Bulgaria or Montenegro: where to go on vacation. Bulgaria, Montenegro and Croatia: myths and reality What is better Czech Republic or Bulgaria in spring

Montenegro and Bulgaria are similar in many ways: their beaches and ski slopes are popular with tourists from all over Europe, and real estate in these countries has long been chosen by buyers from Russia and other CIS countries. At the same time, there are differences between the real estate markets in Bulgaria and Montenegro, knowing about which you can make the best decision for yourself when buying a second home.

Issue price

As a rule, real estate prices in Montenegro are higher than in Bulgaria: the average purchase budget here ranges from 50 to 170 thousand euros. For an apartment with one or two bedrooms on the Adriatic coast of Montenegro, you will have to pay about 50-100 thousand euros, and for a house - about 130-170 thousand euros.

In Bulgaria, prices are slightly lower: studio apartments on Black Sea coast and ski resorts can be bought for about 30-50 thousand euros. The cost of individual houses is about 100 thousand euros. Do not forget that prices are affected by the condition of housing and its location.

As in many other European countries, house prices in Bulgaria and Montenegro peaked in 2008, before the onset of the global economic crisis, and then rushed down. In Bulgaria, they remained at a relatively low level until 2013, and in 2014 they increased by 2.05%. During the first half of 2015, the cost of houses and apartments in this country increased by another 4%. Local realtors believe that the real estate market has begun to recover.

A similar picture could be observed in Montenegro: in the post-crisis period, prices remained at a relatively stable low level. In this regard, right now in the markets of both Bulgaria and Montenegro, the most favorable moment has come to buy a second home - subsequently, the value of real estate will most likely begin to increase.

Main locations

The most popular locations among foreign property buyers in Bulgaria and Montenegro are seaside and ski resorts.

The best locations to buy a second home in Bulgaria

The most popular resort towns in Bulgaria are located in the east of the country, on the Black Sea coast, and the ski slopes are in the south, in the Pirin Mountains.

Varna- one of the largest Bulgarian cities located on the Black Sea coast. The main advantage of Varna is its high transport accessibility: it can be reached by air and by railway, including from Russia, as well as by ferries. Since Varna is a large and very popular city both among tourists and real estate buyers, the offer of houses and apartments here is diverse, and housing prices are high and second only to those in Sofia.

Burgas- another coastal resort popular with tourists, in 2013 it was recognized the best city for life in Bulgaria. Burgas is also in demand among those who want to improve their health: there is a well-known balneological treatment center in the city. In Burgas, you can find real estate for every taste and budget, but there are a lot of dilapidated housing on the secondary market, which may require significant investments after the purchase.

City Pamporovo located 250 km from Sofia, in southern Bulgaria. One of the most promising ski resorts in Europe, Pamporovo is located in the Rhodope Mountains and from December to April (and the season here lasts that long) is invariably very popular with fans skiing and snowboarding.

Pamporovo has a developed infrastructure that is convenient not only for tourists, but also for homeowners

Real estate prices here are slightly lower than in seaside resorts Bulgaria, however, in Pamporovo you can also find luxury residential complexes with a swimming pool, spa and restaurant.

Bansko- one of the most famous ski resorts in Bulgaria. It is located 150 km from Sofia, at the foot of the Pirin Mountains, on the slopes of which there are routes for both beginners and experienced athletes. Bansko has many restaurants and bars, as well as ancient fortresses - historical monuments ancient city. The resort ranges from modern townhouses and apartment buildings to older properties in need of a refresh. Prices in Bansko, as well as in other ski resorts in Bulgaria, are about two times lower than the national average.

Capital of Bulgaria Sofia is not resort town- it is located 400 km from the Black Sea, so real estate here will be of interest to students who can study at the oldest university in Bulgaria - Sofia University. Entrepreneurs whose business is connected with Bulgaria can also become buyers of housing in the capital. Sofia has a rich history: the city has many attractions that attract lovers of cultural recreation. Real estate in the Bulgarian capital is about 24% more expensive than the national average,

The best locations for buying a second home in Montenegro

The coast of Montenegro is being urbanized and built up due to the increased demand of foreign homebuyers in recent years. Such resorts are especially popular with them.

Bar - largest port Montenegro with a yacht marina for 1,000 ships. From the capital of Montenegro - Podgorica - you can get here by rail. This city is extremely popular with Serbian and Montenegrin tourists, who are attracted by gently sloping beaches and pine groves. Modern buildings predominate in Bar, and there are almost no old houses. At the same time, local real estate is slightly lower in price than the average for Montenegro.

Budva is one of the most popular cities in Montenegro among foreigners. This port is located 25 kilometers from international airport in Tivat. At the peak of the tourist season, it is crowded here - the five magnificent beaches of Budva attract fans of a leisurely holiday from all over Europe to the city. Local real estate is mainly represented by apartment buildings and hotels, but there are also many luxury properties, for example, on the island of Sveti Stefan.

Sveti Stefan Island is located on the Budva Riviera, 5 km from Budva

Tivat- another seaside resort on the Adriatic coast. There are not as many beaches here as in Budva, but they are ideal for families with children. The main advantage of Tivat is the presence of an international airport. Tivat is dominated by five-story apartment buildings, as well as mansions and villas. Like Budva, this city is popular with buyers of luxury real estate.

