Unusual dawn. Bromo

Promthep Cape is the southernmost point of the Thai island of Phuket. At the top of the hill is the observation platform of the same name, which overlooks Nai Harn Beach and the islands scattered in the sea. Every evening, hundreds of Phuket residents come here for the incredible beauty of the spectacle - the setting sun. The red disk sinks into the smooth surface of the sea, which is occasionally disturbed by passing yachts and boats, the clouds acquire a magical peach hue.

Promthep is a very beautiful and romantic place: some take pictures against the sunset, others sit in an embrace, others just enjoy beautiful view. Entrance to the observation deck is free.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel Observation Deck, Singapore

From the moment of its construction, the Marina Bay Hotel immediately became the hallmark of Singapore due to its extraordinary architecture and a swimming pool located on the roof. In addition to all this, from the observation deck of the hotel you can see a stunningly beautiful sunset: the rays of the hot sun go out, illuminating the urban landscape of the Asian metropolis, the backlight slowly turns on, the silhouettes of skyscrapers are drowned in a bright red haze.

You can watch the sunset from the pool, being a hotel guest, or from the observation deck, which any tourist can climb for 20 Singapore dollars.

"Throne of the Emperor", Fr. Corfu

Not far from the city of Corfu there is the village of Pelekas, next to which, from the top of one of the hills, a unique view of the sea, mountains and the island itself opens up. In addition, in the evenings, tourists come here to see incredible beauty sunset and how the last rays of the setting sun sink into the Mediterranean Sea.

The observation deck was called the "Throne of the Emperor" due to the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century, the German Kaiser Wilhelm spent the summer months on the island of Corfu, and came to the site in the evenings to admire the sunsets, where the throne was installed for his convenience.

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Angkor is ancient capital Cambodia. The city-temple, which is spread over an area of ​​20 square meters. km and in which about a million people lived during the heyday of the Khmer culture, now attracts tourists from all over the world. In addition to visiting temple complexes, ruins and pagodas, people come here to see one of the most beautiful sunrises in the world. By 4 o'clock in the morning, hundreds of people flock to the walls of Angkor to watch the sun rise. For about $11 you can take to the skies on hot-air balloon to a height of 200 meters, to even better see the horizon and the temples against the backdrop of a pinking sky.

Mount Teide, about. Tenerife

When vacationing in Spain on the island of Tenerife, do not miss the opportunity to see one of the most exciting and inspiring sunrises. Mount Teide is more than 3,700 meters above sea level, where the purity of the air and the transparency of the atmosphere allow you to see the truly amazing birth of a new day. The way the first rays of the sun rise above Atlantic Ocean, is an unforgettable sight.

In Tenerife travel agencies, you can buy a tour that will include climbing to the top of the volcano and spending the night on it, meeting the dawn and walking along national park. While spending the night on the volcano, you can see the magnificent starry sky, because it is not in vain that the astronomical observatory is located here. Night and dawn in Tenerife will definitely be remembered for a long time.

You can watch sunrises and sunsets in Tenerife not only from the top of the volcano, but vice versa: the views of Teide are no less spectacular.

Empire State Building, New York

You can see the difference between day and night New York if you come to the observation deck or take a seat in one of the restaurants of the majestic Empire State Building an hour before sunset. In clear weather, a gorgeous view of the city, suburbs, and the bay opens from here. Even if the solar disk itself is not visible because of the skyscrapers, the color of the sky and the bizarre forms of clouds, illuminated by the setting sun and painted in any color from pink to blood red, will amaze the imagination.

Reflections of the sunset sky in the glass windows of the buildings create a special magic. New Yorkers who are always in a hurry do not always notice how beautiful a sunset in their city can be.

Boracay Island, Philippines

It is believed that the Philippines has the most beautiful sunsets on the planet. This is achieved due to special conditions in the atmosphere: huge air masses that gather above the water surface and create bizarre optical effects, patterns, sometimes even rainbows.

The beauty and extraordinaryness of Philippine sunsets is difficult to convey with the help of photography or video. The inhabitants of the islands, including the island of Boracay, the most popular among tourists, enjoy this fabulous spectacle every evening. For many, this is even included in the ritual - daily viewing of sunsets on the beach in a hammock or deck chair with a glass of tropical cocktail.


Karelia - amazing place to meet sunrises and sunsets: here quite severe, northern nature is combined with silence, tranquility and serenity. There are thousands of meeting places for a new day: Zaonezhie, Priladozhye, the suburbs of Petrozavodsk, the shores of lakes - the main thing is to choose to your liking.

