Business leasing of premises that you need. How much can you earn in commercial real estate? Prices are influenced by factors such as

Rental commercial real estate refers to the most profitable types of business and is almost always in demand. Many small firms and start-up entrepreneurs are looking for office space for their own placement and organization of their business. Their desire to purchase a roof over their heads, and for relatively little money, allows them to receive a steady income from renting out space. In addition to small entrepreneurs, often the premises can be easily rented out for small shops, where the former owners of small kiosks and trading places in industrial markets.

Numerous office buildings filled to overflowing with small firms.

The attractiveness of this direction lies also in the fact that its organization usually requires only initial investments, and all current costs can be passed on to customers. Naturally, to create such a business, you must have a suitable property.

For the reliability of the enterprise, it is desirable to acquire such an object in the property, so as not to depend on the whim of its owner.

However, in case of a shortage of funds, it is possible to rent a building, subject to the right to sublease its premises. It is often more profitable for the owners of a building to rent it out as a whole than to painstakingly look for many small tenants and formalize relations with them. This is all true, but still, a decrease in the share of profits significantly affects the overall profitability of the project, so the acquisition of a building as a property is always a priority compared to renting, and carries fewer risks for the entrepreneur.

It is absolutely not necessary to choose real estate objects in the city center, where their cost exceeds all conceivable limits.

It is often much more profitable to buy a building or premises on the outskirts of the city or somewhere in residential area which would require a significantly lower level of investment.

The only important condition in the selection of real estate objects is the availability of public transport stops nearby.

A good option for acquiring such an object are old abandoned buildings of ruined industrial enterprises, offices shopping centers. The worse the technical condition of the building, the cheaper it can be purchased, which is what many entrepreneurs who earn money by renting out commercial real estate use. On the other hand, if there are sufficient funds, sometimes it is easier to build a new building, planning its space for rent in advance.

When repairing an old premises or equipping a new one, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the delivery of commercial real estate.

Since the premises of the office building will be rented out to different tenants, it is necessary to provide for a separate supply of communications and the possibility of disconnecting any premises from heating and electricity in order to avoid unnecessary expenses for empty areas. In addition, it is desirable to pre-design common areas, toilets, eating areas, locations for shared office equipment. This will create comfortable conditions for the work of small businesses and increase the attractiveness of real estate. As a rule, tenants do not impose special requirements for interior decoration, so repairs and decoration can be done using cheap building materials. This reduces the amount of investment needed.

Particular attention should be paid to the connection of modern communications, especially high-speed Internet, as well as the organization of wi-fi.

Moreover, among the tenants it is advantageous to have an accounting firm, as well as a firm offering office services: photocopying, printing texts, and so on. This makes it possible to provide tenants with the necessary office services and fully fill all the leased premises. To attract customers, you can also use common areas, the hall of an office building, allowing you to place tenants' advertising products in them, installing special advertising structures for this.

An excellent addition, in terms of technical equipment, is also the connection of a mini-automatic telephone exchange and the provision of city phone numbers, which will help to secure permanent tenants in the allotted places.

When organizing a business for the delivery of office real estate, it is necessary to pay special attention to the legally correct execution of contracts, the possibility of recovering losses from unscrupulous tenants. The efficiency of renting office real estate is confirmed by experts who estimate the growth in rental rates by about 10% per year. Experience shows that it is possible to recoup investments in the creation of an office real estate center in 2-3 years.

Naturally, for the proper organization of a business, it is necessary, the order of which can be made on our website.

Where can I rent a commercial non-residential premises or warehouse? How to rent trading area under the shop? How to rent out commercial real estate?

Hello to everyone who looked at the site of the popular online magazine "HeaterBober"! With you expert - Denis Kuderin.

The topic of today's conversation is the lease of commercial real estate. The article will be useful to businessmen, owners of non-residential premises and all those who are interested in topical financial issues.

At the end of the article, you will find an overview of the most reliable Russian real estate companies that provide intermediary services when renting objects for commerce.

So let's get started!

1. Why rent commercial property?

Successful entrepreneurial activity largely depends on a well-chosen premises for doing business. This is especially true for trade and services. A cozy, well-equipped store in a busy part of the city attracts customers in itself.

The same can be said about offices. Every self-respecting company should have a good place to work and receive visitors. Even if you sell goods through an online store, you need a place to complete and issue orders, as well as resolve disputes with customers.

