Independent travel to Bali. Independent travel to Bali How to organize a trip without travel agencies

On the wonderful island of Bali, Mishutka and I have been more than once, where we lived for several sunny and bright weeks. Our travels are always planned completely by ourselves. We ourselves were looking for accommodation on the spot, we traveled the whole island on a scooter, visiting various temples, museums, and natural attractions. To tell about all the places we visited, I decided to write this guide to Bali.

In addition, I included useful information in it, obtained solely from personal experience - about a visa to Bali, about the local currency, about when it is better to go to Bali and about other features of a holiday on this Indonesian island. I try to constantly update all the data in the article so that they do not lose their relevance.

Bali guide

Almost all of us have heard of Bali at least once in our lives. This name sounds on the lips with a certain aspiration and is pronounced with an echo somewhere in the soul. Most people do not even know where this island is located and that it is the territory of Indonesia, but its name is well known and is often mentioned in various modern books and films.

When is the best time to go to Bali

If you finally decided to visit Bali, but over time you haven’t decided yet, then first you should learn more about the local climatic conditions. Firstly, the island is already in the southern hemisphere, which means the opposite is true there - when we have winter, they have summer, and during our summer in Bali “winter falls”. It is in quotation marks, because this small piece of land is located not far from the equator, which means that there are no pronounced seasons there. The main thing to remember is that Bali has a hot, humid season from December to March, and there is practically no rain from May to October and the average temperature is +28 degrees.

If you are going to Bali for a long time, up to six months, then you will need a long-term visa. In my article, I described in detail where you can apply for such a visa and how to renew it after at the immigration offices.

Money in Bali

The official currency in Bali is the Indonesian rupiah. You can see what Indonesian money looks like, as well as find out the exchange rate, in my review. It is worth mentioning that the exchange rate at the airport is very unfavorable, so I advise you to immediately go to the ATMs (to the right of the exit from the Denpasar airport) and withdraw the required amount. I already wrote about that, where I described in detail the nuances, commissions and the most profitable exchangers.

Hotels in Bali

Almost the entire population of Bali lives off tourism, for the island this is the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity and income. Naturally, all conditions for tourists are created here and there is great amount hotels for every taste and budget. Even if you are driving long term and want to look for something on the spot, then for the first days you still have to book a hotel. We usually use the popular and trusted, but the most favorable prices and I look for discounts using the HotelLook hotel search engine, which compares the cost of a hotel at once in different booking systems, clearly showing where it is best to book.

Latest articles about Bali


In Bali, it is rather underdeveloped passenger transport. There are no clear navigation maps, which bus to take where, it is not clear where the stops are and how much the fare costs. The most common transport for tourists is a taxi, as well as renting a personal car or scooter. Renting a bike in Bali is the most affordable and convenient option for exploring the entire island.


It is believed by many that it is worth going to tropical islands only in winter, and in summer you can bask in the northern latitudes. But the island of Bali is located in the southern hemisphere, and therefore it is from May that the weather here is most suitable for comfortable rest and the sea is very warm. In winter, the season is too hot and humid, acclimatization after the frosty Russian everyday life is more noticeable. So, if you are wondering whether to go to Bali on May holidays, the answer is unequivocal - yes!


If you are preparing for a trip to Bali, then you have probably already heard that local beaches are more suitable for surfing than for relaxing. beach holiday on a sun lounger. The location of the island is such that it is almost always subject to the “invasion” of waves. The Bali shores are high cliffs, like walls protecting from the wildness of the sea. Therefore, before the trip, it is important to decide in which part of the island to spend your vacation. Only in certain parts of the island are calm beaches Bali for swimming, which are suitable for a quiet holiday relaxation and a calm family vacation with splashing kids. And in this article I will share a personal selection of such beaches.


Bali without Ubud is not Bali. Yes, the beaches of Ubud are a fantasy, they can not be, given the location of this creative city. Accordingly, there is no surfing here, for which many go to Bali, but the city has its own unique atmosphere. It does not mean at all that you need to spend your entire vacation here, but you should definitely visit here, because the sights of Ubud are impressive. In this article, I have collected 10 reasons why you should visit Ubud in Bali, and this is actually just a minimum, because there are even more reasons to relax in this cozy place in the heart of the island.



Bali is a stronghold of Hinduism in the center of Muslim Indonesia. If on the neighboring islands you see mostly mosques, then in Bali Hindu temples amaze with their diversity. Bali is often called the island of the gods, and there is some truth in this, because the locals sincerely believe in the existence of spirits, preparing delicious offerings for them several times a day. If we talk about the temples of Bali, then their exact number is unknown, probably even to the Balinese themselves, because in each village, according to the rules, there must be at least three temples - one Pura Puseh, which is being built in a clean part of the village, the second Pura Desa, located in the center of the village for holding major events and being the center of cultural and religious life, and the third one is Pura Dalem, i.e. the temple of death, where they conduct rituals associated with the burial of the dead. Moreover, in the courtyard of each family there are still “home” temples of ancestors. On the island, we lived in the house of a Balinese family and saw how rituals of worshiping spirits were performed daily. I wrote about this in detail when I reviewed our home in Ubud.


Not to say that Ngurah Rai Airport in Denpasar, Bali is one of my favorites. It is strange to fly on such a popular Paradise Island and face so much negativity at the airport. The keyword is apparently “popular” - due to the fact that Bali is a world-class resort, spoiled tourism workers are incredibly lazy, slow, frankly indifferent - they don’t even really announce flights, and what’s most unpleasant - they openly ask for bribes right at the migration control, despite that you didn't break anything. But that's all personal experience and emotions, and then a maximum of objective and useful information about the Ngurah Rai Denpasar airport and a minimum of intimidation;)


At first I didn’t know how to take on this story from our trip to Bali, because how to convey the Kechak dance through text and photographs, and even such a deeply traditional, trance-inducing, is not just difficult, but even impossible, I would say. But the main thing is to start, and the rest will follow;) Kechak is an ancient dance of the natives of the Indonesian islands, preserved on the island since the time of wild tribes. Only in the 20th century, the artist and musician of Russian origin Walter Spies “imposed” this archaic heritage of half-naked dancers on the Vedic Indian treatise Ramayana. I will try not only to convey the mood of the dance itself, but also briefly outline the essence of this theatrical performance.


