How are the seats on the plane. E-tickets online

This article will help anyone who is interested in the level of comfort of seats in aircraft cabins to find out what airlines offer you when choosing one or another class of seats. Modern aircraft on domestic, regional and intercontinental flights provide first class, business class and economy class seats.

Economy class seats in the cabin.

Economy class - the cheapest seats on the plane. Usually these are three rows of seats (two rows in narrow-body aircraft) with three seats in each row with minimal legroom.

Business class seats in the cabin.

Business class - separated by curtains from the economy class. Increased legroom, in a row of 2 chairs. The ticket price includes ordering meals from the menu and alcoholic drinks. The ticket price is about 5 times higher than the economy class, and the difference, especially on short two or three hour flights, is not noticeable. In the event that you are hungry and want to have a bite, there is always the opportunity to buy food separately and in economy class, the difference will be 10 - 20 dollars.

First-class seats in the cabin.

First class is an alternative to business class on intercontinental flights such as and. Prices are 10 times higher than business class. Quick check-in on board, high class services and comfortable seats (in some aircraft, the seat folds out into a sofa for relaxation). At your request, the staff will offer a warm blanket and pillow.

The most comfortable seats on the plane.

These are all first and business class seats adapted for the convenience of passengers. Comfortable distances between neighbors, ergonomic chairs, individual TV and audio systems, travel kits (pillows, socks, blankets).

The comfort of economy class seats is variable. Window and aisle seats are considered the best. Keep in mind that a place against a wall will not necessarily be with a porthole. Before making a regular booking or take a look at the seat map.

The most comfortable seats on airplanes.

The most comfortable and probably the best seats are considered to be in the first row of the aircraft cabin, where there are no seats in front of you and, accordingly, more legroom. Passengers in these seats may stretch out if their limbs are stiff from prolonged sitting.

Places are also relevant for people of high stature. Plus, the front seats are located close to the flight attendants, when you get into the turbulence zone in this part of the plane it does not shake much. Minus - removed from the toilet. These seats are provided to passengers with children.

According to a survey conducted by the British portal for booking airline tickets, the most desirable seats on the planes are the left-hand front rows. The majority of respondents indicated specifically seat 6A (in the first row by the window).

Seats at the emergency exits of the aircraft.

Distance between seats emergency exits, wider than in the rest of the cabin, there is no porthole. Seat backs often don't recline and you can't keep hand luggage on the floor. According to the rules, tall adults are placed in these places, who, in case of an emergency, must open the door and assist the crew in evacuating passengers.

Seats on airplanes for passengers with children (infants).

Depending on the rules of the airline, children over a certain age must fly in a separate seat, babies fastened with special seat belts to their parents. Babies are transported free of charge. For passengers with children, the first rows are chosen, where they interfere with a smaller number of passengers and the backs of the seats in front of them do not recline. Sometimes there are special places on airplanes for feeding babies with mixtures.

Seats at the tail of the aircraft.

Passengers who have received seats in the tail of the aircraft will be deprived of the opportunity to admire the beautiful sky due to the lack of a porthole. Often, beer and juices offered by flight attendants do not reach the tail of the plane, and there is also no choice of food. There is a toilet at the tail of the plane.

Pros - tail seats are considered safer. There are few passengers and a lot of free seats.

Sleeping places in airplanes.

There are sleeping places in the first class on long flights (more than 5 hours), both European and Asian companies. Lufthansa has common aircraft with beds in business class and economy class. In the plane, the beds are two-level. Luggage cannot be placed under the first level bed. The beds are separated by sides or curtains. Passengers on planes, even when lying down, have to wear seat belts. This creates an inconvenience for sleeping, but it is better to lie down and sleep than to sit on transatlantic flights.

Uncomfortable seats on the plane.

The most uncomfortable seats on airplanes are:

Seats in the tail (located above the wing, there is no porthole, close to the toilet)

Seats near the emergency exit (seats do not recline)

Seats in the middle of the cabin (blocked off by food carts for most of the flight).

Dear readers, now after reading the article, you probably know everything about the classes of aircraft seats and their comfort. For those who wish to get acquainted with the location of seats in the salons, we suggest reading.

We wish you good flights and soft landings at any of the airports in the Russian Federation and the world.

Meeting the sky is always exciting, even if it's a business flight, especially if you have to fly often enough. Why feel uncomfortable from an uncomfortable seat if you can find out in advance which seats on airplanes will be most convenient for you and, based on what considerations, it is better to choose them. It is one thing to get off the plane fresh and rested, and quite another to be tired and broken, especially if you get a seat, for example, next to the toilet or you are constantly forced to get up from your seat by a restless and fussy neighbor. We will try to give you a number of practical recommendations, using them, you will be able to choose a place for yourself that will allow you to enjoy the flight.

