The best airlines in Russia: list, description, reviews. Rating of Russian airlines in terms of flight safety and other parameters

The world's safest airlines were announced in early January. The independent assessment organization Airlineratings, when compiling the rating, was guided by data from state aviation authorities, various checks, studies, and death records. When compiling the rating, the level of airports where the bases of airlines are located, the comfort of their aircraft and how often the aircraft fleet is updated were taken into account. The study involved 407 carriers. What is the most safe world? Read about it in the article.

Qantas (Australia)

This carrier leads the ranking of the safest airlines in the world. Moreover, it is the largest organization in Australia. Its base is located in Sydney. The airline has earned the title of the safest carrier as none of its aircraft has been in an accident in the past 60 years. During the Second World War, several aircraft still crashed (about 63 people died). Later there were two catastrophes with victims, the last of which happened in 1951. The aircraft fleet of the company is regularly updated. The oldest airliners are only 9 years old.

Alaska Airlines (USA)

The carrier's headquarters is located in the Seattle suburb of Siteke. The company was founded in 1932. In its entire history, only 4 times its liners got into accidents. The Alaska Airlines fleet has 112 aircraft, which combine three destinations. Portland and Los Angeles airports have two additional hubs. The British agency Skytrax awarded Alaska Airlines three stars.

Air New Zealand (New Zealand)

The services of this air carrier have been used for 70 years. The company was founded in 1940. For some time it operated flights exclusively from New Zealand to Australia. In 1965, the air carrier received the name by which it is known today.

The main bases of the company are the airports of Oakland and Los Angeles. The peculiarity lies in the fact that it is the only one on the market that operates flights around the world.

Taking care of the comfort and convenience of its customers, the company regularly updates and improves the route service, providing the fastest flights and the best routes. The reliability of flights is also at a decent level.

The company flies to 27 destinations within New Zealand alone and to 26 external destinations. Air Fleet consists of 50 modern aircraft, which are based on Boeings and Airbuses.

All Nippon Airlines (Japan)

The main base is located in the capital of Japan. All Nippon Airlines ranks second among the largest airlines in this country. The main specialization of the carrier are domestic flights. International routes are also operated. Under its control is the cargo airline AJV. Planes fly between 49 cities in Japan.

Also flights are made to 22 cities of other countries.

Initially, All Nippon Airlines carried out exclusively helicopter transportation, but a year later the company also opened passenger flights from Osaka to Tokyo.

The aircraft fleet consists of 204 aircraft. The company also offers its customers participation in after the first flight.

Cathay Pacific Airways

In the East, this carrier is one of the largest. Its base is located in Cathay Pacific Airways has a large route network, covering not only the countries of the East, but also the USA, Australia, Russia, the countries of Europe and Asia. The airline is engaged not only in passenger, but also in cargo transportation to more than 100 destinations around the world. The air fleet today has 97 aircraft.

Cathay Pacific Airways is part of Oneworld, one of the three largest airline alliances in the world. All members of the alliance adhere to the same pricing policy and loyalty program. The consulting company Skytrax awarded this airline with five stars.

Swiss International Air Lines (Switzerland)

Works in 70 directions in 40 countries of the world. The air carrier is considered a leader in terms of quality of service. Reliability, responsibility and scrupulousness - distinctive features company work. The fleet consists of 90 modern liners, which is based on "Airbuses".

The safest airlines in the world are marked above. The rest also deserve attention. In addition to the listed carriers, the list of the safest airlines in the world includes Lufthansa (Germany), American Airlines (USA), United Airlines (USA), Emirates (UAE), Etihad Airways (UAE), Japan Airlines (Japan), KLM (Netherlands), SAS (Sweden-Norway-Denmark), Hawaiian Airlines (USA), Virgin Atlantic (UK), Singapore Airlines (Singapore), Virgin Australia (Australia), Swiss (Switzerland), EVA Air (China). But that's not all.

The safest airlines in the world among low-cost carriers are Flybe (UK), Jetstar (Australia), HK Express (China), (UK), Virgin America (USA), TUI Fly (Germany).

According to Airlineratings, 16 air crashes occurred in 2015, resulting in 560 deaths.

The crash of the Airbus-321 of the Kogalymavia company was called the biggest disaster (224 people died). When the Airbus-320 GermanWings crashed, 150 people became victims.

The safest airlines in the world plan to continue to live up to this honorary status.

