Crater Lake in Oregon. Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States

Crater Lake is distinguished by its amazing blueness and purity of water, for which it was nicknamed "Blue-Eyed". The lake is unique in many ways, and a separate national park has even been created to protect it.

The lake and Crater Lake National Park is located in the Cascade Mountains, in the west of North America and the northwest.


Crater Lake was formed as a result of active volcanic activity and grandiose eruptions.

Crater Lake in Oregon is known far beyond the United States. Glory to him was brought by the purest water, which has a bright blue color. This phenomenon is explained by the significant depth of the lake (594 m) and the transparency of the water: it absorbs all shades of the visible spectrum, except for blue, which is why it acquires an indigo color.

7,700 years ago, the lake appeared in the crater of the Mazama stratovolcano - one of several in the Cascade Mountains - after its eruption. Over time, precipitation and landslide deposits covered the caldera floor, forming a loose lake bed. As the caldera cooled, precipitation no longer evaporated, but accumulated at the bottom, forming a lake. Additional moisture was brought by streams formed during the melting of snow on the slopes of the caldera: there is a lot of snow here, sometimes up to 3 m. The slopes of the lake are overgrown with dense coniferous forest. Today, hydrothermal activity is still noted at the bottom of the lake.

The Klamath Indians of Oregon are familiar with the history of the lake, but among the people it has acquired a mythological appearance. According to legend, the god of the underworld, Lao, who wanted to destroy humanity, clashed in battle with the god of the upper world, Skell, who stood up for people. The defeated Lao fell from Mazama, breaking through the crater.

The first European American to discover the beauty of Crater Lake was John Wesley Hillman in 1853. He gave the lake its first name - Deep Blue Lake. Subsequently, the names of the reservoir changed more than once, until the modern Crater was settled.


For more than a decade, a ten-meter tree trunk has been drifting in the waters of Lake Crater, remaining intact due to low temperatures.

There are only two relatively big islands- Witch Island and Ghost Ship. Both of them are cones of volcanic ash, formed after the formation of the caldera. At the same time, rhyodacite domes were formed.

One of the most famous sights of Crater Lake is a ten-meter pine trunk, nicknamed the “Lake Old Man”. For over a hundred years now, it has been floating on the lake in a strictly vertical position, rising about one and a half meters above the water, repeating the same route year after year. The tree owes its strength to the low temperature of the water in the lake.

national park Crater Lake was created by William Steele (1854-1934), a conservation enthusiast known as the "Father of Crater Lake". For seventeen years he fought for the opening of a national park here, until this happened in 1902. It was he who gave the names to the Witch Island and the rock of the god Lao.

Crater Lake National Park is also known for the Pumice Desert. This is a vast area with traces of ancient eruptions, devoid of vegetation, because due to the high porosity of the earth's surface, water instantly seeps into the depths. Stone spiers look bizarre: pointed columns were formed in places where poisonous gases were released, cementing ash and pumice in the form of spiers.



■ Crater Lake.

■ Islands of Witchcraft and Ghost Ship.

■ Rhyodacite domes.

■ Pumice desert.

■ Fumaroles.

■ Stone spiers (Pinnacles).

■ Mount Scott, Hillman, Union and Crater.

■ Rock of the god Lao.

■ Old coniferous forest.

■ Crater Lake is the second deepest lake in North America after the Great Slave Lake (614 m) and the eighth-ninth deepest in the world (the deepest is Baikal, 1642 m).

■ In 2005, the US Mint minted a 25-cent piece to honor the state of Oregon and Crater Lake. It depicts the lake itself, Witch Island and the caldera.

■ The depth of the lake was first measured in 1886 by an expedition from the US Geological Survey. Depth was measured at 168 locations. was fixed maximum depth at 608 m. More than a hundred years later, in 2000, according to the results of measuring the depth of the lake with the help of an echo sounder, it turned out that the previously obtained data were close to the truth.

