Small cable car Yalta-hill, cable car Miskhor-Ai-Petri. Walk on the cable car in Yalta

cable carYalta-Gorka (Malaya cable car)- one of the three existing cable cars of Big Yalta. The opening of the road was in 1967. The distance between the two points of the cable car, the lower and upper ones, is 600 meters and the height is 120 meters. Cabins are designed for 2 people. Those who took the cable car up Darsan Hill can visit departments in the building of historical museums Yalta, and there is also an observation deck (138 meters above sea level),From here you can see the whole of Yalta. You can also visit the restaurant and drink coffee and have a bite to enjoy the panorama of the surroundings of Yalta.

IN route time : 10-12 minutes.

Working mode : from 10:00-18:00

Ticket price: for adults - 200 rubles (in 2 directions), for children - 100 rubles .

The address: Russia, Yalta, st. Voykova, 28.

How to get there: The cable car is located in the very center of the city, in the middle of the embankment.The entrance is located between the building of the hotel Tavrida and the cafeteria.

GPS coordinates of the lower station: 34.165, 44.495

cable car
Miskhor - Ai-Petri- one of the sights of the Crimea, with a length of2980 metersfrom the village of Miskhor to Ai-Petri. Take a trip to the plateau of the Crimean yayla covered in legendsMount Ai-Petri is possible all year round.FROMconnected three stations with each other: the lower station - Miskhor, whose height is 86 m above sea level, the middle one - Pinery, located at an altitude of 391 m above sea level and the upper one - the Ai-Petri plateau, its height is 1152 m.

You will have a storm of emotions that will appear during a trip on the Miskhor-Ai-Petri cable car from the feeling of flying,beautiful view of mountains, landscapes, sea. The trailers are designed for 30-35 people. At the very top of Ai-Petri, in the form of a labyrinth, there are many souvenir shops and cafes. Immediately after the bazaar, a nature reserve begins, where you can take an excursion or walk with a ticket yourself.

IN route time : 15-20 minutes.

Working hours: from 10:00-16:30 (ascent), from 10:00-17:30 (descent).

Ticket price: adult 350 rub. (one way), children: 250 rubles. (one way). Tickets are purchased only one way, just before boarding and are kept until the end of the trip for control!
It is forbidden to smoke, eat and drink alcohol on the territory of the cable car.
Birds, animals and pyrotechnics are prohibited on the cable car.

How to get there: From Yalta to the lower station can be reached by shuttle buses No. 27 (from the bus station) and No. 32 (from the clothing market). By car from YUBSH we turn down to the village of Miskhor, next to the TES gas station. At the ring, the second turn to the right (down), at the first large intersection to the right, we drive along the main one until we see the lower cable car station on the right side.

GPS coordinates of the lower station : 34.070, 44.425

Unlike most of the sights of the Crimea, the history of the Swallow's Nest does not go back centuries. It begins at the end of the nineteenth century with the construction of a wooden house, called the Swallow's Nest by the hostess. However, this building was later demolished, and by 1912 a miniature Gothic castle, built by order of one of the Baku oil owners, already stood in its place. It is this masterpiece of architecture that is now known as the Swallow's Nest, although it has changed slightly after the 1927 earthquake and the subsequent reconstruction.

In the twentieth century, the building was empty for a long time, because it was in disrepair, and after a new reconstruction it became open to the public again. Recently, an art exhibition dedicated to the famous master of landscapes Arkhip Kuindzhi opened in it.

By virtue of its amazing beauty the swallow nest repeatedly became the object of close attention of filmmakers. It was here that such masterpieces of Soviet cinema as "Ten Little Indians", "Mio, My Mio" and "The Blue Bird" were filmed.

The Swallow's Nest is a place with an amazing atmosphere that is worth experiencing in person.


A picturesque place, clean air and turquoise sea water! Gurzuf is an urban-type settlement located between Alushta and Yalta. picturesque surroundings Gurzuf, narrow streets, equipped beaches, lack of a large amount of transport always attract residents major cities wishing to relax by the sea and be closer to the exotic, southern coastal nature.Very interesting mountain Ayu-Dag means Bear Mountain. When viewed from the western side, the mountain in its shape resembles a huge bear drinking water from the Black Sea, there is a legend about which local guides will be happy to tell you!

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Livadia Palace

This palace is a fine example of nineteenth century architecture. Over its more than a century and a half history, the Livadia Palace has become a place of great accomplishments many times.

