What is the name of the highest peak on earth. The highest mountain in the world

Evgeny Marushevsky

freelancer, constantly travels the world

Many people will confidently show the highest mountain in the world. However, what about the second highest mountain after Everest?

Here are three points of view on which mountain to consider the second.

All mountains are in the Himalayas.

If there is a place in the world that deserves to be called the hall of the mountain kings, then this is right here.

Michael Palin

This is how a famous actor and traveler spoke about Karakorum. It is here that the second highest mountain in the world is located, if you count from sea level - Chogori or K2.

Located on the border of China and Pakistan, it is located in the state of Kashmir and belongs to the Karakoram mountain range. Its other names: Dapsang, Godwin-Austin.

It is noteworthy that there was a long dispute regarding K-2, to which mountain system refer her. Since the Himalayas and the Karakorum practically consist of one chain of mountains. As a result, a conference of scientists who gathered on this occasion decided to attribute Mount Chogori to Karakorum.

The height of the mountain is 8611 meters above sea level. This is only 237 meters below Everest. But if the highest mountain in the world could be conquered even by disabled people in prostheses and elderly climbers, then Chogori belongs to the most difficult system for climbers.

Peak name

The second name of Mount Chogori is K2. The letter K stands for Karakoram. Contrary to popular belief, the numbering has nothing to do with the height of the top. Just in this way, a European explorer marked the mountains in front of him:

  • K1 - Marchebrum,
  • K2 - Chogori,
  • K3 - Broad Peak,
  • K5 - Garshebrum I,
  • K4 - Garshebrum II.

Of all the names, only K2 stuck.

By the way, on Soviet maps until 1960 the mountain was named after Godwin Austen. Further name - Chogori.

Interestingly, the Pakistani government charges climbers about $900 for climbing Mount K2.

Chogori - killer mountain

For the first time I encounter a mountain that cannot be climbed from any direction. Everest was a walk compared to K2.

Reinhold Messner

Why was Chogori called the killer mountain? Because not everyone she lets in to her peak. According to statistics, every fourth climber who dares to climb a dangerous mountain does not return home.

At the moment, Mount Chogori has been conquered only 300 times, of which about 70 attempts were the last for climbers. In terms of danger among the "eight-thousanders", that is, mountains with a height of 8000 m or more, K2 ranks second after the infamous Annapurna. The death rate of the summit is about 25%.

Why such a high death rate?

The features of the human body are such that when climbing to a height of more than 6000 meters, the body goes into survival mode. Sleep and rest, although they do not restore strength, but save their remnants, serve as energy savings.

If climbing a mountain depended only on a person, then one could still understand the failed climbing attempts. But at such a high altitude, much also depends on wind speed, accidental failures in crevices or frostbite, an avalanche, or simply diseases that arose due to lack of oxygen.

At altitudes above 6000 m, the oxygen content is less than 1/3 of the permissible value without risk to human health. And the temperature conditions on the mountain are severe: -50 ° C with warm air from Tibet! If it is not there, you have to be content with -60 ° C.

The icy surface of the mountain, unpredictable climate, the most technically difficult terrain for climbers lead to the fact that the mountain takes every fourth daredevil.

A history of ups and downs

The first attempt to conquer Chogori was made in 1902. Six Europeans led by E. Ekenstein and A. Crowley ventured to climb to a height of 6525 m.

The first expedition was not successful. Stormy weather prevented their plans from being realized. However, thanks to this attempt, it was possible to collect the most important information about the state of the Godwin-Austen glacier, which served as a reliable foundation for the chain of further ascents.

Seven years later, there will be a second attempt to climb the unconquered Chogori by an expedition led by the Duke of Abruzzi. But it also ends badly.

Progress was made in 1938, when the Americans set a record - 7925 m, and the next year - 8382. Tragic death members of the expedition, including Dudley Wolf, forced the climbers to turn back.

Victory in the Conquest of Chogori

    The first successful ascent became possible only in 1954. Only a quarter of a century after the first attempt. The first climbers who conquered Chogori were the Italian climbers Lino Lacedeli and Aquile Compagnoni. From camp 9 they continued their ascent when they ran out of oxygen just 150 meters from the summit. Then, in spite of everything, the Italians continued on their way and were the first to reach K2.

    The first lone climber to conquer Chogori without oxygen was Messner Reingold.

    The first woman to climb K2 was Wanda Rutkiewicz (1986). If we take into account the ascent of Chogori without oxygen tanks, then the first woman was Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner.

