The cheapest hotels in Crimea with food. ☁ Rest in Crimea: Cheap

The Crimean region has become one of the most attractive regions in modern Russia. The unique combination of climatic zones, ancient sites and the beach area throughout the peninsula attracts great amount tourists dreaming to conquer Mountain peaks, enjoy the purest air, plunge into the Soviet past and spend a vacation in Crimea on a budget and by the sea. For a cheap holiday in the Crimea, you will need a little ingenuity, knowledge of places and features of recreation. Some resort areas of the peninsula can compete with foreign ones.

In recent years, the number of people wishing to visit the Crimea is growing, which is directly proportional to the cost of recreation. Even under such conditions, find an option budget holiday You can follow the following guidelines:

  • Planning a trip outside the main holiday season. For example, during the period from mid-January to May and the autumn period, which will give individuality and pleasure to the rest of the trip. As well as cutting costs.
  • Choose accommodation without meals.
  • Stay in the private sector. And if you are planning a trip by car, then choose with parking or a shed in the yard.
  • Booking accommodation and tickets ahead of time. For example, for six or more months, which will reduce costs by 15-20%.
  • Eat at approved places. You can ask around local residents or view reviews of vacationers on the Internet.
  • Plan a trip to cities or towns that are not too famous, as this will cut the cost by 10%.
  • Buy alcohol and other products of local traditional value in safe places to avoid spending the rest of the vacation in the hospital with poisoning.
  • Buy only necessary souvenirs and gifts. Control yourself.
  • If a romantic getaway, then you can stay right on the seashore in campsites or recreation centers, where you can rent a tent or rent a house is not expensive. Kapsel, of course, will not come out very budget, but at the Khimik recreation center, for example, you can relax very cheaply.

Budget vacation spots on the southern coast of Crimea

lovers a relaxing holiday in the south of Crimea, we advise you to pay attention to several settlements where affordable housing and beach areas are free: Alupka, Yalta or Alushta - this is not for economical vacation. But the settlements next to them are very suitable for a cheap vacation in the Crimea.

  • Solnechnogorsk settlement near the city of Alushta and is located on the Ulu-Uzen River. The resort place is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. The beach is a small pebble with an admixture of gray-red sand.
  • Forty kilometers from the city of Alushta there is the settlement of Malorechenskoye, which is famous for its nature and free beach strip. On the territory of the settlement there is a temple-lighthouse and a manufacturer of famous wines Massandra.
  • The village of Rybachye (commonly referred to as Rybachka) is located in the urban district of Alushta on the first line of the Black Sea coast. The beach is pebbly. A strip of cafes and mini-hotels is stretched along the coast.

Yevpatoriya resort town and nearby villages

It should be noted that holidays in Evpatoria are available, despite the demand, both in sanatorium treatment and private holidays. This city suitable for holidays with children, as medical and preventive institutions specializing in all human diseases are concentrated here. Thanks to the dry and hot climate, it is comfortable to relax here. The city's beaches are made up of sand and pebbles. The cost of living per person per day starts from 400 rubles and increases as you get closer to the sea.

Not far from Evpatoria there is a settlement of Popovka, near the city of Mirny and lake Donuzlav. Blue sea, - perfect place for holidays with children. In Popovka, you can rent cheap rooms in guest houses. Food in canteens is not expensive.

Eastern part of Crimea. Choosing the right resort

The southeast of Crimea is rich in various resorts. Here are some of them: Koktebel (jazz festival), Feodosia, Ordzhonikidze and many others. The beaches are gentle and clean. The cost of living per person per day starts from 300 rubles.

Emerald beach in the village New World

Inexpensive private sector in Crimea

For many visitors, sanatoriums and boarding houses are beyond their means, and then they come to the rescue private sector, which offers very good living conditions, both in the form of rooms, floors and houses. Due to competition among themselves, private traders increase the service of guests' stay from year to year, which affects the cost. So, renting a house with comfortable conditions is quite realistic. Why is rest in the private sector inexpensive? And here are the answers:

  • The infrastructure in such places is not developed. These include Mezhvodnoe, Olenevka and Frunze.
  • The private sector is just beginning to gain strength, so the cost of recreation is relatively low.