Of course, if you know which airline you will be flying on and know the brand of the airliner, you can choose a seat according to the aircraft scheme in advance, but if you do not know this, you should use the general recommendations. You will learn them from this material, which you should definitely study, especially if air travel is a part of life for you.

Place near the porthole


If you decide to take a chair by the porthole, you can be sure that it will, in most cases, be the quietest. Firstly, you will have only one neighbor, from whom you can always turn away if he annoys you and take up the contemplation of the view over the side of the plane. Secondly, your neighbors in the row will not walk past you, that is, you will not have to get up and, for example, be distracted from reading an interesting book.


There is only one, very dubious disadvantage at the window seat, which you will feel only if you have difficulties in communication, and it will be unpleasant for you to disturb your neighbors if you need to go, for example, to the toilet.

Location next to the aisle


If you like to sit with your legs stretched out, here you can do it completely freely, without fear of disturbing anyone. Like near the porthole, here you will also have only one neighbor, which means that there will be less chance that you will just be bothered. In addition, you will have more time to exit the plane when it lands.


Of course, you may be somewhat disturbed by passengers and flight attendants carrying carts past you, which they can accidentally hit. In addition, you will have to get up if your neighbor or neighbors in a row want to get out.

The seats in the middle are the neutral seats

These places combine the positive and negative qualities of the extreme places on the row. You will be somewhat calmer on them than in the aisle seat, but you still have to get up if your neighbor, sitting by the window, wants to get out.

In addition, in any case, you will have two neighbors, and if you do not like talking with random fellow travelers, the likelihood of experiencing some discomfort from them is doubled.

Seats behind the emergency exit


Due to the passage to the emergency hatch, the distance between the row before and after it is much greater, so you will be as comfortable as possible on the row behind the emergency exit. You can stretch your legs, get up and go freely, without even disturbing your neighbors, just as they will not disturb you.


However, a number of airlines select passengers for these seats according to certain criteria, who are quite young and physically strong. In fact, they rely on the fact that, if necessary, they will assist the crew in an emergency.

You will also have very little chance of getting to these places if you are flying with children, older people or pets. In addition, the disadvantages include the approach to hatches that cannot be blocked hand luggage.

Seats in front of the emergency exit

Here, as a rule, chairs are installed that either do not recline at all, or the angle of deviation back is very limited. If this is critical for you, it is better to ask not to give you a place in this row.

However, the row located between the two emergency exits has a plus. There will be extra space for your legs (look at the photo above where passengers sit).

Seats at the beginning of the cabin


Seats at the very beginning of the cabin also have their advantages and disadvantages. As a rule, food and drinks begin to be delivered from here, so passengers sitting in the front rows will have the richest choice.

In addition, they are located closest to the exit, they will have the opportunity to be one of the first to get off the plane immediately after landing.


However, it should be remembered that in this part of the aircraft it is usually fasteners for baby strollers are installed and can be places for passengers with small children, and such a neighborhood cannot be called calm.

Seats in the tail section of the aircraft

This is not to say that these seats are ideal in terms of comfort, but if you are worried about your own safety, then you will certainly win in this, since almost 70% of passengers who survived plane crashes sat in the tail section of the aircraft.

It is also worth noting that on lightly loaded flights, the “tail seats” are usually empty, and if you do not want to be disturbed, you may well ask for a seat there. In this case, you will have a chance to occupy a whole row and not be distracted by your neighbors.

Features of the first row (in front of which there are no seats)

It is worth noting that there are several such first rows in the aircraft, and any row in front of which there are no seats has these features. For example, this, of course, is the very first row, the row after the partition between the class or section, here you can also include the row behind the emergency exit, which we have already talked about.

The main advantage of such a row can be considered that you will not be limited by the space reclined back of the chair, which is located in front. This is where the advantages end, since usually the first row starts from the partition, and in front of you will be a wall or a kitchen / toilet. If you do not care, we can assume that there are no shortcomings on such rows.

Seats in the last row

By analogy with the first row, there can also be several “last rows”. These include the rows in front of the walls and the row in front of the emergency exit. Their main drawback is the limited angle of reclining the back, and in some cases it can even be rigidly fixed.

For short flights, this is not critical, but if you plan to sleep, you are unlikely to be able to do it comfortably.