    Russian climbers conquered the second highest mountain in the world in 1997. And in 2007, the Russians made an incredibly difficult ascent on the western slope of the mountain, which no one had yet climbed.

The second highest mountain in the world in the ranking of mountain systems

If we compare mountain systems with each other, we get the following table of the highest mountains:

After Everest, which has a height of 8448 m, the second highest mountain that does not belong to the Himalayan system of mountain ranges is Communism Peak in the Pamirs, its height is 7495 m.

A Brief History of Ismail Somoni Peak

In the USSR, he was considered the most high mountain. Location of Communism Peak - Tajikistan. Today the mountain bears the name of Ismail Somoni.

Communism Peak was discovered in 1920 and mistakenly thought it was Garmo Peak. However, during the research, inconsistencies in height were found, so the mountain was renamed Stalin Peak.

The first ascent to Stalin Peak (former name) was made by Yevgeny Abalakov together with the Pamir expedition. Among women climbers, the first was Lyudmila Agranovskaya.

And in 1986, a winter ascent to the mountain was made for the first time.

The second highest mountain in the world: a comparison between the continents

The second highest mountain is in South America- Aconcagua. She is the one high mountain in the southern and western hemispheres.

Aconcagua is located in the Andes mountain range. Its height is 6962 m.

Climbing Mount Aconcagua is easy. Most often, climbers climb the northern slope. On the other sides of the mountain, the climb will be more difficult.

The first person to conquer the six-thousander Aconcagua was an Englishman. His name was Edward Fitzgerald. He climbed the mountain with an expedition in 1897.

The real name of the highest mountain on Earth, located in the Himalayan mountain system, sounds like Chomolungma. This peak rises to 8848 meters: no other mountain in the world exceeds this mark.

Even the second peak of the two-headed Everest breaks all records - 8760 meters above sea level.

The title of the highest point in the world was awarded to the mountain only in the middle of the 19th century, when an employee of the Indian geodetic service Radhanat Sikdar measured its height. Since by that time no such high peak was known, Chomolungma received this title. Subsequently, the dimensions of the mountain were refined: with each subsequent, more accurate and accurate measurement, Everest turned out to be even larger.

The latest results of the Italian geologist and the American expedition (8850 and 8872) have not been officially recognized.

Due to its honorary title, the mountain attracts many extreme people who challenge the harsh nature. Every year, several hundred people try to climb Everest, but not everyone succeeds: difficult conditions are a difficult test even for the most trained climbers, many of whom ended their lives on the slopes of the highest mountain in the world.

Mariana Trench

Mariana Trench, also known as Mariana Trench, is the lowest point on the surface of the earth's crust. This chute is located in pacific ocean, in its western part, not far from Mariana Islands. It is a long depression which, at its lowest point, known as the "Challenger Deep", is about 11,000 meters below sea level.

The Mariana Trench was discovered in 1875, at the same time its depth was measured. At that time, the instruments were not very accurate and showed a result of 8,367 meters (perhaps the measurements were not taken in the deep point). In the middle of the 20th century, an English expedition established maximum depth at 10,863 meters, and a little later these dimensions were clarified by the Soviet expedition, which provided a result of 11,023 meters.

The Mariana Trench is an amazing formation. At its bottom are real mountain ranges that formed hundreds of millions of years ago. In 1960, the first dive to the bottom of the trough was made on the Trieste bathyscaphe. After that, only two dives followed, one of the daredevils was the famous director James Cameron.

The most low point on land is about Dead Sea on the border between Israel and Jordan. This region is located 399 meters below sea level.

What do you know about the highest peak in the world? What is it called Everest. Some will also remember an alternative name - Chomolungma. Can you name the height? At least approximately. And where is it? Also no? Then once again we will talk about the highest mountains of the Earth.

The undisputed leader in terms of height, this mountain, like a magnet, attracts professional climbers, beginners and people just thirsty for extreme sports from all over the world. Climbing it is the cherished dream of everyone who has made at least one ascent to any other peak. And today, thousands of people every year turn this dream into reality.

Everest with routes and key points

short info. Chomolungma, she is Everest, she is Sagarmatha, - highest peak in the world. Its peak reaches a height of 8848 meters. Belongs to the Himalayas, divided between China and Nepal. Most of the ascents are from Nepal. It takes about two hours for an ordinary person to walk 7 kilometers 200 meters. Here you need to climb up the rocky slopes in cold, and even rarefied air. The test is something else, but every year thousands of people decide on it. Not all of them reach the top. Not everyone returns home. Many die in the process.

