If the flight delay is more than 3 hours. Flight delay compensation

On that day, December 26, 2004, there were no signs of trouble in Thailand. Happy tourists getting ready for new year holidays and basked in the sun on the seashore. However, "mother nature" decided to play a cruel joke with them. At 7 hours 58 minutes Thai time, a strong earthquake occurred at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, which became the primary source of a whole series of deadly waves and claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people.

The power of the tragic earthquake was estimated by experts at 9-9.3 points on the Richter scale. Such a terrible natural phenomenon occurred at the junction of two tectonic platforms in the depths of the Indian Ocean. For centuries, the oceanic plate has been moving towards the mainland at a speed of 6.5 km/year. As a result, instead of slipping one under the other, they collided head-on. The platforms rested against each other for a long time, and when the tension between them reached a certain level, the 1200-kilometer continental plate moved 18 m. A sharp shift led to a rise in the water level to the west of the fault and its decrease to the east. Literally in 2 minutes, millions of tons of water have shifted in the ocean. It was this colossal displacement of water masses that caused the tsunami in Thailand in 2004.

hell in paradise

Oddly enough, the most powerful earthquake in history was not felt as much on land as it was under water. Premonition of tragedy arose only in birds and animals that fled from the coast. An hour after the collision of tectonic plates, the water abruptly began to move away from the coast, freeing large areas of the seabed. Unsuspecting tourists instead of looking for salvation began to collect shells and fish.

A powerful stream of water moved along the bottom of the sea, without betraying itself for a long time. However, the sea surface was fraught with mortal danger. Waves as high as a 5-storey building rose only on the shore.

When the sign of the tsunami was on the face, it was already useless to run. With unimaginable speed, thousand-ton avalanches of water crushed and washed away everything in their path.

The elements went deep into the coast from several hundred meters to 4 kilometers in some places. When it seemed that the forces of distress had dried up, a new, stronger wave would come. At the same time, injuries and death were carried not so much by the water itself, as by the objects that were in it. Tree branches, pieces of concrete, furniture and fittings, as well as cars knocked down those who, grabbing onto some kind of support, tried to survive. All coastal areas were mercilessly destroyed.

Only wild animals felt the onset of disaster on the coast. Unlike humans, they fled to safer areas. Therefore, during the liquidation of the disaster, rescuers practically did not find the dead animals.

Consequences of the tragedy

After the water left the land chapels of Thailand, the survivors could not recognize one of the most popular resorts Asia. It seemed that there were hostilities with the use of atomic bombs. Great amount household and interior items were recycled into small chips, many hotels were completely demolished, concrete buildings with a more powerful structure were half destroyed.

In unexpected places it was possible to find boats, cars, boats. They were in some of the surviving buildings or on their roofs.

However, the bodies of people who could not cope with the elements evoked panic and horror most of all.

Convinced of the complete retreat of the disaster, local authorities immediately began to take action to eliminate the terrible consequences of the tsunami. Hundreds of military and policemen ensured that the victims had access to clean water, food and organized camps.

The flow of water that passed through the territory of Thailand destroyed the sewer system, as well as fuel stations, as a result of which outbreaks of various infections were predicted. That is why the authorities, and simply locals did everything to dismantle the rubble as quickly as possible, find the bodies of the dead and bury them properly.

According to some sources, the death toll on the coast of Thailand was approximately 8500 people, half of which came as tourists from 37 countries. At the same time, a third of the total number of those who did not cope with the disaster were children.

Later, after assessing the total damage from the deadly tsunami, experts came to the conclusion that the 2004 disaster was a powerful tragedy in the history of mankind.

Which regions of Thailand are affected?

The western part of Thailand, which overlooks the Andaman Sea, suffered the most from the deadly tsunami. At the same time, the natural disaster developed differently in different regions. The most serious consequences and the number of victims were recorded in Phi Phi, Lanta, Koa Lak, the Similan Islands and Phuket. The entire coastal region was completely destroyed, many small fishing boats were taken out into the Indian Ocean, while their number has not yet been counted. The element destroyed all communications connecting Thailand with the outside world. No one knew about what happened for a long time.

