Tanzania on the Russian world map. Tanzania on the map


(United Republic of Tanzania)

General information

Geographical position. Tanzania is a country in East Africa. In the north it borders with Kenya and Uganda, in the south with Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia, in the west with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi and Rwanda. Washed in the east Indian Ocean. Tanzania also owns the islands of Zanzibar (the largest coral island off the coast of Africa) and Pemba.

Square. The territory of Tanzania covers 945,087 sq. km.

main cities, Administrative division. The capital of Tanzania is Dar es Salaam. Largest cities: Dar es Salaam (1,734 thousand people), Zanzibar (375 thousand people), Mwanza (223 thousand people), Dodoma (204 thousand people), Tanga (188 thousand people) .). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 25 regions.

Political system

Tanzania is a republic. The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is the National Assembly. The country is part of the Commonwealth.

Relief. A small plain lies along the coast, but most of the country is occupied by a plateau, the average height of which is about 1,290 m above sea level. Small groups of mountains rise in the northeast and southwest. Mount Kilimanjaro - highest point Africa (5,895 m) - located on the northeastern border of the country.

Geological structure and minerals. The bowels of the country contain reserves of tin, iron ore, coal, phosphates, diamonds, and gold.

Climate. The climate of Tanzania varies with altitude and distance from the coast. On the ocean coast, the climate is warm, tropical, with an average annual temperature of about +27°C. Farther inland, the climate is hotter and drier. On the islands, the climate is mostly tropical, but the heat is reduced due to ocean winds. The average annual temperature in Zanzibar is about +27°C, the rainy season lasts from December to May.

Inland waters. Three the greatest lakes continents are located on the borders of Tanzania and partly within it. Lake Tanganyika is located on the western border, Victoria on the northwest, Nyasa (Malawi) on the southwest. Lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika lie within the East African Rift, stretching from the Middle East to Mozambique.

Soils and vegetation. In the forests of Tanzania, redwood and camphor laurel are the most common.

Animal world. The fauna of the country is represented by antelopes, zebras, elephants, hippos, rhinos, giraffes, lions, leopards, cheetahs, monkeys. One of the main attractions of the country is national park The Serengeti is the only one in the world where there is a natural seasonal migration of wild animals.

Population and language

The population of Tanzania is about 30.608 million people, the average population density is about 32 people per 1 sq. km. km. Ethnic groups: more than 120 groups, the largest of which are Sukuma and Nyamwezi (about 20% of the country's population each), as well as Haya, Ngonde, Chagga, Gogo, Ha, Hehe, Ngoni, Yao, Masai; Pakistanis, Indians, Europeans. Languages: Swahili, English (both official), about 100 local dialects.


Muslims, Christians (mostly Catholics), pagans (groups are distributed approximately equally).

Brief historical outline

Tanzania was created in 1964 as a federation of two states: Zanzibar and Tanganyika. The history of these two regions is significantly different. Zanzibar and other islands east coast Africa in the 8th century. became a base for the Arabs who traded with the mainland. They were called the Zenj Country. Over time, Zanzibar became an independent sultanate. In the XVI and XVII centuries. he was under the influence of the Portuguese, and in the XVIII century. came under the influence of the Sultans of Oman and Muscat. In 1832, the Sultan of Oman, Sayid Said, moved his residence to Zanzibar. The territory of Zanzibar and adjacent to it mainland were more of a commercial than a territorial empire.

At the end of the XIX century. As a result of a dispute between Germany and Great Britain, Zanzibar was proclaimed a British protectorate (1890). Zanzibar had partial self-government, and in December 1963 gained independence. A few weeks later, a bloody coup took place in the country, bringing to power the regime of Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume. Tanganyika, inhabited by numerous Bantu ethnic groups, after a series of negotiations between European powers in 1886, fell under the rule of Germany, which, in the hope of turning the territory into profitable coffee and tea plantations, invested large sums in the region. In 1918, after the defeat of Germany, Great Britain received a mandate to manage Tanganyika. In December 1961, Tanganyika gained independence. In April 1964, Zanzibar and Tanganyika merged into a federation. However, the political systems remained different on the mainland and on the island. Only in 1977 did a real rapprochement between the two parts of the federation take place.