Every year, consulting companies conduct large-scale surveys on passenger satisfaction with air carriers, as a result of which leaders are identified.

300 aircraft

(Lufthansa) opens top ten the best airlines in the world today. The leading German carrier is also one of the largest in the world. Lufthansa provides its customers with a high level of service and comfort during the flight. The fleet includes about 300 aircraft. Flights are made to 215 destinations. Lufthansa recognized the best airlines Europe.

200 aircraft

All Nippon Airways(All Nippon Airways) is one of the largest Japanese airlines. In safety ratings, AllNippon occupies one of the first places. All Nippon Airways won the Best Airport Service award. The airline offers four levels of service on board, depending on the class. Multimedia entertainment is provided for passengers of all classes. AllNippon Airways is distinguished not only by the comfort of flights, but also by the operational speed of servicing all customers. Air transport includes about 200 technical units that fly to more than 200 cities.

39 aircraft

Virgin Atlantic/VirginAustralia a (Virgin Atlantic) is one of the 50 largest air carriers in the world. Virgin Atlantic provides passengers with comfortable flight conditions in accordance with the class. Free meals and multimedia entertainment are provided for everyone. In 2009, the air carrier won the Best Premium Economy Class nomination. In 2010, Virgin Atlantic was recognized as the best transatlantic company. In terms of reliability and safety, Virgin Atlantic ranks fifth in the world. The size of the fleet is relatively small, with 39 aircraft. Flights are made to 34 destinations.

63 aircraft

EVA Air(Eva Air) is one of the major Taiwanese airlines. According to the results of 2015, it was included in the top three most reliable and safe carriers and in the top ten the best companies by service. The air fleet includes 63 units of aircraft. Flights are carried out to 74 destinations.

200 aircraft

(Emirates) is one of the largest air carriers in the world, which is located in Dubai. Emirates ranked among the top 10 safest and most reliable airlines. Passengers are provided with a full range of comfortable services on board the aircraft in accordance with the class. The airline received an award in the nomination " Top entertainment on board." The fleet has more than 200 aircraft, which will soon be replenished with several hundred more. Flights are carried out in 120 points of the world.

100 aircraft

Singapore Airlines(Singapore Airways) – largest airline Singapore. Has a five-star rating from the consulting company Skytrax. For business class customers, Singapore Airlines offers an exclusive offer - to fly in suites, which are separate comfortable cabins. The cabin allows you to retire and relax during the flight on a full bed. A bonus program has been developed for passengers, which encourages regular customers through accumulated trips. The client himself chooses the type of remuneration for bonuses. Singapore Airlines won in the nomination "The best staff on board". The air fleet of Singapore Airlines has more than 100 units of aircraft and flies to more than 60 points of the world.

150 aircraft

Cathay Pacific Airways(Catey Pacific Airways) is Hong Kong's flag carrier. Katya Pacific has entered the top six airlines in the world with a five-star rating, according to the influential British company Skytrax. Increased level of service on board, incentive bonus programs for passengers and a modernized fleet - all this puts Cathay Pacific Airways among the best. The fleet has about 150 aircraft, soon their number will increase by another 80. The geography of flights is quite extensive and includes 112 destinations.

100 aircraft

(Etihad Airways) opens the top three of the best airlines in the world. United Air Carrier United Arab Emirates is one of the youngest and fastest growing companies in air transport. Etihad Airways has received over 30 awards since its founding (2003) for its high level of service and flight comfort. All passengers can take advantage of a rich media library with a varied selection of audio recordings and films. For business class clients, there is a separate waiting room with seating areas, where a wide range of services is provided. In addition, a free service "Personal Chauffeur" is provided at the place of arrival. Economy Class passengers have the option of a free shuttle service with an Etihad Airways ticket. The air park has more than 100 aircraft. The number of international routes is 120.

200 aircraft

(Kwontas Airways), nicknamed "The Flying Kangaroo", was ranked among the top three air carriers this year. It is the largest and oldest Australian airline. All Qantas Airways aircraft are equipped with an upgraded security system and are under constant monitoring. The company provides passengers with quality service and comfortable conditions during the flight. Carries out transportation on 144 international routes. The size of the fleet is about 200 aircraft. In terms of safety, Qantas Airways ranks second.

