Where to go abroad in July Where to go to the sea in July inexpensively

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How great it is to relax on the sea when the sun is shining, a warm breeze is blowing and seagulls are flying over you. Many like this kind of life and many would like to live like this forever. But you can’t live like this forever, and there are many reasons for this. One of them is the climate. There are few countries in the world where all year round warm and swimming. Therefore, you will have to constantly change your place of rest, flying from country to country, changing continents and time zones. In the middle of spring, it is generally difficult to find a resort for a beach holiday, and many tourists ask themselves questions, but where is it warm in April abroad at the sea and you can swim and sunbathe? The question is reasonable, because April in Russia is still spring, snow lying on the roads and night frosts. Therefore, for a beach holiday, you must definitely fly abroad to warm countries. In which? We will now discuss this issue and find out where it is best to relax.

Since we touched on the topic of continents, let's look at them. For example, let's take Europe close to us and its tourist countries. In April, it is warm in Europe, the sun is shining and spring is in full swing. The beach season is still open, only some resorts in Spain and Portugal can offer beach holidays and swimming in the sea, and even then closer to the end of the month. Beloved Cyprus and Greece have not yet warmed up, it is raining here, and the sea is cool, in which it is impossible to swim. Therefore, it is better to go to Europe in April for excursions or for another purpose, but not to the beaches.

The next continent is Latin America. Here in April it is warm and yet there is no heat. Cuba seems to be an excellent option, where the middle of spring is just the end beach season. The air temperature reaches +30 degrees during the day, and about +24 in the evenings. The sea is excellent with a temperature of +27 degrees. But waves are already beginning to appear on it, as the wet rainy season is approaching. In April there are 6-7 cloudy days, and 4-5 times it rains.

Due to the temperate tropical climate, it rains more often in Cuba in the evening and at night, and the sun shines during the day. So when you go on vacation to a distant island, you will spend it lying on the beach, and not lying on a bed in a hotel, waiting for good weather.

Mexico also receives tourists for the last month. In May, the rainy season will begin here, strong winds will begin to blow, and it will become unrealistic to relax on the ocean. In April, the weather is sunny, the air warms up to +32 degrees, and the sea up to +27. For the whole of April, 35 millimeters of precipitation falls, and this is only 2-3 rainy days.

If you are going to Mexico, we recommend visiting the popular resort of Cancun. The coast of the resort is 25 kilometers of white sand. luxury hotels and interesting entertainment. Do not forget about the sights of Mexico. Remember, this is the homeland of the Mayan peoples, and they knew a lot in advance and left a lot behind them as a legacy to mankind. Do not miss the chance to visit the place where the great people lived.

To truly forget about everything, you should go on vacation to the Seychelles. White beaches, turquoise water, beautiful palm trees - the rest will be such that you want to stay here forever. The whole coast Seychelles as if from another life.

Everywhere White sand, which blinds with unaccustomed. Sea with beautiful water. Palm trees that help to hide from the sun and soak up the shade. And big stones, which are not clear where they come from, because there are no mountains and caves nearby. But the stones do not interfere, they only decorate the landscape, making it unique. In April, there are many diving enthusiasts on the islands who dive under the water, admire the underwater world and enjoy it all.

Bahamas- Another place where in April you can relax for a hundred balls. At this time, the berry is completely calm here. There is no wind, no waves, clouds occasionally float in the sky. The sun warms the islands, the temperature rises to +27 during the day, and at night it hardly drops, remaining around +24.

Coastal waters have indicators of +26 degrees, and these indicators will last the whole month. The Bahamas are not the cheapest for holidays, but here you can find cheap hotels and spend the vacation of your dreams.

Asia is the next continent to visit. Here, too, the beach season is coming to an end, and in May the rainy season will come, when there will be intense heat and humidity, winds will blow, and waves at sea will reach a height of several meters. But before that, there is still time and in April you can relax in Thailand.

In the middle of spring, excellent weather sets in at the resorts, which sometimes deteriorates and it rains. In April there are 3-4 rainy days, when it can be cloudy and rain. The rest of the time the sun shines and nothing prevents tourists from enjoying their vacation on the beach, going on excursions and enjoying every minute.

Do not forget about Hainan, which is often called the eastern Hawaii and there are explanations for this. Both Hainan and Hawaii are at the same latitude, so the climate is the same there and there, and you can relax in the resorts all year round. it is dry in Hainan in April, rains are rare.

During the day it can be up to +30 degrees, in the evening it is not lower than +24. The sea is almost the same temperature as the air, yielding only a couple of degrees +28.

Goa has the same weather as Thailand. There is almost no difference. But below India in Sri Lanka, the weather is a little different. During the day it is +33, and the sea is warmed up to +26 degrees. at the same time, trees and flowers begin to bloom on the island, which just need just such a temperature. In general, something blooms in Sri Lanka all year round, for this reason the island is called blooming. You can come here for vacation in any month. And trees and different flowers will constantly bloom here.

