Old Town, Rhodes: attractions and photos. Interesting facts about the city of Rhodes - culture, attractions and entertainment Old Rhodes attractions

Greek island Rhodes has been a popular beach resort since the beginning of the 20th century. A sufficient number of first-class hotels, equipped beaches and comfortable infrastructure have always attracted large flows of tourists. Today, Rhodes with dignity holds the mark of one of the most visited Mediterranean islands.

However, Rhodes has to offer not only beach holiday. Its history goes back thousands of years. Monuments of Antiquity and the Middle Ages of the period of the Ottoman Empire and Italian rule are perfectly preserved here. Among the picturesque valleys of the island, charming Greek towns are scattered, as if frozen in time under the gentle Mediterranean sun. In colorful taverns you can fully enjoy local cuisine, for which the best and only fresh products are used.

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What to see on the island of Rhodes?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

1. Rhodes fortress

The fortress of Rhodes was built in the 13th century by the knights of the monastic order of St. John, better known as the Order of the Hospitallers. The walls of the building grew on the site of the ancient acropolis. In the 15th century, the castle was considered one of the most impregnable fortresses the Christian world. The ring of stone walls was over 4 km long. Inside is the Palace of the Grand Masters, built on the site of the Temple of Helios. Only the walls of this castle have survived to this day.

2. Medieval city of Rhodes

Inside the walls of the Rhodes fortress lie the medieval quarters of Rhodes, erected during the reign of the Order of St. John on the foundations of the buildings of the Antique era. There are 10 gates leading to the territory of the old city, located along the perimeter of the fortress wall. The streets of the medieval city are lined with cobblestones, knights once lived in the powerful walls of the preserved buildings, a hospital and administrative offices were located.

3. Street of the Knights

The street of the knights is located on the territory of the Medieval city of Rhodes. It starts at the gates of the Palace of the Grand Masters. Mainly, on this street there are houses of "languages" - national groups of knights who arrived in Rhodes from different countries. For example, there was once the House of the French Knights and the House of Spain. In the Middle Ages, the Order's stables were also located on the Street of the Knights.

4. City of Lindos

Lindos is one of the most ancient cities of the island; it was founded in the 10th century BC. The local ancient Acropolis is second in importance only to the Athenian. The local temple of Athena Lindia was once visited by Alexander of Macendon, and in the 1st century AD. e. Apostle Paul visited here. All city buildings are painted white. Ancient houses are many hundreds of years old, but according to the law, new buildings cannot be erected in the city in order to preserve its historical appearance.

5. Port of Mandraki

The ancient harbor, which was the main port of Rhodes for 2.5 thousand years. At the entrance to the port there are two stone columns, on which in the III century AD. e. a giant 36-meter statue of the Colossus of Rhodes was based (now there are figures of deer). On the stone breakwater there are three medieval mills, preserved from knightly times, and the fortress of St. Nicholas.

6. Fort St. Nicholas

In the past, the fort was part of the defensive system of Rhodes. It is located on the edge of a stone pier - a breakwater built in the era of Antiquity. First, in the 15th century, the central tower of the fortress was erected, called the “Mill Tower”. A few years after the Turkish siege in 1480, the structure was surrounded by a moat and walled. Today, there is a lighthouse on the territory of Fort St. Nicholas.

7. Acropolis of Lindos

The Acropolis of Lindos is one of the most important architectural monuments in Greece. It is located on a rock overlooking the sea. The first pagan temples appeared here as early as the 5th-4th centuries. BC. The main sanctuary of the Acropolis is a temple in honor of Athena Linda, who was considered the patroness of the island. Many buildings are quite well preserved to this day, so tourists can see not only the ruins.

8. Acropolis of Rhodes

The acropolis is located on the hill of St. Stephen, where Monte Smith Park is located today. It consists of a stadium, an amphitheater and the remains of the temple of the Pythian Apollo. According to excavations, the first buildings appeared here in the III-II centuries. BC e. In the era of Antiquity, sanctuaries of the gods, public institutions, and theaters were located on the territory of the Rhodes Acropolis. The main artifacts were discovered as a result of excavations in 1912-1945.

9. Rhodes Stadium

The stadium is located on the territory of the Acropolis of Rhodes. It was erected in the II century BC. Sports competitions were held here dedicated to the sun god Helios, who, along with Athena, was considered the patron saint of the island. It should be noted that the Rhodes athletes were among the strongest in ancient Greece. They constantly won prizes in competitions and earned numerous awards.

10. Ancient Kamiros

An ancient city in the north-west of the island, one of the most powerful cities of Rhodes, which flourished in the 5th century BC. Kamiros maintained economic ties with Asia Minor and mainland Greek city-states, actively developed Agriculture and minted his own coins. In the III century AD. a devastating earthquake occurred in Rhodes, as a result of which the inhabitants left Kamiros, and the city fell into decay.

11. Mount Filerimos

The hill on which one of the best viewing platforms of Rhodes is located. From here you can see the ancient city of Ialyssos and the resort of Ixia. Also on the top and slopes of Filerimos there are the ruins of the ancient Greek temples of Athena and Zeus and the picturesque Christian cathedrals of the XV-XVIII centuries. In the 16th century, a monastery of the Virgin Mary was built on the mountain, where they placed a miraculous icon created by the Apostle Luke. At the entrance to the mountain rises an 18-meter concrete cross.

12. Tsambika Monastery

The exact date of construction of the monastery is unknown. Since the 15th century, the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary has been kept here. It is believed that she helps childless couples conceive a child, so the flow of pilgrims to this place never dries up. Tsambika Monastery is divided into lower and upper. On the territory of the lower monastery there is a temple with an icon, an Orthodox museum, a cafe and a souvenir shop. The upper part of the monastery is located on top of a hill, offering a magnificent view of the beaches of Tsambika.