Tsunami in Phuket

On the island of Phuket, which is located in the south of Thailand, a natural disaster approached deceptively slowly. The first wave of the tsunami did not have such a powerful force, as was observed in other areas of the resort. Therefore, many tourists who were in hotels mistook it for the slow flooding of hotels. After the water receded, the Phuket guests went outside to assess the situation. The beach was calm.

At that moment, tourists did not realize that subsequent tsunami waves could come with some delay, a difference of 15-20 minutes, and sometimes an hour. At the same time, the power of their flow only intensifies.

The disaster did not spare almost the entire western coast of Phuket. Cafes, hotels, clubs, best beaches the islands -, and, were almost completely destroyed. According to general estimates, the number of victims here amounted to several hundred people. It was in this area that the grandson of the King of Thailand died as a result of the elements. This fact only confirms that the authorities really were not aware of the impending disaster.

Compared to other areas of Thailand, the entire infrastructure in Phuket was fully restored by 2006. On the island, there is no trace of the tragic day.

Is it necessary to be afraid of the tsunami in Thailand today?

Only the fatal consequences of the tsunami, which took the lives of thousands of people, forced the authorities of the kingdom to seriously think about improving the safety of tourists and local residents. Today, at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, there is a unique warning system that can record even the smallest changes in underwater world. This device has already come in handy in 2012. Radars have noted tremors near Indonesia. Then a siren went off on all the beaches of the resort and all vacationers were evacuated to the mountains.

But, despite the fact that the power of the shocks was estimated at 9 points on the Richter scale, the disaster, fortunately, did not happen. Experts explained this by the fact that the collision of the plates occurred horizontally (along the bottom), and not vertically - towards the top.

Based on this, you can be sure that the security system in Thailand works perfectly.

What to do if there is a tsunami?

In most cases, a tsunami is preceded by an earthquake, unless, of course, the focus of the elements is too far from the coast. Also, the security system in Thailand, sensing any changes in the depths of the ocean, will report an impending danger. If you feel tremors or the locals tell you about an impending tsunami, you need to:

  • collect all important documents and valuables, warn the maximum number of people about the danger and leave the disaster zone;
  • run away from the tsunami to the mountains or to an area located as far as possible from the water;
  • pay attention to the special signs, which depict the shortest path to the safe zone. They often exist in potentially hazardous areas;
  • remember that the first wave of the elements will not necessarily be the strongest. You should stay in a safe place for several hours to ensure complete calm.

Also, do not ignore the strong and sharp ebb. In this case, it is worth acting even faster.

Documentary about the tsunami

The film presents the events of the disaster, eyewitness accounts, and what scientists have done to prevent a repetition of the 2004 tragedy.

The events of 2004 in Thailand will forever remain in the hearts of not only those who found themselves at the epicenter of the tragedy that day, but also the people of the whole world. At the resorts themselves today, only signs remind of a global catastrophe, which display the rules of conduct in case of danger. Tourists from all over the world come to the kingdom, leaving fears of a possible tsunami in the past.

Going on a trip, you should learn not only about the beauties and attractions of the chosen place, but also about the possible dangers that may lie in wait for you there. For example, what do you know about tsunami in thailand?

AT South-East Asia there is no country safer in terms of crime than Thailand. But here's the danger natural conditions she is in the lead. There you can meet and, and. But all these dangers pale before what lurks in the depths of the oceans - the Pacific and Indian, whose waters wash the shores of the country. The tsunami in Thailand is considered one of the most likely natural disasters. They are rare, but even once is enough to startle at the mention of them for the rest of your life. The feature film "The Impossible" about the tsunami in Thailand makes a lasting impression on even the most thick-skinned people. The reality was even worse.

Origin of the tsunami

Tsunamis are waves generated by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or high power explosions. At great speed, they diverge in concentric circles from the site of a natural cataclysm, they are almost invisible in open waters and in great depths. However, when approaching shallow water, these waves begin to slow down and grow, supported by a mass of associated water. Their height can reach several tens of meters. The water mountain falls on the shore and washes away everything that is in its path.

Are there tsunamis in Thailand? All islands to the east and south of the coast this country - Japanese, Philippine, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, New Guinea and Solomon - are the western branch of the so-called Pacific ring of fire. These are volcanic faults with constant seismic activity, which is the root cause of the tsunami.

Several conditions are necessary for their formation. A place for acceleration and a sharp drop in depths in the direction of decrease are obligatory. They arise in places of the so-called wave focusing - narrow bays along the axis of the front movement, or in the presence of islands of different sizes, which provoke the occurrence of wave resonance and become sources of secondary oscillations.

