Open the left menu old ladoga. What to see and where to walk in Staraya Ladoga in one day

Standing at the origins of the emergence of Russian statehood. Until 1703, it was an influential city, which for some time bore the title of the capital of northern Russia.

Today, the surviving testimonies of its great history are combined into a project called the Staraya Ladoga Museum-Reserve, which is a well-known landmark Leningrad region.

Staraya Ladoga, first mentioned in the annals in 753, is located in the Volkhov district of the Leningrad region.

Today it is a small settlement near the Volkhov River with a leisurely, measured life, but several centuries ago the interests of several states clashed here, there were irreconcilable battles for territorial dominance on water trade routes, state decisions were made. Its coordinates: 59°59′55″ s. sh. 32°17′49″ E d.

You can get to Muzeya-zapovednik by highway; the nearest airport "Pulkovo" (St. Petersburg) is 130 km, the nearest railway station "Volkhovstroy-1" (Volkhov) - 15 km. From Volkhov to the village there is a regular bus N 23 with an interval of about 1 hour and a fare of 48.0 rubles. Travel time - 15-20 minutes.

Volkhov can be reached from any Russian city by rail or road.

By train

Many electric trains and long-distance trains stop at the Volkhovstroy station, located on the Oktyabrskaya railway. Trains depart from St. Petersburg in this direction from Moskovsky and Ladozhsky stations, which arrive in Volkhov in 2.5 hours. The fare is from 290 rubles.

From Moscow, through the Volkhovstroy station, trains pass to Murmansk, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg. The trip will last from 7.5 to 14 hours. Ticket price starts from 1200 rubles. with early purchase.

By car

From St. Petersburg to the museum-reserve can be reached in 2 hours (excluding traffic jams) along the highway P-21 "Kola" of federal significance, connecting northern capital with Karelia. The route from Moscow will pass through Tver, Valdai and Velikiy Novgorod. Its length will be approximately 700 km, travel time 8-9 hours.

Weather, the best time to travel

The weather of this region is strongly influenced by the proximity of the Baltic Sea, and therefore the climate is transitional, Atlantic-continental. This means that the winter here is not severe with an average negative temperature of 10 ° C, and the summer is cool with an average thermometer reading of +17 ° C.

Daily air temperature (°С), amount of precipitation (mm), number of sunny days in Staraya Ladoga by months:

Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
-5,5 -4,0 -0,5 +7,0 +16,5 +19,5 +23,5 +21,0 +15,0 +6,5 +2,0 -2,5
30,5 25,0 23,0 24,0 27,5 41,0 38,5 46,0 30,0 31,5 35,0 29,0
2 0 1 8 16 16 16 17 10 5 2 1

The museum-reserve is open all year round. However, an uncomfortable stay in these places, according to experts, falls on three winter months. The rest of the time period is characterized by a high level of comfort, more than 4.2 points on a 5-point system. The maximum is in July and August.


The settlement with more than 1250 years of history has always attracted inquisitive people and researchers. It is known that the first archaeological excavations were carried out here at the beginning of the 18th century.

Since then, more than 160 historical monuments, testifying to an active and eventful life Staraya Ladoga: street planning of the X-XI centuries, the rarest examples of fortification structures, architectural structures.

Staraya Ladoga, the sights of which were united by the museum-reserve opened here at the end of the last century, which occupied an area of ​​190 hectares, in addition to the cultural medieval layer, keeps monuments of a later time. The ongoing work of researchers and restorers is adding more and more new artifacts to the museum's collections.

Religious buildings

Staraya Ladoga has been and remains the spiritual center of Russia. Here, in a small area, many Orthodox churches were built, monasteries were opened, some of which have survived to this day.

St. George's Church

One of the oldest stone churches in Russia, the construction period of which dates back to the 12th century.

Old Ladoga. Attractions: St. George's Church.

Two of the most ancient places of worship have survived to this day in Staraya Ladoga:

  • St. George's Church, built in 1164 on the territory of the fortress; it is consecrated in the name of George the Victorious as a token of gratitude for the victory over the Swedes.
  • Assumption Cathedral, which is part of the Assumption Convent.

St. George's Church, although heavily rebuilt, has preserved frescoes of the 12th century, which are of the greatest value. The temple has the status of an architectural monument of the Russian Federation and is open to visitors from May 1 to October 1 in dry weather. The architecture of the small temple is typical of ancient Russian architecture; this is how all the churches in Novgorod were built.

The 4-pillar, 3-asp building ends with one central helmet-shaped dome, over which a cross is installed. The small size of the church is explained by the location of the temple: it was crowded on the territory of the fortress. The frescoes were applied to the walls and the dome simultaneously with the construction of the temple. Experts in the manner of writing determined that two groups of Greek masters worked.

Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica

On the territory of the fortress, another religious building has been preserved, dating from 1731, and erected in honor of the complete victory over the Swedes. The saint, whose name the church was consecrated, was, along with George the Victorious, the most revered by the Slavs of the Middle Ages.

The wooden parish church is typical of the "klet" rural churches of that time both in size and architecture. It was built on the principle of the construction of a peasant hut, where the basis was a log house (cage). A combination of 3 or more stands was made, and the altar was given a rounded shape. The only dome is covered with aspen plowshare.