In fact, we have considered all the features by which you can evaluate how comfortable it will be for a person in flight, taking into account his preferences. But it should be remembered that even in the same type of aircraft, the internal layout can vary significantly.

It is also worth knowing that the rows can consist of 2,3,4 seats and be installed with different distances between the rows, so only the layout of the specific aircraft on which you will fly will allow you to be sure that you will feel comfortable.

4 - You will also have an advantage if you pass the regular check-in, which starts 2 hours before departure, as one of the first, since there are still many empty seats and you will have a choice. You should also pay attention to the workload of the flight, since the chance to fly comfortably on an aircraft that is not fully staffed with passengers will be much higher.

This should be taken into account when choosing the time for the flight, if, of course, there is such an opportunity. The chance of getting on an unloaded flight is much higher if you fly from Monday to Thursday in the middle of the day.

5 - When booking seats, you should definitely look carefully at what font is used for their numbering, Russian or Latin, otherwise you may be a little upset when you find that your place is not at all where you planned.

For example, seat 1B can be either an aisle seat or a mid-row seat.

6 - You can also take care that the sun does not blind you if you remember that when flying from east to west, the sun will shine on the left, and from west to east on the right. When flying from north to south, the sun will shine on the left in the morning and on the right in the evening, and vice versa when flying from south to north.

If you fly for a short time, then perhaps this issue is not acute for you. And for those who fly often, who are going on a long flight, it is important to know where best places in airplane. After all, you must admit, when planning a vacation to distant hot countries, we dream that it would be a success, and the impression of it would not be blurred by the “difficulties of the flight”. I don’t want to sit somewhere in a cramped middle row, squeezed between too well-fed passengers or get into the tail section, where there is not even a porthole, to have a neighborhood next to the toilet, where passengers endlessly ply.

If you know the brand of the aircraft on which you plan to fly, then the aircraft diagram can be viewed on the official website of the carrier. In most cases, such information is not available and it is better to use some general rules when buying tickets, which we will describe here.

Window seats have many advantages:

  • good lighting, especially if you are going to read;
  • you can admire the views of cities during takeoff and landing or bizarre views of clouds;
  • you will not be disturbed by squeezing to the exit.

These places have only one drawback: it will be difficult for you to go out into the aisle, if you need to go to the toilet, you will have to disturb the neighbors. If you do not like to do this, but have a need to go out often, then it is better to take a ticket closer to the aisle.

By the passage

Seats have advantages for long-legged and restless people. Here you can stretch your legs into the aisle, get up, stand for a while, freely go to the toilet. After landing, again, you will get off the plane faster. On the other hand, these are the most restless places. Stewardesses with carts drive endlessly, sometimes they even hurt. Every time you have to get up when someone goes to the toilet.

Golden mean

Some, after weighing the pros and cons of the extreme seats, deciding where it is better to sit on the plane, will take the seats in the middle, they are not too restless and will not disturb the neighbors much. If you need to get up, then at least not through everyone and fewer people pass through you, which means they will be less likely to disturb you.

Seats behind emergency exits

These seats are located away from the previous row, so sitting here is quite comfortable, you can stretch your legs, go to the toilet without disturbing anyone. Often, air carriers leave such places for physically fit people who, in the event of an accident and evacuation (God forbid!) will be able to open an emergency exit. Also, according to the rules, it is strictly forbidden to block the passage to these places with suitcases.

Seats behind emergency hatches

These are very uncomfortable places in the sense that the seats are not thrown back, they are fixed so as not to block the passages to the emergency exits. If the row is located between two escape hatches, then the passenger has the advantage that there is some additional space in front of him.

At the front of the plane

They are convenient because passenger service starts from these places, and you have a larger selection of food and drinks. In addition, the advantage of front row passengers is that they will be able to go down the stairs of the aircraft faster. The negative point of these places is that passengers with children often take tickets here, since fasteners for baby strollers are made in the bow. Well, what is it like to fly next to a child who is naughty, everyone knows.

Seats at the tail of the aircraft

There are usually economy class seats and it is considered that there are few amenities. However, the biggest benefit, which will probably outweigh all the others when deciding which seats to choose on an airplane, is safety. According to statistics, during crashes and accidents, it is the passengers in the tail section that most often survive, since the main blow always falls on the nose of the aircraft.

Often on unloaded flights, these seats remain free, and you can easily take several at once and even sleep. The disadvantages of these places include the fact that the passenger service of the tail section is obtained last.

What's good about the first row?

