Interactive map of the Altai Territory. Map of the Altai Territory to cities and towns detailed

Altai is a republic Russian Federation. A satellite map of Altai shows that the region borders China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the Republic of Tuva, Kemerovo Oblast, Khakassia, and Altai Krai. The area of ​​the region is 92903 sq. km.

The territory of Altai is made up of mountain ranges with river valleys and basins crossing them. Due to the peculiarities of the relief, the main economic sectors in the republic are animal husbandry, Agriculture and tourism.

Altai is divided into 10 municipal districts, the only city Gorno-Altaisk (capital) and 248 rural settlements.

Mount Belukha in Altai

A Brief History of Altai

Altai is considered the ancestral home of all currently existing Turkic peoples. In 552, the Turkic Khaganate was formed here, and later the Kalmyk Dzhukhar Khanate appeared on the territory. In 1756, the khanate fell, and its inhabitants voluntarily became part of the Russian Empire.

In 1919, Soviet power was established in Altai. In 1922, the Oirat Autonomous Region was created, which in 1932 was renamed the Oirot Autonomous Region. In 1948, the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region was created. In 1990, the region was transformed into the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and in 1993 - into the Republic of Altai.

Karakol lakes in Altai

Sights of Altai

On the detailed map Altai you can see that the region is rich in natural attractions. chief natural monument is the Altai Reserve. On the territory of Altai is the most high mountain in Siberia - Belukha (height 4506 m).

It is recommended to visit the Katunsky Reserve, in nature park"Belukha", see the cascade of Karakol lakes, each of which differs in color and composition, and relax on Lake Teletskoye. In Altai, it is worth seeing Korbu, Kamyshinsky and Tekelya waterfalls, Shavlinsky lakes and Lake Menzherok, Karokokshinsky and Museum caves, Charyshsky and Tavdinsky caves, Patmos Island and the Iconostasis rock.

How can a motorist find the right way in the Altai Territory?

The total length of roads in the region is more than 16 thousand kilometers. It takes a lot of time to go around all these roads. Why such a long route? The point is the number of settlements - there are more than 1.5 thousand of them in the region. Each of them is provided transport links. Moreover, the settlements are located evenly, "covering" almost the entire territory of the Altai Territory.

On the ones shown here interactive maps the main highways of the Altai Territory are indicated. In the future, their number will be replenished, and the introduction of new roadside service facilities will continue. Site visitors take an active part in compiling maps, not only offering objects for placement, but also evaluating them using a rating voting system.

All this is done so that any road traveler before a trip to Altai can determine in advance not only the final goal, but also stops along the way to inspect various objects, “coffee breaks”, refueling and Maintenance car.

Even an unprepared person can go to Altai. What needs to be done to find the right path? Good advice given at the automotive forum

The most reliable thing will be at the cafe to talk with truckers or bus drivers, and even go for some in a pair (and you won’t run into traffic cops and you’ll be safer, after all, the guys are radioed, you never know a blizzard and everything)

So, you can clarify the route with truckers. They can be found near roadside establishments. To “attach” behind the truck and move under its “cover” is the right way, but for some it may seem long.

In good weather with excellent visibility, is there any point in “stretching”? All you need to do is find the right path - turn in the right place at unfamiliar road junctions and intersections.

One answer that is "on the surface" is to use a navigator. But it's no secret that this device does not always work correctly, it can lead you into an "open field", and some car friends with its help got into deadlocks.

Here's another piece of good advice from the motorist forum:

Simple tourist map- here is the correct option.

Yes, it's elementary! Unfolded the map - and you're in the know! The only “but”: it will not always be possible to find a map with up-to-date data, with road service facilities in certain sections.

Let each traveler decide for himself what to do. To help tourists, detailed maps are compiled on the Route 22 Altai website, so that the vacationer can, looking at the interactive diagram in his tablet or other mobile device, follow the correct path. At the same time, imagine what an interesting institution or object of tourist visits awaits him there - around the next turn ...

Due to the similarity in the name, confusion often arises between these two subjects of the Russian Federation - Altai and Altai Territory.

On the map below, you can explore both the Republic of Altai (the capital is Gorno-Altaisk) and the Altai Territory (the capital is Barnaul).

Altai and Altai Krai on the map

Altai and the Altai Territory include almost all natural areas of Russia, except perhaps for deserts. There are steppe and forest-steppe, taiga and imposing mountains. The flat part is pretty dotted with ravines and river valleys, and the mountainous part is full of gorges and rocks. The climate is a transitional zone from temperate to temperate continental. The largest rivers flow through Altai, such as the mighty Ob, which merged from the Biya and Katun, which owns 70% of river basin the edges.

The area of ​​the Altai Territory is about 168 thousand square kilometers, the population is about 2.5 million people.

Altai Krai on the map

The population density, respectively, is not significant, inhabited mainly by Russians.
In second place are the Germans, they are home to about 70 thousand. There are fewer Ukrainians, only 50 thousand people.

Map of the Altai Territory

On the territory of Altai, there are several nature reserves and sanctuaries, 33 to be exact. Almost five percent of the region's territory has been taken under protection. There are reserves not only for animals, but also for caves, rocks and unique waterfalls. And for wild animals, in fact, this is already a very fertile land. 320 species of birds and 90 species of animals live here. Medicinal plants are of particular value. Rhodiola rosea, called the golden root, maral root, red root, Maryin root (yes, there is one, otherwise called “evading peony”), and of course ginseng, although the latter is cultivated only in a cultural form.

Satellite map of the Altai Territory. Explore the satellite map of Altai Krai online in real time. A detailed map of the Altai Territory was created on the basis of satellite images high resolution. IN as close as possible satellite map Altai Territory allows you to explore in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of the Altai Territory. A satellite map of the Altai Territory easily switches to a regular map mode (scheme).

Altai region- a region in Western Siberia. This is one of the most beautiful places not only in Russia, but throughout the mainland. Several large rivers flow through the territory of the Altai Territory - Katun and Biya, which, merging, form a single river Ob.

The Altai Territory, surrounded by mountain ranges, is a favorite destination for eco-travellers and lovers extreme species sports. Often called the second beautiful Switzerland, but unlike Alpine mountains, Altai Krai is cleaner and quieter in terms of tourism.

This region is rich in its resort resources, which include clean mountain air, abundance of sun, mineral springs with healing water and much more.

Going to Altai region, each of the travelers can choose the most suitable tourist route and type of tourism. One of the most popular and interesting tours offered by numerous travel agencies is climbing Mount Aktru. During this tour, tourists will be able to get acquainted with the nature of the region and plunge into its unique atmosphere.

In addition, a trip to the Altai Territory can be diversified with other activities: horseback riding and camel riding, cycling tours, skiing and snowboarding, recreation at camp sites and sanatoriums near mineral springs, as well as rafting on raging rivers.

Best Resorts Altai Territory- this is Belokurikha for those who want to spend a calm, relaxed holiday in radon baths, the city of Yarovaya, famous for its therapeutic mud and the village of Solonovka, where various sports competitions are held annually.