What is Hyperborea: legends, interesting myths, hypotheses, the capital of the state and location. Hyperborean civilization Artifacts underfoot

Researchers of ancient legends and myths mention one mysterious world called Hyperborea. There is also information that this country was sometimes called Arctida. Many have tried to find its possible location, but so far its existence has not been proven and nothing but myths has been confirmed. What is Hyperborea? This is a hypothetical ancient continent or huge island, which previously existed in the northern part of the planet near the North Pole. In those days, Hyperborea was inhabited by a very powerful people - the Hyperboreans, who had a fairly developed civilization. Considering what Hyperborea is, it should be noted that its name means "for north wind Boreas". Some researchers believe that this is the notorious Atlantis.


There is still no evidence that Hyperborea ever existed. we can learn only from ancient Greek legends and images of this land area on ancient engravings, for example, on the map of Mercator, which was published by his son back in 1595. On it in the center is an image of this legendary mainland, and around is the coast of the Northern Arctic Ocean with modern, easily recognizable rivers and islands.

It should be noted that this map gave rise to many questions from researchers who also wanted to understand what Hyperborea is. According to the descriptions of many ancient Greek chroniclers, a favorable climate prevailed on this mainland, and from the sea or big lake, which was located in the center of Hyperborea, flowed out and fell into the ocean 4 big rivers, which is why on the map this mysterious place looks like a round shield with a cross.

What else can be said about this place? The ancient Greeks believed that the inhabitants of this continent (island) were especially loved by the god Apollo. His servants and priests lived on the territory of Hyperborea. Ancient legends say that the god Apollo came to this area once every 19 years.

According to some astronomical data, one can understand the essence of the appearance of this Hyperborean deity. The fact is that the lunar nodes in orbit return to their starting point exactly after 18.5 years. But any celestial body in ancient times was something divine, for example, the Moon in Ancient Greece was Selena. To the names of various Greek gods, including Apollo, as well as to famous heroes, for example, Hercules, a generalized epithet was added - Hyperborean.

Inhabitants of Hyperborea

There are many different books about Hyperborea. From them you can find out that the inhabitants of this country were Hyperboreans. They belonged to those peoples who were close to the gods. The inhabitants of this mysterious place enjoyed joyful labor with dances, songs, prayers, feasts, as well as general endless fun. It was believed that the death of the Hyperborean occurred only because of satiety and fatigue. The rite of termination of life at the same time was quite simple - when the Hyperboreans got tired of their lives, they threw themselves into the sea.

The wise inhabitants of this place possessed multiple knowledge and secrets of Hyperborea. Natives of these lands (wise men Arsitey and Abaris) were considered both hypostasis and servants of Apollo. They taught the Greek people to compose hymns and poems, and for the first time revealed to them the secrets of the universe, philosophy and music.

The capital of Hyperborea was the city of Pola.

Homeland of the ancient Slavs

Dozens of scientists and writers tried to localize this mysterious continent. As mentioned earlier, there is no confirmation of the existence of Hyperborea, but there is a theory that it was from these lands that the Slavic peoples came. That is why Hyperborea is considered to be the birthplace of the entire Russian people. The polar Northern continent once connected the lands of the New World and Eurasia. Various authors and researchers find remains ancient civilization in the following places:

  • Kola Peninsula.
  • Greenland.
  • Ural mountains.
  • Karelia.
  • Peninsula Taimyr.

Reality or myth

There are many people who do not delve into history, but are interested in the question of whether ancient Hyperborea ever existed? The first mention of this country appeared in ancient sources. The Hyperboreans were described by various writers and historians, starting with Hesiod and ending with Nostradamus:

  1. Pliny Sr. spoke of the Hyperboreans as inhabitants of the Arctic Circle, where the sun shone for six months.
  2. The poet Alkey in his hymn to Apollo spoke about the proximity of the solar god with this people, which was also confirmed by the famous historian
  3. Aristotle united the Scythians-Rus and the Hyperborean peoples.
  4. Hekatey of Abdera, who lived in Egypt, told a legend about small island, which was in the ocean opposite the country of the Celts.
  5. In addition to the Romans and Greeks, the mystical lands and their inhabitants were mentioned by the Indian peoples, the Chinese, and the Persians. There is information about them in the German epics.

What scientists say

The riddles of Hyperborea could not be ignored by modern historians. They both put forward and continue to put forward their versions about the inhabitants of the secret place and their culture, comparing the facts and drawing certain conclusions. According to some historians, Arctida is the mother of all world culture, since in the past these lands were a very favorable place for the prosperity and life of people. Previously, a favorable subtropical climate reigned there, which attracted advanced people of that time. Therefore, the Hyperboreans often contacted the Romans and Greeks.

Where did the mysterious Hyperborea disappear?

Surely you are wondering where did Hyperborea - the cradle of mankind? The history of this continent or island has more than one millennium. Based on ancient writings, we can conclude that the way of life of this people was democratic and simple. All people here lived as one family, settled near water bodies, and their main activity in the form of crafts, art and creativity contributed to the disclosure of the spiritual qualities of a person. Currently only the northern part modern Russia It is considered the remains of that ancient Hyperborea, which was once inhabited by the people. But why did she disappear? Where did you go? Scientists suggest that the reasons why Hyperborea, the cradle of mankind, ceased to exist are as follows:

  1. Changing of the climate. Most likely, the peoples who inhabited this continent, due to changing climatic conditions, began to migrate south. Lomonosov also wrote that for a very long time in Siberia and to the north it was so warm that even elephants could feel comfortable there. This is confirmed by the fossilized remains of palm trees and magnolias found in Greenland. The climate could change due to the displacement of the earth's axis. Ice ages also contributed to this. The glaciation came so fast that the mammoths froze to death.
  2. War of Hyperborea and Atlantis. This version is not supported by any facts or documents. Scientists have only records of Plato. He argued that the disappeared civilization ceased to exist as a result of the disastrous war that was waged between Hyperborea and Atlantis.