13. Church of Our Lady of Lindos

The temple was built in the XIII century, it is located in the center of the ancient city of Lindos. Over the following centuries, the church was reconstructed more than once, one of the large-scale restorations was carried out under Pierre de Aubusson, Grand Master of the Order of St. John. The interior of the temple was renovated in the 20th century during the rule of the Italians in Rhodes. The church has a very picturesque snow-white facade, which contrasts sharply with the bright red tiled roof.

14. Kahal Shalom Synagogue

The Jews settled in Rhodes more than 2.3 thousand years ago, but the first synagogues began to appear already in the Middle Ages. Kahal Shalom is considered the oldest synagogue in Greece; it was built at the end of the 16th century and worked until the 30s. XX century, before the advent of the fascist dictatorship. The Jews were expelled from the island, and the synagogue was abandoned. Today, the synagogue has opened its doors again, but only during the high tourist season, when a sufficient number of tourists come to the island.

15. Church of St. Nektarios in Faliraki

Saint Nectarios is a fairly revered figure in the Greek Orthodox Church, despite the fact that he was canonized relatively recently. It is believed that it helps the sick to heal from ailments. A small temple in his honor was built at the expense of pilgrims. The church was built in the classical Byzantine style. The facade of the building is distinguished by an unusual terracotta shade and is decorated with graceful columns.

16. Church of St. Panteleimon in Xi'an

The temple is located in the center of the small village of Sian, which is 65 km away. from Rhodes, on the slope of Mount Akramitis. The temple was built in the XIV century from natural stone. Along the edges of the main facade are two symmetrical clock towers, the roof of the building is covered with red tiles. Church interiors are luxurious, the ceiling is decorated with magnificent frescoes and trimmed with gilding.

17. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes

The museum funds exhibit an extensive collection of artifacts found during excavations on the island. Many exhibits are over several thousand years old. One of the most valuable items in the collection is the statue of Aphrodite of Rhodes, dated to the 1st century BC. The sculpture is made of Parian marble. Also in the museum there are statues of gods created in the VI-V centuries. BC.

18. Monolithos Castle

Castle of the XV century, built by the knights of the Order of St. John. Like most similar structures of that time, Monolithos was built for defensive purposes. The construction justified its purpose - in the entire history of its existence, the castle has never been taken by storm. Now the building is in a very neglected state, as over time it has undergone serious destruction.

19. Kritinia Castle

A 16th-century defensive structure built during the reign of the Hospitallers. The castle was built in the Venetian style. Due to its convenient location, a panoramic and very convenient view opens from the walls, which made it possible to observe enemy maneuvers. After the siege of 1480, the castle was badly damaged. The knights of the order decided to start restoring it later, but as a result of the defeat in the struggle for Rhodes, these plans were not destined to be realized.

20. Rodini Park

The park is located a few kilometers from the center of Rhodes. It is considered the oldest landscape park in the world and one of the main attractions of the island. It is not known exactly when Rodini was founded, but in Roman times the park was already a popular place for walking and relaxing. Parts of Roman aqueducts have been preserved on its territory, centuries-old cypresses and pines grow here, and there are also small lakes.

21. Kallithea Springs Baths

Thermal springs located in Kallithea - resort village, which is located near the city of Rhodes. The complex of baths was built in 1928 as part of the development of the tourist infrastructure on the island. The building of the baths was built according to the project of P. Lombardi, in our time it is considered valuable architectural monument. The baths worked until 1967, after which they were closed for 40 years. The reopening took place in 2007.

22. Seven Sources

A natural attraction near the village of Kolymbia, located on the way from Rhodes to Lindos. Seven Sources is a network of small streams and springs that gush directly from the rock and form a lake with the purest drinking water. The area itself is quite picturesque, as it is located among a relic forest overgrown with pines, cypresses and plane trees. To get to the lake, you need to go through a small tunnel.

23. Butterfly Valley

The protected area, located about 27 km. from the city of Rhodes. Lush green vegetation grows in this area, waterfalls beat, numerous streams merge into small lakes. Even in the hottest weather here you can find the long-awaited coolness. In summer, thousands of colorful butterflies fly into the valley, due to which the entire landscape is covered with a bright colorful carpet. The place is considered unique not only in Greece, but throughout Europe.

24. Rhodes Ostrich Farm

More than 120 ostriches live on the farm, as well as deer, camels, birds, donkeys and goats. For the entertainment of visitors, rides on huge birds are organized. As in all such places, the farm has a shop where customers are offered products from various parts of the ostrich. The local restaurant serves meat of this bird and scrambled eggs from huge eggs for lunch. The farm is located near the village of Petaloudes.

25. Agati Beach

A picturesque piece of coastline with golden sand and the cleanest sea azure shade. The beach is located near the village of Haraki. Agati is popular with tourists with children due to its rather gentle descent into the sea. The beach has a developed tourist infrastructure with taverns, sunbed rentals and other services. "Agia agati" in translation means "holy purity."

26. Tsambika Beach

A beach located at the foot of Mount Tsambika, the surroundings of which are considered the most beautiful places on Rhodes. The beach has a fairly long sandy strip, it is distinguished by increased purity and transparency of the sea. Numerous cafes, sports centers and entertainment are at the service of tourists. Quite a popular pastime is quad biking around the beach.

27. Cape Prasonisi

The cape is located in the southernmost part of the island, it is connected to Rhodes by a narrow sandy isthmus. In winter, the waters of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas flood this passage, and in the summer they recede, forming a magnificent sandy spit, which is used as a beach. Cape Prasonisi is a popular spot for kitesurfers and windsurfers.

