Big buzluk cave, Karabi-yayla caves. Crimean yayls

s; well. [Turk. yayla] In the Crimea: summer mountain pastures. * * * Yayla (Turk.), 1) the main ridge in the system of the Crimean mountains. 2) The name of the plateau-like summer mountain pastures in the Crimea. * * * YAYLA YAYLA (Turk.), 1) the main ridge in the system of the Crimean mountains (see ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Yaila, yaila, yaila, yaila, yaila, yaila, yaila, yaila, yaila, yaila, yaila, yaila, yaylakh (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words

Ridge, peak Dictionary of Russian synonyms. yayla n., number of synonyms: 5 summit (213) ridge ... Synonym dictionary

YAYLA, yayly, pl. no, female (Turk. jajla). A flat, treeless area in the mountains of the Crimea, serving as a pasture for sheep. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

The upper plateau of the main ridge of the Crimean mountains. Stretched for 110 km along the Black Sea coast. Has steep south. and gentle sowing. slopes. Most high peaks: Roman Kosh (1545 m), Demir Kapu (1540 m), Zeytin Kosh (1534 m), one of the most famous and ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

- (Turk.) ..1) the main ridge in the system of the Crimean mountains2)] The name of the plateau-like summer mountain pastures in the Crimea ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

G. Flat treeless terrain in Crimean mountains ah, used as a summer pasture. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

- [Turk. summer pasture] the leveled surface of the high ridge of the Crimean mountains. Analogue poloniv in the Carpathians. Geological dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengolts et al. 1978 ... Geological Encyclopedia

yayla- the name of the female family ... Spelling Dictionary of Ukrainian Movies


  • Yayla. Geography, forest, water, A. N. Oliferov. In the new book, the scientific geographer-hydrologist examines in detail the samples of the Crimean yayls, related to their karst formation and the possibility of their afforestation. Characterized by the rivers flowing from the Yaylin ...
  • Guide: Across the Crimea by bike. Part 1. Southwest direction, Yuri Konstantinovich Vasiliev. 88 pp. Southwestern Crimea known for many of its sights, unique nature, picturesque coast from beautiful beaches. And lovers active rest We propose to make…


Karabi-yayla- the largest yayla in Crimea, 113 square kilometers. Translated from the Crimean Tatar "karabi" means "black spider".

By your kind Karabi-yayla reminiscent of the moon or a stone sea: a huge flat area pierced by deep funnels. Almost every funnel contains a cave. By the number of caves Karabi in the Crimea in the first place. There are 3,500 funnels and 235 caves, and Karabi-yayla has not been fully studied, and new caves may well appear in the register.

The most famous cave Karabi-yayly- Big Buzluk (Ice well). Due to the low temperatures inside the cave, the ice here does not melt even in summer. On Karabi there is also the deepest cave in the Crimean Mountains - Soldatskaya (517 m). Also, it is on this yail that the Studencheskaya cave is located, where petroglyphs were discovered - ancient drawings, most likely left over from medieval times.

On the Karabi-yayle there are two fairly large lakes - Egiz-Tinakh ( "Double Pond") and Lakhlyn-Tinakh ( "Pond with a chute"). These lakes are seasonal - by the summer they dry up completely, and you can see them on Karabi only in spring or autumn.

However, earlier the Karabi-yayly lakes were more full-flowing: archaeologists found here traces of the sites of ancient hunters and shepherds. The sites date back to two eras: the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages. Apparently, it was on the pastures of Karabi that the inhabitants of local villages drove cattle.

The "stone butterflies" deserve special attention. These are mysterious figures made of stone near the Irtysh mountain on Karabi-yayle. The name is very conditional, in fact the figures bear little resemblance to anything. There are four mysterious images from Karabi, the dimensions are more than 4 meters, they are located 30 meters from each other.

After the discovery of "stone butterflies" on Karabi, about the origin of signs began to argue a lot and intensely. UFOs were said to land here. The signs were compared with the mysterious images of the Nazca desert in South America(both here and there the images are clearly oriented to the north). They searched for a connection between "stone butterflies" and pagan symbols, concluding that there was a pagan temple nearby.

Some argued that these were "tamgas" - signs that in the Crimea in the Middle Ages marked the boundaries of possessions. The fact that tamgas were usually notches on a rock, and not four-meter figures, with general paranoia, few people were surprised ...

The most plausible version to date: "stone butterflies" Karabi-yayly were installed by the military in the late 40s of the twentieth century for shooting at targets from the air. Indeed, most of all, "stone butterflies" are like ground artillery pieces, ready for battle. True, this version may also turn out to be false: it is almost impossible in our age to find information that is 100% reliable.

