Dzhubga what does the name mean. The meaning of the word jubga

Kuban river basin
In terms of its size and water content, the Kuban River basin is the largest in the North Caucasus. It stretches from Taman Peninsula- in the west to Elbrus - in the east. The Kuban flows into the Sea of ​​Azov. The confluence of the rivers is taken as its source. Uchkulan and Ullukam. With a catchment area of ​​57,900 sq. km. the total length of the rivers in the basin is 38,325 km, and the total number of rivers is 13,569. The length of the Kuban itself is 870 km.

In the river basin, almost all tributaries originate from the slopes of the Western Caucasus, flowing from the left bank. Major tributaries include: Laba(catchment area 12,500 sq. km., river length 214 km), White (5990, 265), Big(2730, 120) and Small (1850, 65) Zelenchuks, Urup (3220, 232), Pshish(1850, 258) and others.

The Kuban River is fed by melting glaciers, seasonal snow, rain and groundwater. Most of the tributaries originating in the highland zone of the basin are Big and Small Zelenchuk, Kizgych, Teberda, Ullukam and others receive glacial nutrition.

The water regime of the Kuban River is divided into 3 hydrological regions:
- upstream rivers (to the mouth of the river Bekes) inclusive;
- river basins Chamlyk, Fars, Belaya;
- tributaries of the lower reaches (from the confluence of the river. Pshish to the mouth);
In the first region, waters formed due to the melting of glaciers and snowfields play an important role in feeding the rivers. For the second, rain floods play an important role.

Rivers of the Azov-Kuban lowland

The Eya River is the longest and most abundant river Azov-Kuban lowland. It originates at the spurs Stavropol Upland, 5 km from the village Novopokrovskaya and is formed from the confluence of two small rivers Karasuna and Persistent. The Yeya River flows into the Sea of ​​Azov below the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya. Its length is 311 km. The total area of ​​the catchment basin is 8650 sq. km. The largest right-bank tributary - Kugo-Eya, having a length of 108 km with a catchment area of ​​1260 sq. km. Another major tributary river Kavalerka, 78 km long and with a catchment area of ​​695 sq. km. On the left flows into Her Sosyka river, having a length of 159 km and a catchment area of ​​2030 sq. km., as well as small rivers Ternovaya and Veselaia.
Numerous ponds are located on the Her and its tributaries; they are used for watering, fishing and energy. The high mineralization of Eu makes it unsuitable for irrigation.
The Chelbas River flows southwest of Yeya. The source of the river is located near the northern outskirts of the village Temizhbek. The length of Chelbas is about 288 km, the area is 3950 sq. km. It flows into the Beisug Estuary. Main tributaries: Middle Chelbas, Borisovka and Tikhonkaya. Average annual consumption at the village Novoplatnirovskaya 2.41 m3/s.
About 120 ponds have been built on the Chelbas River. Heavily overgrown and silted Chelbas is a vivid example of a river that is in a state of old age and extinction.
Beisug River - the third longest and second largest of the rivers Sea of ​​Azov. Its sources are springs located 9 km northwest of Kropotkin. The Beisug flows into the Beisug estuary near the village Brinkovskaya. Its length is 243 km, the catchment area is 5190 sq. km. The most significant tributaries: Beysuzhek left and Beysuzhek right. The width of the riverbed in the upper reaches 200 m with a height of banks of 5-7 m. In the middle reaches, the width of the channel is 400 m. Below the page Bryukhovetskaya go smoothly. The river is fed by precipitation and springs.
Kirpili River- It starts 7-8 km northwest of the village Ladoga and falls into Kirpilsky Estuary 10 km north of the village steppe. The length of the river is 202 km, the catchment area is 2650 sq. km. Tributaries: Kochety and Kirpilitsy. Kirpili winds strongly, its channel is mostly covered with reeds. This is a shallow river, its average annual flow near the village Medvedovskaya is about 2 m3/s. There are about 100 ponds for agricultural needs and fishing in the river basin.

