Should I go to Jordan now. Jordan to cancel visa fee for tourists

It is quite an interesting destination for tourists. And, of course, for every tourist who wants to go to the region, it is very important what the security situation is in Jordan. Is it worth going there? After all, this country is a neighbor of Syria, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, and these countries cannot be called calm. However, despite such a neighborhood, security in Jordan for tourists today is at a fairly high level; in fact, it is perhaps one of the safest countries for visiting countries in the Middle East. Although, of course, a number of requirements must be observed here.

Criminogenic situation

In terms of crime in Jordan, security in the tourism industry is at a high level; in general, crimes against a person, including theft, are quite rare here. This is due to both long-term and tough laws against criminals.

What should you refrain from?

The most insecure situation in Jordan is on the borders with Syria; it is better to refrain from traveling there. Tourists who, for some reason, nevertheless decided to visit the border areas, should definitely have documents with them, since their checks are carried out there regularly. Identity cards should also be carried by those who go to the border with Israel, such as the region or the valleys.

How to behave in calm areas of the country:

  1. You should not photograph someone without asking permission.
  2. Before visiting, you need to clarify whether non-Christians are allowed to enter there (many of them are open to everyone, but there are also those where only Muslims are allowed to enter).
  3. No need to gesticulate too actively. The Jordanians themselves are active gesticulators, and many gestures have very specific meanings. Therefore, in order not to offend anyone, it is better not to allow yourself unnecessary gestures when talking.
  4. You need to give money and take away purchases (especially food) with your right hand - the left hand in Islam is traditionally considered "unclean".
  5. On and in the territory near the pool, a beach outfit is perceived normally, but it is unacceptable to go to the city in this form. You should refrain from too short shorts, skirts, low-cut dresses and blouses, T-shirts with bare shoulders.

However, the Jordanians are very friendly and tolerant of tourists, so if they break the rules, they usually explain their mistakes to the guests of their country without showing aggression.

Health Preservation

How about health security in Jordan? No special vaccinations are required to visit the country, but it is still better to be vaccinated against:

  • hepatitis A and B;
  • typhoid fever;
  • tetanus;
  • poliomyelitis.

On a trip, you should take a first aid kit with you, since not all the necessary drugs can be found in local pharmacies. In large cities there are quite decent clinics; in small towns, the health situation is worse. Just in case, it is better to insure before the trip, although for both locals and tourists, going to the doctor in an emergency that does not require hospitalization is free.

In addition, you should follow the rules common to visiting all hot countries: do not drink raw water (it is clean here, but its chemical composition is slightly different from the usual European tourist, so it can cause indigestion; for the same reason, you should stop drinking drinks with ice) and do not eat unwashed fruits, stop drinking unboiled milk.

Safety while on holiday at the Dead Sea

When swimming in the sea, you should enter the water in flip flops so as not to cut your feet on sharp shells and corals. You should not dive with your eyes open - the water is too salty. Even for swimming, it is better to use special diving goggles to protect your eyes from accidental splashes.

In addition, poisonous fish and jellyfish are found in the sea; if you encounter them, you should immediately consult a doctor. And in no case should you stay on the beach at noon - the sun is very active here, and you can easily get burned.

Desert visit

The best time to go to the desert is early in the morning. During the day, the sands are very hot, and it becomes unbearable to be there. At night, "forays" into the desert can be very dangerous - a meeting with a snake, scorpion or other poisonous insects is not excluded.

Be sure to bring water, sunglasses, a hat, a scarf with which you can cover your face. Shoes should be comfortable, closed and with thick soles.

Road safety

Traffic in Jordan is on the right. In large cities, roads are usually good quality, but the traffic is quite chaotic, many break the rules, besides, the markings and road signs are clearly not enough. The speed at which you can move within locality- 60 km / h, outside the city - 80. Highway Amman-Aqaba allows you to reach speeds of up to 110 km / h.

Outside the city, the roads are not in the best condition, but the traffic is quite calm. Driving at night is not recommended. Going out of town, you should refuel in advance, because refueling is rare on the roads between cities.

Below we will talk about the unjustifiably forgotten direction of tourism - a country of great culture, beautiful weather, historical monuments, safe and beautiful Jordan. A story about shopping, a short digression into history, a little about the visa and the weather

Jordan, unknown but safe country

To visit Jordan is, indeed, to touch a miracle. Ancient oriental architecture, clear sky, bizarre mountains, olive groves, ancient castles and palaces and the Red Sea, full of life, as well as the healing Dead Sea. Jordan belongs to the countries of non-mass tourism, however, this does not prevent it from receiving more than 3.5 million tourists a year. Mostly French and American. Unlike many neighboring countries, the situation here is very stable and conflict-free. Tours are not cheap, the season is all year round. There is also a holiday on our street, when Jordan can cost $380-400 per person for a Moscow tourist. This opportunity is worth taking advantage of!