Since the existence of this ancient civilization has not yet been scientifically proven, it is possible to talk about it only in theory, drawing information from various ancient sources. There are many different legends about Antarctica. Consider the most popular of them:

  1. As mentioned earlier, Apollo himself made his trip to Hyperborea every 19 years.
  2. Another myth connects the territory of Hyperborea with modern northern peoples. Even some of the modern studies prove that Hyperborea once existed in the north of the Eurasian continent, and the Slavs come from it.
  3. The war between Hyperborea and Atlantis was fought with the use of nuclear weapons. Perhaps this legend can be called the most incredible.

Historical facts

Historians have concluded that the ancient civilization existed about 20,000 years ago. It was then that huge ridges (Lomonosov and Mendeleev) towered above the surface of the Arctic Ocean. In those days there was no ice, and the water in the sea was very warm, as modern paleontologists say. To confirm the existence of this disappeared continent is possible only empirically. This suggests that traces of the Hyperboreans, various artifacts, ancient maps, and monuments should be looked for. Incredibly, such evidence is now available.

In 1922, a Russian expedition led by Alexander Barchenko to Kola Peninsula found skillfully crafted stones that were oriented to the cardinal points. At the same time, a blocked manhole was found. These finds belonged to a more ancient period than the Egyptian civilization.

More about the expedition

A targeted search for this place has never been carried out, but at the beginning of the 20th century a scientific expedition set off to the area of ​​Lovozero and Seydozero (now they are in the Murmansk region). Its leader was the travelers Barchenko and Kondiayn. During research work they were engaged in geographical, ethnographic and psychophysical study of the area.

Once the expedition quite by accident stumbled upon an unusual hole that went under the surface of the earth. However, they failed to penetrate it for a rather strange reason: everyone who tried to get there was seized by a wild, inexplicable horror. But still, the researchers managed to photograph a strange passage into the very depths of the earth.

When the expedition returned to Moscow, it submitted a report on the journey, but the data was immediately classified. The most interesting thing in this story is that in the most hungry years for our country, the government quickly approved the financing and preparation of this expedition. Most likely, it was given great importance.

The leader of the expedition, Barchenko, after returning, was repressed and then shot. The materials he provided were kept secret for a long time.

However, in the early nineties, Doctor of Philosophy Demin managed to find out about the expedition. When he got acquainted with the results of the trip, studied in detail the traditions and legends of the peoples, he decided to independently go in search of Hyperborea.

In 1997-1999, a scientific expedition was again organized to search for the legendary territory on the Kola Peninsula. The researchers were given the only task, which was to find traces of this ancient cradle of mankind.

What was found

For 2 years, this expedition discovered a large number of traces of an ancient civilization on the territory of the Kola Peninsula. Here travelers found ancient petroglyphs depicting the sun. Similar symbolism has also been found among the ancient Chinese and the heptanes.

In addition, artificially created labyrinths aroused great interest among researchers. It is from here that they took their distribution around the world. Modern scientists have been able to prove that these stone labyrinths are an encoded projection of the passage of a celestial body across the polar sky.

The expedition managed to find several rock carvings in the form of a trident and a lotus. In addition, special interest arose in the image of a man who, according to legend, was walled up in the rock of Karnasurta.

Of course, these finds cannot be considered direct evidence of the existence of a highly developed civilization. However, it often happens that the most daring hypotheses, which venerable scientists smashed to smithereens, were later fully confirmed.

What is now in the place of Hyperborea

Until now, there is no specific data regarding the location of the island or the mainland of Hyperborea. If we turn to modern scientific data, then there are no islands near the North Pole, but there is an underwater Lomonosov Ridge, which was named after its discoverer. Next to it is the Mendeleev Ridge. They both sank under water relatively recently.

That is why it can be assumed that a millennium ago this range was inhabited, and its inhabitants could move to the neighboring continent to the regions of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, to Taimyr or to the Kola Peninsula.

Books about Hyperborea

If you want to delve into the study of this ancient culture, you can read books written by foreign and Russian authors:

  • "The Babylonian Phenomenon. Russian language from time immemorial”, author N.N. Oreshkin.
  • Paradise Found at the North Pole by W.F. Warren.
  • "Hyperborea. Foremother of Russian culture”, author V.N. Demin, and other publications.
  • “In search of Hyperborea”, authors V.V. Golubev and V.V. Tokarev.
  • "Hyperborea. Historical roots of the Russian people”, author V.N. Demin.
  • "Arctic homeland in the Vedas", author B.L. Tilak.


Currently, Hyperborea is one of the most mysterious and mythical places, the mystery of which excites mankind. Perhaps the stories about the mainland are fiction, but many believe in its real existence.

An impressive literary landing landed in the small town of Kovdor in the Murmansk region - famous Russian science fiction writers visited the land that today calls itself none other than the capital of Hyperborea. As it turned out, in the district there is a lot of indirect evidence in favor of this version of the location of the mythical country of antiquity.

The first passports for citizens of Hyperborea were issued. Photo: Press service of JSC "MHK "EuroChem"

Sergei Lukyanenko (author of Dozorov), Vadim Panov (Secret City cycle), Vladimir Torin (Amalgam), Andrey Shcherbak-Zhukov (Virtual Pierrot), Oleg Divov came to Kovdor to get acquainted with local sights and communicate with readers ("Absolute Peacemakers"), Anton Pervushin ("The Hunt for Herostratus") and editor-in-chief of "Literaturnaya Gazeta", writer and poet Maxim Zamshev. Many of them somehow mentioned Hyperborea in their works.