Bali is a mystical island lost in the Java Sea. There is probably no person who has never heard of him in his life. It attracts with its beauty, mysterious culture, tropical sun and the ocean. But a flight to such a far corner of the Earth, as a rule, costs a pretty penny, and therefore almost everyone who has ever thought about going there is interested in the question: how to fly to Bali cheaply? In this article, I will review all the options for flights to the island, and at the end we will be able to evaluate how to get to Bali from Moscow or other Russian cities in the cheapest way.


The Bali temple on the southernmost cliff of Uluwatu is one of the main protectors of local residents from evil spirits, closing the chain of temples around the entire island. This is one of the most visited places by tourists, because only here an unusual Kecak dance takes place every evening. And it is here that surfers from all over the world especially love to surf the waves. So Mishutka and I also couldn’t miss a trip to the Uluwatu Bali temple, and therefore, on one of the hot April days, we jumped on our scooter and rushed to the very south of the island to discover new places we had not previously explored.


There is still a lot of controversy on the travel forums about whether Russians need a visa to Bali. The reason for these disputes is the government's order to abolish visas to Indonesia. And it would seem that everything has now become simpler and clearer, but in fact the law has many nuances and points that require clarification. Because on the spot it will be very unpleasant to find out that you have violated the law or that you are suddenly not allowed out of the country. Let's take a closer look and discuss whether a visa to Indonesia is needed for Russians.


On the very first morning in Bali, we rented a scooter and drove with the child around the outskirts of Ubud in search of housing. I wanted to find something in the center, clean and inexpensive. It would seem to requests :) But we literally within half an hour have already found housing that is suitable in all respects! Hotels in Ubud are often a complex of houses rented by the family. Just one of these houses we found. This cozy inexpensive house in the center of Ubud captivated us right away, so we moved into it right away :)


If you are going to Bali or other islands of Indonesia for the first time, then undoubtedly you may have a question: “What is the name of money in Indonesia?”. And in general it is interesting to know what currency is in Bali and what is its exchange rate. In my opinion, it’s really better to find out about such things in advance, because on the spot, immediately after arrival, it’s unlikely that there will be forces to figure out what the real exchange rate of the local currency is against the dollar, and also whether they really gave you money from Indonesia, and not fake candy wrappers. And by preparing in advance, you will have less chances that local money changers will cheat you, because. currency fraud is a very common practice in Bali, as in any other tourist destination.


Everyone who is going to fly to the island of mystical spirits and the Mecca of surfing wonders when is the best time to go to Bali to relax. This island is located only 8 ° south of the equator. Of course, this fact cannot but affect its weather. Here the equatorial climatic zone, which means that the temperature throughout the year is approximately the same - ± 30 degrees. In addition, the sun here is at its zenith most of the time of the day, which is why, in addition to the risk of getting burned, it is also insanely hot here. Only in Bali I managed to burn the scalp right among the hair, because. the sun's rays fall almost at right angles directly on the top of the head. Next, I will share with you the details of when is the best time to go to Bali, considering the weather by month.


In Kuta, I really wanted to settle in the center, so that it was close to the beach and to all kinds of shops and restaurants. For a very long time I studied all the hotels in Bali in Kuta on booking sites, doubted, looked at the photos, but in the end I chose Fave Hotel Bali, which is literally a minute from main square Kuta Square. For a budget traveler, the place is not exactly cheap, although for ordinary tourists, on the contrary, the price is excellent. I pledged a certain amount for a trip to Bali, and since I fit into it quite well, I decided to “walk like a walk!” and clicked the "Book" button :)

Download free Indonesia travel guide in pdf format. The guide may take a few minutes to load.

Eighteen thousand islands and islets is one country that is located between Asia and Australia, in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. There are huge cities and modest villages, even tribes leading a primitive way of life live. Here real paradise for lovers of beaches and scuba diving.

Fans of traveling the world in search of ancient outlandish structures will not be left out. A set active volcanoes will add a touch of risk to your journey.

Download our guide and it will become your faithful guide and companion on this archipelago full of amazing secrets and mysteries. He will help you avoid the claws of monitor lizards and will guide you to the restaurants of this country.


Jakarta - the capital of Indonesia is often called the "Big Durian", comparing it with a fruit that combines a disgusting smell and great taste. Like any modern metropolis, Jakarta is full of people, and most tourists visiting Indonesia end up here first.

Our guide will help unravel the tangle of streets, neighborhoods and tell you about what is so often overlooked. So that you do not have an unpleasant aftertaste from visiting Jakarta, be sure to go to the puppet museum, and if you are interested in China, then here you can discover the Vihara Dharma Bhakti temple. And then visit the safari park or aquarium.

Download our guide and you will find out how many islands that you will see flying up to Jakarta are part of this city.

Bali island

The island of the gods, remembers thousands of years of Indonesian culture. The ruins of temples, ancient cities hidden in the jungle breathe antiquity, and the beaches attract lovers to splash in the sea.

In our guide you will find the essentials you need to know about the island. He will tell you how to get to the Tanah Lot Hindu temple and the Besakih temple complex, the largest temple in Bali with beautiful sculptures and majestic buildings.

The city of Ubud, founded in the eighth century, was famous for its healers, and now it is a tidbit for lovers of antiquity. It also houses the Monkey City, where you can freely admire the antics of these funny little animals and wander around the territory of the Hindu temple Pura Dalem Agung. Download the guide, find out about shopping spots and beaches that will satisfy the most demanding visitors.

Java island

The main island of Indonesia, on which its capital is located, is the city of Jakarta. In addition to the temptations of the capital, here you will find many temple complexes, luxurious parks and attractive beaches.

With our guide to the island of Java you will reach national park Bromo-Tenger-Semenu, on the vast territory of which, in addition to amazing forests, there are five active volcanoes. Do not miss the opportunity to climb their peaks on horseback, overcoming the black sands that cover the surroundings.

You will also be impressed by the majestic, forty-seven meters high, tower of the Shiva temple, in temple complex Prambanan, and Mounts Bromo and Merapi, which are the most active volcanoes, will make an unforgettable impression on you. By downloading this guide you will find out what else awaits you in the distant and mysterious island Java.

Lombok Island

Lombok is very similar to Bali, but here you will not find such an influx of tourists. It is perfect for leisurely relaxation among almost untouched nature, enjoying the beauty of beaches and tropical forests. If you are attracted to Hindu temples, then you can admire their beauty here.
On the beaches of Lombok you will find all kinds of water activities. Here you will find diving and surfing. And if you're craving jungle communion, there's plenty to be found in the forests of this amazing island.