■ Fish appeared in the lake in 1888: fry of sockeye salmon and rainbow trout were released here. The fish have taken root and are breeding well. Before the fish, the only living thing in the lake was the microscopic creature Algaphogopsis, also known as the "Crater Lake tick".

■ Crater Lake rarely freezes, as warm air masses pass over it with Pacific Ocean, although there is snow on the slopes for 8 months in a row. The last time the freezing of the lake was recorded in 1949.


Location: West North America, Northwest USA.
Administrative affiliation: Klamath County, Oregon, USA.
Origin: crater.
Water balance: drainless.
Mineralization: fresh.
Food: snow, rain.
Islands: Witchcraft and Ghost Ship.


Pool: 60 km2.
Volume: 18.7 km3.
Mirror area: 53.2 km2.
Maximum length: 9.7 km.
Maximum width: 8 km.
Average depth: 350 m.
Maximum depth: 594 m.
Transparency: up to 40 m.
Average water temperature: +12.8°С.
Coastline length: 35.1 km.
Altitude above sea level: 1883 m.
Depth of the caldera: 1220 m.
Witch Island: height - 233 m.


Average January temperature: -5°С.
Average July temperature: +22°С.
Average annual rainfall: 1700 mm.
Relative humidity: 70-80%.

Incredibly beautiful lake in the caldera extinct volcano is located in the northwestern part of the United States, in the state of Oregon. This is Crater Lake - one of the most amazing and stunning lakes on the planet. It is one of the ten bluest (yes, don’t be surprised exactly blue) and deep lakes on the ground.

Crater Lake on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 42.942544, -122.111569
  • The distance from the capital of the United States of Washington is approximately 3800 km in a straight line
  • The nearest local airport is Southwest Oregon Regional about 180 km away. to the west
  • To the nearest International Airport Portland about 300 km

An amazing lake, filled with the purest water of no less amazing color, arose as a result of the eruption of the Mazama volcano. This happened about 7700 years ago.

According to scientific research, Crater Lake was formed something like this: the top of the volcano collapsed during the eruption, forming a caldera, about 1220 meters deep. Landslides from the edges of the caldera created the bottom of the future reservoir. But the lake did not appear there immediately, but over a long period of time, drop by drop collecting rainfall. Gradually, a reservoir was formed, and the edges of the caldera were covered with forests, creating an unsurpassed natural landscape.

Crater Lake is an almost circular body of water in the crater of a volcano. It is located at an altitude of about 2 km above the sea and has a fairly decent size.

Crater Lake in numbers

  • length/width 8 x 9.6 km
  • average depth - 350 m.
  • maximum depth - 594 m.
  • surface area - 53 km2
  • water volume - 18.7 km3

The first depth measurements were made in 1886 by the US Geological Survey. Then, measuring the depth in many places, we found out that the maximum is 608 meters. But, either the water level of the lake decreased, or the measurement technique was imperfect, already in 2000, using modern echolocation equipment, the maximum recorded depth was 594 meters.

The Klamath Indians most likely witnessed the eruption of the Mazama volcano, since legends still exist that tell us that in ancient times a grandiose battle took place here between the sky god Skell and God underworld Liao. The Indians call this fight "The Last Great Battle". The sky god Skell was the winner in the fight.

As befits the Indians, they endowed Crater Lake with mythical and magical properties. The Indians visited him in search of visions and in an attempt to predict the future. And those who managed to guess the future or really "see it" were considered the owners of the sacred power of spirits.

The first migrant from Europe to see the lake for the first time is John Wesley Hillman. It happened in June 1853. I must say that the reservoir made an indelible impression on him, and John named it Deep Blue Lake (in the original Deep Blue Lake). For some unknown reason, this name did not stick. The lake has changed three names. After Deep Blue, it became known as Lake Majesty or Majestic Lake (in the original Lake Majesty). Note that in those days, apparently, there was a tension with fantasy, and the reservoir received the third name Crater Lake. And since in the original it looks like Crater Lake, we safely conclude that the formal translation sounds like Crater Lake or Lake in the Crater. Therefore, you can meet the name Crater Lake.

