The deepest trenches in the world's oceans. For everyone and everything

The deepest natural depression in the world is considered to be one of the deepest big lakes in the world of Baikal, because at this point the level of the earth falls below the level of the world ocean by as much as 1185 meters, which is unique in itself. However, this inland depression is under water, and if we talk about the deepest depression on land, then it is the Jordanian Rift Valley Ghor, which partially captures the territory of several states at once.

So, the deepest dry depression extends to the territory of Israel, Jordan, Syria, the Hula Valley, as well as to the West Bank belonging to Palestine and the Golan Heights, which still cannot be divided between Israel and Syria - now two warring states. It is noteworthy that the Jordan River and the Dead Sea with its critical point, located 804 meters below sea level, fall into this space. At the same time, Ghor continues to refer specifically to dry depressions, and its huge size played an important role in this matter, despite the fact that the absolute area of ​​the Jordanian rift valley is occupied by land. Thus, the total length of this natural formation exceeds 250 kilometers, while its width in the maximum cross section is limited to 25 kilometers.

At the same time, almost the entire space is limited by steep slopes from different sides (in some areas their height can vary from 1000 to 1400 meters), practically forming a closed system with a semi-desert climate and vegetation. However, this feature did not prevent local residents build a highway that runs right through the valley created by nature (we are talking about Highway 90).

As for the emergence of this natural miracle, it all started roughly back in the Miocene era, when the tectonic plate on which the modern Arabian Peninsula is located drifted either to the north or to the east of Africa, as a result of which the access of water from the Mediterranean to rift valley. As a result, it was this fault that was able to separate the Arabian and African tectonic plates from each other, although a unanimous decision has not yet been made regarding the tectonics of the Dead Sea and, according to the old theory, we are talking about the continuation of the Red Sea rift, while the authors of the new theory are more inclined to the assumption that this formation is the result of a huge fault.

The second deepest depression on land is located in Ethiopia, or to be more precise, in one of the nine regions of this African state called Afar. This tectonic basin is rightfully considered one of the hottest places on the planet, despite the fact that the amplitude of fluctuations in average temperatures here ranges from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius.

The deepest places in the world

It is noteworthy that this formation is much younger than Ghor and, in all likelihood, it completed its formation about one and a half to two million years ago, exactly after the end of the uplift of the highlands of modern Ethiopia.

As for the height of the tectonic basin, it varies from minus 116 meters in its northern part to minus 153 meters above sea level in the east of the valley. All this time, tectonic activity has been observed, so scientists predict that in 10 million years there will be a huge split, as a result of which a piece of Africa will break away from the common continent and go drifting through the waters of the Indian Ocean, causing enormous damage to everything that gets in its way. Naturally, the valley itself will be completely flooded by the waters of the oceans, sinking to the bottom along with its volcanoes and landscapes of marvelous beauty.

The third place in this ranking is occupied by the world-famous Death Valley, stretching between mountain formations in the western part of the sunniest state of America, California. The most low point This world basin is located at a level of minus 86 meters relative to the surface of the oceans, which gives it the status of the lowest place on the entire continent.

Naturally, this feature leads to the fact that in the valley there is deadly heat and in the summer months the thermometer column ranges from 31 to 46 degrees (the maximum recorded in 1913 reached 56.7 degrees Celsius). At the same time, the valley got its frightening name not because of abnormal temperatures that could kill any unprepared person, but because of the gold rush that took place in this hollow in the mid-50s of the last century and all the crimes and accidents that happened here with people in a given period of time.

It is noteworthy that not all natural depressions on the globe fall under the concept of a depression, and the famous Grand Canyon can be cited as a good example ( grand canyon), spread out in yet another US state of Arizona. And this feature is explained very simply, because its lowest point does not fall below the level of the world's ocean waters, and it is mountain formations that play the main role here.

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THE DEAD SEA, drainless salt Lake located in Israel and Jordan. The water area is 1050 sq.

Deepest depressions on land (Table)

km, length - 76 km, maximum width - 17 km, maximum depth - 356 m. The lake is located in the lowest part of the meridional rift basin El Ghor (Ghor), the bottom of which is below the ocean level for more than 200 km.