Nikolsky Monastery

The 14th century monastery, clearly visible from the motorway, consists of the following buildings:

  • wall with corner towers;
  • Nikolsky Cathedral of the 17th century;
  • Church of St. John Chrysostom of the 19th century;
  • residential buildings.

The monastery, which survived the war and troubled times, was closed in 1927, but the monks who lived here were not driven out until 1937. They continued to live and work here as part of a fishing artel. Then, after all, a local MTS was placed on the territory. The revival of the monastery began in 2002.

Dormition Convent

The monastery, founded in the middle of the 12th century, is located north of the fortress and includes the main temple of the Assumption Holy Mother of God, which is one of the most valuable temples of the XII century. Fragments of the fence and churches of a later construction have been preserved here.

The monastery, like the Ladoga fortress, was repeatedly attacked and destroyed, but was restored again, its temples were re-consecrated.

In the first half of the 19th century, the monastery began new stage construction work: a stone fence with the Holy Front Gate, a private building, a refectory, and outbuildings were erected. The new Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was erected according to the project of A. Gornostaev. Elderly nuns lived in 20 cells on its first floor.

All work was carried out with the money of wealthy donors: A.R. Tomilov, Count D.N. Sheremetev, Empress Maria Alexandrovna. At present, the buildings of the monastery have been partially restored, but the reconstruction has not been completed. The Assumption Monastery is also known for the fact that from 1718 to 1725, Emperor Peter I kept his first wife Evdokia Lopukhina in captivity here.

Here she took the tonsure, and here she languished until the death of the monarch. The first wife of Abram Gannibal, Evdokia Gannibal, lived in the monastery for almost 30 years. Under Nicholas I, Decembrist wives were forcibly sent to live here.

The most interesting museums

In Staraya Ladoga there is a large "Staraya Ladoga Historical, Architectural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve", which includes many buildings, monuments and expositions. There are more than 200 thousand units of the most valuable artifacts in the storage facilities.

Address: Volkhovskiy prospect, 19. It is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (until 5 p.m. in winter), the day off is Monday.

Its permanent exhibitions are:

  • in the gate tower: historical section from the Neolithic to our time;
  • in the house of the merchant Kalyazin: archaeological and ethnographic sections.

The museum has exhibition areas where temporary exhibitions take place. In recent years, much attention has been paid to reconstruction historical events. This spectacle takes place in the summer with a large crowd of tourists.


Full ticket, rub. Reduced ticket, rub.
Entrance to the fortress 50 20
Ticket to all museum expositions 200 100
Visit the exhibition 30 20
Inspection of frescoes in St. George's Church 80 50


The staff of the reserve conduct excursions around the Staraya Ladoga Fortress and its environs.

The following programs have been developed and offered to visitors:

Name List of visited objects Full cost, rub./person
"Old Russian city of Ladoga" Defensive structures, a tour of the museum expositions in the Gate Tower and Kalyazin's house, acquaintance with the Nikolsky Monastery 400
"Holy Mansions" A story about all the monasteries that existed in Ladoga with a visit to two surviving ones. 150
"Staraya Ladoga - a page of history" 350
"On the roads of medieval Ladoga" Acquaintance with fortifications, visiting two monasteries. 250

Monuments and monuments

Staraya Ladoga, whose sights are monuments of ancient civilization and modern sculptures, keeps both legends and true facts of its centuries-old history with equal care.

Monument to Rurik and Oleg

In 2015, on the oldest street in the village of Varyazhskaya, mentioned in the annals of the 15th century, the country's first monument to the "founders of Russian statehood" was opened. The sculptor O. Shorov depicted two princes, Rurik and Oleg, leaning on a shield - a symbol of the power and strength of the Russian people.

Historians have long proved that Rurik, who was called to reign, and his successor Oleg, who became regent for a minor heir, laid the foundation for the creation of the Russian state. Rurik, having set foot on Russian soil and assessing the strategic position of this place, placed the city of Ladoga here.

Then he moved up the Volkhov and settled on the Rurik settlement, and later built New town(Novgorod the Great). Under Rurik, internal strife decreased, Russian lands expanded, and the territory defense system began to improve. The word "Rus" also came along with him.

So they called the rowers of the Scandinavian boat, then they began to call the guards of the princes, and after that all the Eastern Slavs, their lands and the state. Rurik died in 879 after 17 years of reign. His son Igor was still a small child, and a relative of Rurik, Oleg, who lived until that day in Ladoga, began to rule the country.

Oleg continued the policy of the prince, uniting Novgorod with Kyiv, conquering new territories, setting up Russian cities in all lands. For wisdom and luck, he received the nickname Prophetic. Oleg died in Ladoga, Novgorod or Kyiv. Everywhere there are his graves, but it is not known which of them is genuine.

Sopki tract (archaeological site)

Not far from the village, on the left bank of the Volkhov, a complex of three burial mounds dating back to the 9th-10th centuries has been preserved. This place is called the Sopki tract, it is shrouded in legends and secrets. In those distant times, our ancestors buried princes, nobility, brave warriors in bulk burial grounds. It is believed that the remains of the great Novgorod and Kyiv prince Oleg lie in one of them.