- December, 17th 2010

This is the name of a desert rectangle-plateau of rather impressive size - 113 sq. km, located south of Belogorsk. The Caribbean Highlands is the largest and most unusual in the Crimea. Like Chatyrdag, it has two plateaus: the lower one (1000 m above sea level) and the upper one - the Kara-Tau ridge with the highest point Tai-Koba (1259 m). Along the perimeter of the plateau there are settlements: Generalskoye (near the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall), Mezhgorye, Golovanovka, and Rybachye with the Chigenitra pass above it.

The main peculiarity of Karabi-yayla is in its surface - it is all reared up with steep hills, karst ridges, as if once during a grandiose storm that raged over the Crimea, the waves suddenly turned into stones. Karabi, stretching far from the well-known resort towns and the villages of the South Coast, is not as popular with tourists as Chatyr-Dag, Demerdzhi, Bear Mountain, etc. Although it must be said that this is one of the favorite places for speleologists, whose element is underground wells and caves, with which Karabi is literally all "perforated , like a huge head of good old cheese. But God forbid you go down somewhere on your own without special equipment! The word "most" is repeated here like an echo: the most intense karst region of the peninsula (310 only known underground cavities); the deepest mine in Crimea (Soldatskaya, 500m). The depths of the massif are fed by the most powerful karst spring (Karasu-Bashi) and, finally, the most fantastic landscapes, whimsically changing hourly from sunrise to sunset, surprising and bewitching everyone, without exception, who dared to climb here. You can wander around Karabi for a week, but you won’t see everything until the end. And you will surely feel the unusual flow of time: as if you were not here at all for a long time, but you were down there once, a long time ago ... I will say more: to many who descended into resort villages, suddenly seem outlandish and even absurd today's already familiar symbols, signs, mores, and suddenly a strange feeling of some kind of awkwardness, constraint and freedom at the same time will visit ... This, as a reward for all trials, will wake up in you genetic pre-memory, when just you live in common accord as a particle of something very large, unhurried, laconic, wise, kind and surprisingly pure. Therefore, the mountains are the best thing that can be advised to everyone who is tired of communication and loneliness, from their own and other people's complexes, from failures, from far-fetched difficulties, and finally, from physical inactivity, dystonia, persistent depression, chronic stress and others ...

But back to the foot of Karabi and. It starts from Aleksandrovka (former Otar-Koy), which is 5 km from Belogorsk. We take a course to the south and move along a wide beam about a kilometer before the valley bifurcates: to the left - the ravine leads to the Taigan reservoir, and you have just passed the equal flow through Aleksandrovka, into the Sary-Su river. Razvilka (this place was once the village of Khunchor). The valley, meanwhile, energetically cuts through the wooded northern spurs of the highlands (it is itself called Lesnaya - Orman). With every kilometer the landscape comes to life, rock formations appear here and there because of the trees. Here is a through grotto on the left along the way. In an hour and a half, a narrow ravine will go to the right, on the left along the main branch you can see karst quirks of weathering - like oval windows in rocky ledges. Now you go up the hill straight “head on” (a ridge-shaft 5-6m wide stretches across its top from east to west). There is no doubt that these are the remains of an ancient wall that once protected the territory from the south, the most accessible side. The eastern slope was probably inhabited in the Middle Ages - it is drawn by comfortable stone terraces.

Continue along the ravine. At the end of the clearing, a well-worn road descending from the pass will cross the path. Even in the last century, it connected the village of Kurtlun (now Pchelinoe) and the defunct, but once the highest mountain village of Kazanly (700m above sea level). Another kilometer of the way along the beam through the forest, and another fork: on the left - a hollow with a rocky "tooth", rising alone above the undergrowth. Immediately, nearby, grottoes: Karavly-Dzhilgas - miniature on the western slope and quite roomy on the eastern - in the forest. Having rested, continue moving along the western edge of the plateau and after two kilometers in the southwest you will reach a deep funnel. At the bottom of it is a wide entrance to a small bright cave Kogurchi-Khoba (Pigeon, or Kuchuk-Buzluk). And after another 2 km to the west, a hollow winding between bare hills opens, which immediately “falls” to the right, into a steep and wooded ravine. It is better to bypass the edge of the forest from the south with meadows and go down to the tract Artychlyk (), but this name is deceptive: there is no juniper here, but under the protection of the forest there is a grove of yew berry, which looks somewhat reminiscent of juniper. Incidentally, this is one of the three rather large yew groves (after the groves at the Belbek Gate and on Grand Canyon). Everything about the yew is poisonous: berries, bark, wood, and, moreover, it is one of the rare and protected plants of the Crimea. Do not touch him!

