Where is the best place to book a cheap tour with a search for all tour operators? Personal experience of buying tickets online. How to save money on a tour? Secrets from Travelata

Spring, April, already and summer holidays are on the horizon. And to relax in comfort, and save on the trip - the goal of any traveler. What is the best way to do this - buy a tour in advance or at the last moment? Let's try to understand the pros and cons of both options.

For the last couple of years, it has become popular among avid travelers to book summer tour right after New Year's Eve. The fact is that with early booking, the travel agency provides a discount - from 5 to 50%. From six months to 2 months before the date of departure - the standard time for early booking. The minimum term for unpopular and non-mass destinations is 21 days.

The main advantage of early booking is the opportunity to choose. The most comfortable airline, the hotel you like, additional options offered by the tour operator. This is especially convenient if you are traveling with children. You can choose in advance a decent hotel with a set of entertainment for the younger generation. And the cost will be adequate.

Another reason to take advantage of early booking is your desire to fly away on vacation at the time of the greatest hype - on holidays or school holidays. Are you planning to take a break popular resorts in July or August? Travel industry experts recommend booking tours in advance for this "hot" time. And even sometimes in September. Moreover, the more popular the direction you have chosen, the more profitable it will be to book early. The best hotels in Turkey, Cyprus, Greece and Spain are taken apart in the spring.

In addition, early booking is a way to get a guaranteed discount. The most modest companies offer 5%, while others promise to cut prices by half. For a traveler, the discount system is simple - the earlier you buy a tour, the cheaper it can be.

Hot Tour

Another way to save money on a trip is to visit a last-minute travel store. But for many, a synonym for the phrase "burning tour" - cheap tour. That is, a low level of service and not the best hotel, but in fact it is not. Tours become hot for several reasons. First, the tourism market is extremely unstable. Demanded a month ago proposals suddenly become useless to anyone. Another option: travelers who bought this tour in advance, suddenly refused.

The most important plus of buying a last-minute tour is savings. On average, from 30 to 60%. But these are not all the benefits. Frequently travelers going on urgent vacations receive travel company also nice bonuses free tour, a ticket to a local museum, a certificate for a spa treatment).

The reverse is also possible. The tour operator, in order to save on you, will try to cut some excursion, visiting a hammam or a water park.

This is the first, but not the last risk of this way of buying a tour. Everything is possible: no entertainment program in the hotel, uncomfortable transfer, view from the room on the concrete wall. Also, you probably won’t get travel cancellation insurance, since such a service is issued at least 7 days before departure. And if you yourself suddenly decide to abandon the tour, then, most likely, the money will not be returned to you. Cancellation penalty is 100%.

And one more minus - you will have to go on a trip without carefully preparing and packing your things, but, perhaps, the very next day in a hurry.

If the desire to save money outweighs the cons, then buy last-minute tours! However, in order to “guess” when buying such a tour, you still have to work hard in advance.

It must be remembered that if travel agency offers you a cheap ticket a month before the intended trip, then this is not a last-minute tour! Most likely, the price was reduced for another reason: due to the long distance from the hotel to the sea, construction outside the window, or other factors that interfere with comfort. Better look for something else. Inexpensive last minute deals from all tour operators in visa-free countries may appear no earlier than a week before departure, and if a visa is required for a trip to the country, then they appear 10-14 days in advance. In most cases, the rule works - the closer the arrival date, the lower the price.

Almost at any time, you can "catch" a last-minute tour to Turkey or Egypt. Over the past 10 years, these countries have received the maximum number of tourists from the CIS countries. As a result, there are many burning tours in these areas.

But don't grab the first ticket that comes along! Before buying, it is advisable to visit the store of last-minute tours (the official website of the tour search), search there for information about popular and unpopular destinations and resorts this season, compare prices.

Another detail when choosing a tour. The last-minute tour includes air tickets for a charter flight and hotel accommodation. A travel agency may fail to sell before the required date either plane tickets, or hotel reservations, or both.

As in the case of early booking, you need to pay attention to the travel agency where you buy a ticket. And carefully read the contract so that it does not turn out that the agency saves on you. You should always check the level of the hotel, room and food. Choosing a sun tour last minute tours, you can be sure that you will not be deceived!