He died from the bite of a poisonous snake. The true burial place of the great old Russian prince is unknown. 3 cities claim this: Ladoga, Novgorod and Kyiv. Archaeologists can neither confirm nor refute these points of view. The controversy over this has not subsided to this day.

falcon sculpture

The locals have a special attitude towards this strong and freedom-loving bird. A diving falcon is depicted on the coat of arms of the settlement. And recently, a small sculpture of a bird taking off, spreading its wings wide over a stone, was placed on Varyazhskaya Street. The image of a noble falcon personifies the unity of the inhabitants of Staraya Ladoga with nature.

architectural structures

Staraya Ladoga has the oldest architectural and historical structure, which is part of the museum-reserve. This attraction is the defensive structures of the Staraya Ladoga fortress, which is called " calling card» northern Russia.

Old Ladoga fortress

The strategically impeccable position for the defense of Russian lands where the Ladozhka River flows into the large, navigable artery of the Volkhov was noticed by Prince Rurik, who was called upon by local residents in 862 to reconcile the warring tribes. He ordered to build a city here.

The construction of the defensive structure at the turn of the X-XI centuries is attributed to Prince Oleg. The first wooden fortress, given the number of people who wanted to own the exit from the Baltic Sea into the depths of Russian lands, did not stand for long.

Stone, difficult for that time fortification, began to be erected in 1114 under the guidance of a local resident, who, according to chronicle documents, was called Pavel the Posadnik. On bulk ramparts with a height of more than 3.5 m and a width at the base of up to 20 m, powerful fortress walls were erected, towering 8 m above the ground.

The walls, built of natural local flagstone, were united on top by a wide, 2-meter passage, which made it possible to quickly change position during the battle. Inside the fortress there was always a supply of provisions and weapons necessary in case of a siege.

At the end of the 15th century, the complicated relations between Russia and Sweden prompted the Moscow government to undertake a large-scale reconstruction of the fortress.

Here appeared combat, advanced far beyond the walls, towers in the amount of 5 pieces:

  • Klimentovskaya;
  • gate;
  • rolling;
  • Arrow;
  • Secret.

They were located along the perimeter, creating not only increased defense capability, but also a menacing view of the entire structure. At the same time, the walls were additionally reinforced with boulders, their height increased to 12 m. Later it was dug secret passage to Volkhov, and in the Tainichnaya tower a well was dug, connected by pipes to the river.

The renewed fortress of the times of Ivan III was a formidable, well-equipped fortification. The fortress was repeatedly subjected to enemy siege, was captured more than once, but each time returned back to the hands of the Russians. She survived the last assault in 1701.

At the end of the Northern War, Peter I, who significantly expanded the territory of the state to the north, ordered:

  • to deprive Ladoga, which has lost its strategic importance, from 1703 of the status of a city and its own coat of arms;
  • rename it to the village "Staraya Ladoga";
  • the local population was ordered to move to the newly built trading city of Novaya Ladoga.

Today, restoration work on the restoration of the ancient fortress has not yet been fully completed. However, the main objects: towers, walls with passages, internal buildings invite visitors to view. There are museums, exhibitions, Orthodox churches.

Manor "Uspenskoe"

A two-story rectangular building made of red brick adjoins the outer side of the Assumption Monastery. It is in a deplorable state and gives the impression of a half-abandoned hostel. In fact, this is the country estate of A.R. Tomilin, an art connoisseur, collector and patron of the 19th century.

Many of his artist friends came to Staraya Ladoga to rest and to the open air: I.K. Aivazovsky, O.A. Kiprensky, A.G. Venetsianov, N. K. Roerich, B. M. Kustodiev and others.

Collection of A.R. Tomilina was known for her value, in addition to paintings, she included etchings by Rembrandt. In 1918 it was confiscated and completely transferred to the Russian Museum. Today it is impossible to get into the building, but there is an opportunity to walk through the manor park.

Houses of merchants Kalyazins

On Varyazhskaya Street, whose name has been preserved since the 15th century, there are two houses. Their construction dates back to the 19th century. They once belonged to a local merchant family. The stone house made of Eliseevsky brick combined the functions of housing and a trading shop.

Wooden and brick houses are in good condition, they are part of the museum-reserve. Until the completion of the reconstruction of the Gate Tower of the fortress, permanent expositions were located here: “Merchant Life” and “Archaeology of Ladoga”. After the exhibition was moved to the main territory of the Old Ladoga ensemble, the houses are still empty.

natural attractions

Staraya Ladoga, whose sights are not only man-made, but also created by nature, is attractive for country rest nature, walks, sports.

Volkhov River

Volkhov - a large river in the north-west of the country connects two lakes: Ilmen and Ladoga. Its length is 224 km, on this way it collects the waters of many tributaries and flows in a powerful channel. On its banks are such cities as Veliky Novgorod, Kirishi, Volkhov, Novaya Ladoga and the famous village of Staraya Ladoga.

The Volkhov was part of the route "from the Varangians to the Greeks", its banks were densely populated by Slavic tribes. He also received his name from Slavic legends - that was the name of the eldest son of Prince Sloven, who, according to legend, founded Veliky Novgorod.

