The lighthouse of Alexandria shone during the day. Seven Wonders of the World: Pharos lighthouse. Egypt (travel world)

Alexandrian lighthouse

Faros (Alexandria) lighthouse - one of the seven wonders of the world - was located on east coast Faros Island within the boundaries of Alexandria and was the first and only lighthouse of such gigantic proportions at that time. The builder of this building was Sostratus of Cnidus.

The fact that there are remains of a lighthouse under water in the Pharos region has long been known. But the presence of a naval base on this site prevented any research. Only in 1961, Kemal Abu el-Sadat discovered marble statues, blocks and boxes in the water. On his initiative, a statue of the goddess Isis was removed from the water. In 1968, the Egyptian government asked UNESCO for an examination. An archaeologist from Great Britain was invited, who in 1975 presented a report on the work done. It contained a list of all the finds. Thus, the significance for archaeologists of this site was confirmed.

In 1980, a group of archaeologists from different countries began excavations on the seabed in the Pharos area. This group of scientists, in addition to archaeologists, included architects, topographers, Egyptologists, artists and restorers, as well as photographers. As a result, hundreds of fragments of the lighthouse were found at a depth of 6–8 meters, covering an area of ​​more than 2 hectares. In addition, studies have shown that there are objects on the seabed that are older than the lighthouse. Many columns and capitals made of granite, marble, limestone, belonging to different eras, were extracted from the water.

Of particular interest to scientists was the discovery of the famous obelisks, called "Cleopatra's needles" and brought to Alexandria by order of Octavian Augustus in 13 BC. e. Subsequently, many of the finds were restored and exhibited in museums in different countries.

Alexandria - the capital of Hellenistic Egypt - was founded in the Nile River Delta by Alexander the Great in 332-331 BC. e. The city was built according to a single plan developed by the architect Dinohar, and was divided into quarters with wide streets. The two widest of them (30 meters wide) intersected at right angles.

Alexandria had many magnificent palaces and royal tombs. Alexander the Great was also buried here, whose body was brought from Babylon and buried in a golden sarcophagus in a magnificent tomb by order of King Ptolemy Soter, who thereby wanted to emphasize the continuity of the traditions of the great conqueror. At a time when other commanders fought among themselves and divided the huge power of Alexander, Ptolemy settled in Egypt and made Alexandria one of the richest and most the most beautiful capitals Ancient world.

The glory of the city was greatly facilitated by the creation of Museion by Ptolemy (“the abode of the Muses”), where the king invited prominent scientists and poets of his time. Here they could live and engage in scientific research entirely at the expense of the state. Thus, Mouseion became something like an academy of sciences. Attracted by favorable conditions, scholars from different parts of the Hellenistic world flocked here. Funds were generously allocated from the royal treasury for various experiments and scientific expeditions.

Scientists were also attracted to Mouseion by the magnificent Library of Alexandria, in which about 500 thousand scrolls were collected, including the works of the outstanding Greek playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. King Ptolemy II allegedly asked the Athenians for these manuscripts for a while, so that the scribes could make copies of them. The Athenians asked for a huge bail. The king resignedly paid. But he refused to return the manuscripts.

Some famous scientist or poet was usually appointed as the custodian of the library. For a long time this post was held by the outstanding poet of his time, Callimachus. Then he was replaced by the famous geographer and mathematician Eratosthenes. He was able to calculate the diameter and radius of the Earth and made only a minor error of 75 kilometers, which, given the possibilities available at that time, does not detract from his merits.

Of course, the tsar, providing hospitality and financial support to scientists and poets, pursued his own goals: to increase the glory of his country in the world as a scientific and cultural center and, thereby, his own. In addition, poets and philosophers had to praise his virtues (real or imaginary) in their works.

The natural sciences, mathematics and mechanics were widely developed. In Alexandria lived the famous mathematician Euclid, the founder of geometry, as well as the outstanding inventor Heron of Alexandria, whose work was far ahead of its time. For example, he created a device that was actually the first steam engine. In addition, he invented many different automata, driven by steam or hot air. But in the era of the general spread of slave labor, these inventions could not find application and were used only for the entertainment of the royal court.