Rivers of the Black Sea coast

Within Krasnodar Territory from the dense southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, covered with dense forests, hundreds of fast mountain rivers rapidly carry their waters into the Black Sea. True, it is worth noting that the locals dump their sewage and any garbage into them, which accordingly flows into the sea.
The most mineralized river of the Black Sea basin: Gostagai 940 mg/l.
Psou river runs along the border between Russian Federation and Abkhazia, unrecognized by the world community. Starts west of Mount Agepsta, at an altitude of about 2730 m and flows into the Black Sea, 3 km southeast of Adler. Large tributaries: Psychte And Besh. The river is fed by snow and rain. The annual flow is about 650 million m3.
Mzymta- translated from Circassian "Mad". And it fully justifies its name! The beginning of the coast near the mountain Loyub, at an altitude of 2980 m. It flows into the Black Sea near Adler. Mzymta is very picturesque. Two kilometers from the source, it flows into Lake Kardyvach. There are several waterfalls on the river, the highest is 15 m. The largest tributaries: Pslukh, Pudziko, Chvezhipse. On its way, Mzymta crosses the ridges: Aibga-Achishkho, Atskhu-Katsirkha and Akhshtyr. Very picturesque gorge Atskhu. Near the village Krasnaya Polyana Krasnopolyanskaya HPP was built on Mzymta. HPP capacity is 28 thousand kW.
Sochi river starts near the mountain Chura at an altitude of 1313 m and flows into the Black Sea near Sochi. The average annual discharge of the river near Sochi is about 17 m3/s. Floods are frequent in spring and winter.
Pshada river- a small mountain river that originates near the mountain Pshada at an altitude of 448 m and flows into the Black Sea. There are more than 10 waterfalls on Pshad, the highest among them is Big Pshadsky (Olyapkin) waterfall.
Shahe- the second largest river of the Black Sea coast within the Krasnodar Territory. She originates from Main Caucasian Range near the mountain Chura at an altitude of 1718 m, in the zone alpine meadows and flows through Lazrevskiy district of Greater Sochi, flowing into the Black Sea near the village Golovinka. Almost the entire basin of the Shakhe River is covered with forests and runs in the mountains. Major tributaries: Bzych, Kichmay. The most abundant month is May.

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The Kuban River and its tributaries The presentation was prepared by the teacher MOUSOSH No. 6 Antonenko M.V.

The name Kuban (K'vbin, Koban, Kuban, Guban, etc.) is one of about three hundred names of this river. There are suggestions that the name came from the Karachay-Balkar rising, overflowing, from the ancient Turkic meaning "river" or "stream", from the Polovtsian Kuman. According to some sources, the name of the Kuban River comes from the ancient Greek Gopanis (Gipanis): "horse river", in the sense of "violent, strong river". The Adyghe name Psyzh means " ancient river", or "mother river

Map of the Kuban River

Geographical information Length 870 km, basin area 58 thousand km². It flows through the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar Territory (662 km) and Adygea. When flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov, the river forms a large swampy, but highly productive Kuban delta with an area of ​​​​about 4300 km². The total flow of the Kuban to the Sea of ​​Azov is about 11.0 km³ per year.

Kuban river

The river Kuban Kuban originates in the region of Mount Elbrus. If the length of the Kuban River is considered together with its tributary Ullukam, then it increases to 906 km, and its fall to 2970 m (from the Ullukam glacial tongue). According to the height, the Kuban river basin can be divided into 4 main zones:

Kuban River Starting from the city of Ust-Labinsk, the river is navigable. Kuban 111 km from Sea of ​​Azov separates the right-bank branch, through which it discharges almost half of its waters into the Sea of ​​​​Azov near the working settlement of Achuevo. The Kuban, before reaching the sea, separates to the left another branch - Kazachiy Erik, which flows into the Bolshoy Akhtanizovsky estuary, and from the latter through the Peresyp arm enters the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. The Kuban itself (Petrushin sleeve) flows into the Temryuk Bay of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov near the city of Temryuk, the so-called Verbena vent. In its lower reaches, the river formed a large delta. Thus, the Kuban belongs to the basin Atlantic Ocean and flows into the Sea of ​​Azov. .

Water resources, represented by full-flowing left-bank tributaries of the middle reaches of the Kuban River such as Afips, Psekups, Belaya, Laba, Pshish and their tributaries and right-bank tributaries such as the Mara, Dzheguta and Gorkaya form a river network with a length of 9482 km, in total more than 14000 large and the smallest tributaries. According to a 100-year series of observations, the average annual runoff of the Kuban River, formed due to rain and snow supply (65%), melting of high-mountain snows and glaciers (20%) and groundwater (15%), is about 13.5 km³. Seasonal fluctuations in the water level in the river are different for different parts of the Kuban, for example, they reached 2.8 m near Armavir, 5 m near Krasnodar, and 1.9 m near the Perevoloksky junction. The ice cover of the Kuban is unstable. During the year, the Kuban takes out about 4 million tons of dissolved salts into the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

History Tens of thousands of years ago, on the site of the modern delta of the Kuban, there was a huge bay of the Sea of ​​Azov, which stretched from the Taman Peninsula to the present Primorsko-Akhtarsk and deep into Krasnodar. Gradually, as a result of the activity of the river and the sea, a bay bar formed, which separated the sea from the bay and turned it into a lagoon, which eventually filled with river sediments and turned into a low-lying Kuban delta with numerous shallow estuaries connecting them with channels and extensive swampy floodplains. The mud volcanoes of the Taman Peninsula also played a certain role in the formation of the southern part of the ancient Kuban delta.

In the 19th century, half of the flow of the Kuban River was directed through the Old Kuban to the Black Sea estuary Kiziltashsky, and from there to the Black Sea. Then the embankment was made, and the runoff through the Old Kuban stopped. Relatively recently, a desalination canal was built along the route of the dead Black Sea channel, through which the waters of the Kuban again enter the Kiziltash estuary for the needs of the mullet farm created there. In 1973-1975, the Kuban reservoir was filled, which absorbed the Tshchik reservoir.

