Stalis Crete beach. All about rest in stalid and malle

When we were going to Greece, I "cast a bait", asked people:
What is Crete?
Most often answered:
- Bald, but you'll like it.
My mood was like this: Crete is more empty than dense, and therefore the island was accepted by the soul gradually, in ascending order. The charm of Crete grew in proportion to the inevitable need to leave home, that is, the closer to home, the more I liked Crete. But first we had to get to him. Haven't flown with Greek Airlines before. Departure was scheduled for three in the morning, arrival at about seven in the morning. We counted on an air box, but the board is very good, new. The seating is large and very comfortable. Flight attendants in Russian no gu-gu, but smiling, fed without inspiration - there was no choice of dishes, like at Transaero or Aeroflot, but the food was quite edible. Blankets were also not given out, but it was very warm, in a word - comfortable. The waiting room in the port of Domodedovo was filled to capacity, a very tight schedule of departures. The most difficult time was the time of waiting for departure, approximately from one in the morning until the landing was announced. I wanted to sleep, but there was nowhere to sit. Nevertheless, we found a place opposite the 19th gate - from here people go to the Maldives. The thoughts were there.
“But, everything, everything, we must forget about the Maldives, we are flying to Greece,” I reminded myself.
In the plane time, divided into such " interesting events"how to drink and eat, and while we habitually picked foil boxes with forks, waited for coffee, and then asked for supplements to it, the flight ended. A taxi was waiting for us at the Heraklion port. A brand new Mercedes, so polished and polished that it was even embarrassing feel like a simple passenger - a VIP person is no less! But the proletarian origin reminded of itself, I wanted to change my shoes into slippers so as not to leave dusty footprints of shoes on rubber rugs. And rugs, like children's galoshes - "... galoshes are real, beautiful, shiny!" They were treated with something to shine and were so slippery that when landing, they almost screwed up.
"You're on a slippery slope," I warned myself. Twenty-seven kilometers flew by in one breath.

We stayed in a small resort town Stalis (Stalis-Stalos). I liked the city. The history of its popularity is the same as that of all resorts: it was once a village, became a favorite idle city,
comfortable, warm and well-fed, not very expensive in pleasures for lounging tourists. Tourists are "loved" everywhere - for money that they are not sorry to spend. This is how any resort town lives and keeps from season to season. Such is the love-carrot.

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The city is small, stretches along coastline. Hotels, apartments and streets descend from the mountain to the sea,

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Rushing to the only and main street of Stalida: the embankment street - Beach Road. She is walking and passing.

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The whole active life of the city is built relative to it: the promenade, shops, souvenirs, taverns

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In Stalis, the beach is considered one of the best. The sand is yellow, coarse, but not river. The entrance to the sea is calm. The beach is public. We never stopped there, we always passed by. We had our own piece of the beach five minutes from the apartment, everyone could use it, not only us. People were never recruited more than 5-8 people. And on the common fund people are apparently invisible, but the crowd is organized: sunbeds, umbrellas, mattresses, cocktails. Right there in the shops there are creams, glasses, towels, T-shirts, panama hats ... People on the beaches "live": they sleep, eat, bathe, their bodies are shiny from sunscreens and bleed with suntan oil.

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They sunbathe until the internal organs turn black. There are almost always high waves on the beach. A full range of entertainment: banana, parasailing, jet skis, lap riding. She always averted her eyes to the side, imagining on what "graters" a rubber balloon was carried. It was painful for me to watch, and people enjoyed the strong shaking - along the crests of the waves. At great speed, the boat drags an inflated intestine or "doughnut", which flies like a stone, along the very tops of the waves born by it: plop-splash, up and down, a series of blows on the water, like a stick on asphalt. Humans have spines made of steel. But, as they say, everyone has their own taste... It's cool to look from the outside, especially when the boat manages to throw people into the water into the wave that covers them, noise then, scream, delight. But I liked more to look at the foamy trail left on the water by a speeding boat - a large white smear on a blue canvas.

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Often, huge parachutes soar above the water. They are bright, multi-colored, hang in the air for a long time, standing out favorably in the bright blue sky. From afar they look fun, like balloons on a string. You smile as you look at them. Special thanks to parasailing lovers. A holiday for a lifetime.

Our apartments were on the very outskirts of the city,

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It was the most beautiful and quite secluded place,

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At the same time, the whole party was in the access zone. And the view from the open veranda

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It made it possible to see the entire Stalida as a whole, enveloping the shore in an arc, sheltered from the winds by mountains.
Such a slackness rolled over that plopping down in a deck chair or chair, the eyes were covered by themselves. The swaying jellyfish, the quiet sighs of the sea and the blue, the blue that is common to the sky and the sea, plunged me into a stupor.

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The head was completely freed from thoughts, the soul lurked on the verge of leaving the body. Through narrowed eyelashes, a look lulled by half-asleep glided over the bright, lush buds of bougainvilleas in crimson and burgundy tones. This colorful spot, as if, enhanced the effect of a blue haze, and the mountains, visible in the distance through it, seemed to be a mirage.

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Only the juicy greenery of cacti and palm trees returned Nirvana to reality on the yellow-orange sand of roads and paths.

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The sea was calling.