The writers visited the city park, where there is a unique runic stone. According to the researcher of Hyperborea Natalya Kulagina, this is a kind of "hard disk" of antiquity, left by the inhabitants of a mythical country for the preservation and transmission of information. The science fiction writers also met a hereditary Sami shaman - she told the guests the story of how she became a noid. According to one version of the Saami, these are good shamans who help people, unlike Geidu (witches) who can harm.

We visited a shaman. She told us about the old Saami customs and her encounters with the Hyperborean giants. The pensive science fiction writers left for Kovdor,” Sergey Lukyanenko described this meeting in his social media accounts.

And the passports of citizens of Hyperborea handed over to science fiction writers became the most original souvenir. The document was certified by the head of the Kovdorsky district, Sergei Somov, and by the serpent Kuvvt himself, after whom the city got its name.

The first passports for citizens of Hyperborea were issued. I really like the term of their action - "the end of the world." I congratulate my colleagues on the official recognition as "spiritual beings of the highest order." The documents look amazing, - shared Oleg Divov.

It is worth noting that the city of Kovdor itself is quite young - the year of its foundation is considered to be 1953, when the construction of a mining and processing plant (GOK) began here, a working settlement appeared. The place in this regard is more than successful - about 200 types of minerals have been discovered in the vicinity. The discoverer of the Kovdor iron ore deposit Konstantin Koshits, the mineralogist and teacher of the Leningrad University, the granddaughter of the great composer Olga Rimskaya-Korsakova, the director of the Mining and Processing Plant Alexei Sukhachev are called involved in the founding of the city. Now the municipality is looking for new ways of development, its project "Kovdor - the capital of Hyperborea" was recognized as exemplary in terms of development of the territory in the conditions of the Far North.

The culmination of the congress of science fiction writers in the Arctic was a meeting with readers in the city's Palace of Culture, where a discussion about Hyperborea took place.

In my books, I only slightly touched on the history of Hyperborea, but what is happening now in Kovdor, it seems to me, will give us an impetus for us to learn and tell even more about it, - says science fiction writer Vadim Panov. - Everyone knows perfectly well that the Kola Peninsula is a secret that, for various reasons, was not dealt with. It seems to me that the fact that Kovdor decided to pay serious attention to this will help the peninsula become one of the main tourist destinations in Russia.

In the cycle of his novels "Secret City" Vadim Panov often mentioned the Hyperboreans and the world serpent that bites its own tail. And the main character of the novel "Tantamaresque" by Vladimir Torin is a resident of Hyperborea named Eo.

The writers also shared their creative plans with their readers (more than 20,000 people followed the online broadcast of the meeting alone), held a master class for beginner writers and an autograph session.