Tributaries of the Kuban River Afips River Teberda River Belaya River Laba Psekups River Pshish

Afips River Afips is a river in Russia, in the North Caucasus, the left tributary of the Kuban. It flows through the territory of the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea. It takes its sources from Mount Afips (738 m), flows into the Kuban River. The total length is 96 km. The river flows through such settlements as the village of Smolenskaya, the urban-type settlement of Afipsky.

Afips River At an altitude of 738 m, the sources of the Afips River begin, namely on the northeastern slope of the wooded mountain Big Afips. Stretching for 96 km, Afips crosses the cuest ridge and, having entered the expanses of the foothill fluvioglacial plain, pours its waters through the Shapsug reservoir into the Kuban River near the village of Afipsip.

Afips River The Afips River receives a number of small mountain rivers. Its largest tributaries are the Shebsh River, 100 km long, and the Ubin, 63 km long. Afips in its upper and middle reaches is very shallow, however, below the confluence of the Shebsha River, there are also deep places. The river quite calmly carries its clear waters along the pebble channel, but during the flood period it becomes stormy and full of water. Not far from its confluence with the Kuban, for the purposes of regulating the latter and for irrigating the lands, the Shapsug reservoir was built.

Teberda river

Teberda River Teberda, a river on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus, in the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region, a left tributary of the Kuban. Length 60 km, basin area 1080 km2. The channel is pebbly, cluttered with boulders; waterfalls. Food is mixed, with a predominance (55%) of glacier-snow (there are about 100 glaciers in the T. basin). The highest water content is in July - August. The average water flow in 45 km from the mouth is 27.2 m 3 / sec. In winter, there is sludge (there is no solid freeze-up). On the T. - the city and resort of Teberda, at the mouth - the city of Karachaevsk. The Military Sukhumi road runs along the river valley. In the upper reaches of the T. - Teberdinsky Reserve. In the river basin there are climbing camps and tourist bases.

The Teberda River The Teberda River is formed by the confluence of two rivers - Amanauz and Gonachkhir. Hundreds of large and small rivers flow into it, such as Khadzhibey, Ulu-Khatipara, Muhu, Gidam, Amgata, which are left tributaries, and Gedez, Ulu-Muruju, Shumka, Jamagat, respectively, right tributaries. Most of these rivers are fed by melting glaciers and snowfields. In my own way geographic location the valley of the Teberda river from ancient times was one of the main historical roads connecting the steppes with Black Sea coast Caucasus.

The Teberda River The Teberda River is very fast, full-flowing, winding and in places with numerous blockages in the channels. Teberda itself flows into the Kuban - one of the main rivers of all North Caucasus. The name of the river is the name of the city, which is spread on its banks.

Belaya River

Belaya River The ancient Adyghe name of the Belaya River is Shkhaguashche, translated as "goddess of the mountains" or "mistress of the mountains", its second name, according to legend, is Bela, and later it was replaced by the consonant name Belaya. The Belaya River originates at the snowy peaks of the Fisht-Oshtenovsky massif. Having escaped from the stone bowels of the massif, Belaya rushes to the southeast, in the direction of the Chugush peak (3238 m), chained in formidable glaciers, from the slopes of which its first tributary, the Biryuzovaya River (Biryuzovaya River), hurries towards. Both merge at an angle of almost 180 °, then Belaya turns left at a right angle, skirting the eastern tip of the Cherkess Range, receiving the waters of the second large tributary, the Chessu, which originates on the glaciers of the northern slope of the Chugush. Further, Belaya makes another turn at a right angle to the left and flows in the direction directly opposite to the original one, to the northwest.

Belaya River High water on the Belaya River occurs during the warm season, but often overflows at any time of the year, except for winter. Causes of spills: in spring - melting snow, in summer - melting of glaciers of the Fisht-Oshtenovsky massif and showers in the mountains, in autumn - rains. Winter low water is typical for the Belaya River; at negative temperatures, part of the water goes to ice formations, but it is unstable and short-lived, due to frequent thaws and rains during positive temperatures in winter. On average, 18–20 showers are observed per year in the Belaya River basin.

Laba River

The Laba Laba River (Adyghe and Kabard-Cherk. Labezh) is a river in the North Caucasus, the left tributary of the Kuban River. One of the most significant rivers in the Western Caucasus, the left tributary of the Kuban. The Adyghes call her "Labe". The most popular are two opinions. One connects the name with the Iranian-language ancient term "Alb" ("Alb") - white. The other one is with the Iranian-language topoelement “lab” (“lav”), which in Persian means “shore”. So, one of the tributaries of the Malaya Laba originates from Mount Louba, and in the language of the Svans - the mountainous Georgian neighbors of the Abaza - the word "labna" means a source.