The right slope breaks off with low layered rocks. At their base, the entrances of two caves at once darken. The one to the south is Hadji-Khoba (known for Paleolithic finds). If you come across silicon, know that it is not found here as a mineral, which means that you have found the remains of ancient tools that were once brought by man (you can consider yourself a bit of an archaeologist). Hunters once lived here, and later cattle breeders (not only flint, but also ceramic shards can be caught in the washouts). A treeless hill with gentle slopes rises a few hundred meters from the caves on the northwestern ledge of the yayla. If you climb it, a stunning panorama will open - from the foothill peaks in the north to the wavy border of the southern and eastern outskirts of Karabi. The hill itself has a very remarkable object in the center at the top - a mound 8 m in diameter, made either by nature or by man. In its center there are stone calculations: a three-meter circle, inside it is a rectangle oriented in the latitudinal direction; five shapeless stones were dug at a distance (their azimuths are remarkable: 0, 30, 60, 120, 240 degrees). Is this an ancient astronomical observatory (miniature Stonehenge)? Distant boulders could serve as reference points, the central group could serve as a sight. It is possible that some parts are missing.

Closing the route, you go down (with some difficulty) along the bottom of a wooded ravine to a deep beam (Baksan), along which, if the summer is not too dry, the river Su-At flows. After half a kilometer above the right bank you will see a yellowish-gray moss with green spots from the river tuff. The spring of Salma-Chokrak-Kichkene spreads along it. From here, a well-marked trail will take you to a dirt road descending on the left from the Yaman-Tash ridge. Further, the path lies over the bank of the Burulchi River (Su-At is its right tributary). After a couple of kilometers - a farm. On the left, a beam will approach, along which, after walking along the stream 300-350m, you can find the source of Kara-Chokrak in the form of a low deep cave filled with the purest water (among speleologists it is called a cave underground lake). From here, after 15 minutes of travel - the outskirts of the village of Mezhgorye (Baksan). This route is one-day, uncomplicated, really passable for almost anyone. By bus, you can get back to Belogorsk or go to.

There is also a longer route: from the village of Generalskoye to the village of Rybachye (or vice versa). After spending the night near the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall (naturally, with a tent and sleeping bags), in the morning set off early in the morning in a north-western direction to Karabi past the Ai-Aleksiy spring, along the slope of the Kara-Tau ridge to the upper plateau (this is where the main exotic Karabi - numerous stone "teeth" of fantastic carr fields and boundless yayla). The two-headed Karanchikh-Burun and the caves of Mamin and Big Buzluk under it (by the way, it is very cold in the caves, from 0 to + 1C, so you need to have warm clothes with you, especially since they will be very useful by night). Stone idol at the arch of the False Buzluk grotto. Semicircular mountain with the Siberian name Irtysh. Stone ridges are replaced by slopes and forest plantations. You can wander as long as you like, moving north and northeast, where high hills crowd on the horizon. But if you still want to be by the sea sooner or later, take the direction to the south - the sea is there. In front of him is the picturesque Chigenitra gorge with a “Martian landscape” behind the ponds, as well as the sad remains of ancient stone walls, which in their time blocked the way for a stranger to a fertile valley with Lake Egiz-Tinakh. The cold karst spring Suuk-Su and the Chigenitra tourist shelter will be the last landmarks and resting places before going down to the sea (keep in mind that from here to Rybachy there will be full 10 kilometers). But there you already have plenty of swimming in the fertile Black Sea! Then you can go by bus or boat to Alushta or rent housing for a couple of days right there in the village (and even with food).

Good luck and new experiences!

Array height 600–1200 m, highest point Mount Tai Koba  - 1262 m.

The area of ​​Karabi-yayla is about 120 km², this is the most extensive of the Crimean yayla. From neighboring mountain ranges Karabi-yayla is separated from the west by the valleys of the Suat and Burulcha rivers, from the east by the Tana-Su and Biyuk-Karasu rivers. Karabi-yayla is two-stage: most of it is occupied by the lower plateau (600–1000 m), upper part - Kara-Tau massif - (1000–1200 m) abruptly breaks off to the south, from the side of the southern coast of Crimea.