Egypt is already Africa. And Egypt is the only African country that in April can take tourists to its resorts and promise them warm weather and a warm sea. In April, a new beach season starts here, although it did not end, because you can relax in the country all year round. But still, it is in April that rare rains stop, the weather is sunny, and you can be on the beach all day. Holidays in Egypt is considered, and it is, the cheapest. And at the same time, the level of service and the level of rest are on top. This was appreciated not only by Russian tourists, but also by Europeans, who every year are becoming more and more on the coast of Egypt.

April is a great holiday season. The frosts have already receded, and the summer heat does not bother us yet. Therefore, many are eager to spend this month somewhere on vacation, or at least arrange a small weekend. In the article, we will tell you where it is better to go on vacation in April and where the weather is good in April.

Where to go for a weekend in April

The most popular places to spend the April weekend are Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Georgia. In order to admire the oriental beauties, you can go to Kazan or Armenia. The weather during this period is already quite warm and sunny.

Visiting arboretums, enjoying the beauty of park areas, conquering mountain peaks will make your weekend unforgettable, give new strength and energy. You can also spend a good weekend in nature not far from your city. A pleasant company and delicious barbecue will ensure a good mood. And the warm weather will also allow you to organize a rest in tents.

Excursion tours in April

April is a great month for planning a sightseeing tour. Most ski resorts are already closing, and it's still too early for a beach holiday. Therefore, the choice of countries for such resorts is quite small. But for interesting and the most beautiful places Europe, excursions to museums and ancient castles - it's time. In European countries this month is already quite warm. However, when planning a tour in early April, it is better to bring a jacket or a warm suit with you.

If you decide to relax in Europe and are thinking where to go, April - best month for travel to Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Holland, Czech Republic, Portugal. These countries will pleasantly surprise you with their color, interesting architectural monuments, ancient castles and world-famous museums. What is the Louvre in Paris, the Prado and the Escorial Palace in Madrid, the Uffizi Gallery in Italy, etc. If you want to walk along the old streets and see the architecture of the Old World, it is better to go to Vienna, Hungary, Cologne. Vienna is traditionally considered the city of waltzes and the custodian of ancient architectural monuments. You can also choose a tour that covers visiting several cities in Europe.

If you are thinking where to relax in early April, visit Holland. Here, during this period, flowers begin to bloom. In the Keukenhof park, near Amsterdam, about six million of the most diverse plants bloom, and the whole country celebrates the appearance of the first tulips with festivals.

Festivals and holidays in April

In April, many bright and exciting festivals, holidays, concerts are held in different cities of Europe. They are mainly associated with celebrations of the end of winter, the flowering of the first spring flowers, and the celebration of folk traditions.

If you want to enjoy the beauty of the abundance of bright, mesmerizing flowers, best countries for travel - Istanbul, the Netherlands, Holland. On the first of April, the famous Tulip Festival begins in Istanbul. It lasts almost the whole month. Thousands of tulips are planted throughout the city. Organized exhibitions of paintings from fresh flowers, flower fairs and shows.

For flower lovers, the question of where it is better to relax at the end of April can be answered with confidence - in the Netherlands. There you can see the magnificent Flower Parade. It starts at nine in the morning in the city of Noordwijk. An amazing column of cars decorated with various colors, flower paintings and installations stretches for forty kilometers. The procession is accompanied by a costume and musical show, dances and songs.

  • The Netherlands - in early April, the National Museum Weekend is held for several days;
  • Cambridge - in mid-April.

Free visits to museums last only one or a few days, so the date of the events should be checked with the travel agency.

In Italy, the most grandiose celebrations of Easter are held in April. These days, you can watch festive processions there, watch an interesting traditional rite of exorcism, and taste delicious Easter cakes. Vibrant Easter celebrations can also be enjoyed in Spain.

In France, in the Pas de Calais in April, you can witness one of the most spectacular festivals in the world - the holiday kites. Belfast hosts the Irish National Dance Championship in April. And in Germany, you can join the celebration of the Spring Festival. The UK Whiskey Festival takes place on April 27th. On this day, you can visit the factories where the drink is made and taste different types of whiskey, including rare and well-aged ones.

Connoisseurs of medieval culture should visit Malta, where the famous knight's parade is held in April, or Belarus, where the White Castle festival dedicated to medieval culture and music takes place on April 18.

Ski holidays in April

In April, there are not so many places where you can go to the ski resort. In most cities, it is already coming to an end. However, lovers of skiing and snowboarding should not be upset, and this season you can find places where good conditions for ski holidays are still preserved.

In early April, you can have a good rest in such cities of Austria:

  • Sölden;
  • Pitztale;
  • Stubai.

In France, fine snow cover persists in:

  • Tina;
  • Les Deux Alpes;
  • Bonneval-sur-Arque;
  • Val Thorens.

Until May, you can ski in such Swiss cities as Engelberg, Saas-Fee, Zermat. Until mid-April, you can also visit Davos, Les Diablerets.

in Italy for ski resort Passo Tonale, Val Senales are well suited. A great place for a snowy holiday in April is also the Voss resort in Norway.

Beach holidays in April

After a cold winter, many want to quickly open the beach season. Therefore, consider where it is warm at sea in April.
Early April the least suitable time for a beach holiday. However, if you really want to go to the sea, the climate in Jordan, Israel, China, Indonesia in the Maldives is most suitable.