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As a rule, at seven or eight o'clock, I went swimming alone - the children were still sleeping sweetly, and my husband refused to keep company. For vacationers, it was a time to get up too early. For the very same morning - its most fertile time. Pierce, left in complete peace by people in the evening, rested with all his planks, and it was pleasant for me to step on them and feel their quiet creaking under my feet, as if I caught the first movements of awakening, liberation from sleep.
Once, at the pier, I saw something similar to a reptile, but I can’t say who exactly it was. She saw only a dark brown, wet curving tail, sliding into the sea from stones as dark as herself, warmed by the sun and slightly submerged. Basking? Suspicion fell on the young moray eel, although the thought that it might be a snake put me in a daze. At first it went through my head:
- Oh, do not turn, whether back?
Then the sensitivity returned to my hands, I felt that I was holding fins, a mask and a camera, then to my legs.
- The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury! - Ostap Bender remembered and resolutely moved to the descender ladder. The ladder to enter the water was a bit short. When the tide was high, from its last step it was necessary to splash flat into the water and try not to run into a stone under water. I didn’t always succeed, I was wounded several times to the point of blood, the abrasions are small, but unpleasant. The ebb tide did not add comfort, the water became less, but the legs still did not reach the bottom of the stairs. The descent for me was a little controlled sliding. Little ladder! After "seeing the snake," I stared in all directions with heightened attention. This helped me notice a tiny frog crouching sideways into a shallow scratch in the stone. She stretched out to her full length, resting her hind and front legs, like struts, on tiny stone notches. It was very difficult for her to stay in this position, but she was saved from me, looked with her beady eyes in my direction. For the second time in the morning, I was surprised:
-Where are the frogs in the sea, albeit tiny ones? (Approximately 3 cm in full length with elongated limbs).
But what was supposed to be found in the sea - fish - I was very disappointed.
They were of a light green faded color, barely distinguishable against the background of greenish water.

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Sometimes, they changed color from almost transparent to mottled.

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With brown spots on the back, they became a little more noticeable, and they were all pot-bellied, apparently, it was time to spawn.

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Diving for fish, I got to the border of mixing layers of cold and warm currents. And only by the fact that the water mixed, that is, the process was going on and was not completed, I can explain this phenomenon: diving and ending up in this layer, my eyes lost focus, everything blurred in front of them, nothing but the vibrations of the water could be seen, as if vaseline was mixed into clear water. I have never experienced this in my life. At first I sinned on the mask, I thought it was another fogging. With annoyance, I surfaced, pulled it off and realized with horror that even without a mask I could not see anything. It lasted only a few fractions of a second, then the pupils narrowed, sharpness appeared, and I saw around me both the water and the shore, and everything became normal. Time after time I repeated the attempt to dive and take some fish. Nothing worked, but then she got distracted, sailed to another place, where she noticed the "shaggy hoof".

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Waves - hard workers painstakingly sharpen, grind stones, completely surrendering to work.

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I watched the process for a long time. Sometimes the wave was weak, and then I got closer to the stones, but the waves are treacherous and, it happened, unexpectedly with force pushed against the sharp piles of rock formations.

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It was possible to get seriously injured from the blow, but it was more dangerous to run into a sea urchin.

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Sometimes, a wave, sighing deeply, rolled onto the gently sloping slabs, densely covered with short curly algae, as if it wanted to stroke or grab them in a handful. Then, exhaling noisily, as if frustrated that she had not been able to do this, she rolled back, and, angry with herself, shattered into smithereens, crumbled into many small bubbles.

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Near the shore, at a depth in silence, between two shaggy stones, a small red fish, similar to a beautiful antias, dangled. Somehow I managed to catch her.

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I took great pleasure in examining everything that was under the water. The catch, however, was not rich, but the visibility was good, the water was a real pleasure.

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The sea is always beautiful, especially in the pre-dawn and sunset hours. Stalida is located on the northern coast of the island, and therefore there were no sunsets as such, but there was such charm in the evening! The mountains turned pink and I always called my people: "Look, look - pink mountains!"

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I always wanted the sea, but I also wanted roads, because Stalis is not Crete, but just one of its provincial cities.
For this we rented a car. They took an Opel Corsa with a robotic gearbox, an engine power of 85 horsepower. As it turned out later, the power on the mountain serpentine is insufficient. Two drivers were included in the insurance: me, the backup driver, and the main driver, Alexei. I really wanted to test myself on the serpentine. The lack of experience in driving someone else's rented car in a foreign country inspired me with fear: will I be able to handle it? I know my "horse", I trust it as myself, and I feel confident. Someone else's soul, albeit metal - darkness, plus responsibility, so the premonition of the roads was especially exciting.
Planned a route, the main purpose of which was Lake Kournas (Kournas Lake) - sometimes they pronounce and write the lake of Kournas, - therefore, all other beaches and cities on the way to the lake clung to it.