Today, the Volkhovskaya hydroelectric power station stands on the river, which regulates the flow of water. Ancient chronicles claim that before the river could change the direction of the flow depending on weather conditions. Volkhov - favorite place recreation for fishing enthusiasts. Breams, crucians, burbots, catfish, pikes and other river fish are found here.


Downstream of the Volkhov, not far from the mound of Prince Oleg, there is man-made caves. In the 19th century, industrial production of white, quartz sandstones took place in these places, the formed underground adits were abandoned after the mines were closed.

No one knows how far the underground labyrinths stretch. Documents and maps have not survived, no one dares to go deep into the dangerous object, some of the corridors have collapsed. The caves may be of interest to tourists for a superficial inspection: bats live in the dungeon and winter here.

Gorchakovsky waterfall

In the village of Gorchakovshchina there is the highest, four-meter waterfall in the Leningrad region.

It is located on a small tributary of the Volkhov, where it makes its jump from a cliff to the bottom of a ravine.

Itinerary for sightseeing on your own for 1 day

For a one-day trip around Staraya Ladoga, you can make the following route:

  • Start exploring the fortress and its historical monuments from 10 am (opening of the museum-reserve) and get acquainted with the defensive structures, the exposition in the Gate Tower, visit St. George's Church and, if it is open, the Church of Dmitry Solunsky.
  • On the way to the Assumption Monastery, you can see the houses of the merchant Kalyazin, the Uspenskoye estate.
  • Tour of the Nikolsky Monastery for men with its main temple.
  • After lunch in a local cafe, you can take a walk to the burial mounds (the burial place of Prince Oleg), walk along the river bank to the caves.
  • The ancient Assumption Monastery with its temples, buildings and stories about events and inhabitants can be left to complete the journey.


Staraya Ladoga, whose sights are located in picturesque place, provides tourists with the opportunity to stay in the village for an overnight stay, a few days or spend a vacation in the nature of the Leningrad Region. For this, a hotel operates here, there are guest houses. 10 km from the village are the cities of Novaya Ladoga and Volkhov, where the choice of hotels is much larger.

Hotel Staraya Ladoga

The hotel is located in the center of the village, 10 min. walk from the bus stop, making flights to Volkhov. His address: st. Sovetskaya, house 6. Free wireless Internet is available on the territory of the hotel, next to the building there is a football field and a cafe. The hotel has a shared kitchen.

At the choice of guests, you can check into a separate 1-4-bed room or pay for a place in a shared room for 4 people. Individual rooms are furnished with single or double beds, wardrobe, TV. For "Standard" rooms, a bathroom with a shower is located in the corridor, "Junior Suites" are equipped with a private bathroom.

The cost of the room is 1600-2300 rubles. Shared rooms are equipped with bunk beds, the cost of a bed is 500 rubles.

Guest house "Barskiy"

The recreation complex is located at: Staraya Ladoga, microdistrict "Barsky", house 11. It offers a private area with parking, a terrace, a barbecue area. There is a shared lounge for evening entertainment. Location guest house convenient for sports: cycling, hiking and skiing. There is access to the ski slope.

The house for 8 people is furnished with 3 bedrooms and a common living room. There is a bathroom. You can rent individual rooms and the whole house. The cost of the house is 8000 rubles.

Cottage Izvoz

Cottage for rent for 6 people with 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms. All rooms are furnished and equipped with household appliances. On the territory there is a recreation area with a barbecue area.

The house stands on the bank of the river, there is a "black" bath. If necessary, a transfer or sightseeing trip to the surrounding area will be organized. The cost is 8000 rubles.

Where to eat

There are no public catering establishments with a high level of service in the village. But no one will go hungry here. Small cafes with delicious, homemade food offer a menu with Russian cuisine.

Cafe Staraya Ladoga

The cafe is located on Volkhovskiy Prospekt, at 24. The pleasant, cozy atmosphere of the establishment, friendly waiters and a menu sufficient for a snack or a solid lunch encourage visitors to leave positive reviews. It is especially recommended to try dumplings, hodgepodge (“like from the oven”) and blueberry tea here.

Cafe "Prince Rurik"

On st. Culture, 3 there is a small cafe that specializes in both national and European cuisine. Tourists who have been here, for the most part, speak positively about the quality of food and portion sizes.

Staraya Ladoga is a village where a lot of ancient and valuable monuments are located in a small area. No less interesting sights can be seen in its vicinity: Lyubshanskoe settlement, Volkhov hydroelectric power station, the Pobedishche tract.

Video about the settlement of Staraya Ladoga

Overview of the settlement of Staraya Ladoga:

Staraya Ladoga, whose sights invariably attract thousands of tourists every year, is a large village. It is located in Volkhov municipal area. This territory belongs to the Leningrad region. Ladoga was considered a city until 1703. Recently the village celebrated its anniversary - the "ancient capital of Northern Russia" turned 1250 years old. Currently, Staraya Ladoga is the local administrative center. Let's take a closer look at the history locality, we will find out what to see in Staraya Ladoga.