In Thailand, these conditions are more consistent with west coast Malay Peninsula (Andaman Sea). Therefore, a tsunami in Phuket is most likely. The Gulf of Thailand is wide and shallow over a long distance, which is why the seismic wave is extinguished.

Why is a tsunami more dangerous than a storm?

Storm waves tens of meters high are not uncommon on ocean coasts. And they are also capable of inflicting significant damage, but only in a limited area. Unlike tsunamis, the front of which can reach hundreds and thousands of kilometers - the farther from the epicenter, the more.

They also differ in energy content. The storm wave is generated by the wind, which captures only the surface layers. Therefore, the mass of the raised water is less than the one that pushes the tsunami in front of it, coming from the bottom. In addition, the speed of wave propagation also differs. For storms, it never exceeds 100 km / h, and a seismic shock accelerates them to 1000 km / h. Therefore, tsunamis have hundreds of times more kinetic energy, which develops into potential energy when slowing down in shallow water and in front of obstacles.

Possessing more energy, seismic waves are able to penetrate much further inland, and only objects of similar mass - mountains, hills - can extinguish them. Everything else is swept away like trash off the table.

Hurricanes and storms are visible from space and are easy to warn about. A tsunami is like a light ripple, it is almost invisible. Therefore, her blow is almost always unexpected.

How to escape a tsunami

In most cases, a tsunami is generated by an earthquake whose epicenter is below the ocean floor. His strength is over seven on the Richter scale. She feels good. If you are in a dangerous area, you need to do the following:

  1. Feeling an earthquake, do not wait for a warning. Gather things, documents, do not lose sight of your companions.
  2. Try to get as far away from the coast as possible, and if this is not possible, then find a high place, preferably of natural origin - a hill, rock, mountain, and climb it.
  3. If you are not familiar with the area, follow the notice boards indicating escape routes.
  4. An unusually strong low tide - for several hundred meters or even kilometers, is the main sign of the approach of a seismic wave.
  5. The first tsunami wave is not the most powerful. The second and third are much more dangerous. So don't leave safe place until the water recedes completely. It usually takes up to 10 hours.

2004 Thailand tsunami

2004 Thailand tsunami was the result of a vertical seismic shift of the plates of the subcontinents in the area of ​​the so-called Java Trench - this is the western coast of the island of Sumatra. The wave front moved in a wide arc from Banda Aceh to Jakarta towards the island of Sri Lanka. The consequences of the cataclysm were the death of about 300 thousand people in 14 countries (the tsunami reached India and Madagascar) along the shores of the Indian Ocean. Largest number the dead tourists in Thailand fell on, which received the shock of a wave that reflected from the northwestern tip of the island of Sumatra near the city of Banda Aceh (it was completely wiped off the face of the Earth).

Causes of mass deaths from the 2004 tsunami in Thailand

During the tsunami in Thailand in 2004, 8,500 people died. The main reason for the tragedy was that the authorities of the island did not assess the danger of a tsunami in Phuket and did not take any measures, even if there were clear signs of an impending disaster.

  • The time interval between subjectively perceptible shocks and the arrival of the wave was two hours - from eight to ten in the morning. Notification and evacuation of people were not undertaken.
  • Nobody knew anything. Even the natives went to collect fish and other marine life after the water left the coast for several hundred meters. Tourists took selfies until the last moment. These were the first deaths in the tsunami in Thailand.

Film "Impossible" about the tsunami in Thailand

The film "The Impossible" about the tsunami in Thailand was shot after 8 years. The basis of the plot is the misadventures of a young family that finds itself in the center of events. The director's drama was compelling. However, we believe that the artistic value of the painting is higher than the practical one. She can't teach anything. The film did not disclose the cause of the mass death of people, and only the authorities are to blame for this. Having received a warning from the seismic data analysis center, they did not take any measures to evacuate the population, although there was enough time for this. Perhaps they hoped for "maybe" and were afraid to once again escalate the situation in the country.

The film "The Impossible" leaves a feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness of man in front of the wrath of Nature. After watching, you may get the impression that it is better to stay at home. storylines, which tell that it would be possible to prevent the tragedy, as well as how to act correctly in such situations, no attention is paid.