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The city of Rethymno slipped through without stopping, only flashed on the sign - Rethymno. Now I regret it very much. Cities are also interesting, although the definitions of a city - a village - a village brought complete confusion, a pathetic attempt to understand what guided them when they called a city a city and a village a village. Sometimes a city was so tiny that it would be more appropriate to call it a village, and vice versa, a village could well claim to be a city. I was so confused that I didn't care about it later. I took it as is. The stops were short, because we did not leave early - the houses were busy for a long time. I wanted to allow myself a protracted blissful morning with swimming near the home shore in calm clear water in the company of the still unobtrusive sun, with a cup of hot coffee on the terrace, with a feeling of unnecessary haste: look, breathe, live, enjoy. But, as they say, the music did not last long. The time was approaching 13 o'clock in the afternoon, to go far to the destination.
Most often I was a passenger in the back seat, so I looked around more, and at first the road did not cause much charm. I was more interested in its coverage, the course of the car, how much gasoline costs, turns and road signs, and, of course, the "crunchies" - mopeds and tarantayki with four wheels - were very annoying. And not even so much themselves vehicles, how many of their riders are completely unprotected by any ammunition in case of a sudden fall or, God forbid, an accident. Some did not even have a helmet on their heads, not to mention glasses that protect their eyes from small litter or a pebble that accidentally flew off. And a stone that hits the forehead can be the last sensation in this life. Very few people follow the speed limit. If they comply, then a chain of cars is built on some sections of the road. For any driver, the constantly looming bumper of the car in front is like a red rag before the eyes of a bull. It is rare that anyone can withstand such a test - an uncomfortable ride. And, if the driver of the car in front, for some reason, does not want to give way, then the slender chain begins to break, the drivers deliberately commit a violation: overtaking, moving towards the opposite direction, speeding. I have to be honest - I broke it myself. Everyone is counting on the loyalty of the authorities to foreigners, and they are, indeed, loyal. SECURITY, relaxation, sometimes fatigue, sometimes courage, sometimes irritation - all this is characteristic of the Cretan roads. And, it would seem, people are resting, not after the shift to reach home. What is there to be afraid of? The roads are not wide, usually two lanes, except for the national road. Often its short straight segments are replaced by long turns or a whole series of turns. The roads along the inner side of the highway are pressed tightly against the foot of the mountains, which makes it seem terribly crowded. thirty

To be continued...

In our article we want to talk about one of the Greek resorts. Stalis (Crete) is resort village, located in the Heraklion region, between the popular youth resorts of Malia and Khnrsonissos. From Heraklion to Stalis, the distance is only 30 kilometers. Despite the fact that the resort is located in the area of ​​​​famous villages, where young people prefer to relax, it is focused on a completely different audience. Stalis (Crete) is more quiet town, oriented to the power family holiday. In addition, elderly vacationers love to come here.

A little about the resort...

Currently, the active development of tourism has led to the fact that all three cities on the coast - Malia, Stalida and Hersonissos, located close to each other, have practically connected with each other. The modern ten-kilometer embankment has become a connecting link, walking along which you will definitely not be able to understand where one village ends and another begins.

As we already mentioned, Stalida (Crete) differs from its neighbors in that it does not have such a vibrant nightlife as in neighboring towns. It is for this reason that couples with babies come here. Even if there is a desire to have fun, then Malia and Hersonissos are very close.

There are a lot of European pensioners and families with children in Stalis. And young people here sometimes live in budget hotels, and go to neighboring cities to have fun.

What is Stalis?

The resort itself is a small village, consisting of one long street stretching along the coast. In the depths of Stalis there is also a road that leads to Malia (Greece). All other streets, like streams, lead to the sea, descending from the mountains to the water.

The local embankment "Beach Road", unfortunately, is not divided into automobile and pedestrian zones. Therefore, in the daytime there is a very active movement on it. But at night the embankment becomes pedestrian, as it is blocked for cars. But even at this time, scooters and bicycles are actively moving along it.

Despite such inconveniences, the embankment of Stalida (Crete) is considered one of the best on the island. It is worth noting that the resort, unlike neighboring towns, does not have an ancient history.

Not so long ago, in the village, in temporary light houses, the villagers of the village of Mohos rested. But over time, the beautiful and comfortable coast gradually attracted the attention of residents of other cities. So gradually Stalida (Crete) turned into a popular resort.

How to get to the city?

In order to get to Stalida, you need to take tickets to the international And then take a taxi to the resort (about 30 kilometers). The fare will be approximately fifty euros.

There are more a budget option, the distance can be overcome by regular bus Heraklion - Malia, which leaves from the bus station every thirty minutes. The fare is 3.8 euros per passenger. The journey takes a little less than an hour.

resort beach

The beaches of Stalida are the pride of the resort. It is thanks to them that the city has gained such popularity among vacationers. The sandy coast has a wide gentle entrance to the sea, and the water on the coast is clean and transparent.

The entire coast of the resort is divided into two parts by a rocky embankment, because of this it is believed that there are two beaches in Stalis. It should be noted that there are no wild sections of the coast in the city. In the midst of holiday season the beach is crowded with vacationers.

The coast of the resort has a beautiful developed infrastructure. There are all conditions for a good comfortable stay. On the beach you can rent a sunbed and an umbrella (the cost of the service is three euros). The beach is equipped with showers, toilets and changing cabins. For young guests of the resort there are several playgrounds.

On the coast, vacationers can ride water attractions: a banana (ten euros per person), a jet ski (forty euros), a catamaran (fifteen euros per hour). There are sports equipment rentals on the beach. Diving enthusiasts can go as part of a group with instructors towards Hersonissos, near which, at a depth of about 24 meters, there is a sunken plane that has become a kind of attraction.

Lifeguards are always on duty on the local coast. Coming to the beach, you need to pay attention to whether the red flag is raised, warning vacationers to enter the water due to strong waves.

Along the coast there are a large number of taverns and cafes where you can eat without leaving the coast.

Sights of Stalis (Crete)

The resort has a convenient location not only relative to the airport, but also relative to Cretan attractions. Local travel agencies vying with each other sell excursions from Stalis to interesting places on the island. In principle, all the sights can be explored on your own by renting a car.

For those tourists who visit the island for the first time, we can recommend going to Elounda. Once the town was a small fishing village, but now it has turned into an elite resort. On the way to Elounda, vacationers can see how ordinary Cretans live far from the sea coast.

No less interesting may seem a journey to which was once fortified for defense, and later turned into a leper colony. The place has a creepy history, but it looks very nice. You can get to the island not only as part of an excursion, but also on your own on ships plying every thirty minutes from the ports of Plaka, Elounda, Nicholas and Agios. The cost of a boat trip is 4-5 euros. You can visit the fortress on the island for two euros.

