Belarus in 5 days by car. A trip to Belarus by car

Hello! Today on the blog is an unusual experiment. Not an interview, not a guest post, but a story about a New Year's road trip to Belarus from my friends, the Kurtyshov family. I am most interested in the geographical direction - not far, relatively inexpensive, a passport is not required. In short, perfect for a holiday trip.

I asked the guys to tell about the trip and prepared interview questions, and in response I received a detailed report with photos! Now I’m thinking, is it good or bad when you have bloggers as friends? They themselves have an awl in one place and they don’t let others live in peace 🙂

The report turned out to be quite large and I broke it into two parts. The speech is held by the head of the family - Sergey, part-time driver of the crew. Authorship and style are fully preserved, I just added a travel map and a few useful links.


At the end of November, the issue with the New Year holidays was finally resolved, namely, that they still will be. I didn’t want to spend them on the couch or on endless trips to the guests, which would end in a headache in the morning.

Immediately the question arose WHERE? After some deliberation, the choice fell on fraternal Belarus. The main reasons why this direction was chosen:

  1. And yet this foreign country;
  2. You can travel by car, which is very useful when you want to see the maximum and do not need to buy tours and tickets in advance.

Well, there is a desire to travel and a direction has been chosen. It remains to work out the route. This had to be dealt with. For two weeks, the expanses of the Internet were surfed and various combinations of the words “………. in Belarus". As a result of painful work, objects of visit were chosen that meet the needs of all family members (Dad, Mom, Daughter - 14 years old, Son - 8 years old). For the Pope - the Brest Fortress. For Mom - the castle complexes of Nesvizh and Mir. For the Daughter and Son - the water park "Lebyazhy" and Belovezhskaya Pushcha with a visit to the residence of the Belarusian Father Frost. And, of course, walks around the capital of Belarus - Minsk and a visit to the museum complex of ancient folk crafts "Dudutki".

Based on the number of selected objects and their distance from each other, the following route was compiled:

Travel from Gorodets to Minsk - 1.5 days;

Accommodation in Minsk - 2.5 days, including sightseeing in Minsk, visiting the water park and the museum complex "Dudutki";

Transfer from Minsk to Brest - 0.5 days with a stop at the castle complexes;

Accommodation in Brest - 1.5 days, this included the Brest Fortress and Belovezhskaya Pushcha;

Travel from Brest to Gorodets - 2 days.

TOTAL - the journey should take 8 days.

Housing in Belarus

The search for housing began a week before the New Year. It immediately became clear that the hotels in Minsk and its environs were already occupied. The next surprise came up while searching for apartments. Holiday prices are doubled. The average price tag for an apartment for four people in new year holidays is: in Minsk $60-70/day, in Brest $40-50/day.

Booking an apartment was not so easy. Either the apartment is occupied, or they ask for an advance payment in the amount of a daily payment. After a long search and fruitless calls, apartments in Minsk and Brest were booked FREE OF CHARGE with the help of the website.

I came across a residential apartment in Minsk. Moreover, pensioners live in it, with the resulting atmosphere. In Brest, the picture was different. The apartment is only for rent, i.e. hotel type. These apartments have undoubted advantages: modern furnishings and renovation, cleanliness and order, and most importantly - nothing more. This apartment had Wi-Fi, which the children really liked. So when booking apartments, I recommend paying attention to this. (an apartment in Brest - Cosmonauts Boulevard 92, Eugene +375297289417 recommend). Well, the necessary preparations for the trip have been made, it remains to be noted New Year and pack your bags.

Start of autotravel (Road, border)

January 2, 9:30, and so, on the road. I always like the traffic situation in the first days of the New Year. The roads are empty, so you can drive at your own pace. When you pass settlements It can be seen that the celebration of the New Year among the Russians is in full swing. We drove to Moscow along the M7 highway without any problems. Small traffic jams were found on the Moscow Ring Road, if they could be called that. The M1 highway from Moscow to the border with Belarus is almost the same as the M7. In my opinion, the road surface is slightly better and there are fewer settlements.

By 19:30, 850 km had been covered and it was decided to look for an overnight stay. The navigator showed that there are many hotels near Smolensk on the M1 highway. The first hotel we stopped at was Gostiny Dvor (about 30-40 km before reaching Smolensk). Having looked at the rooms and found out their cost, there was no doubt about the choice of lodging for the night. Pretty clean and comfortable Standart room cost 1500 rubles. The hotel has a decent cafe. The journey was scheduled for 8:00 am.

The main tasks when moving west along the M1, on the section Smolensk - the border of Belarus, are - buying a green card and as close as possible to the border - filling a full tank. There are no problems with green cards, every 3-5 kilometers there are points of sale on the highway. You can call in any one you like after Smolensk. Refueling is also no problem. Gas stations are often located on the highway, but the closer to the border, the longer the queue.

The border with Belarus is very pleased. There are no lines or checks. Passage through the border passed at a speed of 50 km / h. Immediately after the checkpoint, you realize that you are abroad. The highway begins with a sign "toll road". Pro toll roads In Belarus, this is generally a separate issue. Traveling along Belarusian toll roads (signs “toll road” hang at every interchange), I have never seen payment points. In general, I still did not understand who should pay the money for travel on the toll road. (note For residents of Russia, toll roads in Belarus are free).

The first impression of Belarus is of course ROADS. One can envy the Belarusians that they have such high-quality roads. The ideal road surface is not only along the main highway, but also local roads have high-quality coverage.

The main positive impressions that I remember from the M1 highway on the border-Brest section.

1) There is a 120 km/h limit on the highway (you can install cruise control and drive all the way to Brest);

2) There are practically no settlements and there are no traffic lights at all;

3) There are well-organized places for rest on the track, where not only garbage containers are placed, but also warm, clean toilets, and free of charge;

4) Cleanliness and order not only on the roadsides, but also in green plantings along the roads. I observed such a picture - in the cold, people walked along the green plantings and pulled out fallen branches to organized heaps near the road.

5) If you see a sign “Fota control” (inscription in Belarusian), do not hesitate, there is a camera.