What kind of country is this, what is it eaten with? In the middle of the deserts in the Middle East on the borders of Israel and Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria, the state of Jordan is located. This country has an ancient history. Mentions about it date back to the 4th century BC. Therefore, on the territory of Jordan, the most important cultural monuments dating back to different historical eras have been preserved. There is definitely something to see here, the treasures of the country have become decorations for many scenes from the Bible. Here beautiful beaches, and the service of many hotels resembles a royal one.

A constitutional monarchy is when everything is in the hands of the Council of Ministers and the king - these are the political realities of this state.

In the north of Jordan fit very big cities- Irbid and Zarka. The main population is Arabs. However, there will be no problems in communicating with the locals if you speak English. This language is taught in local schools and is very common in this country.

Is it safe in Jordan

Almost 90 percent of the people in Jordan are Sunnis - they profess one of the directions of Islam.

From Aqaba, for example, only a few kilometers to the Israeli resort of Eilat. This alone speaks volumes about the security situation in the country. We are no exception, in many countries this region is little known, but those who know consider rest here to be elite in terms of quality and service.

Jordan is one of the safest Arab countries in the Middle East.

There is a very low crime rate here, apparently due to a tough police regime, some believe that this is the strength of established traditions. Crimes against the person do not occur, they are as rare as, for example, in Thailand.
Jordanians differ greatly from their neighbors in tolerance: if traditions or rules are violated, locals they will not lead aggressively, but calmly and patiently talk about how it is supposed to lead.

There are no unrest and even normal protests all over the world in the country. Some time ago there were several rallies agreed with the authorities in the capital Amman.
In places of resorts, in the vicinity of the Dead and Red Seas, at that time nothing happened at all.

Visa to Jordan for Russians

Just travel voucher on the East Coast The Dead Sea will be in your pocket, you will need to think about the following:

It is possible to obtain a visa both in Moscow and upon arrival in Jordan at the Amman airport;

Be careful, you can carry no more than 200 cigarettes with you to Jordan. So do not stock up on them for the future;

At the airport, local banks or specialized exchange offices, purchase the local currency - the Jordanian dinar. Problems can arise with plastic cards, and foreign currency is practically not accepted anywhere.

Monthly weather in Jordan

Due to the fact that a huge part of the territory is covered with both full-fledged deserts and their peculiar version of "semi-desert", it is warm and dry all year round. The country is really lucky with the weather. The main part of the precipitation falls on the share of the north and west, which are under the influence mediterranean sea. The Jordan River, the Dead Sea, the bays of the Red Sea are the most important natural attractions of the Kingdom of Jordan.

March weather April weather May weather
Amman +16 +23 +28
Aqaba +26 +20 +31 +22 +35 +24
Petra +19 +24 +29
June weather July weather August weather
Amman +31 +32 +32
Aqaba +38 +26 +39 +27 +39 +28
Petra +32 +34 +34
September weather October weather November weather
Amman +31 +27 +21
Aqaba +36 +28 +33 +27 +27 +25
Petra +32 +27 +20
December weather January weather Weather in February
Amman +15 +12 +13
Aqaba +22 +23 +21 +21 +22 +20
Petra +15 +13 +15

Infrastructure in the cities of Jordan

There are various ways to get to your destination. Developed transport system offers bus transportation, fixed-route taxis. However, the irregularity of flights and the poor equipment of the cars are unlikely to leave a good impression on a many-hour trip. You can use the yellow taxi service or rent a car.

So, we are on our way to local shops. The most popular goods among tourists are usually handmade rugs, vessels with multi-colored sand of Petra, ceramic dishes, cosmetics, which are made from the gifts of the Dead Sea. Visit oriental bazaars. Just remember, one of the features of local merchants is their unwillingness to bargain. So be polite and generous.

Take a break from shopping by heading to local restaurants. Numerous oriental treats, sweets and strong drinks await you. People who do not drink alcohol will be offered tea, coffee, all kinds of juices. You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of tap water. It is better to stock up on it in stores for the entire stay. And do not order ice for drinks! Just let them cool down.

All types of communications are available here. mail, internet, mobile connection You won't feel cut off from civilization.