You can visit Plaka only to admire the picturesque view of the Mirabello Bay. From the village, guided by the signs, you can get to the ancient city of Olunta, most of which is now under water. And from it, tourists easily go to Agios Nikolaos - one of the most popular cities of Crete. In the village you can admire the architecture and seascapes and visit Lake Vulismeni, in which, according to legend, Athena once bathed. The pond itself is small, but it has a round shape. An old legend said that the lake is bottomless. But in the twentieth century, the famous explorer Jacques Cousteau proved that it still has a bottom, like any other body of water on earth. The deepest part of the lake reaches 64 meters. At its bottom lie the remains of German equipment from the Second World War. The excursion route interesting enough without being boring. The length of the route is 89 kilometers, and the cost of an excursion trip is 25 euros per tourist.

Knossos palace

The main attraction of Crete is the Palace of Knossos. It is located not far from Stalida, so it can be reached by car in about twenty minutes. In addition, you can get to Knossos by bus, but with a transfer in Heraklion, because direct flight no. The fare from Stalis to Heraklion is 3.8 euros, and from Heraklion to Knossos is 1.6 euros.

Resort Hotels

The city has a fairly large selection of hotels. Of course, the most popular hotels in Stalida, located near the coast. In our article, we want to mention several hotels that are worthy of attention, based on the positive reviews of tourists.

Horizon Beach is a three-star hotel located 150 meters from the beach. The complex has four swimming pools, a playground and a terrace leading to the sea. The modern apartments are well equipped and offer sea or pool views. All rooms are equipped with kitchenettes with cooking hobs and refrigerators. Therefore, hotel guests have the opportunity to cook on their own if they wish.

Horizon Beach has a restaurant and a poolside bar. A buffet breakfast is served daily. Positive feedback from tourists give reason to recommend the hotel for recreation. According to numerous guests, Horizon Beach is a very good establishment with new spacious rooms, plentiful and varied food and a high level of service. Particularly pleased with the beautiful territory with pools filled with sea ​​water, and a promenade to the sea.

Acti Lounge Hotel and Spa

A modern hotel located right on the beach of Stalida. The complex is equipped with good furniture, a sun terrace and a swimming pool.

Comfortable rooms, entertainment activities and good food make your stay unforgettable. Aktia Lounge Hotel Spa 5 * has its own spa, where you can enjoy wellness treatments and massages. The hotel operates on an all-inclusive basis. According to vacationers, the food in the main restaurant is always delicious, and the choice of dishes is very large. Service is at a high level. On the beach, hotel guests are provided with free umbrellas and sun loungers.

Triton Hotel 3*

Triton 3 * (Stalida) - another hotel on the coast of the resort. The complex is located ten meters from the beach. On its territory there is a bar, a swimming pool, a well-equipped recreation area and modern comfortable rooms. All apartments are equipped with flat-screen TVs with satellite channels, refrigerators, new furniture and bathrooms. Breakfast is served daily at the restaurant Buffet"). There are cafes and taverns near the hotel, although hotel guests do not need additional food because the food in the hotel is delicious and varied, as evidenced by the rave reviews of tourists.

In general, the choice of housing in the village of Stalida is quite diverse. Among the local hotels, you can choose a luxurious complex or a cozy family hotel. Depending on your budget, you can rent an apartment with a kitchenette, the presence of which will save on food. But still, most tourists prefer hotels with an all-inclusive system. Fortunately, in Stalis (Greece) there are enough such hotels.

Local taverns and cafes

At the very end of the beach is "Anatolia". The institution is known not only for its amazingly delicious food and excellent service, but also for very reasonable prices. So, for example, a dinner for two of several simple dishes and two liters of wine will cost about 60 euros. Visitors to the establishment recommend ordering pizza, red mullet and kleftiko.

In the Golden Beach area you will find another worthy place - this is the Maria tavern. The establishment is equipped with a nice outdoor terrace with a beautiful view. According to tourists, the tavern cooks very tasty food. Perhaps, "Maria" can be called the best institution according to the ratings of visitors. The cafe staff is very respectful of Russian tourists, for guests from Russia there is even a Russian-language menu.

The institution is named after the hostess herself, whose name is also Maria. She is said to sometimes personally help the staff. Portions of food in the tavern are very large, and the cost of dishes is quite affordable. So, for example, a dinner for a family with drinks will cost approximately 35 euros. Regular guests of the establishment definitely recommend trying meat dishes, pizza, meze and garlic bread.

Katherine's Tavern

The tavern is on the list of popular establishments in Stalis (tourist reviews are a direct confirmation of this). Despite the fact that the cafe is located at some distance from the beach, it is so in demand that it is worth booking a table in it for the evening in advance. The restaurant's menu includes dishes that are traditional Cretan food. Here you can try cheeses, jams, pies with various fillings, home-made olive oil, homemade wine and delicious meat dishes, well, you can’t even talk about seafood, they are cooked here just perfectly. The tavern has been run by the same family for more than twenty years.

On the beach of Stolida there is an Irish pub "Dewers". Of course, it is far from the only one on the coast, but many tourists say that it is special. In the evenings, you can listen to live rock music here, and at night you can take part in a party on the seashore. If you are lucky enough to take an umbrella and a sunbed at the bar during the day, then you can definitely dine for only three euros. Beer of different varieties costs from three to six euros in a pub.

Resort climate

The peculiarity of cities such as Stalida and Malia (Greece) is that they are located in the zone of several climatic zones - North African and Mediterranean, like the whole of Crete. It is for this reason that summer in the region is dry and hot, and winter brings a lot of precipitation.