Measures taken after the tragedy

The Thai authorities, albeit belatedly, took steps to prevent such tragedies in the future. In the Andaman Sea, buoys have been installed that record high-speed water flows. All resorts and cities on the coast have a tsunami warning system, evacuation schemes and procedures for the authorities to ensure it have been developed. Everywhere there are sold out

Almost all people have heard about the tsunami in Thailand in 2004, as it was the most destructive tsunami in history. Best of all, the tsunami in Thailand in 2004 is shown in films such as "Tsunami" (2006 release) and "The Impossible" (2012 release). These films talk about how devastating the tsunami was, and how difficult it was to find your family and friends after this natural disaster.

What is a tsunami?
Tsunami - big waves, which are usually caused by an earthquake, explosion, or other event that caused a large volume of water to move. In the open ocean, tsunamis are usually harmless and invisible to the naked eye. A huge wave can go almost unnoticed until it reaches shallow waters off the coast. Near the shore, the wave can reach a height of up to 40 meters.

2004 tsunami in Thailand.
The 2004 tsunami, referred to as the Indonesian tsunami, was one of the worst natural disasters in human history. It was triggered by an underwater earthquake with an estimated magnitude of between 9.1 and 9.3 on the Richter scale, making it the third most powerful quake ever.
The tsunami that followed the earthquake killed more than 230,000 people in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand, left scores homeless and caused billions of dollars in damage.

Which regions of Thailand have been affected the most.
Khao Lak has become the most affected area of ​​Thailand. Here the water made its way from the coast to a distance of 1.5 km. After this tsunami, dolphins were found in one of the lakes, located at a distance of about 1.5 km from the coast. The wave traveled this distance in about one minute. Only one hotel on the hill survived the disaster. The rest were badly damaged.
Phi Phi Don is an H-shaped island. There are limestone mountains to the east and west that act as a giant wall to block out strong winds during the monsoon season. Both of these pieces of land are connected by a narrow isthmus.
The isthmus is surrounded on both sides by bays: Ton Sai in the south and Loh Dalam in the north. This isthmus is only 150 meters wide, but is saturated with bungalows and sightseers. The tsunami hit from both bays, so people simply had nowhere to run. The waves were much stronger in Loch Dalam on the west side.
Phi Phi Island Village Hotel Beach Resort and spa was heavily damaged as it was built on a site where there is no hill to block the tidal waves coming in from the west.

The result of the arrival of the tsunami in Thailand.
Tsunami on southwest coast Thailand along the Andaman Sea has been spreading death and destruction from the northern border with Burma to southern border with Malaysia. The most affected provinces in terms of loss of life and property were Phang Nga, Phuket and Krabi. And this is not only because of their location, but because they were the most developed and most populous areas along the coast.
The large loss of life is explained by the fact that the tsunami occurred on the morning after Christmas, when many people were still in their homes or hotel rooms. At least 5,000 people have died in Thailand, almost half of them foreign tourists.
Most of west coast Phuket was badly damaged by the tsunami and most of the houses, hotels, restaurants and other structures required significant repairs or restoration. Some areas, including Khao Lak, were almost completely destroyed by the waves.

Recovery after the tsunami.
Although Thailand suffered significant damage during the tsunami, it was able to rebuild all the destroyed buildings and infrastructure fairly quickly compared to most other affected countries. While traveling to Phuket, Khao Lak and Phi Phi today, you most likely will not see traces and evidence that a tsunami occurred here.

Probability of a new tsunami.
Of course, there is a possibility of a new tsunami, since no one can guess how the earth's crust will behave. However, such strong earthquakes as in 2004 occur very rarely (in this region, a similar earthquake was recorded about 700 years ago). In addition, new systems are now available to detect tsunamis and warn people so that they have enough time to escape.

that crashed into the territory Caribbean, Cuba and USA. But let's remember that on December 26, 2004 at 7:58 an earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean, which brought irreversible consequences. The magnitude of destruction reached 9.1 - 9.3 points. It provoked the development of the strongest tsunami in Thailand. Many countries fell under the blows of natural disaster, including Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Maldives. Most of the impact was taken by the inhabitants of the islands of Phuket, Phi Phi, Khao Lak, Lanta, Krabi, located on the west coast of Thailand. According to Wikipedia, between 225,000 and 300,000 innocent people died. Accurate estimates of victims are complicated by the fact that many were carried away by a giant wave into the open sea.