In Jordan and Israel, the Dead Sea will welcome you. In addition, these are the destinations where you can relax by the sea in April cheaply. Daytime air temperature on average fluctuates within +25 degrees. This month there is little rain, so you can sunbathe well, swim, and visit many interesting excursions.

In China, the most comfortable temperature for a beach holiday is in Hainan. The air temperature here warms up to +25 ° C, there are many thermal springs, stunning natural parks. In Indonesia and the Maldives, the water temperature in April is about +25 degrees.

By the end of the month, you can expand the list of beach resorts with Tunisia, Egypt, Thailand, Morocco. At sea in April with a child, it is best to go to Tunisia. There, by the end of the month, the sea is already well warmed up, in addition, the doors of many water parks and entertainment centers for kids are open for you and the children. In Thailand, the best place to relax during this period is the island of Phuket, where the weather is more or less preserved without rains and storms. April in Thailand is “rich” with heavy rains. The Canarian island of Tenerife rightfully boasts of a chic beach resort in April. white sand beaches, tropical forests, volcanic mountains will be a great addition to the warm sea.

To relax at sea without a visa in April, you can go to the Dominican Republic, Indonesia. In Egypt, Thailand, Tunisia, a visa is issued upon entry.

In Morocco, Agadir is considered the warmest April resort. Daytime air temperature by the middle of the month reaches +25 degrees, and the sea temperature is +20.

We are planning a family vacation with children in April

Family holidays in April can be varied: the opening of the beach season or a vacation in the mountains or an exciting excursion. In any case, for trips with children, you should choose which countries are warm in April, the least rainfall, as well as cities where you can find entertainment centers for children, visit interesting short excursions.

It is best to give preference to visiting park reserves and arboretums, beautiful natural monuments. Children will enjoy watching such beauties much more than visiting museums, architectural masterpieces. A great solution would also be to go with the children to a bright costume festival. Definitely, a child will like it in April in Athens, where this period is marked by bright colorful carnivals. A visit to Disneyland in France will delight any little one.

When planning a holiday with children, be sure to bring warm clothes with you. Since in April it is at least mostly warm, cool rains and nighttime cooling are possible.

For lovers of shopping in April

If you want to shop for trendy designer clothes, Milan is the place to be. Dozens of glamorous showcases with the most famous brands will not leave any tourist indifferent. To shop economically, it is better to go to Rome, in Italy you can go shopping inexpensively near Termini Central Station.

For exquisite perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, clothes, it is best to go to Paris. Inexpensive clothes can be purchased in Germany. The UK has the largest number of exclusive extravagant clothing. In addition, in large shopping malls you can also live.

From the first of April to the middle of May is the season of spring sales in the Czech Republic. You can buy branded and exclusive clothes with a real discount from 30 to 70%.

Exotic Destination in April

For an exotic holiday, South Africa, Nepal and the Philippines are most suitable. An unforgettable experience is guaranteed from visiting the Kruger Reserve in South Africa. Lions, cheetahs, elephants, antelopes, buffaloes live in the vast territory of the reserve in their natural environment. Unique vegetable world will not leave anyone indifferent. About 200 km from Cape Town you can swim with six-meter white sharks.

April is a great period for climbing Everest, visiting sacred Tibet. Cherry blossoms bloom this month in Japan, and you will definitely remember such a sight for many years to come. On the Chinese island of Hainan, a visit to the Butterfly Gorge and the Monkey Island will add exotic to your vacation.

Where you can relax without visas in April

Many are probably wondering where to relax in April without a visa . There are quite a few such countries. For visa-free holiday in April you can go to:

  • Dominican Republic;
  • Turkey;
  • Macedonia;
  • Indonesia;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Georgia;
  • Belarus.

To visit these countries, there are some requirements for a passport. The number of days of possible visa-free stay varies. When planning a trip, be sure to clarify these points.

You can also visit countries in which a visa is issued on arrival. The most popular holiday destinations in April are:

  • Egypt;
  • Madagascar;
  • Maldives;
  • Thailand;
  • Tunisia.

Where not to go in April

The answer to the question of where it is better not to go in April depends on the purpose of the trip. Popular Bulgaria and Turkey are not suitable for a beach holiday, as the water there is still cold. In the first half of April in Thailand it is mostly rainy and storms rage. Low-level slopes are not suitable for a ski resort, to be one hundred percent sure, choose higher slopes.

Many are already tired of the snowy and frosty winter and are looking forward to the holidays. As a rule, most take a well-deserved vacation in the summer so that the whole family can go somewhere to the sea, and at this very time they face such inconveniences as busy beaches, high prices and lack of available hotel rooms. However, despite the small tourist flow and affordable prices, you should not take the first package that comes across, first carefully study the resort, since in many resort countries the rainy season begins at this time, and your beach vacation can be a little spoiled.

If this year your vacation falls on the second month of spring, do not be upset, we will tell you where you can go to relax in April 2018 at sea and how much it will cost you. Despite the fact that in Russian cities, the snow is just starting to melt and the air temperature is around 10 ° C, in other countries there are plenty of places for a beach holiday at this time. Now we will tell about them 🙂

Choosing the best destinations for a beach holiday abroad

In this article, we will not consider resort towns. Krasnodar Territory, since the average daily air temperature in April is +15°, water +10°.