In general, the climate in all the resorts of the island is incredibly mild and ideal for the human body. In Stalis, more than 300 days a year pleases tourists with the sun. The resort attracts vacationers with good ecology. It's no secret that there are no harmful industrial facilities near Crete.

Most best time for recreation - from April to the end of October. During this period, the air temperature is very comfortable, and there are practically no winds. But from November to early April, the weather cannot be called beach weather: it rains very often and winds blow, and the sea is constantly stormy.

Some tourists dare to swim even in April, but still the water becomes more comfortable already in May, because at this time the summer weather sets in on the island. Many tourists who do not really like the heat tend to visit the resort in May. Comfortable temperature allows not only to swim in the sea, but also to see the local beauty and sights.

We are actively preparing for a trip to Greece. I am looking for information on Stalis - there is very little information about the village, about the Zephiros hotel there are no fresh reviews at all this year - something very sad. It feels like we are going to a remote village.
In connection with the change in the composition of tourists, our plans have also changed. Now we are planning a moderate excursion vacation with our son. Please answer a few questions, experts in Crete, or give useful links. I will be grateful.
1. What is interesting in Stalis (Stalida)? - attractions, shops, and also interested in excursion tour agencies
2. Where can I go from Stalis on my own by bus?
3. What is the Cretan evening like? (recommended to visit)
Well, as a beginner, advise a must-see in Crete. Interesting historical and walking-sea excursions, tireless, one-day. Thanks in advance everyone!

We were in Stalida for a long time, but some points are unlikely to have changed - the beach and sunset in the sea are excellent, sandy, the location of the hotel is also good, the village itself does not have any special entertainment, just one long street with shops and taverns, a kind of village promenade. Therefore, all entertainment must be sought ™ on the side ™. The highway road is just above the village, from your hotel almost perpendicularly up 300 meters. There, take a regular bus and, if desired, either right to Heraklion or left to Agios Nikolos and beyond.

It feels like we are going to a remote village.

Where does this feeling come from? We returned recently, were last year. Quiet, tourist place, a lot of taverns, bars, people walk until late at night. The bus service is excellent, we went to Agios, Hersonissos, Heraklion. I watched him from my balcony))) First line, clean pool (cleaned and cleaned daily in the morning) They spend evenings with live music, they sang so beautifully, we watched from the balcony.
There are a lot of shops in Stalis, nothing from the sights, except for the church on the promenade. At stop number 24 there is Lychnostatis Museum of Cretan life. From the excursions I liked Matala-Gorina-monasteries, western Crete (Rethymno-Chania-Arkadi Monastery), Knossos Palace. In Heraklion it’s more interesting for ourselves, last year we went on a guided tour this year ourselves, slowly, from the fortress along August 25th Street to the Morosini Fountain and Daedalou Street.

I am looking for information on Stalis - there is very little information about the village, there is no fresh information about the Zephiros hotel at all

On There are reviews of this year about this hotel. We were in Zephiros for a long time, then we liked everything in the hotel: location, food, service, and the sea and the beach could not change, as already noted here, the road is behind the hotel, which is also a plus, everything is good there. The village itself has good infrastructure, there is nothing like a remote village.

I will add about excursions, walks, we returned from Stalis 2 days ago. We went with my son on a regular bus (the journey took 5 minutes) to Lychnostasis, we walked and looked there, relaxed, not hot. There is a beach nearby. Then you can walk to Starbeach, but we just went right through it. In the direction of Agios Nikolaus, 25 minutes by bus to the very beautiful monastery of Georgius Selinari. Then you can take the next bus and get to Agios Nikolaus (another half hour). We also went to Knossos ourselves (by regular bus to Heraklion, then transferred to a city bus). There you can join the excursion, and we ourselves went with printouts and a guidebook, so it even seems to me more interesting for children - to look for frescoes on the map, to guess what was where. We went to Mohos for the Greek evening. There on main square every Wednesday at about 9 pm, folk songs and dances begin. You sit down in a tavern, pay only for food. The only thing is that you can only get there by taxi, if you don’t drive a car yourself. We paid 18 euros for the way there, and the same amount back. And still, we got it much cheaper than through an agency, and you can leave at any time if the child gets tired, and go to the hotel for 10-15 minutes. And if you find a company, then a taxi will come out even cheaper.

The closest stop to you is the 28th, from Zephyros, go past the jewelry store almost opposite your hotel onto the highway, turn right, go straight, that’s the stop for you. Buy a ticket on the bus, tell the conductor where you are, in Heraklion Agios 3.80, Hersonissos 1.60 euros tickets cost. Back from Heraklion and Agios at the bus station at the box office you take a ticket to Stalida, guard your stop, usually the conductor screeches the names of the stops in a loud voice :-) Buses with the name KTEL on the windshield, yes and the conductor usually leans out and says where the bus should go. From Khersonissrs, you take a ticket directly on the bus.

If you are traveling from Stalis towards Hersonissos, Heraklion, then you don’t need to cross the road and the timetable to Heraklion weighs. Before Agios Nikolaus - you need to cross the road, the schedule also weighs. The final destination is written on the buses, and you can ask the conductor. The conductor sells tickets and tells you when to get off. Only in Heraklion and An-Nikolaus did you buy tickets at the bus station, say "Stalida", and they will give you the next flight. In Stalis your stop is number 28

thank you all so much - so much already useful information received (I'll print it out later and take it with me)
Is there a travel agency in Stalis that sells excursions, can anyone use it?