But there is also a minus - these are gas stations. They are not located on the highway as often as in Russia, and therefore, if you do not keep a supply of fuel in the tank, you can end up with an empty tank. And of course the price of gas. For 1 liter of AI-95, you will have to pay 11,900 bel. rubles (47 rubles of ours), but such a price is fixed throughout Belarus and does not depend on which gas station you refuel at.

The capital of Belarus is Minsk

So, the M1 highway made it possible to get to Minsk ahead of schedule. After getting acquainted with the apartment and its owners, the first thing was to get acquainted with Belarusian rubles. Not far from the occupied living space there was a shopping center, where we found an exchanger. By the way, exchangers are located in almost all shopping malls, as well as on the central streets there are small branches of various banks where you can change money. But as a rule they are all open until 18:00.

Having exchanged only 5,000 rubles. we felt like millionaires. On the hands turned out to be one million two hundred and fifty thousand white. rubles, but the joy was short-lived. The first acquaintance with the price tags happened in a cafe. The average price tag for one dish averaged 60-80 thousand Belarusian rubles. rubles. After a delicious dinner and paying the bill, I had to part with the dream of a millionaire. Yes, and in addition, banknotes of various denominations appeared on the hands. Starting from 100 rubles and ending with 200,000 rubles, which is very confusing when paying for purchases. Sometimes it got ridiculous, they gave a wad of money to the seller with the glory "count as much as you need." Only on the third day did we gradually begin to get used to commodity-money relations.

It seemed to me that the Belarusians themselves hardly count the required amount. In many places, you can use a Russian bank card to pay. Checked, everything is honest and without deception.

Despite the fact that Minsk is clean, well-groomed and cozy city, it leaves an ambiguous feeling. On the one hand, walking around Minsk in places you get the feeling that you are back in the USSR. For example, when visiting the Central Department Store, I recalled a picture (settings) from the film “ The Diamond Arm» — Do you have the same one only with mother-of-pearl buttons? Not? Will seek! And also, sellers of retirement or pre-retirement age with all the charm and charm for these years, but by the way, quite polite. Almost all shops located along avenues and boulevards (except grocery stores) close at 18:00 or 19:00.

On the other hand, Minsk is a modern city with a million inhabitants, like most cities in Russia. In the architecture of the city, and especially in its center, one can see the culture of the USSR combined with the western one. For example, on central square"Independence" side by side border the Church of St. Simeon and St. Helena, made in the neo-Gothic style and a typical Soviet building with grandfather Lenin.

When you move away from the center towards the Moscow Ring Road, you pass through various eras of the Soviet and post-Soviet space.

Famous panel high-rise buildings.

Modern monolithic housing construction.

You can see such views of the city from the panoramic platform of the National Library of Belarus. By the way, on the 23rd floor there is a good cafe where you can taste pancakes with machanka (approx. machanka - meat sauce).

Driving culture on the roads of Minsk local residents made me happy too. It seemed that the locals respect visitors and do not honk after you. More than once I got into the situation “sorry, we ourselves are not local”, while cars stopped from all sides of the intersection and waited until I took my leave and left the scene of the crime.

Pedestrians are a priority, no one has a question “to pass or not” - to pass. Many traffic lights with an arrow have an additional "attention crosswalk" section. Many roundabouts have traffic lights around the ring. To enter the ring, you stand at a traffic light, before the first exit, a traffic light, before the second exit, a traffic light, leaving the ring again (for example, Bangalore Square).

The main street in Minsk is Nezalezhnosti Avenue, which runs through the entire city.

Museum complex "Dudutki"

The museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies "Dudutki" is located outside the city. It will be of interest to lovers of ancient life.

Guides take you around the corners of the museum in the open air and talk about various crafts: moonshine, bakeries, pottery and wood crafts, blacksmithing, beekeeping (beekeeping), etc. Many places hold master classes and tastings. For those who are not driving, I recommend paying attention to home brewing and, of course, its tasting.

Despite the frost at minus 23, the children were also pleased with the stories about crafts, viewing the museum of retro cars and, of course, going to the stables.

Thematic souvenirs can be bought for each craft. Also, you can visit the mill, but with certain restrictions 🙂


For many times I hear from travelers about problems with housing in Belarus. Special stress for the holidays. Conclusion - you need to book accommodation well in advance and watch not only the usual Booking life hacks and I suggest participating in it! Oksana 🙂

Travel and recreation by car are gaining more and more popularity. In connection with the events in Ukraine, autotravel in Belarus has reached the peak of popularity. The Belarusian direction is extremely attractive for tourism, thanks to good developed infrastructure and variety of attractions.

When planning a trip to Belarus by car, you need to take into account some features of the driving culture on highways, which differs from the Russian one for the better and much more severe punishment for traffic violations.

Route selection

1. Weekend in Belarus

With a time limit, you can organize an informative and eventful route for 2-3 days. We offer you to visit Belarus with a thorough examination of two cities: ancient city Belarus - Polotsk and a major historical center of avant-garde art - Vitebsk.

Road: Moscow (Moscow region) - Vitebsk (Belarus) - Shumilino - Obol - Polotsk - Vitebsk (Belarus) - Moscow (Moscow region).

Duration: 2-3 days.

Monument to the letter Ў in Polotsk

2. The castle belt of Belarus

On the territory of Belarus, a large number in varying degrees of preservation medieval castles and palaces, fortresses of the times of the Lithuanian principality, noble estates, churches and churches. The proposed trip plan will allow you to deeply get acquainted with the so-called "Castle Belt" of Belarus. Traveling by car in Belarus, you can plunge into the world of small towns, where life has not always been as calm and measured as it is now. The first part of the trip will take place along the Moscow-Minsk route through Borisov.

Road: Moscow (Moscow region) - Borisov (Belarus) - Minsk - Zaslavl - Minsk - Rakov - Krevo - Boruny - Golshany - Desyatniki - Lida - Pruzhany - Kossovo - Synkovichi - Zhirovichi - Slonim - Novogrudok - Lyubcha - Lyubcha - Mir - Nesvizh - Dudutki - Orsha (Belarus) - Moscow (Moscow region).