There are no seats in front of the first row on the plane, this is a big advantage:

  • you can stretch your legs;
  • no one will throw a chair on you.

However, please note that the first row, in front of which there are no seats, may be after the rows of another class of service or the one in front of which the kitchen is located. In this case, you will have to look at the wall all the way, and cradles for babies are often attached to the wall. You can buy tickets for these places if necessary.

The last row

Seats in the last row are very uncomfortable, because the seats do not recline, and if they do, they do not recline very much, and you will not be able to rest properly, especially if the flight is long.

This is a short description of all types of seats on the plane, but you also need to take into account such factors:

  • number of service classes in the cabin;
  • distance between rows;
  • number of seats in a row.

All these characteristics are different for different models of liners.

Scheme for buying good seats on an airplane

  1. Find out the model of the liner on which you are going to fly. It would be good to consult with airline employees, find out in general about the degree of cabin comfort: the availability of sockets, the distance between the rows, is there a TV, where the toilet is located.
  2. Buy your ticket online or at self check-in kiosks at the airport, if available. So you can choose a free convenient place. On the websites of airlines, you can find diagrams of aircraft cabins.
  3. If you buy tickets at a regular box office, just ask where you need to, "at the window" or "at the aisle."
  4. Think about what is most important for you during the flight, what will you do - look out the window or sleep. It may be important for you to get out of your seat at any time freely.
  5. Please note that the numbers and letters that designate places can be written in both Cyrillic and Latin, and the place may have a different arrangement depending on this.
  6. Try to buy tickets for freer flights. Usually planes are loaded on Fridays and weekends, and in time - morning and evening flights. If you want to choose comfortable seats for yourself, try to plan your trip in advance and take tickets from Monday to Thursday, for flights that depart at lunchtime or 2-3 hours later.
  7. To choose good places the direction of flight must also be taken into account. For example, if you are flying from North to South in the morning, the sun will be on the left side. If you were flying in the opposite direction, to the North, then the sun would be on the right.

What to do if you managed to buy only an uncomfortable place

Try to arrive at the airport on time for check-in and boarding. Then you will have a few minutes after landing to take a more convenient place, suddenly this will be among the free ones. Do not ask permission from the flight attendant, transfer yourself. When the landing is completed, and the plane begins to climb, it will be impossible to transfer. When the liner has already gained altitude and getting up is allowed, it may turn out that these places are already occupied by more efficient passengers. In any case, you should not be upset, since you will always have time to take your purchased place.

They are characterized by the fact that the distance to the next row is somewhat increased, which allows you to pass the time of the flight with great comfort - stretch your legs, stand up if necessary, without disturbing your neighbors. Some types of aircraft do not have a row of seats in front of the seats at the emergency exit / hatch.

Often, airlines, for security reasons, practice leaving these places for people who meet the requirements “a healthy mind in a healthy body” - it is assumed that in the event of an emergency evacuation, such a person will not be confused, will be able to open escape hatch and help the staff to get people out, but, of course, not all airlines undertake such a “planning”.

In this regard, passengers with children, animals and the elderly cannot be here.

Another of the minuses is that the approach to the hatches cannot be blocked by hand luggage.

The row, which is located in the section between the two emergency exits, has a plus. In this case, you will have extra space in front of you.

Seats located in front of the cabin

Most often, catering starts from the “nose”, so the front rows suggest the convenience and breadth of the choice of drinks and food offered. As a rule, if the seat is in the tail section of the aircraft, then the passenger is limited in the choice of assortment (everything is taken apart at the very beginning).

In addition, the first row is a great opportunity to be one of the first to go down the ladder.

But here there are also disadvantages - often mounts for baby cradles are installed in the bow, and passengers with small children can be here. This does not contribute to comfort if you are going to work or relax.

Whoever flew near a child who does not tolerate the flight well and cries all 7 or 12 hours, he knows.

Seats in the tail

The only, but significant plus of this place is its relative safety. According to the statistics of the US National Transportation Safety Board for more than 30 years, the number of surviving passengers of air crashes, depending on where their seats were in the cabin, is as follows:

The highest percentage of surviving passengers was in the tail section of the cabin (behind the edge of the wing of the aircraft) - 69%, the section above the wing - 56% of survivors, as well as in the economy section in front of the wing. In the forward section of the cabin, where business class and first class are usually located, the average survival rate was 49%.