76 aircraft

(Air New Zealand) - One of New Zealand's largest air carriers, ranked first among the best airlines this year. Air New Zealand is considered the safest by Airline Ratings experts. Innovative implementations to improve the comfort level of flights also set this company apart from others. Each passenger can become a member of the Air New Zealand Koru program. The exclusive offer is to provide additional services: customers are provided with special waiting rooms with the possibility of using a separate parking lot. There are also lounges with showers, light snacks, Internet access and other services. An increased level of comfort, qualified personnel, environmental friendliness and safety are indicators of the air carrier's credibility. The air fleet consists of 76 aircraft, transportation is carried out on 48 international routes.

The issue of flight safety is one of the most pressing issues that, one way or another, all travelers ask. Regardless of the distance, any tourist wants the hours and minutes spent in the sky to be as calm and comfortable as possible.

Often the choice of the airline that operates the flight, completely affects all these factors. Every year, international companies compile airline ratings that reflect the entire work of the carrier and its main indicator for the passenger - safety.

The Vipgeo portal represents the safest airlines in Russia and the world, according to international ratings and authoritative publications.

Important: The list of airlines was compiled on the basis of the rating of the European Agency for aviation security- EASA. There are several other similar agencies in the world, and their data may vary slightly.

Safe airlines in Russia

According to European agencies, for 2019, the airline "" is recognized as the safest carrier registered in Russia. She was assigned the highest rating of 0.24 points, based on the calculation - the closer to one, the more dangerous flights by this carrier.

The rating is compiled on the basis of checking the general condition of the liners, punctuality and compliance with documentary standards and international law. As for air crashes, since 1993, the Urals have not had a single incident with human casualties.


In second place in terms of safety is the largest air carrier beyond the Urals " S7", formerly known as the company" Siberia ". The “Siberians” have an older aircraft fleet, most often 15-20-year-old Airbuses and Boeings work in the company on regular flights. However, the technical condition of the aircraft never caused any complaints from international commissions.

The biggest plane crashes of this company occurred in the early 2000s, when more than 300 people died in total. Since then, the level of security of transportation "S7" meets all international standards, and precedents, except for two emergency landings, was not recorded.

As for the largest and oldest airline in Russia - "" - today the most disputes. On the one hand, they have the most impressive budget and allow you to regularly update your fleet of aircraft. But on the other hand, a series of disasters in the 90s seriously damaged the reputation of the once transportation giant. Therefore, now - only third place and 0.38 points.

But the main thing worth saying about Aeroflot is that the company is the only Russian carrier that consistently enters international ratings. True, the same JACDEC agency in 2019 placed Aeroflot only in 36th place in the list of the safest airlines in the world.

Registered in Khanty-Mansiysk, the company "" today is one of the most popular carriers in the country, with dozens of domestic and international destinations.

Interestingly, the company's fleet is based on new medium-capacity aircraft of the ATR brand, which makes the carrier a kind of leader in short regional flights.

Air crashes have happened at UTair, but the last major incident happened in 2014 with a MI-8 cargo helicopter. Passenger aircraft fly without incident.

The safest airlines in the world

The rating of the safest air carriers in the world in 2019 was deservedly headed by the Hong Kong-based company. It has been on the market since 1946, and over the past three decades, the only accident associated with its aircraft has been a hard landing. passenger liner flying from Indonesia.

Today, Cathay Pacific Airways serves dozens of countries, including all South East Asia, Europe, USA and Russia. Recently, the company has even launched a Russian-language website with the ability to book tickets.

Despite the incidents of 2017, the carriers of the United Arab Emirates continue to rank second in the ranking of the safest airlines in the world. And the best of the best is the company "". They annually update the fleet of ships, and also regularly improve the quality of passenger service - from economy class to first class.

For Russian tourists Emirates is important if only because it cooperates with S7 organizing in Dubai and Abu Dhabi connecting flights to Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Maldives. In addition, at 10 Russian cities there is a possibility of direct charter flight aircraft of this company.


The third place in the ranking of the safest airlines is occupied by another Chinese carrier - " EVAAir". It began work in 1989, and over the years of its existence, it has not allowed a single air crash with human casualties. The only precedents were associated with a hard landing in the United States.

Unfortunately, Russian travelers can use the services of this airline only at Asian airports.

Qatar Airways

And the fourth place, according to the airline safety ratings of 2019, was firmly occupied by Middle Eastern aircraft from the company "". The carrier is based in Doha and serves 160 destinations worldwide. Since 1993, the company has had only two accidents, but both of them did without human casualties.

The carrier has a huge fleet of Boeings and Airbuses. What is attractive for Russian tourists is that Qatari planes regularly fly through Moscow, St. Petersburg and Voronezh.