You can also rent a cottage or a house for a week or all summer. Then it will be possible every day to enjoy a quiet, unhurried dawn, sitting on the stones among the grass covered with dew, or a mysterious sunset, accompanied by the singing of birds. Photographers will be able to beautiful photos, and artists convey all the charm of the moment with a brush.

Grand Canyon, USA

To meet the dawn in one of the famous natural attractions of the world and the USA - the Grand Canyon - you can buy an excursion at one of the local travel agencies. About an hour before sunrise, tourists are picked up from hotels and taken to one of the many viewing platforms, where the most interesting begins: majestic faults, ledges, crevices gradually begin to emerge from the dawn haze and a feeling of being on another planet is created.

At the hour of dawn, the singularity and grandeur of the Canyon makes one think about the place and role of man in the natural world. There are usually few people at this time - photographers who come to catch a good shot, artists working alone, and tourists who decide to meet a new day here. The main tourist groups arrive no earlier than 10 am: you can get here only by sightseeing buses, private transport is prohibited here.

Sapphire Viewpoint, Istanbul

"Sapphire" is the most high building Istanbul and all of Turkey. The height of the skyscraper is 261 meters, and an observation deck is open on the roof of the building, which offers a view of Istanbul, the Princes' Islands, the Bosphorus. In addition, it is good to watch the sunset on this observation deck, which is truly beautiful here: the setting sun illuminates the spiers of minarets and domes of mosques, the lights of the city are lit below, screaming seagulls fly by.

You can visit Sapphire from 10 am to 10 pm, and while waiting for sunset, have a cup of coffee in a coffee shop located on the observation deck and admire the views of the city. In addition to "Sapphire", you can watch the sunset from one of the ferries plying the Bosphorus.

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com, flickr.com

Bromo - Seven. The most beautiful sunrise. January 30th, 2018

If you type "volcanoes of Indonesia" in any search engine, then in the forefront you will definitely see a bewitching composition of three volcanoes among the clouds.

This picture - business card Indonesian volcanoes.

Every day, hundreds of people gather at the observation deck of Mount Penanjakan to watch the sun rise over the volcanoes.

In the background puffs Semeru - the most high volcano Me you. Ahead are the bitten shapes of the smoking crater of the Bromo volcano. And quite ahead, as if combed with a comb - for a long time dormant volcano Batok. And all this magnificent company bathes in a cloudy sea.

Actually, everything.

No, well, of course you understand, to see all this you need to at least get to the observation deck. And it is desirable to get there somewhere in the middle of the night, to take a place among the suffering, to get cold and exhausted as it should, so that the first rays of the sun are met with greater enthusiasm.

It all starts with getting up at one in the morning. Then mopeds, jeeps, dozens of jeeps, hundreds of people, the everlasting feeling of a new year on Red Square.

Already accustomed to everything, dexterous passengers jumped on mopeds.
Mopeds were not enough for everyone. But then it was corrected.

After mopeds, jeeps already seemed generally super reliable transport. Moreover, this time we were driving not along some kind of cliffs, but along mysterious fields.

Gradually, other jeeps began to join our caravan of jeeps.
And here's what I'll tell you. I have never seen so many Jeeps in my life. And not even at one time. In general, for a lifetime. They were caravans of jeeps. I had no idea that there could be so many of them in all of Indonesia.

And all these jeeps raced in the dark across the field, gradually merging into one stream. Which, as you might guess, soon began to turn into a stagnant swamp.

And on the sides there were all sorts of food points. And the people who sat, ate, watched, stood.
The dense atmosphere of a weekend fair hung in the air. Only, as I understand it, such a fair is here every day.

However, of course I could be wrong.
Maybe other days it's not so crowded.
We must not forget that we were in the midst of new year holidays, which even in Indonesia have not yet ended. And the weather forecast that day was the most pleasant for contemplation of the dawn.
We did not tie our dates to weather forecasts. We just got really lucky. But not all the same.

So, under the cover of darkness, we reached a certain point, from where we still had to walk to reach the very place where all these crowds of people as greedy for beauty as we were rushed.

And then - everything. Sit and wait.
You can drink tea, eat corn, sit on a rented plastic chair... But in principle, there are not many activities, and they all boil down to one thing - to hold your positions on the observation deck.