How did the greatest tragedy of the century begin?

December 26, 2004 was an ordinary morning that did not portend trouble. The people who visited during their trip and the local population went about their usual business and could not even think that this day would bring so many victims.

Meanwhile, changes began to occur in the sea, which in the future led to irreversible consequences. As a result of a sudden earthquake, water masses shifted in the ocean depths. This led to the fact that the sea waves formed water semicircles, which stretched for a distance of thousands of kilometers, and headed towards the coastal zone of Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, while developing a speed of up to a thousand km / h. Approaching the shore, the waves slowed down, however, they could reach 40 meters high.

The earthquake did not make itself felt on land, and the giant waves had not yet managed to reach the embankment and show themselves to people. Therefore, everyone who this moment was on the islands of Thailand, in particular Phuket and Krabi, could not imagine that they would witness a deadly devastating tsunami.

An hour after the start of the tremors provoked by the earthquake, the first signs of the approach of the cataclysm appeared on land: animals and birds left the beach with concern in their eyes. The water from the sea at one moment moved away from the shore. Shallow areas of the seabed were strewn with fish and shells, which ended up on land due to the fact that sea water narrowed its boundaries. People with undisguised interest went to collect seafood. This was their fatal mistake.

After all, a wall of sea ​​water rising to 15 meters high. Guests and residents of Thailand could not notice the impending tsunami with the naked eye, because the wave did not have a white crest and seemed from afar to be a reflection of the sea surface. When the real picture of what was happening rose before the people, it was already too late to run - attempts to escape from the disaster were unsuccessful.

With furious energy, the water rushed, covering the land for two kilometers. At the same time, she demolished everything in her path, bringing only destruction in her wake. After a short period of time, the sea wave headed back. The threat was not only water, but also pieces of earth, concrete, destroyed furniture, building materials, cars, billboards that she carried with her. These items could easily take the lives of people who managed to escape from the disaster.

Tsunami in Thailand 2004 video

Those who were at the epicenter of the events managed to capture unique moments on video cameras. These shots are striking in how ruthless the elements swept through the territory of Thailand and what losses humanity suffered. You can watch the 2004 tsunami in Thailand in the video below:

Tsunami in Thailand 2004: how many died?

The number of dead surprised everyone in earnest: 8500 people died, about 3 thousand were residents of Thailand, the rest were citizens of more than forty countries. The 2004 tsunami caused the largest and most deadly damage of any natural disaster that has ever been recorded.

What did the tsunami leave behind?

When the water left the land and returned to sea ​​shores, the people who were destined to escape during the tsunami could not believe their eyes. The exotic corners of Thailand, impressive with their beauty and attracting many tourists every year, have turned into ruins. Around it was possible to observe the destroyed buildings, the premises of shops, restaurants, pieces of metal from broken cars, fallen trees, mutilated human bodies under the rubble.


When the deadly elements receded, work was immediately begun to eliminate the consequences of the 2004 tsunami in Thailand. For survivors, points were created where they could receive medical care, food and clean water, spend the night. All the victims were divided among medical institutions. The big disadvantage of the fact that hot weather always prevails in Thailand was Great chance contamination of air and drinking water, which could lead to an outbreak of infections. Therefore, the list of initial tasks of the local authorities included the search for all the dead, their further identification and burial. Since there were only ruins around, the discovery dead bodies under the rubble took a lot of time, personnel and effort.

Useful for the tourist:

The authorities of many countries of the world provided the necessary assistance to the Thais: whether it was human resources or material resources.

The tremors generated by the earthquake had an impossible force, as they passed through the planet Earth and caused ground vibrations of up to 3 mm in the United States. While the elements were raging, a large amount of energy was released, which provoked a change in the rotation of the planet. Because of this the length of the day has decreased by 2.6 microseconds. Part of the islands located near Sumatra moved 20 meters to the southwest.

Thailand today

For all the time that has passed since the 2004 tsunami, Thailand has managed to completely recreate the devastated areas. A year after the cataclysm, people who lost their houses and apartments were provided with new housing.

All buildings that are built in Thailand, especially on the coast, meet special requirements. They are designed in such a way that, in the event of a new catastrophe, they can withstand the impact of the sea element and save the lives of thousands of innocent people.