Since when falling from a high altitude, the aircraft falls nose first, the clearances capture the tail section the least. This was the reason for the placement of the "black box" in the tail section of the aircraft, and this also served as the opinion that here are the safest places.
In my opinion, this is more of a psychology of self-hypnosis (IMHO - to survive in a crashed plane from a height, there is no chance, wherever the passenger is sitting), but there are pluses here too: as a rule, on not very popular flights, there are much fewer passengers, that will bother you. The same applies to passengers with children - as a rule, you will not meet them here, unless it is a charter somewhere to places of mass Russian tourism during the high season.

But the largest number of accidents occur, often, during takeoff / landing, as a result of errors by pilots or airport employees, due to poor coverage and the condition of the runway, or other factors. In this case, you can be saved. Think about where the plane will hit first when landing or taking off? It seems to me that most likely the nose, respectively, the main blow will fall on the front seats, which will slightly extinguish the impact force, then the blow will fall on the middle of the cabin and on the wings, from which fuel will flow out and ignite. The shock wave will reach the rear seats with the least power, which will allow passengers to survive.
Thus, the rear seats are the safest in the cabin, since the plane takes the main blow on the nose, but again it all depends on the situation.
central places in an aircraft, as a rule, they are located above or close to the wing, which contains aviation fuel, which, in the event of a plane crash, ignites. Therefore, the most dangerous places are seats in the middle of the aircraft cabin. If we compare the front seats and the middle ones in terms of safety, then the number of deaths in the front seats and in the middle ones is approximately equal.

From the point of view of the safe side - left or right, the statistics give equal chances, the probability of the lateral roll of the aircraft in one direction or another during landing is the same.

So, basically, write on the Internet. Honestly, it's hard for me to judge, but in my opinion, if you are primarily concerned about your safety, then it is better to choose a place near the emergency exit. This, in most cases, is still safer, although less convenient.
Imagine a situation that there was a plane crash, the plane was partially damaged, everyone is alive, but the plane started on fire and the cabin is filled with black poisonous smoke, inhaling which you can die. What will happen? That's right, most likely, panic, and now think about who will be the first to leave the plane? And the first to leave it is the one who sits in places closer to the emergency exits, which means that they will have more chances to escape.

For the same reason, people whose seats are closer to the aisle are in a better position during emergencies.
You can find out which seat will be near the emergency exit in a particular aircraft from the seating diagrams.

As far as safety is concerned, but as far as comfort is concerned...

It's believed that The most comfortable seat on the plane is the penultimate row, on the right side of the aisle. The fact is that it is at the end of the cabin that there is the greatest likelihood of free / empty seats, and therefore it is quite realistic that you will get a lot of free space, sitting on three chairs at once: you can get free seats to the right and left of you, on which you can arrange not only your bags, but generally lie down and sleep

Why is it necessary to take seats on the right? Because the sale of air tickets is carried out strictly in rows (with the exception of those cases when the passenger himself asks for a certain seat), rows A, B, C come first, which are located on the left side, so the likelihood of a large number of people there is higher.

After them come the right rows, D, E, F, which are usually empty when the aircraft is not fully loaded (this is important !!!). Well, it is clear that if the download is complete, then all the above recommendations will be meaningless.

Safety is also an important advantage, because it is no secret to anyone that there is simply no more secure place than the tail of an aircraft. And the kitchen can be located close to these places (not always), and all your orders will be delivered as quickly as possible.

Why choose a seat near the aisle? In order for a smaller number of people to show a desire to settle down with you in the neighborhood. If you sit near the window, then nothing will prevent other passengers from sitting next to you, and then all the comfort will come to naught.

But when you sit at the aisle, and place your bags on the next seat, then such a spectacle will be subconsciously perceived by other passengers as a barrier, so the number of people who want to be accommodated in the neighborhood will be minimal.

More the best option it will be right after landing to get a pillow and a blanket, and lie down to sleep on two or three chairs at once, in which case it is unlikely that anyone will disturb you so that you move away and let him sit down in the same row.

First row / Row in front of which there are no seats

If your row is first (this can be not only the “first row” physically, but also the first row after another class of service, or the first row in one of the sections of the cabin, in front of which there are no seats), then a significant advantage of this arrangement is that no one will throw back their seat on you. In conditions of a small distance between the rows of the economy class, this can be very important.

Of the minuses, we note that most likely there will be a partition or a kitchen / toilet in front of you. It is not very convenient for some passengers to look at the “wall” for the entire flight. Also, there may be fastenings for cradles in the wall. What it is fraught with - read above.

Last row/Row with no seats

Most likely, the backs of the seats in this row do not recline or are very limited in this. This happens when there is an emergency exit, toilet, kitchen, other technical room or wall behind you.