The last capital of Hyperborea

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The center of the ancient state Slavensk became the first capital of the Slavs In previous articles, we talked about the fact that on the territory of modern Ukraine, Belarus and Russia there was the most ancient state of Europe - Hyperborea. And that many facts confirm that it ceased to exist within its former borders due to a difficult war with two enemies at once - nomadic tribes and the Roman Empire. Greek fire was invented by the Hyperboreans? Quite a lot of fundamental structures were left behind by the civilization of the Hyperboreans. These are the first Christian churches in the world on the territory of Crimea, in Chernihiv, Kyiv, Kamenetz-Podolsk. But the most amazing structures are the grandiose ramparts. Only the so-called Serpentine Shafts stretched for one and a half thousand kilometers, and in addition to them, we can observe the ramparts of Kyiv - former capital Hyperborea. Several giant half-rings, even by modern standards, fence off the territory where Odessa is now located. Obviously, in order to build such large-scale structures, it was necessary to have technologies that would allow moving significant volumes of soil over distances in a different way than manually. Let's analyze whether the ancient Hyperboreans could own such technologies. Wherever the largest defensive structures are located, there is a river or reservoir nearby. Mostly they are made of sand, and judging by the angle of the slope, abundantly moistened with water during construction, and reinforced with wood or stone. As we wrote earlier, there is a lot of evidence that Hyperborea was an advanced power ancient world. Accordingly, the gear transmission, which was used in many states mediterranean, in particular for lifting water into irrigation systems, was known to them. Surely, the Hyperboreans could create an ancient semblance of pipes, for example, from animal skins sewn and treated with fat. Thus, they were quite able to carry out the so-called hydraulic reclamation. That is, using a primitive pump to pump sand mixed with water from a reservoir into a structure under construction. This explains why, during the construction of defensive structures, the Hyperboreans preferred sandy ramparts, on top of which there were wooden or stone walls. The most developed state of the ancient world The Greeks wrote that the Hyperboreans succeeded in the production of weapons, and in the sciences, and in art. In particular, their creations have become role models for ancient Greek sculptors. Accordingly, we can assume that the samples of weapons or art of the Hyperboreans surpassed the products of other states in their level and could be mistaken by archaeologists for works of later historical periods. As we have already said in previous articles, the constant enemy of Hyperborea on the eastern borders were nomadic warlike tribes, in particular the Scythians. It is known that the Persians, having conquered almost all of Asia, reached the Scythian lands and stopped. It is known about a temporary alliance between the Persians and the Scythians. The question arises, in alliance against whom? Hardly against the Chinese Empire, with which the interests of the Persians practically did not intersect. Another thing is Hyperborea, with which there was probably a struggle for influence on the Black and mediterranean seas. What the Scythians, pushed by the Persians, did on the borders with Hyperborea, we do not know. They may have succeeded in capturing and burning down several frontier towns. And, probably, for this they suffered severe retribution. In any case, when King Cyrus came to them as to his old allies, fearing nothing, they cut off his head. And they drowned her in a barrel of blood, saying: “Did you want blood? Get her!" Whose blood did the Scythians mean? Perhaps our ancestors are the Hyperboreans. It should be noted that for almost five hundred years the gigantic Persian state could not crush the scattered and relatively small Greek city-states in numerous wars. It would hardly have been possible if the Greeks in this confrontation had not had the support of another mighty power - the northern neighbor and teacher - Hyperborea. Let me remind you that the Persian state was destroyed by the united Greek army, led by Tsar Alexander the Great. Macedonia, if you look at the map, almost directly bordered on the territory of the Hyperboreans. Is there any evidence of a connection between the great Alexander and a people who apparently have higher technology than the Romans and Greeks? Let us recall at least the famous Greek fire or just Alexander's helmet. This helmet impressed everyone who saw it so much that numerous descriptions have been preserved. According to two twisted horns, skillfully depicted on the helmet, Alexander even received the nickname "ram-headed". This helmet was of extraordinary strength. Apparently, we are talking about steel, the secret of making which was not owned by any of the peoples known to us at that time. In terms of elegance of decoration, this helmet surpassed everything that the Persian or Greek masters of that time could create. But the products of Greek masters still delight us! The helmet of Alexander the Great was made of steel If we assume that the Hyperboreans are behind Alexander's campaign, the origin of such an amazing helmet is understandable. According to one of the legends, after the death of Alexander, the helmet, which won dozens of victories in it, returned to its homeland and became a kind of symbol of the struggle of the Hyperboreans against the Romans several hundred years later. But more on that later. It is known that during the assault on the second city, the union of Troy - Tyre, Alexander was forced to build a dam more than a kilometer long, spending about six months on it. It's almost impossible to do it manually. But given that the Hyperboreans helped him and the technologies of hydraulic reclamation were applied, everything is explained. By the way, the diving bell, in which Alexander descended to the bottom of the strait, was most likely used to place pipes at the bottom. We have already said that in the fortieth year of our era, the emperor Nero massacred the Christians, uniting all the Romans with this monstrous crime against the inevitable enemy. Recall that Hyperborea was, most likely, the first Christian state in the world (see the article in "KP in St. Petersburg" dated February 6, 2006). And supported the Christian communities in the territory of the Roman Empire. It is known that Armenia and Georgia adopted Christianity much earlier than Rome. Most likely, under the influence of Hyperborea. The Roman legions create a second front against the northern power that is at war with the nomads. But did the Romans succeed in a quick victory? This is doubtful. Firstly, on the way of the Romans, a natural water barrier is the Dniester. Secondly, the Hyperboreans are skilled warriors and good builders. Most likely, the crossing over the Dniester was opposite the city of Kamenetz-Podolsky. It is there that we see the most powerful stone fortifications. In all reference books they are dated as medieval. Yes, of course, fortifications have been completed and reconstructed over the millennia. But nevertheless, part of the surviving walls was erected before our era. It will not be surprising if, in the near future, underwater archaeologists at the bottom of the Dniester in this place will discover the remains of the pillars of a grandiose bridge. Probably, on these lines, the Hyperboreans managed to delay the movement of the Roman army. Romans and nomads resisted for hundreds of years If you believe the legends, then King Volos (Veles), the adopted son of King Volotomar, the first Christian sovereign, ruled Hyperborea at that time. What decision could he make in this situation? It