28. Agios Pavlos Bay

The bay of Agios Pavlos is located near the ancient Acropolis of Lindos. It is believed that in the 1st century AD. Here the apostle Paul landed. There is a beautiful sand and pebble beach, equipped with all the necessary infrastructure. Natural ledges of the surrounding rocks serve as springboards for jumping into the water. In honor of St. Paul, a small snow-white church was erected on the territory of the bay.

29. Anthony Queen Bay

The bay is one of the most scenic spots Rhodes. It is named after the actor E. Queen, who was popular in the first half of the 20th century. In the 60s. the actor acquired a plot of land and settled on the territory of the bay. According to another version, it is believed that the authorities of Rhodes were so pleased with the presence of the star that they granted him land for perpetual use in exchange for the creation of a cinema center on the island. But Quinn did nothing and was forced to leave.

30. Water park in Faliraki

A popular amusement park located on the territory of the resort town of the same name. The water park has areas for children of all ages, so even the smallest visitors are safe. Near the complex there is a beach, many shops, restaurants, souvenir shops. In the high season, there is always a large influx of tourists in the water park, which is why queues form at the slides.

Everything about the island of Rhodes: hotels, entertainment at sea, holidays on the beaches and excursions. Author's photos and videos, reviews of tourists. Location of Rhodes on the map.

Rhodes is the island of knights and a real gem of the Mediterranean, warmed in the rays of the god Helios himself. The Aegean Sea for a long time hid this piece of paradise from all people and gods. But, as the ancient legend says, one day the waves parted, and the island that appeared struck even Zeus with its beauty. Rhodes got its name from the beloved of the god Helios - the nymph Rhodes. In honor of their powerful and beloved patron Helios, the inhabitants of the island many years ago erected a majestic statue of the Colossus of Rhodes, more than 30 meters high! Unfortunately, due to a strong earthquake, the statue was destroyed and has not survived to this day, but the god Helios still envelops the island with his gentle and warm rays.

the beauty paradise island, according to legend, is similar to the unique beauty of Helios's beloved. The transparent sea washes the island and gives travelers fresh sea coolness, picturesque bays are real paradises hidden from prying eyes. Luxurious and outlandish herbs, sprawling lush trees - the island of Rhodes is incredibly rich in amazing creations of nature. The island is of great value to the whole world: priceless archaeological finds, huge cultural heritage and incredible ancient artifacts scattered throughout the island - what could be more interesting and exciting?

Port of Rhodes- useful background information.

The island has amazing rich history which is reflected in many unique and ancient monuments. ancient legends and historical events left their mark in every corner of the island. Modernity is surprisingly harmoniously combined with ancient traditions and customs. The capital of the island fabulous city Rhodes has two opposite sides.

The first is a delightful medieval city, which is surrounded around the perimeter by high and ancient fortress walls. "Island of the Knights" - so called Rhodes in ancient times. Some streets have preserved their medieval appearance so precisely and unchanged, as if one part of the city lives in another time. The Palace of the Grand Masters of the Order of St. John, located at the very end of the ancient street of the Knights of St. John, is a real gateway to past centuries. Outside - majestic towers and ancient gates, and inside - magnificent halls with expensive furniture and interior items from different eras.

The second side of the sunny island - modern and popular resorts where it boils night life, and fun flows like a river, and city holidays and celebrations thunder every two weeks on the wide streets. Hundreds of chic or modest hotels welcome travelers all year round. Noisy discos and clubs, bars and casinos, countless shops and unique buildings - the atmosphere of modern Rhodes envelops and takes you into the world of immense fun and celebration.

Climate on the island of Rhodes: the melody of the sun

On the island of Rhodes, the climate is typically Mediterranean: freshness and coolness on hot days are brought by sea northern winds. The sun in these parts warms the inhabitants most of the year. Winter in Rhodes is warm, the air temperature almost never drops below zero. Snow is a fairly rare phenomenon, which in most cases is replaced by rain. The hot sun, sea breeze, warm water and kilometers of sandy beaches are the perfect combination for relaxation!

Landmarks of Rhodes. What to watch?

The ancient city of Rhodes is the incredible capital of the island, a real gateway to the past. Everyone who sets foot on the land of the island must definitely visit this unique place: the ancient winding streets, the quarter and the street of the knights, on which the Palace of the Grand Masters majestically rises. An excellent view opens from the fortress walls, especially in the evening. Night illumination of outlandish lanterns gives the city an atmosphere of mystery and mystery. In the city, you can try delicious homemade ice cream and grilled corn.

In the city itself, you can relax in Rodini Park. Wooden bridges, picturesque paths, outlandish birds are great place for walks. Mount Monte Smith rises above Rhodes, which offers incredible views of the west coast. On the mountain you can find the remains of the Temple of Apollo, a stadium and a theater made of white marble.

Interested in what to see in Rhodes? Be sure to visit the city of Lindos! Ancient Lindos is a real gem in the treasury of the ancient sights of the island. The ruins of the ancient world form here a single whole with modern buildings, and sandy beaches - with places of priceless archaeological finds. A walk around Lindos should begin with the church of Panagia, which clearly feels the spirit of post-Byzantine antiquity. Even more interesting in Lindos is the acropolis with the temple of Athena, and not far from it, a real knight's castle with an outlandish Hellenic port delights.

The island of Rhodes is incredibly rich in all sorts of sights and ancient curiosities. The attention of travelers is attracted by all kinds of castles, one of which is Monolithos Castle. Stunning landscapes, coniferous plants, luxurious valleys and clean mountain air - the surroundings of the castle are no less picturesque than the medieval fortress itself.