Here, in a nutshell, is a list of good/bad places a traveler can look forward to. But it is worth noting that the internal layout of the aircraft differs significantly from each other, and this factor must also be taken into account.

In addition to the fact that the seats are 2,3,4 in a row, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the seats, the number of classes in the cabin, and other features. After all, the same company uses different types of aircraft for flights.

1. The model of the liner, the smallest details of the comfort of the cabins (the presence of a TV, electrical outlets, the spacing between the rows, the location of the toilets) can be easily found on the airline's website.

2. If you specifically know what kind of seat you would like to get, you should ask this question when checking in for a flight at the airport (seats that are not occupied after online check-in are distributed there).

If you have no idea about the location of the seats, ask to see the layout of the cabin of the liner - all free seats will be highlighted in the appropriate color.

Also, when checking in at the airport, you can simply ask for seats "by the window", "by the aisle", etc. Usually the staff does not refuse.

3. In modern airports, you can use the services of self-registration kiosks and choose your seat. Also, almost always this can be done when registering online on the website of the airline you have chosen - this will significantly save time.

This service is already provided by the largest Russian airlines.

The traditional check-in method is best done two hours before departure. If places are booked in this way, the first registrants have a wide choice of available places.

4. If possible, you should use less busy flights - in this case, the comfort of the flight will increase significantly, because you (if you wish) will even have the opportunity to sleep on three free seats, the main thing is not to forget to ask the stewardess to bring a pillow and a blanket.

Busiest days are Sunday and Friday with morning and evening flights. If you have time, choose to fly on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, noon or afternoon flights.

5. In order not to get into trouble, you should take into account the spelling of the letters indicating the number of the place - they can be either Russian (1A, 1B, 1C, 1G, 1D, 1E) or Latin (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E , 1F), and in certain situations, these are, as they say, two big differences that can cloud the impression of a flight.

After all, for example, seat 1 "B" - will have a different arrangement, meaning both an aisle chair and in the middle of a row. This must be taken into account in order not to get from place 1B (which you thought was at the aisle) to the place in the middle (as it turned out that this is not the Russian "B", but the Latin "Bi").
Also, be careful with the letter "E".

Therefore, it is better to choose seats with single-digit letters: 1A is always a window seat, 1C - in any cabin layout it will be an aisle seat.

Advice. If you fly often, then you know the main strain of everyone (who does not fly in business class;) is to sit in the middle seat in a row of three seats. Knowing and understanding this phobia, you can turn it to your advantage and less often have a neighbor next to you during the flight.

When you check-in, if you are flying alone, ask the staff to seat you in seats near the window and on the aisle. Nobody likes to sit in the middle and if the plane is not packed to capacity, then you will not have an unwanted neighbor. If you're flying alone, you can arrange this maneuver with another person you like who, like you, travels solo. Or just ask to be seated in the aisle where the window seat is full.

The only problem here is that with a clogged plane, you will be separated by a stranger. It remains only to agree with him so that he moves.

6. Be sure to take into account the direction of flight - with the right choice of place, the sun will not blind your eyes: East - West (the sun always shines on the left), West - East (on the right).

If there is a need to fly on a morning flight, the direction North - South will please the sun on the left side, and South - North - on the right.

How not to accidentally take the worst places

  • Study the scheme of the liner on which you will fly, if possible
  • Check with an airline representative if possible.
  • Before the flight, decide what is more important for you - to look out the window or the ability to freely get up from your seat, for example, to the toilet
  • Studying the layout of the salon, choose the best places, guided by the same rules that we have given in this article.
  • Do not take places in the very tail, close to the toilets, galley and other technical areas.
  • Do not take seats in which the seats do not recline or are limited in this
  • Do not take a seat between emergency exits or behind which it is located

If, nevertheless, you "got" on an uncomfortable chair

If you still received a ticket for a not very convenient seat, then immediately after landing you have a few minutes to take a more convenient free space (if there are empty seats, of course).

And it’s better not to be shy and change seats on your own, and not wait for the services of a flight attendant.

After the last person appears on board, and the stewardess announces “Boarding is over”, you have 5 minutes to take a comfortable free seat.

There is little time, because after the aircraft has reached the required speed, it will be strictly forbidden to rise from the passenger seat. Well, after climbing, it is likely that all the most comfortable seats on the plane will be occupied by faster and smarter passengers. Yes, and don't worry about it. You will always have time to sit in your rightful (according to the ticket) seat.