General information

This city was previously of great importance for the development of Ancient Russia. Everyone who has visited this place knows that already in the middle of the 8th century a settlement was formed here. Ladoga was considered a fortified hub on major trade routes. Also this place is the first capital of Russia. It was here that Rurik arrived to reign, before going to Novgorod. Currently, Staraya Ladoga is a village located one hundred and forty kilometers from St. Petersburg. Modern life in the village is different from what it was in former times. Now it is associated with measured and calm. What attracts tourists to Staraya Ladoga? Attractions here are presented in a fairly large number. Basically, these are monuments of ancient architecture. Among them, the Staraya Ladoga fortress on the Volkhov River stands out. Its architecture, dating back to the 16th century, has been preserved in this form to this day. The Nikolsky male and Assumption female monasteries of Staraya Ladoga are very popular with tourists. It is believed that the latter was imprisoned, which was the first wife of Peter I. You can also visit the church of Ion the Baptist and the burial mound of Prophetic Oleg. There are two popular museums in Staraya Ladoga: local life and archaeological. It is unlikely that an inquisitive traveler will be able to leave these sights without attention.

Brief historical background

The ship repair and production workshops of Zemlyanoy Gorodishche are the oldest known buildings. They were built from logs. According to dendrochronological data, the wood used for the construction was cut down in the middle of the 8th century. It is assumed that people from Northern Europe worked on their construction. Many archaeological excavations have been carried out in this area. According to the data received, the first Ladoga settlement was founded and settled by the Scandinavians. At the same time, E. A. Ryabinin believes that they were the Gotlanders. Last year, on the territory of Staraya Ladoga, they were again held. In the course of them, a crest was discovered that dates back to the Merovingian era. This is presumably the 7th century AD.

Further development

The first settlement included several buildings. Pillar structures had analogues in Northern Europe. They were located about two kilometers south of At that time, this region became a kind of center for the intersection of the interests of the ancient Germans and Slavs, as well as local Finno-Balts. Later, the Ilmen Slovenes destroyed the Ladoga settlement. Later, this area was built up with structures that had a log structure. The people who became the first inhabitants of Ladoga and those who settled here later had completely different cultural traditions. There was no continuity between them.

Construction of the first fortress

Ladoga developed as a trade and craft settlement. In the 9th century, during internecine wars, it was once again destroyed. Only a decade later, the first fortress was erected here. Its design was similar to the neighboring Lyubshanskaya. Ladoga from a small trade and craft settlement has turned into a typical city of Ancient Russia. Its total area was about twelve hectares.


For a major trade route, the city was one of the important points. During regular excavations carried out on the territory of Staraya Ladoga, a birch bark scroll was found. The image of a boat was imprinted on it. It is mentioned that the grave of the Prophetic Oleg is located here. At the same time, the Kyiv version is strikingly different from this one. She suggests that the burial is located on Mount Shchekovice. At the very end of the 10th century, Ladoga was attacked by the Varangian Eirik. Later he became the Norwegian ruler. The very first fortress stood in Ladoga for more than a century. She was destroyed.

Old Ladoga fortress

It was founded in 1116. The order to create a stone fortress was given by the posadnik Pavel. At present, this place has become the "heart" of Staraya Ladoga. The ancient building is located on the site where the Elena River flows into the Volkhov. The Old Ladoga fortification was of strategic importance during the period. This place was considered the only possible harbor for a shelter sea ​​vessels who were not able to overcome the rapids of the Volkhov. The first local fortification was built during the time of Prophetic Oleg. Currently, the Staraya Ladoga Fortress is open to the public.


At the beginning of the XVIII century, Peter I founded which was located at the mouth of the Volkhov. The former settlement lost its city status and the right to use its own coat of arms. The place was given a new name - "Staraya Ladoga". Excursions to the settlement, which are held today, will not leave indifferent any lover of ancient Russian history. The estate "Uspenskoe" was considered a local cultural center. She was very close to the settlement. Many famous people spent their time here.

Modern realities

In 2003, the sights of which do not lose their relevance to this day, celebrated their anniversary. At that time, the settlement existed for 1250 years. This event attracted the attention of the press and authorities. The President gave special orders to prepare for the celebration of the anniversary. Vladimir Putin visited the village twice. Today, one-day excursion routes are organized to Staraya Ladoga. During them you can get acquainted with the history of the village, the main events that took place here. The cost of the trip is 1090 rubles.

Museum "Staraya Ladoga"

In the 70s. restoration work was going on here. They were led by A. E. Ekk. Soon renewed expositions were opened. Also, the first visitors were able to look at the exhibits of the local history museum. Later, excavations began on the territory of the ancient structure. They were carried out by an archaeological expedition, led by A. N. Kirpichnikov. In 1984, the museum received the status of a historical and architectural reserve of federal importance.


The gate and Klimentovskaya towers were restored back in the Soviet period. There are three more to be reconstructed. A few years ago, the restoration of the Arrow Tower began. The concept of its reconstruction is as follows: it is required to make sure that the superstructure protects the masonry from further destruction. It is assumed that the new tower will turn into a kind of conservation cap for the surviving historical building. Currently, work on the reconstruction of buildings continues.