Well, no fantasy at all. In our (highly subjective) opinion, this lake could have been given a more attractive name, such as "Liao Mountain Tomb" or " Big Lake in the clouds". Surely the Indians - masters of interesting names - could not come up with some kind of epic name? They would take at least ideas from the Chinese. After all, they can have much more poetic names. Remember what names are typical for Chinese attractions. Reed Flute Cave, Tiger Leaping Gorge is not a name, but a song.

Crater Lake is the main attraction of the National Park of the same name (the park itself was founded to preserve this beautiful reservoir). Naturally, this unique reservoir attracts many tourists. The entrance to the park is paid, but the price is quite acceptable and will not leave a hole in your budget.

There are a couple of volcanic islands on the lake. Big Island called Witch Island (in the original Wizard Island - which literally translates as "Wizard Island"). He, as well as the coast of the lake, is covered with forest. And a very small one, called the Ghost Ship (in the original Phantom Ship). Only a few trees grow on this island.

And it is worth mentioning one interesting and mysterious sight. This is the “Old Man of the Lake” or “Old Man of the Lake” (in the original “Old Man of the Lake”). It is a tree trunk that has been drifting in the lake for over a century. And, importantly and surprisingly, the barrel floats vertically. Its length is about 9 meters, of which a little more than a meter is visible above the water. The thickness of the log is about 60 cm. Since the water in the lake is rather cool, the log is practically not subject to destruction. The upper part of it has long since turned white. Perhaps because of this, it received the old man's name.

Initially, there were no fish in the lake. Only from 1888 to 1941, fry of rainbow trout and sockeye salmon began to be released here. The fish adapted very quickly and began to multiply, and now the fish population is quite numerous.

Crater Lake photo

Lake Quilatoa is a water-filled caldera in the westernmost volcano of the Ecuadorian Andes, located in the province of Cotopaxi. The crater lake can be reached via a hiking trail that passes through several remote Andean villages in Ecuador. This route, as a rule, takes 3-4 days, you can get there faster by intercity bus.

Photo: Wikimedia

In 1991, Mount Pinatubo exploded, destroying its original summit. The result was an acidic lake, but heavy rains helped to increase the volume of water and form a normal pH balance.

Photo: Love These Pics

Okama is a round crater lake surrounded by the three mountains of the Zao Range. The water in it has a high content of acids. The color on the surface magically changes depending on the sunlight.

Photo: Trover

Inferno is a crater lake with signs of a geyser, the waters of which maintain a temperature of 35 to 80°C and high acidity up to pH 2.2. The reservoir was formed from an explosion on the slope of Mount Haszard during the eruption of the Tarawera volcano in 1886.

Photo: Travel Tourism Blog

Keriz or Kerid is a volcanic lake located in the Grimsnes region in southern Iceland, on the Golden Ring tourist route. This is one of the most popular crater lakes in the region.

Photo: Guilhem DE COOMAN

Lyotipollur means "ugly puddle", but beauty can be found even in the ugliest, right? This red lake is located in the south of the Icelandic Highlands, in the southernmost crater of the Veydivotn system.

Photo: Atlas of Wonders

Fakaari (Whakaari) or the Isle of Wight is an active andesitic stratovolcano, lying 48 km from east coast north island New Zealand. The eruption in 2000 led to the formation of a new crater, which turned into a lake.

Photo: MarliMillerPhoto

Crater Lake in Oregon is one of the most famous calderas in the world with deep blue clear water. It is the main attraction of Crater Lake National Park and the deepest lake in the United States.


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Photo: Travel Pal

Lonar - drainless salt Lake in a meteorite crater, located a few hours drive from the Indian city of Aurangabad. Soda and salt deposits are formed on the shore of an alkaline reservoir. The smell is unforgettable, but it does not scare away tourists.

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Yugama is a crater lake at the top of Mount Kusatsu-Shirane. It is known as the most acidic body of water in Japan.