The Laba River It is formed by the confluence of the Bolshaya Laba and Malaya Laba, which originate from glaciers on the northern slope of the Main Range of the Greater Caucasus. Length (together with Bolshaya Laba) - 347 km, from the confluence with Malaya Laba - 214 km, basin area 12,500 km². In the upper reaches of the Laba and its tributaries - turbulent mountain rivers flowing into deep gorges. IN downstream The banks of the river are gentle, the current is calm. The food of the river is mixed: snow, glacial and rain. The average flow near the mouth is 95.7 m³/sec. Laba freezes at the end of December, but not every year, it opens in late February - early March. The main tributaries of the Laba are Chamlyk (right), Fars (left). Used for irrigation.

The Laba River On the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, before the confluence of the Bolshaya and Malaya Laba, on its banks there are settlements: Pkhiya, Damkhurts, Zagedan, Rozhkao, Asian; the villages of Psemen, Kurdzhinovo, Ershov, Predgornoye, Podskalnoye. Then Bolshaya Laba flows already through the territory of the Krasnodar Territory - the first locality- the village of Akhmetovskaya. At the village of the Kaladzhinskaya river, Bolshaya and Malaya Laba merge. At the exit from the mountain-forest zone, the Laba flows through the flat territory of the Krasnodar Territory. After the urban-type settlement of Mostovskoy, the border of the region with Adygea passes along the river. On the right (Krasnodar) side are the cities of Labinsk and Kurganinsk, a number of villages: Zassovskaya, Vladimirskaya, Rodnikovskaya, Temirgoevskaya, Vozdvizhenskaya, Tenginskaya, Novolabinskaya, Nekrasovskaya. On the Adyghe side there are Adyghe villages, Russian villages and settlements: Khodz, Natyrbovo, Koshekhabl, Egerukhay, Sokolov, Pshizo, Dzhambichi, Saratovsky, Khatukai. Opposite the confluence of the Laba with the Kuban is the city of Ust-Labinsk.

Psekups River

The Psekups River The Psekups River is the left tributary of the river. Kuban. The river is located in the northern part Tuapse district. Along the river Psekups passes Railway Tuapse - Hot key. The Psekups River originates on the northern slope of Agoy (height 958 m) and, flowing through the village of Sadovoe, Goryachiy Klyuch, flows into the Krasnodar reservoir. The total length of the river is 146 km, including 29 km within the Tuapse region. The catchment area is 360 square kilometers. The average annual water flow within the Tuapse region is 18 cubic meters per second. The level of the river fluctuates greatly. Power source - precipitation and groundwater.

Pshish River

Pshish River On the western slope of Mount Shessy, the Pshish River originates - the left tributary of the Kuban River. The length of the river is 258 km. Its upper part is located in the area of ​​medium-altitude folded ridges, composed of calcareous and clayey rocks of the Jurassic age. These ridges are strongly dissected by the activity of the waters and are covered with dense oak and beech forests. The middle part of the basin is located in the zone of low mountains and foothills of the Greater Caucasus, overgrown with oak forests, and the lower part is in the zone of foothills of the forest-steppe plain.

The Pshish River Directing its course to the north, Pshish crosses a strip of cuest ridges, then enters the expanses of the foothills of the plain and flows into the Kuban (into the Krasnodar reservoir) below the village of Starokorsunskaya. A number of tributaries flow into Pshish. The most significant of them is the Tsice River. The valley of the Pshish River in the upper reaches looks like a narrow gorge, downstream it gradually expands. In places, 2-3 river terraces are observed. The river bed is very winding. Especially numerous bends are described by the river on the segment from the village of Tverskaya to the mouth. In the upper reaches of the river, the current is fast. In the channel of the upper reaches and the middle part of the river, there is an alternation of small rifts and rather deep reaches.

On this page, the site is pleased to present readers with information, materials and literature about the Kuban River.

Information and literature about the Kuban River

Kuban River - encyclopedic reference

1. Kuban - a river of the North Caucasus, originating from two mountain streams Ullukam and Uchkulan, the source of which is located on Elbrus.
There are many versions of where this name came from. If we take the example of Karachay-Balkar origin, then initially the river
bore the name "Qoban" (which means "rising, overflowing river" or "stream"). But later the name changed from Kobkhan-Koban-Kuban-Guban-Kuban.
The Kuban River has a length of 870 km, and the basin area is 58 thousand square kilometers. The Kuban flows in several regions of Russia, such as: Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar region and Adygea, and after that it flows into the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. When it flows into the Sea of ​​Azov, the river forms a large swampy, but highly productive Kuban delta with an area of ​​about 4,300 sq. km.
More than 100 species of fish live in the Kuban River. For example: fish, Kuban barbel, Caucasian chub, bream, asp, perch, carp, catfish, shemaya, silver carp, ram, pike perch, catfish, goby, rudd, crucian carp, sabrefish, and others.
There are about 400 species and forms of zooplankton, including worms. You can also meet such birds as wild geese and ducks, pelicans, swans, cormorants, gray herons, swans, falcons, peregrine falcons near the water area.