This type of accommodation is relevant among couples with children and lovers of silence. In this case, there are places in Crimea where this is feasible: Saki, Zaozernoye and the villages of the Leninsky district.

Meals and excursions

Rest is always associated with the question of quality and not expensive food. Since the main part of the budget is spent on this. Eating in cafes and restaurants every day is not budgetary. In Crimea, there are canteens where you can eat inexpensively. Choose those where there are a lot of people, so at least the dishes in them do not stale, and they will always be fresh. Another option: you should either buy food and cook it yourself, or pay the owner for cooking. By the way, there are more stores in Crimea. Especially in cities. In the most extreme case, stock up on canned food and dry foods, but this is not always good for the body. You can take advantage of the offers of recreation centers and boarding houses, in which there are dining rooms. Meals in this case are included in the accommodation.

But most vacationers go to the Crimea for the impressions and romance that local attractions give. If you are not a fan of walking in a crowd and listening to a guide, then you should take care of routes and transport in advance. Due to the developed bus infrastructure to get to most famous monuments and places of pilgrimage for tourists will not be difficult. So travel wisely! And have a good rest!

Every year, prices for holidays in the Crimea increase by about 10-15%. At the same time, a rapid increase in the income level of Ukrainian residents is not observed. When the question still arises: “Where to relax in the summer?” - from the proposed options - at the sea in Crimea or, for example, at home under the TV or in the country - the majority will undoubtedly choose a vacation at the sea in Crimea. But not always our possibilities coincide with our desires. Alternative - budget or inexpensive vacation in Crimea. There are 7 golden rules when, how and where you can have an inexpensive vacation in Crimea. At the same time, an inexpensive vacation does not always mean bad or poor quality.

Rule one - choose the right time to relax in the Crimea. Most cheap vacation in Crimea, of course, in the low season. This is the period from the beginning of the year (approximately from January 10) to the beginning May holidays and then from October until the end of the year. In the low season, prices for holidays in Crimea fall two, and sometimes even three times compared to the high season (July-August). Inexpensive holidays in Crimea are also possible in the half-season - usually, in the period after the May holidays in Crimea until mid-June, and then from mid-September to October.

Rule two - choose the right place to stay in the Crimea. For example, a vacation on the South Coast (Yalta, Alushta, Partenit, Alupka) will cost you more than a vacation on the Western coast of Crimea (Zaozerny, Sandy, Corner, Mezhvodny, Chernomorsky, Olenevka, Nikolaevka) or East coast Crimea (Beregovoe, Koktebel, Ordzhonikidze). If you want to relax in the Crimea cheaply and cheerfully - look for accommodation in seaside villages and towns remote from the promoted resorts. For example, in the vicinity of Alushta, you can cheaply rent housing in Solnechnogorsk, Pushkino, Kanak, Privetnoy, Rybachy. Here the climate and the sea are the same as in Alushta, only the prices for accommodation and food are more affordable.

Rule Three - You can rent a house in Crimea inexpensively not only in the private sector. In every seaside village or town there are sure to be inexpensive boarding houses, mini-hotels or recreation centers, where the cost of an economy class room (with shower and toilet on site) is almost the same as the cost of a room in the private sector of Crimea. The advantages of resting at a camp site, in contrast to the private sector or an apartment, are their own large territory and developed infrastructure (own dining room and / or kitchen, presence of a playground on the territory, parking, gazebos, barbecues, etc.). Perhaps the cheapest vacation in Crimea is a savage in a tent on the seashore. Conditions, of course, zero, mosquitoes, etc., but the savings are significant and there are many impressions. A better option is to rest in a tent camp in the Crimea. Such tent camps equipped with makeshift tables for eating, outdoor showers and rural toilets.

Rule four - book accommodation in Crimea in advance. If you want to save about 10% or even 20% on your vacation in Crimea, arrange a room in advance. Often boarding houses, recreation centers, hotels and hotels of Crimea are ready to provide good discount, if you book a room for the summer in the low season and make a full or partial prepayment.