Where tourists are drawn to in Jordan

Most of the attractions are religious in nature. Madaba is worth a visit for tourists interested in the birth of Christianity. You can learn about the ancient Crusades in Karak.

Jerash and Pella became monuments of the times of the Roman Empire. You will visit archaeological sites, plunge into the special atmosphere that is created at the turn of the times. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Wadi Rum by renting a car for independent travel, or using the services of a guide, among whom there are many who speak Russian.

Surely you have heard about the Arab Caliphate that existed in antiquity, but you can learn its history by visiting the Caliph's palaces.

Using the information received and armed with a camera, you will save unforgettable moments of a magnificent trip through the Kingdom of Jordan for a long time.

Amman is the capital of Jordan

Amman, the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, is the most Big city still a young state, with ancient history and unique beauty. The city is as controversial as the whole country. Amman, first of all, modern city, built from stone mined in local quarries. The beginning of the 20th century was a turning point for the city when King Abdullah declared it the capital of Transjordan. But the beginnings of the city's history go back thousands of years.

The echo of antiquity and the connection with biblical events can be caught already in the name of the city. Amman points to the Ammonites and their state, which was called Ammon. In ancient times, the city was called Rabbat-Ammon (biblical Rabbah), and after the conquest by the Greeks, Alexander the Great renamed it Philadelphia. The city was also part of the Decapolis, one of the ten ancient cities on the eastern border of the Roman Empire in Syria and Judea, which, due to their languages, their position and political status, became centers of Greek and Roman culture, while receiving sufficient autonomy and the right to self-government. The heyday of the ancient city - the predecessor of Amman began with its inclusion in the "Provincia Arabia" under the Roman emperor Mark Ulpia Trajan (52-117 AD). It was at this time that a powerful citadel, a Roman forum and a huge amphitheater were built here. But already in the 8th century, when in 750 the residence was moved from Damascus to Baghdad, the city began to fall into disrepair, and during the reign of the Ottomans it turned into an ordinary village.

But Amman did not become a hostage to his ancient history, but seems to its guests today to be an extremely interesting, friendly and diligent city, full of miracles, rumors, impressions, colors and polyphony. Over 1.5 million inhabitants of this wonderful city, located on seven hills, like Rome, in the middle of the desert, predominantly Muslims and Christians, live peacefully side by side with each other. Today's bustling capital of Jordan is the result of rapid development in the second half of the 20th century. Important regional Finance center received an impetus for rapid growth after the proclamation of the state of Israel, when flows of refugees from Palestine poured into the already large city at that time. A significant role in the transformation of Amman into the leading center of trade in the Near East was also played by the fall of the role of Beirut, engulfed in war in the 1970s and 1980s. And the millionaire city continues to grow along the highways leading to it, in the direction of the surrounding hills, swallowing more and more new villages, among which, for example, el-Kuweisme or Kirbet es-Suq can be named.

Amman, which is home to almost half of Jordan's population, is built of white limestone, which is why it is often called the "White City". This city is a charming place full of sounds and aromas, a city that is pleasant to explore on foot and which seems to be an attractive business and administrative center of the country and the entire region. Souk (souq) is a traditional Arab market in the very center of the Old City. Guests of Amman can be recommended to wander through the streets of the Lower City, admire its sights, while watching the pictures of city life. Numerous stalls and shops sell exotic jewelry and souvenirs, in traditional cafes called maqha, men playing backgammon invariably sit, and it seems that such a picture has not changed here for years and decades.

The city of Petra - the mysterious heritage of Jordan

Petra is an ancient city located in modern Jordan, but it was founded at a time when this territory belonged to the state of Edom (Seir). The name "Petra" is translated as "stone" or "rock", which is completely true: many of the city's buildings are entirely carved into the rocks - this makes an indelible impression on those who visit Petra for the first time.

Mysteries of the city of Petra in Jordan

Everything related to Petra is still unknown. How, from what, with what tools were all these beautiful buildings built? Why are so many tombs carved into the rocks, if not a single actual burial was found? How exactly did Peter manage to conquer so many times (it was ruled by the Seirs, Nabataeans, Romans and Crusaders at different times), if in strategic terms the settlement is ideal impregnable fortress? Why are there clear traces of both ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek culture in the city, although neither the Egyptians nor the Greeks definitely conquered it? In general, the mysterious city continues to excite the minds and hearts of researchers, even being located right under their feet!