Photo: Earth Observatory

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Photo: Our planet

Maly Semyachik is an active stratovolcano with the Troitsky crater, which is filled with a hot, acidic lake.

Photo: Wikipedia

Lake Deriba lies in the high point mountains of Jebal Marra in a volcanic crater with high walls.

Photo: Volcano Cafe

Hnausapollur is one of two crater lakes (the first is No. 6 Ljotipollur) in the Veydivotn system south of the Tyungnaau River.

Photo: Tan Yilmaz

Lake Rano Kau is easily recognized by its green grass thickets. It lies at the bottom of the Rano Kau shield volcano, whose eruption was instrumental in the emergence of Easter Island in the South Pacific.

Photo: Pinterest

Lake Eskuvan is located in the crater of the Askja volcano in the northeastern part of the Vatnaekul glacier. It was formed after a powerful eruption in 1875. Escuvan is the second deepest lake in Iceland.

Photo: TravelCie

Lake Toba is located in the caldera of an extinct supervolcano of the same name. It lies on the site of a grandiose eruption, which became the largest explosion on Earth in the last 25 million years.

Photo: CopiPanas

Segara Anak Lake was formed in the caldera of the Rinjani volcano and covers an area of ​​about 11 square kilometers. This stunning blue body of water is located at an altitude of more than 2000 meters above sea level.

Photo: Dieter Behrens

A walk in East Java of more than three kilometers leads to a surreal turquoise lake surrounded by sulfur. This is an unusual color for a landscape on top of a volcano. Ijen is the main source of livelihood for local residents who mine sulfur in the volcano.

Photo: Tan Yilmaz

Lake Cuicocha is located in a three-kilometer caldera at the foot of the Cotacachi volcano in the Western Cordillera of the Andes. In the center of the lake lies a pig-shaped island, which is why it is called "Lago del Cuy" or Guinea Pig Lagoon.

Photo: Fine Art America

According to the legend of Eldorado, it was probably on Lake Guatavita that the Muisca Indians performed a ritual during which they threw gold into the sacred waters. This round body of water is one of the most popular ecotourism destinations in Colombia.

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The volcanic island of Oba is often hidden in the clouds. When it is still open for viewing from above, two lakes, resembling a pair of emerald or turquoise eyes, attract attention. This island is considered the largest volcano in the Republic of Vanuatu.

Photo: Wikipedia

This crater lake has become a major local attraction. Blue Lake interesting for its ability to change shades of blue depending on the season. From the end of March it is dark blue, and then from the beginning of November it acquires a deep turquoise color.

Photo: Costa Rica Guide

Diego de la Aya is a lake in one of the craters of the Irazu volcano in the Central Cordillera. The depth of the reservoir is over 90 meters. Its waters are distinguished by high mineralization and the ability to change color from emerald green to dark red.

A photo.

Crater Lake National Park (the only national park in Oregon) is one of the most amazing natural sites in the world. This natural object serves as a huge lake, located in the caldera, formed as a result of the eruption of the Mount Mazama volcano about 7,000 years ago. The rich blue color, the surrounding caldera and the beauty of the surrounding landscape attract many visitors to it. In 1957, Nelson Beecher, author of the Keyes Encyclopedia of National Parks, named Crater Lake one of the three most scenic natural sites in the world (along with the Grand Canyon and Victoria Falls).

Few places on our planet are as admired by visitors as Crater Lake. The tales of the deep blue lake are never able to give the listeners a full picture of its beauty until they themselves look at it from the edge of the caldera. Even experienced travelers are amazed by the 30 km circle of rocks around the incredibly blue lake. The color phenomenon is partly explained by the great depth of the lake - 594 m at its lowest point. The purity, beauty and incredibly blue color of the lake has long attracted the attention of artists, photographers and all nature lovers.

History of Crater Lake

People began to live in this territory 12 thousand years ago. Based on archaeological evidence collected in the 1930s, they witnessed a massive volcanic eruption that formed Crater Lake. Obviously, it was one of the most impressive sights ever seen by man.