Not every businessman, especially a beginner, can afford to buy non-residential premises. In such cases, renting commercial real estate comes to the rescue.

We list all the advantages of renting:

  • relatively low financial costs;
  • a simpler procedure for paperwork in comparison with the purchase;
  • the ability to change the landlord at any time and move to another building;
  • a large selection of real estate, especially in metropolitan areas.

The reverse process - renting out premises - also has many advantages. First of all, it is a reliable source of passive income. The acquisition of commercial space (retail, office, industrial and others) is a good investment option.

As long as there is a private business, its representatives will constantly need premises for doing business, which means that property owners will have a stable profit without much labor.

Finding suitable premises for business is a troublesome event. The fastest and most reliable way to find an object is to use the services of professional intermediaries.

There is a detailed article on our website about how modern ones work.

2. How to rent a commercial property - 5 useful tips

When renting commercial properties, you need to be as careful as possible when choosing them. It depends on the parameters and functional characteristics of the premises how soon you can start a business, and whether the object will fully meet the goals of your business.

First, decide how you will look for a suitable room - on your own or with the help of an agency. The first method involves the presence of an unlimited supply of free time and is associated with a variety of risks. The second option is safer and more reliable.

You will find additional information on the topic of working with intermediaries in the article "".

Expert advice will help you avoid common tenant mistakes.

Tip 1. Carefully study the hood and ventilation systems

You yourself or your employees will work in the room, so the presence of serviceable ventilation systems is the most important point. The lack of powerful and autonomous ventilation in the building is a real obstacle to the normal operation of a cafe, restaurant, grocery store.

Food should be stored in appropriate conditions, and visitors and vendors should not be bothered by odors. Moreover, the sanitary authorities simply will not allow you to use the facility for a catering or grocery store if it has only general house ventilation.

Tip 2: Focus on loading and unloading areas

A convenient area for loading and unloading goods is another key point for owners of cafes, restaurants, canteens and shops.

It is important that the area where loading and unloading operations will be carried out does not go out into the courtyard of a residential building or onto carriageway. You will interfere with residents or motorists, you will be tortured with complaints.

The issue of full-fledged power supply is especially relevant for tenants whose business involves the use of energy-intensive equipment - refrigerators, electric furnaces, machine tools, etc.

Make sure that the electrical cables in the room are capacious enough to meet the needs of the enterprise in full.

Tip 4. Carefully read the terms of the contract

Before putting your autograph on a lease, carefully read the terms on which you conclude a deal.

The contract must contain the following clauses:

  • lease terms, cost and method of payment;
  • if the premises are rented with equipment, then an inventory of the property must be drawn up;
  • liability of the parties for breach of contract;
  • conditions for terminating the agreement.

The costs of utility bills, garbage collection, maintenance of the fire system and security alarm are usually borne by the tenant. However, the landlord pays, if necessary, for major repairs, including the replacement of plumbing communications and electrical wiring if they fail.

Discuss in advance with the landlord the issue of property insurance - whether such an agreement will be drawn up, and if not, decide who will pay for losses in case of unforeseen situations.

Tip 5. Check property documents

It is imperative to check the title documents of the owner - a contract of sale, an extract from State Register for the right to own.

Make sure the property really belongs to the person who rents it to you. Otherwise, one fine moment will be announced real owner object with the appropriate permissions. It is also important that the premises are not pledged, not arrested for debts, and not have other encumbrances.

A person who is far from the intricacies of housing law should take advantage of professional assistance when renting or buying non-residential premises. For example, you can clarify for yourself all the unclear points on the Lawyer website - a resource that employs specialists from all areas of jurisprudence.

You can ask your question even without registration, right on the main page. You will receive a legally correct and competent answer in a few minutes, and completely free of charge. If your problem requires in-depth study, you will need to pay for the services of professionals, but you can set the amount of the fee yourself.

Step 2. Determine the amount of rent

To find out the best rental price, use one of the two options. The first is to personally look through the databases of your city and determine the approximate range of prices for renting similar premises. Second - delegate this task to the realtor.

By the way, in addition to real estate agencies, intermediary services are provided by private brokers. They usually charge 25-50% less for their work than companies. However, private professionals working with non-residential real estate, even major cities- units.