And when patience is running out, when all these crowds of fussing photographers begin to irritate a little (at this moment, of course, no one remembers that he also has a camera in his hands), the light show begins for which all this was started.

And everything is forgotten. Early rise, stupid road, din and fuss.

And then the contours of the volcanoes declared for viewing begin to emerge from the darkness.
And now bang - look, admire!

And then the day comes. And everything somehow ends. Except our grandiose plans.

Last photo for memory. And it's time for us to go.

We are waiting for the volcano Bromo. There he is in the photo on the left - with bitten edges and smoke in the crater. Yes. In this case, these are not lost clouds. This is the most that neither is the smoke from volcanic activity.
And remember this beautiful almost round shape of the caldera. In the next part of my Indonesian memoirs, it will be about her.

And again on the road. With jeeps. Traffic jams. seeds. Songs and dances. To probably myself beautiful place our journey.

From IA's diary, partly telling what we did afterwards.

In every person, no matter how pragmatic mask he puts on himself, there is always at least some part of romance. We are all prone to sentimental moments, we can all get emotional more than necessary - in a word, anyone can find a reason for romantic behavior.

But what most often provokes us to exclusively romantic emotions?

Of course, many can put other people first, but sometimes the reason is completely different. Often the key source of such emotions is precisely nature, because there is little that can give such unforgettable sensations as various natural phenomena, which often manifest themselves in all their glory.

And the most beautiful of them include sunsets, as well as sunrises. It's amazing how beautiful they can be. But they can be even more beautiful if you know where is the best place to observe them. After all, even though the Sun is the same for everyone, the overall picture may vary depending on where the observer is located.

Therefore, let's look at 10 places where you can watch the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises, and who knows, you might want to go to one of them just to see the majestic picture with your own eyes.

10. Promthep Cape, Phuket Island

At the extreme southern point of this Thai island, there is a special observation platform, which for many acts as the main local attraction.

Not only is there a beautiful view of the islands scattered across the sea and the beach, but also the sun in the evenings in the form of a kind of red disk beautifully sinks into the sea. The clouds turn peach. The sight is very beautiful and worthy of close attention if you visit Phuket.

9. The observation deck of the hotel Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

The Marina Bay Hotel is one of the most popular in all of Singapore. There are many reasons for this. Someone chooses it because unusual architecture, someone likes, for example, a rooftop pool and other interesting solutions.

But most of all admire the stunning sunset, which is visible from its observation deck, taking place against the backdrop of the urban landscape. It is interesting that it is not necessary to be a client of the hotel to see it, it is enough to give a certain amount.

8. Emperor's Throne, Pelekas, Corfu

Not far from Corfu there is a small village called Pelekas. Not that it is notable for any other special characteristics, but the views from the local hills are impressive. The nearby island looks just fine, the sea, mountains - everything is pleasant to admire. But the best thing here is still the sunset, which is best viewed from the platform called the Emperor's Throne, named after the German Kaiser Wilhelm.

7. Angkor, Cambodia

Angkor is the ancient capital of Cambodia. The fact that, in essence, this is a real temple city adds to its unusualness. Previously, about a million people lived on its twenty square kilometers. And tourists come here not only for ancient architecture, but also to enjoy one of the most beautiful sunrises in the whole world. For a small price, you can even watch it from a special balloon, from where the view is especially beautiful.

6. Teide Volcano, Tenerife, Spain

This volcano has a height of more than 3700 meters above sea level. This allows you to reach a level where the air is especially clean and transparent, and therefore the dawn rising over the Atlantic Ocean looks completely special and unforgettable. Entrepreneurial local travel agencies even sell specialized tours that are essentially focused on climbing to the top and seeing the dawn. If this is not enough, then you can watch the night sky at the local observatory.

5. Empire State Building, New York

You don't have to go to quite exotic places to enjoy a great sunset view. Sometimes this can be done right in the center of the metropolis. It is enough to go up to the observation deck of the mentioned building about an hour before sunset. Due to the abundance of skyscrapers, the sun cannot be seen very well. But the sky, clouds, so unusually painted in various fantastic colors, reflected in numerous windows, is a magical sight.

4. Boracay Island, Philippines

For many, sunsets in the Philippines are the most beautiful in the world. And the point here is not only a subjective assessment, the point is also that the atmospheric conditions here are unlike any other. The air masses that gather here above the water surface create extraordinary optical effects that must be seen live. And the sunsets here are completely unique and extraordinary phenomenon, which you really want to admire.