The brilliant astronomer Aristarchus of Samos, long before Copernicus, stated that the Earth is a ball that rotates around its axis and around the Sun. Among his contemporaries, his ideas evoked only a smile, but he remained unconvinced.

The developments of Alexandrian scientists found application in real life. An example of the outstanding achievements of science was the creation of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which in ancient times was considered one of the wonders of the world. In 285 BC. e. the island was connected to the shore by a dam - an artificially poured isthmus. And five years later, by 280 BC. e., the construction of the lighthouse was completed.

It was a three-story tower about 120 meters high. The lower floor was built in the form of a square with four sides, each of which was 30.5 meters long. The faces of the square were turned to the four cardinal points: north, south, east, west - and were made of limestone. The second floor was made in the form of an octagonal tower lined with marble slabs. Its edges were oriented in the direction of the eight winds. The third floor, the lantern itself, was crowned with a dome with a bronze statue of Poseidon, whose height reached 7 meters. The dome of the lighthouse rested on marble columns. The spiral staircase leading up was so convenient that all the necessary materials, including fuel for the fire, were lifted up on donkeys. A complex system of metal mirrors reflected and intensified the light of the lighthouse, and it was clearly visible to sailors from afar. In addition, the same system made it possible to monitor the sea and detect enemy ships long before they appeared within sight.

Bronze statues were placed on the octagonal tower, which forms the second floor. Some of them were equipped with special mechanisms that allowed them to serve as weathercocks that indicated the direction of the wind. Travelers talked about the miraculous properties of the statues. One of them allegedly always pointed with her hand at the sun, tracing its path through the sky, and lowered her hand when the sun set. Another throughout the day beat off every hour. It was said that there was even a statue that, when enemy ships appeared, pointed to the sea and emitted a warning cry. All these stories do not seem so fantastic, if we recall the steam machines of Heron of Alexandria. It is possible that the achievements of the scientist were used in the construction of the lighthouse, and the statues could produce any mechanical movements and sounds when a certain signal was received.

Among other things, the lighthouse was also impregnable fortress with a powerful garrison. In the underground part, in case of a siege, there was a huge cistern with drinking water.

The Pharos lighthouse did not know its analogues in the Ancient World either in terms of size or technical data. Prior to this, ordinary bonfires were usually used as lighthouses. It is not surprising that the Lighthouse of Alexandria, with its complex system of mirrors, colossal dimensions and fantastic statues, seemed to all people a real miracle.

The builder of this miracle, Sostratus of Cnidus, carved an inscription on a marble wall: “Sostratus, the son of Dexifan from Cnidus, dedicated to the gods-saviors for the sake of sailors.” He covered this inscription with a thin layer of plaster, on which he placed the praise of King Ptolemy Soter. When, over time, the plaster fell off, the eyes of others saw the name of the master who created the magnificent lighthouse.

Alexandrian lighthouse

Although the lighthouse was located on the eastern coast of the island of Pharos, it is more often called the Alexandrian, and not Pharos. This island is mentioned in Homer's poem "The Odyssey". At the time of Homer, it was in the Nile Delta, opposite the small Egyptian settlement of Rakotis. But by the time the lighthouse was built, according to the Greek geographer Strabon, it had come much closer to the coast of Egypt and was one day's journey from Alexandria. With the start of construction, the island was connected to the coast, actually turning it from an island into a peninsula. For this, a dam was artificially poured, which was called Heptastadion, since its length was 7 stages (a stage is an ancient Greek measure of length, which equals 177.6 meters). That is, in terms of the measurement system familiar to us, the length of the dam was approximately 750 meters. On the side of Pharos, the main, Great Harbor of Alexandria was also located. This harbor was so deep that a large ship could anchor near the shore.

The tower is an assistant to sailors who have lost their way.

Here at night I kindle the bright fire of Poseidon.

It was about to collapse from the deafly noisy wind,

But Ammonius strengthened me again with his labors.

After the ferocious waves, they stretch their hands to me

All sailors, honoring you, O shaker of the earth.

Nevertheless, the lighthouse stood until the 14th century and even in a dilapidated state reached a height of 30 meters, continuing to amaze with its beauty and grandeur. To date, only a pedestal has survived from this famous wonder of the world, which is built into medieval fortress. Therefore, the opportunities for archaeologists or architects to study the remains of this grand structure practically absent. There is now an Egyptian military port on Pharos. And on the western side of the island there is another lighthouse, which does not resemble its great predecessor in any way, but also continues to show the way to the ships.