Dormition Convent

What else is Staraya Ladoga famous for? The sights, the photos of which are presented in the article, are not only examples of ancient Russian architecture. Many of them are closely connected with the religious life of the population. This is the Assumption Convent. The first mention of it in written sources dates back to the 16th century. Assumption Church is the main attraction of this place. It is an architectural monument of the XII century, along with the church of St. George. The latter is located directly in the fortress. The rest of the parish buildings were built in later periods. In the XIII century, this temple served as a dungeon. The monastery became a place of exile for the wife of A.P. Hannibal. At the end of the 20th century, the building was empty. The monastery fell into disrepair in a short period of time. It is currently functioning again.

The festival

What else attracts tourists to Staraya Ladoga? Attractions, of course, are not the only thing that attracts many visitors here every year. A special festival is also held in the village. This event is organized in Staraya Ladoga every year. Its participants are members of craft clubs from many regions of the country. The festival will never leave indifferent lovers of the culture of Europe and the north of Russia. The event lasts for several days. At this time, there is a field camp. Participants act out the capture of the fortress, arrange demonstration fights, compete in archery and show their skills in clay modeling. Not only the guests of the festival, but also the residents of Staraya Ladoga dress appropriately. Thus, the event becomes more realistic. Currently, the festival is actively developing. Its program is being improved and every year more and more participants come here.

Do you want to see the oldest settlement in the Leningrad region, walk along the oldest Russian street, visit monasteries and nature reserves? Plan your trip to Staraya Ladoga is a small village in the Volkhovsky district. Here, according to the chronicles, is the grave of Prince Oleg, was the first place of the reign of Prince Rurik. Today, in Staraya Ladoga, you can find a lot of interesting things - both for history buffs and for those who are in love with places of worship, architectural monuments, or who prefer outdoor recreation.

What to see in Staraya Ladoga

Although today Staraya Ladoga- this is a small village, earlier it was a city called Ladoga. Centuries-old history has left a tangible mark here: literally at the entrance you seem to be transported into the past. Naturally, a significant part of the Old Ladoga sights is connected precisely with history.

architectural landmarks

  • Acquaintance with Staraya Ladoga and its sights should start with a tour Old Ladoga fortress, fortunately, every resident of the village will tell you how to get to it. Initially, the fortress was built here at the beginning of the 12th century, but today you can admire the monumental building of the 15th century. Naturally, time has left its mark on the fortress - it is gradually being reconstructed, but part of the structure still resembles either ruins after the battle, or rocks (the thickness of the walls, by the way, in some places reached 5 m). Previously, the fortress had five towers, but only two were restored - Klimentovskaya and Vorotnaya. You can visit here for a nominal fee - tickets are more than affordable.
  • On the territory of the fortress is St. George's Church, which is also worth a visit and admire the frescoes of the XII century, which are still preserved on the walls. Actually, it is worth talking about this temple separately, so I will pay more attention to it below.
  • Manor "Uspenskoe"- Another place that should definitely be included in the itinerary. It was erected by lieutenant-general Roman Tomilov in the 1780s, but after three decades his son changed the appearance of the estate, adding the so-called "Schwartz House" (stone outbuilding), where a luxurious collection of drawings and paintings, including Rembrandt's brushes, was kept. . Today the estate is part of the Staraya Ladoga Museum. Here are the funds of graphics, painting, frescoes, archaeological and historical household.
  • deserves attention and merchant Kalyazin's house a majestic stone structure, which now houses an archaeological exposition. There is something to see here, because excavations near Staraya Ladoga have been going on since the middle of the century before last. Of course, not all finds are presented in the exposition, but in three halls there are interesting things related to different eras - from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages.

Did you know? If you decide to visit the fortress, St. George's Church, expositions, remember that they all belong to the historical, architectural and archaeological museum-reserve, so you can buy a single ticket.

Religious buildings of Staraya Ladoga

Their list may take several sheets, but if you go to Staraya Ladoga for a day or two, it is worth visiting at least the main attractions, photos with descriptions of which are found on many travel sites.

  • Since we started our acquaintance with the city from the fortress, the first thing we visited St. George's Church, which has already been mentioned. In addition to frescoes, it is also remarkable for the richness of decorations. According to legend, it was here that Alexander Nevsky consecrated his sword.
  • Holy Assumption Monastery and Dormition Church. The monastery was originally male, but later it was given to nuns (by the way, it was here that Evdokia Lopukhina, the wife of Peter the Great, Evdokia Gannibal, lived; relatives of the Decembrists were also exiled here). Majestic architecture, dramatic history - this is what attracts tourists to the monastery.
  • Nikolsky Monastery- it is believed that it was founded during the victory of Alexander Nevsky over the Swedes. Of the sights of the monastery, it is worth highlighting the bell tower and the Holy Gates made by Tikhvin masters. Parts of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker are kept in the monastery.
  • - today it is assigned to the Nikopol Monastery, but remains the main cathedral for the believers of Staraya Ladoga. The temple is located on Malysheva Hill, so relatively recently it had to be saved: there are many voids and underground passages in the mountain, so the church began to sag. It is believed that the temple was erected on the spot where St. Andrew the First-Called once placed his cross. Initially, the temple was wooden, but in the 17th century a stone structure was erected on this site.