Another magical place where everyone will believe in a miracle is the Butterfly Valley. You can find the Valley of Petaloudes to the southeast of the settlement of Theogolos. Emerald greenery, small lakes, fast streams and amazing waterfalls... The wonderful reserve attracted not only people, but also rare species of butterflies that soar up when a person approaches.

The Rhodes fortress is an ancient building known all over the world. The fortress was built in the Middle Ages, and for two hundred years it protected the locals from invaders. In the 16th century, Italian masters strengthened the building even more, erected new towers, made the fortress walls even thicker, and the moats deeper.

Near the small village of Syana, which is located on west coast, amazing old buildings are spread out. The main attraction of the village of Syana is the monastery of St. Panteleimon, the most ancient Orthodox shrine. Every year, hundreds and thousands of pilgrims visit the monastery to look at a tiny particle of the relics of Panteleimon, the great martyr and healer. The interior of the monastery is as impressive as its majestic exterior, and in the village of Siana you can taste local wine and dine on seaside cuisine. The holy places of Rhodes are famous all over the world.

Another village hidden in coniferous forests and olive groves is Asklipio. According to ancient legends, the settlement is named after the ancient Greek god of medicine. Artifacts dating back to the 17th century BC have been found on this land. In this settlement is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin - the oldest church in Rhodes. Not far from the temple, the Folklore Museum is of interest, and the ruins of the medieval castle in Asklipio are interesting for their archaeological finds.

Stunning and mesmerizing monument ancient culture- Ruins of ancient Kamiros. This is the third city that, together with Lindos and Ialyssos, formed the powerful state of Rhodes many centuries ago. Not far from the city of Rhodes is a small settlement of Archangelos. The village is surrounded by citrus plantations, olive groves and countless vineyards. Archangelos is famous for the ruins of the castle of the same name. Not far from Archangelos, you can find a house with an ancient bell, according to legend, luck will follow whoever rings it.

Rhodes resorts. Holidays in Rhodes

Holidays in Greece on the island of Rhodes are so multifaceted and exciting that there is absolutely something for everyone here. Resorts in Rhodes are countless, and each of them is amazingly beautiful. Lovers of water sports (windsurfing and kitesurfing) are kindly welcomed by the resort of Ialyssos. The beach cover is sandy with an admixture of pebbles, which is not always suitable for families with small children. Choosing Ialyssos is recommended if you plan to travel around Rhodes in a rented car and not depend on transport schedules.

The next resort area is the city of Rhodes, where a rich nightlife takes you into an endless dance of lights and loud music. During the day you can walk along the narrow streets, visit the shops, small shops and sit in a cozy restaurant. If you are a fan of crowded places, noisy fun, active nightlife or going on vacation without an escort, Rhodes is just for you!

What should be the ideal beach holiday? Transparent water and clean sandy beaches, picturesque views and modern five-star hotels - all this is the resort of Kallithea, located near Rhodes. This is an ideal option for lovers of a calm, quiet holiday. If the boundless skies, the water surface and beautiful beaches more important to you than the bustle of the city, welcome to the resort of Kallithea!

The sandy beaches of Rhodes and the warm sea remain in the hearts of everyone who comes here one day. For a holiday in Rhodes with young children, the resort of Faliraki is perfect. Golden fine sand, deserted coasts, peace and quiet - what could be better? For nightlife or entertainment, you can always go to the nearest city, and Faliraki is more popular among the elderly or families with kids.

The beaches of the island of Rhodes, as well as beach resorts, you can choose infinitely. But another great place for families with children or an unforgettable honeymoon is the resort of Lindos. With the arrival of tourists, Lindos comes to life, but entertainment is mainly represented only by a variety of bars. But there are many cozy and romantic restaurants where you can spend an unforgettable evening together, and then stroll through the cozy and quiet streets of the ancient city.

A little south of Lindos are two tiny villages - Chiotari and Gennadi. Here you can stay in a hotel or rent a cozy private villa. This is perfect place for those who are really tired of civilization, the modern noisy world and the gray everyday life of the metropolis. deserted beaches, endless spaces and, most importantly, silence - these are the main components of a wonderful holiday in Chiotari or Gennadi.

How to get there

By plane Rhodes Airport is located at a distance of 16 km from the city of the same name, on the west coast of the island. He's bound charter flights with many countries. Domestic flights - Athens, Thessaloniki, Lesbos, Kos, Sandorini, Crete, Paros, Mykonos. Airport: (+30)22410 889-11 By ferry You can get to Rhodes both by ferry and Ferry boats (the so-called "rockets") from Athens and Thessaloniki.

Port Authority: (+30)22410 276-95, 286-66, 236-93

Photos of Rhodes (68)

Despite the fact that interesting places scattered throughout Rhodes, I give the palm among its attractions without a shadow of a doubt to the old part of the capital of the island. If the city as a whole has become for me a kind of quintessence of everything that is collected on this amazing island, then its old part clearly claims the role of a precious stone in a golden ring, whose name is Rhodes.

And despite the fact that the old part of Rhodes is a real museum city, ordinary people still live in it: looking at their modest houses with unlocked doors and curtains not fully drawn, you think that they feel quite comfortable in the epicenter cultural life of the city.

To get to the Old Town, first of all, you should buy a ticket to the city of Rhodes, the cost of which, depending on where you are staying, ranges from 1.1 to 9 euros. The highest cost for tickets to the capital is from Cape Prasonisi, since you will have to travel across the entire island. Buses from major settlements depart to Rhodes about once an hour, and tickets can be bought both at special kiosks at the bus stop, and simply from the driver - there is no difference in cost, but you can immediately buy a return ticket at kiosks. To get into Old city, the easiest way is to go to the final stop, which is located in the Mandraki port area and is closely adjacent to the city walls.