What interesting things can be seen there?
She was recommended to me to visit Rethymnon - is it possible to get to it from Stalida by bus?

Stalis known for its long sandy beaches and the cleanest sea with a smooth entry.
Village Stalis is located on the northern coast of the island of Crete, 34 km east of Heraklion, 3 km from Hersonissos and 3 km before reaching Malia. The rapid development of tourism in the region has led to the fact that Hersonissos, Stalis and Malia, as it were, were connected to each other by one embankment, 10 km long, and it is very difficult to determine where one settlement ends and another begins.
In Stalis there is beautiful beach, which is divided into two parts of the rocky shores. Nearby is the Byzantine church of St. John (1600).
Stalis beach is very well organized - umbrellas, sun loungers, showers, changing rooms, lifeguard service, conditions for beach volleyball and activities water sports sports.
Stalis a favorite vacation spot for older tourists and couples, young people are also enough here, because neighboring Malia and Hersonissos with nightlife are not so far away.

Village Stalis founded by residents from the small seaside village of Mohos.

How to get there


  • Nikos Kazantsakis Airport - 30 km
  • the nearest village of Hersonissos - 3 km, Malia - 3 km
  • Heraklion city - 34 km


  • bus
  • automobile


    Ponds and beaches

  • Seas: Cretan Sea
  • Favorable period for swimming: From April to October
  • seaside
  • subtropical Mediterranean - dry and hot summers, temperature in July-August + 25-28 ° C (often rises to 40-45 ° C). Winter is mild (January - 4-12°C)

    Flora and fauna

  • aquatic life: Freshwater crab, a large number of snails. Octopus, sea urchin and sponges, squid, cuttlefish, lobster, crabs, shrimp, seahorses, sperm whales, striped dolphin, green turtle, loggerhead, leatherback turtle and a large number of fish species. Among the rarest fish: scorpionfish, smelt, wrasse, sea bream. Endangered Mediterranean monk seal lives off the coast of Crete
  • Animals: Lizard, bat, prickly rat, Cretan marten, Cretan badger, Cretan wild cat and others
  • insects: cricket, cicada and others
  • Birds: Snap, swallow, golden eagle, lamb
  • Vegetation: Spruces, chestnuts, oaks, cypress, plane tree, Calabrian pine, tamarisks. Strawberry tree, gorse, Cretan cistus, dictamos, thyme, sage, rosemary, field poppy, daisy, mastic tree, oleander, Abraham tree, chamomile, mullein, iris, gladioli, hyacinths, tulips, orchids, Cretan ebony, flax, alkanna, scabiosa, bluebells, sea daffodil, cornflower, mallow and others. Almost all known types of medicinal plants grow on the island, the most famous of which is dictamos (ash tree)


In neighboring Malia, you can visit the excavations of the Minoan Palace. You can visit the village of Mohos with real Cretan culture and traditions, which can be reached by car, or you can walk along the old pedestrian road built by Bulgarian prisoners of war during the First World War. Stalida is located near the most important attraction of Crete - the Palace of Knossos. You can also visit the plateau of Lassithi, the Archaeological Museum in Heraklion, the "Cretan St. Tropez" - Agios Nikolaos, the island of Spinalonga ...

    The shops

  • souvenir shops
  • local cuisine
  • grocery stores
  • restaurants

    Entertainment during the day

  • water activities

    Event entertainment

  • holidays
  • water sports

Basic information

There are many taverns and restaurants in Stalis, there are several mini-markets, ATMs, a pharmacy, a bureau for day trips, car and motorcycle rental offices, all kinds of souvenir shops. Banks operate in Hersonissos and Malia.

  • Automotive code PE, PH
  • Other names - Σταλίδα
  • Summer time (valid) 03/26 - 10/29
  • Postal code 70007
  • Former names of Stalis
  • Religion Orthodoxy
  • Telephone code 8-10-30-(tel.)
  • Time zone (+00:00 GMT) +01:00
  • Population 990 people
  • Power supply (voltage, socket type) 220 V, frequency 50Hz
  • Language (official and colloquial) The official language is Greek. To communicate with foreign tourists Greece adopted English

If you want a quiet measured rest, but not far from the capital. If you want peace and quiet, but to entertainment establishments - within easy reach. If you want beach holiday in its most classic sense, and for the beach to be perfect, then you are in Cretan Stalida.

Stalis (aka Stalos, aka Stalis) is a small village 30 km east of Heraklion, which is about to merge with a neighboring town. However, if the latter is the center nightlife Prefecture of Heraklion, then Stalida is a place of leisurely relaxation with wallowing on the beach, walks along the promenade and hearty dinners. Stalida has a high concentration of European pensioners and families with children. However, young people often settle here in budget hotels in order to be able to visit Malian party places every evening.

What is the resort, how to get there?

The city itself consists of one large street along the coast (AgiouIoannou), one road a little in the depths of the city (Elefteriou Venizelou), leading to Malia, and several streets that, like streams, descend from the mountain to the sea and flow into the noisy embankment.

By the way, the embankment (Beach Road) is not divided into pedestrian and car zones, during the day there is a very active movement of cars and the movement of people. At night, it is blocked for cars, but bicycles and scooters drive along it very famously, and here you need to be careful while walking. Despite this, the promenade area of ​​Stalis is considered one of the best in Crete.

Another small road divides Stalis in half perpendicular to the coast. Interestingly, the town does not have that ancient and rich history that almost all settlements on the island can boast of. Previously, peasants from the nearby village of Mohos used to rest here in temporary houses, but the beauty and convenience of the coast gradually attracted the attention of residents of neighboring cities - and as a result, Stalida became one of the most visited places in Crete.