St. George's Church

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

Museums of Staraya Ladoga

First of all, it is worth highlighting historical and architectural museum reserve, which was already mentioned above: this is a fortress, merchants' estates, St. George's Church.
There are in Staraya Ladoga and local history museum, which is located in the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica - a small wooden temple, which was erected at the beginning of the 17th century. Of course, today's church was built later, but it is a complete copy of its predecessor.

Natural monuments of Staraya Ladoga

  • Situated near the village natural monument "Staroladozhsky" with a total area of ​​more than 200 hectares. There are three artificial caves here: Tanechkina (bats winter here), Staroladozhskaya and Malyshka.
  • The complex also has geological outcrops(near Volkhov), which are of value, paleontological fossils. But most an interesting place is the Sopki tract where ancient burial mounds have been preserved. Under one of them, according to legend, Prophetic Oleg is buried.
  • Naturally, burial mounds riddled with passages and catacombs, but tourists have no chance to get inside, since there are no entrances to them. Fans of the biofield theory have found that there are some fields in the Sopki that have a healing effect. However, even if this is not the case, it is worth visiting the mounds to admire beautiful landscapes to the Volkhov and Staraya Ladoga itself.
  • Finally, the list of natural points of interest would be incomplete without Gorchakovshchinsky waterfall which is located near the village. You can get here with a guide from among the locals or on your own. Quiet streams of water and picturesque greenery around will allow you to relax and enjoy being close to nature.

Gorchakovsky waterfall

Staraya Ladoga - what to see in winter

  • If you decide to come here to new year holidays, visit Sopki unlikely to succeed - most likely, they will be covered with snow.
  • But to get acquainted with the expositions of the museum in merchant Kalyazin's house, in the estate "Uspenskoye", wander around the fortress and temples - it is quite possible.
  • Do not forget about Gorchakovsky waterfall: in winter, its frozen waters are a truly delightful sight.

A story about the history of Staraya Ladoga - in the past - a city in Novgorod Russia, now - a village. About the Old Ladoga fortress, about the old monasteries and mounds located on this one.

Staraya Ladoga - what to see with children

  • It is worth noting that, in principle, it is better not to drag kids under five years old here with you - they will be frankly bored. But older kids will love it in the fortress.
  • With schoolchildren it is quite possible to go to tour of the Sopki, but it's better to do it with a guide - his stories will surely come in handy in history lessons, and vivid impressions will stick in your memory for a long time.
  • If you decide to go to Staraya Ladoga, it is most convenient to do this by car, and stop for the night - in.


Two days were enough for us to explore the main sights of the village, but if you want to relax and rest longer (for example, in nature), allocate one more day.

Have you been to Staraya Ladoga? What sights of the village impressed you the most? Share your impressions in the comments.

Not far from St. Petersburg, on the banks of the Volkhov River, there is the Staraya Ladoga fortress. This is one of the most ancient settlements in our country and, according to some historians, the first capital of Russia. Today, Staraya Ladoga is formally considered only a small village. But for tourists who are interested in history, it certainly deserves a visit. In addition, almost the entire territory of Staraya Ladoga is a unique museum-reserve with preserved historical, cultural and architectural monuments of the 8th-19th centuries.

Even if you are not very interested in history and archeology, then you will like this corner of Russia with its beautiful picturesque places, where you can undoubtedly feel the spirit of antiquity, relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Fortress Staraya Ladoga

Staraya Ladoga, Volkhovsky prospect 19

How to get to Staraya Ladoga

  • Staraya Ladoga is located in the lower reaches of the Volkhov River, 125 km from St. Petersburg.
  • By car from St. Petersburg along the Kola highway, about 100 km. Turn to Staraya Ladoga and Myakinino.
  • By train from Ladoga railway station to Volkhovstroy-1 station. Then take bus 23.
  • On the sightseeing bus from St. Petersburg
  • In 2017, a pier was built in Staraya Ladoga near the Nikolsky Monastery, where motor ships cruising along the rivers and lakes of Russia can stop. Most cruises depart from St. Petersburg. In addition to Staraya Ladoga, cruises include stops on the islands of Valaam and Konevets, the village of Mandrogi and others. The routes are very varied and last several days.

Opening hours of the museum-reserve Staraya Ladoga in 2020

  • In winter (from September 1 to May 31)
    • Daily from 9:00 to 17:00
  • During the summer period (from June 1 to August 31)
    • From Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00
    • Mondays from 9:00 to 17:00
  • The Church of St. George is open to visitors in dry, warm weather and only from May 1 to October 1
  • The ticket office closes half an hour earlier

The cost of tickets to the museum-reserve Staraya Ladoga in 2020

  • Entrance to the territory of the fortress
    • For adults - 50 rubles
  • Single ticket to visit all expositions(in the Gate Tower, the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica and the exposition "Archaeology of Ladoga")
    • For adults - 200 rubles
    • For children under 16 - free of charge
    • For children from 16 to 18 years old, students of Russian universities and pensioners - 100 rubles
  • Showroom
    • For adults - 30 rubles
    • For children under 16 - free of charge
    • For children from 16 to 18 years old, students of universities of the Russian Federation and pensioners - 20 rubles
  • Church of St. George
    • For adults - 80 rubles
    • For children under 16 - free of charge
    • For children from 16 to 18 years old, students of universities of the Russian Federation and pensioners - 50 rubles

According to The Tale of Bygone Years, Staraya Ladoga from 862 to 864 served as the residence of Rurik, the legendary Scandinavian prince who laid the foundation for the famous Rurik dynasty. Therefore, we can say that in these years Staraya Ladoga was the ancient capital of Northern Russia. For the next 20 years, Rurik reigned in Veliky Novgorod.