Despite this, the organization of the ascent of Everest has now turned into a profitable business. Solo climbs are now rare, most often people turn to special companies that assign guides, guides, instructors, doctors to them, select equipment, purchase licenses for climbing, provisions, and medicines. In this case, the rise can take up to two months. This time is necessary for acclimatization, which is carried out at critical points. Pleasure is not cheap. On average, a tourist leaves 65 thousand dollars for the rise. But on the other hand, he changes them into unforgettable impressions.

Second highest Mountain peak, Chogori, is inferior to Everest, but not to say very much - 8611 meters. Belongs to the Karakorum mountain system and is located on the border of China and Pakistan. This is the northernmost eight-thousander and the most inhospitable. Climbing it is much more difficult than almost habitable Everest, surrounded by a well-established service. Despite the fact that the mountain is the second highest, climbing it is much less common, and the risk is much higher. For example, no one has yet managed to conquer it in the winter. Mortality among climbers is striking: about 30%. True, it is calculated not from the total number of tourists, but in comparison with the number of people who have reached the top.

The third highest mountain has a height of 8586 meters. It was divided between Nepal and India, and it belongs to the same Himalayas as Everest, but is located a little further south. Kanchenjunga translated into Russian means "five treasures of the great snows", and this is not just an artistic image: it is divided into five independent peaks, of which only one is lower than 8000 meters, and then only 100. This mountain is especially well known to fans of Nikolai's work Roerich, because she was one of his main sources of inspiration and was repeatedly depicted on his canvases.

Another eight-thousander, and again from the Himalayas. It is also divided into two states already familiar to us - Nepal and China. The name of this mountain is "South Peak", which makes some sense. It is, indeed, located a little south of the famous Everest. It is connected to it by the famous South Col Pass. The other side - the South Wall - is sheer. By the way, she was conquered only once. The Soviet Union in 1990 assembled a powerful expedition of 17 climbers. Only two of them reached the summit, the rest provided them with a safe climb, but an unprecedented result could only be achieved by a common team effort. The mountain is divided into three peaks with a height of 8516, 8414 and 8383 meters, respectively.

Again the border of China and Nepal, again the same massif. The Himalayas are leaders in the number of high peaks and Makalu is another confirmation. The height of this mountain is 8485 meters. It is believed that of all eight-thousanders, this one is the heaviest. Only less than a third of all expeditions make it to the top, and most have to turn off halfway. The “Black Giant” (this is how the name of the mountain is translated) does not particularly favor climbers.

This is the sixth highest eight-thousander. You can guess the rest yourself: Nepal-China, Himalayas, height - 8201 meters. Accordingly, you can climb it from one side or the other. But, if from the side of Nepal one has to face a very difficult wall, which not everyone can overcome, then from the side of Tibet there is a convenient pass, which makes Cho-oyu one of the most convenient eight-thousanders for climbing.

Reading the name of this mountain from the first time is already a task, and only a few manage to climb it. " white mountain” is one of the most massive. It is divided into 11 peaks, however, only one, Dhaulagiri I, could overcome the eight-thousandth line. By the way, for some time it was Dhaulagiri that was considered the highest peak in the world. True, it was a long time ago, from 1808 to 1832.

Already the eighth eight-thousander, and we have the same: mountain range Himalayas, but, for a change, it belongs entirely to Nepal. "Mountain of Spirits" - this is how its name is translated. This sacred place. Perhaps that is why climbing it is considered quite dangerous, and the death rate reaches 18% even today. There are three peaks near the mountain, the highest of which rises to 8156 meters.

For a change, the mountain is located on the territory of Pakistan, although it belongs to the already well-known Himalayas. It is divided into 4 peaks, of which the highest is 8125 meters. “Naked Mountain”, “Mountain of the Gods” – this is all about the ninth eight-thousander. It is considered one of the most difficult to climb due to climatic conditions and bare sheer peaks. Complicating the situation is the unsettled situation in the country. So, in 2013, a real tragedy occurred when militants attacked the climbers' camp. 10 people died, including three Kharkiv residents. Not surprisingly, the mortality rate is 22%.

Closes our list is another eight-thousander, the most dangerous. The mortality rate is 41%. The name of the mountain is translated as "Goddess of Fertility", but apparently, this goddess requires human sacrifices. However, the number of climbers who want to climb its 8091-meter peak is enough.

These are the ten highest mountains and the first of 14 eight-thousanders. Several people have already managed to conquer them all, and thousands more dream about it. Perhaps you are one of them.