is logical that the Hyperboreans retreat in an organized manner to the north of their state, where dense forests and swamps are their allies. And those lands that were not previously developed by them because of the harsh climate become their new homeland. Their main task is to fight against the Roman Empire that betrayed them. Every man is obliged to crown himself with military glory. Perhaps, hence the new name of the people - the Slavs, and the new northern capital- Slavensk. By the way, many ancient Slavic sources indicate that the first capital of Russia was founded by Veles himself, who was considered the god and patron of the Slavs. Let's try to imagine Slavensk. It must be Big city, which is not inferior in size to ancient Kyiv. It must be near the water. And at the same time, considering when it was built, in a rather secretive and protected place. It must be surrounded by powerful ramparts, and the date of its construction dates back to the middle of the first century AD. Let's return to the legend about the helmet of Alexander the Great. According to this legend, King Veles made his helmet, crowned with his glory, his talisman and symbol of the struggle against the Romans. Perhaps this is what caused the hatred of the Romans towards Alexander the Great. Recall that according to one version, they destroyed a grandiose memorial built by Alexander in honor of the heroes of the Trojan War under the walls of Ephesus (“KP” of November 18, 2005). Thus, in this legendary helmet with twisted horns, King Veles already won one victory after another. Probably inferior in numbers and in general in resources, the war on the part of the Hyperboreans was partly partisan in nature. According to the Greeks, they were unsurpassed sailors. Crossing the seas on their ships and descending the rivers, they unexpectedly attacked the Roman cities and garrisons. Note that later the Varangians borrowed this tactic from them, as well as the horns on their helmets. The Finns almost discovered Slavensk Thus, we can add one more parameter to the Slavensk search. It must be somewhere at the junction of the Scandinavian and Slavic cultures. I have repeatedly examined the grandiose ramparts located outside the city of Zelenogorsk near St. Petersburg. As an engineer, I can say unequivocally - they are of artificial origin. They stretch for tens of kilometers. They approach the Gulf of Finland itself in the place where the Black River flows into it, forming a natural, fairly deep harbor. This place meets all the characteristics that we have identified for the search for the first capital of Russia. And until someone proves otherwise, we will assume that we have found it. I have information that in the early 80s, local excavations were carried out on these ramparts near Zelenogorsk and the remains of houses dating back to the 1st century BC were found. n. e. Information about these excavations was classified. I also read that in the late 30s, Finnish archaeologists tried to start excavations in this place. By a peculiar coincidence, it was precisely for this line that Stalin demanded that they move the Soviet-Finnish border. The dramatic events of the Soviet-Finnish war of the 40th year are known to everyone ... According to one of the northern legends, the king of the Hyperboreans, the founder of Slavensk Veles, died in a major battle with the Romans somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmodern Smolensk, having previously lost his talisman, Alexander's helmet, knocked down by a powerful blow . Which, most likely, became the trophy of some Roman commander. Of course, put into the conditions of a guerrilla war with a superior enemy in the conditions of the northern climate, the power of the Hyperboreans, most likely, collapsed. But, perhaps, before that, partially restored in the Byzantine state. The fact that the Slavs were directly related to the emergence and development of the Byzantine state - historical fact. Note that the guards of the Byzantine Caesars were traditionally Slavs. It must be assumed that the Byzantine Empire, which considers itself the successor of Rome, made every effort to ensure that the very memory of Hyperborea was erased from world history. Byzantium borrowed the religion and language of the Hyperboreans Where is the best place to hide a piece of snow - in the snow; a piece of paper - in a pile of other papers. The ancients knew this truth as well as we do. Most likely, the newly emerged Byzantine Empire takes on the language and writing of the disintegrated Hyperborea, that is, Greek. Indeed, Greek inscriptions are found almost everywhere in all Slavic lands. And nowhere have they found a single text older than the 8th century in Russian. Maybe, new language deliberately introduced by Byzantium on the territory of the former Hyperborea. Thus, probably, New Rome appropriated the culture and writing of the first Christian people devoted to them. By the way, if we analyze the ancient Greek myths, it is obvious that the events in many of them take place in more northern lands, overgrown with dense, including coniferous, forests. And in the tragedy of Aeschylus "Prometheus Chained" it directly refers to the lands of the Kemerians, where the night lasts for almost half a year. So, perhaps the ancient Hyperboreans (Slavs) spoke and wrote in their native "Greek" language. Thus, the great Veles and the great Alexander, if they lived at the same time, they could understand each other without an interpreter. But it is not only the language and the helmet that unite them; both Veles and Alexander were deified during their lifetime. Both Veles and Alexander were considered not only gods, but also sons of gods. As we wrote earlier, Veles was the adopted son of Tsar Volotomar, during whose reign most of all Christian churches were built. Including a temple in Kyiv over the burial of two people - a man and a woman. Perhaps ("KP" for February 6, 2006), the bodies of Jesus Christ and his wife are buried there. Considering Jesus Christ as God and adopting Christianity as the state religion. It is logical that the Hyperboreans could call the son of God only the son of Jesus Christ. Thus, it is permissible to assume that the king of the Hyperboreans and the Slavic god Veles may indeed have been the earthly son of Jesus himself. The fact that this is so was an unshakable postulate of the religion of the Russian Old Believers or Old Believers, many of whom were martyred for their beliefs. BTW The helmet of Alexander the Great and Veles is in the Hermitage Unfortunately, it is very difficult to separate the traces of the culture of Ancient Hyperborea from the Greek and Byzantine ones. In those days, no one protected copyright and all the best, as a rule, was assigned to the newcomers. There are many examples in history when old inscriptions were knocked off on ancient obelisks and new ones were cut out. Signatures were changed under the monuments, and new hallmarks were put on coins and medals belonging to another era. Once, while visiting the hall of medieval weapons in the Hermitage, I noticed four helmets made by the Italian master from Milan, F. Negroli, in the 30s of the 16th century. One of these helmets is very different from the other three. So much so that it can be seen with the naked eye - they belong not only to different masters, but also to different eras and civilizations. Not only the quality and manufacturing technology is fundamentally different, but also the material from which the helmets are made. The helmet, in which F. Negroli clearly surpassed himself and all the masters of his era, is forged in the form of a head of a fantastic animal with twisted horns. The more I looked at this helmet, the more my conviction grew stronger - not for the Duke of Urbino, Guidobaldo II, and long before the 16th century. this ingenious work of an unknown ancient master was created.