You can get to Stalida directly from a taxi (50 euros one way, about 20-30 minutes on the way). If this option seems expensive to you, then in less than an hour, you can reach the town by the Heraklion-Malia regular bus, which runs from Bus Station A every half hour. The ticket price is 3.8 euros per person.


Stalida is loved for the beach. Here it is sandy, wide, with a convenient gentle entry into the sea and the purest water. True, the territory is divided into two parts by a rocky ledge, so it is believed that there are two beaches in Stalis. At the same time, there are no deserted and wild places on the beaches in the town, and in the high season the coast is completely crowded. The infrastructure is made in such a way that you can spend the whole day here pleasantly and carefree.

There is a rental of sunbeds and umbrellas (3 euros apiece). A set of two sun loungers and an umbrella will cost 5 - 8 euros for the whole day. Depending on the location, rental sun loungers may come with a welcome cocktail.

There are changing rooms, toilets and showers.

Several playgrounds have been built (inflated) for children.

Large selection of water activities:

  • jet ski 40 euros;
  • sofa 15 euros per person;
  • banana 10 euros;
  • four-seater catamaran with a slide 15 euros per hour.

Rental of sports equipment and items for scuba diving. By the way, diving enthusiasts will be interested to know that not far from Stalida towards Hersonissos, at a depth of 24 meters, there is an airplane, being a kind of local landmark.

Rescuers are working. If the waves are strong and swimming is not allowed, you will see a red flag at the entrance to the beach.

Another important advantage of the beach - great amount taverns and bars on the beach, where you can just have a bite to eat or taste exotic seafood dishes.

Sights of Stalida and excursions around it

The small town in question is well located not only in relation to the capital's airport, but also to some of the famous Cretan sights. Both large tour operators and local travel agencies sell several standard, but very interesting excursions that are worth talking about. However, all the sights can be explored on your own by car or bus.

Stalida - Elounda - Spinalonga - Plaka - Ancient Olunte (Olus) - Agios Nikolaos - Stalida

It is this excursion that will be ideal for those who are in Crete for the first time and want to look around and at the same time plunge into the island flavor.

The lake is small, but almost perfectly round, and only in the twentieth century, the French explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau disproved the centuries-old legend that the lake has no bottom. By the lake it is (in the very deep place- 64 m), and at this bottom lie the remains of a German military equipment times of World War II.

This route will not tire you too much, but you will have an accurate idea of ​​several important places in Crete. The cost of the tour is 20-25 euros per person. The length of the route is 89 km.

Knossos palace

The main attraction of Crete is located near Stalis.
You can get there by car in 20-25 minutes.

If there is no car, then you can get to Knossos by bus, but only through Heraklion, there are no direct buses from Stalis.

The ticket office for buses to the legendary palace and labyrinth is located next to Bus Station A in Heraklion. A ticket from Stalis to Heraklion will cost 3.8 euros per person, from Heraklion to Knossos - 1.6 euros.

Amarillis Stable Equestrian Club

A small stable is located directly in Stalis (Eirinis street, 26, tel.: +30.28970.33516, mob: +30.6980.328068) and is known not only here - people even come from Heraklion to ride horses.

Horse trips in small groups (maximum 5 people) are organized by the owner of the stable, Nicholas, who also comes to the hotel in his car for guests, if you agree in advance.

On horseback, you can make two types of walks: a short one along the sea (2 hours, 35-40 euros per person) and a long one - in the mountains (6 hours, 60 euros).
In order to enjoy such a holiday, it is not at all necessary to have experience riding horses, you will quickly learn how to communicate with these beautiful and intelligent animals and manage them. They say that if you write to the owner on the site, then the walk can come out a little cheaper.

Taverns and bars


One of the most famous taverns of Stalis, which can be found almost at the very end of the beach (A. Ioannou, 15).

Anatolia is famous not only for delicious food and the level of service, which is born from the boundless Cretan hospitality, but also for a relatively large check. Lunch for two from a couple of simple dishes and two liters of local wine will cost an average of 60-65 euros. Those who have dined here claim that it is worth it.

Maria's Golden Beach Tavern Restaurant

At the other end of the beach (Ag. Ioanou, 169) there is another establishment famous for its beautiful view from the terrace, spaciousness, amazing cleanliness of the hall and, of course, food. Many of the tourists consider it here the most delicious in Stalis and even in all of Crete.

Tourists from Russia are loved and appreciated here, especially for them - a menu in Russian. The owner of the restaurant, Maria, sometimes personally brings dishes to guests, the portions, as they say, are huge. At the same time, the price tag is quite democratic: a two-course dinner for a married couple with drinks will cost about 30-35 euros.

It is recommended to try the local garlic bread, meze, pizza, as well as meat dishes. Good choice for vegetarians. As a compliment from the owners, adults are poured “on the staff”, and children are fed ice cream.

If during your vacation you will be regular guests of Maria and her family, then you can be sure that on the eve of your departure, a real feast in your honor will be arranged in the tavern.

Katerina Taverna

If you believe the tourist sites, then it is this institution that occupies the first line in the ranking of the “most-most” taverns in Stalis. And although it is located at some distance from the beach (Elefteriou Venizelou, 12), it is better to book places here in advance.

Here you can taste homemade Cretan food: cheese, pies with various fillings, pickles, jams, your own olive oil and, of course,.

Particularly praised are stifado beef (12 euros per serving), steak (10 euros) and grilled sea bass with vegetables (13 euros).