If you decide to take beach holiday on a small Mediterranean island, it should be remembered that in spring and autumn the microclimate of resort cities can differ by several degrees, and the resorts of Ayia Napa, Protaras, Larnaca are considered the warmest, average temperature air in April is 21 - 22 ° C, and the water temperature is + 19 ° C. A great option for families with children, shallower water on the beaches warms up more, and small bays near Nissi Beach, located on Ayia Napa, are protected from the winds.

Approximate ticket price: from 35600 rub. Taking into account departure from Moscow on April 10 for 6 nights in BARBARA ANNEX APTS 3. (2 adults)


If you are looking for shelter from chilly spring winds, then Vietnam is the place to be. Peak tourist activity occurs from late November to April. This time is considered the dry season. And starting from May, the tropical rainy season begins, during which powerful typhoons are likely. The most preferred holiday resorts are those located in the southern part: Nha Trang, Phan Thiet. In April, the air temperature is +32°C, water +28°C.

Holidays in Vietnam will especially appeal to lovers of the underwater world. Almost every resort has its own diving centers. If you want to visit the "pearl plantations", then you should go to the Phukok Islands, if you want to admire the turtles, then feel free to go to Whale, but in Nha Trang you will see one of the most bewitching bays, by the way, it is in Nha Trang that the most acceptable months for diving are considered time from February to October.

Fans of fishing will not get bored either, local reservoirs are simply teeming with the most diverse fauna. For a small fee, the locals will not only provide you with a fishing rod, but will also show you the best fishing spots.

In April, before the rains have begun, you will be able to visit various excursions, temples of civilizations that have sunk into oblivion, endless rice fields, exotic markets and much more.

It is also worth noting that during the rainy season, which begins in May, you can also purchase vouchers, but for more affordable prices, however, the choice of a vacation spot should be approached more responsibly so as not to be under the destructive power of a typhoon.

Approximate cost: in DAI DUONG 2 * hotel, for 6 nights will cost you 75600 rub.(2 adults, no meals). You can find the official service for searching and booking in, as well as booking a hotel room, in our last article.


Perhaps this is the most amazing country, dirty and shocking, but at the same time bright and attractive, playing on contrasts, with a huge number of castes. If you plan to spend your vacation exploring the sights, then you simply do not have enough time. The most ancient state can be studied all your life and every time, India will open for you something new unknown.

In April, there is a decline in the tourist flow, as the season of very high temperatures begins, reaching 40 ° C, accompanied by dry winds and air humidity of 80 - 100%. Therefore, in this month of spring, we recommend going to resort towns located in mountainous areas. The temperature there is around 25-26°C. There you can also find a large national park Kaziranga, which is home to exotic animals.

When choosing a tour in April, you should pay attention to the availability of air conditioning in the hotel, as your room will be the only place where you can hide from the sweltering heat. By the way, in Goa the air temperature reaches +35°C, and water +30°C.

Approximate cost: 42400 rub. in Hafh Resorts 3*, for 7 nights (2 adults, breakfast)

Prefer to relax in nature? In this case, you will be interested in our next post, in which we told, as well as what clothes would be appropriate for barbecue 🙂

For some reason, the beginning of the film Duhless 2 immediately comes to mind, where main character cuts huge waves on his board, swims in his pool surrounded by forest, and in the evening has fun at parties 🙂

In April 2018, we suggest you go to one of the Indonesian islands of Bali, at this time of the year the weather is very warm, the air warms up to 30-32°C, and the water temperature reaches +30°C.

One of the most popular resort areas is considered to be Nusa Dua and resort town Kuta, the latter will especially appeal to active youth. In Kuta huge amount night clubs, restaurants, surf schools. Perhaps this is one of the most crowded and noisy places in Bali.

If you are tired of the bustle of the city, and prefer relaxing holiday, then the resort of Lovina is suitable for you, which can be reached from the airport in 3 hours by car. Lovina is a great place to stay with children. There are practically no waves on the beaches of this resort, and you will not see traffic jams on the streets. Cafes and restaurants with live music, excursions to hot springs and, of course, diving can brighten up your leisure time. Well, if you want to bring unusual souvenirs to your family and friends, then you should go to Ubud, here you can not only find souvenirs, but also visit museums, temples, as well as an impressive monkey forest.

Approximate cost: 110400 rub. 6 nights in Nusa Dua (2 adults, breakfast)

Here you can find cheap flights or book a hotel on favorable terms.


April is the best time to visit Cuba. In Havana, the air warms up to 30°C, and the water temperature is +26°C. This month of spring is still considered dry, and the chance of showers is minimized. Even if you come here in May, at the beginning of the rainy season, this will not mean that it will rain here day and night, of course, the precipitation will be more than in April, but rainy days according to statistics no more than 7.

Sometimes it seems that time has stopped in Cuba, cars of the 50s of the last century, as well as domestic cars that the USSR once supplied to Liberty Island, pass by modern skyscrapers. If you are in the capital of Cuba - Havana, be sure to visit Ernest Hemingway's favorite restaurant - El Floridita, where you will also find a monument to the writer. Fans of excursions will love the city of Santa Clara, which houses the mausoleum of Ernesto Che Guevara.

