Detailed map of the Altai Territory online. Map of the Altai Territory to cities and towns detailed

Maps of cities in the Altai Territory:
Barnaul | Aleysk | Belokurikha | Biysk | Miner | Zarinsk | Stone-on-Obi | Novoaltaysk | Rubtsovsk | Slavgorod | Yarovoe

Map of the Altai Territory with settlements

One of the subjects of Russia is the Altai Territory. It was formed at the beginning of the last century. Now the region is part of the federal Siberian district. Main administrative city- Barnaul. On the territory of the region are located: 1, ZATO Siberian, 60 municipal districts, 13 cities and urban districts. See more detailed information at detailed map Altai Territory, there are accurate information.

The border passes near the Kemerovo, Pavlodar, East Kazakhstan, Novosibirsk regions and the Republic of Altai. The region is located in the southeastern part of Siberia. Its length is more than 1000 kilometers. Detailed map of the Altai Territory with settlements can tell a lot, it reflects all socially significant objects.

The climate in the Altai Territory is formed as a result of a fairly frequent change of air. It is more suited to the continental climate. In summer the temperature stays around 30 degrees. In winter it is cold there, blizzards often sweep, it snows. The soil at this time freezes by about 3 meters.

Many travelers and tourists in given time come to the Altai Territory to the resorts. Get to it eco clean place it's not hard now. Attractions there have been preserved since ancient times.

Satellite map of the Altai Territory. Explore the satellite map of Altai Krai online in real time. A detailed map of the Altai Territory was created on the basis of satellite images high definition. IN as close as possible a satellite map of the Altai Territory allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of the Altai Territory. A satellite map of the Altai Territory easily switches to a regular map mode (scheme).

Altai region- a region in Western Siberia. This is one of the most beautiful places not only in Russia, but throughout the mainland. Several large rivers flow through the territory of the Altai Territory - Katun and Biya, which, merging, form a single river Ob.

The Altai Territory, surrounded by mountain ranges, is a favorite destination for eco-travellers and lovers extreme species sports. Often called the second beautiful Switzerland, but unlike Alpine mountains, Altai Krai is cleaner and quieter in terms of tourism.

This region is rich in its resort resources, which include clean mountain air, abundance of sun, mineral springs with healing water and much more.

Going to Altai region, each of the travelers can choose the most suitable tourist route and type of tourism. One of the most popular and interesting tours offered by numerous travel agencies is climbing Mount Aktru. During this tour, tourists will be able to get acquainted with the nature of the region and plunge into its unique atmosphere.

In addition, a trip to the Altai Territory can be diversified with other activities: horseback riding and camel riding, cycling tours, skiing and snowboarding, recreation at camp sites and sanatoriums near mineral springs, as well as rafting on raging rivers.

Best Resorts Altai Territory- this is Belokurikha for those who want to spend a calm, relaxed holiday in radon baths, the city of Yarovaya, famous for its therapeutic mud and the village of Solonovka, where various sports competitions are held annually.

In the South-East of Western Siberia, the Altai Territory spread its expanses. He "stretched" his borders between Kazakhstan and the Russian regions: Novosibirsk and Kemerovo. From the southeast side, the Republic of Altai joined it. Main territory Altai Territory- This is a plain and low mountains, consisting of regions: the Kulunda steppe, the Rudny Altai, the Ob plateau, the foothills of the Altai. The southern outskirts of the region capture the middle mountains of Altai, Sayan.

Detailed map of the Altai Territory

by the most major city Altai Territory is Barnaul, founded in 1730. The city was built at the confluence of the Barnaulka River into the Siberian river artery - the Ob. In addition to Barnaul, the region has 12 more cities, the largest of them are Biysk, Rubtsovsk, Novoaltaisk, Zarinsk and Kamen-on-Obi. There are also 59 rural districts in the territory.

The climate of the Altai Territory is pronounced continental, with a long, snowy winter, during which the temperature drops to -500C, and a short, but rather hot, sunny summer. On the steppe territory of the region, dry winds occur, and in winter you can get into a snow blizzard.

Road map of the Altai Territory

Water arrays
Rivers and rivulets laid a water grid throughout the Altai Territory. From shallow streams to the mighty Siberian Ob River, they are all a source of moisture for beautiful pastures and green areas. The Ob absorbs the waters of two large Altai rivers, the Biya and Katun. Lakes are not inferior to crayfish in their number. There are more than 5 thousand of them in Altai. More than half of them are freshwater reserves of nature, but there are also many salt lakes and even bitter-salty lakes. Also, the territory of the Altai Territory is rich in natural mineral springs, their number has already exceeded 2 thousand. The most famous mineral healing spring is located in the balneological resort, in the village of Belokurikha.