3. Karelia, Russia

There are also places in the Russian Federation that are truly worthy of attention if you want to enjoy excellent sunrises and sunsets. local unique nature makes it possible to meet the dawn or sunset in many different ways - whether the sun will sink in local lakes, or get up because of the grass covered with dew. real paradise for the photographer hunting for a good shot, and just for any connoisseur of beautiful views.

2. Grand Canyon, USA

The most famous natural attraction in the United States is curious in principle. But the local meeting of dawn is especially interesting here. There is even a separate separate excursion for this. Within its framework, tourists are taken about an hour before sunrise to one of the observation platforms, after which the sun gradually begins to rise through numerous kinks and ledges of the gorge, creating a completely extraordinary, unique picture.

1. Sapphire Viewpoint, Istanbul

But, perhaps, the best way to meet the sunrise or sunset is from the observation deck of the tallest building that is available in Istanbul. From a height of 261 meters, the sun, which illuminates the local mosques and minarets, leaving the horizon, looks especially beautiful. And if this is not for you, then you can also enjoy a beautiful view from one of the local ferries regularly plying the Bosphorus - also a great option for connoisseurs of beauty.

At the top of the hill is the observation platform of the same name, which overlooks Nai Harn Beach and the islands scattered in the sea. Every evening, hundreds of Phuket residents come here for the incredible beauty of the spectacle - the setting sun. The red disk sinks into the smooth surface of the sea, which is occasionally disturbed by passing yachts and boats, the clouds acquire a magical peach hue. Promthep is a very beautiful and romantic place: some take pictures against the sunset, others sit in an embrace, others just enjoy the beautiful view. Entrance to the observation deck is free.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel Observation Deck, Singapore

From the moment of its construction, the Marina Bay Hotel immediately became a hallmark due to its extraordinary architecture and a swimming pool located on the roof. In addition to all this, from the observation deck of the hotel you can see a stunningly beautiful sunset: the rays of the hot sun go out, illuminating the urban landscape of the Asian metropolis, the backlight slowly turns on, the silhouettes of skyscrapers are drowned in a bright red haze. You can watch the sunset from the pool, being a hotel guest, or from the observation deck, which any tourist can climb for 20 Singapore dollars.

"Throne of the Emperor", Fr. Corfu

Not far from the city of Corfu there is the village of Pelekas, next to which, from the top of one of the hills, a unique view of the sea, mountains and the island itself opens up. In addition, in the evenings, tourists come here to watch the incredible beauty of the sunset and how the last rays of the setting sun sink into the Mediterranean Sea. The observation deck was named because at the beginning of the 20th century, the German Kaiser Wilhelm spent the summer months on the island of Corfu, and came to the site in the evenings to admire the sunsets, where a throne was installed for his convenience.

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Angkor is the ancient capital of Cambodia. The city-temple, which is spread over an area of ​​20 square meters. km and in which about a million people lived during the heyday of the Khmer culture, now attracts tourists from all over the world. In addition to visiting temple complexes, ruins and pagodas, people come here to see one of the most beautiful sunrises in the world. By 4 o'clock in the morning, hundreds of people flock to the walls of Angkor to watch the sun rise. For about $11, you can take to the skies in a hot air balloon to a height of 200 meters to even better see the horizon and temples against the backdrop of a pinking sky.

Mount Teide, about. Tenerife

Resting in Spain on, do not miss the opportunity to see one of the most exciting and inspiring sunrises. Mount Teide is more than 3,700 meters above sea level, where the purity of the air and the transparency of the atmosphere allow you to see the truly amazing birth of a new day. The way the first rays of the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean is an unforgettable sight.

In Tenerife travel agencies, you can buy a tour that will include climbing to the top of the volcano and spending the night on it, seeing the sunrise and walking through the national park. While spending the night on the volcano, you can see the magnificent starry sky, because it is not in vain that the astronomical observatory is located here. Night and dawn in Tenerife will definitely be remembered for a long time.

You can watch sunrises and sunsets in Tenerife not only from the top of the volcano, but vice versa: they are no less spectacular.

Empire State Building, New York

You can see the difference between day and night if you come to the observation deck or take a seat in one of the majestic restaurants an hour before sunset. In clear weather, a gorgeous view of the city, suburbs, and the bay opens from here. Even if the solar disk itself is not visible because of the skyscrapers, the color of the sky and the bizarre forms of clouds, illuminated by the setting sun and painted in any color - from pink to blood red, will amaze the imagination. Reflections of the sunset sky in the glass windows of the buildings create a special magic. New Yorkers who are always in a hurry do not always notice how beautiful a sunset in their city can be.