Within the basin, also below the ocean level, there is Lake Tiberias, through which the river flows. Jordan, which flows into the Dead Sea from the north. The surface of the Dead Sea is at around 408 m below sea level. This is the lowest place on land. The Dead Sea does not have a drain, and all the water coming from the Jordan River is lost through evaporation. The water in the lake is clear, blue-green in color, its density varies between 1.172 and 1.227 g/cm 3 . In the basin of the Dead Sea, two separate basins stand out; the northern part is the deepest, while in the southern part, which accounts for approximately 1/3 of the area, the depth does not exceed 10 m. At the junction of these basins from the east, the El Lisan peninsula deeply protrudes into the water area; here the width of the lake is only 4 km. From the west and east, the Dead Sea is surrounded by mountains, often forming high (up to 750–1200 m) steep coastal ledges. The greatest relative elevations of the relief are in the southeast, where at a distance of approx. 9 km from the coast rises a peak with a height of 1627 m. average monthly temperature air in July is 37.8 ° C in the north and 40 ° C in the south, and the absolute recorded maximum is 50.6 ° C. The average annual amount of precipitation is 75–100 mm. Due to strong evaporation, the level of the Dead Sea during the year is subject to fluctuations with an amplitude of 60–90 cm.

The Dead Sea is the second largest salinity lake in the world after the lake. Van in Turkey. Its waters are practically lifeless, and the surrounding area is deserted. The high mineralization of water is explained by intensive evaporation and the presence of salt-bearing rocks at the bottom of the lake. Dissolved mineral salts are approx. 24% of the volume of water (for comparison, we indicate that in ordinary sea ​​water their content is less than 4%). The following elements and compounds are present in the chemical composition of salts: chlorine - 67.66%; bromine - 1.98%; sulfate - 0.22%; sodium - 10.2%; potassium - 1.6%; calcium - 1.51%; magnesium - 16.8%. Potassium chloride and bromine are extracted from the waters of the Dead Sea.

In ancient literature (Josephus Flavius ​​and Tacitus) there is information about shipping on the Dead Sea in antiquity, although it was called differently: in the Talmud - the Sea of ​​​​Sodom; in the New Testament - Salty or East Sea; Josephus Flavius ​​calls it Asphalt Lake. At present, in the Arab countries, this sea is usually referred to as Bahr Lut, or "Sea of ​​Lot." The biblical stories about Abraham and Lot and about the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah belong to ancient times. On the west bank The Dead Sea in En Gedi hid David. The notion that waters of the dead the seas swallowed up the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, goes back to the works of Josephus Flavius. To search for these cities in 1924, a special expedition was equipped. According to her reports, the cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Zoar were on the southeastern shore of the lake.


bible encyclopedia, tt. 1–2. M., 1991

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The Mariana Trench (or the Mariana Trench) is the deepest place on the earth's surface. It is located on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean, 200 kilometers east of the Mariana Archipelago.

Paradoxically, but about the mysteries of space or mountain peaks humanity knows much more than about the ocean depths. And one of the most mysterious and unexplored places on our planet is just the Mariana Trench. So what do we know about him?

Mariana Trench - the bottom of the world

In 1875, the crew of the British corvette Challenger discovered a place in the Pacific Ocean where there was no bottom. Kilometer after kilometer the rope of the lot went overboard, but there was no bottom! And only at a depth of 8184 meters the descent of the rope stopped. Thus, the deepest underwater crack on Earth was discovered. It was named the Mariana Trench, after the nearby islands. Its shape (in the form of a crescent) and the location of the deepest section, called the "Challenger Abyss", were determined. It is located 340 km. south of the island Guam and has coordinates 11°22′ s. sh., 142°35′ E d.

“The fourth pole”, “the womb of Gaia”, “the bottom of the world” has since been called this deep-water depression. Oceanographic scientists have long tried to find out its true depth. Studies of different years gave different values. The fact is that at such a colossal depth, the density of water increases as it approaches the bottom, so the properties of the sound from the echo sounder also change in it. Using barometers and thermometers at different levels along with echo sounders, in 2011 the depth value in the Challenger Abyss was set at 10994 ± 40 meters. This is the height of Mount Everest plus another two kilometers from above.

The pressure at the bottom of the underwater crevasse is almost 1100 atmospheres, or 108.6 MPa. Most deep-sea submersibles are designed for maximum depth at 6-7 thousand meters. Since the opening deepest canyon, it was possible to successfully reach its bottom only four times.

