Egyptian pyramids coordinates on the map. Other routes

But she is very rich and with a high standard of living. Although the word "equatorial" is present in her name, her territory is not crossed. Its name is rather associated with its proximity to the equator. Most of the territory of Equatorial Guinea is covered national parks and protected areas. Equatorial Guinea one of the countries with a high standard of living on the continent.

Geographic location, boundaries and dimensions. Equatorial Guinea is located between 0 and 2° north latitude and between 9 and 11° east longitude. The country is located between the jungles of central Africa. It covers an area of ​​28051 sq. km. In the west there is an outlet to the Gulf of Biafra on the Atlantic Ocean. It borders Cameroon to the north and Gabon to the east and south. Bioko Island, which is located off the coast of Africa, is the property of Equatorial Guinea. The island is located almost 160 kilometers from the coast of the continent. The capital of the country is also located on the island of Bioko, which is rather unusual, given that the country also has territories on the continent. In addition to Bioko, the country owns four more islands. It is interesting to note that due to the proximity to the equator here every day the sun rises and sets at approximately the same time. Sunrises are observed around 6 and a half in the morning, and sunsets are observed around 6 and a half in the evening, there are differences within a few minutes. Unlike the Mediterranean, where day and night come somehow gradually, here everything happens very quickly. Night comes on unnoticed, so that unprepared foreigners often remain greatly surprised and impressed by this phenomenon.

Nature. Equatorial Guinea is covered by flat areas. Only in a small part of the country there is a plateau-like relief with an altitude of about 900 meters above sea level. The most high point Equatorial Guinea Pico de Basil. It is located on the volcanic island of Bioko and rises to 3008 meters. A huge part of the country is covered with forests, in which unique plant and animal species live. Here you can meet such animals as leopard, gorilla, chimpanzee and many others. Various poisonous snakes hide among the trees, and the branches are full of different kinds of birds. It is dangerous to enter the rivers because crocodiles live in them. The variety of insects is amazing - if a person listens to the sounds of the equatorial forest at night, he will feel that something is stirring from all the stars, something is moving and making noise! Most of Equatorial Guinea is occupied by protected areas, and this is especially true of the continental part of the country.

Climate. Equatorial Guinea falls within the climate zone. It is characterized by year-round high temperatures and heavy, almost daily rainfall. Temperatures throughout the year range from 29 to 32°C during the day and between 20 and 22 at night. The maximum temperatures are measured in February, and the minimum in July. Precipitation varies from 40 mm in January to 250 mm in September. For people living in temperate latitudes, it is quite difficult to endure the combination of high temperature and high humidity. I must say that 30 degrees here is much more difficult to bear than 30 degrees, for example, in or. Heat and humidity make even the smallest effort exhausting.

population. The population of Equatorial Guinea is about 700,000 inhabitants. The official language is Spanish and the official religion is Christianity. Since 1968, the inhabitants of Equatorial Guinea have enjoyed independence. Until then, they are under control. There are only two cities in the country that have a population of more than 100,000 inhabitants. This is the city of Bata and the capital of Malabo. Although the capital of Malabo was largest city in the country today, with its 160,000 inhabitants, it ranks second after the 180,000th Baht.

Economy. Equatorial Guinea is a country with a developing economy, but a very high standard of living. Income comes mainly from oil, agriculture (cocoa / mainly from the island of Bioko / cassava, bananas, yams) and fishing in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The reason for the wealth of Equatorial Guinea is that the wealth is distributed among a small number of people. Thus, the country with an emerging economy provides a standard of living higher than in many countries, including the Baltic countries and Taiwan. Literacy in Equatorial Guinea
one of the leading places in Africa. Despite this, however, the fact that Equatorial Guinea is a developing country is best seen in the quality of health care, which is not very high, as in most African countries.

Best time to visit Equatorial Guinea the months of November, December, January and February, when precipitation is scarce. Arriving at any time of the year, still bring your umbrella and very light and loose clothes.