Rule five - we cook ourselves or are looking for a vacation in the Crimea inexpensively with food. Eating in cafes or restaurants is not a cheap option. If you have free time, and you are not burdened by the process of cooking while relaxing at sea in Crimea, cook for health, especially when you are relaxing in Crimea with children or big family. Also one of budget options, which inexpensive boarding houses and recreation centers in Crimea can offer you, is when meals are already included in the cost of living. In this case, you will clearly know the cost of a holiday in the Crimea and will be able to avoid additional costs.

Rule six - We go on excursions ourselves. Not everyone can afford the services of a tour guide, along with transport escort. Make a payment for a few hours, even saturated excursion route for a family with a modest budget - an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, it is best to choose a few interesting, in your opinion, sights of the Crimea and go on an excursion on your own. Transport connection in Crimea it is very well developed, so getting to the desired object will not be difficult.

Rule seven - avoid shopping on the beach or keep it to a minimum. Typically, food mineral water, juices, beer, ice cream in the stalls on the beach will cost more than anywhere else. This applies to souvenirs, jewelry, etc.

Undoubtedly, each of us has his own idea of ​​a relatively inexpensive holiday in the Crimea. Below are inexpensive boarding houses, recreation centers, the private sector, cheap hotels Crimea. Have a nice holiday!

The Crimean peninsula, washed by two seas, deservedly received the name "Planet in miniature". It seems that everything is here: mountains, plains, seas, rivers and lakes, diverse vegetation, rich animal world. Cities surprise with interesting architecture, and many books have been written about the history of the peninsula. It has its own traditions and culture, cuisine and famous Crimean wines. AT rating of the best places to stay in Crimea includes the most popular and beloved by tourists resorts and cities that want to come again and again.

Alushta - only the sea can be better than the mountains!


The resort town of Alushta is located in the most picturesque place on the southern coast of Crimea. Surrounded by mountains, washed by the sea and rich in vegetation, the city attracts true connoisseurs of magnificent landscapes. In the Alushta region there are many hiking trails that rise to the tops of the mountains and present amazing panoramas of the city and the sea. Guests of Alushta can see the ruins medieval fortress Funa, Dzhur-dzhur waterfall, amazing stone sculptures in the "Ghost Valley", beautiful gardens and old mansions, as well as go on an excursion to wonderful mountain lakes.


  • Picturesque landscapes.
  • Pure mountain air.
  • Thanks to the winds, it is not stuffy in summer.
  • From Simferopol to Alushta, through the pass, a trolley bus runs, along the way you can enjoy magnificent views.

Flaws: on the beaches in the season "there is nowhere for an apple to fall."

From the reviews about the rest in Alushta:

“Alushta is a song! This is a fairytale! I look at these mountains, the sea, vineyards, and it feels like I was in another world! On the one hand, it’s hard to believe that there is such a place on Earth, but on the other hand… like at home!”.

“Three years ago we discovered Alushta, and we don’t need more! Everything is here! Stunning sea, breathtaking views, beautiful mountains! Beaches, entertainment… No, that's not what we come here for. Here - nature, air, walks. It's great that there are such places ... now we have, in Russia!

Yevpatoria is the best place to relax in Crimea with children


From the time of the USSR to the present, it is Evpatoria that is considered the best children's resort on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. This health resort is famous for its safe beaches with sand and small shells, favorable climate and many health facilities. At the height of the season, concerts and performances by children's groups are held on the shore. The city also has theaters for children, a water park, a dolphinarium, a dinopark, numerous playgrounds and amusement parks. Parents will not be bored either - sightseeing and a developed entertainment infrastructure will brighten up your vacation by the sea.


  • All conditions for interesting pastime with children are created.
  • Clean, safe sandy beaches.
  • Affordable prices.

Flaws: during the high season there are quite a lot of tourists.

From the reviews about the rest in Evpatoria:

“When my son was small, he was often sick, we were advised to take him to the sea. I heard a lot of good things about Evpatoria, we started to go there. Indeed, a place for children to relax is the best in Crimea! The climate is good, the sun, clear sea, sand, shells... In addition, my son really likes to watch performances, go to the theater, to the dolphinarium. We rested mainly in sanatoriums in order to attend health procedures.