Perhaps the first significant event in its history was the assignment to it in 1861 of the status of the summer residence of the Russian imperial family. Between this moment and the death in the Livadia Palace in 1894 of Emperor Alexander III, the architectural ensemble underwent restructuring and expansion, for example, at that time the Small Palace (destroyed during World War II) and the Holy Cross Church were built. Under Emperor Nicholas II, construction continued, and on the site of the old Grand Palace The White Palace was built, and such buildings as the palace of the Minister of the Court, Baron Frederiks, also appeared. After the establishment of Soviet power, the Livadia Palace managed to be both a sanatorium for peasants and a climatic treatment plant until 1945 came. In 1945, the famous Yalta Conference was held in the Livadia Palace, which largely determined the course of history in the post-war world. The American delegation headed by US President Franklin Roosevelt was also accommodated in the palace during the conference. The seventies of the twentieth century for the Livadia Palace became the time for the opening of a museum in it with two expositions - historical and memorial and exhibition. In the present, they have been transformed into expositions about the Yalta Conference and the history of the stay of the Russian imperial family in the Livadia Palace, respectively. Also in 1977, the filming of the famous film "Dog in the Manger" took place in Livadia.

In addition to cultural significance, the Livadia Palace is now famous for the Livadia cardiological sanatorium and the well-known Livadia Park, which is quite capable of impressing with its size. Livadia Palace is one of those interesting places worth visiting in Crimea.

The garden was created in 1812 by the Decree of Emperor Alexander I; its plan was developed by the famous Steven. Today the garden is not only amazing beautiful place for walks, but is also a research institution developing new milestones in botany and fertility.

The garden area can be divided into 3 large and one small parks. The paved paths of Nikitsky botanical garden, winding, take enchanted tourists either into dense thickets or to magnificent open viewing platforms from which a breathtaking panorama of the tops of centuries-old relic trees opens.

For a long time the Upper Park was an arboretum; today there are dense tennis plantations, turning into open lawns. The park is located on a flat surface, it is here that the front pool, rose garden, fountains and forged arches are located. As well as a magnificent rocky garden crowned with alpine plants, surrounded by cypresses, milkweed. And what a beautiful collection of chrysanthemums, what aromas are in the air!

The lower park is located on a rocky slope. Ancient terraces are intertwined with stairs. Water plays not only the role of a means of irrigation, but also an element of decor. There are several interesting pools, fountains, all kinds of streams, turning either into a fountain or into a cascade. There are water lilies and papyrus in the water of the fountain. It is here that the most valuable species of fruit and ornamental trees grow. The park is also decorated with a long Palm Alley, which opens up many varieties of palm trees to guests, and a sculpture of a Boy taking out a splinter.

The Seaside Park in Nikitsky Garden was founded on the centenary of the garden. The park is located on the territory adjacent to the sea. It is here that guests will see a collection of subtropical heat-loving plants. The youngest park in the Nikitsky Garden - Montedor, created about 50 years ago, welcomes visitors with junipers, fluffy oak, relic pines and metasequoia.

Flower balls are held annually in the Nikitsky Garden. A more beautiful sight is hard to imagine!

You can get to the garden both by numerous sightseeing buses, and by any minibus from Simferopol towards Yalta.

The Wax Museum

Every year, in holiday season, in the very center of Yalta, in a building that belongs to the local history museum, the museum of wax figures made in St. Petersburg opens its doors.

Here you can admire the wax doubles of famous actors, musicians, historical figures - from kings to current politicians. In general, the museum is a great place for those visitors who just want to have fun or take a closer look at all the details. famous people, as well as learn something interesting and new - in principle, for all categories of tourists and residents of the city.

Glade of Fairy Tales

Attractions are different. Some of them arise due to nature, while others are born due to the diligence and skill of people. There are, however, those that combine the brush of nature and the chisel of man. These include the Glade of Fairy Tales in the Crimea.

It is located not far from Yalta, and the place for its placement was chosen extremely well. The Glade of Fairy Tales is inscribed in a very picturesque forest, on the edge of which the main exposition is located. This, of course, is a very good decision, because the images of such famous fairy-tale characters as Leshy or Baba Yaga look surprisingly natural against the backdrop of a forest landscape. In total, more than two hundred sculptures from the best cartoons, children's books and folk tales made by masters from different countries have found their home in the Glade of Fairy Tales.

In order for the figures to fit as well as possible into the nature around them, as a rule, the florist method is used, which consists in the fact that a certain object (for example, a boulder or a stump) is taken as the basis of the work, which initially has some resemblance to a fairy-tale hero, whom going to portray the master. Glade of Fairy Tales is a wonderful vacation spot for adults and children, allowing you to feel the fabulous atmosphere and immerse yourself in the memories of your favorite fairy tale characters, as well as learn a lot of new and interesting things. This cannot be ignored!

Foros park

Foros Park was founded in the 19th century. But initially it was just a desert area with one fountain. In 1885 new owner These lands, the merchant Alexander Kuznetsov, decided to completely transform the park and after 5-6 years he achieved what he wanted, spending a huge amount of money on it. A large number of rare plants that do not grow in this area, but are able to adapt, were brought to the park.