Equatorial Guinea is a tiny state, the smallest in Africa. The people of the country until 1968 fought against Spanish rule. After gaining independence and proclaiming democracy, the republic embarked on the path of economic development. Large offshore oil reserves and growth remind of takeoff United Arab Emirates. Only the climate is more humid, there is an untouched jungle, a population unspoiled by the benefits of civilization. The gentle coast of the Atlantic, preserved folk traditions like a magnet attract to Guinea modern travelers who are in search of exotic adventures.

Guinea on the map of the world and the African continent

The former Spanish colony - the Republic of Equatorial Guinea - is a young developing country. On a small scale, the country is a small rectangle on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and a number of islands. The state is located slightly north of the equator and extends from 0.54° to 2.19° N.

The territory of Equatorial Guinea consists of the mainland - Rio Muni, which is located between Cameroon in the north, Gabon in the south and east. In the west, the coast is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Biafra. State owned 5 volcanic islands, the largest of which are Bioko, Annobon, Corisco. The area of ​​the mainland is 26 thousand km2, the island territory occupies 2 thousand km2.

National symbols

On Independence Day on October 12, the national flag of Equatorial Guinea can be seen everywhere in the Republic. Its bright cloth consists of three equal width horizontal stripes of green, white and red. There is a blue triangle next to the pole edge. In the center of the flag is the state emblem in the form of a silver shield. The personification of the unity of the population of the country are six golden six-pointed stars above it. Each of them is one mainland and five island provinces. The motto of the Republic is carved under the shield - "Unity, Peace and Justice". In the central part there is an image of a green cotton tree - bombax, which is rich in Equatorial Guinea (photo).

The colors of the flag have a deep symbolic meaning:

  • the blue triangle represents the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, washing the shores of the country;
  • the green strip reflects the main wealth of the flora and the flourishing activity of the population - agriculture;
  • white color is a symbol of the peace that has been established since independence;
  • the blood shed by the freedom fighters of Equatorial Guinea is symbolized by the bottom red stripe.

Currency of Equatorial Guinea

Many collectors are looking for old and new designs issued in Equatorial Guinea. The history of the country's currency is an exciting novel for a numismatist. The CFA franc is in circulation (1 franc = 100 cents). Coins are minted from light copper-nickel and aluminum-bronze alloys (golden color).

Modern coins of Equatorial Guinea are similar to those of the Central African Monetary Union (Communaute Financiere Africaine, CFA). The association arose at a time when the six member states were Equatorial Guinea's accession to the union in 1986 was marked by the change of its own monetary unit - equele - to the CFA franc. In 1976-1996, alphabetic symbols of countries were applied to coins of a common sample for the union. In Equatorial Guinea, in 1985, coins were issued that differed from a single sample by inscriptions in Spanish and the full name of the country on the obverse. In the next, 1986, only one type of such coins was minted - 50 francs, then they stopped issuing them.

Capital of Equatorial Guinea

The administrative center of the country and the port of Malabo is located on the island of Bioko near the crater extinct volcano(3011 m). Previously, both the city and the majestic peak were called Santa Isabel. Now Mountain peak referred to in country guides as Pico Basile or Mount Malabo. The landscapes of the island are picturesque lagoons, former craters, now covered with evergreen jungle, volcanic lakes. The population of Malabo is more than 160 thousand people. The city looks well-groomed, its inhabitants are friendly to guests.

in the administrative center of the country international Airport, comfortable hotels were built. The city is literally immersed in tropical greenery. Malabo Airport is connected by weekly flights to world capitals. Equatorial Guinea can be reached from Cameroon by land. The national airline operates daily flights between Malabo and Bata. To move around the mainland and island territory, you can use the services fixed-route taxis. To get to the islands, you need to wait for the ferry or rent a canoe.

Other cities of the republic

Bata, the economic capital of Equatorial Guinea, is a clean city with wide avenues. Tourists have chosen it as a starting point for trips to villages and islands.

Mbini is a small town 50 km south of Bata, in the bay of Rio Benito. Here the main river of Equatorial Guinea, the Mbini (formerly called the Benito), flows into the bay. One of the main beach resorts countries.