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Lighthouse of Alexandria is one of the oldest engineering structures of mankind. It was built between 280 and 247 BC. e. on the island of Pharos, off the coast ancient city Alexandria (the territory of modern Egypt). It was because of the name of this island that the lighthouse was also known as Faros.

The height of this grandiose structure, according to various historians, was about 120-140 meters. For many centuries, it remained one of the tallest structures on our planet, second only to the pyramids at Giza.

Start of lighthouse construction

The city of Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great, was conveniently located at the crossroads of numerous trade routes. The city developed rapidly, everything entered its harbor more ships, and the construction of a lighthouse became an urgent need.

Some historians believe that, in addition to the usual function of ensuring the safety of sailors, the lighthouse could have an adjacent, no less important function. At that time, the rulers of Alexandria feared a possible attack from the sea, and such a colossal structure as the Lighthouse of Alexandria could serve as an excellent observation post.

Initially, the lighthouse was not equipped with a complex system of signal lights; it was built several hundred years later. At first, signals were given to ships using smoke from a fire, and therefore the lighthouse was effective only in the daytime.

The unusual design of the Lighthouse of Alexandria

Such a large-scale construction for those times was a grandiose and very ambitious project. However, the construction of the lighthouse was completed in a very short time - it lasted no more than 20 years.

For the sake of building a lighthouse between the mainland and the island of Pharos, a dam was built in a short time, through which the necessary materials were delivered.

It is simply impossible to talk briefly about the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Huge building It was built from solid marble blocks, interconnected for greater strength with lead staples.

The lower, largest level of the lighthouse was built in the form of a square with sides about 30 meters long. The corners of the base were designed strictly according to the cardinal points. The premises located on the first level were intended for storing the necessary supplies and for the residence of numerous guards and lighthouse workers.

A reservoir was built in the underground level, the reserves of drinking water of which should have been enough in case of even a long siege of the city.

The second level of the building was made in the form of an octagon. Its faces were oriented in exact accordance with the wind rose. Decorated it unusual statues bronze, some of which were movable.

The third, main level of the lighthouse was built in the form of a cylinder and was crowned with a large dome on top. The top of the dome was decorated with a bronze sculpture at least 7 meters high. Historians have not yet come to a consensus whether it was an image of the god of the seas, Poseidon, or a statue of Isis-Faria, the patroness of sailors.

How was the third level of the lighthouse arranged?

For that time, the true miracle of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was the complex system of huge bronze mirrors. The light from the fire, constantly burning on the upper platform of the lighthouse, was reflected and greatly amplified by these metal plates. In ancient chronicles, they wrote that the shining light coming from the lighthouse of Alexandria was capable of burning enemy ships far out to sea.

Of course, this was an exaggeration of the inexperienced guests of the city, who for the first time saw this ancient wonder of the world - the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Although in fact the light of the lighthouse was visible for more than 60 kilometers, and for ancient times this was a huge achievement.

A very interesting engineering solution for that time was the construction of a spiral staircase-ramp inside the lighthouse, through which the necessary firewood and combustible materials were delivered to the upper tier. Required for smooth operation great amount fuel, so the mule-drawn carts were constantly going up and down the sloping stairs.

The architect who built the miracle

During the construction of the lighthouse, the king of Alexandria was Ptolemy I Soter, a talented ruler, under whom the city turned into a prosperous trading port. Having decided to build a lighthouse in the harbor, he invited one of the talented architects of that time, Sostratus of Knidos, to work.

In ancient times, the only name that could be immortalized on a constructed structure was the name of the ruler. But the architect who erected the lighthouse was very proud of his creation and wanted to preserve for posterity the knowledge of who really was the author of the miracle.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of the ruler, he carved an inscription on one of the stone walls of the first level of the lighthouse: "Sostratus from Cnidia, son of Dextifan, dedicated to the savior gods for the sake of seafarers." Then the inscription was covered with layers of plaster and already on top of it the prescribed doxology to the king was carved.