The area of ​​the current park is 70 hectares, of which 30 are reserved for cultural plantings, and the remaining 40 are a large forest park zone. More than 350 species of trees and shrubs are represented in the park. Of particular interest is a piece of paradise - six lakes, located at different levels, are connected to each other by a small channel. The park has been declared a monument of landscape architecture and is protected by law.

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Massandra beach

Massandra beach, like a magnet, attracts numerous guests of the city. Firstly, it is very conveniently located, and secondly, it is full of entertainment. This is a real marine paradise, where life does not stop for a moment. During the day, you can sunbathe and swim in plenty, and in the evening, tourists like to stroll slowly along the coast, where night life Yalta.

Massandra beach is considered one of the best in Yalta, but probably its main disadvantage is great amount vacationers at the height of the season - it seems that the apple has nowhere to fall. But if we discard this nuance, you can have a great time here. Among the entertainment that is offered to the attention of tourists, there is everything - both the opportunity to relax and the opportunity to incendiary rest.

There are cable cars in Big Yalta, which are very popular with tourists. The longest one leads from Miskhor to Mount Ai-Petri. The shorter Yalta-Gorka cable car was built in Yalta itself, it leads from the embankment to Darsan Hill, and you can ride it during a regular walk around the city. Due to the short length of the cable car to Yalta e was called the Small Cable Car.

Description of the road

The cableway "Yalta-Gorka" was built in 1967, half a century ago. From the embankment named after Lenin, everyone can climb the hill in 12 minutes. At the upper station, you can go to the observation deck, have a bite to eat in a cafe, transfer to another booth and return to the lower station. The length of the path in one direction is 600 m, the height difference is 120 m. The cable car operates daily from 10.00 to 22.00, without days off and breaks. The ticket office is located at the lower station, children under 5 years old go to the booths for free.

When boarding, consider the following:

  • The passenger cable car in Yalta is old, double cabins are made in the "Soviet" style. For boarding passengers, the cabins at the station do not stop, you need to go into them right in the direction of travel. Since the speed of movement is very low, two people calmly manage to sit down in their seats;
  • You can take a small child as an additional passenger in a double cabin;
  • Although the cable car is not high above the ground, you should follow the safety rules: do not stand while moving, do not lean over the walls of the cabin, do not swing the cabins.

Advice and request to all vacationers: since the road passes over the residential buildings of Yalta, you should not make noise or throw garbage down during the trip.

How to get

A trip on the Small cable car is possible at any time. The lower station and ticket office are located just behind the central embankment. There are three options to get here:

  1. From the embankment - turn right at the clock tower and go up the stairs;
  2. From the stop "Sadovaya" - go down towards the embankment through the green square, turn right before the crossroads, go past the hotel "Tavrida";
  3. From the stop "Morskaya" - go down from the cathedral into the underpass, then turn left, go up to the wide stairs leading to the "cable car".

If you have time, then do not go down from the top platform of the hill immediately down. Across the road from it there is a memorial complex of Glory with an eternal flame, which you can approach. You can go down the hill on foot, only in this case you will need to buy a one-way ticket in advance, not two.

View from above

When riding the Yalta-Gorka cable car, everyone has the opportunity to look at the ordinary life of ordinary residents of Yalta, watching their houses and courtyards from above. Sometimes the booths are so low off the ground that you can see the toys in the yards or the leaves on the trees.

In addition to residential buildings, you can look at the following interesting buildings:

  • Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky with gilded domes, which was consecrated in 1902. In Soviet times, the cathedral was closed, a sports club was set up in it, but already in 1942 services were resumed;

  • Gymnasium named after Chekhov, opened in 1876. Living in Yalta, A.P. Chekhov helped the gymnasium for five years and was a member of its board of trustees. At different times, Marina Tsvetaeva, Nobel laureate in physics I.M. Franc;

  • Tower of Baron Wrangel, built in the 1880s in the form of gothic castle, and the clock on it. When the city needed a large clock on the embankment so that passing steamers could see the city time, the baron bought a clock with his own money and installed it in 1896 on the castle tower. Today several Yalta families live in the house.

Although the Yalta cable car is rather short, it introduces travelers to a part of the city, and it is worth taking advantage of this pleasant opportunity while relaxing in the Crimea.

The small cable car "Yalta - Gorka" is a well-known attraction of the resort on the southern coast of Crimea. Similar travel options cannot be found in other parts of the peninsula ̶ all funiculars are located in the very locality or in several nearby villages.

The small cableway "Yalta - Gorka", due to its convenient location, is very popular among the guests of the city.

Interesting information about the small cable car "Yalta-Gorka"

In total, eight funiculars operate permanently or periodically in Yalta and its environs, accessible to local residents and vacationers.