Brief economic essay

Tanzania is an agricultural country. Main agricultural crops: coffee, cotton, sisal, cloves. Livestock. Fishing. Harvesting valuable timber. Extraction of diamonds, phosphates, gold, etc. Processing of agricultural raw materials. Oil refineries, chemical, cement, woodworking, metalworking enterprises. Export: coffee, cotton, spices, cashew nuts, sisal, tobacco, tea, diamonds, etc.

The monetary unit is the Tanzanian shilling.

A Brief Outline of Culture

Art and architecture. Dar es Salaam. National Museum with a rich collection of historical, ethnographic and archaeological exhibits. Zanzibar. State Museum Zanzibar. Tanga. The picturesque caves of Amboni and the ruins of an Iranian fortress of the 16th century.

Tanzania is one of the most beautiful places Africa. But, despite the beauty, it nevertheless remains among the poorest countries in the world. You can ask why it happened and in response the locals will only shrug their shoulders, they say it just happened. The people of Tanzania have lived since ancient times. Even at the beginning of the era, there was a powerful center of trade and art. True disasters demolished that ancient culture. But in return, a new one came to her, which was created by the Arabs who came from the north, the Indians who sailed from the sea and the local black tribes, descendants of ancient Zanzibar. This community was called Swahili, which is still considered one people speaking the corresponding language. In the USSR, there was a ditty “Swahili studied our girls for show off, we don’t need Swahili, we can do mata”, hinting at Tanzania’s close ties with Russia.

Satellite map of Tanzania

But in ancient times, it was trade that undermined the local primitive communal system. Slaves were in great demand among merchants. Thus, from the mainland they were sold in abundance, to such an extent that entire territories were empty. At the same time, this trade required a powerful stratification of the population. Nobles and warriors did business and sold commoners to visiting merchants.

Map of Tanzania in Russian

In the 15th century, the Portuguese sailed and took possession of the coast, occupying all the key positions. The locals fought with them for a long time and eventually won - they drove out the invaders. However, the British soon took their place and severely banned the slave trade, on which the entire local statehood was actually built. Immediately, many people were out of work and lost the levers of power that kept the people in obedience. This is what is called the cause of local problems. However, this excuse intrusively brings to mind the proverb about a bad dancer.

Despite its poverty, Tanzania welcomes tourists. Cheapness is even beneficial, the main thing is to take air tickets, and then everything is quite cheap. Starting from accommodation and ending with excursions and trips. Of course, if you came not just to look at Kilimanjaro, but to fly around in a helicopter and even shoot elephants, it will cost a pretty penny, but for an ordinary layman who wants exotic, this is quite an affordable option to satisfy this very exotic.

In the eastern part of Africa, the magnificent exotic country of Tanzania is located. She became famous all over the world thanks to the beautiful and amazing. In this tropical corner of Africa, you can relax with all your heart, get acquainted with all the representatives of the fauna of the mainland and have a wonderful time basking in the sun. Tourists with children also fell in love with Tanzania, because the kids in the country really have something to see and learn. Traveling to Tanzania will be one of your right decisions, it will bring many good memories and amazing moments. We will introduce you to this beautiful country and tell you everything that an inexperienced tourist needs to know.

General information about the country

Tourism in Tanzania is one of the important areas that brings a lot of income to the country. More than 100 thousand vacationers visit the country at the peak. The largest tourist centers and Tanzania have long been, and. The capital of Tanzania is, and it has become the largest city and at the same time the main political center. On the this moment the country is recognized throughout the world as independent and has a presidential form of government. All state-important issues are dealt with by the cabinet of ministers, vice president, deputy president and, of course, the president himself.

Where is Tanzania located?