A few centuries after the construction, pieces of plaster gradually fell off, and an inscription appeared that preserved in stone the name of the man who built one of the seven wonders of the world - the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

First of its kind

In ancient times in different countries often used the flames and smoke of bonfires as a warning system or to transmit danger signals, but the Lighthouse of Alexandria was the first specialized structure of its kind in the whole world. In Alexandria, it was called Pharos, after the name of the island, and all the lighthouses that were built after it were also called Pharos. This is reflected in our language, where the word "headlight" means a source of directional light.

An ancient description of the lighthouse of Alexandria contains information about unusual "living" sculptures-statues, which can be called the first simple automata. They turned, made sounds, performed simple actions. But these were not chaotic movements at all, one of the statues pointed to the Sun with its hand, and when the Sun set, the hand automatically lowered. A clock mechanism was mounted in another figure, which marked the beginning of a new hour with a melodious ringing. The third statue was used as a weather vane, showing the direction and strength of the wind.

A brief description of the lighthouse of Alexandria, made by his contemporaries, could not convey the secrets of the construction of these statues or the approximate scheme of the ramp through which fuel was delivered. Most of these secrets are lost forever.

Destruction of the lighthouse

The firelight of this unique building has shown the way to sailors for many centuries. But gradually, during the decline of the Roman Empire, the lighthouse also began to fall into disrepair. Less and less money was invested in its maintenance in working order, besides, the harbor of Alexandria gradually became smaller due to the large amount of sand and silt.

In addition, the area where the Lighthouse of Alexandria was built was seismically active. A series of strong earthquakes caused him serious damage, and the catastrophe of 1326 finally destroyed the seventh wonder of the world.

Alternative version of destruction

In addition to the theory explaining the decline of the colossal structure by insufficient funding and natural disasters, there is another one. interesting hypothesis about the reasons for the destruction of the lighthouse.

According to this theory, the great military importance that the lighthouse had for the defenders of Egypt was to blame. After the country was captured by the Arabs, the Christian countries, and above all the Byzantine Empire, expected to recapture Egypt from the people. But these plans were greatly hampered by the observation post of the Arabs, located on the lighthouse.

Therefore, a rumor spread that somewhere in the building in ancient times the treasures of the Ptolemies were hidden. Believing, the Arabs began to dismantle the lighthouse, trying to get to the gold, and in the process damaged the mirror system.

After that, the damaged lighthouse continued to function for another 500 years, gradually dilapidating. Then it was finally dismantled, and a defensive fortress was erected in its place.

Possibility of recovery

The very first attempt to restore the Lighthouse of Alexandria was made by the Arabs in the 14th century AD. e., but it turned out to build only a 30-meter likeness of a lighthouse. Then the construction stopped, and only 100 years later the ruler of Egypt, Kait-Bey, built a fortress in its place to protect Alexandria from the sea. At the base of this fortress, a part of the foundation of the ancient lighthouse and almost all of its underground structures and a reservoir remained. This fortress exists to this day.

Often enthusiastic historians consider the possibility of recreating this famous building in its original state. But there is one problem - there is practically no reliable description of the Lighthouse of Alexandria or its detailed images, on the basis of which it would be possible to accurately restore its appearance.

Touch history

For the first time, some fragments of the lighthouse were discovered by archaeologists at the bottom of the sea in 1994. Since then, the expedition of the European Institute of Underwater Archeology at the bottom of the harbor has discovered a whole quarter of ancient Alexandria, the existence of which scientists had no idea before. Remains of many ancient structures have been preserved under water. There is even a hypothesis that one of the found buildings may be the palace of the famous Queen Cleopatra.

The Egyptian government in 2015 approved a massive renovation of the ancient lighthouse. On the site where it was built in ancient times, they plan to build a multi-storey copy of the great lighthouse. It is interesting that the project provides for the construction of an underwater glass hall at a depth of 3 meters so that all lovers of ancient history can see the ruins of the ancient royal quarter.

Daria Nessel| Oct 10, 2017

Alexandrian lighthouse, built on Pharos, is a skyscraper of antiquity, the equal of which could only be created after 16 centuries. For its unprecedented height of more than 100 m, it is considered one of.