Ebebin is a city located in the northeast of the continental part of the state. First major locality on the way from Cameroon.

Luba is the administrative center of the Southern Province on about. Bioko, port city.

In the cities of New Guinea, market trade is flourishing, there are many bars and restaurants where guests can taste national dishes and local drinks.


The climatic conditions of Equatorial Guinea are fully consistent with ideas about the humid tropics of Africa. During the year, warm weather prevails and the temperature is 25 C °, occasionally the thermometer rises above 32 C °. Seasons typical for temperate latitudes are weakly expressed. Basically, the bill goes to the seasons: wet and dry. On the island of Bioko, it rains from July to January. The same precipitation regime in the capital - Malabo.

Equatorial Guinea in the mainland is 2 rainy periods: in April-May and October-December. The least showers are in May-September and December-January. The mountainous area differs from the flat part of the country in more humid and cool weather, but less than 18 ° C is rare. best time to visit Equatorial Guinea is a dry season - November-April.


The coastline of the mainland is slightly indented. A low-lying plain stretches here, and highlands up to 900 m high go inland. On the island of Bioko there is a three-thousander of Equatorial Guinea - Pico Basile - a mountain formed by the cones of three merged volcanoes. At the foot there is a belt of tropical forests, which are filled with the hubbub of hundreds of species of birds. The world of reptiles and mammals is rich. Higher in the mountains, one can observe the change of lush vegetation to wastelands and meadows - unusual natural complexes for the tropical latitudes in which Equatorial Guinea is located.

The map of the mainland provinces of the country gives an idea of ​​the plains on the coast, the hills in the central part, and full-flowing rivers. The wealth of the continental regions - minerals, evergreens There are more than 150 tree species, dominated by ficus, coconut palm, iron and breadfruit. Lianas twine around them, bright flowers grow in the undergrowth. Exotic fauna is represented by large predators, elephants, monkeys, antelopes, hippos, tropical birds.

country culture

The color of Equatorial Guinea lies in the linguistic diversity, the preservation of the traditions and customs of original tribes, in which elements of the culture of alien peoples are woven. Ancient African dialects are still heard in the forest villages, and shamans are engaged in magical rituals, as many centuries ago. Residents of cities communicate with each other in Spanish, Portuguese and French. The rural population mainly uses local languages ​​- Fang, Bubi, Ndove, Annobon, Buhebu. Colorful festivals are held annually in Equatorial Guinea. None of them is complete without national dances and songs that glorified Equatorial Guinea in Africa and other continents.

Main Attractions

The capital - Malabo attracts tourists as a starting point for climbing to the top of the volcano and visiting the reserve. An asphalt road has been laid from the city to the top of Pico Basile. Tourists often go on day trips to the natural gem that Equatorial Guinea is famous for. One of the main architectural sights of the capital is the Cathedral of Santa Isabel. Exactly this beautiful building city, which has become its peculiar calling card, located on Independence Square. Before high architectural structure with narrow pointed towers there is another local attraction - a picturesque fountain.

You can get acquainted with the national traditions, folk art, works of art of Equatorial Guinea in the museum, which is located 20 km from the small town of Ebebin in the northwest of the mainland. The institution was created by local enthusiasts to get acquainted with the culture of the country as a whole. The decoration of the city center of Bath, which is also located on the continent, is the building of the Panafrica Hotel. The hotel offers a magnificent view of Atlantic Ocean, coast and beach.

Tourism development

Equatorial Guinea has rich resources for tourism development:

  • beaches on the coast with fine white sand;
  • large tracts of tropical forests;
  • volcanic peaks, caves;
  • waterfalls, rivers and lakes;
  • ethnic traditions of African tribes, black magic of shamans;
  • festivals and ceremonies with live singing and dancing;
  • colorful markets;

The nature of the country is threatened by the same danger that was realized in other states of the forest belt of Africa. Increased economic needs, development Agriculture, mining and road construction have required deforestation. Reducing biodiversity, changing the natural habitat - only part of the exacerbated environmental problems.