Mountains, temples and waterfalls - there is something to see here, and the guide will tell you about it. Download it and you will learn about Jeruk Manis waterfall and Pura Lingsar temples. And if you want to buy an exotic gift for friends, then from it you will learn how to get to the village of artisans, famous for the art of painting fabrics and weaving baskets.

Sumatra island

Sumatra differs from all other islands in that there are fewer architectural monuments and beaches. But there is an abundance of lakes and tropical forests. This cozy island will allow you to enjoy the beauty of tropical nature.

Toba and Maninjau lakes will entice you to admire the views of their shores and water surface, and the Gunung Leser park will lure you with paths. Our guide will tell you about the amazing Bat Cave where you will see these creatures in their natural environment. Be sure to visit the Bokhorok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center, where these Red Book monkeys are re-trained to survive in the wild.

There are many smaller islands and islets scattered around Sumatra where you can enjoy the beach or surf. Our guide will be your faithful guide to the cities and forests of Sumatra. It will make it easier for you to navigate this paradise island.

Download the guide to your laptop, phone or tablet. Use it without an internet connection.

Bali is often called the island of the Gods. This island is unique, unlike any other island in the world. It has its own culture, its own religion, its own style of dress, its own traditions, its own language. Over the past decades, the island has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, but despite the huge number of tourists, the Balinese remain the same as they have been for centuries and millennia - friendly, smiling, religious and honoring traditions.

Every morning the Balinese feed their gods. Photo credit: Peter Hunziker, Flickr

Bali has a huge number of cultural and natural attractions. In order to get acquainted with at least the main ones, you need to spend at least a week on the island. Be sure to visit the most beautiful temples in Bali - Besakin, Tahan Lot, Ulu Watu and the temple on Lake Bratan. Gorgeous rice terraces around the cultural center of the island - the charming city of Ubud, are also included in the list of the main attractions of the island.

Balinese women head to the temple. Photo credit:made yudistira, Flickr

Traditional ceremony on the ocean. Photo credit: made yudistira, Flickr

From aquatic species surfing reigns in Bali. The island has excellent opportunities for learning to surf and many exciting surf spots located mainly along the southwest coast of the island. At the same time, the northern and southeastern coasts are great places for diving.

And, of course, the island of Bali will especially delight lovers of beautiful beaches and bays, charming villas, traditional massage, SPA procedures, delicious food and other hedonistic pleasures.

But when planning a trip to Bali, you should understand the most important thing: Bali is not a beach holiday, Bali is a lot of attractions, adventures, cultural experiences, beautiful pictures, a pleasant atmosphere, delicious food and surf diving.

where to go

The main tourist regions and beaches of Bali

Travelers usually differ in the formats of travel/holiday in Bali. Some travel around the island, stopping for a day or two in different places to immerse themselves in the culture and atmosphere of Bali as much as possible, others live in one place, making “outings” from time to time to the sights of the island, others just come to surf, dive, hang out or relax , fourth - combine stops in several places and different formats of rest.

The capital of Bali is the city of Denpasar, the administrative heart of the island, from here all trips around the island begin. A cheerful pleasant atmosphere, an art center and museums, a huge number of shops and a colorful market are the main attractions of the city.

southwest coast the islands are washed Indian Ocean, there are always big waves and, accordingly, excellent conditions for surfing, the main infrastructure is concentrated in the very south of the coast. The east and west coasts are washed by the straits that separate Bali from neighboring islands and , there are no big waves here, but strong currents.

The northern part of the coast is washed by the seas, there is a very calm, quiet and warm sea. The north and east coasts are great places for those who are fond of diving and snorkeling.

White sand beaches can only be found on the Bukit Peninsula - the southernmost "patch" of Bali and on neighboring small islands that do not have volcanoes. In the southwestern and south east coast- the sand is already more gray than white, the eastern and northern beaches are with black volcanic sand.

The atmospheric town of Ubud is the best place for those travelers who want to get closer to the unique culture and lifestyle of Bali, indulge in traditional food and spa. Fans of calm relaxation and yoga should also pay attention to regions such as Tabanan, Canggu and Candidasa (see more details below), you can choose and book a yoga retreat.

Southwest coast of Bali

Kuta is the largest and most popular among surfers and young people resort town and Bali beach, in fact, the continuation of Kuta are the resort villages of Legian and Seminyak - with more calm and respectable surf beaches and developed infrastructure entertainment.

Further west are the much less touristy surf regions of Canggu and Tanah Lot, with small surf beaches and great surf spots, rice terraces and fishing villages. Already quite far from Kuta on the west coast is Medewi Beach.

Jimbaran is located south of Kuta. big beach with white sand and a fishing village separating the main coast from the tiny peninsula of Bukit - the southernmost part of Bali. The west coast of the Bukit Peninsula from Jimbaran to Uluwatu is incredibly picturesque, with tiny coves along the rocky coastline, tiny white sand beaches, and challenging surf spots.


Kuta is the largest and most famous resort town of Bali, a cult place for fans of surfing and active night parties. Kuta Beach is huge and wide, but absolutely not suitable for a beach holiday in the classical sense. But Kuta - perfect place for learning to surf, since there are no dangerous rocks here, the bottom is sandy, the waves break near the shore and roll foam, on which, in fact, beginners learn.

Kuta is the place where you should look for budget accommodation and surf schools, there is also a huge number of democratic in spirit and prices bars, restaurants and nightclubs. In the evening, when the water recedes, cheerful companies gather on the beaches of Kuta to watch the magnificent sunset.

How to get there: by bemo (minibuses) from Denpasar, by tourist shuttles from the airport, Ubud, Sanur, Candidasi, Padang Bai, Amed, Lovina, Kintamani and Bedugul, by boat plus shuttle from the islands of Lembongan, Lombok and Gili.

Surfing in Kuta. Photo credit: LauriusLM, Flickr

Sunset in Kuta. Photo credit: I Nyoman Butur Suantara, Flickr


Legian - is actually a continuation of Kuta, its more relaxed version. The beach here is almost the same as in Kuta, in the water - mostly beginner surfers. Unlike Kuta, you can find sunbeds and umbrellas on Legian. The main format of housing in the village is mid-range hotels and guest houses. There are also enough restaurants-cafes-bars in Legian, although in general, the atmosphere is much calmer.

How to get there: by taxi or hotel transfer from the airport, by taxi, motorbike or on foot from Kuta or Seminyak.

Legian. Photo credit: sethgoh, Flickr


Next to Legian, Seminyak is a trendy and expensive resort village. The format of housing here is hotels and villas with a stylish design, well-groomed areas and swimming pools. The trendiest boutiques-spas-restaurants-cafes-bars-nightclubs are also to be found in Seminyak. On the beach - umbrellas, surf rentals, beach restaurants.