Lighthouse of Alexandria - observation outpost

In 332 B.C. At the mouth of the Nile River, on a spit that flows into the Mediterranean Sea, Alexander the Great founded the capital of his empire in Egypt and named it Alexandria. The prudent conqueror chose a place to be a convenient harbor at the crossroads of waterways, invulnerable from land and not lacking water in the arid African climate.

The desert stretching a thousand miles to the south, the lake and one of the branches of the Nile Delta were suitable for the beginning of the construction of the city.

The seventh wonder of the world - the Faros lighthouse.

The death of Alexander the Great after 9 years prevented the implementation of this project during his lifetime. Diadochus (military leader) Ptolemy I, as a result of the division of a gigantic power, strengthened himself in Egypt and realized his plan of Macedon.

The founder of a family that ruled in Egypt for about 300 years, a descendant of a Greek aristocrat, an ally of the famous commander, a smart and careful ruler, managed to bury Alexander in his place, thereby putting his kingdom in a special position compared to other parts of the collapsed empire.

The last representative of this dynasty, Cleopatra, committed suicide in Alexandria after the news of the death of Mark Antony and the defeat of the Egyptian troops by the Roman legionnaires.

Having invested a lot of money, he turned this settlement into a cultural center of civilization, where outstanding philosophers, poets, mathematicians, sculptors lived and worked, such as Euclid, Heron, Konstantinos Kafavis.

The Library of Alexandria and the Museum appeared during the reign of the Ptolemies (Ptolemy I was co-ruler by his son).

Commercial ships from three continents dropped their anchors in the waters of Alexandria. The Egyptian fleet was dominant in the Mediterranean. A reliable port was required, which was what the capital was supposed to be.

Sea routes to Alexandria passed close to dangerous reefs, so the construction of a lighthouse was a necessity. In addition, an observation outpost was needed to protect against an attack from the sea, since the flat nature of the terrain did not allow seeing the enemy from afar.

Alexandrian lighthouse.

Construction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria

The lighthouse of Alexandria was erected in a short time, in just 5 years (approximately 285 - 280 BC) and stood for almost ten centuries.

Such a short schedule is explained by the favorable circumstances that prevailed during this period: sufficient financial and labor resources and non-aggression pacts concluded by Ptolemy with his enemies.

According to the testimony of the ancient Greek historian Pliny the Elder, 800 talents were spent on the Faros lighthouse.

The coast on which Alexandria was founded had no natural shelter, so a dam and a pier were built to create an artificial bay.

The dam had three functions:

  • divided the water area into sea and river,
  • prevented the silting of the bottom,
  • it was supplied during the further maintenance of the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

The pier protected the port complex from storms and hurricanes.

On the eastern rocky coast of Pharos, on a massive granite base with sides of 180 by 130 meters, a three-tiered fortress was erected with a total height, according to various estimates, from 110 to 180 meters, surrounded by a fortress wall.

The material for construction was granite and limestone, lined with marble.

  • The first tier was a structure, about 20 stories high, with a square base, which had a perimeter of 120 meters, oriented to the cardinal points.

On its flat roof there were four towers and statues of Tritons (mythical half-people, half-fish, pacifying or raising waves with the movement of their tail).

Inside the first floor was placed the garrison guarding the lighthouse of Alexandria, and the attendants, as well as the necessary equipment and supplies of food and water in case of a siege.

  • The second, forty-meter tier was an octagonal prism oriented in the direction of the winds. Inside this floor, according to the assumption, there was a ramp along which fuel was lifted to the upper tier.

According to legend, there were unusual statues on the second tier: one always pointed to the sun with her hand and lowered it when it set; the other is the direction of the wind; the third is the time of day.

  • The last tier of 8 ten-meter columns, covered with a dome, formed a lantern, inside of which a fire burned at night, and during the day smoke poured.

On the roof of the Faroese lighthouse, a seven-meter bronze statue of Poseidon, the ancient Greek god of the seas and oceans, towered facing the sea.

The flame of a giant fire was maintained by tarred firewood around the clock, warning sailors about shallows, reefs and showing the way to the harbor. In fog and rain, with poor visibility, the sound of the trumpet informed the approaching ships of the proximity of a reliable pier.

Faros lighthouse.