Difficulties in the economy somewhat delay development tourism infrastructure small state. Nevertheless, mainland and island Equatorial Guinea is of great interest to travelers.

On the world map Map

August 20...22, 2014

It is curious that the most popular word in the names of countries is Guinea: in fact, Guinea , Guinea-Bissau , Papua New Guinea and Equatorial Guinea. All of them are completely different from each other. Of these, Equatorial Guinea is the richest and most closed.

Its interesting how the most often-used word in country names is Guinea: theres Guinea itself, Guinea-Bissau , Papua New Guinea and Equatorial Guinea. And theyre all completely different. Equatorial Guinea is the wealthiest and most closed-off among them.

It is much easier for Russian citizens to obtain a visa here than for citizens of America and Europe, mainly because the Russians were not going to participate in a conspiracy against the local eternal president. The European conspiracy was thwarted ten years ago, and the president has enough oil money to stop worrying about the lack of tourism revenue.

Russian citizens have a much easier time getting a visa to come here than American or European ones, mainly because Russians never planned to take part in the plot against the perpetual local president. The European plot was thwarted ten years ago, and the president has enough oil revenue to stop worrying about the absence of income from tourism.

However, I ended up in transit at Douala at the worst moment: my connecting flight simply canceled due to the fact that an epidemic of the Ebola virus suddenly broke out on the continent. In this regard, Equatorial Guinea closed its borders and allowed only its own citizens on the plane. At least from Cameroon. I had to fly through Libreville, which is more civilized in terms of Equatorial Guinea.

Nevertheless, I ended up changing planes in Douala at the worst possible moment: my connecting flight was simply canceled due to the Ebola epidemic that had suddenly broken out on the continent. Because of this, Equatorial Guinea had shut down its borders and was only letting its own citizens fly in. At least from Cameroon. I ended up having to fly through Libreville, which is apparently more civilized from Equatorial Guineas point of view.

The country makes money on oil. And it is one of the most developed in Africa.

The countrys main source of income is oil. And its one of the most developed countries in Africa.

But he is in no hurry to distribute money to the people.

But theres no rush to distribute the wealth among the people.

The national symbol is the ceiba tree, something similar to the baobab. It is everywhere. Even the national airline is called Ceiba. Well, it is clear that a rare monument will do without ceiba.

The national symbol is the Ceiba tree, something like a baobab. Its everywhere. Even the national airline is called Ceiba. And, of course, youll be hard-pressed to find a monument without a Ceiba.

Car number.

The local license plate.



On the world map Map

As noted above, after the failed coup d'état, the president became paranoid. And I was told right at the reception in the hotel that it was strictly forbidden to take pictures of the presidential palace. However, it turned out that my room a) faces exactly the presidential palace and helipad and b) windows open wide. Well, I don’t know, in other countries people are not so careless about the safety of the first person.

As already mentioned above, after the failed coup the president became paranoid. And I was told right at the hotel check-in that photographing the presidential palace is strictly prohibited. Nevertheless, it turned out that a) my room looks out directly onto the presidential palace and helicopter pad and b) the rooms windows open all the way. I dont know, I feel like other countries have a less cavalier approach to the safety of their head of state.

It is believed that in the capital it is impossible to take pictures openly. Unfortunately, I found out about this before leaving the country, and before that I calmly walked the streets. colonial center.

They say you cant openly take photos in the capital. Unfortunately, I didnt know about this until I was already leaving, and before that Id been walking around with zero issues. Heres the colonial downtown area.

Bus stop.

Cabinet with electrical equipment.

An electrical equipment box.

Traffic light.

A traffic light.

Manhole cover. Of course, with ceiba.

A manhole cover. With a Ceiba, naturally.

City urn. Same with seiba.

A municipal trash can. Also with a Ceiba.

Wash tanks.

Trash dumpsters.

Street sign.

Fruit trade.

The difference in living standards is maintained. Wealthy area:

The difference in living standards is upheld. A wealthy neighborhood:

District for the common people:

A neighborhood for regular people:

Visual consumption of electricity.

Electricity consumption visualized.