Duration: 8 days.

Attractions for inspection

National Library

Gedemina Castle

Manor Tyszkiewicz

National Museum stories

Russian AutoMotoClub (RAMK) on the roads of Belarus

overcoming long journey will become as pleasant and convenient as possible for you if you have a Russian AutoMotoClub (RAMK) card. When buying a membership card of our club, you can always count on qualified and fast technical assistance, as well as evacuation services throughout Russia and Belarus, as well as in many European countries.

Traveling by car in Belarus can be overshadowed by a breakdown on the road. However, as a member of the RAMC, in case of problems with vehicles, assistance in the elimination of which is provided to cardholders, you can always contact the RAMC contact center. Experienced mechanics will promptly go to the place and make urgent repairs or evacuation of vehicles.

Autotourism in Belarus will leave you with exceptionally pleasant impressions, and no accidents on the road can spoil your vacation. The advantages of cooperation with RAMK are obvious:

  • Large coverage area;
  • Saving money, time and nerves;
  • High quality of work;
  • Service efficiency.

Population: 9,498,700 (2015);

Capital: Minsk;

Largest cities: Minsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Grodno, Brest;

Official languages: Belarusian, Russian;

Report on a trip to Belarus by car in the spring of 2017. A walk around Vitebsk and Minsk, the "Island of Tears", the WWII Museum, the national library in the form of a rhombicuboctahedron and the "Stalin Line".


My husband is a big fan of traveling by car. When we began to decide where we would go on our next vacation, there could be no objections - where our faithful four-wheeled friend would go. We chose Belarus because we always wanted to visit this country. The fact of trouble-free entry and exit into the country has become important.

Before the trip, of course, we read other reports of "experienced" tourists about trips to Belarus:

We started our journey on May 17, 2017. We left Bryansk from relatives, dropped in to friends in Moscow, spent the night in Smolensk and on May 18 crossed the border in a place called Rudnya.

The border between Russia and Belarus near Rudnya

Crossing the border Russia - Belarus

Before entering Belarus, you need to buy a Green Card - insurance, which is issued for a short period. This document cost us 750 rubles, but we entered the country for only four days. There is no border as such between Russia and Belarus: we just drove through the border area, on one side of which there were Russian border guards, and on the other, Belarusian ones. No one stopped us or checked us, and we, having already entered the country, calmly headed towards Vitebsk.

We got acquainted with the information on the Internet and knew that in Belarus it is very strict with traffic violations. Here, the representatives of the traffic police do not take money, and if you exceed the speed limit, depending on the circumstances, everything can go up to the deprivation of rights. Looking ahead, I’ll say that we observed the speed limit, we almost didn’t see traffic inspectors, and we weren’t stopped even once during the whole trip.

Day 1. Vitebsk

Our first plan was Vitebsk, but we were not going to stay here for a long time, but only wanted to see the main sights of the city (this can be done in a few hours).

But first we changed money in a large Euroopt hypermarket at the entrance to Vitebsk and bought a local SIM card. When choosing a mobile operator, our preferences were obvious: we were only interested in the Internet, we didn’t need calls (why, if you can call on WhatsApp, Skype or Viber). We bought a SIM card from MTS for 438 Russian rubles.

By the way, the exchange rate at the end of May 2017 was as follows: for 100 of our rubles they gave 3.22 Belarusian rubles (that is, 1 Belarusian ruble is about 30 Russian rubles).

We liked Vitebsk, and this is what we saw:

Embankment of the Western Dvina River in Vitebsk

Staircase leading to the embankment from the side of the Holy Dormition Cathedral

Cozy and pretty Vitebsk

There is a museum on Victory Square in Vitebsk military equipment, where you can look at the installed helicopters, tanks and guns. There are also several other parks, monuments and squares in the city, but we did not have time to see all the sights.

As a result, we spent 4 hours in Vitebsk, visiting the most tourist places. Having stopped for groceries at the store, we went to the capital. The journey to Minsk took about 3.5 hours. Many of us have probably heard about the beautiful Belarusian roads. I do not argue, mostly the roads are good, but often on the track there were the same "patches", small pits and bumps. The undoubted advantage of autotraveling in Belarus is the maximum allowed speed - in some areas you can drive up to 120 km / h.

Day 2. Minsk

We arrived in Minsk late in the evening, booking a hostel on Booking along the way. It must be said that we always chose budget places to spend the night, because we were not going to spend much time in the room. This time, having chosen a hostel and arrived at the address, we were very surprised that there was an error on the site, and this number is now busy. But the owner of this hostel agreed to help, and after 20 minutes we were driving in a different direction to check into a comfortable one-room apartment in an elite high-rise building.

The apartment had everything you need for have a nice rest after a long road. For 2 nights in Minsk, we paid 100 Belarusian rubles - this is very beneficial for such a cozy apartment. We decided to dedicate the whole next day to Minsk, walking around the city on foot.

In the capital of Belarus there is a subway consisting of two lines. The fare in such a metro costs only 60 Belarusian kopecks (about 20 our rubles), and the stations are quite clean and beautiful. We started our walk with a tour of the Nemiga station, where the so-called " Old city"- an atmospheric place with town halls and cathedrals.

View of Minsk from the City Hall

"Old Town" on Nemiga

Then we went for a walk around the city and looked at the following places:

The entire central part of Minsk is filled with beautiful buildings

Well-groomed square in Minsk

Prices in the capital of Belarus are about the same as in our regions of Russia, and an order of magnitude lower than in Moscow. We had lunch in a small cafe in the center of Minsk, paying only 22 Belarusian rubles for two portions of soup, the second (garnish and meat) and coffee.