5. If you're renting out commercial property, the top 3 risks for a landlord

Each landlord worries about the condition of his object and wants to make a profit from the lease, not losses.

We list the main risks of commercial real estate owners and show you how to avoid them.

Risk 1. Use of the premises for other purposes

Each well-written lease agreement specifies for what purpose and how the leased premises will be used. This also applies to equipment that you rent out along with the lease.

If the tenant promised to use the premises as a warehouse, but set up a retail store in it, you have the right to fine him or terminate the agreement without a refund of the rent.

Risk 2. Damage or loss of property

You handed over the facility and equipment to what you thought was a respectable citizen, but he, speaking diplomatically, did not live up to your expectations. Namely, he brought the room to a state of devastation, broke the equipment, unscrewed the light bulbs and, in general, behaved like a pig.

In such cases, the owner has the right to demand compensation for damage in full. Moreover, not only repair costs should be reimbursed, but also the market value of the damaged equipment.

Liability is not provided if the object and property were damaged as a result of unforeseen circumstances - for example, from a fire or flood.

Risk 3: Tenant Refusal to Pay Monthly Fees

Sloppy payers should be punished with a ruble. However, this is possible, again, if the lease agreement is drawn up in accordance with all the rules. That is, the document should clearly stipulate the terms and amount of monthly payments.

6. If you rent a commercial property - 3 main risks for the tenant

The tenant can also suffer as a result of illegal or unauthorized actions of the landlord.

Risk 1. Lease of premises to which the “landlord” has no legal rights

If the premises are rented to you by a person who does not have the legal rights of the owner to the object, the contract will be considered invalid. To avoid this, require the presentation of title documents.

You can independently obtain an extract from Rosreestr by contacting the Multifunctional Center. The service is paid, but you will reliably know "who is the boss in the house."

Risk 2. Changing the locks in the room immediately after making an advance payment

Yes, such situations still occur in nature. You sign a contract, make an advance payment, receive keys from hand to hand, and when you want to enter the premises with your property, it turns out that the locks have been changed, and the “owners” have disappeared.

There is only one way out in such a situation - to contact the police and initiate a criminal case on the fact of fraud.

Risk 3. Sublease

Here it is best to explain the essence with a simple example.


Tenant Andrei, a novice entrepreneur, rented a room for a store for a year, paying half a year in advance. At the same time, the businessman did not check the title documents, relying on the honesty of the landlord.

After a month of successful trading, the real owner showed up in the store with a full set of original documents. He politely asked the tenant to move out of the occupied area. Andrei tried to find a subtenant in order to at least return his money paid in advance, but the enterprising intermediary did not give an answer to calls or SMS.

Conclusion: deal directly with the owner. At the very least, he should be aware of all the manipulations that occur with his property.

7. Professional assistance for tenants and landlords - an overview of the TOP-3 real estate agencies

Finding a qualified intermediary is a difficult task. To help readers, we have compiled an overview of the most reliable companies in Russia working with commercial real estate.


Real estate management agency. Will help landlords and tenants rent and rent: office, retail space, workshop, warehouse, mansion and any other commercial property. The company employs only experienced and qualified lawyers and realtors.

A significant plus of the company is a professional approach, the availability of a detailed website, the development of an individual strategy for each client of the office. There are no real estate services that the company's specialists could not provide to users.

Commercial real estate includes non-residential premises that can be used for commercial purposes. Lawyers distinguish several groups of commercial real estate:

If a novice entrepreneur decides to do business, first of all, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the premises for operation by tenants. If necessary, it is necessary to make repairs that meet modern standards, connect the necessary communications, and much more.

How to file a case?

Such a step as registration of a rental business (Federal Tax Service) is perhaps the most important. The exact decisions on organizational form depend on the line of business itself. In other words, if a citizen rents out non-residential premises, he is obliged to pay income tax.

It is recommended to apply for the status of an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), thanks to which a person will receive the right to conduct activities on completely legal grounds. Due to the fact that the profit from the delivery of commercial real estate will be small, according to the law, a citizen has the right to issue a simplified form of taxation. It provides for the payment of taxes in the amount of 6% of total income.