How to get there: by taxi or hotel transfer from the airport, by taxi or motorbike from Kuta.

resort village Seminyak. Photo credit: Brenda Gill, Flickr


The name of a small village, located a few kilometers north of Seminyak, is used to refer to the part of the coast that stretches from the tourist village of Seminyak to the Tanah Lot temple and includes several tiny fishing villages and beaches.

These are favorite destinations for surfers and travelers looking for authentic Bali, with its authentic little villages, rice terraces, fish markets, peaceful atmosphere and endless ocean without tourist crowds.

The sand on the beaches of Canggu is gray, the waves are large and dangerous for inexperienced surfers, although surf spots of varying difficulty can be found along the coast. From housing - from simple small cottages to luxury villas, both along the beaches and a little further from the ocean. There are also some excellent yoga schools and yoga retreats in the Canggu region.

Beach in Canggu area. Photo credit: David Dunlop, Flickr

Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot - this picturesque sea temple can be safely called one of the symbols of Bali. The image of Tanah Lot can be found in the photo albums of almost all travelers who have visited the island. Tanah Lot is an active temple; traditional religious ceremonies and holidays are often held here. The temple is also one of the most popular places in Bali to watch the sunset.

To the north of the temple along the coast are luxurious secluded hotels, with beautiful villas and a very calm atmosphere. The beaches here have dark sand. In the area of ​​the temple itself, you can find different accommodation options. The Tanah Lot area is geographically part of the Tabanan regency and conditionally separates the tourist south of Bali from the remote, little-developed tourism West Bali.

To search for accommodation near Tanah Lot: Hotels and guest houses, villas and bungalows

How to get there: by taxi or own transport (rent a motorbike, car, car with a driver, etc.)

Sea Temple Tanah Lot. Photo credit: Pedro Nunez, Flickr


Once a small fishing village, Jimbaran has been transformed by tourism into a rather large sleepy village nestled in the bay of the same name on a wide isthmus that separates the main part of the island from the tiny Bukit peninsula.

Jimbaran Bay and Beach are idyllic, with white sands, relatively calm oceans and gorgeous sunsets. Hotels and restaurants line the beach. In the evenings, the beach turns into a large, romantic and expensive food zone, with tables right on the beach and the opportunity to choose fresh fish from large boats next to your favorite restaurant.

Jimbaran Village is home to Bali's largest morning fish market with a huge selection of fresh fish and seafood. Here, a little further from the beach, you can find good options budget housing.

To search for housing in Jimbaran: Hotels and villas on the beach, guest houses and homestays in the village

How to get there: by taxi or own transport (rent a motorbike, car, car with a driver, etc.)

Jimbaran beach. Photo credit: Anise Lin, Flickr

Peninsula Bukit and Uluwatu

The west coast of the Bukit Peninsula from Jimbaran to Uluwatu Temple is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and interesting regions of Bali. Uluwatu Temple, located on the rocks, is considered one of the most beautiful temples of the island.

West coast landscape karst rocks with tiny coves and cliff-hidden beaches of white sand and emerald water that are full of life, surfers take on the challenge of the waves at the cliffs, and lazy lovers enjoy white sand, idyllic views and coconut milk. On south coast from Uluwatu to Nusa Dua- the beaches are large, beautiful and sparsely populated.

There is a fairly large number of housing on the peninsula, focused mainly on surfers and backpackers. The main format is budget bungalows and nice inexpensive villas, on the cliffs near most of the beaches you can find very nice hotels with absolutely incredible views. Motobike is an obligatory part of life on the peninsula, because. the bulk of housing is located in the depths of the peninsula, in addition, many beaches lie far from the main roads.

To search for accommodation on the Bukit Peninsula: Hotels and villas, guest houses and homestays

How to get there: by taxi or own transport (rent a motorbike, car, car with a driver, etc.)

Rocks of the Bukit Peninsula in the Uluwatu region. Photo credit: Natalie Belikova, FiveStepsPhotoblog

Surfing on the Bukit Peninsula. Photo credit: John Seaton Callahan, Flickr

Southeast beaches and islands of Bali

The southeastern beaches and islands stretch from the eastern part of Bukit Island to Candidasa Beach. These are, in fact, the beach areas of Bali,

Nusa Dua

Nusa Dua is part of the east coast of the Bukit Peninsula, which is most often called a hotel enclave, as the entire coast of Nusa Dua is built up with expensive beach hotels.

It should be given credit for the fact that the beaches of Nusa Dua are magnificent, not crowded, very calm, with white sand and quiet turquoise water. Nusa Dua hotels are no less magnificent, with well-equipped beaches, restaurants, spas, security, etc. Prices in restaurants-shops, of course, are much higher than in general in Bali.

Budget accommodation near beautiful beaches Nusa Dua - city hotels and guest houses in the eastern part of the Bukit peninsula.

To search for housing on the beaches of Nusa Dua: Hotels and villas on the beaches, city hotels and guest houses

How to get there: by taxi or own transport (rent a motorbike, car, car with a driver, etc.)

Nusa Dua beach. Photo credit: ssalis, Flickr


Sanur is a more democratic alternative to Nusa Dua. The resort village borders Denpasar (the capital of Bali) and stretches along the southeast coast, just north of Nusa Dua. The location of Sanur is ideal, from here you can go to the center, to the east, to the south. The beaches here are wide, with still light sand. Along the beach are good, relatively cheap hotels, in the village itself a little further from the beach you can find good options budget housing.

From Sanur begins the dive coast of the island, in the village there are several tour operators and dive schools. In general, Sanur is loved by fans of a relaxing beach holiday, families with children and travelers who do not lie on the beach much and travel a lot around the island.

To search for accommodation on Sanur Beach: Hotels, villas, hotels and guest houses

How to get there: by bemo (minibuses) from Denpasar, by tourist shuttles from the airport, Ubud, Kuta, Kandidasa, Padang Bai, Amed, Lovina, Kintamani and Bedugul, by boat from Lembongan Island, by boat plus shuttle from Lombok and Gili Islands.

Sanur beach. Photo credit: Bali Home Villa Jimbaran, Flickr

Located off the southeast coast of Bali, small island Lembongan (Nusa Lembongan) is a great place if you suddenly want to escape from the noisy and crowded southern beaches of Bali. The beaches here are white, the water is emerald, the atmosphere is lazy and very authentic. Lembongan is deservedly considered one of the the best places for diving in Indonesia, in addition, there are several surf spots on the island. There are two more islands near Lembongan - the tiny Nusa Ceningan, connected to Lembongan by a bridge, and the large non-tourist Nusa Penida, which can be reached by scheduled boats.