In the most popular resort of Varadero, tourists will find plenty of entertainment: the opportunity to explore rich in corals and colorful fish, undersea world, as well as skydiving, discos, bars and much more.

Approximate cost: 105400 rub. for 6 nights, in ACUAZUL 3* hotel (2 adults, all inclusive)

April is one of the hottest months in Thailand. The thermometer is over 35°C and the water temperature is +30°C. If you decide to go on vacation at this time, then you should find a hotel with air conditioning, as without it it will be quite difficult for an unprepared person. The same applies to excursions, in order not to get into the very sun, you should go for walks early in the morning.

In the middle of spring, there is a decline in tourists, which makes it possible to rent apartments profitably. Unfortunately, April is not the most favorable month for a beach holiday, strong winds often rage, and swimming is sometimes dangerous due to large waves.

The main feature of the holiday at this time is the opportunity to attend the celebration of the Thai New Year (April 13 - 15). The holiday is accompanied by noisy and cheerful festivities. This day is the beginning of the transition from the hot season to the rainy season.

The most popular resorts: Pattaya, Hua Hin, Phuket.

Price: 54100 rub. For 7 nights in V STYLE BOUTIQUE 3* (2 adults, breakfast)


In the second month of spring, when warming is just beginning in Russian cities, in the United Arab Emirates, summer is already in full swing. The average daily air temperature reaches +32°C, water +26°C. If you prefer excursions, then now is the time, the air is not yet so hot as to bring inconvenience.

Having visited the UAE for the first time, you should definitely see: the most tall skyscraper Burj Khalifa (828m), Dubai Mall Aquarium, Singing Fountains, Gold Souk, Wild Wadi Water Park and more.

The most popular resorts: Sharjah, Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah

Cost: 50700 rubles. for 6 nights in CITYMAX HOTEL SHARJAH 3* (2 adults, breakfast)

We hope that your vacation in April 2018 will bring you a lot of positive, good mood and charge you with vital energy until the next vacation 🙂 Write in the comments where you would like to go!

The middle of spring is the so-called off-season.

This time of year is perfect climatic conditions in popular Asian countries, they smoothly move into the rainy season, and during this period, seasonal destinations begin to gain momentum: Turkey and Cyprus.

The spring months are considered a great time to relax in the countries of the Middle East.

Cheap flights to the sea

Where to fly in April to the sea?

Among the numerous places for recreation, it is better to give preference to those destinations that perfectly combine price-quality ratio, will give you the opportunity to enjoy a beach holiday, as well as nightlife or an excursion program - it all depends on your preferences.

Where to go abroad in April?

April is the off-season, so a place to relax by the sea in given time years must be chosen carefully.

The specifics of summer holidays in the spring is that most of the resorts do not work at full capacity, so they can offer more reasonable prices for holidays.

The cost of living will begin to rise towards the end of the month, before May holidays when most people go to the sea to bask in the sun after a cold winter.

Where to go in April to sunbathe and swim?

  • Tunisia;
  • Morocco;
  • China;
  • Canary Islands;
  • Jordan;
  • Israel;
  • Egypt.


AT Tunisia April is the start of the tourist season.

During this period, there are no winds and sandstorms, you can safely sunbathe, but you should be careful with the sea, the water temperature may not be warm enough.

sea ​​in Morocco

On the territory of all regions there are many water parks, children's entertainment complexes, thalassotherapy centers and spa complexes.


Another direction suitable for a beach holiday in the spring is Morocco.

Of the local resorts, Agadir is the best located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

The beaches here are covered with golden sand, the air temperature is about 25-28 degrees, and the water in the ocean is about 20.

In Morocco, you can enjoy the amazing creations of architecture, combined with excellent European service.

From entertainment it is worth visiting one of the local casinos, going for a day to Casablanca or Marrakech, or go for a ride in jeeps in the desert.


Exotic lovers should pay attention to one of the most under-hyped destinations in Asia - China, namely hainan island, which is often referred to as the Chinese Hawaii.

hainan island

This is one of the highest quality destinations in the region.

The most famous resort on the island is Sanya, this is where best hotels and centers of Chinese traditional medicine.

Hainan has colorful nature, clear sea, many thermal springs and parks.

Popular activities here include rafting, diving and fishing. If desired, tourists can go on a safari, go to the island of monkeys or to the gorge of butterflies.

Canary Islands

The next classic beach destination in April is Canary Islands. The most popular island of the archipelago among Russian-speaking tourists is this.

Local beaches can be either white sand or black, which is of volcanic origin.

In addition to the sea, the Canaries can offer beautiful nature, a lot of rare animals and birds live here.


Best time to visit Jordan it will be April, when there is no strong summer heat. Beach holidays in here are perfectly combined with sightseeing trips around the country.

One of the most popular resorts- this is Aqaba located on the shores of the Red Sea, in particular on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba.

Another sea in Jordan is the Dead Sea, where water and mud have medicinal properties.