The question of the disappeared northern country has always worried scientists.
How did Hyperborea die?
What do the sources of ancient civilizations say?
How did the ancestors of the Slavs survive the global catastrophe?
Where could the survivors go?

The Italian historian Mavro Orbini, in his book “The Slavic Kingdom” (1601), wrote: “The people of the Slavs are much older than Egyptian pyramids and so numerous that it inhabits half the world. Although the written history of the people who lived before our era does not tell anything, traces of the most ancient culture in the Russian North are a scientific fact. The ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Plato wrote that the centuries-old roots of the Russian people originate in Arctida.

Evidence of the existence of the legendary Hyperborea. Mercator map

Medieval maps in museums around the world show that Hyperborea was located on islands around the modern North Pole. Some scientists are sure that it also occupied Greenland and Scandinavia.

The fact of the existence of the Slavic ancestral homeland is evidenced by the works the greatest traveler and the 16th-century cartographer Gerardus Mercator. No one has ever doubted his discoveries, even in our time. How this man could draw up an accurate map of Hyperborea remained a mystery. Indeed, by the time it was compiled (1595), this territory no longer existed.

The cartographer described the legendary northern country as a rounded mainland, divided by huge rivers into four identical parts. Studying the map, modern scientists recognize the territory of the Arctic Ocean in Arctida. An accurate description of the northern part of the coast of America and Eurasia fully confirms the reliability of Mercator's work. Engravings of ancient peoples found by archaeologists also confirm the existence of Hyperborea. The map also has an image of Meru's ancestral mountain. This universal height was at the North Pole. According to declassified information, a mountain was discovered under the water of the Northern Ocean in Russia - a very high one, touching the ice cover. In addition, the ancient map depicts a strait connecting America and Asia. Interestingly, the Russian navigator Semyon Dezhnev discovered it only in 1648. After 80 years, this path was again passed by a Russian expedition led by Vigus Bering. Subsequently, the strait was named after the commander. How did Mercator know about Bering Strait? How did he get on his card?

Proof of the existence of Hyperborea can also be found in the works of Yakov Gakkel, a well-known Soviet cartographer and oceanographer. His studies of the bottom of the Arctic Ocean confirm the existence of this civilization. According to the scientist, the descendants of the Hyperboreans were the eastern and western Slavs, who settled in the Scandinavian Peninsula, as well as in the northern part of continental Europe.

The catastrophe that befell the northern country

In the ancient myths of the peoples of the world, Hyperborea was spoken of as a "paradise land." For example, the Hellenes called it that because it is located behind the north wind Boreas. They believed that it was the wise Hyperboreans who laid the foundation modern civilization. Homer described Arctida as a highly developed civilization, and its representatives as giants with Slavic features. The ancient Roman erudite writer Pliny the Elder, who was considered one of the most impartial scientists of his time, called the nationality real. “Civilization lives near the Arctic Circle, has its own culture and is outwardly similar to the Hellenes. The Hyperboreans are a happy people, living to a decrepit age, having amazing legends. There the sun does not set below the horizon for six months. The whole country is flooded with sunlight. Favorable climate, no cold wind. Groves and forests serve as dwellings for people. They do not know disease, strife, hatred. A person dies only when he is fed up with life, ”wrote Pliny the Elder. But Hyperborea has disappeared. What happened? Why did she go under water?

Many peoples of Siberia have legends describing the disaster that befell the "paradise land". Khanty, Mansi, Sakhalin Nivkhs, Nanais - all these peoples talk about the flood. But before this event there is fire from the sky. Then - a sharp cooling, and as a result - the death of all living things.

There is a version that before the "big water" there was a collision of the Earth with a meteorite. As a result, Hyperborea disappeared under water. However, at first it was part of the mainland. Then the entire territory went under water, with the exception of a few islands. Where did the Hyperboreans go? Scientists suggest that one part of the inhabitants of Hyperborea migrated to the southern lands. The other - to the territory of modern Germany, Poland and Belarus. Mixing with the indigenous population of nomadic tribes, new languages, customs arose, cultural heritage changed.

The legends of the Russian Templars say that Lelya (once the Earth's satellite), revolving around the planet in 7 days, fell on its surface. But it didn't fall by accident. He was destroyed in a space battle. It was this fall that caused a global catastrophe, as a result of which Hyperborea died. The earth's axis shifted, which led to a change in climatic conditions, and the Hyperboreans migrated to other favorable places.

According to the astronomical calculations of the ancient Egyptians, as well as the Mayan calendar, the catastrophe that hit Hyperborea dates back to 11,542 BC. The Flood, a sharp change in climatic conditions forced our ancestors to leave their country and settle almost all over the earth. Many teachings that have come down to us from antiquity mention a people in the North who possessed vast knowledge.

Other scientific confirmation of the existence of Hyperborea. Climate

Paleontologists and oceanographers from Russia, the United States and Canada have determined that climatic conditions The Arctic (from 30 to 15 millennium BC) were mild. The waters of the Arctic Ocean were warm, no eternal ice did not exist on the continent. The modern underwater ridges of Mendeleev and Lomonosov towered above the water surface of the ocean. The North Pole had a temperate climate that was favorable for human life.

Migratory birds and their migration

The fact that the climate of the Arctic in the past was favorable is evidenced by the annual migrations of migratory birds. This can be explained by the genetically programmed memory of the warm ancestral home. The current state of the Arctic Ocean floor shows that it used to be a huge plateau with river valleys. Scientists believe: this is the mainland, which once towered over the ocean. If the map of the bottom of the Arctic Ocean is superimposed on the map of Gerard Mercator, the coincidences will be amazing. Therefore, it cannot be called a mere coincidence.

Structures made of stone

The fact that an ancient highly developed civilization existed in the northern latitudes is evidenced by stone structures. So, a labyrinth was discovered on the coast of Novaya Zemlya. This is an exceptional find, because such structures have never been found in these latitudes. Scientists continue to find traces of the life of ancient civilizations all over the Earth, starting from Leningrad region, Yakutia and ending with Novaya Zemlya.

Quest for a Legendary Civilization

As history shows, such famous personalities as Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler believed in the existence of Hyperborea. The German leader even equipped several expeditions to search for her. The Soviet Union did not lag behind Germany. By order of Dzerzhinsky, three expeditions were organized. Two of them disappeared (most likely died), but one returned to Moscow with evidence of the existence of Hyperborea. But for unknown reasons, the leader of the expedition, Barchenko, was soon shot, and the rest of his group disappeared without a trace. What were all these expeditions looking for? Just archaeological interest? No. Most likely, they needed the lost knowledge of the Hyperboreans. After all, the ancient inhabitants of the northern country could adapt the forces of nature for their own benefit, for their needs.