In the lighthouse of Alexandria, for the first time, a system of mirrors (made of polished metal plates) was used to enhance the glow of the fire and create a directional beam visible from hundreds of kilometers away. It was so bright that in the darkness it looked like the glow of a star and sometimes knocked sailors off course, making their way, guided by the starry sky. The genius of the local engineers remained in the name of a modern optical device: a headlight.

Upon completion of the work, this grandiose creation was immediately attributed to the wonders of the world.

The lighthouse of Alexandria was designed and built by the architect and builder Sostratus from Cnidia. Pride in his offspring made him engrave his own name on the foundation stones in order to preserve it for future generations. The inscription said that he, Sostratus of Cnidus, dedicates the lighthouse to the gods - saviors for the glory of sailors.

But the monarch demanded that he be immortalized. The resourceful architect smeared the message he had drawn with mortar and wrote “Ptolemy I Soter” on top. Years passed, the plaster fell off, revealing to everyone the real creator of the miracle.

Fall of the Lighthouse of Alexandria

The lighthouse of Pharos was the symbol of Alexandria. He was admired, minted on money, decorated vases and jugs, made as souvenirs.

By the XII century. the structure fell into disrepair, ships no longer entered here due to silting and shifting trade routes. The details were melted down into small banknotes.

In the XIV century. new tremors finally destroyed the masterpiece of culture and architecture. Sultan Kait Bey built a bastion on its ruins, which has survived to this day.

Now this fortification is a naval base.

Divers found the remains of masonry, partially flooded after seismic activity. This was the occasion for a small sensation picked up by the press.

Since 2015, the Cairo administration has been considering the possibility of reconstructing the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

In 332 B.C. Alexander the Great founded Alexandria. In 290 BC. the ruler Ptolemy I. ordered to build a lighthouse on the small island of Pharos as soon as possible as a symbol of the city and a coastal landmark.

Pharos was located near the coast of Alexandria - it was connected to the mainland by a huge artificial bridge (dam), which at the same time was part of the city harbor. The coast of Egypt is distinguished by the monotony of the landscape - it is dominated by plains and lowlands, and sailors have always needed an additional landmark for successful navigation: a signal fire in front of the entrance to the harbor of Alexandria. Thus, the function of the building on Pharos was determined from the very beginning. Actually, the lighthouse, precisely as a structure with a system of mirrors reflecting sunlight and signal lights on top, dates back to about the 1st century AD. e., which refers to the times of already Roman domination. However, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which served as a coastal sign for sailors, was erected as early as the 4th century BC.

The lighthouse was designed by the architect Sostratus from Cnidia. Proud of his creation, he wanted to leave his name on the foundation of the structure, but Ptolemy II, who inherited the throne after his father Ptolemy Soter, forbade him to commit this free act. The pharaoh wanted only his royal name to be engraved on the stones, and that it was he who was revered as the creator of the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Sostratus, being a smart man, did not argue, but simply found a way to circumvent the order of the lord. First, he carved the following inscription on a stone wall: "Sostratus, the son of Dexiphon, a Cnidian, dedicated to the savior gods for the health of seafarers!", After which he covered it with a layer of plaster, and wrote the name of Ptolemy on top. Centuries passed, and the plaster cracked and crumbled, revealing to the world the name of the true builder of the lighthouse.

Construction dragged on for 20 years, but in the end, the Lighthouse of Alexandria became the very first lighthouse in the world, and the most high structure ancient world, not counting the Great Pyramids at Giza. Soon the news of the Miracle spread all over the world and the lighthouse began to be called by the name of the island of Pharos or simply Pharos. After, the word "faros", as the designation of a lighthouse, was fixed in many languages ​​​​(Spanish, Romanian, French)

In the 10th century, two detailed descriptions Lighthouse of Alexandria: travelers Idrisi and Yusuf el-Shaikh. According to them, the height of the building was 300 cubits. Since such a measure of length as "elbow" had different sizes among different peoples, when translated into modern parameters, the height of the lighthouse ranges from 450 to 600 feet. Although I think the first figure is more true.

The lighthouse on Pharos was completely different from most modern structures of this type - thin single towers, but rather resembled a futuristic skyscraper. It was a three-story (three-tiered) tower, whose walls were made of marble blocks, fastened with a mortar mixed with lead.