We really liked the well-groomed, neat sidewalks of the capital of Belarus, and their roads are quite wide / Lf;t, one gets the feeling that there are no traffic jams here at all. Maybe the truth is not, since the population of the entire country is only 9.5 million people - this is almost 3 million / less than in Moscow. In general, we enjoyed walking around the capital, trying not to rush anywhere and enjoy our vacation:

Walks along the embankment of the Svisloch River

Beautiful fountain in front of the Opera and Ballet Theater

View of the "Isle of Tears"

Crying boy on the "Isle of Tears"

"Isle of Tears" - a monument to the soldiers of the Afghan war

We were struck great amount monuments of the Great Patriotic War in Belarus. In every city where we managed to visit, there are definitely memorial complexes in memory of the fallen in 1941-1945. And these monuments are quite well-groomed, neat, clean - it is clear that the city administration maintains their condition, does not allow vandalism and desolation.

There are many places in Belarus that keep the memory of the victory in the Great Patriotic War

city ​​view

Of course, we could not help visiting the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk: in 1941-1945, about 2.5 million Belarusians died. The museum has 10 halls, a huge number of exhibits are presented: from newspaper clippings of those times, documents of famous Belarusian officers and war heroes, fragments of their belongings and utensils, awards, clothes and other significant items to samples of military equipment (some vehicles were in working condition) . Entrance to the museum costs 8 Belarusian rubles per person, and another 2 rubles must be paid for the opportunity to take pictures.

At the WWII Museum

We left the museum late, around 6 pm, already quite tired from constant walking, but we had another must-see place - the National Library of Belarus, or rather, the observation deck on it. And we went to the subway to get to the station "Vostok".

The National Library of Belarus is made in the form of a rhombicuboctahedron

An open observation deck is located on the 23rd floor (there is also a closed one on the 22nd with a cafe and an art gallery, but the view from there is not very good). Entrance costs only 3 Belarusian rubles.

View from the observation platform

The day was coming to an end, so we, tired and satisfied, went home. Of course, we did not see all the sights of Minsk, but we were still satisfied with how our day went.

Day 3. Stalin Line and Mir Castle. On the way to Brest

The next day, we were going to immediately leave in the direction of Brest, dropping into the Mir Castle on the way, but changed our minds and decided to see the "Stalin Line" - a historical and cultural complex located not far from Minsk. It takes no more than 45 minutes to get there from the city, and we paid about 700 Russian rubles for the entrance and parking of the car.

"Stalin's Line" is a kind of museum on the street: there you can walk around the dugouts, go into the pillboxes where machine gunners used to sit, twist everything that spins, climb tanks, boats, planes and helicopters. The territory of the museum is large, sometimes restorations of some military events are carried out there.

Inside the pillbox on the "Stalin Line"

Dugout and strengthening complexes

We were limited in time, so after a couple of hours we left in the direction of Brest. After about 2 hours, we turned onto the exit to the Mir castle complex. This castle, the first mention of which was in the 14th century, played the role of defensive structures. The owners of the castle were representatives of different families, and after 1940 it became the property of the state.

Now the castle is a museum, the entrance costs 12 Belarusian rubles. Unfortunately we didn't manage to get inside, but appearance castle we were very impressed.

Then we rushed to Brest - the ultimate goal of our trip. The journey from Mir Castle took a little over 3 hours. By the way, we were surprised that in Belarus the same price for gasoline, regardless of the type of gas station. Our 92nd we bought at 1.17 Belarusian rubles per liter in any city or on the highway from different dealers. The same price was the same for other types of gasoline.

At about 7 pm we arrived in Brest. The city surprised us a little - it looked much more modest and abandoned than Minsk and Vitebsk. But our main goal was the Brest Fortress - that's where we headed.

Entrance to the museum complex "Brest Fortress"

On the territory of the Brest Fortress

The famous gates of the Brest Fortress

The purpose of our trip has been fulfilled - we have traveled all over Belarus along (and will pass again on the way home), we saw a lot amazing places. AT last night in the country we spent the night in a normal Brest hostel for 800 Russian rubles (we booked a few hours before entering).

Day 4. Brest and the way home

The next morning we walked along the central streets of Brest, once again dropped in to look at the Brest Fortress (the best option is to rent bicycles and drive through the entire territory of the complex) and drove towards Bryansk.

Another entrance to the territory of the Brest Fortress

The journey to Gomel took about 9 hours, we really wanted to see this city, but we no longer had time. At the border, we showed our passports to Russian border guards and entered the country. It was wonderful and amazing journey, and we are sure that we will come to Belarus again.

The Russian Federation has banned the import of crop products from Moldova through Belarus. According to Rosselkhoznadzor, the import of these products into the Russian Federation will be possible only through checkpoints located in Belgorod, Bryansk regions. In addition, products must be accompanied by Moldovan phytosanitary certificates issued to recipients registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. This measure is due to the fact that Rosselkhoznadzor notes a further increase in the supply of suspicious plant products of Moldovan origin through Belarus, the service explains.

Report on a trip to Belarus by car in the spring of 2017. Walk around Vitebsk and Minsk, "Island" We got acquainted with the information on the Internet and knew that Belarus is very strict with violations roads.

The most difficult thing in organizing a trip around Belarus by car was to decide on the route, because it’s so difficult to fit in 5 days

Of all the countries of the former USSR, it is easiest to get to Belarus by car. Although the way from Moscow to Minsk is not close, 720 kilometers, it can be overcome very quickly with full observance of the speed limit, in just eight hours.








10/11 SLIDES

11/11 SLIDES

There are a lot of photo and video recording cameras along the way, both from the Russian and Belarusian sides. The local traffic police does not forgive violators. Exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km / h can cost up to 7,000 rubles. And this is not the most severe punishment. For a repeated violation, you will have to part with your rights for up to a year.

Two companies came under suspicion of optimizing taxes and duties by these companies. This, according to RIA Novosti, was announced on Friday, March 118, by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. He stressed that we are not talking about some kind of global revision of relations in this area between Russia and Belarus, and the recommendations concern only two companies : Taneko (part of Tatneft) and Salavatnefteorgsintez (part of Gazprom). In addition, not the final products, but the raw materials for their production, fell under the restriction.

What you need to know for drivers who are going to go to Belarus by car. In this regard, many motorists are interested in what features and difficulties those drivers who are going to go to Belarus by car may face.