Kerch Peninsula - the best vacation spot in Crimea
for lovers of silence


Rest on the Kerch Peninsula is preferred by those who are tired of the city noise, the din of tourists, the night resort life. Kerch is a quiet "paradise" that has preserved its pristine nature with unique flora and fauna. Along the coast Sea of ​​Azov spread out Karalar landscape park, unique in its kind. The coastline is indented with small cozy bays, called " General's beaches". In this secluded place, camping lovers have a unique opportunity to choose a bay to their liking and enjoy the sea, sun and silence. There are boarding houses and hotels on the peninsula, but housing in the private sector is in great demand, the prices for which are much lower than for south coast Crimea.


  • Small number of tourists.
  • Acceptable prices.
  • Sandy beaches.
  • Unique nature.

Flaws: the coast is dangerous, often come across sharp stones.

From the reviews about the rest on the Kerch Peninsula:

“Every year my friends and I get into cars and go to the Crimea. Our favorite place- this is the "Coast of 1000 Bays" or "General's Beaches". When you arrive there, it seems that we are alone in this world ... Or we got on desert island. The abundance of insects and snakes is a little annoying, but we have never suffered from them. ”

"Most beautiful place in Crimea - this is Kerch! Amazing nature! Amazing sea! Virgin beaches! There are places where there are no traces of the omnipresent man at all. It's like a fairytale! Or in a novel about Robinson Crusoe! Beauty, of course, is somewhat harsh - the steppe, stones, but there is something charming, attractive in this corner of the Crimea ... ".

New World - the most beautiful bays in Crimea


In the south-east of Crimea, 6 km from the city of Sudak, among the picturesque juniper groves, there is a "paradise" - the village of Novy Svet. This place is famous for its three most beautiful bays: Green, Blue and Blue, named after the color of the water. The Golitsyn trail connects the bays, walking along which you can enjoy unique and breathtaking views. There are beaches in the New World for every taste - well-maintained in the Green Bay, wild and hard-to-reach in the Blue and Blue. The water is warm, the beaches are sheltered from the wind. It is noteworthy that if there is a storm in one of the bays, then it is calm in others, so vacationers have the opportunity to swim even if the weather is not very favorable. The seabed in the bays is very interesting for scuba divers - there are many underwater caves, several sunken ships, a rich underwater world.


  • A good place for swimming in any weather.
  • Spectacular landscapes.
  • Healing air.
  • Not too many tourists, no city bustle.

Flaws: enough high prices.

From the reviews about the holiday in Novyi Svet:

“All my best photographs from Crimea were taken in the Novy Svet region - the views there are unique, amazing beauty. Interesting landscapes, clear water, a riot of green colors. It's like you're in another world!"

“I advise all my friends to definitely see such a miracle of nature as the coast of the New World in Crimea! It's just a must!!! You fall in love with this place once and for all, and the memories of it are vivid! I have never seen such beauty anywhere, although I have traveled a lot.”

Sevastopol is the best vacation spot in Crimea for fans of excursions


The Hero City of Sevastopol is, first of all, an object of strategic importance, a port city, and also a city of legend. Therefore, Sevastopol is famous for its numerous and rich museums, the expositions of which are dedicated to the Second World War, the fleet and the sea. Fans of antiquities will be interested in visiting the Tauric Chersonese Museum-Reserve with the ruins of the ancient city (located within the boundaries of Sevastopol), as well as going on excursions to ancient fortresses and cave monastery in the suburbs of Sevastopol. For relaxation, you can go to Cape Fiolent, where, in addition to the most beautiful beaches you can enjoy breathtaking views of the bizarre rocks and St. George's Monastery, as well as go scuba diving.


  • Rich excursion program.
  • Low housing prices from "private owners".
  • good beaches in the suburbs.


  • In summer, the city is quite stuffy.
  • The beaches are far away.

From the reviews about the rest in Sevastopol:

“As a former sailor, I can say that Sevastopol is beautiful city! I saw a lot, but Sevastopol won my heart! You can walk endlessly along its green alleys, breathe in the sea air, relax in the shade of trees. If you want to enjoy nature, there are many excursions in the suburbs for every taste: even mountains and monasteries, even waterfalls!