But still it is better to choose the most comfortable seat immediately when buying a ticket and checking in for a flight.

All of the above tips are suitable for standard passenger, narrow-body aircraft, such as Airbus A-319 and 320, Boeing-737, SSJ-100, Yak-40, etc., and for wide-body airliners. In addition, there are many more options to take a comfortable passenger seat.

I hope that these simple tips will help you fly comfortably without unnecessary nervous stress.

Question "How to book seats in the cabin" many travelers are interested, because this opportunity provides an excellent chance to make their trip more comfortable. This is due to the fact that not all seats on airplanes meet the requirements that this or that air passenger imposes on them. Below are all the options that allow you to book exactly those seats in the cabin that, in your opinion, will provide the maximum level of comfort during the flight.

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (click on the link for a quick jump)

Detailed information about what kind of seats there are on airplanes, about the advantages and disadvantages of such seats for various categories of passengers can be found on the page. Based on the available information, having determined which option is most preferable to you, you can choose one of three options, each of which with a high degree of probability will allow you to book the seat on the plane that suits you best.

Seat selection during check-in

The classic way of choosing a place, which before the advent of the opportunity was the only possible one. The bottom line is to arrive at the airport at the start of check-in for your flight in order to be one of the first to go to the counter and ask the airline employee (usually girls) for the seat you want to get. Sometimes the flight registrars themselves are interested in your preferences in this regard, but it’s better not to take risks and, without hesitation, immediately tell us about the places where you would like to sit during the flight. In most cases, your wishes will be fulfilled, and you will get the place you asked for without any problems. For example, next to the window in the front of the aircraft or at the aisle in the rear of the cabin.

The easiest way to book seats in the described way, provided that you are flying alone or as a couple. It is already more difficult for three or four people to choose places nearby, but it is possible: again, provided that they arrived at registration early, until all the best places have already been sorted out. If you are flying in pairs or threes, I advise you to approach the check-in desk all together and present all your passports at once (if you approach in turn, someone else may well take the seats on the plane next to the first passenger by booking it at another check-in desk or online).

As I already wrote, usually, if there are free seats, the airline employees at the check-in counter will meet the passengers and provide them with the desired seats, however, in order to increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome, I advise you to be polite and smile. In other words, try to win over with personal charm. But it’s better not to give a bribe, because now airlines often control their employees on this account, and no one wants to lose a job because of an extra 500 rubles (that’s how much they used to put in a passport to book the right place).

A few years ago, it was the early check-in for the flight that I used most often and usually got the desired seat. However, due to the development of the system electronic registration and online shopping air tickets, there are ways that give a greater guarantee of getting your preferred seat in the cabin.

Booking a seat on an airplane when buying a ticket

In the case when you purchase a plane ticket on the official website of the airline, even before the moment of payment, you will be offered an aircraft diagram with vacant seats marked on it. Of course, the earlier you buy a ticket before departure, the more convenient seats there will be, therefore, in a situation where there are several weeks left before the flight, airline websites often no longer have designated empty seats at the window (the most interesting thing is that later, when choosing a seat at the check-in counter , they "appear").

So, right on the website of the air carrier, you can choose seats for all segments of your trip at once. For example, when purchasing air tickets departing from Moscow on special offers from airlines from the Persian Gulf (Emirates, Etihad or Qatar), with the help of which it is often possible, you have the opportunity to pre-book seats on four aircraft at once. For example, Moscow-Dubai, Dubai-Bangkok, Bangkok-Dubai and Dubai-Moscow. Later, during the check-in process, just tell the airline employee (just in case) that you have already selected seats when buying tickets.

However, in addition to the advantages of this method, there are some disadvantages. For example, some airlines do not allow you to select emergency exit seats with more legroom during the ticket purchase process, preferring to give these seats to tall and well-supervised passengers only at the check-in counter. Therefore, if you want to book these particular seats in the cabin, you still have to apply to the check-in desk.

In addition, some airlines charge an additional fee for the possibility of choosing a seat on the airline's website. For example, British Airways rates a similar service from $16 to $32 for choosing a seat in economy class for medium and long haul flights, respectively. When choosing a seat in a business class, you will have to pay almost $100 at all (IMHO, an extra waste of money, because all seats in this class have increased comfort and are located only in front of the aircraft).