Petra today

Since 2007, the city of Petra in Jordan has been listed among the wonders of the world and is under the protection of UNESCO. Now anyone can visit it - thematic excursions are held daily. It should be taken into account that you will have to walk to the city, so you should be patient, tune in for a long walk and take drinking water with you. It is also worth bearing in mind the obsession and importunity of local "beggars", who will assure tourists that "to this or that mountain" you must definitely ride a donkey or a camel. In fact, there are only a couple of places in Petra where a donkey is definitely indispensable, in all other cases, beggars should be rebuffed.

A bit of history about the city of Petra

The location of the city was once very successful: it was located right at the crossroads of two trade routes - at a considerable distance from any other settlements on both roads. And this means that the caravans reached Petra already pretty tired, as a result, the inhabitants provided travelers with food, water and rest - naturally, for a reason. Thanks to trade, Petra constantly grew and developed, it was considered a city not just rich, but fabulously rich. Even having ceased to exist around the 7th century AD, the legends about the "innumerable riches of the city in the rock" excited the minds of not only local residents, but also the population of other states. Europeans - since the Renaissance - have long tried to find the city of Petra in Jordan, but only a Swiss traveler managed to do this back in 1812. According to rumors, he tricked the Jordanian guides into showing him the legendary settlement.

Features of the ancient settlement

The city is located high in the mountains: you can approach it only through narrow gorges from two sides, while the rest of the approaches are perfectly guarded by natural barriers - sheer cliffs, which there is no way to get through. Protected by this founders ancient city used with might and main: it was worth blocking two narrow entrances, as the settlement turned out to be completely safe. All this corrupted the local residents a lot, because along with trade, citizens were actively engaged in robbery and robbery. The only problem was water, or rather, its complete absence. But here, too, the architects of Petra once again proved their genius by building long tunnels along the walls of the gorge, through which rainwater flowed and accumulated in special reservoirs. Over time, "pipes" were brought to all wells within a radius of 20 km from the entrances to the gorges, so that the inhabitants of Petra did not suffer from a lack of water at all.

The city itself is spread over a vast area, surrounded on all sides by rocks. The buildings were carved both in the rocks and erected in the usual way in open areas. From these houses now there are only ruins and in some places the foundation, but the rest of the "buildings" have been perfectly preserved! The stone of these rocks has unique properties: its color under different lighting changes color - from intense pink to red and again to light beige. As you can see, the city impresses not only with elegant buildings and the genius of architects, but also with an unusual color that always looks a little different than five minutes ago.

Of the sights of the city of Petra in Jordan, it was originally customary to talk about the Treasury, or Khaznah - an incredible structure, entirely carved into the rock, with graceful columns, porticos and wall decorations. Khazna is very high - in comparison with it, even a camel seems no more than a bee, and a person looks like an insect at all. It still remains a mystery how the inhabitants of those times managed to build such a majestic building, because in the district of Petra there are not even trees from which scaffolding could be built.

In addition to Khazna, in the ancient settlement you can see the ruins of the Roman amphitheater and the parliament building, the majestic colonnade and the valley of tombs, the Palace of the Winged Lions - all this literally strikes the imagination of modern man! Whatever it was, but according to archaeologists, it is only 15% of all the treasures that Petra hides. Excavations are carried out with unceasing intensity, so that every year the veil of secrecy is at least a little bit, but slightly opened.

In general, a visit to this unique - full of mysteries - majestic city will remain in memory for a lifetime - there is no doubt about it!

Shopping in Jordan - features, what to bring

From Jordan it is worth taking Madab wicker rugs, sand bottles familiar to us from Egypt (it is better to look in Petra - there real, natural sand itself has a variety of colors, since it is from the canyons of the rock city, which is interesting because it is not tinted), there are authentic crafts from olive wood and hand-made and semi-factory ceramics, you should pay attention to copper dishes (again, it’s easy to find here not a fake with electroplating, but real copper), jewelry, Bedouin black silver jewelry and a great variety of small things. The cosmetics that you will meet will be unusual and healing, its very origin makes it popular - often it is made from products from the Dead Sea.

Jordan is located at a crossroads in geographical terms, so it is very easy and simple to make a pilgrimage to Israel, visit Syria, and the presence of the Dead Sea coast made it possible to open medical and cosmetic centers using mud and salt.

Shopping is an exciting process

Shopping in Jordan is not the most important entertainment for vacationers: mostly tourists buy gifts and souvenirs for friends and relatives. It is worth noting that bargaining is not accepted in this country, so the process of buying goods on the market differs from the usual ideas about the oriental bazaar - that is, a decrease in the initial cost by 2-3 times.