Of the sights, you should go to visit the rock city of Petra, and trips to the city of columns Jeyrash, to the Wadi Rum desert are also very interesting.


Another Middle Eastern direction of the East is Israel, the average air temperature in the country in April is 25 degrees.

Beach resorts are located on the shores of the Mediterranean, Red or Dead Seas.

Rest on the beach can be combined with excursions, go to Jerusalem or Bethlehem.

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Egypt can also offer wonderful conditions for a beach holiday in the spring. By this time, the wind season is ending in the country, the water in the Red Sea is very warm.

Sharm El Sheikh is better suited for youth recreation, and for family trips, it is better to give preference to Hurghada.

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Where to relax in Europe?

Of the European destinations for a beach holiday in April, it is better to consider Spain and Portugal, in particular Canary Islands and Madeira.

Beach resorts mediterranean sea they will not always be able to offer warm sea and air, but they will be able to boast of a rich excursion program.

Excursions in Europe

If we talk about sightseeing tours in Europe, then you should give preference to those trips during which you will have the opportunity to visit Italy, Czech Republic or France.

Another state that is especially attractive at this time of the year is the Netherlands, during this period a tulip parade takes place in Keukenhof.

Festivals in Europe

Europe is like a holiday, the main feature of most European states is the regular holding of all kinds of mass holidays and carnivals.

Netherlands can boast of several events at once in this period - flower parade passing 20 April and Queen's Day, which falls on 30 April.

If possible, go to Rome on April 21, on this day the day of the founding of Rome is colorfully celebrated, the grand opening of the city and many other events take place.

April 23 in Spain there are two holidays at once - Book Day and San Jordi, which is reminiscent of Valentine's Day.

The most beautiful processions take place in Barcelona, ​​at this time the city is strewn with rose petals, and dragon fights are held in the evening.

Spain in April

Spain is one of the best European holiday destinations in April. If we consider exclusively a beach holiday, then it is better to pay attention to Canary Islands.

canary island

For those who want to combine sightseeing vacation and holidays at sea should be considered the Mediterranean coast, in particular the Costa Dorado region.

April weather

In Spain, the weather in April can please everyone, almost every day the sun shines here, it is the middle of spring that is considered the beginning holiday season, also this best time for sightseeing trips.

In the south of the country, in the Malaga region, the average air temperature is 21 degrees, and in the middle of the mainland, an average of 18 degrees.

Where to rest in Spain?

The warmest weather in April, you can be offered islands, in particular, which are called the island of eternal spring.

On the mainland of the country at this time, there may be intermittent rains. Of the regions, it is better to consider Malaga, where the air temperature reaches 20-25 degrees.

Spanish prices in April

Prices for holidays in Spain will be quite reasonable, an order of magnitude lower than in the summer, when local resorts are filled with thousands of tourists.

For example, if a weekly stay for two during the season is 300 euros, then in April you can stay in the same hotel for 150-200 euros.

Beach holidays in April

Beach holidays in the classical sense of the word are available only on canary islands, at this time the sun is shining here, and the water temperature is Atlantic Ocean will be comfortable for swimming.


The United Arab Emirates is a kind of country of the future, which, like a mirage, has grown in the desert.

Sheikhs strive to be the first in everything and always, so the country has a Ferrari theme park, one of the best water parks in the world, the only seven-star hotel in the Burj Al Arab feast, the world's tallest building, palm islands and much more.

sea ​​in Cuba

Cuba is the "island of freedom" and the most colorful state in the Caribbean. Now the territory of Cuba is driven by a lot of rare bright cars that will amaze anyone.

In Havana, you can observe beautiful architecture, most of the architecture was built in the first half of the last century, here in the neighborhood there are chic hotels and houses of barons of the past, in which now slums and communal apartments.

Varadero is the center of tourist life, there are hotels, beautiful beaches and quality infrastructure.

People come to Cuba not only for a beach holiday, but also for high-quality bright emotions, because this is a rather colorful destination, where friendliness and positive local residents just amazing.

Also on the island there are many opportunities for diving, here are the best cigar factories in the world, rum factories.


One of the classic Asian destinations is Vietnam, which has a lot to offer excursion program and quality beach holidays.

surfing in bali

True, there is one caveat here - Bali is also a favorite place for freelancers to live permanently, because it is warm and has good waves.

If you prefer solo travel, then there is one minus in Bali - not the most best quality roads.

In most cases, the car that is rented has a manual transmission.

Youth resorts

For youth recreation, the most important thing is the perfect combination of price and quality.

Very often, young people prefer to travel to Egypt in the spring, one of the main arguments is the all-inclusive concept.

Of the resorts, preference is given to Sharm el-Sheikh, there is a more active night life, more places to go out, and a quality coral reef.

Ski tours

ski Andorra

Some beach destinations can offer you a ski holiday.

One of these areas is the UAE, now an indoor ski resort where everyone can ski.

In some European destinations, it is also possible to combine beach holidays and skiing.

For example, in the morning you can swim beach resorts mainland Spain, and in the afternoon go skiing in Andorra.

Where to go with a child in April?

One of the best places to relax with a child on the mainland in April will be Greece.