It should be noted that monuments of an earlier age were also found in the village, for example, the exact date of sawing the logs from which one of the buildings was built was established, this find dates back to 753. It is this year that is taken as the date of the founding of Staraya Ladoga.

Two well-known trade routes passed through Staraya Ladoga - “from the Varangians to the Greeks” and “from the Varangians to the Arabs”. Here, in the second half of the 8th century, the first money appeared, their role was played by beads made according to Arabic technology, and the value of such a bead was very high - you could buy a slave for it.

There was a brisk trade on the banks of the Volkhov - the locals sold furs brought from Scandinavia for silver dirhams to the Arabs. This is confirmed by both individual finds and treasures discovered during excavations.

In the Middle Ages, Staraya Ladoga served as an outpost of the Russian lands, repelling the ferocious attacks of its northern neighbors. The first fortress was wooden, at the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century the Varangians laid out a fortress wall with towers made of local limestone. The built settlement became the first stone fortress on the territory of Ancient Russia.

With the founding of St. Petersburg in 1703, Staraya Ladoga found itself far from the border and lost its defensive significance. Historically, there was no large-scale construction in the village, and to this day, a cultural surface layer 2-5 meters deep, filled with archaeological finds, has been preserved here.

Interestingly, before Peter the Great, the settlement was called Ladoga. In 1702, at the direction of the emperor, not far from Staraya Ladoga, at the mouth of the Volkhov River, a shipyard was created, for which masters of shipbuilding were resettled from the Russian North. In 1704, Peter founded the city of Novaya Ladoga here, and the former settlement was called Staraya Ladoga.

In 2003, the 1250th anniversary of Staraya Ladoga was solemnly celebrated, ancient capital Russian state.

In Staraya Ladoga you will see historical, cultural and architectural monuments. The territory of the village is unique - in the entire history, only two percent of it has been excavated. Being in Staraya Ladoga, you will walk on a layer of earth, in which finds from wood and glass, bronze and iron, leather and fabric have been preserved.

The main attraction of Ladoga is the fortress, built in the place where the Ladoga River flows into the Volkhov River. The fortification was of great importance for protecting the waterway from the Baltic Sea deep into Novgorod Rus.

At present, we will see only a fortress built here in the 16th century, although fragments of an earlier structure have also been preserved. The thickness of the walls of the fortress reaches 7 meters, and the height of the towers is 12 meters.

On the territory of the fortress is St. George's Church of the XII century. Often this snow-white temple, crowned with only one dome, is called the Ladoga bride. The church has preserved a very unusual fresco dedicated to St. George. Most often, the Saint is depicted with a spear striking a snake, but here he holds a banner of victory in his hand, and a pacified dragon allows the princess to behave on a leash.

  • Nikolsky Monastery was founded in honor of the victory in 1240 of the Russian army over the Swedish. On the territory of the current monastery there is the Church of John Chrysostom II half of XIX century with picturesque frescoes, as well as St. Nicholas Church and the bell tower
  • Be sure to walk along Varyazhskaya Street, famous for the fact that it was in this place that objects of the 9th-10th centuries were found. On Varyazhskaya street you will see the symbol of the village - a small sculpture of a falcon made of bronze. There is also a chapel of the beginning of the 20th century and two museums - the Museum of Merchant Life and the Museum of Archeology of Ladoga.
  • The Old Ladoga Assumption Monastery was founded in 1156, and was first mentioned in the 15th century. Originally it was a male monastery, later transformed into a female one. The monastery became the place of imprisonment of many famous women. So, in 1718, Evdokia Lopukhina, the first wife of Peter the Great, was brought here, and in the 19th century, relatives of the Decembrists were kept here. The main attraction of the monastery is the Assumption Cathedral, built in the XII century - in the pre-Mongolian period.
  • The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist is located in the place where the John the Baptist Monastery used to be. The temple stands out with green domes; it seems to float between earth and sky. Ancient frescoes preserved in the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist
  • One of the sights of Staraya Ladoga is Oleg's grave, which is a large barrow. According to legend, it was in Staraya Ladoga that the ancient Russian prince Oleg was buried. According to the Kyiv version, Prophetic Oleg was buried in Kyiv on Mount Shchekovitsa. Both legends tell that the cause of the prince's death was a snake bite.

According to legend, the Magi predicted the prince's death from his horse. Then Oleg ordered the animal to be taken away. A few years later, when the horse had already died, the prince came to his grave and grinned, remembering the prediction of the Magi. At that moment, a snake crawled out of the horse's skull and bit Oleg.

In addition, there are caves in Staraya Ladoga, the largest of them is Tanechkina. Its length is more than 7 km. In one of its branches there is a lake with a depth of 0.5 meters. Tanechkina Cave is also known for the fact that a huge flock of bats numbering more than 400 individuals lives in it.