The behavior of the sellers is exceptionally polite, with dignity: only Bedouin boys who survive by trading in souvenirs will persuade a tourist to buy, they can reduce the price of their goods. However, knowing that the initial cost is already very high, the tourist understands that small nimble sellers will take theirs anyway.

Jordan: national souvenirs

Jordan has always been famous for its masters of arts and crafts: today, tourists are very popular with various handicrafts made from olive wood, copper utensils or ceramics, Madab wicker rugs.

Jordan also has its own souvenir, which cannot be offered anywhere else in the world. Not far from Petra there is a unique place where the earth is painted in different tones - quite saturated and bright. The most popular souvenir from Petra is bottles with such sand. Multi-colored layers of sand will remind you of a wonderful vacation for a long time. True, real - naturally colored - sand is sold in the vicinity of Petra, while in other regions of Jordan, cunning locals have learned to give this or that shade of sand and are now churning out a Jordanian souvenir for tourists who love curiosities.

Jordanian shopping style

Being in Petra, the traveler who has chosen shopping in Jordan leaves with the coveted bottle of multi-colored sand, but when he gets to Aqaba, he is lost. This is justified by the fact that this city has a duty-free zone - a kind of paradise for shopaholics. In local shops you can find both famous brands and offers from home-grown Jordanian designers.

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
(Official name)

Capital- Amman.

Population- 5.2 million people.

Territory- 89492 sq. km.

Language- Arabic, English is very common, there are people who speak Russian.

Religion- The vast majority are Sunni Muslims, there are also Christian Arabs.

Time is 2 hours behind Moscow time; daylight saving time is practiced, due to a mismatch in the dates of transition to which in Jordan and Russia, the "lag" can be 1 hour.

Electricity- 220 volts 50 hertz. An adapter is required for local electrical sockets. You can ask for it at the reception.

Security- many people are afraid to travel in Jordan, and safety is the first thing that worries our compatriots. This is understandable, but worry - in vain! Jordan, despite being an Arab country and bordering on Syria, Iraq, Egypt, is a quiet and very peaceful country. It is safe to walk the streets here at any time of the day or night. However, women should not go out alone in the evening in short skirts, tight shorts, etc.

At the Amman airport you will be met by our representative after receiving your luggage with a sign of the host (to be indicated). He will help you go through all the formalities.

Visa, customs, sanitary and veterinary control - a tourist visa can be obtained at the consulate in Moscow (production time - 1-2 days) or directly upon arrival at the airport of arrival for free. Visa is valid for 1 month. The customs regime is generally liberal. The import of a number of high-demand goods (tobacco products, alcohol, etc.) is limited, including by a duty on excess quantities. When exporting antiquities and antiques, a special permit from the Department of Antiquities is required. The export of any kind of coral is prohibited. The sanitary and epidemiological situation is generally favorable. Presentation of a certificate of vaccination when entering the country is not required.

Weekend- Friday - official day off and Saturday; shops owned by Christians may be closed on Sunday as well. The working day ends relatively early (compared, for example, with neighboring Egypt).

Climate- subtropical mediterranean. It is cool in Jordan in the evening, especially in the mountains and deserts, so a warm sweater can come in handy even in summer. The day is usually warm. The Dead Sea, Aqaba and the hot springs (Main) are warmer than the rest of the country. But do not forget that the sensations with the same thermometer readings in Russia and Jordan are different - at 25 degrees in Amman it can be quite cool, and at local 35 - much more comfortable than at Moscow 25.

Jordan temperature:



Aqaba (WHO)

Aqaba (Water)

Dead Sea (WHO)

Dead Sea (waters)













Souvenirs- wicker rugs from Madaba, bottles with multi-colored sand from Petra (it is better to buy in Petra itself - only real sand of natural shades is used there), olive wood crafts, ceramics and copper utensils, jewelry (cheap gold in Jordan, the price of the metal itself is fixed, but the price for the work can sometimes be "knocked down" by almost half), Bedouin jewelry made of black silver and much more. You can buy Jordanian-made cosmetics based on Dead Sea products. As for the famous therapeutic mud, you can collect it yourself or ask one of the staff at the hotel on the Dead Sea to help you find it.

Currency- Jordanian dinar (1 dinar = 1.42 US dollars). A dinar is equal to 1000 fils and 100 piastres. Banknotes in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 dinars and coins of ½ and ¼ dinars are used in circulation. Money can be exchanged at the airport, hotels and exchange offices. Payment for goods and services usually takes place in dinars, but US dollars are also readily accepted.