O. Boracay, Philippines

It is believed that the Philippines has the most beautiful sunsets on the planet. This is achieved due to special conditions in the atmosphere: huge air masses that gather above the water surface and create bizarre optical effects, patterns, sometimes even rainbows. The beauty and extraordinaryness of Philippine sunsets is difficult to convey with the help of photography or video. The inhabitants of the islands, including the island of Boracay, the most popular among tourists, enjoy this fabulous spectacle every evening. For many, this is even included in the ritual - daily viewing of sunsets on the beach in a hammock or deck chair with a glass of tropical cocktail.


An amazing place to meet sunrises and sunsets: here, quite severe, northern nature is combined with silence, tranquility and serenity. There are thousands of meeting places for a new day: Zaonezhye, Ladoga, the suburbs of Petrozavodsk, the shores of lakes - the main thing is to choose to your liking. You can also rent a cottage or a house for a week or all summer. Then it will be possible every day to enjoy a quiet, unhurried dawn, sitting on the stones among the grass covered with dew, or a mysterious sunset, accompanied by the singing of birds. Photographers will have the opportunity to take beautiful photos, and artists will be able to capture the beauty of the moment with a brush.

Grand Canyon, USA

To meet the dawn in one of the famous natural attractions of the world and - the Grand Canyon - you can buy an excursion at one of the local travel agencies. About an hour before sunrise, tourists are picked up from hotels and taken to one of the many viewing platforms, where the most interesting begins: majestic faults, ledges, crevices gradually begin to emerge from the dawn haze and a feeling of being on another planet is created. At the hour of dawn, unusualness and grandeur makes one think about the place and role of man in the natural world. There are usually few people at this time - photographers who come to catch a good shot, artists working alone, and tourists who decide to meet a new day here. The main tourist groups arrive no earlier than 10 am: you can get here only by sightseeing buses, private transport is prohibited here.

Sapphire Viewpoint, Istanbul

"Sapphire" is the tallest building in Istanbul and. The height of the skyscraper is 261 meters, and an observation deck is open on the roof of the building, which offers a view of Istanbul, the Princes' Islands, the Bosphorus. In addition, it is good to watch the sunset on this observation deck, which is truly beautiful here: the setting sun illuminates the spiers of minarets and domes of mosques, the lights of the city are lit below, screaming seagulls fly by. You can visit Sapphire from 10 am to 10 pm, and while waiting for sunset, have a cup of coffee in a coffee shop located on the observation deck and admire the views of the city. In addition to "Sapphire", you can watch the sunset from one of the ferries plying the Bosphorus.

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com, flickr.com

The panorama of the volcanoes Bromo, Semeru and Kursi is one of the visiting cards of Indonesia and, in general, one of the visiting cards of the natural beauty of the Earth.
And the business card is subconscious. Just like in the case of Sosusvlei in Namibia. Everyone has seen this landscape more than once, but they do not know where it is.

So, this wonderful panorama is located in the east of the island of Java and it is not so difficult to see it. How easy it is to look into the breathing bowels of the Bromo volcano.

Get to the village of Seromo Lawang from Yogyakarta public transport- a very tiring occupation due to transfers and the low speed of island buses. It is possible that you will have to spend the night in the city of Probolinggo - an outport of the volcanic massif. Hitchhiking to get there in a day is also not easy.

The best option for those who do not want to waste time is the tourist minibus from Yogyakarta to Seromo Lawang. It costs $ 16 per person, you can buy a ticket at any travel agency. Early in the morning, the minibus picks up from the hotel and spends the whole day scratching along the narrow roads of Java, past endless villages and fields with rice and corn. The occupation is a little tedious even for a geographer. Still, flat Java is a bit boring landscape. But the minibus has air conditioning.

You arrive after dark. If you bought a hotel in a travel agency in advance (double will cost $ 12 per room), then you will be accommodated. True, not in the hotel that was promised and not in the conditions that were originally offered (the shower for that kind of money will be in the corridor and a little warm, and the rooms are miserable).

If you do not take a hotel in advance, you can try to find it yourself in Seromo Lawang, but the prices will be the same. We teamed up with a Dutch couple and rented a cozy chalet with a hot shower for $33. It is very cold here at night, so a hot shower is highly recommended.

You can dine at the restaurant at the hotel, but it is much cheaper to eat at a local eatery. Just hurry up - both the first and second ones close very early.