“Even as a child, my parents took me to rest in Sevastopol, since then this city has been the best, most beloved for me! I can walk around it for hours and discover something new and interesting - either a museum or a charming park. I like to swim and sunbathe on the Yashmovy beach, which is not far from the city - it’s gorgeous there and there is no hype.”

Sudak - the sunniest resort of Crimea


Another well-known and beloved by many resort city of the southeastern coast of Crimea is Sudak. Surrounded by mountains, the city is famous for its mild climate, warm sea ​​water and the largest number in the Crimea sunny days in a year. People come to Sudak not only for recreation, but also for treatment - the air saturated with iodine and ozone has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, and treatment with mud, mineral and sea water is also widely known. The city has a developed infrastructure, a water park (one of the best in Crimea), a dolphinarium, and a beautiful embankment. Of the sights, one can single out the ancient Genoese fortress, where jousting tournaments are held, the factory of champagne wines of Prince Golitsyn.


  • Favorable climate.
  • The resort is good for recovery.
  • Large selection of entertainment.
  • Acceptable prices.

Flaws: in the high season, dirty sea, crowded beaches.

From the reviews about the rest in Sudak:

“We went to Sudak in September, and I remember this vacation for the rest of my life! Quiet, calm, clear sea, perfect weather, half-empty beaches, fruits. We walked a lot, enjoyed nature, watched local sights. We will definitely go there, but not in the season, they say - there is literally a crush on the beach.

“For many years I have been going on vacation to Sudak, I like this air. I am charged with iodine and ultraviolet for the whole year, and practically do not get sick. I also love mud treatments - after them the skin is like that of a baby, and swimming is good for muscles and bones.

Yalta - the most fashionable resort of Crimea


Yalta is the most famous and, perhaps, the most luxurious resort city of Crimea. There are many luxury hotels owned by famous personalities, you can see luxury yachts on the pier, admire villas in the suburbs, and the best restaurants in Crimea await guests in the city center. Being amazing in beauty, picturesque place, Yalta is also a museum under open sky. Guests of this city will enjoy the beauty architectural monuments, ancient palaces and estates, numerous chapels and churches, rich parks and reserves. Boat trips, bus and walking tours are organized from Yalta, and the city also has a zoo and cable car.


  • Lots of attractions.
  • Developed infrastructure.
  • Luxurious mountain view.
  • It is convenient to get to any corner of the Crimea.
  • There are interesting VIP beaches.


  • A lot of tourists and few free beaches.
  • High prices.

From the reviews about the rest in Yalta:

“My family and I always rest in Yalta every year! For me, this is the most beautiful town of the Crimea (we traveled around the entire peninsula with excursions). I didn’t go into how much cheaper it is to live in the villages, we just like to relax in comfort. After all, once a year you can afford it!”.

“Almost every season we drive with friends in cars across the Crimea. Who is closer, in fact, but I love Yalta. I just like to walk along the long embankment, walk along the streets and admire beautiful houses. BUT Botanical Garden, and the cable car! .. In general, Yalta is a civilization, a well-groomed southern town, and most of Crimea is villages and nature. One thing is bad - it is very expensive to stay there for a long time. ”

Which Crimean resort is the best?

Surprisingly, there can be many opinions about the same place. This also applies to the Crimea. Some like the resort for its developed infrastructure and an abundance of entertainment, others want solitude in the bosom of nature. Thus, lovers of silence and empty beaches are better off choosing small villages for recreation, remote from the city boarding houses, which are almost everywhere. And holidays in large resort cities during the season “threaten” with crowds of tourists, not very clean beaches and high prices. But, a mandatory program for everyone is excursions that will give a true picture of this wonderful place. In Crimea, they are represented in incredible numbers, from any corner of the peninsula.

Thinking about how to relax inexpensively in the Crimea? What is the cheapest city to stay in? In order to save money, you need to choose not large resort towns like Yalta, Gurzuf or Sudak, but small villages where you can relax and not worse, and much more profitable. So, we will open for you, TOP 5 places where it is cheaper to relax in Crimea.

Nikolaevka is an economical resort in Western Crimea

The village is located on the Black Sea coast between such large tourist centers like Evpatoria and Sevastopol. From the capital of Crimea, Simferopol, is only 40 km.