Not without reason in the famous song is sung " Better than mountains there can only be mountains.” Snow-capped peaks attract people like a magnet, forcing them to climb up, overcoming all difficulties and hardships. Especially climbers are attracted by the highest mountains in the world, which only the most prepared, brave, desperate and lucky can climb. Meet the ten highest mountain peaks in the world, whose height exceeds eight thousand meters. All of them are located in the Himalayas in a small area on the border of China, Nepal, India and Pakistan.

10. Annapurna I, 8.091 meters

The summit of Annapurna I, which in Russian from Sanskrit as the "Goddess of Fertility", rises up to 8.091 meters and is part of the Annapurna mountain range in the Himalayas. For the first time, two French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal were able to climb the mountain in 1950. Today it is one of the most dangerous mountain peaks in the world, where training and experience mean nothing, it all depends on a lucky coincidence. Travelers face difficulties climbing even before approaching the base camp and most of the way they have to climb slopes with a slope of 40%, constantly risking falling under an avalanche. To this day, only about 150 successful ascents of Annapurna have been made, and mortality is about 40% of the total number of people trying to climb up.

9. Nanga Parbat, 8.126 meters

The ninth highest mountain peak on Earth, Nanga Parbat, also known as the "Mountain of the Gods", in the western part of the Himalayas, rises up to a height of 8.126 meters. Travelers have tried to climb this peak many times since 1859, but they managed to conquer Nanga Parbat only in 1953. This feat was accomplished by the Austrian Hermann Buhl, who for the first time in history conquered the eight-thousander alone. Nanga Parbat is one of the three most dangerous peaks for climbing, where the death rate of climbers is more than 22%.

8. Manaslu, 8.163 meters

Mount Manaslu, in the Himalayas, has a height of 8.163 meters. For the first time, the Japanese Toshio Imanishi and the Sherpa Gyalzen Norbu were able to climb it in 1956. For a long time, the mountain and its surroundings were a closed area for foreigners to visit due to their proximity to Tibet.

7. Dhaulagiri, 8.167 meters

Dhaulagiri is a mountain range with several peaks in the Himalayas, highest point which rises above sea level to a height of 8.167 meters. The summit was first summited in 1960 by a team of European climbers and Sherpa porters. This mountain is considered one of the most difficult to climb, and on its southern route, known as the Dhaulagiri wall, so far no one has been able to climb.

6. Cho Oyu, 8.188 meters

The peak of Cho Oyu is located in the Himalayas, on the border of China with Nepal, has a height of 8.188 meters. The mountain was first climbed in 1954 by an Austrian expedition consisting of Herbert Tichy, Josef Johler and Sherpa Pasang Dawa Lama. This is one of the easiest peaks with a height of more than eight thousand to climb, which has become a real Mecca for amateur climbers.

5. Makalu, 8.485 meters

The fifth highest mountain peak in the world is Makalu, also known as the "Black Rider", located in the central Himalayas, rising up to a height of 8.485 meters above sea level. For the first time, a French expedition was able to climb the mountain in 1955 in three groups of three people. This peak is considered one of the most difficult in the world to climb, with only about 30% of expeditions to the summit successful.

4. Lhotse, 8.516 meters

By and large, the fourth highest mountain in the world, Lhotse in the Himalayas, has three peaks over eight thousand meters high, where the highest peak has a height of 8.516 meters. The first ascent of the mountain was made by the team of Swiss climbers Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger in 1956. Among other eight-thousanders, Lhotse has the fewest routes to the top, there are only three of them, where one by one, climbers were able to reach the peak only once in the 90s

3. Kanchenjunga, 8.586 meters

Mount Kanchenjunga with a height of 8.586 meters is located in the Himalayas on the border of India and Nepal. The summit was first reached by a British expedition consisting of Joe Brown, George Bend, and Charles Evans (leader) in 1955. For some time, Kanchenjunga was considered the highest peak in the world, but after accurate measurements, it was in third place.

2. Chogori, 8.611 meters

The second highest mountain in the world, this Chogori in the Himalayas on the border of Pakistan and China has a height of 8.611 meters. The peak was first conquered by the team of Italian climbers Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni in 1954. Chogori is one of the most difficult peaks in the world to climb, where the mortality rate of people who dare to climb is 25%. It is much more honorable for climbers to climb Chogori Peak than to climb the highest peak in the world, Chomolungma.

1. Chomolungma/Everest, 8.848 meters

The highest peak on earth, Chomolungma, with a height of 8.848 meters, is located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China. The peak was conquered in 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. Every year, more than 500 people try to conquer the peak and it takes about two months. At the beginning of the year, 4042 climbers climbed Chomolungma, of which 2829 climbed the mountain twice.