Are low-cost airlines as dangerous as they are said to be?

Recently, due to increased reports of low-cost airline crashes, many tourists have begun to abandon cheap carriers, sincerely believing that companies intend to save on safety for the sake of the number of tickets sold. But how true is this?

Tourists with extensive experience flying low-cost airlines claim that rumors and speculation are nothing more than exaggerations. Yes, there are problems with low-cost airlines, but the key cause of disasters, as elsewhere, is the human factor. Links to supposedly old planes of our Pobeda and other cheap companies are fake. Doubting participants in the discussions are sent to the official websites of the carrier.

If we take the issue seriously, then the main problem of low-cost airlines is the lack of proper comfort during the flight, but not the safety of passengers. If you choose a cheap flight, you need to know what you are saving on. If you are afraid, you have a direct road to the ticket offices of major airlines.

In Rostov-on-Don of the FlyDubai liner, there were suggestions on the Internet that the Arab low-cost airline did not pay enough attention to security issues. However, there is no documentary evidence for this. studied the rating of the safest airlines in the world and found out which carriers are not afraid to fly.

The most authoritative in the world of aviation in the last 13 years is the annual rating of the German research company Jacdec. When preparing the Safety Index, experts analyze data on all aviation accidents over the past 30 years (in the latest rating, accident data that occurred since 1986 was taken into account). The safety audit indicators of the international organizations IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) also play a significant role.

The later the catastrophe happened, the more weight it has in calculating the corresponding place in the ranking. In total, the compilers of the Safety Index take into account eight parameters. It takes into account passenger traffic, the number of victims in all incidents and the number of completely lost or destroyed aircraft. So-called serious incidents also play an important role - we mean landings with a failed engine, other breakdowns and overruns off the runway (runway).

The position of the airline in the ranking improves every full year without a single incident. The last parameter that guides the compilers of the index is the rating of the country to which the airline belongs. It, in turn, is formed on the basis of the transparency of the actions of the regulatory authorities investigating aviation accidents.

We must immediately make a reservation that FlyDubai is not included in the list of the safest carriers in the world. However, not due to any aviation incidents, but because of its too short history: experts do not consider it possible to evaluate a company established in 2009. However, until March 19, the company's only incident dated January 2015 - then a Boeing 737 en route from Dubai was fired upon while landing at Baghdad Airport. The crew was able to land the aircraft, but no damage was caused.


In February, the next Safety Index 2016 was published. Like a year ago, it was headed by the Hong Kong carrier Cathay Pacific Airways (in the 2014 ranking it was in second place). The company's safety index (the lower the better) is 0.006.

The carrier's only incident in 30 years was a hard landing at Hong Kong airport in 2010. Then, due to low-quality fuel, the pilots of the Airbus A330, which took off from Surabaya (the second largest city in Indonesia), could not fully control the engine thrust. As a result, the liner landed at high speed and received significant damage, but none of the passengers and crew members were injured.

At the same time, in 1972, Cathay Pacific Airways lost a Convair 880 aircraft flying from Bangkok to Hong Kong, when a bomb hidden in a suitcase exploded on board the liner. The death toll in a plane that crashed near the Vietnamese city of Pleiku was 81 people.

In addition, in 1948, a Cathay Pacific Airways floatplane was hijacked by terrorists. The attack is believed to be the first such incident in commercial aviation history. Four criminals participated in the capture, shortly after takeoff they killed the pilot. As a result, the plane crashed in the river delta Chinese province Guangdong, 26 people were killed. The only survivor was the leader of the terrorists.

Second place for the second year in a row goes to Emirates (index: 0.007). There were only two serious incidents in the history of the Arab carrier. In 2004, an Airbus A340 skidded off the runway during takeoff at Johannesburg Airport. No one was injured then, but the aircraft shot down 25 approach lights, as a result of which four tires were punctured and the fuselage was damaged.

In 2009, another Airbus A340 hit some lights at the end of a runway in Melbourne. The plane took off, but the crew decided to return, as the liner received minor damage.

From Russia, Emirates operates flights to the UAE, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Seychelles and Bali, and thanks to a codeshare agreement with S7, connecting flights are possible from more than 30 cities.

Rounding out the top three for the second year in a row is EVA Air (index: 0.008), Taiwan's second largest airline.