2. Kuban (a tributary of the Volga) - a river originating in the Soikino tract on the site of the former village of the same name, 6 km southeast of the village of Kosmynino.
It flows in the Kostroma region through the territory of the Nerekhtsky and Kostroma regions. It flows into the Gorky reservoir, located on the Volga River, 2534 km from the mouth. The length of the river is about 24 km, and the basin area is 218 sq km.

3. Kuban (tributary of the Munzha) - a river in Russia, flows in the Kemerovo region. The mouth of the river is located 33 km along the left bank of the Munzha River. The length of the river is about 10 km. Belongs to the Upper Ob basin district.

Literature about the Kuban River

Kuban River - POEMS

Kuban river
Sergey Neverskoy

Do not look at the peaks
Caucasus, Dombay - our corner of Paradise.
Kuban is flowing, bubbling, cascading,
from those lakes where the ice lies not melting.

She carved her own path
You can measure that work in terms of time.
High mountains passing spurs,
it flows further into the plains.

The water of the tributaries, everywhere, like a tear,
the river is quiet, then it suddenly rushes,
there are fields, vines,
villages have been standing along the banks for a long time.

They are huge lakes even wider,
we have legends in ancient legends,
You won't find a place like this in the world
similar to the marvelous Kuban marshes.

No more fertile place anywhere
there is no more controversy about this now:
ponds and rivers are filled with fish,
grains will be filled in the summer by the tillers of the mountains!

For our Army it is the basis,
there "Lubo" says the Cossack Rada,
flows into the warm waters of "Azov",
Kuban Russia is the best reward!;

Kuban river
Svetlana Donchenko

We live. Earth in new clothes
Sings its eternal hymn to spring.
Kuban in the channels of reeds
She sings along half asleep.
River. Gorgeous. Minx.
Drinker of young bread.
Lands of Cossack bustle,
A friend of the steppe feather grasses.
Will wake up. Bubbling with the flow
Swallowing melted mountain snow.
Reeds breaking inadvertently,
Accelerate full-flow running.
Deep secrets of the earthly witch,
Mistress of steep shores,
Singer of the rarest beauty,
Bow to you from all living.

Kuban river
Tamara Kryachko

Elbrus daughter
And a child of the plain
Dark as night from sand and clay
Flowing Kuban - ancestral river -
Around the bread ripen,
There is a rattle of tributaries.
Gentle, bald river in low water.
dries up
And it smells like fish
And the shores, then, like a rack.
Filled with water, glistens with rubber
Enduring the shackles, seething in the dams.
Rocks barges and ships,
Green asparagus - her water...
I call secretly,
Flowing Kuban
To my Azov.

Kuban river
Semyonov Roman Anatolievich

The Teberda River flows without knowing
She is like a wind through the mountains,
At that moment, a wave rumbles through the stones,
How difficult it is for a river to live here alone.

But suddenly, two rivers come together,
Waves they will weave on the stones,
Their channels will enter glory for centuries,
The second, the Kuban was called the river.

Peace and Caucasian strength multiply in it,
In the spring, trout carried away to the waterfall,
The nature of the river was not at all simple
And to the sea she rolls stones with her!

Kuban river..

Kuban River!
You are majestic and beautiful
Sprawling, deep, wide
At its beginning, as if playfully
You melt, spring snows.

To match nature, you change over the years
You change direction, punching again and again
Your own way, in the depths of the oak forest,
Transforming your face...

Sparkling and shimmering
In the sunset of a sunny day
The cold covered you!
As if preserving, the steep shores of the Caucasus ...

A, how intoxicating are your spills...
In the spring, under the chirping of migratory birds,
Where weeping willows bend over the water...
So I would have fallen prostrate before them.

Nurse you, our Golden!
God bless you for many years...
All the same, Joy will be preserved!
Let it not leave, dear shores to the heart ...

The Kuban flows - the MM river
Lydia Grzhibovskaya

What a beauty, in springtime,
The Kuban is flowing - a river with cool water,
The melody of love, the nature of awakening,
All spring flowers are beautiful...
Snowdrops, violets, red messengers of spring,
And the sweet heart of the grove sing the song of the singers...
Nightingales, dear, you are dear to the heart,
Kuban, relatives, harbingers of love!

Kuban river
Alexey Morozov 4

The Kuban River is calm here,
In the valley, at the foothills.
Clouds circling over the river
Curly children of the sea:
In love, confessions are sent to her
Two seas - apart and together! -
That the news will be shed by rain,
They grow up without a trace ...
Oh, how from ancient times to hug them
Kuban like at the mouth! -
Now I don't understand the basics
Salt of the Black Sea sadness ...
Winding path of river water. -
Where it will turn is not clear.
The fields are fat here! And gardens
Here thirst is not subject ...
Full of unhurried strength,
Simple and majestic
The Kuban is flowing, its wave
Both business and fun
Always ready to serve! -
And to her in this service
Can't be denied!
Hello to her soul
Then the Caucasus brooks
Agreed in one stream
So that all living things by the river
Found juices for life ...
And as if the river feels
Your destination! -
She is a little solemn.
In a simple water current ...