If you have already stopped in the capital, then you can easily get to the Old City on your own two feet. In order not to go astray, take a map of the capital of the island from the hotel, and if this is not possible, just follow the signs "Old Town" - "Old Town". Entrance to the territory of the Old City is free.

A bit of history

The city of Rhodes, as mentioned above, was founded by the ancient Greeks in 408 BC. At the same time, the city was originally of particular importance, becoming the capital of the island and uniting the once independent policies of Lindos, Kamiros and Ialyssos.

After that, the island was successively dominated by the Romans and the Byzantines who replaced them. In those days, the capital of the island was surrounded by powerful walls, some of which have survived to this day. During the Byzantine period, the island was repeatedly attacked until the Genoese finally captured it in 1248, and the weak Byzantium was forced to accept the loss of Rhodes.

Of course, the Turkish Sultan did not like the fact that the base of Christian warrior monks - and the Hospitallers, like the Templars, had the status of a spiritual brotherhood at that time - was located in close proximity to its borders. In many respects, this is precisely why at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries, the Ottoman Empire, which was at the peak of its power, threw all its forces into knocking out the knights from the island. It was possible only on the second attempt, after a six-month siege, and even then as a result of betrayal. Prior to this, the garrison of the fortress, consisting of 7 thousand men at arms, successfully repelled the attacks of the 100 thousand Turkish army.

The biggest loss to the Old City during the Ottoman period was the destruction of the Palace of the Grand Masters, caused by the explosion of a gunpowder store in 1856.

Only in 1948 the island became part of Greece again.

Despite the fact that there are nine entrances to the Old City, the Amboise Gate and the Sea Gate deserve special attention, first of all. The former are notable for having a zahab or stone bag right behind them. There are similar elements in many fortresses and they were used as a trap: at the very height of the siege, the outer gates suddenly opened, allowing parts of the besiegers to get inside, where the inner gates stood in their way, at this time the outer entrance was closed again, and the soldiers who were trapped methodically shot with bows.

The Sea Gate is perhaps the most beautiful of the entrances to Old Rhodes. Massive towers are made in the same manner as the Neapolitan fortress Castle Nuovo, as well as the city gate Torres De Cuart in Spanish Valencia. Above the entrance are depicted the Virgin and Child, the Apostle Peter, as well as the patron saint of the Order of the Hospitallers, St. John.

Monuments of antiquity

Monuments of the Byzantine period

Monuments of the knightly period

At the eastern end of the street is the building of the 14th-century hospital that belonged to the Order. The fact is that, in addition to participating in hostilities, the Knights of St. John built hospitals for pilgrims to the Holy Land and actively disseminated the achievements of Arab medicine among yesterday's barbarians who inhabited Europe.

Together with traces of the domination of the knights, it is the architecture of the Ottomans that largely determines the appearance of the Old City. The minarets of mosques rise from behind the walls, the main and most beautiful of which is the mosque of Suleiman. Named after Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, under whom the Turks occupied Rhodes with great difficulty in 1522, it was built on the site of the Church of the Apostles destroyed by the Ottomans.

Tourists owe the opportunity to look at it from top to bottom to the nearby clock tower, also built during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. Login to observation deck costs 5 euros, and this price includes admission to a small museum, as well as a free drink in a bar located next to the tower.

However, the Ottoman heritage of old Rhodes is not limited to this - just if you set out to give a detailed description of each of the monuments, you will have to write a separate book.

But if you want to drink a cocktail or smoke a hookah in the fresh air with a view of the Ottoman mosque or ancient ruins, then in Rhodes this can be done, perhaps, only in the Old Town. The cost of a cocktail in such bars is from 4-5 euros, a hookah - from 5-6 euros.

Where to buy souvenirs in the Old Town

As for the souvenirs themselves, in addition to banal magnets, pens and key rings, the cost of which starts from 1 euro, you can bring home something more useful in a practical sense.

Bargaining, by the way, in the shops of the Old Town is possible and necessary. Of course, this is not a 100% guarantee of receiving a discount, but very often the seller is ready to give up 5 to 20 percent of the original price.

If we try to sum up our walk through the Old City, then for me personally it is a unique example of how different, sometimes hostile cultures, religions and eras coexist peacefully in one place. Here, fussy guides and curious tourists peacefully coexist with leisurely local residents, many of whom were born and raised within the walls of Old Rhodes. And although in different parts of Europe and the world preserved ancient cities, we can rightly say that Rhodes is one of a kind.

Most Big City on the island. The city was founded in 408 BC. as a result of the merger of three largest cities islands - Lindos, Yalis and Kameiros. This city was originally built as the capital of the island. This is where the famous colossus of rhodes statue .

The city is located on the northern tip of the island. Most parking lots in the center are paid (they are marked with a blue line). But we found a place not very far from the fortress wall of the old city with free parking. The capital of the island is Big city and it is worth allocating a separate day for the inspection. First we looked at the medieval city, surrounded by the longest fortress wall in Europe - 14.5 km.

We enter the fortress through the gates of St. Athanasius.

We enter the fortress through the gates of St. Athanasius.

Entrance to the old city. Each part of the wall was guarded by one of the so-called "tongues". Each "language" was controlled by a master and represented one of the countries of Europe. Above the entrance is the coat of arms of one of the "languages".

Entrance to the old city. Each part of the wall was guarded by one of the so-called "tongues". Each "language" was controlled by a master and represented one of the countries of Europe. Above the entrance is the coat of arms of one of the "languages".

The fortress walls are impressive. We will then walk around the fortress, I will post it in a separate post.

The fortress walls are impressive. We will then walk around the fortress, I will post it in a separate post.

Part of the city inside the fortress wall is divided by another wall into two parts: residential (about 6 thousand people still live here) and part belonging to the knights of the order. We just entered the residential part and go to the castle of the masters. Cars even manage to drive here.

Part of the city inside the fortress wall is divided by another wall into two parts: residential (about 6 thousand people still live here) and part belonging to the knights of the order. We just entered the residential part and go to the castle of the masters. Cars even manage to drive here.

The houses and streets are ancient. The streets are mostly paved with pebbles.

The houses and streets are ancient. The streets are mostly paved with pebbles.

After almost a century of attempts, the Turks, led by Suleiman the Magnificent, were able to capture the island in 1523. The island was under Turkish rule until 1912. The Suleiman Mosque is an imprint of the period of Turkish rule over the island.

After almost a century of attempts, the Turks, led by Suleiman the Magnificent, were able to capture the island in 1523. The island was under Turkish rule until 1912. The Suleiman Mosque is an imprint of the period of Turkish rule over the island.

Slowly we reached the palace of the Grand Master. The palace was built on the site of the lower acropolis of the ancient city. This is a kind of fortress within a fortress - the palace withstood numerous sieges by the Turks. But after the capture by the Turks, the castle was abandoned and finally destroyed during the explosion in the church of St. John in 1865. Italian architects built the palace again on the site of the old building in 1940. Now the palace is a museum, the entrance to it is paid.

Slowly we reached the palace of the Grand Master. The palace was built on the site of the lower acropolis of the ancient city. This is a kind of fortress within a fortress - the palace withstood numerous sieges by the Turks. But after the capture by the Turks, the castle was abandoned and finally destroyed during the explosion in the church of St. John in 1865. Italian architects built the palace again on the site of the old building in 1940. Now the palace is a museum, the entrance to it is paid.

The palace has a central square.

The palace has a central square.

You can go inside.

You can go inside.

The famous sculptural group "Laocoon", the work of the Rhodes sculptors Agesander, Polydor and Athenodorus, This is a copy, the original in the Vatican.

The famous sculptural group "Laocoon", the work of the Rhodes sculptors Agesander, Polydor and Athenodorus, This is a copy, the original in the Vatican.

The floors in the palaces are decorated with frescoes

The floors in the palaces are decorated with frescoes

Most of the frescoes were brought from other places.

Most of the frescoes were brought from other places.

Column hall of the palace

Column hall of the palace

Inner area

Inner area

Leaving the palace, we go along the street of the Knights. This is the main street of the knightly part of the fortress. One of the best preserved medieval streets in Europe.

Leaving the palace, we go along the street of the Knights. This is the main street of the knightly part of the fortress. One of the best preserved medieval streets in Europe.

Rhodes is one of the most interesting islands Mediterranean. Being an important center of civilization in ancient times, unlike the rest of Greece, it did not lose its significance in the Middle Ages. Thanks to the Knights Hospitaller, who built their headquarters here, he acquired numerous man-made sights. No wonder the Old Town of Rhodes is considered one of the best examples of fortification architecture in the world.

Street of Knights

The Street of the Knights is one of the best preserved architectural artifacts in the entire Dodecanese. It served as the main artery of the city even in antiquity - there was a road that connected the Great Port with the Temple of Helios.

But the real fame came to her later - already during the reign of the knights.

You may have visited medieval cities before, but you are unlikely to find a place where immersion in the Middle Ages takes place as clearly and deeply as in old Rhodes. Modern buildings are not visible from the Street of the Knights, and therefore, walking along it, it is very easy to believe that time has turned back and you are back in the 15th century.

On the street of the knights, the houses are built in the styles of the countries participating in the Order

Another feature of the Street is its multinationality. Once it was built for prominent guests of the order - knights and dignitaries who came here from different countries. To make them feel more comfortable on the island, the architectural ensemble of each building speaks of its belonging to a particular country.

The most significant building is the residence of France - it is the most richly decorated. In addition to France, there were residences for knights from England, Germany, Italy, Aragon, Auvergne, Provence and Castile.

Palace of the Grand Masters

Perched on top of a hill, the Palace of the Grand Masters dominates the old city.

Once on this very spot stood the temple of Helios, then the Byzantine fortress and only from the XIV century the building that stands now. However, a small correction: the Palace in its original form was thoroughly damaged under Turkish rule, and subsequently, in 1856, it was also severely mutilated as a result of an explosion in an ammunition depot.

The Italians who ruled here, between 1937 and 1940, carried out the restoration of the structure with the aim of serving it as a summer residence for Mussolini, and this is the same view that opens to tourists today. Mussolini himself, by the way, never visited here.

The Palace of the Grand Masters on Rhodes was restored especially for Mussolini

When Rhodes was the capital of the Knights of St. John, the Palace was a symbol of their power and the place from where the 19 Grand Masters of the Order managed the affairs of the Order. In total, the Palace has more than 200 halls and rooms. Among the most notable of them are the Halls of Byzantine icons, the Italian governor, receptions, dances, music, waiting, etc.

In the period from 01.04 to 31.10, the Palace is open to visitors daily from 8:00 to 19:40. The price of the entrance ticket is 6 Euro. For students and persons under 18 years of age, admission is free.

city ​​walls

It is impossible to lose sight of the imposing fortification, from whichever side your ship approaches the commercial port of Rhodes. An impressive 4-kilometer structure surrounds the old city and stirs up the traveler's interest to enter its holy of holies.

The main part of the walls was built by knights in the XIV-XV centuries.

An interesting fact is that different elements of the walls were rebuilt at different times, and it is possible to determine the dates of construction of each element of the fortification by the coats of arms of the Grand Masters decorating them, knowing the time of the corresponding powers.

The walls of the fortress amaze with their grandeur

The city walls around the old city were completed at a time when the use of artillery in combat became ubiquitous. Anticipating the direction of the development of military affairs, the great masters of the Order adapted their fortification to the trends of the times.

That is why the walls grew not so much up as in breadth - in order to withstand the enemy's fire strike. During periods of exacerbation of the situation, the walls were reinforced with ramparts, which made their ability to withstand artillery fire even higher.

Such a thorough approach to construction allowed Rhodes to withstand several major sieges and hold out for 70 years longer than Constantinople. The intensity of hostilities between the knights and the Turks defending the island is already evidenced by the fact that, for example, during the siege of 1480, the walls of the fortress took on up to 1000 cannonballs a day.

O medieval history islands you can learn a lot by looking at the coats of arms on the buildings

The fortress fell only in 1522 after a six-month siege by its 100,000-strong army of Sultan Suleiman the Great. And this despite the fact that the forces of the defenders amounted to about 6000 people, of which only about 1000 could be considered professional soldiers. Impressed by the courage of the defenders, the Turks allowed them to freely leave the island with all the banners, weapons and relics.

Archaeological Museum of Rhodes

Located next to the main entrance to the old city, the Archaeological Museum is of interest only because it is located in a building that once served as a hospital for the Knights of St. John.

Today there is a museum, which exhibits finds found during excavations on the island. And in the period of antiquity, these places were very respected in ancient world, which is already evidenced by the facts that one of the 7 wonders of the world was located on Rhodes, as well as the fact that such famous historical figures as Alexander the Great and the mythical Spartan king Menelaus visited the local temple of Athena Lydia.

The Archaeological Museum is located in the former hospital of the Knights of St. John

The pearl of the exposition is the marble sculpture of Aphrodite of Rhodes. In addition to it, the marble head of Helios, the famous tomb stele of Crito and Timarista, the statue of Zeus of the Hellenistic era and many other exhibits also deserve attention.

The Archaeological Museum of Rhodes during the summer (from 01.04 to 31.10) is open daily from 8:00 to 19:40. The entrance ticket costs 8 Euro. Admission is free for children under 18 and students.

Byzantine churches, mosques and the Jewish quarter

The streets of Old Rhodes give the city a special flavor

A unique feature of Rhodes is the reformatting of the remnants of previous cultures by subsequent ones and the adaptation of previously built buildings to new needs.

What are, for example, the Byzantine churches, adapted by the Johnites to be Catholic, then rebuilt by the Ottomans into mosques and then returned to Christianity again. Or the fact that until 1944, 70% of the population of the old city were Jews, who were subsequently exterminated by the Nazis.

Of course, it is better to walk around the old town of Rhodes with a guide. Moreover, Athena has a very interesting tour that covers all the most significant places in the old city. If you decide, then in the article at the link there are Athena's contacts to write to her and arrange a walk.

If this article was useful to you, be sure to save it to your social network. On the trip, these details can be useful to you more than once.

Rhodes is the realm of calm and serenity. Magnificent warm sea and 300 sunny days in a year - here it is, unforgettable Greece. Ancient history comes to life here, which, of course, was very interesting. We present to your attention the main attractions of the island of Rhodes.

This Greek port city on the Mediterranean coast arose at the end of the 5th century BC. The city of Rhodes for two centuries was dominated by the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. That is why most of the buildings are knightly buildings from the Middle Ages. The city is usually divided into the New with modern buildings, shops and clubs, and the Old, dominated by buildings of the XV-XVI centuries. The old city is surrounded by a powerful stone wall, which held back the onslaught of Turkish invaders. The Palace of the Grand Master, the Acropolis, the Temple of the Pythian Apollo are the most ancient buildings of the Old City. The famous Street of the Knights is lined with stone pebbles placed on edge. It is known that a 40-meter statue of the Colossus of Rhodes towered in the harbor of the city of Rhodes, which was destroyed by an earthquake 60 years after its construction in 326 BC.

Rhodes fortress

The ancient citadel rises on the shores of the stormy Aegean Sea. The fortress, built by the Knights of St. John in the 14th century, served as a defensive fortification of the city of Rhodes from Muslim raids. The ancient impregnable stronghold stretched along the northern coast of the island of Rhodes for 4 km and was the largest fortification in medieval Europe. Its stone walls still bear traces of the siege, where the brick crumbled and collapsed from the blows of cannonballs. The double walls of the fortress, between which there was a "path of death", reliably protected the city from intruders for 200 years. But in the XV century, Castello fell under the onslaught of the Sultan Ottoman Empire Suleiman the Great. The knightly order was defeated, and the fortress came under the rule of the Turks. Today, the territory of the citadel is open to the public.

Acropolis in Lindos

The ancient building, dating from the 14th century BC, is located on the Mediterranean coast at the top of the 116-meter Monte Smith hill in Lindos. The acropolis symbolized the power and wealth of the city. The beauty and grace of this ancient building is fascinating, because over the tens of centuries of its existence, ancient and medieval architecture have intertwined here. The solid stone foundation of the galleries, the arcade of the columns of the temple, the bas-relief of the ship have survived to this day. In the XIV-XVI centuries, the Knights of St. John, ruling on the island, used the Acropolis as the main fortress on the southern borders of the city of Rhodes. The heart of the Acropolis is the temple of Athena Lindia, which leads to the "Heavenly ladder". Climbing the stairs, a man saw only the open sky between the columns, and it seemed to him that he was ascending to the abode of a god.