For more than 20 years, the tavern has been run by one family, the head of which, George, personally meets guests and has conversations with them. Above the tavern, which, by the way, is very modest in size, you can rent apartments, they belong to the same owners.

Dwyers Irish Pub

There are many bars on Stalis beach, but this one is special.

Tourists call it a place with a special and unique atmosphere. Live rock music plays here in the evenings.

At night, here are the most fun and soulful parties right on the seashore.

During the day, if you take a sunbed and an umbrella at the bar, then you can dine at the bar for 3 euros. The cost of beer is 3-6 euros.


Cactus Beach 5* (CactusBeach)

One of the most popular hotels not only in Stalis, but also in Crete, is located almost in the center of the resort town, its address: Agiou Ioanni, Stalis 70007, tel. +30 28970 31319.

Cactus Beach is located on the first coastline, the hotel buildings are separated from the beach only by a road. Cactus Beach has almost 400 rooms, but its territory is small and stretched along the sea. Here are a few useful facts about this hotel:

The hotel has its own beach, a set of two sun loungers and an umbrella costs 6 euros per day. Entry into the sea is convenient and gentle, as well as on the entire coast of Stalis.

Wi-Fi is paid - 2 euros per hour.

The food system is half board and all inclusive. The food is praised, however, it will be difficult to feed babies under three years old, there is no children's menu. For all inclusive Not all drinks are free.

The hotel has two bars and two restaurants - Greek (overlooking the beach) and Italian (in one of the buildings). The average check in both establishments is about 40 euros per person. The cost of cocktails in bars is from 2 to 6 euros.

The hotel announces a big animation program for children, there is a children's pool, a playground, however, according to tourists, children will be bored here, especially schoolchildren. Children are entertained without much zeal and only in German and French.

Adult animation in Greek is modest: in the afternoon football on its own football field and aqua aerobics in the pool, several times a week Greek, karaoke and entertainment evenings.

The hotel allows pets.

A 10-day stay in Cactus Beach for a family of three will cost a little less than 300 thousand rubles. And that's with the purchase of breakfast only.

Creta Solaris Hotel Apartments

Tiny family hotel luxury class, 5 minutes from the sea, has its own list of regular guests, which means fans, its address: st. Irinis, 42, tel. + 30 28970 31496.

Ten rooms-apartments (2 and 3-room) with a small functional kitchen are kept in perfect cleanliness.

The refrigerator in the room is large, and all household appliances, according to reviews, are in good working order. Wi-Fi is free throughout the hotel.

For the safe in the room, by the way, they also do not take money. But air conditioning is paid - 7 euros per day.

The hotel has parking.

This hotel does not have its own pool, but there is a cozy patio where you can sit in the shade.

At the same time, those who wish can use the swimming pool and Spa center of the neighboring Blue Sea Hotel for free.

Creta Solaris is conveniently located in relation to the center of Stalida, next to the hotel there is a small market, a supermarket, and next door there is a bakery where you can buy fresh pastries from early morning.

A week of living in these apartments for a family of 3 will cost from 35 to 50 thousand rubles.

Latania 3* (Latania)

A small budget residential complex is located 30 meters from the beach: several multi-storey houses (two apartments per floor) are interconnected by paths crossing a cozy courtyard, hotel address: Beach Road, Stalis, Crete 70007, tel. 810 30 693 717 4901.

There is also a compact swimming pool. There are two types of rooms: studios and full two-room apartments.

The situation in them is quite modern, from the equipment there are:

  • teapot,
  • refrigerator,
  • plate,
  • toaster,
  • microwave,
  • hair dryer in the bathroom.

The pool bar offers free wi-fi, which also catches in the rooms. In the same bar on weekends, the owner of the complex, who himself lives here all summer, arranges a Greek barbecue for guests (10 euros per person): several types of meat are fried on coals, then they are eaten together and washed down with local wine.

By the way, about food. Only breakfasts are served here, and, as tourists write, they are quite monotonous. But at the same time, there are several excellent taverns near the hotel where you can form a complete picture of the Cretan cuisine. Immediately to the left of Latania there is a mini market, and a couple of kilometers to the right there is McDonald's and a large Spar supermarket. In general, the location is considered one of the main advantages of this hotel. Not only the beach is nearby, but also many shops, souvenir shops, a bus stop (near the Sentido Antoussa 5 * hotel, an excursion on a traditional train departs from there).

10 days in Latania will cost from 40 to 60 thousand rubles for a family with a small child.

Angelo Hotel Stalis 2*+ (Aggelo Hotel Stalis)

A hundred meters from the beach is this family-run hotel, which, despite the small "star" offers guests half board and even "all inclusive", the hotel address: Agiou Ioannou Stalis 70007, tel. +30 28970 31539.

Constantly eat only at the hotel seasoned tourists they do not advise, the menu here is quite monotonous, and drinks at dinner must be bought separately.

Moreover, the Kostas tavern is adjacent to the hotel, where you can have a great meal for little money and with a beautiful view of the sea.

The hotel has a swimming pool, which is mostly used by children.

The rooms are small, cozy and furnished in good condition. True, the shower is not fenced, so the entire bathroom can be wet, and shampoo and soap are not provided here. Linen is changed every three days. Each room has a balcony with a beautiful view of either the sea or the garden. Wi-Fi in the hotel is free, but weak. There are several computers with Internet access in the lobby, 15 minutes of their use cost 50 cents. In general, there are practically no negative reviews about the Angelo Hotel, which is very rare for a budget hotel.

A week of stay here at the end of summer will cost a family of three in the amount of 16 to 25 thousand rubles with the type of food "half board", all inclusive will be slightly more expensive.