origin of the original name "the path of the infidels" with punishments for adultery. The Tatars themselves give a different explanation: there was a monastery in the mountains,
and Christian pilgrims went there along the path - “giaours”, “infidels” in Muslim terminology.

But most stories are told about the main rock cavity, known as. Among other things, there was such a fairy tale. In this place, friends decided to play a trick on the prince, who boasted of his skills in determining the quality of champagne. Lev Sergeevich claimed that when you open a bottle of a quality drink, the cork pops, but the wine does not splatter, only a white “smoke” appears.

On a hot day, the pranksters shook the bottle of champagne well and offered the prince to evaluate the drink. Naturally, His Excellency not only bathed in wine himself, but also doused the wall of the grotto. And then medieval frescoes appeared on it under the influence of wine .... You can not see them - it is argued that time has destroyed. But remembering the principle of quality control from Golitsyn does not hurt!

Excursion along the Golitsyn trail

Interesting route begins literally from the village of Novy Svet. The Golitsyn trail climbs Mount Orel, skirting the cape. Its total length is about 3 km. The main attraction on the way is the same Golitsyn grotto, where champagne was kept and the prince himself popped the cork. It was dug in stone with water, while in some places its height reaches 30 m. Its other name is Chaliapin's grotto, since the singer preferred this place for informal concerts. He admired the acoustics, and the sound of the sea provided additional accompaniment.

Further, the path leads to the cliffs of Mount Khoba-Kaya, where bizarre heaps of rocks resemble some kind of fantastic kingdom. Some scientists believe that this stone labyrinth the Taurians had a hand in it - the most ancient people from the inhabitants of the Crimea. When entering the path, it passes over an underwater cave, it is called the "Legend". Tours are not taken here, but those who wish, armed with a flashlight and a strong rope, the end of which is held on the shore by a reliable friend, can try to inspect it.

Almost the most amazing place- Through grotto. It owes its existence not to water, but to geological forces that have displaced layers of limestone. Here they make the most nice pictures on the Golitsyn trail. The restless prince equipped a unique crevice with stairs to the sea and elegant wrought iron doors. Prices for the passage of the Golitsyn trail is a moot point. So far, tourists continue to be charged for walks without a guide, although on August 5, 2016, the environmental prosecutor's office ruled that this was illegal.

How to get to the walking path?

They don’t go to the Golitsyn trail - they walk along it. It starts near the bus station of the village. The easiest way to get there is from, since minibuses go to the New World very often. You can also come by boat, including from Yalta and. Tourists, vacationing directly in the New World, are much easier to trust their own feet.

By car, the easiest way to get from Sudak to the start of the route is as follows:

From Alushta by car you need to get in this way:

Note to the tourist

  • Address: Naberezhnaya street, 3, Novy Svet settlement, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44°49′31″N (44.825226), 34°54′56″E (34.915481).