The following documents are required to register a business for renting commercial real estate:

  • Copy of the founder's passport.
  • TIN (individual taxpayer number) of the founder.
  • The contribution of the authorized capital from 10,000 rubles. When submitting an appropriate application for registration of IP, a bank statement is provided, where it is necessary to open an account.
  • Formation of the company's charter. According to this documentation, the distribution of parts between the owners (if there are several), the official name of the company, its legal address will be carried out.
  • Minutes of the meeting of the founder (in the event that there are several of them).
  • The decision to form an LLC (a society with limited opportunities).

The term for issuing an IP is from 3 to 5 working days. It will take no more than 14 days from the date of application for registration and registration of LLC status.

We divide the rental area into parts

Not all clients are ready for an office space: most need a certain part of it. So, for example, a bar-restaurant or a game club can be placed in a hotel lobby. At the same time, both institutions are owned by different persons.

To multiple tenants, you need to share the premises. Separation - the termination of the existence of a single object and its division into several separate objects, each of which will receive a unique cadastral number and separate documents for the right to possess. According to the law Russian Federation, such objects become newly created, as a result of which, according to Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner receives the rights to dispose of them only after official registration.

Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The emergence of ownership of the newly created real estate

The right of ownership to buildings, structures and other newly created immovable property subject to state registration arises from the moment of such registration.

According to the legislative regulations of the Russian Federation, the division of an immovable object is permissible if one of the grounds exists:

  • The consent of all owners of real estate to its division and certification in writing by a notary.
  • The intervention of the judiciary.

Before competently dividing the existing commercial real estate into parts and renting them out, the right holder is obliged to organize technical and cadastral registration of the premises, as well as officially register the right to manage it. After registering the necessary part of the object for himself and registering the contract with Rosreestr, he will be able to lease it.

To divide the existing commercial real estate into parts, the owners will need the following documents:

The owner will be able to purchase cadastral documents after he applies to the authorized bodies and establishes the object for cadastral registration. Since 2012 to install the premises for cadastral registration, you will need a detailed scheme-plan of the building, which can be compiled by a highly qualified engineer.

It is worth noting that when dividing commercial real estate, several technical plans must be provided. Registration of the document takes place within 18 days from the date of their submission. After this period, the customer must contact the cadastral center and receive documents (including a cadastral passport). In case of refusal of registration, civil servants provide reasonable confirmation in writing.

After receiving the cadastral documents, you must also obtain a certificate of ownership for each part of the premises. An important and only document confirming property rights is a cadastral passport. It contains detailed information about the real estate section and a technical plan drawn up in accordance with the updated data.

You can invest in real estate in different ways and scales: buy and resell apartments, rent out premises or open a real estate agency.

It is worth noting that not every average Russian citizen has access to this way of earning money - multimillion-dollar investments are required. Therefore, commercial companies have and invest such large financial resources. Their privilege is to receive a loan for a project. An individual can also start a real estate business only if they have the necessary start - up capital .

Important! Acquisition of housing during the period of growth on it guarantees the investor a multiple payback when reselling it - by 10-15%. For the most part, this applies to those citizens who invested large material savings in this area in the 80-90s. XX century.

Until 2020, the hype effect should not be expected - the Russian real estate market has stagnated in the decline phase.

Calculation of possible profit, payback period and profitability level

The scheme for calculating the possible profit from the rental of real estate:

Attractiveness rating rental business is not an overriding task. For a correct calculation, it is enough to compare rental income with the value of real estate - in the end, you will get the payback period of the business, which is the main criterion for business in this area. Standard payback periods for commercial real estate range from 9 to 12 years. It is difficult to find immovable objects with a payback period of 7-8 years.

The best investment option is to buy real estate in new buildings. A less expensive option would be to purchase premises at the excavation stage. Thus, the savings will be at least 30%.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of certain risks in the system of shared construction. At an early stage, their probability is huge. To reduce possible risks, you should choose developers with excellent experience and a proven track record.

Where to get start-up capital?

Every citizen can receive start-up capital for business development. There are several ways to fund and find sponsors.

You can get start-up capital for starting a business in a bank. The method is effective and popular. However, there is a huge drawback - the risk. If things do not go in the right direction, then, in addition to a significant loss, the novice businessman will also receive a large cash debt. It is worth noting that Sberbank and Tinkoff provide a loan to start a business.

Reference! Government structures that support small businesses can become a source of start-up capital. According to the federal self-employment system, unemployed citizens can apply for a subsidy in the amount of 60,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Renting is the only type of business that carries legal passive income.