How to go, where to live and what to see in fraternal Belarus, if Pleasant appearance and good equipment, combined with a low price, are what a car buyer needs in the secondary market. To travel to Belarus, Russians do not even need a passport.

There is no need to prepare for crossing the border, because, by and large, there is none. All preparation consists only in the purchase of a "Green Card" - a compulsory car insurance policy for traveling abroad. If you travel only in Belarus, the cost of the document will be only about 900 rubles. It is almost impossible to forget about this nuance - along the road starting from Smolensk there are constantly kiosks with huge signs "Green Card". In order not to waste time on the road, it is better to arrange everything in advance.

Directly at the border, customs officers can selectively stop cars to check documents, but this does not take time anyway. Giant traffic jams and queues should not be expected even on holidays. The quality of the road is excellent almost all the way, except for a couple of repaired sections with two lanes for traffic in each direction. The Belarusian part of the route is better in every sense and not only in terms of the quality of the coverage. Firstly, the speed limit is higher here - 120 against Russian 90 km/h. Secondly, the highway never passes through populated areas, so you can drive all the way from the border to Minsk without changing your speed at all.

This is a response to the violation of the agreement on fuel supplies to Russia"This is due to the fact that Minsk does not comply with the agreement on mutual fuel supplies, upsetting the balance of supplies," the source said.

What documents are needed for Belarus by car. The main thing to take If you decide to go to Belarus by car in 2018, then we managed to see Vitebsk by car, we did not regret that we decided to go to Belarus by car.

By car to Belarus what you need to know: toll roads in Belarus for Russians. What to see in Belarus by car. In order to get into it, you need to pass two exits to Lida and move along the highway towards Grodno.

However, on long holiday weekends, it is better to leave Moscow in advance. Although leaving at five in the morning on a weekend or on the night from Friday to Saturday, few people can please, but even half an hour of delay will affect the total time on the road. In addition to the traditional traffic from summer residents and other vacationers, the situation is aggravated by repairs in the Minsk direction in the Kubinka area. At 7-11 in the morning on the way from Moscow and at 19-22 when returning back, you can lose more than an hour here. Alternatively, go through Novorizhskoe highway and Ruza.

It is better to refuel up to the border "to the eyeballs", because in Belarus gasoline is on average 3-4 rubles more expensive per liter. Savings are not significant, but nonetheless. Taking into account a trip to Brest and around Minsk, with an average fuel consumption of 7.8 liters per hundred on our Suzuki Vitara, 7,500 rubles were spent on gasoline. Even if you go not with a company, but at least together, it will turn out to be significantly cheaper than by any other mode of transport.

That evening, the presidential press secretary had a fight with a child and could not sleep, “We all live a simple human life. I had a normal evening. When you come home from work somewhere after 12 at night, sometimes you can’t sleep. Wife on a business trip. Quarreled with the child for the "deuce", can not sleep. That's how he was in sweatpants, got into the car, went to wash, ”Peskov explained.

Belarus is a foreign country, but you do not need visas to visit it. I will not talk much about the tragedy of Khatyn - everyone knows about it. The journey to Belarus by car was coming to an end. It was a pity to leave, we liked this hospitable country so much.

Watch the video about a trip to Belarus by car: Where to stay in Belarus? It is simply impossible to travel to Belarus by car for a few days and do without hotels or a hotel, but there are many such places. They are also in Minsk, and even on the territory of some

It is worth taking care immediately upon entering Belarus of the local currency. Pair exchange offices there is literally a few kilometers after the border. If you miss them, there will be nowhere to change money until Minsk itself. However, there is still no problem. In Belarus, and in the most shabby roadside cafes, where it’s scary just to be, they accept bank cards.

You can see a lot in three days. Mir and Nesvizh castles picturesque parks and the museum complex Dudutki are located very close to the capital, the road will take no more than an hour. In Minsk itself, getting around by car is not difficult. The avenues are wide, the interchanges are simple, and there are few cars. And the main attractions are concentrated in the city center. You can leave your car and take a taxi - given the small area of ​​Minsk, almost any trip will cost no more than 500 rubles.

Single rooms in three-star hotels on holidays cost an average of 2.5 thousand rubles. It is convenient to rent apartments for a company - for one person it turns out even cheaper. And, of course, there is no limit to perfection.

In cafes and restaurants, Russians will feel like millionaires. True, we must still try to dine for more than a million Belarusian rubles. Food in Minsk and during the influx of tourists is inexpensive. Without denying yourself anything, in restaurants, most likely, you will not leave more than 2,500 rubles a day.

As for the upcoming Victory Day, events in Minsk in the Stalin Line complex will last from May 7 to 9. You can see the reconstruction of the battle for Berlin. Fireworks will take place on the day of the holiday at 22:00. The concert program, also ending with fireworks, will also take place in the Brest Fortress. However, only residents of neighboring regions will be able to stay for the celebrations in Brest and return to the working day. The way back to Moscow from Minsk is more than 1000 kilometers, which, despite the good road, will take a lot of time and effort.

The new Xbox One S: everything you need to know.
As part of the E3 exhibition, Microsoft introduced a "refined" variation of the Xbox One game console. New model with the letter S (Slim - "thin") is 40% more compact than its predecessor, while it supports the output of content in a very high, 4K resolution. In addition to 4K Ultra HD, Xbox One S features HDR (high dynamic range) support for games and videos, a USB port that has been moved to the front for easier access, and a new infrared sensor. On the other hand, the novelty was deprived of a dedicated port for Kinect.

With the onset of warmth, the soul asks for new travels - get on a car, train or bike and go to explore Belarus. Together with the guide VETLIVA in Belarus, we have compiled a list of the main reasons to ride around the country with a breeze - from springs with healing water and eco-paths to powerful objects of military tourism, chamber museums and estates that have not lost their magnificence.