The main format of housing on the island is bungalows of different levels of comfort and prices, and the so-called beach huts - beach houses.

To search for accommodation on the island of Lembongan: Bungalows and beach houses

How to get there: by boat from Sanur, shuttle plus boat from Kuta and Ubud.

Lembongan Island (Nusa Lembongan). Photo credit: Peter Saputra, Flickr

Ubud and downtown Bali

Undoubtedly, the cultural center of the island is Ubud - a quiet little cozy city in the mountains in the center of the island. Most travelers choose Ubud as their main stop to explore the sights of Bali's central region. But, stopping for a couple of days in small villages far from the city is a very unbanal and interesting way to get to know the real non-tourist Bali closer.

In order to feel the atmosphere and learn more about the culture and traditions of Bali, you need to live in Ubud for at least a few days. The suburbs of Ubud are villages of craftsmen, each of which has its own “specialization”. Artists live in one village, woodcarvers live in another, and batik painters live in a third.

Small cozy hotels and bungalows, SPA salons, a huge number of shops, restaurants of Balinese cuisine, rice terraces, monkeys walking around the streets of the city, communication with local residents- all this makes your stay in Ubud unforgettable.

How to get there: by bemo (minibuses) from Denpasar; by tourist shuttles from the airport, Kuta, Sanur, Candidasa, Padang Bai, Amed, Lovina, Kintamani and Bedugul, by boat plus shuttle from the islands of Lembongan, Lombok and Gili.

Traditional architecture in Ubud. Photo credit:Jean-Jacques Halans, Flickr

Rice terraces in Tegallalang, Ubud. Photo credit: I Sing Cheu Leng, Flickr

Typical Ubud housing format). Photo credit: Jorge de la Torriente, Flickr


The name of a small village located near the mountainous lake Bratan gave its name to a rather large mountainous region in the central part of Bali. The most famous attraction of these places is the temple on Lake Bratan, the images of which are invariably associated with Bali.

Picturesque mountain lakes and waterfalls, charming villages where you can rent nice inexpensive bungalows and villas, a large Botanical Garden, small temples and colorful markets are on the list of cultural attractions of these places. lovers active rest and adventure will delight trekking to waterfalls and lakes, canyoning and boat trips on the river.

How to get there: by bemo (minibuses) from Denpasar and Singaraja, by tourist shuttles from Ubud, Kuta, Sanur and Lovina.

Temple on Lake Bratan, Bali. Photo credit: Natalie Belikova, FiveStepsPhotoblog


The small village of Munduk, located northwest of Bedugul, is considered one of the best regions for trekking in Bali, moreover, both independent hiking along the trails to the waterfalls and along the rice terraces and coffee plantations, as well as more complex trekking accompanied by local guides, are possible here. There are nice little hotels and guest houses, with cute cafes and delicious local food. Bike or motorbike trips to nearby lakes or villages are also a great way to get to know this beautiful place.

Rice terraces in the village of Munduk. Photo credit: Matthieu Jolivet, Flickr

Waterfalls in the Munduk area. Photo credit: Diane Saint-Sauveur, Flickr

Tabanan is the name of a rather large regency in Bali, the territory of which stretches from the highlands to the coast. This is one of the most beautiful regions of the island. Mount Batukau is the second highest mountain in Bali, on the slopes of which one of the six main temples of the island is located - Pura Luhur Batukaru, symbolizing the strength of the mountains, and Jatiluwih rice terraces are the main attractions of the region.

In fact, despite its beauty, Tabanan is not so indulged in by tourists, so there is an absolutely authentic, very relaxed atmosphere here. There are several eco-lodges and yoga retreats located in the region.

How to get there: only on your own transport (rent a motorbike, car, car with a driver, etc.)

Pura Luhur Batukaru, Tabanan. Photo credit: Jambo Jambo, Flickr

Tabanan - Bali. Photo credit: Hengki Koentjoro, Flickr


Kintamani is a region of the island of Bali, which enjoys special respect among lovers of eco-tourism. The Kintamani region combines the Batur volcano, Lake Batur and small villages located on the edge of a huge caldera and on the shore of the lake. Dramatic landscapes, the proximity of the most active volcano in Bali and a special atmosphere attract in Kintamani, first of all, adventure seekers who are not enough just to drink a cocktail on observation deck overlooking the volcano.

How to get there: by bemo (minibuses) from Denpasar, by tourist shuttles from Ubud, Kuta and Sanur.

View of the lake and volcano Batur, Kintamani. Photo credit: rona_rodriguez, Flickr

Amed and East Bali

Agugng Volcano dominates the eastern part of the island, on the slopes of which the Besakih Temple, the main temple of the island, is picturesquely located. Along the coast stretch dark gray, almost black sandy beaches and a lazy relaxed atmosphere reigns.


Amed - This rather remote beach in eastern Bali is a favorite spot for divers and backpackers. East coast Bali is washed by the sea, there are no huge waves and the undercurrents are not as strong as in the southern part of the island, washed by the waves of the ocean.

Black sand, picturesque view of the formidable Agugng volcano, magnificent undersea world, excellent infrastructure for diving and snorkeling, a large selection of accommodation and, most importantly, a special relaxing atmosphere distinguish Amed from the noisy party southern beaches of the southwestern part of Bali.

To search for accommodation on Amed beach: dive hotels, villas, hotels and guest houses

How to get there: by tourist shuttles from the airport, Ubud, Sanur, Candidasa, Padang Bai and Lovina.

Amed is a remote beach in eastern Bali. Photo credit: Paul Hagon, Flickr


Candidasa (or Candidasa) is a sleepy little town often chosen by travelers as the main base for exploring eastern Bali and diving enthusiasts. Candidasa boasts good value for money and luxury hotels and villas along the coast, many of which are located right on the water's edge with magical sea views.

The beaches here are narrow, with black sand, the sea is relatively calm. The atmosphere in Candidasa is pure relaxation) so it is not surprising that yoga schools and yoga retreats are densely settled here.

How to get there: by tourist shuttles from the airport, Ubud, Kuta, Sanur, Padang Bai, Amed, Titra Ganji and Lovina.