Cities of the Altai Territory

Taiga forests spread over a quarter of the territory of the region. Along the rivers Kulunda, Burla, Kasmala and Barnaulka, there are very rare ribbon pine forests that grow only on the sandy soil of the coastal zones of Altai. Natural areas are protected by numerous reserves. There are 33 of them on the territory of the Altai Territory. Also, 100 natural monuments are legalized on legal grounds. The most famous of them are Ikonnikov Island, Tigirek Reserve, Four Brothers Rock, Seven Cave Mountain, Denisova Cave. On the territory of the region there is an archaeological complex Tsarsky Kurgan. Beautiful nature, clean air, the most beautiful river coastal zones annually attract numerous tourists to the expanses of the Altai Territory, connoisseurs of beautiful, unique scenes of the forest-steppe Siberia. Photo materials used from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

Siberia in Russia and the Altai Territory, as part of the natural wealth of our country, has always been of interest to the whole world. The south-eastern region of Western Siberia, like a magnet, attracts the attention of lovers of recreation among nature. The uniqueness, originality, generosity of the Siberian expanses - there is where the Russian soul can roam.

Russia. Altai region

And how many rivers and lakes are here, on the banks of which there are many popular vacation spots!
Imagine that the total length of the flowing rivers (17085 pieces) is 51004 km! The rivers Biya and Katun, merging, form the Ob, the most important water artery of the region. Such large rivers as the Charysh, Alei and Chumysh still flow into the Ob.
Barnaul is the capital of the region (founded in 1730 by one of the famous Demidov family). Currently, more than 600 thousand Siberians live in it, theaters (4), museums (4), libraries (27), recreation parks (7) and cinemas (4) flourish.

Altai region. Barnaul. Satellite map online
(This map can be controlled using the mouse, as well as the signs in the left corner of the map)

Maps of the Altai Territory:

There are many sunny days in a year.
July weather is more often 26-28 degrees, which is just great for comfortable rest. Although the temperature in summer max t ° is up to 40 °, and in winter - up to 50 °, but this is the maximum that is not considered the main one.
Such a temperature difference occurs in a moderately sharp continental climate.
120 days without frost is enough for the flourishing and rapid development of the local rich nature. Altai herbs are in great demand throughout Russia.
Lakes full of clean water and fish are located mainly among the steppes of the region.

The size of the lakes is also impressive:
Kulunda Lake - 792 sq. km
Kuchuk lake - 181 sq. km
Gorky Lake - 140 sq. km
Big Poplar Lake - 76 sq. km
Big Spring Lake - 66.7 sq. km

The beauty of completely different natural areas - forests, steppes, tundra, swamps, shrubs, rock groups, strikes and delights again and again.
The living creatures that breed and flourish in this generous land are numerous and varied. Some of them are listed in the Red Book.
Natural resources in Altai are unique in composition and quality.
Deposits of iron, coal, chromium, manganese, titanium, tungsten, nickel, vanadium and many other fairly rare minerals are being developed here.
The Altai Territory is also known for its jasper, marble, and granite.
Quantity and unique composition mineral waters, underground drinking water, therapeutic mud are famous and in demand in the development sanatorium treatment and resort areas.
There is something to use and the food and chemical industries.

The list of Altai reserves is really impressive:

Lake Manzherok
Katu-Yaryk Pass
Kolyvan lake
Chike-Taman pass
Turquoise Katun - archaeological park
Tigirek Reserve

Any of these places is interesting for relaxation, study and admiration. A visit to Altai will enrich and decorate your life, will remain in your memory forever.

Altai is a republic Russian Federation. satellite map Altai shows that the region borders on China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the Republic of Tuva, Kemerovo region, Khakassia and Altai Territory. The area of ​​the region is 92903 sq. km.

The territory of Altai is made up of mountain ranges with river valleys and basins crossing them. Due to the peculiarities of the relief, the main economic sectors in the republic are animal husbandry, Agriculture and tourism.

Altai is divided into 10 municipal districts, the only city Gorno-Altaisk (capital) and 248 rural settlements.

Mount Belukha in Altai

A Brief History of Altai

Altai is considered the ancestral home of all currently existing Turkic peoples. In 552, the Turkic Khaganate was formed here, and later the Kalmyk Dzhukhar Khanate appeared on the territory. In 1756, the khanate fell, and its inhabitants voluntarily became part of the Russian Empire.

In 1919, Soviet power was established in Altai. In 1922, the Oirat Autonomous Region was created, which in 1932 was renamed the Oirot Autonomous Region. In 1948, the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region was created. In 1990, the region was transformed into the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and in 1993 - into the Republic of Altai.

Karakol lakes in Altai

Sights of Altai

On a detailed map of Altai, you can see that the region is rich in natural attractions. chief natural monument is the Altai Reserve. On the territory of Altai is the most high mountain in Siberia - Belukha (height 4506 m).

It is recommended to visit the Katunsky Reserve, in nature park"Belukha", see the cascade of Karakol lakes, each of which differs in color and composition, and relax on Lake Teletskoye. In Altai, it is worth seeing Korbu, Kamyshinsky and Tekelya waterfalls, Shavlinsky lakes and Lake Menzherok, Karokokshinsky and Museum caves, Charyshsky and Tavdinsky caves, Patmos Island and the Iconostasis rock.