  • It is important to understand that income depends directly on the activities of tenants. It is necessary to control their activities, to ensure that the premises remain in good condition.
  • Under the provisions of the Ministry of Finance, the landlord is obliged to pay taxes in the amount of 15 to 17% of the amount received from the rent.
  • Inconstancy of tenants. A break in the agreement can occur even when an official one is concluded, as a result of which the income traffic will temporarily stop, and the landlord will have to.
  • The presence of responsible tenants in business becomes a high-class and sought-after product that can be sold at any time and get a profitable financial condition.
  • The annual rent increase contributes to the successful prosperity and development of the business.

In the absence of experience in entrepreneurial business, it is recommended to purchase a working ready-made business. The main advantage of this case is the conclusion of a contract with tenants interested in extending the contract with a new partner.


Thus, the real estate rental business is an excellent source of passive income. Nevertheless, this area has its own pitfalls: assessment of all kinds of risks, paperwork, start-up capital, etc. Proper organization of the business contributes to its active and favorable development.

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Renting out real estate is a very profitable business, if you treat the procedure with maximum responsibility. Permanent passive income is always nice, but what if the idea to rent commercial real estate came up? This will require a slightly different approach, because there is a big difference between renting an apartment and a large office.

Step-by-step instruction

The process of renting out an object is divided into the following stages:

  1. Determination of rental value.

The first step is to view and evaluate the largest number of available offers on the market. The larger the sample, the better the result (a more accurate indicator of the average cost of rent for commercial premises).

During the analysis, you can use popular sites like Avito or CYAN. Information can also be found in various printed publications. In the absence of a desire to engage in the study of other offers personally, it would be reasonable to hire a realtor or broker.

The price for such services can hardly be called high, and it is quite possible to save a decent share of nerve cells and time.

The cost of renting commercial real estate should suit not only the owner, but also potential customers. A deliberately high rate is unlikely to be successful, but the following factors can affect the formation of the price tag:

  • location of the building / premises;
  • infrastructure (availability of cafes in the immediate vicinity, free parking, building security);
  • building class;
  • quality and level of repair;
  • layout functionality;
  • various features of communications (uninterrupted power supply, Internet, availability of bathrooms, etc.);
  • other bonuses that can potentially improve the productivity of tenants (Wi-Fi router, coffee machine, comfortable furniture).

After analyzing the prices on the market, you can contact other landlords and try to reset the cost. Often, the price indicated in the offers is indicative and approximate. The value indicator that can be achieved during the negotiations will be enough to find out the average rental rate for similar proposals. 5-10 calls are enough to get comparative data on the rental rate.

The most important thing for a commercial property lessor is to find the right client. You can do it yourself, or you can hire a realtor. Both situations have their pros and cons, so choosing what to do is a personal matter for everyone.

When looking for a tenant on your own, a serious advantage is having your own database. However, its absence will not cause big problems, but you will have to spend more effort.

in a good way to find the right client is to create a website with a commercial offer. It is better to promote such a site with the help of contextual advertising with an emphasis on key audiences. Thanks to such advertising, you can easily find an interested audience and avoid high commissions to agencies.

It is most expedient to do this when renting premises with an impressive area. Such offers are sought by clients who rely on high profitability from the planned activity, and most of all they trust websites.

If a person wants to buy a very expensive car, will he look for it on dubious resources or will he prefer the official website? So the tenant of commercial real estate is of the same opinion.

A completely different matter is small premises for rent. There is no point in creating a website here and free online classifieds (even small ones) are perfect.

  1. Realtor services.

If you do not want to engage in the search for interested parties on your own, there is an option to hire a realtor. This person will independently find the right tenants, make contacts and even independently conclude the necessary lease agreement.

On the other hand, search the right people- It's a delicate and rather complicated / time-consuming task. Not all realtors will agree to this, and masters of their craft in serious agencies will require a sum of money in the amount of 50% of the rental price for 1 month for such services. And sometimes even more than that.

But still, with a similar method of finding tenants, the owner will free himself from significant difficulties. As a result, the matter will remain only for the preparation of the contract and the preparation of all necessary documentation.

Payment for the services of a realtor is carried out only after the conclusion of the lease agreement. If a realtor or agency requires you to make an advance payment or pay the amount earlier, they may be scammers.