1. Palace of the Puslovskys

Kosovo, Ivatsevichi district

2. Palace complex Sapieha in Ruzhany

Ruzhany, Pruzhany district

In the guidebooks, the ruins of the palace are proudly called the “Belarusian Versailles”, but coming here is not for the chic views and interiors (not so much has been preserved here), but rather for the powerful energy that is inherent in such places of power. Just imagine: at the beginning of the 17th century a castle was laid here - the Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lev Sapega took part in this matter. To live in it was not only comfortable, but also safe, three powerful defensive towers were added to the complex. Important state issues were discussed in Ruzhany, receptions of top managers of the GDL came, the Sapieha archive and the state treasury were also located here. After the uprising was defeated, the Sapiehas left the residence, and a weaving factory was organized in the palace. During the First World War, the ensemble burned down, then they tried to restore it, but after the Second World War, this business was abandoned.

Now you can visit the museum (ul. Urbanovicha, 15a) and learn the whole history of the place - for this there are 4 halls and an exciting tour.

How to get there? Your chance is a bus from Minsk or 244 km by car. In Ruzhany, look for the address of the museum - st. Urbanovich, 15a.

3. Brest Fortress


A powerful defensive structure and a large-scale museum of Soviet heroic monumental art under open sky. The fortress itself was built in the 19th century, and its history is impressive. In 1596, a church union was declared here, and during the First World War, a decree on peace was signed. But the fortress became famous after the heroic events of World War II.

Observe the chronology: on the Volyn fortification, look at the Berestye Museum - archaeological excavations where you can see the remains of the settlement and wooden buildings of the 11th-13th centuries, street pavements, even a few household items. Then move to the museum of the defenders of the Brest Fortress. The territory of the museum is simply huge - it will take about three hours to get around everything and not lose your breath. Most of all it sneaks in Fort V - a semi-abandoned fortification with armored doors, narrow loopholes, underground corridors and complete silence. Most likely, you will be the only tourist here.

How to get there? The easiest way is to go by train - € 4-10, three to four hours - and you are there. The same 350 km can be overcome by bus (€ 7-9) or by car (M1 highway).

4. Olman swamps

Stolin district

These swamps occupy 75% of the area of ​​the Stolin region - the only complex of upland, transitional and low-lying swamps that has survived in our natural state. Ecologists can't be happier: 687 species of plants, 151 species of birds (25 from the Red Book) and 26 species of mammals live here. It is interesting that in the 60s of the last century there was an aviation training ground in Olmany, so there are still unexploded shells and bombs in the swamps.

Of particular interest is the eco-trail almost one and a half kilometers long. It goes along Bolshoye Zasominoye Lake, on the other side of which Ukraine is already. The second route will take you to a 40-meter tower, from which it is very convenient to view the surroundings and biodiversity. Ask the locals where the “sea of ​​Herodotus” is here - Big and Small Zasominoe and 23 more lakes.

Please note that if you are a foreigner, you will have to pay 10 base (€ 114) in advance to visit the swamps. More information about excursions -.

How to get there? Classics of the genre - bus or minibus from Minsk to Stolin.

5. Belovezhskaya Pushcha

The Belarusian reason for pride is the largest and oldest forest area in Europe, protected by UNESCO. Yes, here in wild nature teeth are found. Yes, you can even hunt them (if you have enough conscience). Yes, it was here that the agreement on the collapse of the USSR was signed. Yes, this is where the Belarusian Grandfather Frost lives (his residence is open even in summer - but his grandfather's suit is light). Breathe the relict air, ride a bicycle, feed the bison in the aviary with bread from your hand, drive to see the Kamenetskaya Vezha, which is more than 700 years old.

How to get there? We advise you to overcome the distance Minsk - Brest by train, and then go to Kamenets by bus. For the more impatient, there are direct minibuses.

6. Jesuit Collegium

Pinsk, st. Lenina, 1

Pinsk is the second in Belarus in terms of the number of preserved sights (Grodno is in the first place). Particularly noteworthy is the collegium building, built in the 17th century as a super-prestigious educational institution. They took talented students there, regardless of their wealth. If you go around the building, the view will be different: from the river it is an impregnable fortress, from the yard - an open book. Now in the collegium there is a nice museum of Belarusian Polissya, where you can look at non-smelly stuffed animals or sit on a wooden bicycle. Further along Lenina is the Franciscan monastery with the "Pinsk Madonna" and cool magnets, the Butrimovich Palace (it now has a registry office), the Horde's house and the campus of Polesye University. Embankment in Pinsk 2.5 km long - walk with beautiful view can be long.

How to get there? In three hours you can get there by minibus - prepare € 3 for the fare. Once every two days you can take the evening train - you get off in Minsk at 17.37, at 22.55 you are in Pinsk. Very comfortably!

7. Polissya

Brest region

The largest of the European wetlands, which occupies approximately 30% of the map of Belarus. Terra Incognita is the size of a compact country, with isolated villages and indigenous people, the Poleshuks, who have their own distinct language. To feel all the charm of life in Polissya, you need to wait for the spring flood of Pripyat. The ideal option is to take a boat and sail through the Belarusian villages, which are flooded every spring. Choose to your taste - from Turov to Pinsk.

How to get there? How to get to Pinsk - see above.


8. Mir Castle

World, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 2

9. Kolozha Church

Grodno, st. Kolozha, 6

Borisoglebskaya or Kolozhskaya church appeared on a pagan site near Castle Hill in Grodno back in the 11th century - this is one of the few buildings of the period of Ancient Russia in Belarus, however, it was notably rebuilt. The church is not plastered from the outside, and therefore you can look at all the engineering solutions of the then builders. The church stands on the steep bank of the Neman

How to get there? Grodno can be reached from any point in the country by railway - the city is connected with 142 stations in Belarus. Trains leave Minsk several times a day, electrons even more often. There are also buses and minibuses at your disposal (€ 7).

