Central Guinea. History of equatorial guinea

Equatorial Guinea can be called the most unusual country African continent, she is often called "lucky". A few decades ago, it was a small and very poor state.

But, after oil, gas and diamond deposits were discovered there, everything changed. Now this is one of the most richest and most developed states of Africa. To find out where Equatorial Guinea is located on the world map, you need to pay attention to the western part of Africa.

Equatorial Guinea on the map of the world and Africa

This map can be enlarged by clicking on it.

Equatorial Guinea has enough interesting location. One part of it is on the mainland, and the other on several islands.


From the sights Equatorial Guinea you can note Ebebin Museum in Mbini, which exhibits traditional sculptures of the country's peoples and various works of art that characterize the history and culture of the country as a whole.

To Malabo noteworthy:

  • Cathedral ;
  • National University;
  • Residence of the President;
  • Mount Pico Basil.

Also worth a visit is a group of islands Islas Elobi located on the border with Gabon. The most interesting of them is Elobi Chico, which is called the "abandoned city". No one lives on its territory, and the ancient streets are ruins. It attracts the attention of archaeologists and treasure hunters.

One of the most popular cities in Equatorial Guinea, Malabo and Bata - in this video:

Equatorial Guinea- a state in Central Africa, which consists of the mainland and the islands of Corisco, Elobi Grande, Elobi Shiko, Bioko, Annobin in the Gulf of Guinea.

The name of the country is due to its geographical position.

Capital: Malabo.

Area: 28051 km2.

Population: 486 thousand people

Administrative division: The state is divided into 4 provinces.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: The president.

Big cities: Bata.

Official language: Spanish, French.

Religion: 90% - Catholics, 5% - Protestants.

Ethnic composition: 80% - Fang, 15% - Bubi.

Currency: CFA franc = 100 centimes.


The climate on the territory of the state is tropical, hot, constantly humid. The average annual temperature is + 25 °C. The rainy season lasts from December to February. Precipitation falls 2000 mm per year, in the southern part of the island of Bioko-up to 11000 mm.


On the territory of the state there are evergreen moist equatorial forests in which ficuses grow, breadfruit; in total over 150 valuable species of trees.


Characteristic representatives of the animal world of the state are the leopard, crocodile, buffalo, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, monkeys, antelope, a large number of snakes and birds.

Rivers and lakes

The largest river is the Mbini.


There are no special attractions in the country.

Useful information for tourists

Equatorial Guinea is a very poor country, where the only pastime other than the beach are numerous bars and restaurants with national cuisine which can be found on almost every corner in every village and town. The population of the country, especially on the mainland, has retained fairly strong folk traditions, while the importance of various cults and black magic is great.

Wizards and sorcerers are still among the most important members of the community, so many tourists come here specifically to get to know this particular aspect of the life of the local population. It is forbidden to export products made of gold and silver, skins of wild animals without an appropriate permit.

Where is Equatorial Guinea located on the world map. detailed map Equatorial Guinea in Russian online. Satellite map of Equatorial Guinea with cities and resorts. Equatorial Guinea on the world map is a country in Central Africa that includes both mainland, and insular. The capital is Malabo, in which only 10 thousand people live. Spanish is recognized as the official language, but the inhabitants speak mainly African languages, including Bubi and Fang. There are also dialects, French and Portuguese.

Map of Equatorial Guinea in Russian:

Equatorial Guinea - Wikipedia:

Population of Equatorial Guinea- 1,221,490 people (2016)
Capital of Equatorial Guinea- Malabo
Equatorial Guinea phone code - 240
Languages ​​spoken in Equatorial Guinea- Spanish, Portuguese, French

The subequatorial, humid and hot climate of this country is characterized by constantly high temperatures throughout the year. On average, it is +24 ... +28 C. It is much cooler in the mountains, where average temperature air does not exceed +15 C.

Being the capital city ​​of Malabo is the most comfortable, developed and safe locality Equatorial Guinea. Despite the lack of historical sites and beautiful architecture, the city is notable for the fact that national colorful festivals are organized and held here every year, the main program of which is national dances and songs.

Dances of Equatorial Guinea - business card a country that glorified it not only in Africa, but also on other continents. Also, if you go to the metropolitan area, you can see the traditions and life of ordinary people.

Today Equatorial Guinea- one of the poorest African countries with a very low standard of living. But all efforts are aimed at improving the quality of life and development tourism infrastructure. Every year the number of tourists is growing, and the most visited cities and resorts are Mbini, Malabo, Bata and Ebebin.

What to see in Equatorial Guinea:

Luba Crater Scientific Reserve, Santa Isabel Cathedral, Ebebiin, Pico Basile, Bioko Island, City of San Antonio de Pale, Annobón Island, Malabo City.

Equatorial Guinea on Africa map
(all images are clickable)

Geographical position

Equatorial Guinea is a small state in Central Africa washed by the waters of the Gulf of Guinea. In addition to the mainland (Rio Muni), it includes coastal islands, the largest of which, Bioko Island, is located at a considerable distance from Rio Muni. Neighbors with Cameroon and Gabon. The relief is formed by a coastal lowland, which in the continental region is replaced by mountainous ridges. The area of ​​the country is 28 thousand km².

The climate is equatorial. Seasonal temperature fluctuations are very small, the average value is about +25.6 °C. Humidity is high almost throughout the country, the amount of precipitation per year is 2000-2500 mm. It rains about 160 days a year. Warm climate, high humidity cause a variety flora Equatorial Guinea.

Flora and fauna

Most of the country is covered with evergreen equatorial forests, which are dominated by valuable tree species - ebony, akazhu, okume, etc.

Equatorial Guinea is home to elephants, antelopes, monkeys, leopards, many birds, insects, spiders and reptiles (especially snakes).

State structure

Equatorial Guinea map

The state has a republican form of government headed by the president, gradually moving from an order of authoritarian isolationism to a full-fledged multi-party system. So, after the entry into force of the constitution, which legalized the multi-party system, the new authorities went to the legalization of political parties that were in opposition.

The highest legislative power is represented by the House of People's Representatives. Territorial-administrative division - 7 provinces. The local currency is the CFA franc. Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea, is located on the island of Bioko.


The population is 720 thousand people, among them representatives of two ethnic groups prevail: Fang (about 80%) and Bubi (15%). The official language is Spanish, but the Fang and Bubi languages ​​are used in everyday life. By religion, the majority of the country's inhabitants are Christians (Catholics and Protestants).


Economically Equatorial Guinea is a typical agrarian developing country. Most of the inhabitants are engaged in agriculture, which is dominated by crops supplied for export - cocoa and coffee. From food crops, cassava, peanuts, and sugar cane are grown. The manufacturing industry consists of small semi-handicraft enterprises - oil mills, flour mills, soap factories and weaving mills.

Important components of imports: machinery and equipment for transport, sea ​​vessels, petroleum products, food, tobacco products, petroleum products.

The history of the development of the lands of Equatorial Guinea began in the middle of the 15th century, when the islands of Annobi and Fernando Po were discovered by Portuguese navigators. At the beginning of the XVI century. Portugal has already colonized the entire territory of the country (both the islands and the mainland). In 1778, Guinea came under the jurisdiction of Spain and became known as Spanish Guinea. In 1960, the status of the colony was replaced by the status of "overseas province", and in 1964 the Spanish government granted it internal autonomy. In 1968, Spanish Guinea was recognized by the international community as an independent state under the name of Equatorial Guinea.

Republic of Equatorial Guinea ( Equatorial Guinea listen)) is a Central African state ( Central Africa), located on the border with Biafra Bay ( Bay of Biafra). The conjugate border passes with Gabon ( Gabon) and Cameroon ( Cameroon), washed by the waters of the Gulf of Guinea ( Gulf of Guinea). The republic consists of an island part and a mainland part. The island part includes the Bioko Islands ( Bioko island), Corisco ( Corisco Island) and Annobon ( Annobon Island). Malabo is the capital of Equatorial Guinea Malabo), located on the island of Bioko.

The Republic belongs to the equatorial climatic zone, however weather depend on the region. The climate of the island part is influenced by warm ocean currents and southern monsoons. The average annual temperature is kept at +25 °C. The rainy season stretches from April to October, and there is no precipitation from November to March. The average annual indicator of the continental part of Equatorial Guinea is + 20- + 25 ° C, precipitation falls from July to September. There are two rainy seasons: in March and from September to November. Tourists and their fellow travelers should choose to travel to this African country from December to February.

The main ethnic groups of Equatorial Guinea are the Fangs, Bubi, Pygmies, Bisios, Ndovs, Annobons, Creoles and Fernandinos. The country has two official languages: Spanish and French. However, all ethnic groups communicate in Bantu (dialects).

In Malabo on the island of Bioko, travelers can visit Plaza España ( Plaza de Espana), examine the Town Hall ( city ​​hall), Cathedral ( Malabo Cathedral), former Palace of Governments ( Palace of the Government) and Verde house ( Casa Verde). In the southern part of Bioko, tourists can visit the city of Luba ( Luba) - best beach resort islands. Guests of the Republic will like a trip to the city of Ureka ( Ureka) and Moraca beach ( Moraka beach), where anyone can watch sea turtles.

Those tourists who like to spend their holidays in country walks will like the island of Annobón. Vacationers are expected to hike to the crater Punta Manjob ( Punta man job), as well as the lakes of A-Pota ( A pot lake) and Caldera ( Caldera lake).

On the coast of Equatorial Guinea, tourists can stop by the city of Bata ( Bata) is an important maritime center. In Bath, a guest of the city will be offered a walk along the Clock Square ( Plaza del Reloj), Central market (Gran Mercado Centra l), Boulevard Juan Pablo II ( Boulevard Juan Pablo II), visit the Presidential Palace ( Presidential Palace), the main city cathedral ( Bata Cathedral) And old port (old port).

In the central part of the country, travelers can combine their holidays with a visit to national park Monte Allen ( Monte Alen national park ), located in the Vele river basin ( Wele river).

How to get there


On the territory of Equatorial Guinea, there are two international airports: on the island of Bioko near Malabo ( SSG) and to Bata ( BSG).

Travelers from Eurozone countries can travel to Equatorial Guinea from Madrid ( Madrid), London ( London), Paris ( Paris), Zurich ( Zurich), Frankfurt ( Frankfurt) and Atlanta ( Atlanta). Flights operated by airlines Lufthansa, Iberia, Air France, Royal Air Morocco, Air Europe , Swiss, jetair And Delta Air Lines.

Tourists planning a vacation in this African country can choose a convenient air flight route with transit at the hub airports of Europe ( Europe).

Ground transport

Gabon and Equatorial Guinea are connected by paved roads. There are dirt roads between Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon (not accessible during the rainy season).


With the exception of US citizens, all tourists are required to obtain a visa to travel to Equatorial Guinea. Travelers can apply for a visa permit at the Consulate of Equatorial Guinea or at the visa centers.

The term for obtaining a visa is from 3 to 10 working days.

The visa is issued for up to 30 days.

If tourists on holiday in Equatorial Guinea wish to extend their visit, they should apply for permission from the Malabo or Bata National Police.


According to the current customs legislation on the territory of this Central African Republic, tourists or their fellow travelers can export and import any currency (foreign, national) without restrictions. All funds imported into Equatorial Guinea are included in the declaration.