All modern expeditions aimed at searching for Hyperborea - the ancient ancestral home of the Slavs, raise new questions. There is new evidence of the real existence of this country. But there are more and more mysteries. The main thing is that no one doubts that Arctida is related to history. ancient Russia. No one doubts that the Russian people, their language is connected with this disappeared country. Time will pass, and scientists will find more evidence of the existence of the northern mainland. This will change the perception of the last millennia in the history of all mankind. Perhaps the Hyperboreans will turn out to be not only the ancestors of the Slavs, but also the descendants of an extraterrestrial highly developed civilization. Time will tell…

The legendary proto-civilization of the Hyperboreans was sought by many, including the Bolsheviks and the Nazis. Journalists from Goroda 812 found the capital of Hyperborea in the polar Kovdor, a dead-end Russian monotown in the Lapland tundra, 17 km from the Finnish border.

Traces of ancient culture are found everywhere there - artifacts, literally, lie under your feet. For many years, no one but crazy enthusiasts paid any attention to them. Recently, Kovdor officially declared itself the capital of Hyperborea. Why did the authorities believe in the legend, and why does the oligarch Melnichenko need it? - learned "City 812".

What happens if you dig for 60 years without stopping

Kovdor is located on the Kola Peninsula, this is the only place on the planet where baddeleyite (zirconium ore) is mined. But the city will become famous (not yet famous, but already ready) not for this: in Kovdor and its environs, unique monuments belonging to the (presumably) disappeared Hyperborean civilization were found. The journalists of "City 812" devoted their vacation to researching the legend of the wonderland, and what benefits can be derived from ancient runes.

Until now, the Kovdorsky Mining and Processing Plant (GOK) has been (and remains) the main one here. Near the plant, built in the 1950s on the "place of power" of the Hyperboreans, is the city of Kovdor. The pictures from space show that the area of ​​the GOK is larger than the area of ​​the city.

Kovdor on the map: quarry and city

The central point of Kovdor is a giant quarry with a diameter of 2.5 km and a depth of almost half a kilometer (!), where iron ore is mined. There used to be a hill in this place.

For more than 60 years, they have been digging here non-stop: excavators and trucks as high as a three-story house, transporting ore, crawl around the walls of the crater around the clock. The journey from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the crater on a shift (worker transport vehicle) takes about an hour.

GOK works seven days a week - continuous production.

We were given protective clothing full set- from sandals to gloves) and were allowed to walk along the edge of the quarry. You look down - as if from the tower of the Lakhta Center. The depth of the quarry and the height of the St. Petersburg skyscraper are the same.

Twice a week - on Wednesdays and Saturdays - the rock is blown up at the GOK. Stone dust hangs in the air, the locals are already used to it and do not notice it. On the territory of the Mining and Processing Plant, sprinklers drive, irrigating sand and gravel roads.

The enterprise produces iron ore, apatite and baddeleyite concentrate. The plant has a license to dig another hundred years - to a depth of two kilometers.

Artifacts underfoot

Kovdor stands on the lands of the ancient Saami. Many Kovdorians call themselves Sami and believe that they are the heirs of the Hyperboreans.

According to legend, Hyperborea (aka Arctida) tens of thousands of years ago founded a highly developed proto-civilization, which then mysteriously disappeared. Where exactly she was and whether she really was, has not yet been found out. In favor of the Arctic indicate the names - Arctida, as well as Hyperborea, which is translated from ancient Greek - "the country lying behind the north wind."

Artist Vsevolod Ivanov draws Hyperborea. From this picture it is clear that it was destroyed by global cooling.

Traces of the Hyperborean civilization are found in large numbers by the inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula. Artifacts are lying under your feet! We were able to see only a small part of them. The main obstacle for researchers is nature, which hides ancient monuments in hard-to-reach places.

The main Kovdor artifact, fortunately, is located in a very accessible place. This is a runestone lying a hundred meters from the GOK entrance. Now it is hidden in the thickets of grass, overgrown with moss. According to Natalya Ilina, the artifact was discovered by local historian Valentina Popova back in 1997. She saw runic symbols on it, running along the snake's body. By the way, Kovdor is translated from Sami as "snake".

The most accessible artifact is a stone with runes

Later, local researchers identified the runes on the stone as ancient Aryan. (According to the common version, the Aryans were descendants of the Hyperboreans). The characters add up to topographic map. Runes of Fire and Stone are located in place ancient volcano(now there is a mine "Iron"). Rune of Water - on the site of the city lake.

The stone is not guarded, and has not been seriously examined by anyone. Although they made tracing paper from the runes to show scientists.

Tracing paper from stone runes

One of the latest Kovdor discoveries is a megalithic complex on the banks of the Tolva River. Rectangular slabs were found there, laid in the form of stairs, and clusters of the same slabs, reminiscent of the foundations of buildings. This is the capital of Hyperborea, the locals are sure.

We are waiting for the Chinese

Local residents call Kovdor a dead end - because to him with " mainland”There is only one road that ends here. Few people go to Kovdor - only business trips to the mining and processing plant and occasional tourists.

The population of Kovdor is about 16 thousand people, over the past 30 years it has halved. The whole life of the townspeople revolves around the Mining and Processing Plant: for them, it is both an employer, a host and a benefactor. The plant gives money for social programs, culture, improvement and, in fact, manages life in Kovdor.

- It is impossible today to separate what the plant does and what the city does. But the city needs to move away from dependence on the plant, local residents explain.

Together with the government of the Murmansk region and the administration of the Kovdorsky district, GOK created a concept for the development of the territory, calling it straightforwardly - "Kovdor - the capital of Hyperborea".