At night, there are heavy fogs, visibility is 10 meters. Plus, it is very cold, after the seaside heat, this is very pleasing.

The main reason why people come here is meeting the dawn with a view of the volcanoes. Dawn is met at the observation deck on the Penanjakan volcano. You can walk there for about three hours, but you have to leave at 2 am, and the path in the dark is not obvious in places. Therefore, the easiest and most painless way is to take a jeep tour for $10 per person.

At 4 am, jeeps pass through the hotels, and the race begins. To get to the volcano, you need to overcome the plain covered with a thick layer of ash (or, as it is called here, the Sand Sea).

This is a must see! Night fog swirls around, sand and ashes fly from under the wheels. The car flies up on every bump, there are no roads here - only the direction. To the right and left, the headlights of other jeeps shine through the fog. You involuntarily imagine the whole picture: dozens of jeeps roaring along the ash-covered plain. You feel like a participant in a massive landing, as if we started an invasion of an unknown enemy. It's a pity I don't have the Starship Troopers soundtrack with me, the composition Klendathu Drop would be perfect.

After 10-15 minutes of such a “jump across the steppe”, a road appears and takes you steeply into the mountains. Jeeps line up in a column and, without slowing down, go through one sharp turn of the track after another. Branches and creepers beat on the roof. Now this is no longer an invasion of an alien planet, but a banal coup in a banana republic. Right now, our column will cross the mountain range and fall on the sleepy capital, and we will break into the presidential palace ...

…But instead, the jeeps stop at the tourist stall, where, along with standard souvenirs, sellers offer hats and gloves, as well as warm jackets for rent. A jacket will come in handy, by the way. Really very cold.

It's still half an hour before dawn, and there are already about a hundred people on the observation deck. And this is just the beginning - by the culmination of the action there will be about three hundred of them. August is the high season in Indonesia, both among tourists and locals. The latter - more than half of all viewers. And they make a terrible noise - very similar to Chinese tourists in China.
However, dawn soon begins, and you stop paying attention to them.

The secret of success is to climb over the fence separating the site from the abyss and settle down with a camera on the edge of the cliff. Then no one will stop you from enjoying the sunrise and taking the necessary pictures.

When dawn breaks, you don't know where to look. Or the sun creeping out from behind the mountains on the left. Or down, where morning fog literally flows down the plain, revealing trees that seem like toys from here.

Or, in fact, on the volcanoes opposite, which gradually become pink, then fiery, and finally, take on natural daytime colors.

The whole color music takes about half an hour.

Let's get acquainted. The largest volcano in the background is Semeru (3676 m), highest point islands of Java. The volcano often erupts, which adds a lot of charm to the whole panorama. But when we arrived, he remained silent.

An ideal cone with a cut top is the Kursi volcano (2581 m). He is the most handsome in my opinion.

And Bromo? But Bromo is not visible because of the morning fog. This is a low volcano (2392 m), which is completely lost against the background of the rest if it were not for constant activity - thick white smoke is continuously pouring out of the volcano, which is clearly visible in all the photos.

If you wait a few hours, when the fog clears, you can look at the panorama in its entirety. But it's time for us to move on, we return to the jeep and ride down to the Bromo volcano.

After 15 minutes, the car slows down in the middle of thick fog. “Bromo is there,” the driver says happily, pointing to nowhere. I'm going nowhere in this direction. Visibility is ten meters. It smells strongly of sulfur.

From time to time, riders fly out of the fog and offer a lift. But in fact, it’s not far here - go 300-400 meters.

A little climb, and here it is a volcano. A staircase has been carefully laid to its top.

After what I saw from Penanjakan, Bromo seems to be a small, almost homely volcano. But it's still interesting to make a short ascent and look inside. The feeling that he looked into the CHP chimney.
By the way, the smell of sulfur eventually begins to even like it.

The crowd at the foot makes you remember Egyptian pyramids or about Peter, but not for long. In a couple of hours, the tourists will disperse, and the sellers with the riders will also disappear.

Of all the places we visited in Indonesia, I probably regret most of all that I did not stay another day in the vicinity of Bromo. I didn’t breathe fresh mountain air, I didn’t walk along the slopes, I didn’t go to the observation deck and did not look at the volcanoes day and night.
Well, there is a reason to return ...

Well, we, having warmed ourselves in a hot shower, moved further east. We were waiting for the Kawa Ijen crater.