Without paying the duty, vacationers who come to the Republic on vacation can bring tobacco and alcohol (limited), food, perfumes, household items and items (within the limits of personal need). Each entrant can bring one audio, video or photo equipment.

After the end of the holiday, guests of the country are prohibited from exporting products made from the skins of wild animals, silver or gold and silver (without additional permission) outside the Republic.


The national cuisine of Equatorial Guinea is based on products such as cassava, sweet potato, yams, herbs, bananas, mangoes and coconuts. Big role in the diet local residents reserved for fish and seafood dishes that are caught on the shore Atlantic coast. The fish is most often wrapped in cassava leaves and grilled.

Travelers who are going on a trip to Equatorial Guinea are advised to try a common Guinean dish - boiled bananas.

Those who go on vacation to this hot African country can enjoy exotic gastronomy: crocodile meat with peanut sauce, iguana with avocado sauce, stewed oxtails and Paella de Carne de Caza from wild buffalo meat.

Seafood lovers who spend their holidays in Equatorial Guinea will be pleased with the unusual original taste of such delicacies as: dried fish with coconut sauce, Parilla de Pescado(garlic, onion and chili marinated BBQ fish), grilled salmon wrapped in cabbage leaves, and Doceegre(fish boiled in sour milk sauce).

Most often, residents of Equatorial Guinea drink Osang(African tea) without sugar. Great popularity among alcoholic beverages enjoys palm wine and Malamba(moonshine from sugarcane). The republic brews its own ginger beer, but it has not gained much popularity.


The official currency of Equatorial Guinea is the Central African franc ( CAF).

It is best for tourists or their adult companions to convert currency at official banking institutions. Currency can be exchanged on the territory of hotels and airports of the Republic.

When planning a holiday in Equatorial Guinea, travelers should consider what to use credit cards only available at the main airline offices ( Lufthansa, Iberia And Air France ), as well as in Hilton hotels and Sofitel.

Guests of the Republic will find ATMs in the cities of Malabo and Bata. Not all ATMs accept international cards.

Vacationers may have a problem with the exchange of traveler's checks - checks are accepted only at airline offices.

Cash remains the most popular means of payment in Equatorial Guinea.

What you need to know

Attractions of Equatorial Guinea

On the island of Bioko, tourists can enjoy the magnificent beach Arena Blanca from small white sand. During the dry season, thousands of beautiful African butterflies can be seen on the island. On the island, guests of the Republic will find the best routes for fun trekking.

Fans of extreme tourism should go on a rafting tour on the river near the city of Moka ( Moca), and fans country rest enjoy a trip to Biao lakes ( Biao lake) and Loreta ( Loreta lake). Anyone can visit the caves Bantabare Caves And Caracas Cave.

Monte Alen National Park is considered the best place throughout Equatorial Guinea hiking and cycling. Those who like to “tickle their nerves” should go to the volcano Pico Malabo, walk along secluded hiking trails or go mountain climbing. Safari tours in the Monte Alen park have become very popular.

City of Evinayong Evinayong), located 180 km from Bath, offers tourists and their fellow travelers to go to numerous miniature waterfalls. Guests of the region can choose one of the campsites and plunge into the wonderful world of African nature.

A trip to Malabo will appeal to those vacationers who appreciate educational and cognitive leisure. Hike to the National University of Equatorial Guinea ( National University of Equatorial Guinea) will allow guests of the capital to get acquainted with the monuments of Spanish colonial architecture and photograph the article of the President of the Republic, Teodoro Obiang.

Football is very popular in Equatorial Guinea. Stadium La Libertad, located in the city of Bata, is used for international football matches.

Souvenirs of Equatorial Guinea

From a trip to Malabo, tourists can bring paintings depicting the Malabo volcano, souvenir pottery and hair combs from the shell of a sea turtle.

Beautiful ebony figurines, ethnic beads and necklaces, as well as national clothes, guests of Equatorial Guinea will be offered to buy in the city of Bata.