Kotor located on the shores of the bay of the same name, 85 kilometers from Podgorica. This city is considered cultural capital Montenegro. Part of this ancient settlement is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Since Kotor is an ancient city, there is not a wide variety of new buildings here, but you can buy an old house and reconstruct it.

Buying property in Herceg Novi will be an excellent choice for lovers of beaches, nightlife and cultural holidays. Herceg Novi is the largest city of the Bay of Kotor with a four-kilometer-long embankment, two ecologically clean beaches awarded the Blue Flag, and ancient architecture. Thanks to the hilly landscape, almost every local house has a view of the sea. Real estate in this city is diverse: here you can find both houses and apartment complexes, including those in the elite price segment.

Many property buyers prefer Bulgaria and Montenegro to other European countries because of the relatively low cost of housing maintenance.

On average, the cost of maintaining real estate in Bulgaria and Montenegro is approximately the same, however, given the lower prices, the tax on Bulgarian property will be lower than on Montenegrin property. At the same time, object insurance in Montenegro will cost less.

Time to buy

So, if you are looking for real estate on the sea or in the mountains, in a location with developed infrastructure, but on a limited budget, it is better to opt for a house or apartment in Bulgaria.

If you want to buy a second home on a cleaner coast Adriatic Sea and be closer to central Europe, then it is better to consider options in Montenegro.

Buyers of real estate from Russia should also remember that since 2007 Bulgaria has been a member of the EU. At the same time, the decision on its accession to the Schengen zone has not yet been made, therefore, to stay in Bulgaria, Russians need a national visa, which does not give the right to enter the countries of the Schengen agreement. At the same time, in Montenegro citizens Russian Federation can stay without a visa for up to 30 days.

However, many are wondering: what's the point of buying a home abroad when "one's own, dear" becomes cheaper? The answer is simple: if you consider buying overseas property not only as a second home, but also as a savings investment, then it is better to invest in housing in a stable or growing market, rather than a falling one. Property prices in both Bulgaria and Montenegro have generally stabilized, so buying a home in these markets today is a smart investment. Moreover, by buying a house or apartment in a resort town, you get a bonus - the opportunity not only to live here on your own, for example, during your vacation, but also to rent out real estate in the months when you are in your country of origin, and receive foreign exchange income.

Ivan Chepizhko, Tranio

The fish is looking for where it is deeper - people, where it is better. A logical principle for a potential immigrant. So, a Russian migrant, along with other options, sees life in Bulgaria as the best. A country with a warm climate, attractive living conditions, is ready to accept young and old. What is it really like - the life of a Bulgarian Russian with a permanent residence passport?

How many Russian emigrants live in Bulgaria

According to the data of the National Service, which determines the strategy of migration to the country, for the period 2000-2015. Bulgarian citizenship was granted to 5,200 immigrants from Russia. It should be clarified: every successful citizen received the coveted status on the basis of "Bulgarian origin".

The first place in the general statistics of migrants is held by immigrants from Moldova. Further, from top to bottom, the rating of countries - demographic donors of Bulgaria, continues:

  • Ukraine;
  • Serbia;
  • Russia;
  • Israel;
  • Albania;
  • Turkey.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have received permission for permanent residence, judging by the data of the migration services, are also in the top ten of the relevant statistics. Separately, it is worth noting Russian migrants with a residence permit, whose main goal is to get an education at the European level or simply enter the country for a long-term vacation. They rank second in the ranking of temporarily registered migrants. According to the National Strategy, there is a forecast for an increase in the number of migrants until 2020.

Against the background of an increase in the growth of migrants, albeit insignificant, a high percentage of the departure of the indigenous population from the country is also recorded. And the trend is only growing.

Life in Bulgaria through the eyes of a foreigner: eyewitness reviews

The reviews left online by citizens who have left for permanent residence in Bulgaria, for some reason, for the most part, compare life in a new place with the realities of the Russian capital. However, Moscow is a state within a state. The regional standard of living in Russia is fundamentally different from the life in the capital. This fact must be taken into account. So, life in Bulgaria is on the shelves, but first a generalized characteristic borrowed from one of the blogs:

... Russian immigrants grow vegetables and fruits. They are engaged in winemaking and drive brandy. The bulk are military pensioners who are tired of living in the northern regions of Russia. There are significantly fewer engineers, doctors, architects, scientists who prefer to live in large cities in Bulgaria ...



…Bulgaria has everything! You can be sure. I remember with a smile the time when I delivered food and things from Russia. Bulgaria is like Greece - everything is there. And how many new things you will discover for yourself. Check out the Romanian sausage at LIDL...



…Products, cars, medicines in Bulgaria are much cheaper than in Moscow. Medicines are not counterfeit. Bulgarians welcome us. Thanks to us and they have jobs. They build a lot here and quickly. Real estate prices from 450 euros per sq. m. Most homeowners are from Russia. There are also many Germans, Poles, British, Romanians, and Ukrainians have appeared in recent years ...



Video: how Russians live in Bulgaria


Based on the feedback from residents and families of Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna - large Bulgarian cities - it was possible to determine that the average cost of a food basket in them is only slightly different from the food basket of an average Muscovite. For example, the main product is bread, it costs 35–40 rubles, a kilogram of beef 350–400 rubles, a kilogram of potatoes 37–40 rubles.. In 2019, taking into account the confirmed inflation growth to 2%, the price tags are likely to be rewritten upwards.

... Life - he is everywhere life. Only in Bulgaria this way of life differs from what it was at home. European country makes you pay for everything. At home, accountants, engineers, lawyers could pay from their earnings. But here you won’t earn much with a residence permit. But we are working. We work and live...


Video about Bulgarian food prices 2018


Immigrants with permanent residence unanimously declare cheap real estate. Indeed, housing in Bulgaria can be bought or rented at relatively low prices. From the practice of immigrants - only 20 thousand euros are required to buy apartments on the beach. However, homeowners immediately talk about the exorbitant costs of maintaining apartments and houses, regardless of the location. Understandable! Paying at least 1,500 rubles a month for a phone alone is clearly too much for a resident with permanent residence. But not everyone thinks so:

…Demands dictated by the way of life in Moscow lose all meaning in Bulgaria. For example, you do not need to protect your home. You are safe in Bulgaria if there are no gypsies nearby. Comfortable climate everywhere. Not even close to Moscow. In the city or outside its borders, it doesn't matter.

Here the cities are homely and comfortable. Take Burgas. There are several areas of compact residence here at once. Free building, the streets are paved, the entire infrastructure. Thank God, there is no city like Moscow here. Greenery is everywhere in Bulgaria. And in cities too. You just need to go and see the future of permanent residence together with people who are familiar with a particular area ...

Glokaya Kuzdra


As we live, we are all drawn into everyday life. And I must say, he is somewhat different here than at home. Let's say heating (in pairs) here is more expensive and cold water costs money. And who knows how much he pays for cold water in Russia? I've never even been interested) And in Russia, who did you pay for cleaning the entrance and how much? How much does an elevator maintenance cost?

Varya Davydova


Work and salary

The level of wages of Bulgarian residents is comparable to the figures of the average salary in Russia. According to the settlers, the average salary of a Bulgarian worker is about 30,000 rubles. per month. At the same time, the minimum wage level established by the state is 12,500 rubles. Naturally, in terms of Bulgarian leva.

But before talking about earned money, you need to get a job. In Bulgaria, a country that receives the main income from tourism, it is almost impossible to find a job. This factor, by the way, is the key to the problem of the outflow of the indigenous population. Meanwhile, it is much easier for indigenous people to solve the problem of employment than for an immigrant. From blog posts:

... For almost a year, the son could not get a job. Only when he received the status of permanent residence and citizenship, the work was found. And after all at registration of departure it has received the official sanction for work. In Bulgaria, there is an unspoken rule - without permanent residence, without a USN, state-owned enterprises and private firms do not hire migrants ...




It is an obvious fact what the life of Bulgarian pensioners should look like when the country's economic potential is low, when unemployment reigns in the country, and state revenues directly depend on preferences foreign tourists. To understand this truth, one does not need to study the reviews of immigrants.

In addition, the country's authorities recently passed a law on raising the retirement age (63 women, 65 men). According to government sources, as of 2018, the average pension in Bulgaria amounted to 20 thousand rubles. This is almost an analogue of Russian payments.

Holders of permanent residence status assure that it is possible to live on such money. Meanwhile, the majority of Russian pensioners, as it becomes clear from the reviews, live in Bulgaria on passive income. The sale of real estate and a pension from their homeland help them live relatively comfortably in exile.

... I sold Russian housing for 100 thousand dollars. In Bulgaria, I bought a house for 40 thousand. The rest of the $60,000 was deposited in a bank account. Another pension that allows you to live normally. After all, prices in Bulgaria for some goods and products are cheaper than Russian ones. The heating makes me a little nervous. In winter, it works every other day, and sometimes you even need to light a fireplace ...




The change of orientation towards the European Union turned out to be nonsense for the Bulgarians. The number of citizens with higher education has decreased to the level of 20% of the total educated population. The field of education is fully standardized under EU standards. Education is paid and expensive.

Fortunately for Russian immigrants, there is a Russian school in Sofia. The institution is located on the territory of the Russian embassy. They teach children according to the standards of the Russian Federation, but only paid education is available to immigrant children. There are no Russian-speaking kindergartens for preschool children in Bulgaria.

I have two schoolchildren, first and ninth grade. (the rest are in kindergarten))) In order to enroll a child in school, in grades 1 to 8, it is enough to come to the local department of education - each major city has its own, (you do not need to go to Sofia to the Ministry of Education for this), and bring there a translated and legalized certificate of completion of a certain class and a legalized birth certificate of a child (you can translate and legalize through a lawyer, just translate and certify with a notary is not enough, you also need to certify at the Russian consulate, they put a lot of beautiful seals, we are at the consulate we didn’t go ourselves, the lawyer did everything for us))) And you are given permission to enroll your child in a Bulgarian school. If the child goes to class from 9-12, then such permission can only be obtained in Sofia, they do it for 2-3 months. As a rule, if a child graduated from the 8th grade in Russia, then he is enrolled in the 9th grade (but you can try right away in the 10th grade, I haven’t tried it, so I can’t say for sure). Grades in the new, Bulgarian certificate of completion of a certain class will be changed to reflect the Bulgarian six-point system. Threes will be converted into fours, fours into fives, etc. 😆



The medicine

Bulgaria's aspirations to unite with the EU and the introduction of paid services have qualitatively changed the level of medicine in the country. As for the quality of Bulgarian medicine, the opinions of Russian immigrants are different. But the facts are clear: prices for citizens of the country are affordable, and immigrants need to buy health insurance.

Only the purchase of health insurance makes it possible to reduce the tariffs for treatment to the level of Bulgarian citizens. So, taking into account European standardization, many permanent residence holders are forced to bring medicines to Bulgaria from Russia. Reason: it is impossible to buy even drops for a cold, if you do not have a prescription from a doctor.

Modern Bulgaria and attitude towards Russians

Comparing the attitudes of 50 years ago on the part of the Bulgarians to the Russians and modern attitudes is similar to comparing a watermelon and an apple. Time changes people, changes morals and values. If the outgoing generation of Bulgarians has retained some elements of the memory of the former friendship, the young society is already a completely different people.

Nevertheless, according to the opinions of immigrants, there are no extremely pronounced difficulties in relations. Bulgarians are friendly and decent people, but they have their own national characteristics.. Therefore, in order to become their own in the local civil society, Russian immigrants actually need to live life anew:

  • learn Bulgarian;
  • get to know the local mentality;
  • build connections in the local environment;
  • prove their worth;
  • show your abilities.

For young immigrants, counting on an enviable future, these are common truths. It's a little easier for retirees. Judging by the reviews, they do not have to comply with the positions of the list if they have the means to live.

Russian diaspora and community

The similarity of languages, common cultural and religious values ​​were the foundation on which the Russian diaspora of Bulgaria was created. The history of creation spans several centuries. Even today in Bulgaria one of three main Russian communities - Old Believers.

The Russian diaspora in Bulgaria is considered a large foreign formation. According to official figures, more than 25 thousand citizens make up the Russian community. Settlers from Russia created several large public organizations. An example is the Union of Compatriots, which has been operating since 2000.

Many Russian believers are united by the Russian Orthodox Church. In particular, active church work aimed at uniting compatriots is being carried out with the parishioners of the churches of St. Nicholas and St. Panteleimon the Martyr.

About the best places to live

There are no unambiguous solutions for taste and color. People with different preferences rarely choose similar things. So it is with a place to live in Bulgaria. From those who settled in Sofia, Varna, Burgas, you can hear only positive feedback. But everyone recommends proceeding from personal needs.

If life is connected with business, if the goal is for immigrants to educate children, Sofia is the best place. The cities of Plovdiv and Varna promise a calm and measured life. The city of Varna is located on the seashore, which is an additional advantage. Many immigrants do not advise Burgas: the old port city, according to citizens with permanent residence, does not provide complete comfort and tranquility.

The coast is an option for retirees. Older immigrants, as a rule, choose small towns, villages, villages. Such places are not suitable for middle-aged and young people. There are even more problems with work and earnings. The end of the tourist season and life in the countryside comes to a standstill.

Photo gallery of popular cities to live in

Sofia - the capital of Bulgaria, the center of political and business life Varna is a port and resort city, attracts a lot of tourists and those wishing to move to permanent residence Burgas is one of the most big cities Bulgaria, the port city plays an important economic role for the life of the country Rousse is sometimes called the little Venice for its baroque and renaissance architecture

Pros and cons of living in Bulgaria (final table)

The conclusion suggests itself without fantasies. If you have passive income, business profits, inheritance and other sources of finance - moving to Bulgaria for permanent residence can only be welcomed. In another case, you need start-up capital, a profession in demand, a good education, and aspirations for a better life. Any move for permanent residence before its implementation, it is desirable to comprehend, evaluate, and only then can a specific decision be made.

With the states that were previously part of the socialist camp, Russia has been friends for more than a decade, considering them friends, comrades and, in general, our brothers Slavs. In particular, and because of this, many parents choose such safe and comfortable, it would seem, Montenegro, Croatia or Bulgaria for holidays with children. However, when planning a vacation here, you need to be prepared for the fact that the situation may not be as rosy as it seems at first glance and as they try to present it in travel companies. In order for the vacation to leave only pleasant memories, and the expenses were not in vain, it is worth familiarizing yourself with popular misconceptions about these states in advance.

Each of these three countries is good in its own way. For example, in Bulgaria tourism is mostly focused on children's recreation. That is why here the baby will be fun and comfortable, and parents will not have to constantly think about how and how to entertain their beloved child. There is a dolphinarium, several water parks, a lot of all kinds of animation available, as well as hundreds, if not thousands of resting peers for children and teenagers. However, this country is not particularly distinguished by its natural wealth, and every year there are more and more hotels and resorts here, and less and less plants and green areas. Although for children this is probably not essential when there are slides and pools.

Those who like to relax in nature, but in a civilized environment and with all the amenities, should pay attention to Croatia and Montenegro. In these countries, you can enjoy not only picturesque reserves, waterfalls, lakes and islands, but also a superbly developed tourism infrastructure. By the way, in order to enjoy the beauties you don’t have to travel far - literally at every step outside the hotel there are monuments protected by UNESCO.

The main myths and their exposure

The main myth is that both Croatia and Bulgaria offer tourists with children a holiday of the same level. As experts in the tourism business say, in reality this is not entirely true. In Bulgaria, resorts are much simpler and cheaper, while in Croatia, hotels that are not the most luxurious, but as close as possible to European standards, prevail. Everything here is permeated with European calmness and sometimes indifference, in contrast to soulful and homely hospitable Bulgaria. However, in Bulgarian resorts, vacationers will sometimes be haunted by the feeling of the Soviet past, and this is especially true for 3 * hotels.

The second myth concerns the lack of soft sand beaches in Croatia. In the reality sandy beaches there are in this country, but there are quite a few of them, and not everyone can tell where they are. That is why, going to this country with a child and hoping to soak up the warm sand, and not walk on small pebbles, it is worth voicing this wish to the tour operator and clarifying the availability of such beaches near the hotel.

Another myth concerns the similarity of the climate of Montenegro, Croatia and Bulgaria. Despite the fact that all these countries are very comfortable in terms of weather conditions for holidays with kids, the climate in them is still different. In the southern part of Croatia and Montenegro, it is always more humid and rather hot than in the northern part of these countries and in Bulgarian resorts. This should be especially taken into account if the child has health problems. The climatic zones of northern Croatia and most of Bulgaria will become optimal conditions for vacationers with poor health.

Those who put an equal sign between these countries are not entirely right, saying that they are equally good for relaxing with kids. As mentioned above, the infrastructure for children's recreation is best developed in Bulgaria, while neither in Croatia nor in Montenegro today there is not a single full-fledged water amusement park, except for a couple of mini-water parks at hotels. Also in these countries there is clearly a lack of dolphinariums, park entertainment, zoos. Although these countries, in turn, are famous for their amazing nature reserves, architectural monuments and wonderful clean air.

Finally, when choosing a country for a holiday with a child, it should be borne in mind that the system is not always all inclusive("all inclusive") in Croatia or Bulgaria are similar to this system in Turkey or Egypt. In fact, it turns out that when choosing hotels on an all-inclusive basis in Bulgaria, parents are likely to be unpleasantly surprised already at the first breakfast by the scarcity of the diet. For the same money, you can get much more pleasure and variety of dishes in local cafes and restaurants. A similar situation develops with Montenegro and Croatia, where, having paid for a full ration, the family risks not getting the variety and abundance of dishes and desserts that are typical for European and Turkish hotels.

Visa regime

Of the three countries mentioned, a visa is not needed only to enter Montenegro. The main thing here is that the validity of the passport expires no earlier than three months after the end of the trip. Despite the fact that some loyal border guards may close their eyes and not pay attention to the fact that one of the family members has almost run out of a passport, it is better not to risk it with such things. Tourists from Russia need a visa to visit Croatia. Today (summer 2750-0_bgblur_014) this country is a member of the EU, but is not a member of the Schengen agreement, so it will not work to enter the Schengen zone with a Croatian visa. You can apply for a visa to Croatia through a travel agency or independently through the Consulate of this country. To do this, you will need to fill out questionnaires and provide the necessary package of documents. Among other things, for minor children, you will need to provide a copy of the birth certificate, as well as a notarized permission if the child flies on vacation without parents, accompanied by third parties. It will be possible to issue a visa through a travel agency in about seven working days, and on your own in five days, plus a few days to send documents. Urgent visas can be done in three business days. The cost of a Croatian visa is now 65 euros (about 3,090 rubles) for tourists over six years old when applying through travel agencies, 54 euros (about 2,567 rubles) when applying through the Consulate.

As for Bulgaria, then get a visa this sunny country tourists can about five working days. Here you need to remember about such a moment as the human factor. In the midst of vacations, consular officers are usually overwhelmed with work and sometimes errors occur with paperwork. That is why it makes sense to plan to receive passports with visas at least three days before departure, so that there is time left to correct possible typographical errors and inconsistencies. As practice shows, the refusal of a Bulgarian visa is possible if not only the mother with the child, but also the baby's nanny goes to Bulgaria. In this case, you will have to contact the consul and confirm that the accompanying person is not a potential immigrant. A formalized employment contract will help here.

Are tours to "children's" countries on fire?

As for the “star rating” of hotels, then, of course, the most entertainment will be in 5 * hotels, where service is better, rooms are more spacious, etc. However, some tourists with small and hyperactive children deliberately refuse to stay in such fashionable hotels, so as not to control the child for the entire vacation, making sure that he does not paint leather sofas or spill juice on expensive carpets. Of course, hotels that accept children are ready for any tricks of small guests and, most likely, they will not charge anything from their parents for the damage caused, but there is also little pleasant in such situations. That is why it is recommended to opt for good four-star hotels. By the way, when choosing a place to stay, you need to pay attention to the note in the booking system whether the hotel accepts children. In addition, it is worth remembering that in Europeanized Croatia the level of hotel service is an order of magnitude higher than in Bulgaria. Croatia is very reminiscent of punctual Europe, and Montenegro is more like a native, cozy and relaxed Crimea.

My friend is just thinking about buying a house in Bulgaria. The cheapest apartments are located in Bansko and its outskirts. This is a ski resort in the mountains. Here you can buy a one-room apartment for 10 thousand euros plus a mandatory tax on real estate and repairs, since on the official websites of realtors they sell not ready-made apartments, but only boxes. The realtors themselves are ready to help you with the repair and execution of all documents, just be aware that the price on the site is significantly different from the price in the end.

The most expensive apartments are in big cities like Sofia and Sandanski. In the latter, we just wanted to look after our own housing. This is a small town in southern Bulgaria, not far from the places where the great Vanga lived, closer to the border with Greece. There is no smell of the sea here, although Sandanski is considered the warmest locality Bulgaria. Subtropics reign here. The town is known as a balneological resort. Arriving here, you really understand what real clean air is. For asthmatics, this is a real paradise. I was here at the beginning of September 2016. I will say this: I had to get here by car from Sofia. I was advised not to use either the buses or the railway. They explained simply: the bus travels only when full, that is, if you bought a ticket for 14:00 and, besides you, there are 2-3 more people on the bus, you will not go, but will wait for the next flight. But railway transportation is in a very deplorable state. Therefore, I searched the Internet for the site of private road carriers (there are a lot of such sites) and agreed in Russian when I arrived. The service didn't disappoint. I was also able to get a discount for a two-way trip. The road cost me 113 euros for two round trip. In addition, the driver was waiting for us at the airport with a sign with my name on it and spoke excellent Russian.

Prior to this, I negotiated with the realtor by e-mail and Facebook. Home inspections should be free, you don't have to pay. There is no particular choice in Sandanski: the apartments are small, somewhere around 25-30 m2. The cost is 25 thousand euros plus taxes and repairs, that is, at the exit you will pay 40 thousand euros. Of the benefits: silence, clean air, the key to the entrance. Of the minuses: in the city they do not understand either Russian or English, only with people associated with real estate, you can communicate in Russian. The realtor is local, but he speaks Russian well, but it was tight with the sellers in the store and the bank employees. The second negative: the lack of work. Pensioners who like to walk in the park and breathe in the pleasant air should go to Sandanski. By the way, there are very tasty pastries and fruits, in the center of the supermarket "Billa". We stayed overnight in a family-type hotel and paid for all the amenities (except breakfast) 15 euros for a double room - shower room, huge bed, satellite TV, mini-fridge, dressing table, paintings on the walls.

If you want to buy a home for a summer vacation with your family, then stop at east coast. But remember that there are always a lot of people in summer and quite deserted in winter. That is, living in these places 12 months a year will be very problematic. Yes, and with work is unlikely to succeed. The prices for apartments here are lower than in Sandanski, but higher than in Bansko, about 20 thousand euros plus taxes and repairs.

In Sofia, housing will be even more expensive, up to 100 thousand euros, although it all depends on what you want: maybe a studio will be enough for you. But there is a high probability of finding a job and communicating in English or Russian. In small towns, there really is no work, people leave to work in Germany, and those that remain are mainly included in the tourism sector. So choose what you like. But remember that Bulgarians are very open and friendly.

Bulgaria, Montenegro, Czech Republic are the most popular Slavic countries among our compatriots. Many have real estate there, and someone else is thinking - to buy - not to buy. And if you buy, where exactly? Which country to choose for your own residence or summer holiday how they differ from each other, and is it even worth spending money on housing in one of them ...

This article is a reference and information material, all the information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

The real estate portal tried to answer these questions and reveal the secrets of the popularity of the fraternal countries.

General delights
Bulgaria, Montenegro and the Czech Republic are Slavic countries that are close to us in spirit, with similar cultural traditions and mentality. Of course, it will take years to become "one's own" there, but this process will be easier than, say, in Spain or the Caribbean.

All three countries have a good climate. Bulgaria and Montenegro are especially distinguished - the warm sea, a lot of sun. But thanks mountain ranges and a refreshing breeze there is no sweltering heat, and even in the hottest months - in July and August - the temperature does not rise above 30 degrees. And you can swim from May until the end of September, sometimes the swimming season lasts until mid-October. Winters there are very mild, usually the temperature does not fall below 0 ° C, although in some places there is snow in the mountains even in summer, therefore Montenegro and Bulgaria are also “options” for fans of skiing. In the Czech Republic, the climate, of course, is not maritime. But it is much softer than the Russian one, and there is a resort known throughout Europe - Karlovy Vary.

“Mostly, buyers buy real estate in these countries for vacation or for the residence of their family members, for example, elderly parents with children. Sometimes they consider such a purchase for their own retirement future. And here the main question is not what these countries better than Russia, but that these are countries with warm sea, a good climate, an abundance of sun, which we are deprived of. These are traditionally resort countries, where the whole course of time is unhurried, subject to tranquility and relaxation, ”says Elena Nekrytova, head of the department for the sale of resort real estate of the New Quality company. Unless in Sofia and Prague the rhythm of life is dynamic, but even they are far from Moscow.

Another factor in favor of these countries is transport accessibility and relatively short flights (3-3.5 hours on average). All three countries are also attracted by the kinship of languages, and many locals The older generation speak Russian well.

Well, the economic aspect cannot but rejoice. Montenegro, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic have relatively low cost of living, they are relatively low prices not only for real estate, but also for consumer goods, food, clothing. “And besides, low taxes and housing costs,” adds Yulia Titova, Director of Rentsale.

Where is Russian good
Today, the majority of Russians live in Bulgaria, where about 30,000 emigrants from Russia live permanently. This is approximately the population of the average regional center. In Bulgaria, Russians live mainly in Sofia, in the Lozenets quarter, primarily because there is a Russian school at the Russian Embassy, ​​also in Burgas and Varna. And also - in the Plevna region. Firstly, earlier parts of the White Army were located near Burgas, Varna and Plevna, and the descendants of the first emigration still live there, and secondly, Varna is one of the most popular cities among property buyers, because it is at the same time a major economic and cultural center, and a resort on the Black Sea coast. Varna is even considered the most comfortable place to live in Bulgaria. This is the greenest and fastest growing city, but at the same time, the provincial flavor is preserved here.

However, if you choose only for summer holidays, then, according to Yulia Titova (Rentsale), you can buy in the cities of St. Vlas and Sozopol. And you can also pay attention to Dobrichi, where, as reported Anastasia Duderova, head of foreign real estate department at Delta estate, the Germans organized their own settlement - mostly immigrants from Russia. But if you need "Russian infrastructure": shops, clubs, circles, schools, etc., then it is better to choose Varna or Sofia. What is especially pleasant, there are two Russian schools in Varna, so since 1999 a specialized Russian school "The Little Prince" has been operating. The school has Kindergarten. Training takes place in Russian and Bulgarian. In 2011, two more Russian gymnasiums are planned to open here.

“In general, all conditions have been created in Bulgaria for the Russians living here to be able to receive education in their native language and study Russian culture. In Sofia there is a Russian school at the Embassy of the Russian Federation, famous not only for its deep traditions, but also for the fact that it completely follows the Russian state education system, ”says Stanislav Zingel, President of Gordon Rock International Real Estate Agency.

In addition, on the territory of all 28 regions of the Republic of Bulgaria there are 39 secondary and 6 higher educational institutions where the Russian language is studied. There is also a Russian-language newspaper in Bulgaria, which is distributed throughout the country through a network of kiosks and by subscription.

There is also a Russian newspaper in the Czech Republic. Here, the majority of Russians live in Prague (especially in the Prague-13 area), Karlovy Vary and Marianske Lazne. “These cities have a very developed “Russian infrastructure”, many Russian kindergartens, schools and shops,” says Stanislav Zingel (Gordon Rock). But still "the most Russian" Czech city- this is Karlovy Vary, famous for its hot mineral waters, which treat a lot of sores. The Czechs jokingly call them "Russian Vars". Our compatriots began to come to Karlovy Vary (then they were called Karlsbad) back in the 18th century, Peter I even received treatment and lived here, who took an active part in the construction of the first Russian real estate object in this resort - his own house. And after the revolution of 1917, the share of the Russian population of Karlovy Vary increased several times. The same thing happened in the 1990s, when the idea of ​​buying a house or an entire mini-hotel in this resort was very popular in “new Russian” circles, and, according to some experts, most of the Karlovy Vary real estate today belongs to Russians. Therefore, Karlovy Vary is full of signs, signs, posters and advertisements in Russian, Russian pop stars come here in the season, and Russian speech is heard everywhere. And of course, there are no problems with communication in shops, sanatoriums and restaurants, the menus of which, by the way, are everywhere translated into Russian.

Of the countries under consideration, less "Russian" is Montenegro. There are no certain cities with a high concentration of Russians, our compatriots are dispersed along the entire coast: Budva, Herceg Novi, Becici ... But given the fact that Russians are the most active buyers of real estate in Montenegro after the local population, the “Russian infrastructure” is quite well developed there . True, do not forget that Montenegro is a former socialist and far from the richest state with corresponding shortcomings, so if you are thinking about permanent residence in this country, then, as Yulia Titova (Rentsale) advises, it is best to choose real estate in the capital Budva or in Herceg Novi, but if you choose a residence for relaxation, then it is preferable to pay attention to Becici, where the most modern beaches today are equipped with sunbeds, with bars and water attractions.

Thus, each of the countries under consideration is quite comfortable for Russians, but, of course, each has its own characteristics.

Bulgaria - for Russian pensioners and businessmen
Bulgaria is the most economical of the countries featured in our review. The cost per square meter in Bulgarian cities and resorts, according to experts, starts from 400 euros, so much, for example, are apartments in a democratic Sunny Beach. So, a two-room apartment of 50 sq.m. near the sea can be bought here for 26 thousand euros. In the Bulgarian province, prices are even lower, but in Varna and Sofia, as well as in the ski resort of Bansko, of course, higher. For example, a similar kopeck piece is offered for 47 thousand euros in Varna and 37 thousand euros in Sofia. A studio in the center of Bansko, 10 minutes from the ski lifts, costs almost the same. By the standards of the prices are ridiculous, but chasing cheapness is still not recommended, because, as warns Igor Indriksons, Director of Foreign Property Investment Department at IntermarkSavills, it can be illiquid goods and unfinished houses, and they are sold at inflated prices, since many Russian agencies include their own commission of 12-15% in the price.

We also note that Bulgaria is the most loyal country in relation to Russian pensioners, for whom obtaining a residence permit is simplified. It is enough for pensioners to have the minimum funds for living in the country during the year, which is about 2-3 thousand euros, and to be provided with a pension in Russia. And of course, you must have your own housing or a rental agreement.

“But Bulgaria also has exceptional conditions compared to the rest of Europe for the so-called “business immigration” of Russians,” says Anastasia Duderova (Delta estate). Through the registration of a company, the state provides the right to obtain permanent residence, and opening a company or representative office of a Russian company there is very simple and inexpensive. You can meet even one day, and the total costs will be about 1000 - 1500 euros.

Czech Republic - for students and lovers of water and culture
The Czech Republic is already a Schengen country, so its multi-visa, residence permit and permanent residence already give the right to travel freely around Europe. But real estate there is more expensive. Of course, a square meter in the little-known town of Most of the Ustetsky region, and indeed in the north of the Czech Republic, where the social situation is not the most wonderful, can be bought on average for 400-450 euros in the secondary market and 700 on the primary, but something more liquid, say, in the central Czech Republic, not to mention Prague and Karlovy Vary, is from 1000 euro/sq.m.

At the same time, new buildings in the Czech Republic, as a rule, are more expensive than secondary ones, since new houses are distinguished by the quality of construction, good layouts and are very comfortable for life. An exception to this rule is perhaps Karlovy Vary, since there are not many new buildings there and they are built on the outskirts, and historical ones in the center of the resort are of particular value - they can be quite expensive and successfully rented out. But even here it all depends on the specific object - of course, brand new apartments on the outskirts are more expensive than apartments in the center that require a fair amount of repair. In general, housing prices in Karlovy Vary start from 800 euros / sq.m and reach 2-3 thousand euro/sq.m. But the most expensive housing in Prague, in central area Prague-1, here the cost per square meter is on average 3.5 thousand euros in the secondary market and 3.8 thousand euros in the new building market. In the "Russian" district of Prague-13, a studio of 38 sq.m. can be bought for 90 thousand euros, and a similar apartment on the outskirts of Prague - for 64 thousand euros.

The Czech Republic can be chosen both for permanent residence and for recreation, Stanislav Zingel (Gordon Rock) believes. As the expert points out, the undoubted advantage of this country is its location in the center of Europe, from the Czech Republic in a few hours you can get to the ski resorts of Germany or go shopping in Italy. Prague is ideal for students. In the Czech Republic - classical high-level higher education, for example, at Charles University. In addition, there are a lot of educational institutions and jobs in Prague, so it is more suitable for study and career. Although it is also pleasant to relax here, because Prague is considered one of the most beautiful European capitals with many cozy cafes, bright nightlife and various exhibitions and festivals.

For a respectable holiday, it is better to go to Karlovy Vary. In addition to water and treatment, here you can enjoy the beauty of nature and clean air, and in the evenings go to restaurants, nightclubs, casinos, the Summer Amphitheater with unique natural scenery, the City Theater and concert halls.

Montenegro is a resort country
Montenegro is, first of all, a resort: nature, almost untouched by civilization, magnificent views and clear sea. On its territory there are four reserves and 40 lakes, some of which, including the largest - Skadar, are recognized natural monuments. Also impressive are the canyon of the Tara River, the depth of which reaches 1300 m, the Kotor slopes and the fjord (the only one in southern Europe). And at the same time, a modern recreation and entertainment infrastructure is being created here, five-star hotels and a port are being built, which promises to become the largest in Europe. Montenegro now has excellent roads, Internet and digital television, and a regional water pipeline that brings water from mountainous areas to coastal.

You have to pay for natural beauty: real estate prices in Montenegro are relatively high, in coastal areas the cost per square meter is on average 1.5-2 thousand euros, and in business class club residences it reaches 4.5-7 thousand euro/sq..m For example, a one-bedroom apartment with sea views 300 meters from the beach and an area of ​​64 sq.m in one of these residences in Herceg Novi can be bought for 135 thousand euros. But simple apartments or even a house in Bar, where the plumbing has not yet reached, cost about 45-50 thousand euros.

Portal summary
The Czech Republic, Montenegro and Bulgaria are Slavic countries with a pleasant climate, close to us in spirit and culture. In each of these countries, many compatriots live and rest, there are Russian communities, so they are great for relaxing or for permanent residence, especially after the completion of active work. And which country to choose depends on your goals and personal preferences.