For a variety of reasons, the lake was unknown to Europeans for a long period of time. The famous American explorer John Fremont during the years 1843-1846 led an expedition exploring the area in the immediate vicinity of Crater Lake, and probably heard stories about its existence. Traders and hunters also roamed the mountains and valleys of central Oregon and the Klamath Basin, but none of them managed to see the huge lake in the crater of the former volcano.

In 1852, gold was discovered on Daisy Creek in Oregon. Rumors of gold have caused a massive influx of prospectors for the precious metal in the region. On June 12, 1853, prospectors John Wesley Hillman, Henry Klippel, and Isaac Skeeters finally discovered the lake, naming it Deep Blue Lake. The place from where they first saw the lake is now called Discovery Point. The discoverers of Crater thought only about gold, so the find was quickly forgotten and the lake was not mentioned anywhere for a long time.

A group led by Chauncey Nye rediscovered the lake in 1862 and named it Blue Lake. The discovery appeared in the Oregon Sentinel, and Chauncey Nye went down in history as the man who first made public information about Crater Lake. Gradually, stories about the lake spread not only in Oregon, but also beyond. In 1869, Jim Sutton, editor of the Jacksonville newspaper, named it "Crater Lake", and the name eventually stuck. Interestingly, for the first time it appeared on the map only in 1875.

Interest in the lake has increased among the public, officials and scientists. In 1883, U.S. Geological Survey officials Everett Hayden and Diller visited the future national park site and explored Wizard Island.

In 1886, a research expedition of the US Geological Survey was organized for a detailed survey of the lake. With a total weight of half a ton, the research vessel Cleetwood was lowered down the steep slopes of the caldera into Crater. Bottom measurements were made in 168 places of the lake. The maximum depth was set at 608 m (not much different from the current official depth of 584 m). At the same time, topographers explored the surrounding area and created the first professional map of the area.

The name of William Glandston Steele is associated with the formation of Crater Lake National Park. In 1885, he visited the lake for the first time, after which he actively worked for most of his adult life to obtain the status of a national park for it. It took him a long 17 years. He writes articles for newspapers and magazines, collects petitions, conducts lobbying activities, meets with members of Congress and other high government officials, and participates in a number of other promotional activities.

William enlisted the support of renowned geologist Clarence Dutton, who writes articles about Crater in a scientific journal, and Joseph Diller, one of the first scientists in the USGS to study volcanoes. All this helped draw attention to the lake. Opponents of the creation of the national park were lumberjacks, farmers, land speculators, representatives of the mining industry.

Bills to form Crater Lake National Park failed to pass a vote in Congress in 1895 and 1899. After 17 years of active lobbying, numerous articles, letters, statements and books, William Steel turned to his personal friend Theodore Roosevelt, and the efforts made brought results. A bill to create the park was introduced in Congress in 1901, and was approved in 1902 with the support of Giffort Pinchot and Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt signed the bill formally establishing Crater Lake National Park on May 22, 1902.

The park was closed between 1942 and 1945 due to movement restrictions imposed during World War II.

In 1957, Crater became the first national park in the United States to introduce paid camping on its territory as a concession.

In 1980, the territory of the park was expanded by 57 km2, thus increasing the total area to 457 km2.

Despite the deep blue color of the water in Crater, visitors involuntarily wonder: what happened that the lake ended up on top of a mountain. Geologists see the reason in the history of many years ago.

Indian legends telling about quarrels between the gods of heaven and underworld, helped geologists reconstruct a fairly accurate timeline of events. The top of the mountain was formed from lava flows, ash and rock debris from previous eruptions. Around 4860 BC Mount Mazama volcano last erupted. As a result of an explosion of enormous force, volcanic dust and smoke rose high into the air. After the explosion, the top of Mount Mazama turned into a shell, from the bottom of which a cavity formed. Local Indians witnessed the destruction of the shell of Mount Mazama volcano, resulting in a huge smoldering caldera.

The height of the edge of the caldera ranges from 2100m to 2400m. Water accumulated in the caldera over the centuries in the form of rain and snow filled the space and formed a lake. This huge bowl is the remains of a volcano. The maximum depth of the lake is 594m, making it the deepest lake in the United States, and the second deepest in North America, and in the world in this indicator it ranks 9th. However, if we compare its average depth (350m), then according to this indicator, the lake ranks first in the Western Hemisphere and third in the world. The lake has a rich blue color, and the only source of replenishment of water is precipitation in the form of rain and snow. Water consumption occurs due to evaporation and seepage into underground layers. Since the lake has no rivers or streams flowing into it, its water contains few minerals and any pollution.

Although snow covers Crater Lake for 8 months (average annual snowfall is 1350cm), it rarely freezes, due in part to the relatively mild air currents from the Pacific Ocean. The last time the freezing of the lake was recorded in 1949 as a result of a long and harsh winter. The deep depths of Crater Lake serve as a heat reservoir, absorbing sunlight and keeping the average temperature lake surface at around 12.8 ° C.

Since its inception, interest in the park has constantly increased. In the first few years, the park received several thousand visitors annually. Ten years after its formation, the park was visited by 5,000 travelers annually. Today, 500,000 tourists come here every year.

The picturesque scenery of Crater Lake can only be seen during the summer months. Heavy snowfalls in autumn, winter and spring close roads and tourist routes, including the Rim Drive ring road, which remains fully open to traffic from July to October, and partly in May, June and November. The bulk of tourists come here in the summer, after the final melting of the snow. But every winter the park is open to visitors, provided the weather is clear. Tourists who prefer outdoor activities come here in winter to ski. Whatever the weather, hot or cold, Crater Lake National Park provides wonderful holiday and vivid impressions.

One of the most beautiful places national park is the road "Rim Drive" 50 km long along the mountains and cliffs, completely surrounding the lake in a circle. The road operates for several months in summer, and provides access to any corner of the lake for almost every visitor.

In addition to the picturesque lake, there are several other interesting objects in the park associated with volcanic phenomena, which have become the main driving force in the formation of this territory.

Attractions in Crater Lake

1. Ghost ship (Phantom Ship). The ghost ship is an island formed from lava with a maximum peak height of 48 m. At dusk, its silhouette evokes the image of an old ship abandoned to its fate in the ocean.

2. Hillmann Peak. Hillmann Peak is a 70,000 year old volcanic cone named after one of the three gold seekers who first discovered Crater.

3. Wizard Island. Wizard's Island - a mountain of volcanic ash, rises to a height of 233m above the surface of the lake. His name is associated with the pointed hat attributed to sorcerers. Without a doubt, there is a lot of magic in this stunningly beautiful place.

4. Pinnacles (pointed peaks). The Pinnacles were formed as a result of the action of volcanic gases and erosion. First, hot gases escaping from holes in the ground strengthened the rock. Erosion then weathered the soft rock, leaving only the hard spiers.

In the park you will find small rivers, waterfalls, woodlands with red fir, mountain hemlock, pine. The forest covers a total area of ​​20,000 hectares. Most of the park is a zone wildlife, with a developed network of laid tourist routes with a total length of 225 km. The park is a natural habitat for lynxes, deer, marmots, bears, hawks, and eagles.

Crater Lake National Park offers a variety of species to choose from. active rest. The park is popular for hiking, cycling and water sports leisure activities such as fishing, boat trips. Visitors can ski during the long winter, see the caldera. the highest peak near Crater Lake - Mount Scott with a height of 2722 m. A rather steep path 4 km long has been laid to the top of the mountain. On a clear day, visibility from the summit reaches 160 km, from which the entire caldera of the lake is clearly visible, the snow-capped peaks of the Cascade Mountains in the north and the Columbia River Plateau in the east.

Fishing is allowed without any licenses and restrictions on the number of fish caught and its size. Previously, there were no fish in the lake. Several types of fry were launched in 1888, but by 1941 all fish stocks were exhausted. After World War II, fish stocks were renewed. Sockeye (fish of the salmon family) and rainbow trout are now reproduced here by natural methods. During the summer, swimming in the lake is allowed, tourists have the opportunity to take a boat trip to the Wizard's Island.

The national park provides visitors with the necessary infrastructure, which includes a tourist center, restaurants, shops, gas stations, hotels, campsites. The Crater Lake Loggia is one of the finest of any National Park Loggia in the United States.

Crater Lake gives an unforgettable experience to everyone who has visited this corner of nature, and serves as an example of the preservation of picturesque natural sites in other parts of our planet. The park continues to be popular tourist center USA.

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A volcanic lake is formed when a volcanic crater is filled with water (rain, ground), which, as a rule, has a circle shape and high walls. Therefore, the reservoir has few tributaries and almost no outflows. Water can sometimes have a chemical composition that makes it impossible for living organisms to live in it. For example, lakes such as Rincón de la Vieja and Irazu in Costa Rica are acid colored.

Lake Quilotoa, Ecuador. In translation, "Kilotoa" means "King's tooth". This is one of the most beautiful and interesting places in all South America. It is located at an altitude of 3900 meters above sea level and is hidden in the Andes, on the territory of Ecuador, inside an ancient volcano crater.

Mazama Volcano Crater Reservoir, Oregon, USA. Its depth is 594 meters. Here is the cleanest water in the world.

Crater lake of the Albertine Rift in Africa. Much of the region is part of the Virunga, Rwenzori and Queen Elizabeth Parks in Uganda. Everything amazing lakes Africa appeared as a result of the formation of a rift and is located within the rift valley.
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Crater Lake, located on the Pinabuto volcano, near the borders of the Philippine provinces of Pampanya, Tarlac and Zambales.

One of the three lakes on the island of Flores in Indonesia. There are three lakes in the Kelimutu volcano, interesting in that they have different colors of water, but are located on the crest of one volcano. The first is Tiwu Ata Mbutu (water of the old people) - blue and westernmost. The second and third - Tivu Nuva Muri Koo Fai (water of young boys and girls) and Tivu Ata Polo (Enchanted water) - are separated from each other by a crater wall, the water in them is green and red, respectively.

A natural pool on Mount Zao, located on the border between Yamagata Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture in Japan. It is the most active volcano in northern Honshu. The diameter of the lake is 360 meters, the depth is 60.

Lake of the large stratovolcano Katmai on the Alaska Peninsula. Its dimensions are 4.5 x 3 kilometers. Formed during the 1912 eruption.

Taal Volcano Reservoir in Luzon, Philippines.

Deriba crater basin on the Marra volcano, in Darfur, in the western part of Sudan. Marra is considered dormant, but not extinct.

The crater lake of the active stratovolcano Ruapehu in New Zealand.

Yak Loum Reservoir is one of the attractions in the province of Ratanakiri in northeastern Cambodia. Located 5 km from the provincial capital of Banlung, it fills a 4,000-year-old volcanic crater. Due to the incredible depth of the lake (48 meters), its waters are very clean and transparent.

Volcanic lake Kerid in the south of Iceland. It is relatively small (7-14 meters), but thanks to the minerals in the soil, it has a stunning shade.

The reservoir of the Licancabur stratovolcano, located in the southern part of the country, on the border of Chile and Bolivia. Most of the year, everything is covered with ice, because. this is one of the highest lakes in the world, and despite the air temperature (up to -30°C), there is a planktonic fauna.

Viti Geothermal Crater Basin, Askja. It is located in a remote part of the central highlands of Iceland, where it is the second deepest lake (220 meters). Viti is rich in minerals.

The divine lake of the Paektusan volcano, lying on the border of China and the DPRK. Its maximum depth is 384 meters. From mid-October to mid-June, it is usually covered with ice.