A typical Candidasa villa overlooking the ocean. Photo credit: Bali Home Villa Jimbaran, Flickr

Padang Bai

Padang Bai is a tiny, pleasant port town on the east coast, connecting Bali with Lombok and the Gili Islands. Most travelers just pass through Padang Bai, missing out on spending a couple of days in the charming village and exploring the small temples and tiny picturesque beaches around.

To search for accommodation in Padang Bay: hotels and guesthouses

How to get there: by tourist shuttles from the airport, Ubud, Kuta, Sanur, Candidasa, Amed and Lovina, by boat from the islands of Lombok and Gili.

Weekdays at Padang Bai. Photo credit: dicky_noorkalam, Flickr

Tirta Gangga is a small village in the eastern part of the island, picturesquely located among the rice terraces - a great place to stop for a day or two. The main attraction of these places is the eponymous palace on the water. Trekking in the surroundings with visits to small temples and local villages is a must for adventure seekers.

To search for accommodation in Tirta Ganja: eco-lodges and homestays

How to get there: by tourist shuttle from Candidasa, by taxi or rented transport.

Palace on the water in Tirta Ganja. Photo credit:, Flickr

Recently, tourists who have come to rest in Bali are increasingly asking us questions - where to go, what is most interesting to see if this or that sightseeing tour in Bali is suitable for traveling with children, etc. Often people already have rich travel experience in different countries but don't know anything about Bali. Therefore, we decided to create a series of notes "Guide to Bali".

The debut note of the "Guide" is dedicated to sightseeing tours on the island of Bali. Our goal is to answer the question, what are sightseeing tours on the island and reveal some of the features of tours in Bali.

Certainly in the Balinese excursion tours, has its own specifics. In some countries, the basis of excursions is nature, in others - museums, in others - shopping. So, what are sightseeing tours in Bali and what is their peculiarity? We will not paint some individual tours. You can find all our sightseeing tours, their descriptions and photos on the excursion page. And in this article we will focus on the distinctive features of sightseeing tours in Bali.

Features of tours in Bali

Feature 1. Duration. Bali is a compact island - about 150 by 80 km and, accordingly, all the main tours of the island take from 6 to 10 hours. And this is considering the fact that the main roads in the central part of the island are narrow and two-lane. Even very narrow ones. Therefore, very important point have driving experience on Balinese roads.

Feature 2. Variety. In previous articles, we have already said that Bali is a universal island and suitable for almost everyone. The same goes for tours. Cultural and introductory, simply sightseeing, sea, active-extreme and specific - make up a unique range of activities on the island of Bali. One of the best diving spots? On Bali. Second (or first?) surfing capital? Bali. Architecturally unique and island-only Hindu temples? On Bali. Endemic animals that only live in one place? On Bali. Beautiful nature: two oceans, volcanoes and impenetrable jungle? And it's all in Bali. And also, Bali is nightclubs in the south of the island, luxury hotels of world brands, respected and revered healers, a variety of shopping on the island, from python skin products and the world-famous Kopi Luwak Coffee to rattan and red furniture. wood (mahogany, cesalpinia, padauk) and much more.

Feature 3. Tours are conducted exclusively by local guides. All qualified and legal - only local. Firstly, according to Indonesian law, no foreigner has the right to conduct tours in Bali. If you go with a "foreign guide" to any temple, you will find that your "guide" will hide and play the role of a tourist. Secondly, given that our guides speak excellent Russian, they will tell you about the island better than anyone.
We are constantly developing and improving our knowledge not only about the history and traditions of Bali, but also deepening our language skills.

Feature 4. Prices for sightseeing tours. Although we have not been to many countries and cannot say anything specific about foreign tours and prices. But we were told a lot about the fact that, in comparison, for example, with Europe, Australia, Singapore and other destinations, our prices for excursions are low. Especially considering that Bali is, in principle, quite expensive. tourist destination. Turkey and China, in terms of cheap sightseeing tours, are unrivaled thanks to their commission souvenir points. As far as we heard, in Turkey sightseeing tour even free at all. But in factories.

Feature 5. Sightseeing tours in Bali are a high level and comfort. Unfortunately, the contrast between Bali and all of Indonesia is very great. While farmers in Kalimantan earn $1 a day, Bali opened the world's only ocean road in 2013. The authorities of Indonesia, taking into account the number of tourists a year - more than 4 million - are trying to create with the help of the island of Bali - the face and positive image of Indonesia in the world. Of course, the farmer from Kalimantan is not better off, but the tourists and residents of Bali are fine. The government also makes sure that the tours are of high quality and safe. Therefore, all guides must have a special license, and cars must be safe.

Feature 6. Sightseeing tours in Bali are safe. Have you heard many times about a bus crash in Bali or some other accident? And thank God. That is, the tours are safe. Of course, unless you order a barker driver from the street. What does a licensed guide mean? This is not only a local person who has passed all the standards (medical and about knowledge about Bali, as well as with a serviceable and technically inspected car), this is a conscious person who, for example, will never drive after drinking alcohol. True, in principle, real Balinese do not drink much. And if they drink, then a little :-)

Feature 7. In general, sightseeing tours in Bali are not shopping tours. But, of course, there are plenty of places where you can buy many unique things cheaply: souvenirs, python and cobra leather products, Luwak coffee, jewelry, batik, etc. Some goods and souvenirs from Bali are presented in our section. If the tourist does not ask, we will not take you to the factories, but we will follow the route. If asked, we organize a shopping tour, depending on the interests of the client. For example, recently a representative of one of the Moscow shops came and collected information about coffee varieties and prices. And we helped her with this.

feature 8. Sightseeing tours in Bali are individual. For European, Russian, Japanese, Australian tourists, first of all. The Chinese, Malaysians, and Indonesians from other islands also love Bali as a resort. But they, for various reasons, prefer to travel in groups in large buses and mainly to factories for shopping. Individual tours, on the other hand, provide not only comfortable, faster cars than large buses, but also a certain flexibility when you can ask the driver, for example, to stop. As for buses, the Bali government is now considering the possibility of banning large buses on the island, the size of which is sometimes beyond reasonable and the possibility of turning around on one of the central roads. We hope and believe that this will be the case.

In our first note, from the section “Guide to Bali”, there is enough important information, after reading which you will get the first impression of sightseeing tours in Bali. Since often the information posted on the sites of many travel companies, by people who have never been to Bali, is far from the truth.

Also, we are always happy to answer your other questions about your vacation in Bali and help organize your, individual tour on the island of the gods!

All photos presented in the article were taken by famous Indonesian photographer Helminadia Rainford.