10. Church of the Holy Trinity in Gervyaty

Gervyaty village, Ostrovets district

The highest church in Belarus - 61 meters (24-storey building!), And the only one built according to all the canons of neo-Gothic. It was erected on the site of a wooden church of the 16th century by the architect Alshalovsky. For the construction, a brick backwater was specially organized or, in parallel, eggs were collected from all the surroundings - they were added to strengthen the lime solution. Slate was specially brought from Germany. Here you can find out what a flying buttress looks like - an outdoor semi-arch that distributes the load from the main wall and stands separately (remember Notre Dame de Paris) - this is completely atypical for Belarus. Be sure to listen to the mass - it is in Belarusian, Polish and Lithuanian, and take a walk in the park - it may even be cooler than the church. By the way, in the vicinity too.

How to get there? The best option, of course, is to travel by car. If this is not possible, go to Astravets, and then hitchhike to Gervyat (via Vornany).

Nemnovo, Grodno region

A shipping canal built in the 19th century to create a route from the Black Sea to the Baltic. There are only two cool engineering structures, thought out so cunningly, for a long time, and preserved almost in their original form - in Great Britain and Sweden. The length of the canal is 101 km, 22 of them are on the territory of Belarus in the border zone. Hello, simplified visa regime! gateways, drawbridges, columns - it's amazing how smoothly everything works. You can ride along the canal on the Neman motor ship, take a walk along the canal, go to the canal museum, go kayaking, look at the surviving estate in Svyatsk, created in the 18th century by the Italian architect Giuseppe de Sacco.

How to get there? Start from Minsk by car (direction Volozhin - Lida - Skidel, 327 km). From Grodno you can go by car or bus (Grodno - Goryachki, Grodno - Nemnovo, Grodno - Kaleta, stop "Augustovsky Canal" or "Sonichi").

12. Slonim synagogue

Slonim, st. Soviet, 1

Baroque synagogue from 1642, one of the oldest in the country. The pompous and rich interior decoration has been preserved in the dilapidated building. The synagogue was badly damaged during the war of 1812, but was quickly restored - the Jewish community in Slonim was then considered one of the most powerful in the country. At the end of the 19th century, there were 21 synagogues in the city, and more than 70% of the inhabitants were Jews. In 2000, the building was returned to believers, but no restoration work was carried out. Be sure to look at the stucco molding, aron ha-kadesh and murals - all this is perfectly preserved.

How to get there? Jump into the minibus - you will get home in two and a half hours.

13. Murovanka church-fortress

Murovanka village, Shchuchinsky district

The 600-year-old temple was conceived not only as a place for worship, but also as a defensive structure - in the 16th century it was no different. The church looks like a real castle - two-meter-thick walls, loophole windows, towers. The temple in Murovanka survived many wars and was badly damaged during the Russian-Polish war. In 1882, a powerful restoration was carried out, a bell tower was made on one of the towers. A successful mix of gothic and renaissance, stone, brick and a rose window. Brick, by the way, is special - the "royal lily" - a symbol of the purity of the Mother of God. Historical facts and legends say that many underground passages- however, now it is not clear where they started and where they led.

How to get there? You can get from Minsk to Shchuchin by bus, the church itself is located 3 km from the village of Mozheikovo.

14. Novogrudok Castle


Novogrudok is an ancient Belarusian city, which was the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The main point of attraction in the city is the ruins of the castle, which stood here in the 12th century. 6 centuries after the first mention, it was destroyed by the Swedes - almost to the present state. Of all the structures, two walls remained - Kostelnaya and Shield - opposite each other. From the Castle Hill there is a beautiful view - best place picnic not to be found. Be sure to visit the house-museum of Adam Mickiewicz, who was born and lived in Novogrudok, go to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, perfectly preserved in 1714, pay attention to Borisoglebskaya church, which is already over 500 years old.

How to get there? The best way to get from Minsk is by minibus (€ 2) or by bus, but you should not count on the railway.

15. Church of St. Michael the Archangel

Synkovichi, Zelvensky district

The largest defense-type temple in Belarus. A powerful impregnable church was built in the 15th century - towers, loopholes of not serious height, thick walls - this is a real small castle. The entrance gate, by the way, also deserves attention - it has been preserved since 1880. In walking distance - the building of the estate of the XIX century, which was later turned into a distillery. By the way, the legend about why the place is called Synkovichi is interesting. The temple was built by a father and son. At some point, the son fell from the scaffolding and crashed to death. His father shouted to him in despair: “Son, son!” This is how the name of the village surrounding the church appeared. Above the entrance to the church, you can see a ledge that resembles a coffin lid.

How to get there? It is relatively easy to get to Zelva from Minsk - by regular bus. Further - only by car or a ride.

16. Chetvertinsky Palace

Zheludok village, Shchuchinsky district

One of the most cinematic places in the country - it’s not without reason that the first (and last) Belarusian horror film called Masakra was filmed here. There are cinematic scenery even now: plywood tiles, traces of fire painted on the facade. A movie club with a booth and star symbols remained in the palace from Soviet times.

17. Kreva Castle


Perhaps the most picturesque ruins from our guide. The castle in Kreva dates back to the 14th century. These walls have seen a lot: in 1382, Prince Keistut, Vitovt's father, was killed here, in 1385 a union was signed, in the 16th century the castle repelled the attacks of the Tatars and Muscovites, and already in the 19th century it was no longer considered as a sensible fortification and was abandoned. The ruins were mothballed in 1929 - so they still stand.

Listen to the wind blowing between the walls, go to the beautiful church of Alexander Nevsky or a strict church, find the former temple of the pagans - even though Krevo is now considered a village, there are plenty of witnesses of its former greatness.

How to get there? Minsk - Smorgon - bus or train, and then - on a green MAZ regional bus with curtains.


18. Nesvizh Castle


In the 16th century, Nesvizh became the family nest of the Radziwills, the main dynasty in the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. For example, the king of Poland often visited here, and representatives of the magnate family occupied the most important positions in the state. You understand the scale of the buildings - the palace and park complex occupies 90 hectares. In the Nesvizh Castle, you can look at the early Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Modernism. Ask them to tell you about the revenge of Bonna Sforza and show you the gilded apostles as tall as a man.

How to get there? You can get to Nesvizh by moving from Minsk along the Brest highway. If you decide to go by bus, you can find the timetable.