  1. Required documentation.

After the tenant is found and all the key points are satisfied by both parties, you can proceed to the execution of the contract. The contract for the lease of commercial real estate must contain the following items:

  • complete information about each of the parties;
  • the exact address of the rental object;
  • amount and payer utilities;
  • monthly rent;
  • date when the object will be leased;
  • necessary actions of each party in case of force majeure situations;
  • a description of the quality of the repair and the furniture located;
  • key conditions under which you can terminate the lease.

If you lack the necessary knowledge or experience, it would be wiser to involve a qualified lawyer in the procedure for concluding an agreement.

The contract is not the only thing that will be needed when renting out real estate. You should also have with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • proof of ownership document;
  • floor plan.

When all the documents are in hand, and the parties successfully conclude the contract, all that remains is to receive the proceeds and monitor the frequency of payments.

Commercial real estate includes office buildings, industrial premises, sports facilities, shops, garages, warehouses and even hotels.

You can speed up the delivery of commercial real estate by reducing the rental rate. Taking into account the constant costs of maintaining the premises, it will be more correct to rent out real estate at an average or even low rate than to put up high price but for a whole year.

Also, the price of such premises is affected by the presence of:

  • parking;
  • catering points (in the same building or in close proximity);
  • infrastructure;
  • high traffic, etc.

In such circumstances, the rent can be significantly higher than the market average. And, of course, there will be a client for it.

Openness to the wishes of future customers also plays a significant role in the delivery of commercial real estate:

  1. Help with planning.

A prospective tenant may need help or advice on workplace layouts. It would be wise to prepare in advance and offer several ready-made options right away, and the key changes will remain with the client, which he wants to make.

It is much easier to change what you already have than to create something from scratch. Such an attitude towards the tenant will undoubtedly be appreciated.

  1. Discussion of details.

The color of the walls in the room, the number of maximum connections to the telephone network or the Internet, as well as a discussion of all other features will help to get the tenant's favor and persuade him to rent this particular property.

This is a small psychological trick: the more a person goes into details, the higher the chances that such a conversation will be deposited in his memory. So, it is on him that he will focus in the first place, weigh the pros and cons, etc.

However, if the entire rental process is based on such tricks, it will be a big risk of losing reputation. If the quality of the lease is significant only in words, then this can threaten with very serious consequences.

  1. Vacation.

If there is no finishing in the commercial premises allocated for rent, then you can offer the tenant a payment vacation. That is, he will carry out repairs at his own expense, but while the repair teams are doing their job, the client will not pay rent for the premises.

This is a pretty significant plus for a tenant who has clearly decided to rent a property:

  • if there are no extra funds to pay rent and repairs at the same time, then this action will cause exceptionally positive emotions and increase the reputation of the landlord;
  • also, renovation holidays will help to persuade a doubting tenant towards the acquisition of this particular property/premises.

In general, you can temporarily exempt a client from paying rent in a variety of situations. The main thing is that there are no serious financial losses for both parties. These are the basic features of doing business, and tenants (as well as landlords) of commercial real estate are well aware of this.

That is why such actions are widespread, although their use is not mandatory. Especially if the delivery of commercial real estate is not urgent.

  1. Reliability of the landlord.

This is a very important point, most clearly manifested in the preparation of the owner's documentation for the tenant. The more guarantees the client receives, the greater the chances of successfully renting out the premises.

The abundance of supporting documents, the absence of tricks during the signing of the contract and a good reputation are the key to successful leasing of commercial real estate. The reason is simple:

  • when renting an apartment, often ordinary citizens deal with the issue;
  • and if the premises are planned to be used for commercial purposes and make serious money on this business, then the study of each document by the tenant will be as scrupulous as possible.

Risks and other difficulties

Not only the tenant is exposed to risks - the same applies to the landlord. Most common causes conflicts are:

  • insufficient definition of the legal obligations of the parties regarding the leased property;
  • delays in monthly payments and other payments;
  • misuse of the leased property;
  • damage/loss of property owned by the lessor;
  • disputes over taxation (according to Article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation to pay VAT is assigned only to the lessor with the possibility of deducting the amount of tax by the lessee if the relevant document is available).