Tanzania is located in the eastern part of Africa. It borders on a large number of countries: Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique. On the east side, the country is washed by the Indian Ocean. Affordable access to the ocean helps the country boost the economy through fishing and exports at local ports. Tanzania includes a large archipelago. It includes many small deserted islands and three large ones: Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia. This archipelago is autonomous.

Population and currency

The territory of the country is divided into 30 regions, which have their own administrative centers. The population of Tanzania is over 50 million people. A large number of people live in the country's villages, and large cities are populated mainly by tourists. Unfortunately, in Tanzania, the average age of life is considered to be 58 years. 44% of the population are residents who are between 14 and 17 years old. Such data indicate a low growth rate (only 2%) and high mortality in the country. Families in Tanzania are large, at the moment, on average, each family has 4 children.

The official currency of Tanzania is the Tanzanian shilling, while many restaurants, hotels and shops in the country accept US dollars for payment. 1 Tanzanian shilling is equivalent to 2.2 dollars. It is better to exchange currencies immediately upon arrival in the country. An amazing feature when exchanging is that banknotes of 50 and 100 dollars can be exchanged almost everywhere, but not every smaller bill exchange office ready to accept.

Religion and language

About 120 types of ethnic groups live in Tanzania, most of the inhabitants belong to the Bantu group of peoples. Christianity is the main religion in Tanzania. It is practiced by more than half of the population. 30% of the inhabitants are Muslims, most of whom live on. 12% are Buddhists and Hindus. Often, scandals and rallies arise due to religious disputes in Tanzania, so we advise tourists to carefully choose a city for recreation, starting from the local religion.

In addition to hotels, in Tanzania you can find lodges for relaxation, but, as a rule, their rental price is much higher than the daily payment for a hotel room. You can find a good camping option anywhere in the country. This type of stop in the country is not distinguished by high cost.

Transport in Tanzania

Let's talk about one of the important moments of your trip - transport in Tanzania. It can be noted that air transportation is very well established within the country, that is, getting from one end of the Republic to the other is not a problematic issue. The opposite is true for trains. There are only two branches in the country railway with routes Dar es Salaam - and Tanzania - Zambia. Ferries and boats run between the islands of the archipelago.

In the cities of Tanzania themselves, public buses and private taxis operate. Intercity routes are also served public transport, but not much. Many tourists who come to Tanzania prefer to rent a car or bicycle, because the price for this service is relatively low.

Safety in Tanzania

Tanzania is difficult to name safe country, and if you follow the basic recommendations, you can spend an unforgettable vacation in it without unpleasant incidents. You will need to be vaccinated against yellow fever and Ebola a week before you leave the country. To protect yourself from malaria, purchase special drugs and start taking them at least three days before departure.

While in the country, you should not carry large amounts of money, gold and documents with you. Though locals smiling and friendly, among them there are a large number of street thieves. Yes, and you should not leave valuables in hotel rooms, it is better to place them in the hotel safe before the walk. Always take copies of documents with you, because the identity check by the local police can catch you at any moment. If you do not show at least copies of documents to law enforcement agencies, then you may be detained for several days until a full identity check is completed.

While in the country, try to walk along the crowded streets. Doubtful back streets and streets are best to bypass or cross very quickly. Be extremely careful at night. A drunk tourist walking the streets of Tanzania at night is considered a "goldfish" for local thieves. Therefore, after dark, it is safer to spend time on the territory of the hotel or travel by taxi.

Another danger in the country has become coli. Indeed, even in the most major cities Tanzania is observed non-compliance with sanitary standards, so it is strictly forbidden to drink water from the tap. When buying it, check immediately how it is sealed. In order to brush your teeth or wash the dishes, you should initially boil water or purchase special tablets at the pharmacy.

How to get to Tanzania?

It is impossible to fly a direct flight to Tanzania from Russia. But it is much easier for residents of Ukraine or Europe to get here. You can fly from Kyiv by direct flight using the KLM route. In Europe, there are frequent flights to Tanzania from Amsterdam. Residents of Russia can make a transfer in Cairo, Dubai or London, and from the cities listed above, fly a direct flight to Tanzania airport. By the way, before flying into the country, you will have to pay an airline fee of $ 20.