Founded in 1989, during its existence it has not allowed a single serious incident. A small accident with an Eva Air Boeing 747 occurred in 2012 in the United States: during taxiing, the pilots did not calculate the trajectory and hit the wing of an American Eagle aircraft.

In May 2015, the carrier received an anonymous call about a bomb planted on board a Boeing 777, which at that moment was flying from Taiwan to Los Angeles. Immediately after landing, a thorough inspection of the aircraft was carried out, but no explosives were found. In January 2016, a flight en route from Los Angeles to Taiwan made an unscheduled landing in Sapporo: one of the passengers required emergency medical attention.

Eva Air does not fly to Russia.

The top ten are Qatar Airways(index: 0.009), Hainan Airlines (0.010), KLM (0.010), Air New Zealand (0.011), Etihad Airways (0.013), Japan Airlines (0.015) and TAP Portugal (0.015).

Security in Russia

the only Russian airline, one of the top 60 safest in the world, is Aeroflot. The main Russian carrier is ranked 36th (0.106). For comparison: the Italian Alitalia (0.110) has approximately the same rating, but the French Air France (0.129) and the American American Airlines (0.139) lose to Aeroflot.

Previously, Transaero was also in the top 60 - last year the airline even got into the top twenty of the rating, taking 17th place with an index of 0.024.

When analyzing safety, Skytrax experts analyze the compliance with safety standards by airline employees, and also attend corporate courses where crews practice practical actions in emergency situations. At the same time, Skytrax does not have any separate index, but safety is taken into account when compiling the Quality Rating.

In the Quality Rating itself, places are not ranked; instead, the airline is assigned a rating - from one to five stars. Now the list of five-star carriers includes seven air carriers: Cathay Pacific Airways (Hong Kong), ANA All Nippon Airways (Japan), Asiana Airlines ( South Korea), Garuda Indonesia (Indonesia), Hainan Airlines (China), Singapore Airlines (Singapore) and Qatar Airways (Qatar).

The Russian S7 and Aeroflot have three stars each, the Rossiya airline has two.

The Arab low-cost airline FlyDubai, whose plane crashed in Rostov-on-Don, has not yet received a Skytrax rating.

International airlines do not get tired of improving the service, trying to win first positions. The “best of the best” fail to impress passengers: armchairs with massagers, menus from chefs, the ability to check the weather from robots, and even babysitting services for children. Qatar Airways is valued for its superior business class and first class lounge. Among European carriers, Lufthansa stands out. And most importantly, each airline has its own "face" and its own philosophy. In this review, we have collected - top 10.

10. Garuda Indonesia

Opens the rating of the best airlines in the world Garuda Indonesia, which has been operating since 1947. Unusual name associated with the mythical bird of the god Vishnu - Garuda (a symbol of Indonesia). The airline carries passengers to 12 countries of the world. Customers note the high level of cleanliness and friendly service. The headquarters of the Indonesian airline is located at the capital's airport Soekarno-Hatta. There are private waiting rooms where you can have a bite to eat and connect to the Internet.

Lufthansa is the national carrier of Germany, one of the largest and best airlines in the world. It has been operating since 1926 and owns the world's second largest fleet of 700 aircraft. The airline's network of routes is also quite wide - 410 points where flights are carried out (Europe, Asia, Africa, America).

Customers can use one of three classes: first, business and economy. There are a number of promotions and additional services. For corporate clients - "Star Alliance Company Plus", for private passengers - "Star Alliance". The merits of Lufthansa were recognized in 1997 by inviting it to the prestigious StarAlliance.

Qantas Airways is one of Australia's top airlines and has been nicknamed the "Flying Kangaroo". It is one of the oldest in the world (founded in the 20s), second only to KLM and Avianca. Qantas Airways started out as an air carrier. Today, the company is based in Sydney and is the second largest carrier in Australia (ahead of KLM). The average age of aircraft is 10 years. The route is laid in 140 cities. Qantas Airways is considered one of the safest airlines in the world. Aircraft are equipped with video and audio systems for customer entertainment. An interesting service for passengers is the opportunity to taste the dish of the country where they are going.

EVA Air is a Taiwanese airline founded in the 80s. It is located at Tai'an-Taoyuan Airport and operates domestic and international flights. Among the destinations of EVA Air are Asia, Europe, North Africa and Australia (about 70 destinations). It is the second largest air carrier in Taiwan.