More about Bali:

And although the blog already has a lot of different information about Bali, this article has ripened in me: about a super short, literally “express” guide to the main resort areas of Bali. I tried literally in a couple of sentences to give such a description to each district of Bali, so that a person unfamiliar with Bali would immediately understand which of the districts to choose for recreation.

So if you are still wondering “which area to choose for a vacation in Bali”, then here is the answer from Baliblogger :)

By the way, over time, video releases about all areas of Bali will appear on my youtube channel (an issue about Kuta is already being prepared), so subscribe to the channel so you don't miss these episodes!


The main tourist area of ​​Bali. It was from Kuta that tourism originated in Bali, and it was backpacker tourism: that is, for those who were not attracted by beauty expensive hotels, but the untouchedness, cheapness and “village” of Bali. Integrity over time has faded into the background a little (too many tourists here), but the cheapness has remained. Kuta is the most youthful, democratic and unpretentious region of Bali. If simplicity doesn't scare you South-East Asia, then you here; if you are a backpacker or just a person who does not need excessive comfort, then you are here. Plus, Kuta is very roomy, everything is at hand, and most streets with sidewalks or on them can be walked on foot (which is rare in Bali). And there is nightlife here every day, just go to Legian Street, and the dress code is simple everywhere - flip flops, T-shirts, shorts :)

Prices: you can eat for $2-3 of local food, a little more decent for $5-7. Kuta is the cheapest tourist area.

Beaches: long beach several kilometers, main beach for learning to surf, there is infrastructure (sunbeds, etc.), but it is difficult to swim because of the breaking waves. The beaches are public, not owned by hotels. Sand color: gray-yellow; water is dark blue with green.

Housing: cheap private hotels for $10-20, cheap mid-range hotels for $40-70; there is no housing on the beach!

Night life: very active, almost all bars and clubs are on Legian street; SkyGarden, Bounty, Eikon, Espresso Bar and many others are places where you will be allowed even in flip flops and shorts. Most places are open every day and are always full of people.

Transport: you can get around Kuta on foot or on a scooter, as everything is compact. But the streets are narrow and be prepared for traffic. Distance from the airport: 5-15 minutes; to Uluwatu - 30-40 minutes, to Canggu - 20-30 minutes.

Main streets: Legian - the main street; Pantai (Jalan Pantai) - beach street; Poppies I, Poppies II, Benesari are small popular streets where everyone settles or goes to cafes.

detailed guide to Kuta: and video


Seminyak is an area so closely bordered by Kuta that the border is quite blurred. You walk along the beach from Kuta to the west (to the right, if facing the ocean) and gradually find yourself in Seminyak, or walk along Legian, then it gradually turns into Seminyak. But the difference between the two areas is huge: if Kuta is cheap and quite young, then Seminyak is more expensive (in some places it’s just glamorous and very decent), and the audience is older. The advantage of Seminyak is that it is as compact as Kuta, that is, it is close to everything and you can even walk on foot in some places - compared to other areas of Bali. And Seminyak is also loved by those who want to live not in a hotel, but in a villa, there are many of them. There are trendy bars and clubs.

Prices: the average bill in an ordinary restaurant is about $10, in a trendy and decent one from $20. Seminyak is much more expensive than Kuta.

Beaches: a little cleaner than the beach Kuty, but in general, the same problematic for those who like to swim, there are also surfers in the water and a lot of waves :) The beaches are public, they do not belong to hotels. Sand color: gray-yellow; water is dark blue with green.

Housing: there are hotels for every taste (from inexpensive threes to fashionable fives), unlike Kuta, there are hotels overlooking the beach (but the beach is public); many villas in different price categories (from cheap one-two for $ 150 to cool ones for a couple of thousand; yes, yes per day)

Night life: also very active, but more decent than in Kuta. Everyone is usually decently dressed, sometimes even very straight (girls in dresses and high heels); new places are constantly opening, but the most popular ones on this moment: La Favela, Mantra, Townhouse, Hue Bar, The Straw Hut etc. Main parties on Thursday-Friday-Saturday.

Transport: everything is also quite compact, in principle, you can get by with a taxi, without transport. Distance from the airport: 20-30 minutes; to Kuta - 10-15 minutes.

Main streets: DoubleSix (DoubleSix or she is also Jalan Arjuna) and Dayana Pura (Dhyana Pura) - the older part of Seminyak; new streets (more modern and fashionable) - Oberoi (Oberoi or Laksmana; main restaurant street); Petitenget - a street with many nightlife spots; Batu Belig is the outskirts of Seminyak, but a very popular street with villas and restaurants. ( )


Sanur is the oldest resort town in Bali. And if Kuta for a long time remained a village where hippies and surfers liked to settle, then Sanur has long been a resort with large hotels and a more decent environment. Sanur has a huge number of hotels right on coastline(but the beaches are still public, as in all of Bali), a fairly relaxed atmosphere and many places for walking and a relaxing holiday. Tranquility and peace are the symbol of Sanur, in my opinion. Sanur, for example, is one of the few places where you can ride a bike. It is for this tranquility that Sanur is so loved by tourists with families and older tourists. Another plus of Sanur is that you can swim here, as the waves crash very far into the ocean. (However, during strong low tides during the full moon / new moon, it can become very shallow).

Prices: Sanur is more expensive than Kuta, but a little cheaper and easier than Seminyak.

Beaches: Suitable for swimming. Sand color: gray-yellow; water is dark blue with green.

Housing: Most tourists settle in hotels, here they are for every taste and every price; there are hotels on the first line. The choice of private houses and villas in Sanur is not very large.

Night life: not particularly developed, there are no nightclubs, it seems to me that Sanur does not have much, maybe only restaurants with live music.

Transport: for short distances (for example, to the beach) you can walk or cycle. Distance from the airport: 20-30 minutes; to Kuta - 20 minutes.


For those who are too noisy and crowded in Seminyak, and do not have enough space, the Canggu area is perfect. A few years ago, Canggu consisted of endless rice terraces and narrow paths among them. The picturesqueness, solitude and tranquility of this area fell in love with foreigners and now a huge number of Europeans and various other foreigners live in Canggu. Canggu is also a favorite area for trendy hipsters: it’s not far from the parties and events of Seminyak, and not as expensive as in Seminyak. Canggu has a huge number of trendy cafes, going where you feel like you are at a hipster party in Moscow or somewhere in stylish Europe; however, this does not mean at all that Canggu is a youth area! Many wealthy and family foreigners of different ages live here. The main disadvantage of Canggu is that the beaches here are absolutely not bathable; add black volcanic sand and strong surf to this. But everyone in Canggu is attracted by the beautiful Balinese landscapes (until they were completely built up) and the opportunity to rent a villa and live a quiet quiet life with a lot of Western cafes and restaurants nearby.