The issue with is resolved very simply. You can apply with the relevant documents to the consulate of the country and open a visitor visa for 90 days. A more simplified option would be to purchase a visa upon entry into the country. Its duration reaches 25 days.

  • Area: 945,203 km²
  • Population: 38 860 170 people
  • Capital: Dodoma
  • Language: English, Swahili
  • Currency: Tanzanian shilling

The United Republic of Tanzania is a state located in East Africa. Tanzania borders many African countries such as Rwanda, Congo, Burundi to the west and Uganda and Kenya to the north. In the south, Tanzania has borders with Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi. More details about the borders of Tanzania can be found by looking at the world map.

The eastern borders of Tanzania are washed by the Indian Ocean, which makes the coast attractive for tourists who prefer a beach holiday. Beach holidays contributes to the climate of the country.

The uniqueness of Tanzania lies in the fact that this country has 2 capitals, one is the administrative center - Dar es Salaam, and the second capital is the legislative center of the state - Dodoma. All government bodies were moved to this city in the 1970s.

You can find out where Tanzania is on the interactive map of the world.

A detailed map is presented in Russian.

The greatest wealth of this state, which arose in 1964 as a result of the unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, is nature. AT national parks and reserves here protect plants characteristic of the subequatorial climate, as well as animals, in particular, unique species of predators and ungulate herbivores. The Masai are a people living in the borderlands of Tanzania and Kenya.

The customs of the tribe had a strong influence on the formation of many cultures of this part of Africa, but at the same time they themselves have not changed much since ancient times. The Maasai people live by nomadic pastoralism. The lowest annual precipitation level is recorded in the central part of the country, where it is 500-600 mm. On the coast, this figure, in turn, reaches 900 - 1400 mm, and on the southwestern and eastern slopes of the mountains - 1500 - 2000 mm.

The southern and western parts of the country are covered with deciduous forests. In the mountains at an altitude of more than 4000 meters, subalpine thickets predominate, and above - Afroalpine type vegetation. Agriculture is the source of livelihood for almost 90% of the population of Tanzania and generates 50% of GNP. One of the most important crops is plantain, a variety of banana, mealy, containing a large amount of starch, the fruits of which, boiled or baked, are included in the daily diet of local residents.

Tanzania on the world map

The Catholic faith is professed by 34% of the population, Islam - 33%; the rest are adherents of animism, Hinduism and Protestantism. The basis of the economy of Tanzania, which belongs to the poorest countries in the world, is agriculture. Agricultural land occupies more than 50% of the territory, in crop production - about 17%. Mostly food crops are grown here, such as corn, cassava, bananas, sorghum, rice and sweet potatoes; coffee, cotton, tobacco, tea, cloves are intended for export.

Farms growing clove are concentrated on the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba (the country is the world's largest producer of this seasoning). Tanzania is also famous for its agave plantations, from which sisal fiber is obtained. Cattle, sheep and goats are bred in the savannas, but the tsetse fly does not allow livestock to develop intensively.

Importance for Agriculture countries also have fishing and beekeeping. The territory of the state is rich in minerals such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, gold, phosphorites, rock salt, kaolin and iron ores; there are also explored deposits of uranium ores, niobium, copper, titanium and natural gas. The most important industries are the textile and food sectors, such as the production of clove oil.

Enterprises of the metallurgical, paper, chemical and cement industries are scattered throughout the country, and an oil refinery operates in Dar es Salaam. Since 1981, the official capital of the country has been Dodoma, a major industrial and agricultural center, but to this day, part of the state bodies are located in former capital Dar es Salaam. In this city there is an interesting National Museum, and in the vicinity there are the ruins of ancient cities. popular tourist center is the island of Zanzibar, famous beautiful beaches and architecture of the Stone Town.