The main task is to attract tourists and create in the region tourism infrastructure. Large-scale plans: hiking in the footsteps of the Hyperboreans, the construction of hostels, tents, camp sites. Creation of deer and trout farms. Pearl fishing on the Yena River (supplied to the imperial court of the Romanovs). Alluvium of gold. Collection of mushrooms, cloudberries and everything useful that has grown. Viewing the Northern Lights. Industrial excursions to the mining and processing complex and to the abandoned mines of Kovdorslyuda.

The concept is mainly focused on Russian tourists. Although they hope for foreigners. “We are waiting for the Chinese,” the locals admit. “And, of course, the Finns.” Kovdor is located 17 km from the border with Finland. The city could live richly if a border crossing was opened nearby. The construction of the checkpoint "Kovdor - Savukovsky", as well as the road to the state border - the main points of the project "Kovdor - the capital of Hyperborea". This issue is being dealt with by the government of the Murmansk region and MHK "EuroChem" oligarch Andrey Melnichenko, who owns the Kovdorsky GOK.

Pseudo-scientific Stonehenge

The search for Hyperborea on the Kola Peninsula has been going on since the beginning of the 20th century. We have already found a lot of things, but the controversy does not stop.

The first expedition led by Baron Eduard Tol, who went to the Arctic in search of the ancestral home of mankind, disappeared without a trace in 1902.

In the early 1920s, a special department of the OGPU, under the leadership of Gleb Bokiy, equipped an expedition to the area of ​​Lovozero and Seydozero (these are lakes located 200 km east of modern Kovdor), which was entrusted to lead Alexander Barchenko, an employee of the Institute. Bekhterev.

Expedition Barchenko. 1922

Barchenko found a lot of amazing things - tundra paved with granite blocks, entrances to underground caves, pyramids, stone seids, rock carvings. The megalithic complexes he described are reminiscent of Stonehenge. But the main thing Barchenko went for was the study of unusual mental states that arose in people near the discovered artifacts. In the 1930s, the expedition members were shot.

A.B. Barchenko (1881 -1938). Photo from the investigation file, 1937.

In the 1940s, the Nazis tried to find Aryan civilization in the north when they broke into the Arctic during the Second World War.

In the late 1990s, under the leadership of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Valery Dyomin, several expeditions “in the footsteps of Barchenko” took place. Demin assures that he confirmed his discoveries. Plus, I discovered images of geometric figures at the bottom of Seydozero and a stone observatory on Mount Ninchurt.

There is no scientific explanation for these findings. In academic circles, the existence of Hyperborea is considered "pseudo-scientific".

We wanted to see with our own eyes the mysterious artifacts that academicians do not believe in. Indigenous people, however, say that not everyone can see the legacy of their ancestors.

"If the lake opens for you"

We were looking for a guide for a trip to Seydozero (the Saami have this sacred lake). The locals, in response to requests to be taken there, spoke. “If the lake opens for you… Try to be silent there more… Try to hear it.”

But not all guides turned out to be so quivering - on a boat we crossed about 30 km along another lake - Lovozero, then walked several kilometers on foot to Seydozero. By the time the bloodthirsty mosquitoes had almost gnawed through the jackets, a mirror-like surface peeped out from the tangle of branches.

Still water. Colored pebbles at the bottom. And blue (this is a color, not a metaphor) mountains in the distance. The sacred lake of the Saami, and possibly the Hyperboreans.

As advised, we quieted down and listened. The lake did not say anything, but gave 10 rubles, two fishing hooks with baubles and a tiny lilac amethyst. All this wealth lay underfoot on the shore. We were able to see a 70-meter image of the giant Kuyva on the Kuyvchorr rock.


We were not alone on the lake. Four Chinese men in identical poisonous green windbreakers wandered silently nearby. Their translator said that they were bloggers from Hong Kong. If they like it, then crowds of Chinese tourists will be drawn to Seydozero.

But maybe they won’t stretch – Hong Kong bloggers covered their faces with their hands and looked haggard. According to the translator, they are shocked by mosquitoes. In Hong Kong, insect bites can be fatal, as mosquitoes carry tropical diseases. Locals convinced bloggers that northern mosquitoes are completely harmless. But the Chinese did not believe - and did not talk, fearing that some insect would fly into their mouths.

In addition to mosquitoes, many snakes, bears and deer also live on Hyperborean land. We did not meet anyone larger than a mosquito, although we did come across heaps of bear life. They ate reindeer - smoked and dried. Sad, but delicious.

Our guide to the artifacts of Hyperborea is skeptical - although not completely rejected. Because Hyperborea is important for the development of tourism.

On Mount Karnasurta, 6 km from the city of Revda, not far from Seydozero, ruins were discovered - enthusiasts believe that these are the remains of a Hyperborean city.

There is a similar masonry in the Kovdorsky district.

Sensation again

Ever since EuroChem and the Kovdor administration started the project “Kovdor – the capital of Hyperborea”, cases of discovery of ancient artifacts on the territory of the Murmansk region have become more frequent. Just a few days ago another sensational discovery was made. At the end of July 2019, a resident of Kovdor, Alexey Tolmachev, while fishing on Lake Girvas, came across a large boulder decorated with stone threads, with a portrait of a humanoid creature carved on it. Geologists have already stated that the image on the stone, which is approximately 25-30 thousand years old, does not look like traces of natural weathering. Most likely, the boulder was a fragment of some structure.

A newly discovered stone in Girvas Lake

A photograph of the find was sent to the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Elena Rotkevich, St. Petersburg-Kovdor-Kuelporr-Lovozero-Seydozero