Its advantage is in pure warmth sea ​​and free beaches. The prices here for housing and food are strikingly different from the cost on the southern coast of Crimea, and there are also many excursions and entertainment for tourists. In Nikolayevka there are both large boarding houses and mini-hotels, cottages, apartments and rooms in the private sector.

Housing prices: an apartment in the summer season will cost from 200 rubles. per day, cottages - from 400 rubles. per day.

The Nikolaevka resort is well suited for families with children: the sea is shallow, the entrance to the water is gentle, there are no sharp cliffs. On the main street of Nikolaevka called Embankment there are a large number of cafes, restaurants and shops, there are also many discos and attractions in the village. Half an hour drive from the resort is the largest water park in the region "Banana Republic". For lovers active rest: diving, water hunting, excursions to any point of the Crimea.

There are only two minuses: if you are a fan of the Southern Coast of Crimea (South Coast) and love mountainous terrain, Nikolaevka will not be able to please you with steep slopes and descents, the resort is located on a gentle terrain. In addition, lovers big cities and noisy megacities here can be boring.

Solnechnogorskoye, Malorechenskoye and Rybachye - places on the South Coast where you can relax inexpensively

True lovers of the southern coast of Crimea will like the rest in these villages. The three resorts are in many ways similar to each other and they are located side by side. The advantage of these places is in a large selection of affordable housing and freer beaches, which are not overloaded with people even at the height of the summer season.

Solnechnogorskoye is the first settlement located from Alushta, it is located in the valley of the Ulu-Uzen River. Its main attraction is the 15-meter Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall. This resort is favorable for the treatment of people with respiratory diseases, as well as cardiovascular insufficiency. The central beach of the resort is small-pebble, mixed with gray-red volcanic sand. For those who want to relax here cheaply, you can advise the private sector, the prices for accommodation in which start from 200 rubles per day.

Malorechenskoye is located 45 km from Alushta. Its main advantages are a good free beach and picturesque nature around. In the village there is a unique temple-lighthouse, which was built on a high cliff above the sea itself. In Malorechensky, tourists can go to a winery with a tasting where the famous Massandra wine is produced. As for accommodation, in this town you can find a mini-hotel with a cost of 200 rubles per day, and an apartment - even cheaper. From Malorechensky along the coastal serpentine, you can easily get to the next village - Rybachye.

The resort town of Rybachye is famous for its wide pebble beach, along which there are numerous cafes and private hotels, the prices of which are more than affordable. This resort is famous for its Bay of Love - you can get there by going to the right along central beach, and then turning onto a steep path through a rock ledge. The resort is suitable for those who want to fully enjoy nature and the clear sea, take a break from the usual bustle of megacities.

These villages are designed for a relaxing holiday, but if you want noisy entertainment, you can easily get to the major entertainment cities of the South Coast, such as Yalta, Alushta and Alupka. Regular buses run constantly along the route, and sightseeing and pleasure boats depart from the piers.

Evpatoria is one of the most affordable resort towns

If you still wanted to relax in a larger locality, then Evpatoria is a city that can be noted for its relative cheapness, it is suitable for an inexpensive vacation in the Crimea. This resort thanks to its climatic features is extremely popular for family vacation with kids. Its beaches are sandy and pebbly with a length of almost 30 km. In the high season, the coast is filled with tourists almost to capacity, so it is better to sunbathe and swim closer to the outskirts.

If you appreciate the cultural component of the rest, be sure to walk along Old Evpatoria, it still retains the layout of past centuries, here you can find buildings 300 years old. It is worth visiting the Khan-Jami mosque and the dervish monastery, which is located between the street. International and st. Karavaev, to see with your own eyes the Karaim kenasses on the street. Karaimskaya, 68 and the Museum of Antiquities of Kara-Tobe.

According to the most famous places double-deckers run in Evpatoria sightseeing buses, this is the best way to explore the whole city. If you want to travel around the city by taxi, then the price of such a trip will be from 70 rubles.

The cheapest housing is also in the private sector, its price is from 400 rubles. Here, as in any other resort town, the rule applies - the closer to the sea, the higher the cost of living.

