What do you need to fly to Thailand. Independent travel to Thailand or buying a hot tour? What money to take to Thailand and how much

Tips and useful information for those who are planning an independent trip to Thailand. When to go, how to find cheap flights and hotels, visa, price overview in 2019, low-cost airlines and transport rentals, money and ATMs.

All information is current as of 2019 and is based on personal experience independent trips to Thailand.

Exchange rate: 1 Thai baht (THB) ≈ 2 RUB.

Flights to Thailand

Air travel from Russia to Thailand eats up most of the budget of an independent traveler. Tickets for a flight with transfers to Bangkok and Phuket - from 25 thousand rubles, tickets for direct flights are more expensive - 30-50 thousand rubles.

Here helpful tips for buying tickets:

Tours can be used instead of a one-way flight. Consider for yourself: a standard ticket without transfers from Moscow to Phuket costs about 40 thousand for one, and a tour - from 60 thousand for two. At the same time, you still get everything that is included in the ticket: hotel, meals, transfer, insurance. Isn't it a cool way?

Hot tours search on services and - they will find best offers among different tour operators. Want to save? Explore ours.

Thai visa

Russians can enter Thailand without a visa - upon arrival, a stamp is placed for 30 days.

If you are going to rest in Thailand for a long time, then:

  1. Apply for a visa in advance in Russia(independently or through an agency).
  2. Make a Thai visa in neighboring countries. For example, it's easy to get a visa in Laos and Malaysia in 1 day. You can get a visa in another Asian country and go to Thailand, or you can fly straight to Thailand, get a stamp for a month and only then go abroad to get a visa.

About border wounds. Previously, people lived in Thailand for years without obtaining a visa: they traveled once a month to another country and returned the same day back. However, since the summer of 2014, the authorities have tightened their migration policy so that tourists can get visas. Now malicious border runners may not be allowed into the country.

On the border. When you pass passport control, keep at hand a printout of a return ticket or a ticket to a third country (it is also possible in electronic form). According to reviews, it is desirable to have a cash amount of at least 20,000 baht per person. Money is rarely checked, mostly from border ranchers in order to receive a bribe. We were never asked for a ticket and money, but it’s better to play it safe at least with a ticket.

Prices in Thailand - 2019

Due to the crisis, Thailand is no longer cheap country for accommodation and independent travel. Local prices now need to be multiplied by almost two to convert to rubles. However, you can still live in it on a fairly budget, if you try.

Prices vary by resort. To give you an idea of ​​the prices in Thailand, here are the main ones:

We go to Southeast Asia primarily for tropical fruits - they are tasty and cheap there. We have created a guide with prices, names and photos.

Housing in Thailand

If you have planned an independent trip to Thailand, you need to responsibly approach the issue of housing. To live in good hotel at a low price, and even in the high season, you need to book a few months in advance. This is optional during the low season. Are you traveling for a long time? Then book a hotel for the first days, and look for accommodation on the spot.

When is the best time to go to Thailand?

The question of when is it better to relax in Thailand is more of a concern package tourists, how independent travelers. Usually people go to Thailand on their own for a long time (at least for a month), so it is not so important for travelers how often it rains. On the contrary, the rainy season is a wonderful time: an abundance of fruits, low prices, few tourists, the most beautiful sunsets. Nevertheless, before the trip, read about the peculiarities of the weather in Thailand, so as not to die from the heat and smog in or not to meet New Year on Koh Samui in the pouring rain.

Thailand is crowded with tourists in winter and spring. This is the high season, the weather is dry and clear. The rainy season begins in May and lasts until November.

Where is the best place to relax in Thailand?

In Thailand we lived in Bangkok, Krabi, Pattaya and Phuket. Of these four places, the best, of course, is Phuket. Most tourists are limited only to Pattaya and Phuket. We want to gradually travel all over the country.

Bangkok- for lovers of cultural and sightseeing leisure. Interesting international city.

Phuket- classic beach resort. Great beaches, clean water, many natural and cultural attractions.

Pattaya contradictory: Russians go there with their children for a measured beach and sightseeing vacation, and the rest - for night adventures. The beaches and the sea in the resort are bad.

Tourists speak favorably of the islands Koh Samui, Chang and Koh Phangan- there are much fewer tourists than in popular resorts, and beautiful nature. However, the infrastructure is not well developed.