All these conflict situations directly depend on the concluded contract. Each of the points should be described as accurately as possible, since this minimizes the risks for both parties at once. It is important to responsibly treat the conclusion of the contract in order to avoid such situations.

Renting commercial real estate is not much different, but has a number of key features. The most important thing is the conclusion of the contract. In any situation, the parties will rely only on it, therefore, when making a deal, you need to focus on this document.

The fact is that such square meters are in demand among a narrow number of tenants. That is, if your premises meet all the requirements of the tenant (as a rule, these are some specific features), then he may agree to your offer. But you can wait for such a customer for a very long time. Therefore, it is better to push away from the average market price when evaluating yours.
As for the preservation of the premises in its original form - this is unrealistic. Even the most careful tenants in the process of using it will inevitably cause at least some damage to it (starting from elementary pollution, ending with damage to the finish). If your premises are very dear to you, then stipulate compensation for damage to it in the contract.
It follows from this that when registering with a tenant, you will no longer be able to avoid taxation of your income from renting out the premises.
And in order to quickly find a tenant who will suit you and who will suit your premises and its price, and avoid a lot of problems, in a proven agency with at least 5 years of experience.

This means that the first thing you should do is to find a good real estate agency. With this organization it is necessary to conclude a contract for the provision of services. As a rule, no commission is charged from the landlord. Further, the agent will ask you to show him your premises, after which he will be able to determine the amount that you can count on. The agent will also suggest the best way for you to receive the rent. Typically, payments are made quarterly for commercial real estate, but monthly for residential real estate. If there are no valuables in your premises, you can safely leave the keys to it to an agent who will show it to future tenants without interrupting your business. And the last step is the very acquaintance with the tenants and the conclusion of a lease agreement with them.

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  • how to rent offices

To rent out any free space, whether residential or commercial, you can contact a real estate agency or find a tenant yourself. In the second case, it is effective to post information in the print media and the Internet on those resources visited by potential tenants from the area where the property is located.

You will need

  • - documents confirming your ownership of the property;
  • - a computer with Internet access;
  • - money to pay for the services of realtors and / or placing ads on paid resources;
  • - telephone and e-mail for communication.


Even if you do not want to resort to the help of realtors, it will not be superfluous to visit several agencies and consult about your rental price and the factors that affect it. It may not be superfluous to take certain measures that give reason to ask for more. For example, connect additional telephone lines, install wired internet, etc., depending on the situation and the nature of the area.

If you prefer to entrust the care of finding tenants and primary contacts with them to intermediaries, ask meticulously about the terms of cooperation: the price, the procedure for paying for agency services (ideally after moving in, in other cases you should think about it), etc.

When searching on your own, prepare ad texts of various lengths. Your task is to contain as much essential information as possible in the minimum amount of text, giving a complete picture of the leased areas. Often, generally accepted understandable abbreviations contribute to its solution.

A separate issue is contacts. A separate sim will help save your nerves and insure yourself against untimely calls. You can insert it into the phone only at a time when it is convenient for you to receive calls, and for others (which will definitely be) use an answering machine.
This function is also convenient after the delivery of space. It will be enough for you to turn off the phone, writing on the answering machine that the area has been leased.
A separate email address for correspondence with tenants.

As you receive calls from tenants, negotiate with them about viewings and rental terms. Be prepared to accompany them as they tour your premises and answer various questions, including uncomfortable ones.
Try to look at the premises through the eyes of a potential tenant: what suits you in it, what does not and why, think about how you can minimize the negative aspects.
Also prepare documents for your premises confirming your right to legally dispose of them (certificate of ownership, power of attorney from the owner, etc.) in order to present them upon request.

With the tenant who suits your option, conclude an agreement, where you write down the lease term, the possibility of extension, size, procedure and terms of payment.
And, of course, do not forget to accept payments, reminding, if necessary, that it is time to make another one (although, of course, tenants with whom this procedure is not required are preferable).

Food trade is considered one of the most profitable areas for small and medium-sized businesses. With the right assessment purchasing power and the choice of assortment, this business brings a good profit.


First you need to choose a place for trade and assortment. For example, next to business centers, enterprises, government agencies, it is profitable to sell. Dairy products, bakery and confectionery products, cereals, alcohol, and cigarettes are popular in the residential area. At a store on the outskirts of town, shoppers often ask for soft drinks, sandwiches, and vacuum-packed hamburgers. AT "