The ground floor was over 200 feet high and 100 feet long. Thus, the lowest tier of the lighthouse resembled a massive parallelepiped. Inside, along its walls, there was an inclined entrance, along which a cart drawn by a horse could climb up.

The second tier was built in the form of an octagonal tower, and the top floor of the lighthouse resembled a cylinder topped with a dome resting on columns. The top of the dome was decorated with a huge statue of the god Poseidon - the ruler of the seas. There was always a fire on the platform below him. It is said that from ships it was possible to see the light of this lighthouse at a distance of 35 miles (56 km).

In the lowest part of the lighthouse there were many service rooms where inventory was stored, and inside the two upper floors there was a shaft with a lifting mechanism that allowed fuel for the fire to be delivered to the very top.

In addition to this mechanism, a spiral staircase led along the walls to the top of the lighthouse, along which visitors and attendants climbed to the platform where the signal fire was blazing. According to sources, a massive concave mirror, probably made of polished metal, was also installed there. It was used to reflect and amplify the light of a fire. It is said that at night the way to the harbor was indicated by a bright reflected light, and during the day - a huge smoke column, visible from afar.

Some legends say that the mirror on faros lighthouse could also be used as a weapon: supposedly it was able to focus the sun's rays so that it burned enemy ships as soon as they appeared in sight. Other legends say that it was possible to see Constantinople on the other side of the sea in it, using this mirror as a magnifying glass. Both stories seem too far-fetched.

The most complete description was left by the Arab traveler Abu Haggag Yusuf ibn Mohammed el-Andalussi, who visited Pharos in 1166. His notes read: " The lighthouse of Alexandria is located on the very edge of the island. Its plinth has a square base, the length of the sides of which is approximately 8.5 meters, while the northern and western sides are washed by the sea. The height of the eastern and southern walls of the basement reaches 6.5 meters. However, the height of the walls facing the sea is much higher, they are more sheer and resemble a steep mountain slope. The masonry of the lighthouse here is especially strong. I must say that that part of the building, which I described above, is the most modern, since it was here that the masonry was most dilapidated and needed to be restored. On the side of the plinth that faces the sea, there is an ancient inscription, which I cannot read, because the wind and sea waves have worn away the stone base, due to which the letters have partially crumbled. The size of the letter "A" is slightly less than 54 cm. And the upper part of the "M" resembles a large hole in the bottom of a copper boiler. The sizes of the rest of the letters are similar.

The entrance to the lighthouse is located at a considerable height, because an embankment with a length of 183 meters leads to it. It rests on a series of arches, the width of which is so great that my companion, standing under one of them and spreading his arms to the sides, could not touch its walls. There were sixteen arches in all, and each one was larger than the last. The latest arch is especially striking in its size.".

How did the very first lighthouse in the world end up at the bottom? mediterranean sea? Most sources say that the lighthouse, like other buildings of antiquity, fell victim to earthquakes. The lighthouse on Pharos stood for 1500 years, but aftershocks in 365, 956 and 1303 AD. e. severely damaged him. And the earthquake of 1326 (according to other sources in 1323) completed the destruction.

The story of how most of the lighthouse in 850 was turned into ruins due to the intrigues of the emperor of Constantinople seems completely unreliable. Since Alexandria competed very successfully with the aforementioned city, the ruler of Constantinople conceived a cunning plan to destroy the lighthouse on Pharos. He spread rumors that a treasure of fabulous value was hidden under the foundation of this structure. When the caliph in Cairo (who was at that time the ruler of Alexandria) heard this rumor, he ordered the lighthouse to be demolished in order to find the treasures hidden under it. Only after the giant mirror had been broken and two tiers had already been destroyed did the caliph realize that he had been deceived. He tried to restore the building, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Then he rebuilt the surviving first floor of the lighthouse, turning it into a mosque. However, no matter how colorful this story is, it cannot be true. After all, travelers who visited the Pharos lighthouse already in 1115 AD. e. testify that even then it still remained safe and sound, regularly performing its function.