In the province Krabi gorgeous cliffs and a nice beach. There are no package tourists here. AT Hua Hin the beaches are so-so, but the city attracts with its dissimilarity to other cities: it is neat, well-groomed and Europeanized.

On the Phuket we lived three times and explored the island the best. Here are some helpful articles about it:

Low-cost airlines in Thailand: budget airlines

Thanks to low-cost airlines, you can independently travel within Thailand and to other countries South-East Asia convenient, simple and affordable. Often a flight is cheaper than a bus ride - tickets cost 10-30 dollars.

Vehicle rental in Thailand

Without renting a bike or a car in Thailand, it’s hard: you have to spend a lot of money on a taxi or excursions to see all the beauties. And you can rent a car very cheaply! Common price- 200-250 baht per day + deposit and passport.

Personal experience. In Phuket, we rented a bike on the site for 250 baht per day, while the owner does not ask for a passport as a pledge. In Pattaya, they rented a cool Kawasaki chopper for only 200 baht per day and also without a passport! True, he is already a little tired and shabby, but he is a chopper. The rental point is called Tom Pattaya bike and car for rent (tel. 081 356 4906).

There are many bike rental points in the resorts, but renting a car is more difficult. You can rent a car on the Skyscanner Car Hire website from 700 baht per day (in Phuket).

What is worth knowing:

  • The movement is left-handed and chaotic.
  • Need a driver's license.
  • Do not pledge your passport.
  • A photo of all the scratches on the bike is a must.
  • Helmet and insurance are a must.
  • Red and white markings - parking is prohibited.

We rented a chopper in Pattaya for only 200 baht per day.

Money and ATMs

Take money in euros or dollars. Resorts exchange offices and there are many banks, the rate is adequate. At ATMs, the commission is 200 baht + the commission of the issuing bank.

What can you advise to those who decide to go on an independent trip to Thailand? Here are some recommendations based on our experience:

  • Book hotels in season in advance in order to have time to find a good option in terms of "price-quality" ratio.
  • Make sure the hotel has mosquito nets on the windows. Use repellents and other mosquito repellents.
  • You can’t hide from nosy ants in Thailand, as in all of Asia - don’t leave crumbs (especially sweet ones) and fruits, throw out the trash right away.
  • For the sake of safety and peace of mind, we advise you to take out insurance.
  • Read in advance about how to get from the airport to the city, so as not to overpay.
  • Big C and Tesco Lotus supermarkets have discounts on perishable products after 6pm and 7pm.
  • In Big C, you can ask to cook purchased seafood for free.
  • Drinking water can be bought in special vending machines (1 liter - 1 baht).
  • If you have a long flight or transfer in an air-conditioned bus, have a jacket. The air conditioners are on full blast and it's very easy to catch a cold.

Intro image source: © DeeMakMak / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

Rest "savage" was taken by Soviet citizens who did not have access to the distribution system of vouchers. In those days, sanatoriums and hotels for ordinary people were not available. The maximum that an ordinary factory worker could count on was to go to a regional rest house. And that is not every year. The youth could not afford this either.

Therefore, young people went on trips on their own, often without a specific route. And it was really "wild" vacation. In the main areas - in the Crimea and Sochi - almost all accommodations were provided by the private sector, without any civilized amenities. This was a budget option recreation.

What does it mean to rest like a savage today? And how to go to Thailand as savages?

Solo travel or backpacking

Today, a savage vacation is at least two traveler behavior strategies:

Backpacking is essentially similar to the "savage" type of recreation of the Soviet people.

Backpackers are mostly young people who are characterized by the following behavioral strategy:

  • stay in the cheapest hostels, houses, including in the private sector of Thailand, can live in tent campings;
  • do not impose requirements for service and comfort;
  • often do not have a specific route;
  • they can live in backpacking mode for a week, a month, and half a year;
  • consumer behavior of backpers is budgetary.

Riding wild in Thailand is a perfect backpacking trip:

  • it is always warm in this country;
  • welcoming and friendly population;
  • Thailand is the safest Asian country;
  • you can find very cheap accommodation, for example, for $5 per person per day;
  • cheap food - if you wish, you can meet the two of $ 6 a day, and if you cook on your own, then - and reduce spending; fruits - 20 baht per kg;
  • there are traditional backpacker vacation spots - for example, the islands of Koh Chang and Koh Phangan with houses on the very shore and daily open-airs.