In 1960, the Trieste deep-sea bathyscaphe, for the first time in the world, descended to the very bottom of the Mariana Trench in the area of ​​​​the Challenger Abyss with two passengers on board: US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and Swiss oceanographer Jacques Picard.

Their observations led to an important conclusion about the presence of life at the bottom of the canyon. The discovery of the upward flow of water was also of great ecological importance: based on it, the nuclear powers refused to bury radioactive waste at the bottom of the Mariana Trough.

In the 90s, the gutter was explored by the Japanese unmanned probe Kaiko, which brought samples of silt from the bottom, in which bacteria, worms, shrimp were found, as well as pictures of a hitherto unknown world.

In 2009, the American robot Nereus conquered the abyss, raising samples of silt, minerals, samples of deep-sea fauna and photos of inhabitants of unknown depths from the bottom.

In 2012, James Cameron, the author of Titanic, Terminator and Avatar, dived into the abyss alone. He spent 6 hours at the bottom, collecting samples of soil, minerals, fauna, as well as taking photographs and 3D video. Based on this material, the film "Challenge to the Abyss" was created.

Amazing discoveries

In the trench at a depth of about 4 kilometers is the active Daikoku volcano, spewing liquid sulfur, which boils at 187 ° C in a small depression. The only lake liquid sulfur was discovered only on Jupiter's moon Io.

At 2 kilometers from the surface, "black smokers" swirl - sources of geothermal water with hydrogen sulfide and other substances that, upon contact with cold water, turn into black sulfides. The movement of sulfide water resembles puffs of black smoke. The water temperature at the point of release reaches 450 ° C. The surrounding sea does not boil only because of the density of the water (150 times greater than at the surface).

In the north of the canyon there are "white smokers" - geysers spewing liquid carbon dioxide at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. Scientists suggest that it is in such geothermal "boilers" that one should look for the origins of life on Earth. Hot springs "warm up" the icy waters, supporting life in the abyss - the temperature at the bottom of the Mariana Trench is in the range of 1-3 ° C.

Life beyond life

It would seem that in an atmosphere of complete darkness, silence, icy cold and unbearable pressure, life in the hollow is simply unthinkable. But studies of the depression prove the opposite: there are living creatures almost 11 kilometers under water!

The bottom of the sinkhole is covered with a thick layer of mucus from organic sediments that have been descending from the upper layers of the ocean for hundreds of thousands of years. Mucus is an excellent nutrient medium for barrophilic bacteria, which form the basis of the nutrition of protozoa and multicellular organisms. Bacteria, in turn, become food for more complex organisms.

The ecosystem of the underwater canyon is truly unique. Living beings have managed to adapt to an aggressive, destructive environment under normal conditions, with high pressure, lack of light, a small amount of oxygen and a high concentration of toxic substances. Life in such unbearable conditions gave many inhabitants of the abyss a frightening and unattractive look.

Deep-sea fish have incredible mouths, seated with sharp long teeth. High pressure made their bodies small (from 2 to 30 cm). However, there are also large specimens, such as the xenophyophora amoeba, reaching 10 cm in diameter. The frilled shark and goblin shark, living at a depth of 2000 meters, generally reach 5-6 meters in length.

Representatives live at different depths different types living organisms. The deeper the inhabitants of the abyss, the better their organs of vision are, allowing them to catch the slightest glimmer of light on the body of their prey in complete darkness. Some individuals themselves are able to produce directional light. Other creatures are completely devoid of organs of vision, they are replaced by organs of touch and radar. With increasing depth, underwater inhabitants lose their color more and more, the bodies of many of them are almost transparent.

On the slopes where the “black smokers” live, mollusks live, having learned to neutralize the sulfides and hydrogen sulfide that are fatal to them. And, which remains a mystery to scientists so far, under conditions of enormous pressure at the bottom, they somehow miraculously manage to keep their mineral shell intact. Similar abilities are shown by other inhabitants of the Mariana Trench. The study of fauna samples showed a multiple excess of the level of radiation and toxic substances.

Unfortunately, deep sea creatures die due to the change in pressure with any attempt to bring them to the surface. Only thanks to modern deep-sea vehicles it became possible to study the inhabitants of the depression in their natural environment. Representatives of the fauna unknown to science have already been identified.