Thailand takes part in an international system for tracking the movement of water masses in the ocean, thanks to which they can predict the invasion of a tsunami. In settlements close to the sea, warning systems for the approaching elements and plans for evacuation of the population have been formed. People were familiarized with the rules of conduct in the event of another natural disaster.

The authorities managed to restore the former atmosphere in Thailand tourist center, although all these achievements have not come easy. In 2005-2006, people planning to travel were still in fear of the event and were in no hurry to buy tickets to these resorts. Therefore, the cost of vouchers has dropped significantly so that it is possible to somehow arrange tourists on vacation on the Thai coast.

Years later, the situation in Thailand is the same as in the old days before the fatal natural disaster - this is one of the most popular, world-famous resort corners of the world. Reviews of tourists satisfied with their trips only confirm this information. Now about the tsunami in Thailand in 2004, only fragments of video files and warning signs on the coast remind. However, we will always remember the losses that this cataclysm brought to humanity.

Five years ago, on December 26, 2004, a 9.3-magnitude underwater earthquake shook the Indian Ocean, sending massive waves across the coasts of 13 countries, leaving 230,000 dead in their wake. This natural disaster ranked fifth in terms of the number of human lives claimed. About 45,000 of the dead were never found. Five years have passed - restoration work is still ongoing - 140,000 houses, 1,700 schools, 3,800 temples and 3,700 km of roads have been built. Collected in this issue are photographs of survivors, restoration work, and several before and after photographs.

(Total 32 photos)

1. A resident of the province of Aceh cries during a prayer in memory of the victims of the tsunami on the fifth anniversary of the earthquake and 2004 tsunami December 26, 2009 in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Aceh suffered the most, as main city province was closest to the epicenter. The tsunami reached it first and caused about 130,000 deaths. 230,000 people died in 11 countries, making this one of the worst disasters in history. (Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images)

2. Foreign tourists who chose a beach holiday, during the first wave of the six waves of the tsunami on the beach of Hat Rai Lay near Krabi in southern Thailand December 26, 2004. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images)

4. a) Five years later, a resident of the city collects grass for his goats in the same place on December 4, 2009. (REUTERS/Beawiharta)

11. praying and releasing offerings into the ocean during a ceremony marking the fifth anniversary of the tsunami in Indian Ocean at Ulhi Lheu Beach in Banda Aceh, Aceh Province, Indonesia on December 20, 2009. (AP Photo/Heri Juanda)

12. In this photo, taken December 6, 2009, children perform a traditional dance at an orphanage in Banda Aceh, the provincial capital of Aceh. Of the 230,000 tsunami deaths, more than half perished in Aceh on the island of Sumatra, leaving at least 5,200 orphans with whom child psychologists continued to work for a long time. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim)

15. Thai authorities make the last check of the buoy warning of the approach of the tsunami in Cape Panwa in Phuket, southern Thailand, December 1, 2009. Five years after the tsunami that devastated the Asian coast, experts fear that a new generation of coastal residents will be ill-prepared for other huge waves as memories of the tragedy fade. (PORNCHAI KITTIWONGSAKUL/AFP/Getty Images)

17. Dutch tourist Hans Kuiper photographs images foreign tourists who wanted to celebrate the New Year in a resort hotel and were killed in the 2004 tsunami. Photo taken at Bang Muang Cemetery in Phang Nga province north of Phuket, Thailand on December 26, 2009. (REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom)

20. Tsunami survivor Abhilash Jayaraj, also known as "Child 81", sits on a chair at home while waiting to go to school in Kurukkalmadam in Batticaloa district on November 23, 2009. The 2004 tsunami brought this "baby 81" international fame, but the parents of the boy, who was only two months old at the time of the tragedy, say the fame brought them only misfortune and unwanted attention. The surviving child was found in the wreckage on the coast of Sri Lanka. Shortly thereafter, nine pairs of parents came for him, each of whom claimed that this was their child. (REUTERS/Andrew Caballero-Reynolds)

23. Red Cross volunteers sit with open umbrellas, which depict the faces of smiling orphans left without parents as a result of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami on the fifth anniversary of the disaster at the tsunami museum in Banda Aceh on December 26, 2009. (REUTERS/Beawiharta)