Banks throughout the country are open from Sunday to Thursday inclusive from 08:30-15:00, and some reopen from 15:30 and work until 17:30. The offices of the vast majority of companies are open from 08:30 to 13:00 and 15:30-18:30. Government offices are open from 08:00 to 15:00. Shops are open from 09:30 to 13:30, then reopen at 15:30 and stay open until 18:00. Large stores (usually supermarkets) are open without interruption from 08:00 to 20:00. During Ramadan, the holy holiday for Muslims, most shops close early.

Credit cards, and above all American Express, Visa, Master Club and Diners Club, are accepted for payment in all major stores, hotels and restaurants.

Transport. The easiest way to get around is by taxi. The white taxi is private, very cheap, but be prepared for the fact that the driver will only speak Arabic, and other passengers (very different!) will be added to your car along the way. The yellow taxi is official, you can call it by the phone number listed in any local newspaper, or at the hotel in the parking lot, or simply catch it on the street. It is also quite cheap, and much safer. You can be sure that you will be the only passenger. It is better to agree on the price in advance, because the driver does not always use the meter. Taxi drivers are very friendly and know the city well. It is accepted that a woman should sit in the back seat, and a man in the front, next to the driver. Tipping is not required, but it is better to add 200-300 fils to the payment. And you can rent a car. A driver's license valid in your country of permanent residence, obtained at least one year ago, is accepted. Right-hand traffic, like ours. Road signs are written in Arabic and English, but there are also special, brown ones created for tourists. When driving, you must observe the speed limit. If you violate the rules of the road, you must unquestioningly obey the orders of the police to stop. It is not recommended to engage in polemics with police representatives. The fine is usually issued on the spot. Attempts to negotiate a reduction in the amount of the fine can have dire consequences.

Photo services- more expensive than in Moscow. Photographing people is allowed only with their consent, and strategic objects (border points and airports) are prohibited.

Women's clothing, if possible, should not be defiant - do not forget that the majority of the local population are Muslim men and too short a skirt, open shoulders and back far from the beach can attract increased attention to you (do you need it?).

Nutrition in buffet style hotels; European and national cuisine. Food in cafes and restaurants is inexpensive and not fraught with intestinal infections. It is not recommended to drink tap water and eat unwashed fruits.

Alcohol local and foreign production can be purchased at any time, except for the month of Muslim fasting, from local strong drinks you can try "arak" - it is diluted with water, has the color of milk, as well as the specific smell and taste of anise. Local wines (white, rose and red) and beer are also quite good, which are not very expensive and of good quality. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer is offered in many cafes and restaurants (but not all), as well as sold in specialty stores. Drinks in restaurants, meals in which can be included in the price of your program (water, juice, beer, tea, coffee and wine) are served for a fee - about 1 dinar (well, this is the case everywhere ...). Use alcoholic beverages outside is prohibited.

Tips- given in gratitude for good service to hotel staff (0.5 dinars), guide (2 dinars per person), driver (1.5 dinars per person), horse driver in Petra (2 dinars), etc., this practice - unlike Russia - it is widely distributed abroad. Tips usually make up the bulk of the earnings of Jordanians working in the tourism sector - the contract of employment usually indicates some insignificant amount and the postscript "+ tips", so ignoring this issue by you can simply offend the Jordanian.

A television- in some hotels (for example, Movenpick on the Red and Dead Seas) you can find Russian TV channels. Sometimes films with Russian subtitles are shown on Israeli television.

Telephone communications - Telephone code countries - 962. To call from Jordan to Russia, you need to dial 007. To call from one city in Jordan to another, you need to dial 0 (analogue of eight) + city code (for example, Amman +6, Aqaba and Petra +3). Phones that start with 079 and 077 are mobile. When calling them, the caller is charged as for a long-distance call. In some hotels, a call to a mobile phone may be billed as a call abroad. In addition, most hotels charge for at least 3 minutes, which can be inconvenient if you need less time to talk, or if, for example, the person you called had an answering machine. Ambulance - 199. Police - 191. Rescue service - 190.

cellular. In Jordan, the two largest mobile operators are FastLink (code-079) and MobilCom (code-077). The most common is FastLink. It has the largest number of points of sale and the best coverage area. So we advise the owners of mobile phones to purchase for 15 dinars a SIM card of this operator with 5 dinars on the account. A minute of conversation with Moscow will cost you 0.7 dinars, which is much cheaper than using roaming. And local calls cost about 0.1 dinars. Incoming calls are free.