First of all, you should pay attention to the islands of Crete and Rhodes, where a beach holiday can be combined with sightseeing.

Children play on the sea

The islands are small in size and can shift quality service, good nature and a lot of interesting things for the smallest tourists.

If we talk about the mainland of the country, then it should be understood that the water in the sea may not be warm enough for children, but you will have the opportunity to introduce the child to Greek culture and mythology.

You should also know that carnivals are held in Athens at this time, and you can see national dances on numerous dance floors.

No less interesting for the child will be a trip to Disneyland where the kid will see his favorite characters with his own eyes and ride on numerous attractions.

Where to relax in Russia?

If we talk about the Russian destination for a holiday in April, then it can be divided into two categories:

  • Beach;
  • Sightseeing.

A beach holiday in April in Russian open spaces is a moot point, if the weather is good, then you can try to relax in Sochi or other Black Sea resorts, however, most likely the temperature of the water in the sea will be quite cool.

If we consider sightseeing holidays, then you should go to St. Petersburg, Karelia, or go to a small sightseeing tour along the Golden Ring.

Olga Stepanova

Reading time: 13 minutes


The beginning of April is a great time to travel, which is definitely suitable for people who can not stand the intense summer heat. Which countries will be interesting for tourists to travel in early April?

Thailand - summer holidays in April

Weather in Thailand in April

April is the hottest month in Thailand. The sun bakes very strongly, the temperature during the day reaches 32-35 ° C, and at night it drops to only 25 ° C. The sultry sun and high humidity favor real heat. The April weather in Thailand will not allow everyone to relax in comfort, since even the local population can hardly endure such heat. It is the strong heat that explains the fact that tourists from March to May are not eager to go to Thailand. However, this has its advantages - there will be no endless crowds on the beaches, in hotels, in bars and shops.
The Russians, of course, are not afraid of the heat in Thailand, on the contrary, this is a great chance to spend most of a short vacation swimming in the sea, riding water jets and motorcycles. By the way, if you try, you can find trips to Thailand for April at a big discount, but carefully choose which part of the country to go to, because, for example, in the south of Thailand it starts to rain in March.

Resorts & Activities in Thailand

Naturally, in April in Thailand, the most common is a beach holiday. You can have a great rest in Hua Hin, Bangkok, Pattaya, Phi Phi and Phuket.

But a large number of excursions at this time should not be planned here, because the exhausting heat will not allow you to fully enjoy the beauties of Thailand.

Egypt is ideal for excursions in April

It is in April that the peak of the tourist season begins, so do not count on super low prices- hotels are fairly loaded and do not reduce prices for accommodation.

Weather and resorts in Egypt

Spring Egypt is unpredictable: it can be very warm, or a gusty powerful wind can blow, however, although the April weather here is not constant, it is in this month that heat finally comes to Egypt - in the second half of April, during the day, the air temperature sometimes warms up to 30 -32 degrees and sea ​​water it literally gets warmer every day - its temperature does not drop below +21°C, which makes the April holiday in Egypt just an ideal choice for those who want to get from a damp and cold spring straight into summer. In general, the temperature in Egypt ranges from +20°C to +28°C - it all depends on the resort you choose.
The weather in Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada in April is amazing, there is no exhausting heat, and the water is warm enough. The sun is not scorching, but gently warming.
In April, you can have a great rest here and not burn out to get a tan. However, the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in April is more preferable than in Hugard, because there are many coral beaches here, and powerful gusts of wind do not lift sand into the air.
Really sultry April Egypt becomes resorts Sinai Peninsula. The daytime air temperature in Dahab, Taba and Sharm el-Sheikh reaches +30°С, and at night - +20°С. This area, hidden by mountains, is mostly calm, so the April heat is felt here much stronger than on the western coast of the Red Sea. By the way, sea water warms up better - up to 25 ° C.

What to pack for Egypt in April

What is essential to take is sunscreen and a light hat. Do not forget about the dangers that the amazing and insidious underwater world of the Red Sea is fraught with - special rubber slippers for swimming will help you avoid them.
By the way, it gets much warmer in the mornings than in winter, so plan your day so that you visit the beach only in its first half and in the late afternoon. When going on a tour, keep in mind that early departures and late returns will require long sleeves, but during the day you will not be able to do without sunscreen and a bottle of drinking water. And if you go on an excursion to Giza and Cairo, then grab an umbrella and be prepared for short rains: in April it is often cloudy there.

Holidays and events in April Egypt

Although the April weather in Egypt is comfortable for any type of holiday, however, sandstorms are still not excluded, especially if you travel in the first half of the month. By the second half of the month, they subside, so it is no coincidence that the Egyptians celebrate Sham An-Nasim, which symbolizes the onset of spring, on the first Monday after Orthodox Easter. The holiday is usually accompanied by picnics near water bodies, so the second half of April is the best time, for example, for an amazing cruise from Luxor to Aswan along the Nile.
Another interesting April event in Egypt is camel racing. You can see this amazing spectacle in the town of El Arish, located in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. By the way, traditional camel fairs, already without camel "competitions", are held every week near Aswan and in the suburbs of Cairo, Imhabu.