Koktebel - a resort where you can inexpensively relax in Eastern Crimea

This place is located in the southeastern part of the peninsula, 15 km from Feodosia, while it is located in a natural area that is unique in its beauty. It is here that the Crimean steppe flows into the highlands, and its main asset is dormant volcano Kara-Dag. The climate of Koktebel also combines the features of both the steppe and the Mediterranean. This resort is good for families with children - the sea is clean and with a safe entrance, and the beaches are pebbly and sandy.

This place is the main center of gliding on the entire peninsula, jumps are organized near the village itself on Mount Klementyev. You can also go scuba diving, horseback riding or hiking here. The cost of renting housing in Koktebel is lower than on the South Coast, you can find an apartment for 300 rubles, so this resort is suitable for those who want to relax in the Crimea inexpensively.

Solnechnoye - an inexpensive resort at affordable prices

This resort town is located on west coast peninsula, 50 km from Simferopol. Every year the level of service here improves, and the price of housing in Solnechny remains within affordable limits.

Here you can cheaply settle in a boarding house (from 250 rubles per day) or the private sector (price from 180 rubles), food prices and excursion tours also one of the lowest among Black Sea resorts. From the bus station of the resort, you can easily get to Simferopol, as well as Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai; in summer, regular buses run every 15 to 30 minutes.

  1. You should not take accommodation with food, it often turns out that it is more profitable to eat separately.
  2. Do not book in advance rooms in hotels and hotels - look for accommodation upon arrival from local residents.
  3. Go on holiday outside of the high season.
  4. If you are used to eating in cafes and restaurants, ask the residents of the resort where the most affordable prices and high-quality food are, and the most economical option is to cook your own food.
  5. Excursion tours are quite expensive, it is better to think over the route yourself and get to the place of interest to you.
  6. If you are going on an excursion by taxi, it is advisable to find fellow travelers and share the fare with them.
  7. Do not buy house wines in the most popular tourist places, it is better to find out from the locals about where they get such drinks for themselves cheaper.
  8. Beware of making rash purchases. Most often, on vacation, tourists buy an incredible amount of magnets and other trinkets, which leads to big waste and does not allow you to relax cheaply in the Crimea.

The combination of sea, steppe and mountain air, 270 sunny days a year, a long swimming season - this is what makes Crimea one of the best climatological resorts in the world. At the same time, the cost of rest is quite affordable for many Russian families, since it is not tied to the dollar exchange rate.

Variety of Crimean holidays

With the return of Crimea to Russia, the development of the tourism industry has accelerated. Abandoned recreation centers and sanatoriums are being revived, new routes are being developed, new hotels are being opened, operating according to the system "all inclusive". Where to have a cheap rest in Crimea in the summer of 2018?

It depends on the type of vacation, personal requests and family vacation budget. Traditionally, vacations on south coast, slightly cheaper Evpatoria and Feodosia, and quite inexpensive in coastal villages, if you relax as a savage.

Quantity historical monuments Crimea can only compete with the number of its natural attractions. Crimean mountains is a paradise for lovers of hiking and mountain tourism.

There are mountain trails that you can go even with a child.

The coastal line of the southern coast of Crimea is such that mountain hiking is successfully combined with a beach holiday.

The geography of inexpensive places to stay

Alupka, Alushta and Yalta hold the highest prices for the South Coast. The cost of vouchers in the summer of 2018 with a flight from Moscow started from 45,000 rubles for two on an all-inclusive basis. Full board cost a little cheaper - from 30,000 rubles. 3 * hotels accepted tourists for 20,000 for two. To these prices must be added the cost of travel, meals, excursions, shopping and entertainment.

the south coast of Crimea

Relatively inexpensive vacation south coast in 2018 is possible in cities and towns:

  • Gurzuf;
  • Simeiz;
  • Partenite;
  • Foros;
  • Koreiz;
  • Gaspra.

A short distance and good transport facilities make it easy to get to Yalta, where you can find any entertainment. The level of prices for private housing is the highest here, but at the same time it is not very burdensome for the wallet of people who consider themselves to be in the middle class:

In the private sector and in a boarding house, 800 rubles per day will be charged per person, in a mini-hotel or guest house you can get a job for 1000 rubles.