Secrets and mysteries of the "womb of Gaia"

The mysterious abyss, like any unknown phenomenon, is shrouded in a mass of secrets and mysteries. What does she hide in her depths? Japanese scientists claimed that while feeding goblin sharks, they saw a shark 25 meters long devouring goblins. A monster of this size could only be a megalodon shark, which became extinct almost 2 million years ago! Confirmation is the findings of megalodon teeth in the vicinity of the Mariana Trench, whose age dates back to only 11 thousand years. It can be assumed that specimens of these monsters are still preserved in the depths of the failure.

There are many stories about the corpses of giant monsters thrown ashore. When descending into the abyss of the German bathyscaphe "Highfish", the dive stopped 7 km from the surface. To understand the reason, the passengers of the capsule turned on the lights and were horrified: their bathyscaphe, like a nut, was trying to crack open some prehistoric lizard! Only a pulse of electric current through the outer skin managed to scare away the monster.

On another occasion, when an American submersible was submerging, a scraping of metal began to be heard from under the water. The descent was stopped. When inspecting the lifted equipment, it turned out that the titanium alloy metal cable was half sawn (or gnawed), and the beams of the underwater vehicle were bent.

In 2012, the video camera of the unmanned vehicle "Titan" from a depth of 10 kilometers transmitted a picture of metal objects, presumably UFOs. Soon the connection with the device was interrupted.

Unfortunately, there is no documentary evidence of these interesting facts; they are all based only on eyewitness accounts. Every story has its fans and skeptics, its pros and cons.

Before a risky dive into the trench, James Cameron said that he wanted to see with his own eyes at least some of those secrets of the Mariana Trench, about which there are so many rumors and legends. But he did not see anything that would go beyond the cognizable.

So what do we know about her?

To understand how the Mariana Underwater Gap was formed, it should be remembered that such gaps (troughs) are usually formed along the edges of the oceans under the action of moving lithospheric plates. The oceanic plates, being older and heavier, "creep" under the continental ones, forming deep dips at the junctions. The deepest is the junction of the Pacific and Philippine tectonic plates near Mariana Islands(Mariana Trench). The Pacific Plate is moving at a speed of 3-4 centimeters per year, resulting in increased volcanic activity along both of its edges.

Throughout the length of this deepest failure, four so-called bridges were found - transverse mountain ranges. The ridges were presumably formed due to the movement of the lithosphere and volcanic activity.

The gutter is V-shaped in cross-section, strongly widening upwards and narrowing downwards. The average width of the canyon in the upper part is 69 kilometers, in the widest part - up to 80 kilometers. The average width of the bottom between the walls is 5 kilometers. The slope of the walls is almost sheer and is only 7-8°. The depression stretches from north to south for 2500 kilometers. The trough has an average depth of about 10,000 meters.

Only three people have been to the very bottom of the Mariana Trench to date. In 2018, another manned dive to the “bottom of the world” is planned at its deepest section. This time the well-known will try to conquer the hollow and find out what it hides in its depths Russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov and polar explorer Artur Chilingarov. At present, a deep-sea bathyscaphe is being manufactured and a research program is being drawn up.

In those places, rays of sunlight will never penetrate to get there, researchers, risking their lives, put a lot of effort and effort, mysterious creatures live there that look more like alien aliens than ocean inhabitants - all this deep sea trenches(troughs) of the oceans.

Geographic feature (value)

Ocean trenches are deep cracks on the ocean floor, the length of which reaches at least five thousand meters. They play an important role in shaping climatic conditions and climate in general.

The basins of the World Ocean act as the main absorbers of the most abundant carbon gas - CO2, which is the main component in the biochemical processes of the globe. Depressions are traps for organic matter, which is intensively processed by bacteria. Much more bacterial organisms are concentrated in the depressions than on the oceanic plains (up to 6000 meters), which were previously considered the main utilizers of organic matter. In addition, such kind of traps can act in a direction that is opposite to global warming, which helps maintain the planet's ecological system in a balanced state.

Characteristics of sea and ocean trenches

The basins of the marginal seas, which develop in oceanic conditions, are also referred to as oceanic cracks and faults. Sea trenches are deep faults that are located at the bottom of the seas, complete darkness and high pressure reign there. The most famous are sea ​​trenches, which stretched along the eastern shores of Eurasia.