My Kuban
Vladimir Tabakov

You flow to us, beautifully, majestically,
From gray mountains, from white glaciers.
In Russia, fame has developed about you,
My Kuban, ready to serve you.

Your violent temper, the nature of the seething waters,
From the bowels of the earth, a living stream is born.
I love people who are worthy, real,
Cossack life and the entire Cossack family.

It draws you into the forests, fields and fields,
The breath of the sea is an eternal call.
You bring spills to us along the way,
My Kuban - Azov is waiting for you there.

I compose a verse, to you, Kuban, for the glory,
Easily, from the heart, I give this song.
My river and you are my power,
The whole wonderful land, thank you for everything.

Kuban River!
Alexey Kalimanov

My dear river, you are the Kuban!
The flow of water..spring spills.
I ask you the only one.. become.
My fate is cheerful and playful.

Your river, muddy water.
Wash the body, sticking with silt.
You are a swift current to me forever.
You carry memories .. illuminating.

Your braid has a fancy pattern.
And islands .. filling with life.
A female bend, a gaze.
And whining willows at the edge.

Your desired .. in the floodplain of the shores.
What a slope stretches along the Edge.
Endless green meadows.
To the horizon .. without taking your eyes off.

You will be related to Laba like a sister.
You caress her with a stormy stream.
Barkhans of washed sand.
Along the shores, untrodden .. azure.

You gave me childhood loving.
In your silence .. we spent time.
Labzalo my body tugging.
With the hands of the waters, their mighty ones !!!


The sky is the sun above,
herbs swell with juice,
giant oak
breathe easily;
Like someone embroidered
iris and silk
summer meadow
rococo style.

Like someone is a river
covers with smooth
And she's tearing up
wide and on the rocks.
Running wind
on the steppe dress
Will plunge into the water
and dust - on the way!

cloud linseed
embraced tenderly
With a Cossack song
moving to the Don.
In each jacket - twice,
in every skirt - rage!
Where is Versace?
he is resting.

felt fields,
chintz groves,
Velvet gave -
everywhere light fabric.
Zealous words,
but easier to understand
If you have seen
at least once, Kuban.

The old channel of the Kuban
Kurysheva Ludmila Vladimirovna

The old channel of the Kuban ...
Water surface in the reeds.
The hum of mosquito suffering.
Coast viscous step.

Smells like stagnant water
Freshness - as if not ...
Sleepily mired in stagnation,
Horus forgotten testament.

Young and stormy stream,
Fast, beautiful river,
A life free from rock -
We know the Kuban!

How wide on the plain
Yes, and in the course of fast!
The old course and now ...
The smoke will only save you from the fire...

kuban river
Roman Shultz

Kuban river, how great are your expanses
You are a mighty river of muddy waters
Springs flow into you
And the mountains
With avarice, giving piles of snow
Rivers like the White River tend to you
Her water is beautiful and clean
She seethes, boils on the riffles
And pulls the boulders
Affectionate, playful flows into you
And she does not touch your waters
Kuban river, how great are the expanses
Mighty calm river.

My Kuban is a river of centuries
Elena Shatalova

My Kuban is a river of centuries,
Among the fields, cool waters
Running for new generations
And you reflect the sky.
You are the border where you gave up
Circassian enemy, not having won,
Striving for the Kuban expanse,
But forgetting courage in the waters.
Now for many - the crossing,
Kunaks became enemies,
Friends in our opinion, and glory
The flow of a friendly river.
In you, as in a mirror of nature,
Admiring your stature,
They look, drunk from freedom,
Rows of noisy poplars.
And the willows cry over you
Head bowed in thought,
When overflows are born -
Cossack song motif.
Sunsets bathe in you
Before going to bed, giving crimson,
The dawns are flaming
Radiant gold bay.
From the mountains to the very edge of the sea,
Caressing, washing the shores,
Carrying away fatigue and grief,
Tears absorbing pearls.

Kuban river
Vladimir Taranenko 2

From the Caucasian snowy mountains flows in streams - the Kuban river,
So the soul of a person is pure, and the hand of a Cossack is always strong,
It contains the strength of the mountains and the will of the spirit in the expanses of the sunny steppes,
The paths to the house are returning, there are no lost paths!
The Kuban has been flowing since the birth of the villages, and the Cossacks of dashing children,
The love of a Cossack comes from a common dignity - two people.
Love in two hearts uniting unbridled passions,
Where is the woman: the bride, wife and mother - a saint for a man ... an honor!
Kuban boils - a raging miracle, does not tolerate falsehood, does not like flattery.

Kuban river
Nina Zubareva

I live on the coast
Wide, wondrous I river,
Steep coasts everywhere
Well, around the gardens, meadows,
Fields of gold and flowers,
I live on the shore of dreams!
You can leave forever
Well, never leave...
With a beloved river and a dream,
With native Kuban and with YOU...

Leonid Krivobokov

Kuban is dear to you, I pay tribute,
I'm writing poems about you now.
And I praise the free, mighty Kuban.
More beautiful land - in the world, I don't know.

Your eyes are two blue seas.
And eyebrows are a vine.
Eyelashes, then your forests are dense.
From golden wheat - light brown braid.

And shining in a long azure blue braid,
The Kuban River intertwined like a beautiful ribbon.
Your outfit, all blooms with flowers,
And lightly embroidered with steppe feather grass.

You look at the world with blue eyes
And with your songs you will drive everyone crazy.
No wonder they call you "Pearl of Russia"
You Kuban and more beautiful in the world you will not find.

And wherever, aside, whatever I may be,
I'm still nicer in my native land.
Your palms smell like warm bread
And lips - sweet young wine.

Nikolai K Shaparev

Smell of honey and milk
Resurrect pictures of childhood:
Mountains in the haze, the Kuban is a river,
It's impossible not to stare.

Rushing violent streams of water,
Decorated with brown clay
And a voracious whirlpool
He swallowed everything and threw it with rapids.

We swam then naked,
Grasping the branches of a willow.
And tried the Kuban - the river
Carry us into your windings.

Behind the river is beautiful and wide
Silhouette of a rising Krasnodar.
Developed a breeze over the earth
The serene smoke of a samovar.

Kuban River - SONGS

Kuban river
Vladimir Doroshenko

The Kuban River, always turbulent -
Water beats all the shores.
Looks pretty, beautiful everywhere,
In the embrace of willows, where the farms are.

Cossack freemen, fate is connected with her,
It is our main river for centuries ...
Got hurt countless times...
Without her name, there is no Cossack!

KUBAN. KUBAN, and you are a river
Soul and heart of a Cossack...

Don't "leave", but FLOWER!

Water runs from the proud Caucasus,
Past villages, rocks, gardens…
And having nourished the spirit of the free
Falls into the soul of the Cossacks.

Into the soul of the descendants of the Cossacks,
Those who suddenly fell in love with Taman,
Called the edge of the Black Sea,
Made homeland - Kuban.

KUBAN. KUBAN, and you are a river
Soul and heart of a Cossack...
Russian Paradise - Cossack region-
Don't "leave", but FLOWER!

Kuban river you are fast
Assia Svetlova

Kuban River, you are fast
There is no more beautiful end.
And the cities are clean
People's eyes are radiant.

Two shores will not meet
The river flows between them.
Razluchnitsa Voditsa
Hurry, she can't sit.

You, green willow,
Leaning into the river.
Look, there is a maple
He has been in love with you for a long time.

The willow washed her braids,
The river ran away.
And the moon is bright in the sky
She gave us a little wink.

We are with you by the river
Silently, they held hands.
Water will not separate us.
We will always be together.

Nice river Kuban!
Lydia Grzhibovskaya

Oh, to ride across the steppe on a horse,
Oh, to swim in the Kuban river,
And hug your wife, a Cossack,
And don't be afraid to die.

Gay! Gay!
wide spaces,
Nice river Kuban!
Gay! Gay!
Beautiful rivers, mountains,
Beauty wherever you look!

Lord bless our land
May the harvest be rich
Cossacks grow up day by day,
We work well, we sing nicely.

Gay! Gay!
wide spaces,
Nice river Kuban!
Gay! Gay!
Beautiful rivers, mountains,
Beauty wherever you look!

Song about Kuban. Steep shores, golden steppes
Galina Sergeevna Tomashevskaya

I would like to talk about such a beautiful natural water flow as the Kuban River. Description, photo and detailed characteristics - this is exactly the information that you will find in the article.

The beauty of this region is known far beyond the borders of Russia. It was filmed here in Soviet times great amount world-famous films. This is due to the picturesque landscapes that are located along the entire coastline. Being in these places, people experience peace of mind and are charged with positive energy.

Geographical position

In the south of Russia, one of the largest water flows in the country, the Kuban River, flows. You can easily find it on the map. Geographically, it is located in the northern part Caucasus mountains. Starting its movement from the Karachay-Cherkess Territory, the river flows through the territory of three regions: Stavropol, Adygea and Krasnodar.

The total area of ​​the watercourse basin is almost 58,000 km². When the Kuban River (see description below) reaches the banks of Azov, it creates the largest delta in Russia. Its area is more than four thousand square meters.

The Kuban River: a description of the delta

The Kuban delta is wide, often with wetlands. But meanwhile it is unique in its kind. The fact is that in the south the delta goes out not only to the Azov, but also to the Black Sea. Numerous estuaries and lakes, islands, floodplains, channels with overgrown reeds and reeds are located on the territory of the delta. locals know that where the Kuban River is, you can always meet unique representatives of flora and fauna that amaze with their diversity.

Where the modern delta is now located, several thousand years ago there was the largest Gulf of Azov. However, as a result of the activity of the waters of Azov and Kuban, a bay-bar gradually formed at this place. The bay, as such, dried up, forming a shallow lagoon. And the Kuban River (this can be clearly seen on the map of that time) previously flowed into a water stream, which was called the Old Kuban. It was he who carried water to the Black Sea basin. However, already as a result of landslides (to protect nearby territories from floods), the flow was blocked. And now most of the water falls only into the Sea of ​​Azov.

The source of the Kuban River: features

The Kuban begins its "life" in the place where two mountain streams converge - Uchkulan and Ullukai. The latter is often considered a continuation of the Kuban. Glaciers located on the top of Elbrus feed the stream with their melt waters. In this place, it is distinguished by a strong and turbulent current. The source of the Kuban River is located at an altitude of almost 1400 m above sea level.

It is worth paying attention to one feature. Many believe that it was from her that the name of the stream came from. The modern sound is rooted in and in literal translation means "a seething stream."


The name Kuban is far from the only one near the river. She has about 300 of them! Other local names of the river are Qoban, Guban, Qobkhan and others. In ancient Greek chronicles, the name was listed as Hypanis.

Water flow features

The Kuban River is very interesting in terms of zoning. The description of its nature of the flow is quite diverse. For its length, the river is considered navigable, therefore it is favorably used for agricultural purposes. The high fall of the flow, more than 1,000 m, makes it possible to divide it into 4 zones: high-mountain, mountain, foothill and flat. Reaching the Krasnodar Territory, near the city of Ust-Labinsk, the Kuban has a navigable route. The main Verbenskoe Arm flows into the Temryuk Bay. One more thing - Cossack Erik has access to the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. From this we can conclude that the Kuban River belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin.

In high mountainous areas the stream has a deep bottom and steep, sheer slopes. The latter are represented by sandstones, shale, limestone accumulations. Going down to the lower reaches, the banks become low-lying and more gentle. Sometimes there are low hills. The channel meanders more and more often, closer to the delta, forming a kind of "horseshoes" - oxbow lakes.


The Kuban is quite full-flowing, the total number of tributaries (small and large) reaches 14 thousand. Most big rivers flow into it mainly from the left bank.

The largest of them:

  • mountain river. Urup.
  • R. Laba is the most full-flowing tributary.
  • R. Belaya - a watercourse with the most powerful stream, has several waterfalls on its way.
  • R. Pshish and Psekups - are characterized by fast flow.
  • Kaverze and Afips.

Gorkaya, Dzheguta adjoin the right banks of the Kuban. The total length of the Kuban with its tributaries is 9,500 km.

Water consumption and type of food

The average annual runoff of the waters of the Kuban into the Sea of ​​Azov is 14 cubic meters. km. In addition, the stream carries more than 4 million tons of salts into the sea. The food in the Kuban is mixed - most, about 65%, are snow and rain, about 20% are glaciers and 15% are groundwater.

The flow is uneven. It is seasonal. At different times of the year, runoff indicators can vary greatly throughout the territory. Also, the Kuban has a certain "anomaly". At different time intervals, the river can carry 1.5 times more water than the average annual norms.

In the cold season, the Kuban freezes, but the ice cover of the river is unstable. It lasts from December to March, after which the icebreaker begins.

Kuban reservoir

The largest reservoir in the North Caucasus is located on the Kuban River and is called, respectively, the Kuban. Previously, Tshikskoye existed not far from it, but it was flooded several years ago. Now the reservoir is remarkable only as a place for fishing.

The Kuban stream is also used to generate electricity. 4 HPPs were built - Kurshavskaya, Barsuchkovskaya, Sengileevskaya and Zelenchukskaya. Together they form the so-called "Kuban cascade". The plans included the construction of the Adygei hydroelectric power station, but in recent years, work has been suspended.

Flora and fauna

The flora and fauna of the river is quite diverse. More than a hundred species of fish live in the waters. These are pike perch, silver carp, ram, carp, bream, catfish, goby, perch, rudd and others. Sea fish also swim in the low-lying areas of the river. Some of the species are unique to these areas. Plankton is represented by mollusks, worms, crustaceans and other species.

On the waters of the stream there are many such as wild geese and ducks, pelicans, herons, swans, as well as small birds. Rare predatory animals of the Kuban River live in the coastal zone. Their brightest representative is the gray peregrine falcon. Foxes, wild cats, wild boars, muskrats live in the floodplains.

The river delta is now slightly drained by man for the needs Agriculture. It also makes it possible to breed fish. In one of these branches, a mullet breeding farm is developing quite successfully.

The river is practically not used for tourism. Unless in mountainous areas they often carry out rafting on ships or rifts. But fishing is common on both banks in almost all areas.

The plants of the Kuban River are represented by the following species: reed, burr, sedge, etc. They are distributed mainly in the coastal area. The surface of the water of the stream in some places is strewn with water lilies, at the bottom you can find different types algae. Such thickets have grown to 40-50 thousand hectares.