What the backpacker gets: freedom of choice and maximum savings. A self-organized trip may not be a backpacker at all. Meanwhile, out of old habit, it will also be considered a savage holiday. Although there is practically no traditional "savagery" in it.

Behavioral strategy of self-traveling people - non-backpackers:

  • as a rule, they completely think over the route;
  • have a limited travel time and a return plane ticket;
  • pre-book accommodations;
  • stop at the places you like;
  • want to see a certain level of service;
  • as a rule, have funds for recreation comparable to those that can be paid for a trip organized by a travel agency.

What does a self-traveling person get: the opportunity to organize their vacation the way they want. Today, a savage vacation can be both very cheap with accommodation in a tent, and very expensive with a stop in 4-5 star hotels.

Pros and cons of independent rest in Thailand

Should I go savage to Thailand?


Freedom of movement. Today you can be in Phuket, tomorrow - in Pattaya, and the day after tomorrow -. And this, of course, is the main advantage of a savage holiday.

  • You can also travel with your own vehicle.
  • If this is difficult, Thailand has a well-developed bus service.
  • All areas popular with tourists and large settlements are connected by air.

You can choose where to stay. Didn't like the hotel/bungalow/hostel, looking for new version, inspect it and, if you like, move. Optional: always a good view from the window; shop, beach, travel agency, nightlife nearby.

Live not surrounded by tourists from the CIS. This is not a plus for everyone: on the contrary, many feel more comfortable among compatriots and people who speak their language. But for those who want to rent an apartment, say, in Bangkok from the direct owner and live in the capital of Thailand like an ordinary Thai, an independent trip would be the best option.

If we talk about backpackers, they have a habit of grouping internationally. You can find yourself among the Europeans and Australians who travel a lot as savages to Taya, make acquaintances with them and improve your English.


The language barrier. A classic difficulty that haunts all outsiders. But in Thailand it's not too stressful. All inscriptions are duplicated in English. People who are in daily contact with tourists, the minimum set English words possess and successfully use. If you are not going to a completely remote Thai village, then basic knowledge of English language able to solve the problem of the language barrier.

You need to have the ability to self-organize. Booking a room, booking a tour, renting a car, driving to a remote island, avoiding getting confused by the Bangkok subway, planning time in a foreign country - all this requires an active life attitude. Not everyone can successfully organize themselves. Therefore, the majority prefers tours with an already prepared program: they left the hotel - loaded onto the bus - arrived at the place - returned to the hotel on the same bus.

It takes a lot of time to get oriented. Imagine that you need to get from point A to point B. How to do this, you have no idea. You can ask at the reception at the hotel or ask the owner of the rented accommodation, or the taxi driver, or ask in the search engine.

One way or another, all this takes time, planning ahead. It is possible that you can get confused. However, if you are going savage, for example, to Phuket and do not plan to leave the island somewhere, then there is no such minus.

If you are used to independence and do not like collective pastime, then going to Thailand as a savage would be the right decision.

Just do not think that the "savage" vacation in Tai will certainly be cheaper, organized by a travel agency. It is likely that it will be even more expensive.

How much does it cost to relax in Thailand as a savage?

Consider 2 options:

  • budget backpacking;
  • independent travel with an average budget.

Table. Calculation of the approximate budget for a savage vacation in Thailand


1 option,$ per person Option 2,$ per person

1 day

15 days 1 month 1 day 15 days

1 month


6 90 180 15 225
4 60 120 10 150

Entertainment and excursions


(once every three days)

200 400 40 600



(once every three days)

50 100 10 150



Other expenses

3 45 90 6 90
TOTAL 29,6 495 940 81 1315

The calculation is approximate and very average. The results obtained may deviate more (rather) or less (less likely) side.

Factors affecting this are standard:

  • season;
  • influx of tourists;
  • resting-place.

For example, in Pattaya and Phuket, holidays will cost significantly more than, for example, in Trat or in. Not to mention the northern provinces, where you can afford very wasteful backpacking for $15 a day.

If you are going to visit different parts of Thailand and intend to use flights within the country, then the budget should be expanded. Each flight will cost $20-$120. Moreover, in some areas, Bangkok Airways dominates without an alternative. This means tickets will be $100 rather than $20.

The above calculation does not include the cost of an international flight to Thailand. For example:

  • Moscow - Bangkok: $500 (direct), $400 (with transfer).
  • Moscow - Phuket: $800 (direct), $500 (with transfer).

Perhaps, best country for debut independent travel do not invent. Having traveled to Thailand for the first time, you will realize that it is incredibly hospitable, smiling people surround you everywhere, and the infrastructure is extremely comfortable for the traveler. However, you will have to plan your itinerary and budget in advance. Our article will serve as a support in this difficult matter.

Planning a route

First, study the information about Thailand and decide what exactly you want to see. Sketch a short travel plan, distributing the waypoints by day. Do not forget to take into account the rainy season - it can seriously disrupt your well-thought-out scheme if you intend to go to Thailand on your own as a savage.

What to visit in Thailand:

  1. Bangkok (do not regret it for 3-4 days);
  2. Phi Phi Islands. A stunningly beautiful archipelago, it is worth devoting at least three days to it.
  3. Krabi province. Carve out at least five days to rest in this region.
  4. The north of the country is also of interest. Take a look at the cities of Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai - this is where the real Thailand is.
  5. Island voyage. Include Koh Chang, Koh Phangan, Phuket and Koh Samui in your itinerary.
  6. Khao Sok. A very interesting national park.

Flights to Thailand

First of all, look for a ticket. You need to do it ahead of time - about three months before vacation. Purchase round trip tickets to Bangkok. If you want to get to Phuket right away, please note that an extra transfer will be added. Here is a list of major Russian cities from which you can fly:

  • Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Yekaterinburg;
  • Vladivostok;
  • Omsk.

Airlines periodically arrange ticket sales, try to keep track of them. Check out the Calendar low prices- there are very tempting offers.

Thai visa

The good news for the Russians is that they can enter the kingdom without a visa. You just stamp your passport and relax for 30 days. If you have a desire to stay with the Thais longer, apply for a double-entry visa. Or (as most do) cross the border and revisit Thailand.

But the residents of fraternal Ukraine and Belarus will have to stand in a long queue at the airport in order to get the long-awaited document. You can read more about that in a separate post.

Travel budget

It is made up of several factors. Firstly, an air ticket (about 20,000 rubles). Secondly - accommodation (about 300 rubles a day with minimal amenities). Suppose you are going to rest for 2 weeks. Then prepare 4200 for accommodation.

Now about tasty. In expensive restaurants in Phuket, you will lose a lot, so move to folk macarons and cafes (prepare 3.5 thousand rubles for 14 days). You'll need another thousand for the bus. Total - 28 700 native rubles. Plus entertainment expenses. Read more about that in a separate article.

Required vaccinations for travel to Thailand

Health is above all. Let's talk about vaccinations that you may need in an exotic kingdom. And not just useful, probably saving a life.

Here is a list of vaccinations that you need to do before traveling to Thailand:

  1. For tetanus and diphtheria. In a Thai clinic, you will definitely be asked about the availability of this vaccination. In theory, you should have been given it in childhood, and then revaccinated every ten years. Remember that tetanus can enter the blood even through a minor wound.
  2. From typhoid fever. In Southeast Asia, intestinal infections are quite common. When heading into abandoned places or the countryside, it's best to play it safe. Typhoid is transmitted through contaminated food and water.
  3. From hepatitis. Another one intestinal infection. WHO recommends that all tourists flying to Thailand protect themselves from it.
  4. from Japanese encephalitis. Thai mosquitoes not only breed in rice fields, but also carry the mentioned infection. The local population is completely vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis. The most dangerous period of time is from May to October. Encephalitis rages mainly in the north of the country.
  5. From rabies. There are many dogs in Thailand, so do not neglect vaccination. You will not receive the maximum guarantee, but the chances of coming home healthy are significantly increased.

Hotel booking

If you are not going to get stuck in one place (the notorious Phuket, for example), you should think about staying in hotels along the entire travel route. It is best to pre-book rooms according to your plan.

In the case of a long stay in one place, it makes sense to rent a room for the night - what if you don’t like the hotel? If you like your stay, extend your booking.

There are tourists living for about three weeks in one city. In this scenario, it makes sense to rent a house. Arrange a promenade around the neighborhood, peering at the “For Rent” signs (there are enough of them) and fixing the numbers of the owners in a notebook. Call, negotiate and live for your own pleasure, without being tied to the hotel regime.

Insurance in Thailand

Without health insurance you can get by - if you are one hundred percent confident in your body and exclude annoying accidents. But we still advise you to draw up this useful document. Medical services in Thailand are terribly expensive, and if you are also traveling with children, the lack of insurance can cause serious difficulties.

In Thailand everything is about money. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, without extra funds and insurance, you risk not getting high-quality and timely assistance from local doctors.

The language barrier

Now let's discuss what language is in Thailand. Local residents communicate with each other in 70 languages ​​and dialects. The most common ones are - Thai, Isan and Yuan. It is unlikely that you will have the desire to learn all this. Therefore, going on an independent journey, be prepared for linguistic problems.

English won't help here. Most people in the kingdom don't understand him. So you have to figure out a lot of things without anyone's help. Thais smile and nod, but at the same time, believe me, no one understood you.

Be in touch

Mobile communication in Thailand is at a fairly high level. The most popular among our tourists are two mobile operators: DTAC (offers the Happy Tourist tariff) and True Move (also the largest Internet provider). When leaving the migration zone, you can absolutely get a local sim card for free. On the account you will find 7 baht - enough for 2-3 short calls.

winter trip

When planning a winter trip, do not overload your luggage with warm clothes. One sweater is enough, because Thailand is warm country. The wardrobe of the Thai wanderer will consist mainly of summer clothes. Try to choose light shades, because in the dark it will be more difficult to endure the heat. T-shirts, shorts, swimming trunks and swimwear, light (and practical) shoes - this is what should be given priority.

Traveler Reviews

When you have to work under the threat of layoffs around the clock and even on weekends, and wages are either reduced or delayed, stress accumulates in unrealistic quantities. Only the sun, the sea and idleness can get rid of it. Buying tickets to Thailand is already the cheapest way to get summer in winter. But I can advise 30 little tricks that will allow you to go to Thailand as cheaply as possible. Save this post to your bookmarks. I want you to use it as soon as possible.

Visa to Thailand

  1. Russians receive a free visa to Thailand immediately upon arrival - they are given a special entry stamp. And it doesn't matter if it's an airport or a ground crossing. The stay is limited to 30 days. To cross the border, you need a Russian passport with a validity period of at least 30 days from the date of entry. It is advisable to have a return ticket on hand.
  1. Those who plan to stay in the country longer must obtain a six-month visa in Moscow or St. Petersburg in advance. With it, you can stay in Thailand continuously for two months, leave and return back within six months. This innovation appeared a year ago. Such a visa to Thailand costs 200 dollars.
  1. The previous practice of visa-runs (leaving for a neighboring country for 1 day to receive another 30-day visa-free stamp from the Thai authorities), unfortunately, was canceled a couple of years ago. The fine for an expired visa to Thailand is 500 baht per day, in addition, the violator is banned from visiting the country for 5 or 10 years.

  1. But there is also good news. In 2012, Thailand allowed entry on a Cambodian visa during its validity period. It costs 30 dollars and is pasted into the passport in any international airport Cambodia or at a land border crossing (with the exception of the border with Laos). This gift of fate can be used when planning, for example, a route from Vietnam to Thailand via Angkor.

Tickets to Thailand

  1. Since the beginning of the crisis, the competition of carriers in the Thai direction has fallen, and prices have risen. Thailand's premium airline Thai Airways even left Russia, but recently returned and now transports from Moscow to Bangkok. Tickets to Thailand they cost from 24,500 rubles. Aeroflot operates on the same routes. He sells tickets from 27,000 rubles. Both companies also fly to Phuket. Both of them work in the upper segment of air transportation, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of the trip.
  1. You can save some money by monitoring the sales and promotional rates of numerous European and Asian carriers that consider Bangkok a relatively cheap destination. A connecting flight also makes it possible to fly directly to your destination.
  1. It is most advantageous to check different options before buying tickets to Thailand and choose the most suitable for price, comfort and time. You can do this using the form below. Enter your parameters into it (or edit the existing ones) and click "find tickets". The Aviasales website will open in a separate window with tickets to Thailand filtered by price for the dates you are interested in. This is the way I always search and buy cheap flights and discount tickets.
  1. While the ruble did not jump, did not dance, many stocked up on tickets in advance - it turned out cheaper. Now nobody wants to take risks. In addition, if you deal with this issue closer to the date of departure, the price will increase slightly. It is quite possible to buy tickets to Thailand both six months in advance and two weeks in advance. If you are planning a trip specifically for this New Year, then hurry up. I have an insight from experts - here is such a table of travel deadlines, which shows by what date you need to buy tickets so that they do not rise in price.

  1. On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, the cost of tickets to international destinations are recalculated in accordance with the current dollar exchange rate. Accordingly, if the ruble has fallen in a week, then it is better to have time to buy tickets on Tuesday, because the very next day they will be a little more expensive.
  1. If you can fly out on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, then you can buy tickets a little cheaper than if you travel on other days of the week. The thing is that they usually go on vacation on Friday or Saturday, and most often fly on a business trip on Monday. Tickets for popular days are naturally more expensive.
  1. Another life hack is the use of a low price calendar. It helps to analyze what months it is cheaper to travel to Thailand (or any other country), as well as calculate in advance the days when the cheapest flights will be available for purchase. Click on the best value to go to the page of the Aviasales website with tickets filtered by price for the corresponding dates.

From airport to city

  1. The easiest and cheapest way from Suvannapum Airport to the city is via the City Line skytrain. Ticket prices range from 15 to 45 baht. The train arrives at the Phaya Thai station, where you can transfer to the BTS city metro line or to the city bus.
  1. If you have a ticket, you can get to Don Mueang Airport from Suvannapum by a free bus.

Thailand, Phuket - hotels

  1. Approximately one night in Thailand costs an average of 150-250 baht in a good clean hostel without breakfast, or 350-500 baht per room in a simple hotel. You can choose a hotel in Phuket that suits you with the help of this interactive map.
  1. Fans of the movie "The Beach" will certainly remember Khao San Street in Bangkok, a paradise for independent travelers. Even with the most minimal budget, you can find an overnight stay in a hostel within 80-200 baht per bed. Khao San Street is located in the very center, a stone's throw from Grand Palace and the Temple of the Reclining Buddha, nearby - river moorings, markets, bars and cheap street food.
  1. The easiest and most convenient way to search, compare and book the cheapest hotels that suit you is using the Hotellook service - you can directly through the form below.

Cheap trips around the country

  1. For some time now, the ideal way to move around the country has become airline Air Asia. From Don Mueang it flies all over the country, in particular to the popular Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phuket and Krabi. Often, after playing around with the dates, you can buy a ticket for $20-35.
  1. But sometimes the company arranges big sales at the “zero” rate, that is, to buy a ticket, you need to pay only penny fees.
  1. Other low-cost airlines in Thailand: Nok Air, Lion Air, Vietjet Air. It is better to buy tickets for them on the websites of the airlines themselves, aggregator sites may not see sale fares.

  1. Personally, I have never tried hitchhiking, because I have heard enough from friends of various extreme stories and I think that health is more expensive. But in Thailand everyone seems very nice. Why not try getting someone on a scooter? True, cases of falls from these Vehicle and fractures of different parts of the body are also very high among tourists, so I would not risk it either. Especially if the driver does not have a second helmet.
  1. The BlaBlaCar mobile application is successfully used all over the world. You register on the app, find a driver who goes where you need to go, and pay him a small amount set by him. Usually cheaper than public transport- that's the point.

Cheap in Thailand: food

  1. The topic of Thai cooking is truly endless, but its cheapest option is trays (the so-called macarons) and micro-canteens, in huge number flooding the streets from early morning. Despite the unsanitary conditions that seem from afar, from the point of view of hygiene, everything is in order with street food, you don’t have to worry about digestion (it’s enough to use regular gel or wet wipes before eating). Diversity is dizzying. In order not to immediately stumble upon very spicy dishes, I recommend starting with noodle soup (broth with noodles) and pad thai (fried noodles with tofu and shrimp). Usually a meal in a street cafe costs 30-80 baht, and a hearty meal for two is unlikely to exceed 200 baht.
  1. Personally, I usually do this. Arriving at the place, I filter all nearby cafes and restaurants by price in mobile application Tripadvisor, and then bypass the cheapest, but at the same time cool in terms of reviews.

Free Bangkok

  1. With a ticket to Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha), you can visit Dusit Park with its extraordinary palaces.
  1. Chinatown. In addition to the obvious Chinese exoticism, all the temples of Chinatown are open to free admission.
  1. When planning a boat trip on the Chao Phraya, the main river of the city, choose blue flag boats. Although they are slower, the trip costs only 4 baht.

Phuket Boats
  1. On the Golden Mountain with the Wat Saket complex, it is nice to meet a free sunset, but you can also leave a donation of 10 baht.
  1. Visiting the huge Chatuchak market is free, but you will have to pay for the goods, of course. At the same time, no one bothers to bargain until the loss of voice. There is everything from consumer goods to rare antiques.
  1. Thai boxing is world famous. Want to watch a real fight for free? Go to shopping center MBK on Wednesday from 18.00 to 20.30 and you can see the famous Muay Thai.