East Coast

Moderate housing and food prices can be found in resort areas in the east of the peninsula. These are the cities and towns:

  • Kerch;
  • Zander;
  • Feodosia;
  • New World;
  • Solnechnogorsk;
  • Shchelkovo.

East coast known for quiet secluded beaches for families, decent service and adequate cost of services. Here the prices are distributed as follows:

  • private housing - from 400 rubles per person per night;
  • camp sites - 500-600;
  • boarding houses - from 600;
  • mini-hotels - from 700 rubles.

Eastern resorts are more suitable for those who are looking for a wellness holiday. There are very few hangouts here.

Western resorts of the peninsula

The resorts in the Evpatoria region still have a medical infrastructure and balneological sanatoriums. This is the best place where you can relax with children in the Crimea. And at the same time treat them for diseases such as dermatitis, scoliosis, sinusitis, psoriasis and eczema.

Another argument in favor of a family holiday in these parts is sandy beaches, which are more suitable for children, especially small ones.

By the way, today this "cult" children's resort in Soviet times belongs to places where it is inexpensive to relax in the summer. In addition to Evpatoria in the western part of the peninsula, it is worth going:

  • in Saki;
  • Sandy;
  • Popovka;
  • Black Sea;
  • Zaozernoe;
  • Olenevka.

True, in these resorts prices are slightly higher than in the east of Crimea. For private housing and a place at a recreation center, you will have to pay 600 rubles per person, in boarding houses - 800, and in mini-hotels - from 700 rubles.

Rest on wheels or in a tent

Traveling in this way around the Crimean peninsula is very convenient. close resort towns and villages there are organized campsites where you can stop by car or pitch a tent. There are dozens of such places where you can relax in Crimea without renting a house.

In the vicinity of Yalta, similar services are provided in the village Otradnoe. The campsite is called "Ripario Hotel Group" and occupies part of the territory of a large hotel complex. Its peculiarity is a three-level arrangement, where 26 caravans can stop at the same time.

In summer, there is animation for adults and children, exercise equipment, a park area, and a swimming pool are available at any time.

The price for accommodation per day is as follows:

  • car parking - 580 rubles;
  • accommodation for 1 person - 280 rubles.

If you wish, you can eat here. Breakfast will cost 400 rubles, lunch and dinner - 500 rubles per person. Children under 5 years old are free of charge, and children from 5 to 12 years old receive a 30% discount.

The campsite is located in the Alushta region. For fans of "wild" recreation, all conditions are created here:

  • equipped bathrooms and showers;
  • there are sports grounds and billiards;
  • cafe and shop.

There is also electricity and wireless internet on site.

Camping Park "Kush-Kaya"

Holidays are cheaper camping tent park "Kush-Kaya" near the village of Balaklava. Here you have the opportunity to cook your own food. The tent camp is equipped with special "kitchens", where there are even refrigerators.

Around the park "Kush-Kaya" 80 mountain routes- from the simplest to the most complex, designed for experienced climbers and rock climbers.

Camping is ideal for lovers of extreme and outdoor activities. Access to the sea is possible in Laspinskaya Bay. Bathrooms and showers are equipped on the territory, there is electricity. It is not necessary to bring a tent with you, you can rent it at the campsite.

Chaban-Kale between the villages of Morskoye and Privetnoye

This is the best place for a low budget holiday. Staying here in 2018 is completely free. Camping is suitable for those who are willing to tolerate the lack of amenities. But there is a beautiful clean pebble beach.

It will be interesting for fans of various training courses, trainings and master classes, which are regularly organized by the owners of the campsite. The territory is kept clean and tidy, there is a round-the-clock security.

It is better to find out how much a vacation in these campsites costs before the start of the season, as prices may vary depending on the month and the workload of the camp.

Cheap campsites

In Crimea, there are at least a dozen campsites where you can spend a vacation with children quite inexpensively. Among the zones self rest are popular:

Fans of active and ecological recreation should pay attention to eco-camping "Gokul"(40 km from Simferopol) and "Kapsel" in the Sudak region.

A few tricks will help to avoid irrational spending on vacation in the resorts of Crimea:

Crimean resorts have never been cheap. But if you wish, even a vacation with children here can be made inexpensive, exciting and quite comfortable.