Prices: Slightly cheaper than Seminyak, but more expensive than Kuta.

Beaches: Beaches with black volcanic sand, and big surf. There is no infrastructure on the beach, you can not swim. But there are many great waves for surfers. Beaches: Echo beach, Berawa, Batu Bolong, Pererenan, etc.

Housing: a large number of villas and private houses of the Balinese type. There are private hotels owned by foreigners, many surf camps. There is no housing “overlooking the beach” (only super elite :).

Night life: behind nightlife Canggu residents usually go to Seminyak, since it is close at hand. But there is still one popular place in Canggu - this is Deus, where parties are held every Sunday and all the hipsters of Canggu gather :))

Transport: there is nothing to do in Canggu without personal transport. Narrow roads are almost always without sidewalks, a large number of vehicles. It is also almost impossible to ride a bicycle - you will have to breathe exhaust fumes or risk being crushed. Distance from the airport: 30-40 minutes; to Kuta - from 30 minutes (constant traffic jams in Canggu due to narrow streets).

Main streets: Brava (Jalan Pantai Berawa) - the closest street to Seminyak, popular among expats for its villas and restaurants; Humalaya (Jalan Umalas I and II) - a popular area with villas; the main “avenues” are Kerobokan (Jalan Raya Kerobokan) and Canggu (Jalan Raya Canggu). Foursquare map of Chang.

detailed guide to Canggu: and video

Nusa Dua

Nusa Dua is a tourist paradise (or tourist reservation), for the most part, by the way, Russian vacationers. Those very beautiful pictures with transparent, almost turquoise and even water and beautiful lemon-yellow sand, which usually lure “vacationers” to Bali, just for the most part from Nusa Dua. The beaches here are generally really pleasant - especially against the backdrop of the rest of the beach Bali (but still, even here it’s not the Maldives!). But that's just where all the beauty of Nusa Dua ends. And it’s not in vain that you won’t meet foreigners living in Bali in Nusa Dua, they all know that everything is expensive in Nusa Dua (more expensive than Seminyak), and for services they can’t even be compared with Seminyak. Nusa Dua's verdict is: if you lazy tourist a beachgoer looking for a holiday in a hotel on the beach, from which you don’t plan to get out, then Nusa Dua will suit you. If you do not want to be a package tourist, then you do not need to go to Nusa Dua. Here the atmosphere of Bali is not felt at all! Although yes, the beaches there are very “bathable”!

Prices: tourist area with inflated prices

Beaches: suitable for swimming, calm water, yellow sand, clear water; the most famous beaches: Geger (Geger), Nikko (Nikko).

Housing: basically huge all-inclusive hotels of all kinds and stars

Night life: if only as part of animation in hotels :)

Transport: taxi and somewhere you can walk on foot. Distance to the airport - 30 minutes, to Kuta: 40 minutes.


Of course, it is difficult to call Jimbaran a separate resort - it is too small - but still it requires a separate paragraph. Jimbaran is actually a small Balinese village, with essentially one street lined with local shops and shops. There is nothing picturesque or remarkable in the village. But several hotels nestled right on the shore (including five-star hotels like Four Seasons and InterContinental) and that's how Jimbaran got on the map tourist routes Bali. Jimbaran itself lies in a huge bay on the shore of a long (probably five kilometers) beach. big waves there is not much along this bay and it can attract tourists. True, the beach is public and there are always a lot of locals on it (especially at sunset). In terms of infrastructure in Jimbaran, there is little that is interesting for tourists: apart from a couple of decent restaurants nearby, there is especially nowhere to eat decently in Jimbaran, there is also nowhere to go.

Prices: about the same as in Canggu, between Kuta and Seminyak; but since there is nowhere to go in particular, it's hard to talk about prices :)

Beaches: long beach, with yellow-gray sand and ordinary translucent water; you can swim if there are no breaking waves (they are infrequent)

Housing: mostly hotels on the coastline; there are few villas and private houses in Jimbaran itself, if only somewhere at a distance of 10 minutes drive, etc.

Night life: in Jimbaran itself it is not, except perhaps the only Rock Bar, but it is more of a cocktail bar.

Transport: it is better to have your own transport, otherwise you will have to sit in a hotel, there is nowhere to go in the village itself, and pedestrians are rare in it; but you can take a taxi. Distance to the airport - 5 minutes, to Kuta - 10-15 minutes.

Bukit - Balangan, Padang Padang and Uluwatu (Bukit)

Bukit is a small peninsula on the south coast of Bali, just beyond Jimbaran. Bukit is completely different from the rest of Bali, and if not a narrow strip of land connecting Bukit with the rest of Bali, then it could well be a separate island. The usual Balinese landscapes - rice fields, palm trees along the roads and spacious beaches with black volcanic sand - are not here; but there are picturesque rocky shores, beautiful secluded beaches with simple wooden cafes-warungs and the most beautiful waves in Bali. So it is not surprising that most of the foreigners living in Bukit are surfers. There are no trendy restaurants here, no stylishly dressed people, no hipster cafes. There are endless hilly expanses, which can only be bypassed on a scooter or car, and in fact one big village - with chickens, cows and other exceptionally rural simplicity. Bukit - for an amateur :)

Prices: Slightly cheaper than Canggu, cheaper than Seminyak, but more expensive than Kuta; good restaurants few, but many ordinary warungs

Beaches: the most beautiful in Bali, but not all are suitable for swimming due to the waves; although in some places it is still possible; beautiful lemon yellow sand and clear blue water; famous beaches: Uluwatu, Padang Padang, Balangan, Bingin, Dreamland, Karma Kandara, Greenbowl, Pandawa and others.

Housing: a large number of private houses (from simple and inexpensive Indonesian houses to cool villas on a cliff overlooking the ocean and the island); a large number of private hotels, homestays and surf camps.

Night life: not very developed and mostly geared towards surfers; Sunday parties at the Single Fin bar on Uluwatu, Thursdays at Bingin at Cashew Tree, etc.

Transport: if you do not plan to drive a scooter or rent a car, there is nothing to do in Bukit; here everything is far apart and you need your own transport; Bukit is completely non-pedestrian. Distance to the airport - 20 minutes, to Kuta - 20-30 minutes; to Nusa Dua - 15-20 minutes. – open foursquare in Bukit

Watch the video release on how to choose your area for a holiday in Bali: