Pacific Ocean world map detailed in Russian.

Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth. It has the largest area - 178.68 million km². Here is the Mariana Trench - the deepest oceanic trench of the Earth, its depth is 11,022 m. And also, the Pacific Ocean is the oldest among all the earth's oceans. He became known to Europeans relatively late. It was discovered by the Spanish conquistador Vasco Nunez de Balboa in 1513. However, he and his squad, having passed through the American jungle, did not suspect that the body of water that they discovered was the greatest ocean on Earth. Balboa named it Mar del Sur or the South Sea. The real discovery of the Pacific Ocean was circumnavigation Ferdinand Magellan. In 1520, his ships rounded South America, and during all three months of the voyage, the ocean discovered by Magellan remained exceptionally calm. Obviously, for this reason, Magellan called it the Quiet. In fact, this is the most formidable ocean on the planet - the strongest storms and hurricanes occur here, many earthquakes occur, volcanoes erupt.

The Pacific Ocean has a complex bottom topography. At the base of the ocean is the Pacific Plate, as well as the Nazca, Cocos, Juan de Fuca, Philippine plates adjacent to it, in the south - the Antarctic Plate, and in the north - the North American. Such a large number of plates leads to strong tectonic activity of the Pacific Ocean floor. On the borders of the Pacific plate is the so-called "Ring of Fire" of the planet with constant earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. As a result of the movement of plates in the ocean, thousands of continental and volcanic islands, uniting into a whole independent part of the world - Oceania. There are no more islands and archipelagos in any other ocean of the Earth. At the very bottom of the Pacific Ocean there are about 10 thousand individual seamounts, mostly of volcanic origin, there is a complex system of mid-ocean ridges and deep-sea trenches, as well as a number of large basins: Chilean, Peruvian, Northwestern, Southern, Eastern, Central.

The climate of the ocean is extremely diverse, since the Pacific Ocean stretches from the coast of Antarctica to the coast of Alaska and Chukotka, all the climatic zones of the Earth pass through it. The greatest amount of precipitation - more than 2000 mm falls in the equatorial zone, trade winds constantly blow from the tropics to the equator, in temperate latitudes - westerly winds. A colder and harsher climate is observed in the southern part of the ocean, which is covered with ice every winter off the coast of Antarctica. The Pacific Ocean is separated from the Arctic Ocean by land and Bering Strait and therefore the climate is milder in the north. Climate western coasts ocean is predominantly monsoonal. AT pacific ocean the strongest hurricanes are formed, which are commonly called Typhoons (pictured). They form in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and fall on the coast of Eurasia: Indonesia, the Philippines, China, and Japan. Precipitation in the ocean, in general, prevails over evaporation, so the salinity of the water is somewhat lower than in other oceans.

The organic world of the Pacific Ocean is very rich. Half of the total mass of living organisms of the World Ocean lives in it. This is due to its vast area and diversity. natural conditions. Life reaches the greatest diversity here in equatorial and tropical latitudes on the shelf - in coral reefs. Subpolar waters off the coast of Russia are rich in commercial fish: pollock, herring, flounder. Salmon and king crab are harvested in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Off the coast of Australia is a unique natural complex - the Great Barrier Reef. It is comparable in size to Ural mountains and is completely formed by living organisms - corals.

About 50 countries are located on the Pacific coast, in which almost half of the total population of the Earth lives. That is why the ocean is of great commercial importance, half of the world's fish catch falls on its territory. Minerals are also being developed on the shelf; the most important transport routes pass here.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest in terms of area and depth. deep ocean our Planet. Its area is 178.684 million km? (which exceeds the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire land by almost 30 million km?), And the greatest depth in Mariana Trench- 10994 +/- 40 m. The average depth is 3984 m. From north to south, the length of the ocean is approximately 15.8 thousand km, and the width from east to west is 19.5 thousand km. Ferdinand Maggelan (the Portuguese and Spanish navigator who was the first to cross this vast ocean) called it “quiet” because during his journey, which lasted three months and twenty days, the weather was calm all the time.

Location of the Pacific Ocean

The share of the Pacific Ocean in the surface of the World Ocean is 49.5%, and the volume of water is 53%. It is divided into two regions - northern and southern, the boundary of which is the equator. Since the Pacific Ocean is very large, its borders run along the coasts of several continents. In the north, the border with the Arctic Ocean is a line that connects two capes: Cape Dezhnev and Cape Prince of Wales.

In the west, the waters of the ocean wash Eurasia and Australia, then its border runs along the eastern side of Bass Strait, connecting Australia and the island of Tasmania, and drops south along the meridian 146 ° 55 'E. to Antarctica.

In the east, the Pacific Ocean washes the coasts of North and South America, and to the south, the border between it and the Atlantic Ocean runs from Cape Horn along the meridian 68 ° 04 'W. to the Antarctic Peninsula.

But the part of the southern waters of the Pacific Ocean, which is located south of the 60th parallel of south latitude, belongs to the Southern Ocean.

Seas and bays of the Pacific Ocean

The sea is a part of the ocean that differs from it in currents, the properties of water and the organisms living in it. The seas are inland and marginal. They are separated from the ocean by islands, peninsulas or underwater uplifts.

Seas located along the coasts of Eurasia

The Bering Sea - washes the shores of Russia and the United States. Previously, on the maps of the 18th century, it was called the Beaver or Kamchatka Sea. Later it was named after the navigator Vitus Bering. Area 2.315 million sq. km. Max Depth- 4151 m. The peculiarity of this sea is that for 10 months its surface is covered with ice. It is inhabited by common seals, walruses, bearded seals, 402 species of fish, several species of whales. The sea has 28 bays.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk - washes the shores of Russia and Japan. Named after the river - Hunt. It used to be called Lamsky and Kamchatsky. Area - 1603 thousand km?. Maximum depth 3916m. In winter, the northern part of the sea is covered with ice. The sea has 26 bays.

The Sea of ​​Japan is a marginal sea separated from the ocean by Sakhalin Island and the Japanese Islands. Washes the shores of Japan, Russia, North Korea and the Republic of Korea. Area - 1062 thousand km?. The greatest depth is 3742m. In winter, its northern part freezes over. Under water world in the northern and southern regions of the sea is very different. In the northern part, flora and fauna characteristic of temperate latitudes have formed, while in the southern part, warm-water fauna predominates. There are squids and octopuses here. It has 57 bays.

Inland Sea of ​​Japan - connects with Sea of ​​Japan Shimonoseki Strait. It includes the seas of Bingo, Hiuchi, Suo, Iyo and Harima. The area is 18,000 km². Maximum depth 241m.

The Yellow Sea is a shallow marginal sea located on the east coast of Asia. The name is due to its color. The Huanghai River brings a lot of silt into the sea and thus makes it brown-yellow. Sometimes the coasts of the Yellow Sea are simply covered with algae.

Washes the sea of ​​the DPRK, China and the Republic of Korea. Area - 416 thousand km?. The maximum depth is 106 m. Bays: Dalyanvan, West Korean, Bohaivan, Liaodong, Laizhouvan, Jiaozhouvan.

It is here that you can see a very interesting phenomenon - the "Miracle of Moses" - the phenomenon of water parting between the two islands of Chindo and Modo.

At low tide between these islands, the water parted several times a year and only for one hour. A road up to 2.8 km long and up to 40 meters wide appears. A huge number of tourists come to these parts to see this phenomenon and follow this path. If someone does not have time to complete their journey, the boats and the police will help them.

The East China Sea is a semi-enclosed sea located between the Japanese Islands and the Chinese coast. Area - 836 thousand km?. The maximum depth is 2719 m.

The Philippine Sea is an inter-island sea located near the Philippine archipelago. It ranks second in size, after the Sargasso Sea. The area is 5726 thousand km². The maximum depth is 10,994 ± 40 m (the Mariana Trench or it is also called the Mariana Trench).

The Mariana Trench is one of mysterious places our planet, which is inhabited by the most unusual creatures.

Seas located between the islands of Southeast Asia

The South China Sea is a semi-enclosed sea off the coast of the South China Sea. East Asia. The area is 3,537,289 km², and the maximum depth is 5560 m. Monsoons and typhoons are a great danger in this sea. The sea has 7 bays. Part of this sea is the Gulf of Thailand.

The Java Sea is an inter-island sea located to the north of the island of Java. The area is 552 thousand km?, and the average depth is 111 m. The main straits are the Sunda and Makassar. The fauna of this sea is very diverse.

Sulu is a sea clearly defined by islands. This sea is unique in the presence of coral reefs. Here is the Tubbataha Atoll, which is world heritage UNESCO and protected by a marine reserve.

Sulawesi is an inter-island sea. The area of ​​the sea is about 453 thousand km?, the depth is up to 6220 m. Mangrove forests grow on the shores of the island of Kalimantan, and there are a lot of coral reefs in the Sulu archipelago.

This list also includes the following seas: Flores, Savu, Seram, Halmahera, Bali, Banda, Moluccas.

Seas along the east coast of Australia

The New Guinea or Bismarck Sea is an inter-island sea with an area of ​​310 thousand km2 and a maximum depth of 2665 m. Underground earthquakes often occur in this sea.

Solomon - interisland sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean. The area of ​​the sea is about 755 thousand km², the average depth is 2652 m. It has three bays: Velha, Kula, Huon.

Coral - the sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean, whose area is 4791 thousand km², and the maximum depth is 9140 m. This sea is famous for the fact that it contains the largest coral reef of our planet.

Fiji is an inter-island sea with an area of ​​3177 thousand km?. Maximum depth 7633m. It has a complex bottom relief: ridges and volcanoes. Undersea world of this sea is very rich and varied.

Tasmanovo - the sea that separates Australia and New Zealand. The maximum depth is 5200 m. It has 9 bays.

The eastern part of the ocean, located along the coasts of North and South America, has no seas, but there are such large bays as Alaska, California and Panama.

Islands of the Pacific.

The ocean is located from 20-30 thousand islands and the world's largest Malay archipelago. In the Pacific Ocean, there are the second (New Guinea, with an area of ​​​​785,753 thousand km?) And the third (Kalimantan, whose area is 743,330 km?) The largest islands. by the most big island Greenland is considered, with an area of ​​​​2,130,800 km2, which is washed by the Arctic and Atlantic oceans.

New Guinea is the second largest island separated from Australia by the Torres Strait. The climate here is dominated by equatorial and subequatorial. Tropical rain forests grow on the island. The western part of the island belongs to Indonesia, and the eastern part belongs to the state of Papua New Guinea. On the island are located mountain ranges. Since the island is tropical, the flora and fauna are very diverse here. In 2005, American researchers discovered a place on this island, which they called the "Garden of Eden". This place, located on the slopes of the mountains of Fiji and occupying 300 thousand hectares, has long been isolated from the influence of the outside and the world. Scientists have discovered here unknown species of frogs, butterflies, palm trees and other plants.

Kalimantan is the third largest island, which is divided between three states: Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. It was discovered by Magellan's expedition in 1521. It is located in the center of the Malay Archipelago and is considered the largest backbone of Asia. The climate here is equatorial. There are many low mountains on the island, highest point is Mount Kinabalu (4095 m). The entire territory of the island is occupied by dense forests. There is a huge variety of animals and plants. There are also many unexplored places. One of the interesting plants grows here - Rafflesia Arnold. There are a lot of orchids on the island. Oil and diamonds are mined on the island of Kalimantan.

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The largest ocean in the world. Located between Asia and Australia in the West, America in the East, Antarctica in the south. The area is 178.7 million km 2 (more than half of the area of ​​the World Ocean), the volume of water mass is 724 million km3. The deepest of the oceans, its average depth. 3984 m, maximum - 11 022 m (Marian Trench). Coastline on the Zap. very dissected, all the marginal and interisland seas are located here (see table). SH. the shores are relatively flat, the largest bays are Alaska, the Gulf of California. On the Zap. abrasion and accumulative prevail, in some places the coast, in the East - abrasion-denudation. In Quiet. ocean. there are over 10 thousand islands.

The most common oceanic islands of coral and volcanic origin, especially in South. and South-West. parts of the ocean (see Oceania). There are also mainland islands (Sakhalin, Japanese islands, Philippine Islands, New Guinea, etc.) and the islands of the transitional zone, mostly volcanic - most Kuril Islands, the Aleutian Islands, the Ryukyu Islands (Nansei), etc. Through the Pacific. ocean. passes the date line.
Bottom relief. In Quiet. ocean. various forms of bottom topography are presented - from planetary order morphostructures to microrelief. The underwater margin of the continents (10% of the bottom area) has the greatest width in the west. parts of the ocean, where lat. the continental shelf (shelf) reaches 800 km (in the Bering Sea). In the transition zone (more than 13% of the bottom area), deep sea trenches(troughs) with the maximum for the World Approx. depths (see table). Bed Quiet. ocean. occupies more than 65% of the bottom area. Within its limits, deep-sea basins with a depth of 5000-6000 m are distinguished, separated by underwater uplifts. Among the largest are the Northeast Basin (area 32.5 million km2), dissected by numerous latitudinal faults, the Pol-Foreign-Western Basin with the Shatsky Rise, as well as the Central Basin and the Southern Basin. The relief of the basins is predominantly hilly. Most of the underwater ridges within the Tykh bed. ocean. they are a brill-shaped uplift, complicated by mountains of predominantly volcanic origin, which in some places form islands (Hawaii, Samoa, Easter Island, etc.).