Funicular "Yalta - Gorka" was put into operation in 1967. The collapse of the USSR gave rise to a fashion for decommunization. Surprisingly, the Soviet government itself often did not touch many of the historical names left over from the time Russian Empire. For example, this cable car is famous for the observation deck "Tea Hill" - it was at the foot of the Darsan hill that the wife of Emperor Nicholas II liked to spend time enjoying the drink of the same name.

The cableway "Yalta - Gorka" is considered "small". According to "big" locals called the funicular leading to Mount Ai-Petri.

Note to tourists

Before you enjoy a panoramic trip with the help of the Yalta-Gorka small cable car, you should read the important information:

Using the services of the Yalta-Gorka small cable car, a vacationer, in addition to the panorama of the embankment, can see a lot of interesting things. For example, the clock tower of Baron Wrangel, the former head of the city, who was the first to bring such a mechanism to the peninsula and installed it in his possession in 1896. Or, having reached the top point of the route, visit the Memorial of Glory, dedicated to those who died in the Great Patriotic and Civil Wars.

The small cableway "Yalta - Gorka" is a great opportunity to get to know this rare type of movement. Especially for those people who want to pass the first height test. If everything ended successfully, then you can get a stronger impression by using the funicular on Ai-Petri.

Small cable car "Yalta - Gorka" - how to get there

The lower platform of the cable car is located near the hotel "Tavrida" - almost on the central embankment of the city of Yalta. It is enough to use pointers that will quickly lead a person to the right place.

From the city bus station you can get to the funicular using public transport:

    Stop "Marine". Landmark - Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. You need to go through the underpass and turn left. A little lower there will be a staircase leading to the cable car.

    Stop "Garden". Choose the direction towards the embankment. Pass through a small square, turn right. See the hotel "Tavrida" in front of you, near which the lower landing site is located.

For those who want to start viewing the panorama of Yalta from the top point, the following route is recommended:

    get to public transport to the stop "Ulitsa Khalturina",

    go down a little down Voykov street.

    The landing place for the small cable car will be located near the large restaurant.

Vacation, rest, Crimea, Yalta - this sequence usually comes to mind for those who decide to spend the long-awaited holiday time on something really interesting. Walking through the capital of the southern coast of Crimea, one cannot fail to notice a metal arch with the inscription "Cableway" Yalta - Gorka "". A photo of this place is present on the Internet pages of many Russians, our site is no exception. You need to be more careful. Pointers lead to the alley and "raise" the tourist to the street located above - to the foot of the Darsan hill. It is customary to consider the desired "cable car" small, since the big one is called here. Do not forget about the line in the extreme east of the resort metropolis.

Where is the funicular in Yalta?

Pleasure awaits the guests of the city between and the Clock Tower - in front of the entrance to the hotel "Tavrida".

Cable car on the map of Crimea

Open map

The history of the cable car

The small cable car "Yalta - Gorka" is just one of the funiculars in Big Yalta. It was opened in 1967. The word "slide" remained from the concept of "Tea Hill" - observation deck, chosen by the wife of Tsar Nicholas II as a place for tea ceremonies. Initially there were operational problems.

So, during a flurry, the cabins swayed. Over time, wind sensors were installed on the cable car poles. Their alarming testimony is today the reason for shutting down the funicular. The type of passenger "capsules", by the way, has also changed over the years. The system of "mountain" transport has become much safer due to the optimization of their design.

Traveling on the cable car "Yalta - Gorka"

What is a small cable car "Yalta - Gorka"? Having an insignificant cost for the budget, travel on unusual transport guarantees a comfortable pastime almost at a bird's eye view. The trip will leave especially strong impressions on young travelers and creative people of any gender and age. In fact, what we are talking about is a real attraction. There are bright cabins of different colors, where you can fit with a small child, and the feeling of flying, and a decent security system.

At the lower and upper stations of the road, tiny blue, red, green and red glazed trailers go non-stop - you should get in right on the go. At this moment, it is necessary to close the door well, the locking device of which protects the life of the passenger from fatal accidents during the journey. You can’t get up in the booth - it should not sway. The length of the route in question is 600 m. The elevation difference along the way is 120 m (the cable car takes you to the top of the Darsan hill). The operating mode of the air road is from 10:00 to 22:00.

"Flight" passes over the Clock Tower, over the quarters along Lesya Ukrainka Street: in front it will be visible, and below - a mirror labyrinth at the "Apelsin" restaurant and standing on the raid cruise ships. Above, the trailer will slowly pass over the upper part of Voikov Street, which is busy with traffic, where a panorama of the private sector will open - lovingly equipped mansions and vegetable gardens of Yalta residents. The upper slope of the hill is a continuous green zone - among thickets of cypresses, Crimean pines, fir and juniper, here and there buildings of buildings and outdoor pools of hotels will be visible.

  • green square Nekrasov;
  • gymnasium named after Chekhov;
  • hotel;
  • Eternal flame.

How to get (get there)?