Oceanic depressions are the most common relief elements of the intermediate sector between the ocean and the continental part of the mainland. These long narrow depressions of the ocean floor are located on the outer part of the oceanic ridges of the continental arcs.

Deep sea basins of the oceans

The deepest faults are concentrated in the Pacific region and reach up to 11 km. by the most deep place on earth is the Mariana Trench with a recorded depth of 11,022 meters. The length of the trench is 1500 km, the slopes are steep, and the bottom is flat (width from 1 to 5 km).

AT Indian Ocean the deepest is the Yavan depression with a depth of 7,730 meters, a length of more than 4,000 kilometers, and a width of 10 to 50 km. It is located near the island of Bali. The bottom of the depression is indented with ledges and submarine canyons, there are active volcanoes earthquakes happen.

The longest in the world is the Peru-Chile Trench, its depth reaches 6000 km. This depression is the widest fault in the World Ocean and is recognized as one of the 7 wonders of the world (more than 90 km wide).

The Aleutian Trench stretches from Alaska to Kamchatka with a depth of 7,700 m. A depression was formed during the collision of two Pacific and North American plates.

Mariana Trench interesting facts

(The contour of Mount Chomolungma (Everest) on the scheme of the Marina depression)

If the most high mountain world Chomolungma (Everest) was in Mariana Trench, then it would be covered by another 2 km of water.

At a depth of about one and a half kilometers from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, there are thermal springs, so the water warms up to 450 C.

Recently, giant amoeba (up to 10 cm) were discovered at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, which has such dimensions due to the environment in which they live.

Which are distinguished by the highest pressure and darkness through which it is almost impossible to see anything. Most deep depressions on Earth, which will be discussed further, have not been fully studied by man to date.

Mariana Trench

She tops the ranking and is also known as the Mariana Trench. Its location is in the Pacific Ocean, not far from the fault. The depth of the fault is 10994 meters, however, according to scientists, this value can vary within 40 meters. First dive in Mariana Trench happened on January 23, 1960. The bathyscaphe, in which US Navy lieutenant Joe Walsh and scientist Jacques Picard were located, sank to 10,918 meters. The first explorers claimed that they saw fish below, appearance reminiscent of flounder. However, no photographs were taken. Later, two more dives were made. It turned out that the largest depression in the world has mountains at its bottom, which reach a height of about 2500 meters.

Trench Tonga

This depression is only slightly inferior to the Mariana and has a depth of 10882 meters. Its characteristic feature is the speed of movement, which reaches 25.4 cm per year (while the average value of this indicator is about 2 cm). An interesting fact relative to this trough is that at a depth of approximately 6 km, the Apollo 13 lunar landing stage is located here, which fell here from space.

Philippine Trench

It is located near Philippine Islands in and takes third place in such a ranking as "The Deepest Trench on Earth." The depth of the Philippine Trench is 10,540 meters. This depression was formed as a result of subduction and is not fully understood due to the fact that the Mariana is of much greater interest.


The gutter is connected in the northern part with the above-mentioned Tonga and reaches a depth of 10047 meters. A thorough study of it, which took place at a depth of about seven and a half kilometers, was carried out in 2008. During the study, rare living creatures were discovered that are distinguished by their original pink color.

Izu-Bonin Trench

The deepest depressions on Earth were predominantly discovered in the twentieth century. In contrast to them, the Izu-Bonin Trench, 9810 meters deep, was first discovered by man at the very end of the nineteenth century. This happened when determining the depth of the bottom for laying a telephone cable. Later it turned out that the trench is an integral part of a whole chain of depressions in the ocean.

Kuril-Kamchatka Trench

The depth of this depression is 9783 meters. It was discovered during the exploration of the previous chute and is characterized by a very small width (59 meters). On the slopes there are many valleys with ledges, terraces and canyons. At the bottom there are depressions separated by thresholds. Detailed studies of it have not yet been carried out due to difficult access.

Puerto Rico Trench

The deepest trenches on Earth are not only in the Pacific Ocean. The Puerto Rico Trench formed on the border and caribbean. Its deepest point is located at around 8385 meters. The basin differs from others by relatively high seismic activity, as a result of which underwater eruptions and tsunamis sometimes occur in this place. It should also be noted that the depression is gradually lowering, which is associated with the lowering of the tectonic North American plate.