In addition to these elevations, the famous seamounts of Magellan, Musicians, Cartographers. The system of mid-ocean ridges (11% of the bottom area) is represented by the South Pacific Rise, the East Pacific Rise in the east. and Yuzh.-sh. parts of the ocean. Compared to other oceans, this morphostructure has a greater width, less dissected slopes, and is not always clearly defined. rift valley(see Rift). In Quiet. ocean. all types of bottom sediments have been identified. A characteristic feature is the wide distribution of deep-water red clay covering the bottom of oceanic basins. All in. parts of the ocean, siliceous sediments are common, head. rank. diatomaceous silt, in the equatorial zone - silt. To the South From the equator, separate sections of the bottom are covered with silt; near the coast, terrigenous deposits predominate. The greatest thickness of bottom sediments is in the basins of the marginal seas (2-3 km and more), at the bottom of the basins of the bed - up to 1 km. See also Relief of the ocean floor. A detailed resource dedicated to fishing with regular and spinning reels. Opportunity to choose and purchase.

Climate Quiet. ocean. very diverse, which is associated with its position in various climatic zones - from the equatorial to the subarctic in the North. and Antarctic to the South. In subtropical latitudes, the North Pacific and South Pacific highs develop, separated by the Equatorial depression, in the North. hemisphere - Aleutian minimum, in the South. (between 40° and 60° S. latitude) — low atm prevails throughout the year. pressure. Under the influence of these centers, trade winds arise in subtropical and tropical latitudes, and strong westward in temperate latitudes. winds. For app. parts of Quiet. ocean. monsoon winds are characteristic; typhoons form in the tropical latitudes of this part of the ocean. In February average temperature air over the ocean decreases from +26, +27° s near the equator to -20° s in the Bering Sea and to -10° (summer in the southern hemisphere) off the coast of Antarctica, in August respectively +26, +28°, + 6, +8° and -25°. Max. the amount of precipitation at the equator is up to 3000 mm per year, in temperate latitudes - 1000-1500 mm, in high latitudes - 300-500 mm, in subtropics - 100-200 mm per year.
Hydrological regime Quiet. ocean. determined by his climatic conditions and water exchange with other oceans. Normal t-ra surface water +19.1°, total water mass +3.7°. T-ra varies from negative values ​​in high latitudes to +29° and more in the regions of the thermal equator. The latitudinal course of the isotherms is disturbed by warm and cold currents. With depth, the t-ra decreases (down to 1000 m), below it the changes are insignificant, in the bottom layer it ranges from + 2 ° to -D. The highest salinity of surface waters in the pasture zones is 35.9% "(North) and 36.9% s (on Pd). Under the influence of prevailing winds, surface currents have a head. W. direction in low latitudes and east. in high latitudes In temperate latitudes, subtropical anticyclonal circulations predominate, which include the Kuroshio Current, the California Current and the North Equatorial Current in the northern part of the ocean, the East Australian Current, the Peru Current and the South Equatorial Current in the southern part.
In high latitudes South. hemisphere, the Antarctic circumpolar current arises, in the North - a cyclonic circulation, including the Kuril current, the North Pacific and Alaska currents. Under South. The pastat current has a powerful deep countercurrent - the Cromwell current. Most big waves are observed in the area of ​​action. winds - in the North. hemisphere to the north. from 40° N. sh., in Yuzh. - between 40 ° and 60 ° Yuzh. sh. High they are over 20 m (for example, in Alaska). All in. tsunamis occur in parts of the ocean. Tides are most often diurnal and mixed. Max. high tides - 13 m (in the Penzhinsky Bay of Okhotsk m.), in the open ocean - 0.5-2.5 m. Ice in the form floating ice and icebergs are formed in the extreme North. parts of the ocean and off the coast of Antarctica.
Flora and fauna. The greatest development of life is observed along the coast at shallow depths. Among the bottom algae (more than 4,000 species), in temperate latitudes there are many Fucus and Laminaria, in tropical latitudes they are replaced by some green and red algae. Coral reefs are characteristic of shallow water in tropical latitudes, and mangrove forests are characteristic of the coast. The biomass and number of aquatic organisms in the direction from temperate latitudes to the equator decreases, in particular, the biomass of zooplankton (see Plankton) - 5-10 times, benthos - 40-80 times, fish - 2-3 times, and species diversity increases . With depth in the Quiet. ocean. both the number and the number of hydrobiont species are decreasing; at great depths Quiet. ocean. deep sea animals live. As part of the phytoplankton Tikh. ocean. bl. 1300 species; unicellular algae predominate. rank. diatoms, peridynes, and cocolithophorides; zooplankton includes copepods, euphausids, radiolarians, siphonophores, jellyfish, and finfish. Animal world Quiet. ocean. in terms of species composition, it is 3-4 times richer than in other oceans; many of its representatives are endemic (for example, sea ​​urchins, fur seal, sea lion, most salmon), there are sperm whales, smug whales and the like. Fish (anchovy, salmon, herring, sardine, saury, tuna, flounder, pollock, etc.), mammals (fur seal, sea otter, walrus, sea lion), invertebrates (crabs, shrimps, oysters, scallops, cephalopods, etc.), plants (sea kale, agaronos-anfelcia, zoster sea grass, etc.). History of the study Tih. ocean. has several stages. Even in ancient times (1 thousand k. e. and the first st. n. e.) according to Tih. ocean. Chinese, Malays, Polynesians swam. The first European to reach the shores of the ocean was the Spanish. conquistador V. N. de Balboa (1513). In 1521 F. Magellan during the first world travel swam across the ocean and gave it the name "Pacific". Supplemented information about the ocean swimming in Spanish. navigator
A. Saavedra (1528-29), English. F. Drake (1577-80), gal. A. Tasman (1642-43) and others. From the 17th century. Russian sailors began to explore the North. and Sev.-sh. parts of Quiet. ocean. In 1648 SEC. I. Dezhnov first came out from the North. Arctic ca. in Pacific ok. V. Bering and V. I. Chirikov (1728, 1741),
I. Fedorov and M. S. Gvozdev (1732) mapped Sat.-Skh. Pacific coast. ocean. New information about the center. and Yuzh. part of the ocean was given the voyage of J. Cook (1768-79). During the first Russian world travel
I. F. Kruzenshtern and Yu. F. Lisyansky (1803-06) studied, in particular, physical. water properties. In 1823-26 during an expedition on the ship "Enterprise" Rus. physicist E. X. Lenz carried out the first determination of the specific gravity of water. Deep-sea observations were carried out by Zhe. S. S. Dumont-Durville (1828), American C. Wilkes (1839-40) and others.
The next period of study is Pacific. ocean. characterized by the development of complex oceanographic research- English. expedition on the ship "Challenger" (1872-76), Amer. on the ship "Tuskarori" (1873-76), Russian. on the ship "Vityaz" (1886-1889) under the leadership of S. A. Makarov and others. After the Great Fatherland. wars in the Pacific. ocean. research advice. scientists on specially equipped ships ("Vityaz", "Mikhail Lomonosov",

Pacific Ocean- this is the largest, and far from the most Pacific Ocean on Earth, washing the shores of the five continents of our planet.

Pacific Ocean

Seas in the Pacific Ocean, washing eastern shores of our country make up the group of the Far Eastern seas (Bering, Okhotsk and Japan). They are the deepest, of those washing the territory of Russia. And by the way, here it is.

Pacific Ocean on a world map and a map of currents

Pacific Ocean - current map

Inhabitants of the Pacific

Lives in the Pacific Ocean great amount inhabitants. Half of the biomass of the living organisms of the World Ocean considers it their home.

As in all the oceans of our planet, the bulk of the inhabitants, in addition to plankton, algae and corals, are sharks, whales, jellyfish and, of course, turtles, of which there are more than a hundred species in the Pacific.

Over the past decades, human activity has had a very strong impact on the flora and fauna of the Pacific Ocean, but in spite of everything, it continues to be the richest pantry of the planet and the breadwinner for many countries and peoples.

Why is the Pacific Ocean called the Pacific

In 1513, Vasco de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama from north to south and called the ocean "Great". After 7 years, in the fall, Magellan has come a long way (up to 3 months) Tierra del Fuego— Philippine Islands. During the journey, the ocean was so calm that the traveler, struck by its sounds, or rather their absence, called him Quiet.

By the way, I advise you to turn on this video before going to bed, the sounds of the ocean, the sound of the surf and the splashing of the waves, it’s simply unrealistic to help you fall asleep and have great dreams)))))))

Quiet is divided into regions, northern and southern, but earlier it was divided into three - northern, central and southern. The tropics were the border. Pacific Coast surrounded by a ring of volcanoes. Many of them are dormant, but many are active. They were called "Ring of Fire". In the east, mountain ranges approach the very coast. The sounds and roar of volcanoes and eruptions are also harmoniously woven into the "silence" of their ocean areas.

Islands in the Pacific

It's lonely in the Pacific standing islands, which have nothing to do with nearby continents, continental islands and. They number up to 25,000. This number exceeds all others in the three oceans.

Individual islands of volcanic origin are interesting. They are scattered throughout the ocean. The abundance of vegetation on them, clean air and clean water seem to be unforgettable paradises for people. That is why some of the islands are nicknamed - Paradise Islands

Many islands in the pacific surrounded (like) by coral reefs. Fish, molluscs, and mammals have found shelter here. Many of the islands are in a tropical climate, where there is a lot of rainfall, which in turn contributes to thriving vegetation. Often they turn into a real jungle.

There are several types of islands.

  1. Coral - they "grow" from. Usually it happens like this - an active volcano after the last eruption rises above the water and fades away. Coral reefs surround it, reaching the bottom. The volcano gradually subsides or collapses under the influence of water, and the corals remain. This type of islands is a favorite place for tourists.
  2. Volcanic islands. The movement of the crust and lava flows lift it above the surface of the waters and a mountain is formed in the center. Fertile soil allows vegetation to grow rapidly. A variety of animals inhabit them, and polyps form reefs around the entire island, holding back the stormy onslaught of waves. These islands are slowly sinking into the water. The process can take millions of years, but even outwardly noticeable, increasing on the shore of the lagoon.
  3. Raised atoll. During earthquakes, coral reefs rise above the water up to half a meter. They form a kind of plateau, they do not have long beaches. Often they are used as a transfer point.

Garbage Island in the Pacific Ocean

Depth of the Pacific Ocean

Depth of the Pacific Ocean depends on the location. On average, it reaches about 4,000 m, but there are more deep places. Ridges and uplifts, depressions and trenches can be considered noteworthy. Not far from South America, two uplifts Chilean and Galapagos begin. As an example, we can mention the underwater plateau above which the Solomon Islands are located.

Troughs and depressions can be located close to the coast. They form near volcanic mountains. The most famous of them Galatea, Challenger, Emden, Ramapo.

Seamounts found at the bottom of the ocean. They think that this former volcanoes that are blurred by the waves.

depression in the pacific ocean

south of Mariana Islands located Mariana Trench. it deepest part of the pacific ocean. It is more than 11 kilometers. It has a V-shape. Its length is 1500 km, the bottom is rather narrow from 1 to 5 km. The pressure in the depths of the depression is 1000 times greater than atmospheric pressure, but living creatures have been found there too.

Tsunami in the Pacific Ocean

Despite their name, up to 80% of tsunamis originate in the Pacific Ocean. They occur after earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides. And in the Pacific Ocean there is too much seismic activity, so the largest number of tsunamis happens here. During an earthquake, one part of the bottom sinks and the other rises. A large volume of water is pushed up, so a high wave is formed.

During a volcanic eruption, a cup-shaped shape is formed. Water, filling it, forms long waves. Unlike high waves that travel along the surface, a tsunami lifts the entire water column. A tsunami has several waves. The first is not of great destructive power and misleads people. She, as it were, prepares the coast for the second, stronger wave. A second wave may come in a few hours.

Pacific Ocean and World War II

During the Second World War Pacific Ocean became a real theater of war. It was above him that the war in the air was going on. Japanese and American and then Soviet air squadrons clashed there. And it was in its basin that the military operations of the allied forces against Japan took place.

I will not describe the course of the war here, the article is not about that. I will simply describe the main battles and milestones of this war in the Pacific.

  • Pearl Harbor
  • singapore defense
  • Battle of the Ryukyu Islands


  • in the Solomon Islands
  • Burmese


  • Malay
  • Philippine (1941-1945)
  • Dutch East Indies
  • Gilbert-

I think anyone who wants to know more will find all the information in these phrases. And we will return to the theme of our beautiful ocean. How beautiful it is, you can see for yourself by looking at the photo.

Pacific Ocean - photo

Pacific Ocean- the largest on the planet. It covers more than half of the entire water surface of the Earth, has an area of ​​178 ml. sq. km. and stretched from Japan to America. The average depth of the ocean is 4 km.

The opening of the Pacific

It is believed that the first person to visit the Pacific Ocean on a ship was Magellan . In 1520, he circled South America and saw new expanses of water. Since Magellan's team did not meet a single storm during the entire journey, the new ocean was called " Quiet«.

Victoria is the only ship of Magellan's expedition to return.

But even earlier in 1513 the Spaniard Vasco Nunez de Balboa headed south from Colombia to what he was told was a wealthy country with a large sea. Having reached the ocean, the conquistador saw an endless expanse of water stretching to the west, and called it " South Sea«.

Bottom relief

The bottom relief is extremely varied. Located in the eastEast Pacific Risewhere the terrain is relatively flat. In the center are basins and deep-sea trenches. The average depth is 4,000 m, and in some places exceeds 7 km. The bottom of the center of the ocean covers the products of volcanic activity with a high content of copper, nickel and cobalt. The thickness of such deposits in some areas can be 3 km. The age of these rocks begins with the Jurassic and Cretaceous period.

At the bottom there are several long chains of seamounts formed as a result of the action of volcanoes: g Emperor's horns, Louisville and the Hawaiian Islands. There are about 25,000 islands in the Pacific Ocean. That's more than all the other oceans combined. Most of them are located south of the equator.

Islands are classified into 4 types:

  1. continental islands. Very closely related to the continents. Include New Guinea, the islands of New Zealand and the Philippines;
  2. high islands. Appeared as a result of eruptions of underwater volcanoes. Many of the modern high islands have have active volcanoes. For example, Bougainville, Hawaii and the Solomon Islands;
  3. Coral reefs;
  4. Coral raised platforms;

The last two types of islands are huge colonies of coral polyps that form coral reefs and islands.


The large extent of the ocean from north to south quite logically explains the diversity of climatic zones - from equatorial to Antarctic. The largest zone is the equatorial zone. Throughout the year, the temperature here does not fall below 20 degrees. Temperature fluctuations during the year are so small that we can safely say that it is always +25 there. There is a lot of precipitation, more than 3,000 mm. in year. Very frequent cyclones are characteristic.

Seasonal phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean - cyclones

The amount of precipitation is greater than the amount of evaporating water. Rivers that bring more than 30 thousand m³ to the ocean annually fresh water, make surface water less saline than other oceans.

Inhabitants of the Pacific

The ocean is famous for its rich flora and fauna. About 100 thousand species of animals live in it. There is no such diversity in any other ocean. For example, the second largest ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, is inhabited by “only” 30,000 species of animals.

There are several places in the Pacific Ocean where the depth exceeds 10 km. These are the famous Mariana Trench, the Philippine Trench and the Kermadec and Tonga depressions. Scientists were able to describe 20 species of animals that live at such a great depth.

Half of all seafood consumed by humans is caught in the Pacific Ocean. Among 3,000 species of fish, industrial-scale fishing is open for herring, anchovies, mackerels, sardines, and others.

  • This ocean is so huge that its maximum width is equal to half the earth's equator, i.e. more than 17 thousand km.
  • The animal world is large and varied. Even now, new animals unknown to science are regularly discovered there. So, in 2005, a group of scientists discovered about 1000 species of decapod cancer, two and a half thousand mollusks and more than a hundred crustaceans.
  • The most deep point on the planet is located in the Pacific Ocean in Mariana Trench. Its depth exceeds 11 km.
  • The most high mountain in the world is on Hawaiian Islands. It is called Muana Kea and represents dormant volcano. The height from the base to the top is about 10,000 m.
  • At the bottom of the ocean is Pacific volcanic ring of fire, which is a chain of volcanoes located along the perimeter of the entire ocean.