Warning- while swimming in the Dead Sea, you need to protect your eyes: it is best to wear goggles for swimming in the pool, in extreme cases, sun protection is suitable - they will protect your eyes from accidental splashes. You can remove the trapped salt with a corner of the towel (just gently blot).

Optional excursions.

There are many in Jordan interesting places, which you should definitely see and without visiting which your vacation will be incomplete. Some excursions are more convenient to do from the Dead Sea, others from the Red. Below are the most popular tours. It is also possible to organize any other according to your desire. To order, you need to contact our representative and agree on the time of the tour. Applications for excursions must be given no later than 1 day before the start.

Excursions from the Dead Sea.

  • Sightseeing tour to Amman and Jerash for the whole day.

In the morning, a fascinating excursion to Amman, the capital of Jordan, begins. You will see the ancient citadel, the Roman temple of Hercules, the Byzantine church, the palace of the Governor of the Ommayad era, the archaeological museum and the Roman amphitheater. After moving to Jerash - one of the best preserved Roman cities in the world. Sightseeing of the ancient city: three theaters, numerous colonnades, baths, temples, squares, fountains. The Hippodrome, the Arch of Adrigen, the Temple of Zeus, the Temple of Artemis deserve special attention. Return to the hotel.

Early in the morning, an exciting excursion begins in ancient city Nabataeans - to Peter, a real fairy tale of the Middle East. Unique city located in the mountains, which, depending on the time of day, turn pink, dark red or purple. The El Khazne Palace, the Roman fortress of Urdru, the settlement of Beida, the Amphitheater carved out of stone, hundreds of majestic temples carved into the rocks, royal tombs, water channels and places of worship will not leave anyone indifferent and will be remembered for a lifetime. No wonder Petra is called the "eighth wonder of the world"! Return to the hotel.

  • Excursion to the Holy places (Bethany, Madaba and Mount Nebo) for half a day.

The tour begins with a visit to the sacred place for all Christians of the world - Bethany on the Jordan River, where Jesus Christ was baptized. Then you will meet on your way the city of Madaba or the “city of mosaics”, as it is also called. Visit the Church of St. George and see the Byzantine mosaic map of the Middle East - the oldest known to date. After moving to Mount Nebo - the burial place of the prophet Moses. You will have a unique opportunity to admire the view of the Dead Sea, the Judean Mountains, the Jordan Valley.

  • Excursion to Kerak - the fortress of the Crusaders for the whole day.

During this unforgettable excursion, you will see the famous, well-preserved castle from the time of the Crusades, erected by the knight Paisn at an altitude of more than three thousand meters above sea level. His past is dark. This is a real labyrinth of galleries, secret passages, towers. The knight Renaud de Chatillon ruled here, piracy on the entire coast of the Red Sea. He ruined countless lives, and was captured and beheaded by the great Arab commander Salah ad-Din.

Excursions from the Red Sea from Aqaba.

  • Full day excursion to Petra

In the morning, an exciting excursion to the ancient city of the Nabataeans - Petra, a real fairy tale of the Middle East, begins. The unique city is located in the mountains, which, depending on the time of day, turn pink, dark red or purple. The El Khazne Palace, the Roman fortress of Urdru, the settlement of Beida, the Amphitheater carved out of stone, hundreds of majestic temples carved into the rocks, royal tombs, water channels and places of worship will not leave anyone indifferent and will be remembered for a lifetime. No wonder Petra is called the "eighth wonder of the world"! Return to the hotel.

  • Full day tour to the Dead Sea

Early in the morning, an excursion to the Dead Sea begins - the most low point on Earth (400 m below sea level). The Dead Sea is the most salt Lake in the world, the composition of its salts is unique. Relax on gently lapping waves, pamper yourself with a soothing massage at the finest Spa, or experience the world-famous healing properties of Dead Sea mud minerals. Return to the hotel.

  • Excursion to Wadi Rum for half a day with a jeep safari.

During this unforgettable excursion you will see Wadi Rum - one of the most romantic places The Arabian Desert, where slender chains of mountains dissolve into reddish sand. With its wind-carved cliffs rising from the pink and white sands, Wadi Rum resembles a lunar landscape. Stunning in its natural beauty, it is the quintessential desert romance. Wadi Rum has been inhabited since ancient times, and today a number of Bedouin tribes live on its territory. You can take a trip in a jeep or, if you prefer, on a camel. You will also see the sunset, which makes an unforgettable impression.

  • Excursion to the island of the Pharaohs with lunch

A boat trip to the Egyptian island of the Pharaohs provides an opportunity to directly come into contact with the life of the marine world and enjoy the diversity and colors of the underwater flora and fauna. During the walk, stops will be made in the most beautiful and coral-rich places. Tourists are given for rent masks, snorkels, flippers. Directly on the island you will have the opportunity to visit the ancient Egyptian castle. Lunch and drinks are offered during the walk. It is recommended to bring sun cream with you.

For excursions you will need comfortable shoes and sportswear (otherwise it will be difficult for you to climb the top row of the amphitheater in Jerash or take a horseback ride in Petra). Not in all hotels you can quickly iron your clothes, and this service is not very cheap, so clothes made of wrinkle-resistant materials should be preferred.

Do not forget good sun glasses, the medicines you need (in Jordan there can only be their analogues with unknown names), films or flash cards for your camera or camcorder.

For a trip to Jordan, you need to be at the airport 2 hours before departure.
Check-in for the flight starts in 2 hours, ends 40 minutes before departure! Who did not have time, he was late!

If the passenger did not arrive on time for check-in, the airline has the right not to take him on board the aircraft.

If you have not been issued documents in our office, You need to find a representative with a sign "Receiving operator", from whom you can get, by presenting your passport, a package of documents (air tickets, voucher, insurance), and then go through the registration yourself.

Package of documents:

  • foreign passport (valid for at least 6 months from the end of the trip);
  • if your child is entered in your passport without a photo and he is already 5 years old - you need to paste a photo
  • if a child under 16 years old is flying with you - a notarized permission to travel abroad for a child from each of the parents not participating in the trip and a birth certificate of the child;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • voucher
  • insurance policy
  • air ticket
  • if necessary, power of attorney for the child
  • bank statement (when exporting more than 10,000 euros per person)
  • International driver's license (if you plan to rent a car)

The flight to Jordan is approximately 3 hours.

Free baggage allowance on the charter flights to Jordan, not including weight hand luggage, make no more than 20 kg per 1 passenger seat!

Hand luggage weight should not exceed 5 kg per 1 seat; maximum dimensions - 55x40x20 cm For any baggage exceeding the established free baggage allowance, payment is made at the appropriate baggage rate.


A visa can be obtained upon arrival in Jordan. The visa fee at the airport is JD 10. Visa - issued at the Embassy of Jordan within 1-2 days. You need a valid passport (valid for at least 6 months) and 1 photograph. The cost of a single entry visa is $15.

Political system: a constitutional monarchy.

Population: 6,053,193 people. Almost all Jordanians are ethnic Arabs. Ethnic minorities include Circassians, Chechens and Armenians.

Religion: Islam (Sunni). About 95% of Jordanians practice Sunni Islam, and 5% are Christians, mostly adherents of the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches.

Official language: Arabic, the second language in the country is English.

Currency: The monetary unit, the dinar (JOD), is made up of fils. 1 JD = 1.71 USD. Banknotes: 20; ten; 5; one; 0.5 dinars. Coins: 1000, 500, 250, 100, 50, 10, 5 fils. Credit cards are accepted in hotels, restaurants, shops.

Transport: Developed air and land communication with the outside world. international Airport Queen Alia, where the national airline Royal Jordanian is based, is located 35 km south of Amman. The second most important local airport is located in Aqaba, which is also a center of tourism. Movement within the country shuttle buses and passenger taxis.

Electricity: Mains voltage - 220 volts.

Airport taxes and customs: When leaving the country at all border points, except for the airport, foreigners are charged a fee of 5 dinars. The customs regime is generally liberal. The import of a number of high-demand goods (tobacco products, alcohol, electrical equipment, etc.) is limited, including by a duty on excess quantities. When exporting antiquities and antiques, a special permit from the Department of Antiquities is required. Export of any types of corals and products from them is prohibited.

Sanitary and epidemiological situation generally favorable. Presentation of a certificate of vaccination when entering the country is not required.

Telephone: International code Jordan - 962. Ambulance 199, 191.

Purchases: People come to Jordan specifically for shopping, because here you can buy both modern goods and traditional handicrafts. Walking through Jordan's bazaars and shops is not only great fun, but also a great way to connect with the locals.

National holidays: During public holidays, banks state organizations and many shops are closed for the whole day:
1st of January - New Year;
January 30 - Birthday of King Abdullah II;
May 1 - Labor Day;
May 25 - Independence Day;
November 14 - Birthday of King Hussein;
December 25 - Christmas.

Kitchen: Jordanian cuisine belongs to the Arab culinary tradition, but remains unique in its kind. Any honorable guest is met with a richly laid table.