Increasingly, online flights the best prices you can buy not on the official websites of airlines, but with the help of a special service (the search form is located above) that searches 728 airlines at once, including low-cost airlines. As a result, in the process of buying tickets, you have to deal with intermediaries - special agencies. As a rule, this does not increase the cost of the air ticket (and sometimes makes it cheaper), it just eliminates the possibility of choosing a seat on the plane on your own. The best way out in this situation is to write in the notes about your requirements regarding the choice of seats during the process of applying for a ticket on the agency’s website or to inform the agent about it by phone.

Reservation of seats on the plane during online check-in

More and more people are not using the classic check-in for a flight, which I wrote about above, but more convenient in some cases online check-in. To do this, you can either use special online check-in counters at the airport where you are flying from (pictured above), or you can check-in with a choice of a seat in the cabin directly on the airline's website. This opportunity usually appears a day before the departure of your aircraft or for a different period of time, depending on the policy of the airline you have chosen. For example, Etihad allows this procedure to be done 24 hours before departure and blocks this possibility two hours before the aircraft takes off according to the approved schedule.

On the one hand, the advantage of the latter method is obvious: there is no need to arrive at the airport several hours before departure and stand in line for check-in there. You can arrive an hour before departure and immediately go through the necessary procedures (passport and customs control). Just don't forget at home or at work boarding passes with selected seats to be printed out upon completion of the online check-in procedure.

However, there are also disadvantages: online check-in with some airlines is not possible for passengers with small children, for passengers with luggage and for passengers carrying animals on the plane. On the other hand, some airlines, on the contrary, provide bonuses for online check-in. For example, Etihad allows you to increase Weight Limit baggage for 7 kg (although not for all airports and Minsk is not included in this list). By the way, in any case, I recommend arriving at the airport early, because if online check-in with luggage is allowed by your airline, this same luggage will still have to be weighed and checked in at a special counter, so it’s better not to be late, because nerve cells are not restored well.

At the end of the article, one more useful advice: before online check-in on an aircraft with a choice of seats, familiarize yourself in advance with the layout of these seats directly in the model and modification of the aircraft that is declared for your flight (usually such information is provided in the printout of your e-ticket). As a rule, such diagrams (on which the rows and seats are numbered, emergency and regular exits, the location of galleys and toilets) are on the websites of all major airlines.

Reservation of seats on the plane through a mobile application

In our time, when information technology is rapidly developing, and most people can no longer imagine their lives without the daily use of smartphones, it would be wrong not to mention another way to check in for a flight and choose a seat in the cabin . We are talking about the use of mobile applications from airlines. Most popular airlines have such proprietary applications: Aeroflot and S7 in Russia, Ukrainian UIA, Emirates and Etihad in the Middle East, etc. These applications for Android and iOS can be downloaded directly from airline websites, and their use is not limited to check-in for a flight and booking seats in the cabin.

Today mobile applications from airlines offer almost a full range of basic and related services: search and purchase of air tickets, insurance, online check-in for a flight, provision of information on the status of all flights in real time, delays in departure and arrival, services at the airport, charging bonus miles and how to use them. Therefore, having such an application in your smartphone (especially if you travel more than once a year) can be very useful. Applications do not take up much disk space, which is also convenient, because you probably want to bring as much as possible from your trip. more photos and video.

Aeroflot mobile application - allows you to select seats in the cabin

The only caveat is that, as in cases with the purchase of air tickets on the official websites of airlines, when using a branded application for this, the price is higher than when buying from intermediaries. Therefore, if you want to save money, it is better to use airline branded mobile applications not to buy air tickets, but to search for dates with minimum fares, and only then check these dates in the metasearch. I use Aviasales all the time and for all the time I have probably already saved on a free flight to Thailand. By the way, this metasearch also has, by installing which on a smartphone, you will always have access to air tickets at the lowest prices, which include all taxes and fees (at the top of the page, you can select a device (iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows Phone smartphones or tablets) using the link ).

Unsuccessful booking of a seat in the cabin

If for some reason you were unable to book a seat on the plane that was comfortable for you (did not have time for online registration, forgot to warn the airline employee at the counter or she did not meet you halfway), then all is not lost. After the boarding is completed, when the flight attendant announces it (“Boarding is over”), you can take a more comfortable seat on the plane, if there are any in the line of sight. You can ask the flight attendant about this, or even better, warn the latter that you would like to change your seat immediately upon boarding and politely ask her to find you such a place if possible.

Another possible option is to immediately take a comfortable free seat: it is quite possible that no one will sit on it. In the end, you will always have time to take your "legitimate" place. Thus, there are several ways to book seats in the cabin according to your preference. Use them wisely and all your further flights will be pleasant and comfortable. I wish you pleasant air travel and soft landings!

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