It is worth noting that the chance to buy a high-quality last-minute tour increases significantly in the off-season. The demand for vacations at this time is falling and travel agencies are ready for a lot, just to fill the planes and hotels. April is the most “off-season” month. Majority warm countries still cannot boast of a sufficiently warm sea. However, in Tunisia, Turkey, Morocco, Jordan and even Bulgaria, you can walk along the coast and sunbathe, and if you're lucky, even swim. There are also last-minute trips to Thailand at this time - in the spring you can get there in rainy weather, but the precipitation will be short. There is still a chance to ride skiing at a discount in harsh Austria, Sweden and Switzerland.

Last minute tours are a good choice for people who want to save money, while being dynamic and not too demanding on service. Early booking is also a way to reduce vacation expenses, but it is more suitable for tourists who clearly plan their vacation, prefer comfort and are not ready for surprises. Which way to buy a tour to choose? You decide.

Are you planning a vacation abroad, but the prices for good propositions- to put it mildly, bite? Especially for you, we have prepared several tricks that allow you to reduce the final score by tourist package. Something that travel agents won't tell you for sure.

Only proven tricks that save your hard earned money.

The article is relevant when choosing popular, "all inclusive" destinations: Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Dominican Republic, etc. And for those who are used to buying package tours containing: transfer, hotel, flight and insurance.

All-inclusive package is cheaper than usual - how to save money when buying

A complex approach

Oddly enough, but a vacation in hot countries for a couple of weeks is much more profitable to buy a “package” through a travel agency. Independent, step-by-step: booking air tickets, a hotel for accommodation, buying insurance and a transfer - justifies itself only on long trips, for a period of a month. Why is that?

The fact is that with the wholesale "purchase" of hotels and tickets for air transportation of passengers, the tour operator receives decent discounts. Of course, in order for tourists to turn to him, and not to start "free swimming", he shares part of the discount with you.

Can everyone see?

To save on a ticket to hot countries, we do not recommend focusing on one tour operator. It is much more logical to look for package tours in travel aggregator companies, where offers from all popular travel operators are presented. Every tour. the operator sets its own prices. The difference in the cost of a voucher, including the same items, can reach 30%.

A tour operator is one who organizes tours: establishes contacts with representatives of hotels, air carriers. The most popular examples are: TezTour, Biblio Globus, Anex Tour, Pegast touristic.

A travel company is an organization that offers ready-made tours from tour operators for sale. It has its own premium for sold tours to the end consumer.

Early = cheaper

To reduce the cost of a ticket to popular destinations, pay attention to early booking. As a rule, a pre-planned purchase helps to save up to 40% of the cost of the tour + gives you a head start in choosing hotels and rooms.

Early Booking is a program that runs from January to April. You buy much in advance, in the first months of the year, and in return, hotels offer up to 40% discount on the cost of tours scheduled for May-April. Remarkably, travel operators allow you to pay for such tours in installments, without interest and overpayments.

The famous place is worth more

Chain hotels are much more expensive than local ones. Want to save money on an all-inclusive package? Study the websites of small hotels, read reviews on them and make a choice in favor of such accommodation.

Overpayment "for the name" can reach 10-30% under equal conditions of residence and provision of services.

Right time

The holiday will be just as amazing, but much cheaper if you choose the right dates. The beginning and end of the season: May and September will always be 20-30% cheaper than in the midst of vacations and school holidays.

Do you want to do well? Do it yourself!

But, some correction should be made: before going to the manager, we advise you to independently look at various hotels to choose from. And to do this through a resource in which all tour operators are offered. For example, fly.ru.

The travel agent is not interested in your savings. Perhaps you will find something more profitable?

On any such search engines there is a rating system. All chain or popular hotels will be located higher than non-advanced, economical alternative options. Sometimes, not rated, but very successful offers are not “thrown out” at all in the general search. In this case, it is necessary to put a tick on specific hotels.

Of course, having previously found them on the Internet. This trick will allow you not only to save money on buying a ticket, but also to choose an excellent offer that is not sold at tripartite prices.

Every day counts

If you have already started an independent preliminary search for a hotel, “play around” with the dates. Very often, tours can differ by 2% -5% in value only on whether you fly out a day earlier or later.

Travel agents are too lazy to make such "brute force". And you can win a couple of extra thousand by pressing a couple of buttons.

Dollar $ and its value

Pay attention to the dollar. All trips to hot countries are tied to this currency. If today you pay 57,600 rubles for a ticket worth $1,000, then tomorrow, with a possible fall, you will have to pay only 56,300 rubles. A trifle, but nice, right?

The exchange rate for tomorrow is set after lunch. Is the dollar rising? Buy today? Is it falling? Pay your ticket tomorrow.

What about haggling?

Few people know, but you can bargain with managers at a travel agency. Of course, not like in the market in Egypt, but throwing off a couple of thousand rubles from every thousand dollars is quite likely.

They have their own margin on the cost you paid. If the manager is interested in the client and does not want to let him go, he will offer you a discount. They are less willing to bargain during early booking - their benefit is much lower, less cheat on the tour.

Back to hot

If you missed the possibility of early booking, but you want to save money on your vacation, turn your attention towards last-minute tours. By the way, the best deals can be found in groups social networks major travel agencies in your city.

Unlike typical sites selling holidays, they post “free” canceled tours or really “burning out” vouchers with departure tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

We hope these tricks will help you save at least a small but pleasant amount of money when buying a ticket to a hot country. Do you know of any other features? Maybe you have found other ways to save money? Share your opinions and stories in the comments!

At the height of the summer season, most conversations are about vacation: how and where to spend it. The dream of each of us is to relax in comfort in a decent hotel with a decent level of service and, preferably, pay half the price for it. Then we can consider that the vacation was a success. Usually, this becomes possible when buying a "last minute" ticket. The appearance of such tours is almost inevitable, because travel agencies even before the start holiday season buy seats on planes and hotels. The number of these purchased seats is calculated on the basis of forecasts and calculations for the previous season, i.e. it is only approximate. And for sure, no company knows how many tickets will be sold. A few days before the date of arrival, the travel agency begins to significantly reduce the prices of unsold tours in order to somehow justify the investment. The closer the day of departure, the more the tour is on fire. Therefore, in the very last days before departure, a ticket can be purchased at a very significant discount - up to 50%. But not everything is so simple, there is a large list of nuances that you should be prepared for, counting on a "burning" tour. :f:

  • the Internet
  • a list of hotels that suit you in terms of the quality of services provided
  • readiness to fly the very next day after buying a tour
  • information about the host country and the hotel
  • Tune in to the fact that the “burning” tour is roulette. You may be lucky, and you will have a great rest, saving a lot, or you can completely fly over with a vacation and stay in a stuffy apartment, because. The tickets you need are not available. We can say that last-minute tours are for those who are used to making decisions quickly, are not afraid to take risks and are not very sensitive to errors in the service.
  • Last minute tours, as a rule, are sold to almost all countries. But no one canceled visa restrictions. No matter how attractive a trip to France is, 3 days before departure you will not be able to get a Schengen visa, without which the trip will be impossible. Therefore, you need to either think about obtaining a visa in advance, or choose visa-free countries and countries where a visa will be given right upon arrival at the airport (Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, etc.).
  • There are traditional dates when last-minute deals are simply not available. This new year holidays, the May holidays and peak tourist season in a particular country.
  • A last-minute tour definitely does not suit you if you are limited by the date of departure and cannot vary it; if it is important for you which hotel to stay in (meaning not star rating, but a specific location or the availability of specific services, such as a spa); if you are not at all indifferent to which airline to fly with.
  • The main question of people who purchase last-minute tours for the first time is when to buy a ticket. During the week? In 3 days? The evening before departure? There is no correct answer to this question. After all, the time of the appearance of special offers can not be predicted. It is possible that profitable options will appear only a day before departure, or perhaps prices will begin to fall even 10 days in advance, while they may gradually decrease or hang at a certain level.
  • At what point it is better for you to buy a tour, you can be guided by a travel agency employee. He has much more knowledge and experience in this area than you do. But there is also a big pitfall here. It is much more profitable for a ticket seller to convince you to buy a tour right now, even if he is well aware that the price will drop further in the near future. After all, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow you can easily contact another agency and purchase a ticket from them.
  • The very process of buying a burning tour is akin to the proverb "whoever gets up first gets the slippers." Therefore, we must act quickly. In advance (a few weeks in advance), select sites offering "burning" tours. Study all the offers on the Internet, draw up a list of hotels that suit you. But be prepared to change it. After all, by the time you get from home to a travel agency that will book you a room and a plane ticket, everything can already be sold out.
  • You should not go to a travel agency, as they say, unprepared, i.e. not imagining anything about the place of future rest. Remember that travel company employees are mostly interested in one thing - to sell as many tours as possible. They won't be able to mess around with you for hours while you read reviews and explore the hotel. At best, you will have to rely on the knowledge and taste of the employee, at worst, you will not buy anything at all.
  • The cost of the same tour in different travel agencies may differ. Do not be too lazy to compare the price of the tour with different travel companies. Sometimes a discount is provided for a tour that is initially too overpriced. But there is no point in calling two dozen travel agencies. As a rule, their offers are 80-90% identical. It will be enough to compare the offers of 4-5 companies.
  • It is better to contact a travel agency whose partners are several travel operators at the same time. So chance to buy advantageous vouchers increases significantly, because the list of proposed countries and hotels is wider.
  • Think about the reason for unsold vouchers to a particular hotel. Maybe the lack of demand is due to the low quality of the proposed holiday? Be sure to read the information about the hotel on the Internet: go to the hotel website and carefully look at all the photos. Read reviews from tourists. Of course, reviews can be customized, but still you will make some impression for yourself.
  • Often, managers will offer you the cheapest hotels to make sure you like the price, tactfully keeping silent about the lack of service or other problems that exist in the hotel. For example, the expression “animation is not up to par” may mean that only one person speaks Russian in the hotel, and he ate, and the phrase “renovation at the hotel is almost completed” may hide active construction under the windows of your room. Therefore, you should not completely trust the manager with the choice of the hotel where you have to rest.
  • Take an interest in the political situation in the country where you are going (after all, you don’t need problems with a return flight at all, or even worse). Don't forget to clarify weather(and then suddenly the sea temperature will be +15). Another important point regarding exotic countries is the need to be vaccinated.
  • On the other hand, thinking for a long time about buying a "burning" tour is an unforgivable luxury. This is not a T-shirt in a fashion boutique that you can try on 10 times. The same tour is sold by several tour operators, and it is offered to a huge number of potential buyers. And it is offered very actively. And, of course, no one will wait for you. Often, you have just taken out your phone - to consult with relatives, and the tour has already been bought.
  • Please note that the price of the tour is very dependent on the season. The hotel where your friends rested at the end of May, even at a “burning” price, can cost twice as much in mid-August.
  • Another nuance - the biggest discounts are made on the most expensive hotels. Those. You can save $500 by purchasing a tour worth more than $2,000. And don't expect a $400 discount on an initially $600 package.
  • Before signing a contract for the purchase of a tour, be sure to check the star rating of the hotel, the availability of a round-trip air ticket, accommodation conditions, and type of food.
  • Get ready to buy have a good tour, then, along with the gentle overseas sun, you will also be warmed by the thought that you bought this ticket much cheaper than the people around you.
  • Surely many of your friends have successfully gone on a last-minute vacation, and some, on the contrary, were terribly dissatisfied with the hotel, service, and infrastructure. Remember that any option is possible when buying a regular tour. Well, just unlucky or lucky, that's all.
  • For those who are used to clearly planning their lives and can name the date of their vacation six months in advance, there is an early booking when you buy a tour for July-August in March-April. At the same time, the travel agency usually also provides discounts, although less significant.
  • Sometimes, waiting for "burning" prices for tours, people are faced with a completely opposite phenomenon - prices begin to rise. This happens in the case when demand for certain flights was initially very high and tickets sold like hot cakes, so in recent days, when there are single seats left for the flight, travel companies raise prices for these seats. After all, they still sell out.
  • One of the varieties of burning tours is tours like "Bingo 5*", "Bingo 4*". In general, this is a lottery when you know that you will rest in a 5-star (or 4-x, or 3-x) hotel, but you will only know its name after meeting with the guide upon arrival in the country.

Do you want to relax in Turkey inexpensively, but in the most comfortable conditions? Looking for a way to save money on travel? Do not want to overpay travel agencies with such hard-earned money? Learn 7 important secrets on how to find a cheap tour on your own and buy a ticket to Turkey online.

Experienced travelers know that there is always an opportunity to lower the cost of a vacation. In this article, we will share with you the secrets of how to relax inexpensively, at no extra cost, and at the same time not deny yourself anything.

So, the basic rules for buying cheap tours to Turkey:

1. Search for tours not through travel agencies, but online on the Internet.

2. Set flexible dates.

4. Buying a tour not only from Moscow or Kyiv, but also from other cities.

5. Smart search.

6. Fortune.

7. Early booking.

Watch this video. This is a special report of the Moscow 24 TV channel, which tells about buying the cheapest tour to Turkey and relaxing on such a package.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the points.

1. Buying tours online.

Do not contact the travel agencies in your city if you want to buy tours to Turkey. All of them exist at the expense of your money, which you overpay them for vouchers. Now on the web great amount convenient and easy-to-use Internet services, where you can buy tours at a much lower price than in the office of a travel agency. An experienced manager will very easily give you the most expensive tour, colorfully describing the benefits of staying in this particular hotel, the price of which is “just a little more expensive” than in the original option you chose. The manager can also be understood - his salary is a percentage of the cost of the tours sold, so he has a direct benefit from such an "innocent" deception.

What else can be attributed to the advantages of buying tours to Turkey online? This is a huge selection of tours, because you can view the offers of all major tour operators. Buying a tour is fast and at any time convenient for you. You won't miss the most profitable proposition on "hot tours", because you can redeem this ticket literally within three minutes. Purchasing tours online is absolutely safe, as this service is offered only by the most reliable tour operators with a name and status in the market. Payment is made using a secure protocol, and if you have any questions, you can always contact the 24/7 customer support service.

Documents for the tour come to your mail immediately after payment. You risk nothing, have a large selection and get a tour at a lower price.

Take a look at the site's price calendar. Often vouchers for 7 nights are cheaper than vouchers for 3 nights:

2. Flexible dates for tours to Turkey from.

As a rule, travelers employed at work are strictly tied to specific dates. The situation is much easier for those who work for themselves or work as a freelancer. If you are so lucky that you can afford to choose your vacation time without any special restrictions, search for flexible dates in the search engine. But even if you need a tour for certain dates of the month, it still makes sense to check the next dates. For example, a tour to Turkey starting on Monday can cost several thousand more expensive than a tour starting on Wednesday. Also, try to vary the duration of the tour. Sometimes the most popular 7-night tour is the most expensive, while a 10-night package will only cost $10-$15 more. Do not limit yourself, check all the options, and then you are guaranteed to find the most profitable tour.

3. Choosing a resort.

Turkey, like any other country in the world, has expensive resorts(Kemer, Fethiye, Bodrum, Belek and Kusadasi) and cheap destinations (Antalya, Alanya, Konakli and Avsallar). However, it often happens that tourists have not bought up tours to expensive resorts, and the tour operator deliberately lowers prices to a minimum. Conclusion - you need to check all directions, what if you come across tours to a VIP-class hotel in Bodrum at the price of a standard five in Alanya?

4. Look for tours with different cities country.

Very often, the cost of tours to Turkey from the regions is lower than from the capital. The vast majority of tourists fly to Turkey from Moscow or Kyiv. But there are other airports from where they also fly charter flights. Check offers, compare prices, make your choice. You can get to the point of departure by bus or train, if it is economically viable.

5. Smart search.

Be sure to use the smart search function. The websites of the leading travel services offer a choice of categories: best hotels for holidays with children, type of food, proximity to the beach, high rating, etc. Do not refuse this option if you want to make it easier for yourself to choose a tour and not get lost in a sea of ​​offers.

Many tourists do not trust fortune stocks, and absolutely in vain! With this promotion you can buy the cheapest tour. You are offered to choose the region and the number of stars in the hotel, and the tour operator decides the rest for you. Be prepared for the fact that you will actually find yourself in the cheapest hotel in your chosen category in this region. How to guess where exactly you are going to rest? Find the best one for your dates cheap hotel in your category, and with a probability of almost 100% it will be him! On Fortuna, you can save several thousand rubles if you like risk and are not upset when you meet with some inconvenience. For more information about the Fortune promotion, see

Many tourists are concerned about the question of what is more profitable - to buy a tour for the "Early Booking" promotion or to wait for "last minute trips". Both promotions provide an opportunity to reduce the cost of recreation. Hot tours are usually cheaper, but there are a lot of restrictions when buying them. You cannot choose the time of departure and arrival, find the right hotel, etc. At the height of the season, all the best hotels are sold out, so those who like buying tours at the last moment are forced to rest in second-rate hotels. The conclusion is this: if you value quality, then buy promotional tours " Early Booking”, and if you want to snatch the cheapest tour, then “last minute trips” are at your service.

Step-by-step guide to making a burning tour

To get started, you need to apply for a passport.

First you need to apply for a passport, if it is not there yet, and check if the passport is expiring, if it already exists. For trips to some, interesting from a catcher's point of view last minute tours countries, the validity of the passport must be at least six months.

Where do hot tours come from? In certain situations, it may be more profitable for tour operators to make good discount for a tour than to bear the cost of already paid hotel rooms and seats on flights. Most often this happens when tour operators have not redeemed tours for the next dates, and the closer the start date of the tour, the greater the discount. If the tour is burning, this does not mean that something is wrong. It's just that tour operators did not have time to sell the required number of seats before the trip and make a discount.

To get a good discount

That is, in order to get a good discount when buying a ticket, you need to be ready for the trip. Professional catchers of last-minute tours have this expression: "A suitcase with swimsuits is always ready." This, of course, does not mean that the suitcase must be packed and placed in front of the front door. But it is desirable that the suitcase is available and one must be ready to settle all urgent matters as soon as possible before departure, so as not to look for friends or neighbors in the last hours before the plane who will agree to feed the cat, walk the dog, look after the children, water the flowers.

Solving the issue of leave at work

A separate problem may be the solution to the issue of leave at work. For housewives, students on vacation and pensioners, this problem is not relevant, but it can prevent a working person from buying a last-minute tour. There are few solutions to this problem. It is best to make friends with your superiors to make sure that the leave application will be signed without problems. If the boss is not suitable for friendship, then you can make friends with the local doctor in order to be able to take a sick leave at a convenient time.

Of course, this is not entirely legal, especially since it is indecent when employees, going to work after sick leave, do not have the opportunity to hide their good mood, beautiful tan and healthy complexion.

Book a hot tour

The ability to catch depends on luck, knowledge tourist destinations, seasonal fluctuations in prices for tours and visa regulations. You can buy a last-minute tour to European countries only if you have an open Schengen multivisa, as it will take up to two weeks to get a visa, and tours start to "burn" only a week before the start of the trip.

Most popular hot destinations

The most popular "burning" destinations are more convenient to consider by season. The high seasons, when the opportunity to buy a last-minute tour is small, include the New Year and Christmas holidays, spring, autumn and summer school holidays. On these dates, vouchers are sold out in advance and at inflated prices, but if you are very lucky, then at the very last moment there is a small chance of buying a last-minute tour, for example, on New Year to Thailand or Beijing. The main thing is not to tell the hotel neighbors that they paid half as much for the rest as they did. They may cry out of resentment.

The low tourist season is the time of last-minute tours

The low tourist season is the time of last-minute tours. After the New Year holidays and vacations, from January 20 to February 20, prices for tours can be halved. This is the best time to visit Thailand, India. A visa to enter these countries is issued after arrival, you can buy a ticket very profitably 3-4 days before departure.
From February 20, ticket prices begin to gradually increase, and the most high prices on vacation fall on spring vacation i.e. at the end of March.
From the beginning of April, the season begins in countries focused on summer rest. Relax at the end of April Cyprus or in China you can not only be cheap, but also good, hotels are just opening after winter repairs, there are still few tourists, the staff is happy with every vacationer, the sun is already warming, oranges and almonds are blooming. But, in order to avoid swimming not only in the pool, but also in the sea during your vacation, it is best to go on Black Sea resort to Crimea. Thanks to the warm sea ​​current the water on the beaches there is warmer than in other resorts.

The May holidays rarely please fans of last-minute tours, hotels are overcrowded, everyone goes on vacation, prices are too high. From the first of May until the first of July, prices for tours grow like mushrooms after the rain, July and August are the hottest and most expensive months for holidays.

From September 15 to October 15 is the best time to extend your summer and relax at any of the resorts in Montenegro and Croatia with a good discount.
The last one before new year holidays A promising season from the point of view of hot tour hunters starts on November 20 and ends on December 20. If there is an opportunity to get a vacation at this time, you can be sure that the probability of having a last-minute vacation is greater than ever.

What is the best way to book a last minute tour?

What is the best way to search and book a last minute tour? The easiest, cheapest and most enjoyable way is to make friends with the travel agency staff. You can choose a reliable travel agency guided by the reviews of friends and acquaintances. Neither the office nor the model appearance of the employees will say anything about the solidity of the travel agency. An office can be opened by taking a loan from a bank, and external data is not an indicator of the professionalism of a tourism manager.

You can trust your vacation only to a travel agency that has been operating for at least ten years and recommended by friends and acquaintances.

Having chosen a good travel agency, you need to take a notebook, a pen and a box of chocolates with you. Candy ensures that the manager will remember a nice potential client, and in a notebook you will need to write down travel agency phone and the name of the employee. With proper negotiation, the tourism manager will write down in his notebook the client's wishes for countries and prices for tours, and most importantly, the tourist's contact phone number. As soon as a good last-minute tour appears on sale, a travel agency employee will definitely call such a nice client.

Desirable from time to time call the travel agency and remind about yourself and about your request to pick up a last-minute tour, the main thing is to do it politely and unobtrusively. And luck itself will come in the form of a surprisingly cheap tour, and if it comes once, then this can happen again and become a good habit.