Cyprus in April - mild weather and a variety of entertainment

Weather in Cyprus in April

In April, Cyprus begins to "warm up". In early April, the weather, especially at night, is usually cool, but at the end of the month it becomes hotter every day, which clearly indicates the imminent approach of summer.
The average maximum air temperature in resorts on the coast during the day reaches 21-23 ° C, but in the west it is a little cooler. In the heart of Cyprus, the weather is even better - up to 24°C. Even in the mountains, the maximum air temperature this time reaches 15 degrees. Night temperature on the coast drops to 11-13°С, to 10°С on the plains and only to 6°С in the mountains. There is almost no hail and rain in Cyprus in April.

Advantages of holidays in Cyprus

A big plus of the April holiday is the chance to buy quite cheap tour. Although quite cool nights scare someone, but for evening walks you can throw on a warm jumper in which you will be quite comfortable.
April is a great month for outdoor activities, just before the hot sun burns all the green, so don't forget to visit the Akamas Peninsula, a nature reserve where you grow 700 different plant species, 40 of which are unique and exist only here.

Holidays and entertainment in apel in Cyprus

April in Cyprus is perfect for active rest. The air is still very fresh, and the sea water is cool, so you can enjoy the last days of spring, although spring here can be said to be formal, because it is already quite warm, and the beaches are filled with sunbathers.

  • On April 1, Cyprus celebrates its national day. 1955 - the beginning of the path of Cyprus to independence from colonial England.
  • On Good Friday, numerous celebrations and processions begin, which in all corners of the island smoothly turn into the celebration of Easter.
  • In Cyprus you can always enjoy music. After all, in addition to the musical Sundays that have become a tradition, the Berengaria International Music Festival in Limassol and the Nicosia two-week chamber music festival are held here.
  • In Polemy, the Tulip Festival is held - a stunningly beautiful and unforgettable sight.

By the end of the month, almost all bars, restaurants and cafes open in Cyprus. Cyprus expects a powerful influx of tourists.

United Arab Emirates in April for travelers

Weather and resorts

United United Arab Emirates- one of the best places for an April break. There is a subtropical climate here, and therefore it is hot in summer, and mid-spring is an ideal time for comfortable rest. The water temperature is almost the same as the air temperature. At a daily air temperature of +24 - +30 degrees, the water warms up to +21 - +25 degrees, and sometimes even more.
32°С during the day are typical for west coast UAE. The heat in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah has not yet reached its maximum, but it is already making demands on tourists' uniforms - be sure to have a light hat and sunscreen in your bag.
Slightly different climatic conditions prevail in Fujairah. At night here, as in other resorts, it is 19-20°С, and during the day it is a little cooler, usually not higher than 30°С. Therefore, the water is cooler too: the Gulf of Oman heats up to 21°C, so if you want to swim, then head west to the Persian Gulf, where the water temperature is 27°C.
April holiday in the UAE is possible in the resorts of Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Fujairah, Ajman, Ras Al Khaimah and Umm Al Quwain.
By the way, there is one important spring feature of the Emirates - frequent thick fogs associated with the change of seasons. Sometimes they can interfere with sightseeing of monuments and sights or visiting towers and viewing platforms, especially if the tour is held in the morning or evening. On foggy days, be extremely careful on the roads if you travel by personal transport, as visibility sometimes drops to a few meters.

Advantages of holidays in the UAE in April

  • Thanks to the comfortable weather in the UAE, any type of vacation, both sightseeing and beach, is as pleasant and convenient as possible.
  • Family tours to the Emirates give you visits to water parks, zoos, attractions and entertainment centers.
  • Tour operators often offer discounts on tours for 3 or more people, which means that going on vacation with the whole family will be much cheaper.
  • Service in the UAE is simply on top, especially in comparison with neighboring Egypt and Turkey.

Events and entertainment in the UAE in April

In April, you will be able to visit the Dreamland water park, the large Khili tomb, get acquainted with the architecture of Jumein, the Ibrahim Al-Kalil mosque, take a tour of Dubai, visit Sharjah museums, see the stunning high-tech buildings of Dubai, the magnificent mosques of Abu Dhabi and other natural beauties of the Emirates .
By purchasing an April ticket to the UAE, be sure what awaits you fun holiday. Numerous festivals, exhibitions and fairs are constantly held in the Emirates.
In Ajman you will be able to take part in a very interesting shopping festival which will continue in Abu Dhabi.
In addition, the April period is perfect for playing sports and attending various competitions, the season of which lasts in the UAE for literally a whole year.

Israel in April for tourists and pilgrims

Weather in Israel in April

The rainy season comes to an end in April and warm and dry weather reigns in Israel. In Netanya, Haifa and Tel Aviv, the average daytime temperature is +22°C, and the nighttime temperature is +17°C. In Tiberias, the temperature is much higher - already + 27 ° C, and on the Dead Sea it is even higher by about a degree. But the hottest is still Eilat. During the day on the coast, the April air here warms up to + 31 ° С. And in Jerusalem during the day, quite comfortable temperatures for walks and excursions are + 22 ° С. Remember that the difference between day and night temperatures, due to the proximity of the desert, is very noticeable, so take a jumper with you.