EVA Air has implemented robotic customer service at Taoyuan and Songshan airports. Robot Robert after scanning the coupon can communicate with the client - provide data on the departure, weather, promotions and bonuses of the company. You can dance with the robot, take photos together or play games. It is also interesting that on some planes, the airline's employees fly in liveries, on which images of cartoon characters are applied. For example, Hello Kitty.

EVA Air planes provide 3 classes of service: economy, economy premium and business. Flight safety is also worth noting - EVA Air aircraft have not been involved in major accidents.

One of the most popular airlines in the world, Turkish Airlines, has been operating since 1933 and is based in Istanbul. At first it was a national carrier, but today 49% of the shares are owned by the state and 51% by private owners. There are two service options to choose from: economy and business. The route geography covers 220 foreign airports in Europe, America, Asia and Africa (80 countries in total). The company has the youngest fleet of aircraft - an average age of 3.5 years. During the flight, passengers are offered snacks, Turkish meze and dessert. Turkish Airlines Airlines is focused on medium-haul flights.

5 Etihad Airways

In the middle of the ranking of the world's airlines is Etihad Airways. It is a national company of the UAE, operating since 2003. It was created by the decree of the Sheikh. The headquarters is located in Abu Dhabi. In just 5 years of existence, Etihad Airways has increased the number of passengers by 6 million. It is the fastest growing airline in the world, which was facilitated by the Skytrax award: in 2016, the airline was awarded for first class quality (including in-flight meals and seats).

The name Etihad Airways means "alliance", referring to the relationship between passengers and the airline. The Arab concept of luxury is reflected in the comfort during the journey: in the first class - a two-meter chair-bed and a chef, in the economy - a touch screen and three dishes to choose from. During long trips, they give out a travel kit (socks, toothpaste and brush, earplugs, sleep mask). Passengers with children can order babysitting services.

4 Cathay Pacific

Hong Kong airline operating flights to 51 countries (200 routes) in Asia, Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Cathay Pacific is one of the six air carriers that ranks highly in Skytrax ranking(5 stars). The airline has been operating since 1946 - it was opened by former Air Force pilots, an American and an Australian. First Cathay Pacific was based in Shanghai, then moved to Hong Kong. The air fleet includes more than 90 aircraft (average age - 10 years). Among the entertainment for passengers are movies, music, magazines, an air boutique. On long flights, passengers are offered an overnight sleep kit.

Singapore Airlines opens the top three airlines in the world. It has been operating since 1947 and provides services for flights to 35 countries (more than 60 cities). Changi Airport (Singapore) is the base. If a passenger transits through it, he will be offered a free two-hour tour. Singapore Airlines is guided by the philosophy that the passenger should receive the maximum comfortable rest aboard. Even economy class passengers will appreciate the high level of comfort during the flight: plenty of legroom, multimedia, monitors. You can use the Internet or watch a movie. The airline has more than a hundred aircraft in its fleet, but not a single aircraft has been in operation for more than five years.

Qatar Airways is ranked 2nd in the list of the best air carriers in the world. It is the national airline of Qatar headquartered in Doha. Flights are carried out to five continents - more than 130 destinations (all international). The average age of aircraft is 5 years. In 2017, Qatar Airways launched the world's longest flight from Qatar to New Zealand.

According to the rating of the British resource Skytrax, Qatar Airways is a 5-star airline. Passengers are placed on wide seats with a massage function. Everyone has their own blanket, pillow and headphones. There is an entertainment center with the ability to watch movies, listen to music and use the Internet.

Qatar Airways customers note the variety of the menu: rice, stewed vegetables, salads, sandwiches. Transit passengers are offered to spend time not at the airport, but at the hotel - the airline helps to obtain a temporary visa and provides a transfer (the service may be paid or free).

Emirates Airline tops our top 10 "best airlines in the world" ranking. The company was opened in the 80s in Dubai for the development of tourism in the UAE. The Emirates Airline fleet (250 aircraft) is one of the "youngest" in the world. The average age of vehicles is 5.6 years.

The airline positions itself as a global carrier, making regular flights to all continents of the planet. From the base airport "Dubai" you can fly to 140 cities. Emirates Airline ranks first in terms of total number of international flights.

Emirates Airline also does not forget about the quality of service. Most aircraft are equipped entertainment centers: You can watch a movie, listen to music, play a game or follow interactive map flight. Passengers with children are also taken care of: kids can watch the takeoff and landing through the eyes of a pilot thanks to the Airshow channel, and parents with babies are given a basic necessities kit with hygiene products.