> Thailand

How to travel alone in Thailand: seaside holidays, hotels, prices

To relax in Thailand is not just good, but very good, the first thing you need 1. forget about travel agents and operators, tours and vouchers. Because only you can know exactly what you want to get from your vacation. The point is not even to save money - here you will most likely spend everything you have planned - the point is to get much more impressions for the same money.
Thailand- a surprisingly convenient country for travel. Everywhere there are information centers for tourists where you can book a hotel, take a tour, a map - yes, everything you need.

If you are traveling to Thailand for the first time- prepare a little in advance, select the places you want to visit via the Internet, select the hotels and places you want to see. For example, if you like quality relaxing holiday alone or as a family, without extreme sports, I do not recommend going to Pattaya. Well, if you go without a travel agency, then choose the best - clear sea, beautiful beaches. At least .

2. Russians do not need a visa within a month. This means that you do not need to do anything in advance - take your passport, round-trip air ticket, and get on the plane.

3. Arriving at Suvanapum, Bangkok Airport, take Bangkok map- you can't get past the information desk. Then you can get to the city by taxi or bus. By bus - more interesting, more impressions. Where buses stop and what route they take can be found on the airport website.
Since 2010 - inexpensive and without traffic jams.

4. The hotel can be booked in advance via the Internet, or on the spot. There is such a feature: if you take a room directly at the hotel while in Bangkok, it will turn out to be more expensive, so go to the nearest information agency and book. Moreover, you can first go to the hotel, look at the rooms, and then, if you like it, book ... around the corner in the information center. It is surprising that in the middle of a noisy street there can be a hotel with quiet comfortable rooms. In the photo: we had such a number in Bangkok. Price for two: 580 rubles (including 30 minutes of free internet, breakfast for two).
I recommend:

5. The most economical way to go to the sea- by bus from Khaosan. Choose in advance where you want to go, outline the route. At Khaosan at the information center, take a one-way ticket and a hotel for one night. I do not advise you to immediately take a return ticket, because. It’s not at all a fact that you want to sit in one place all your vacation.
Transfers are possible on the way to the sea. Don't be afraid to get lost! Thais will lead you by the hand, stick colored pieces of paper on a T-shirt, depending on the destination, so as not to get lost. Most importantly, don't forget the name of your final destination.
Traveling between beaches is convenient and inexpensive on a motorbike - the most popular means of transportation in Thailand

6. Hotels, bungalows. When you get to the place, you can go around all the surrounding hotels, change them at least every day, choose islands for relaxation and bars for evening gatherings. By the way, here you can already negotiate at the hotel / guesthouse directly about the price of a bungalow or a room. Do not be surprised that the prices for bungalows by the sea can be less than in remote hotels. In January 2008, we lived 50 meters from the sea in a bungalow for two for 600 rubles / night (translated from baht). A simple, clean bungalow, with a shower, a refrigerator, a daily change of linen and cleaning in the room - we had enough to "just spend the night".

7. Food. Immediately forget about European food - in Thailand they absolutely do not know how to cook it, and at a price it is several times more expensive than Thai food. Feel free to take Thai food - it's incredibly tasty. Just do not forget to tell the waiter "Know spicy, pliz" (not spicy).
Prices approximately the same in terms of rubles: orange fresh - 20 rubles, an omelette with shrimp - 30 rubles, a bowl of salad with tuna - 25 rubles, an average dinner with beer for two - 300-500 rubles.
Below you can see the menu in the cafe on the street, on the left - European, on the right - Thai menu. Prices in Thai baht (1 baht is approximately equal to the Russian ruble):

Having visited Thailand once on my own, you will never be able to travel through a tour operator again. Feel the difference! For some reason, Russian tourists are afraid to travel on their own. This is strange, because you have to try very, very hard to get lost in Thailand. In addition, Thailand is a safer country than. About languages ​​- school English is enough to get where you need to go. Feel free to communicate with your hands :-). If you do not know a word of English, it is better to write down important destinations on a piece of paper and carry a dictionary, pen and notepad with you. At the hotel, be sure to take a business card where the name of the hotel is written in Thai- so you can easily return to the hotel by taxi.

The only thing you can fear in Thailand is to forget what date it is today and miss the return flight.