Thus, the Lighthouse still stood on the island when the traveler Ibn Jabar visited Alexandria in 1183. What he saw shocked him so much that he exclaimed: "Not a single description can convey all its beauty, there are not enough eyes to take a look at it, and there are not enough words to tell about the greatness of this spectacle!"
Two earthquakes in 1303 and in 1323 destroyed the lighthouse on Pharos so badly that the Arab traveler Ibn Batuta could no longer get inside this structure. But even these ruins have not survived to this day: in 1480, Sultan Kite Bey, who ruled Egypt at that time, erected a citadel (fort) on the site of the lighthouse. For the construction, the remains of the masonry of the lighthouse were taken. Thus, the lighthouse became part of the medieval fort of Kite Bay. However, the blocks from which the Lighthouse of Alexandria was once built can still be discerned in the stone walls of the fort - thanks to their gigantic size.

Unfortunately, the earthquake almost completely destroyed the building, but despite this, there were no fewer people who wanted to look at the lighthouse.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria is one of the seven wonders of the world. In another way, the lighthouse is called Pharos, because of its location on the island of Pharos on the coast of Alexandria in Egypt. The city got its name from the emperor Alexander the Great. He approached the location of the city very thoughtfully. At first it will seem unusual that Macedonsky did not choose the Nile Delta, where two of the most important strategic routes pass. However, if Alexandria were built on the Nile River, harmful sands and silt would clog its harbor. Thus, the best option was chosen, because high hopes were pinned on the city.

Macedonian planned to create the largest trading city here, where goods from all over the world would be delivered. Well, of course, for such an important center, a harbor was required. Many famous designers of that time created a project according to which a dam was erected connecting the island and with mainland. Thus, two harbors were obtained, receiving ships both from the side of the Nile and from the sea.

The emperor's dream came true only after his death, when Ptolemy I ascended the throne. It was he who made Alexandria the largest trading port city in all of Greece. With the growth and development of navigation, the island became more and more in need of a lighthouse. Its construction would secure the navigation of ships at sea, as well as attract more sellers and buyers.

A lighthouse would stand out from the sparse landscape with its lights, providing a powerful landmark for the lost. According to historians, Alexander the Great also planned to make a defensive structure out of the lighthouse in case of attacks from the sea. Therefore, the plans were to build a huge sentinel post.

Construction of the Lighthouse of Alexandria

Of course, the construction of such a large-scale facility required large financial and labor resources. Finding them at such a difficult time was not easy. But Ptolemy solved this problem by bringing from conquered Syria a huge number of Jews who became slaves at a construction site. At this time, there are several other important events for the state. Ptolemy signs a settlement agreement with Demetrius Poliorcetes and celebrates the death of his natural enemy Antigonus.

In 285 BC. the construction of Pharos begins under the leadership of the architect Sostratus of Cnidus. To perpetuate his name, the architect creates an inscription saying that he is building this building for sailors. Above, the inscription was covered with tiles with the name of Ptolemy. However, the secret has now been revealed.

lighthouse structure

The lighthouse of Alexandria had three tiers of a rectangular shape with a side of 30.5 meters. The edges of the lower tier were clearly turned to certain cardinal points. Its height was 60 meters. The lower tier was decorated with tritons on the sides and was used by workers for personal purposes. Fuel and food supplies were also stored here.

The middle tier was built in the form of a polygon, the edges of which were directed to the winds.

The third tier resembled a cylinder and acted directly as a luminary. At the top was a seven-meter sculpture of Isis-Faria, which the sailors revered as their guardian. According to some sources, there was a statue of Poseidon at the top, but this fact has not been proven. A complex design of mirrors was created here, which significantly increased the range of light. Fuel was supplied to the lighthouse by special ramps, which were transported by mules. It was for the convenience of movement that the dam was built. The lighthouse of Alexandria, in addition to its direct duties, served as the defense of the city. There was a military garrison here. For complete safety, thick walls and small towers were erected around the lighthouse.

In general, the entire structure was 120 meters high, becoming the highest in the world.

The fate of the lighthouse

A millennium later, the building began to collapse. It happened in 796 during a powerful earthquake. The ruins of a 30-meter height remained from the majestic building.

Later, the military fort of Kite Bay was built from the wreckage, inside which there are now several museums? Museum of Marine Biology and Historical Museum.