19. City of the Sun in Minsk


Minsk is a witness and a victim of the imperial ambitions of the Soviet authorities. You can feel it while walking along Independence Avenue - a straight paved arrow that stretches for 15 km and cuts the city in half. The writer Artur Klinov coined the term "City of the Sun" to refer to the Stalinist Empire style in Minsk. Minsk as the main artery of the Big Communist Dream, built in the likeness of Rome. station Square with "gates", Lenin Square, Marx, Kirov, Sverdlov streets - a solid building of an ideal city for life, according to the Soviet authorities.

How to get there? We tell in.

20. Khatyn

Khatyn village / Mokrad village, Logoisk district

High-quality Soviet documentary. was created on the site of the village, which was burned by the Nazis during World War II. All the inhabitants were herded into a barn and set on fire - and the same was done with the inhabitants of 628 villages. To prepare for the trip, be sure to check out the 1985 film Come and See directed by Elem Klimov. Information on tickets and opening hours of the complex.

How to get there? If you go by car, you are on the M3 highway (59 km). Public transport does not walk - if you ride a ride, you will have to walk 5 km from the highway.

21. Nalibokskaya Pushcha

Volozhinsky district

The largest forest in Belarus - three times the size of Malta! Here is the richest flora, a quarter of the plants are medicinal, many are listed in the Red Book. With animals, too, everything is in order - for example, 29 species of rare birds live here. Pushcha is surrounded by three large rivers - Neman, Berezina and Usoy, and therefore the places here are incredibly picturesque. And not particularly accessible - like Svaneti in Georgia. For example, during World War II, 20,000 people hid in Nalibokskaya Pushcha. Be brave or bold and make a march into the thick of the age-old forest. Be sure to look at Lake Kroman, the Lavryshevsky Monastery founded in the 13th century, the Tyszkiewicz estate in the village of Vyaloye and swim naked in the river - here you can afford it.

How to get there? Your only chance is a car, you can get from Minsk in an hour.

22. Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Strochitsy

Ozertso village, Minsk region

Peasant Belarus in miniature. An open-air museum, which presents the ancient buildings of three regions of Belarus: the Central part, the Poozerye and the Dnieper region. Ethnological research will have to be carried out on the material of the church, parish school, mill, bathhouse and peasant huts. All this is scattered in picturesque fields - do not forget to charge your phone for a photo. For the mood, we advise you to wave the horseradish in the tavern at the entrance!

How to get there? All details are on the website.


23. Gomel park


AT palace and park ensemble in Gomel you need to go in the spring, when the huge park turns green and blooms, the Sozh becomes full-flowing, and the evenings are already warm enough to wander thoughtfully near the Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace and look at the dark water. Palace Ensemble- the largest piece of historical buildings in size, preserved without violating its solidity. The Russian Empress Catherine II presented Gomel to her favorite Count Rumyantsev for fun, and he lined up on the banks of the Sozh. Then the palace passed to the commander Paskevich, who, by a strong-willed decision, built a whole complex of outbuildings: a hunter's house, a winter garden, several churches. The best preserved landscape park is 24 hectares - you can walk here for half a day if you first refresh yourself with Gomel chocolate "Spartak" with 90% cocoa.

24. Gerard's Manor

Demyanki, Dobrush district

Nice homestead with pseudo-Russian style - in the resettlement zone. The red brick building was built at the expense of a Russian official, the Governor-General of Finland, Nikolai Gerard, in the second half of the 19th century. The estate stands on a hillock crossed by a moat - a bridge plays a decorative role, a park with rare species of trees has been perfectly preserved and amazing silence. If you are looking for a place where there will definitely not be tourists - you are here. By the way, you can get here completely legally.

How to get there? You can get to Radunitsa - then they let you in without a pass. The rest of the time, the pass must be issued in Dobrush. To get to Dobrush, buy train tickets Minsk - Gomel, and then go by train or suburban bus.

25. Museum of the Old Believers

Vetka, Red Square, 5

In the 17th century, the city of Vetka was chosen by the persecuted Old Believers. Pathologically tolerant Belarusians did not touch them, and therefore Old Believer icons, manuscripts and printed books of the 16th-19th centuries, collections of fabrics and household items are still in excellent condition. The museum is interactive - here, for example, you can learn traditional weaving.

How to get there? How to get to Gomel, and then take a suburban bus - you need to overcome only 22 km.


26. Bobruisk fortress


This powerful fortification is a planned construction in preparation for the war with Napoleon. For its construction, they actually destroyed the city that existed here before. The fortress nevertheless withstood a long siege by the French, and after the war served as a prison. Rumor has it that in one of the forts of the Bobruisk fortress there is an egg-shaped cell in which the prisoners went crazy after a couple of weeks of confinement. It was not for nothing that Herzen, recalling Bobruisk, wrote: "Let Siberia, let it be anything, but not this terrible prison on the Berezina River." Now it’s just fun to climb the fortress that has grown into the ground, for example, to visit an abandoned guardhouse, rebuilt from a Jesuit church. Now the fortress is 7 bastions stretched over an area of ​​several kilometers. Some are concreted, others can be climbed up and down. Grab a flashlight! The fortress burned several times, and therefore do not wear dress pants - you can get dirty in soot. A couple of steps from the fortress, it seems, aliens have landed. In fact, this is the Bobruisk Ice Arena for 7,000 spectators.

How to get there? An hour and a half by train from Minsk on the trendy Stadler train (or 2 on a regular train) - and you are already walking around the colorful Bobruisk and trying to count all the mentions of beavers. The second option is to go by bus or private minibus.

27. Manor of the count family of Tolstoy

Grudinovka village, Bykhovsky district

One of the most beautiful and mysterious places in the country is the Tolstoy count's house. And although Lev Nikolaevich never made it home, it’s worth a look at the estate. A two-story manor with domes, columns, front staircase and an open terrace overlooking the park. Wander around the 10-hectare park, find here the Siberian cedar, which has been growing here for more than 100 years, take a walk around the palace - quite recently a school and a sanatorium for sick children were located here, and therefore the walls painted green and the Soviet wardrobe with numbers were preserved here - strange contrast with