Prasonisi island. Kiss of two seas

This small piece of land in the south of Rhodes is connected to the island by a short narrow sandy spit. It is in this place that two seas meet - the restless Aegean and the serene Mediterranean. In autumn, the isthmus is immersed in the waters of the two seas, and Prasonisi embraces them. Interestingly, the seas do not mix. This is due to the fact that the salinity of the seas is different, and, accordingly, the density too. The Mediterranean Sea, captivating with the beauty of aquamarine colors, slowly licks sand beach. The Aegean is of a soft blue color, it tirelessly one after another rolls the foaming lambs of its waves onto the shore. The seas merge in a kiss to the very horizon. Connoisseurs of water extreme sports - surfers and kiters - have long chosen Prasonisi. Thrill-seekers from all over Greece come here.

Ruins of the ancient city of Kamiros

Kamiros is one of the oldest Greek cities. It was founded over 3000 years ago in the 11th century BC. and has survived to this day in its original form. It is not known for certain why the inhabitants left the city. Perhaps the reason was the numerous earthquakes that constantly destroyed it. The excavations of Kamiros began at the end of the 19th century and are still ongoing. During this long time, only a third of the ancient city was discovered. During the excavations, a huge number of ancient coins, pottery, statues, altars were found, including the place where the main temple of the city was located - the temple of Athena Kamirskaya. Homer mentioned Kamiros in his Iliad. Peace and silence reign on the age-old ruins, the city fell asleep forever. The artifacts that he left behind speak for him.

Port of Mandraki

The port of Mandraki is located on the Mediterranean coast at the northern tip of the island of Rhodes. This is an ancient harbor, which since 408 BC. received and sent ships. Nowadays, it is mainly visited by snow-white yachts and pleasure boats. But Mandraki is famous not only for this. The port has a lot of attractions, both ancient and modern. There are three ancient windmills here, into which grain brought on ships was unloaded, ground into flour and loaded again onto ships. Fort St. Nicholas - a fortress to protect against attacks from the sea. Today, the citadel has taken on the role of a lighthouse. Ancient myths claim that the famous antique statue of the Colossus of Rhodes was located in Mandraki. It is said that it towered over the harbor, letting ships pass under it.

Faliraki resort

Faliraki, washed mediterranean sea, is a fairly developed tourist center with a large number of hotels, restaurants, shops, nightclubs. The lively nightlife and hustle and bustle have turned this resort into the most popular among tourists. The beaches of Faliraki are considered the best on the island. Fine golden sand, warm sea and the ecology of these places attract vacationers here. As befits a real resort, the beaches have a lot of entertainment: here you can go windsurfing and water skiing, ride a jet ski and a banana boat. If you want to experience thrill- one of the largest water parks in Europe and an amusement park are ready to receive visitors. On the shore there are various cafes and taverns where you can have a bite to eat while admiring the beautiful seascapes from the picturesque Greek terrace.

Filerim Hill

Filerimos Hill is located in the southern part of Rhodes. It is relatively not high - only 276 meters. In the 13th century, a hermit monk climbed to the top of the hill and built a small church here. He brought with him a precious relic - the icon of the Filerim Mother of God, which was painted by the Apostle Luke. The Knights of St. John, who captured the island in the 14th century, founded a fort and a monastery here, which was later destroyed by the Turks. When Rhodes came under the rule of Italy, the monastery was restored, and a chapel and monastic cells appeared on its territory. Today, the monastery is not active, but the temple of the Filerim Mother of God is open to believers. The top of the hill is crowned with an 18-meter stone cross. To reach it, you need to take a walk along a wonderful alley with cypresses. The length of the alley is exactly the same as Jesus walked before Golgotha. At the foot of the cross, visitors have a wonderful view of the sea and the village of Ialyssos.

Monastery of Our Lady Tsambika

On the east coast Rhodes, not far from the village of Archangelos on the mountain of the same name is the monastery of the Tsambik Mother of God. The history of the appearance of the icon in Rhodes is rather mysterious. In the 15th century, a local shepherd was tending goats near Archangelos and noticed a strange glow on the top of the mountain. People gathered and went to the mountains to find out what was the matter. There, in the branches of a cypress, they found a small icon and named it Tsambika, which means “spark” in Greek. On the top of the mountain where the icon was found, a temple was built. But not everyone was easy on the difficult climb, so in the 17th century another chapel was built at the bottom of the mountain. Hundreds of Orthodox from Russia and Europe come here to pray to the icon of the Mother of God, because it is believed that she helps infertile couples conceive a child. Our Lady Tsambika patronizes all those who dream of motherhood.

Palace of the Grand Masters

This heavy block of stone is located on the Street of the Knights in the city of Rhodes. The palace was erected in the 14th century by the Knights Hospitallers (Johnnites) who occupied the island at that time. Until that time, an old Byzantine church stood here, and even earlier - other ancient buildings. The palace served as a real military base for the knights who defended the island from attacks by pirates and Ottoman Turks. This impregnable fortification fortress with thick walls saved the city from siege more than once. From the inside, the place is quite gloomy. High ceilings, stone floors, sculptures, huge fireplaces take visitors to the gloomy era of knights. There are 205 rooms in the castle, where you can see expositions from ancient times to the Middle Ages. Little is left of the original castle of the Masters - after the capture by the Turks, it was badly damaged, so today you can observe the beautiful citadel restored by the Italians.

Thousands of tourists come to Rhodes to take a break from the bustle of the city. Time seems to slow down here, allowing you to enjoy unforgettable moments in this place steeped in history.