Karabi-yayla - a region of classical bare karst. The entire space, as far as the eye can see, is covered with various forms of karst formation: sinkholes, caves, wells, ridges of grayish-white limestone. real country stone! And under the feet of underground karst labyrinths. Here, speleologists discovered about 400 caves and mines, including a number of memorial ones (named after Dublyansky, Ivanov, Kozin, Ustinova, etc.). Among them is the Soldatskaya mine, the deepest in the Crimea (517 meters). Many caves are difficult to access; an unprepared person cannot get into them. Thanks to this, they have preserved sinter formations of stalactites and stalagmites.

Karabi-yayla is one of the most mysterious places in Crimea. Huge figures of butterflies are lined with stones on the plateau, which can only be seen from a height. And in one of the caves, an amazing rock art: a person who controls a mechanism with three wheels.

Monuments of nature

On the territory of Karabi-yayla there are several reserves and natural monuments of national importance.

  • Geological reserve "Mountain Karst of Crimea".
  • The botanical reserve "Karabi-yayla" occupies a section of a mountain plateau, where many medicinal plants grow.
  • Geological monument of nature "Soldatskaya karst mine on Karabi-yayla", the most deep cave Crimea.
  • Hydrological monument of nature "Karasu-Bashi" - a tract at the source of the river Biyuk-Karasu on the northern slope of the yayla.
  • Botanical monument of nature "Kara-Tau" - the upper plateau of Karabi-yayly, overgrown with an old beech forest.
  • The botanical reserve "Karabi-yaylinskaya hollow", in which rare thickets of Biberstein's snail, endemic to the Crimea, are concentrated.

Karabi-yayla is rich in "specially protected natural objects". There are about twenty of them here. Moreover, most of them are karst caves.

Monuments and memorial sites 1941–1945

During the years of the guerrilla war on Karabi-yayla, battles with the enemy began. But the plateau is too unfavorable for defense: positions are always in sight, easily shot through, easily become a trap, since it is almost always possible to find hidden approaches and bypass paths to them. In the most protracted bad weather, the roads on the yayla remain passable, anyone can easily move along them. military equipment. These conditions, with the overwhelming superiority of the enemy in manpower and weapons, forced the partisans to avoid protracted battles on the yail. And yet, in the heroic annals of the partisan movement in the Crimea, Karabi occupies an honorable place. It was here that the main partisan airfield was located, which received aircraft from the mainland.


The weather here can bring many surprises. But if you take them into account, then from mid-March to mid-November you can go on a trip. The Caribbean winter is long; frosty days 100–140. The minimum temperature in winter is 25–27 degrees below zero. It usually falls in February and is accompanied by strong winds. And yet, even in winter, Karabi-yayla is beautiful in its own way. Her beauty is in the power, unrestraint of formidable elements. It is most beautiful in May-June, when everything is covered with flowers. The most stable weather in Karabi is in July and August. A feature that tourists should know: it rains on Karabi mostly at night. Autumn on Karabi gives a lot of bright, unforgettable pictures. Imagine: fog, and through it sparkle, illuminated by an unexpected sunbeam, branches of frosty trees. And tourists come here until late autumn, they go to see these beauties with their own eyes.

Vegetable world

The flora of Karabi includes more than 500 species - beech, oak, hornbeam, yew, hazel, dogwood, juniper ... However, the main part of the plant diversity is represented by herbaceous plants, of which more than 50 have medicinal properties - - thyme, St. John's wort, oregano, Crimean iron, etc. e. Dozens of plant species are included in the Red Book. Among them: yew berry; feather grass - Lessing, Pontic and beautiful; peonies - narrow-leaved and trifoliate; Susian saffron and several types of orchids. On Karabi-yayla, pillow thickets of the Crimean edelweiss (Bieberstein's shards) grow.


Like all karst massifs, Karabi is extremely poor in water. All the water that falls on the yayla with rains, snow very quickly goes into the depths of the massif and appears on the surface already on the slopes and at the foot. So, on the eastern slope of Karabi, not far from the village. Golovanovka, originates the river. Karasu-bashi. This is the largest source in the Crimea, its average consumption is 1500 l/s.

The springs on the plateau can be counted on one hand. This is the Chaban-Chokrak well, not far from the Tash-Khabakh-Bogaz pass near the road from Generalsky; a well in the Kazanly tract; a source in the upper reaches of the Tanas beam, not far from the Soldatskaya mine. Lakes - Kogey, Egiz-Tinakh, Lakhlyn-Tinakh, Kazanly - artificial, the water in them is not suitable for drinking. There is water in some caves (Krubera, Vodopoynaya), but not always, and you need to go down to it by 20–40 m underground.

How to get there?

You can get to Karabi-yayla, the largest in the Crimea, from the village. Perevalnoye, with. Zelenogorsk, with. Golovanovka, s. General'skoye or from the former tourist site Nizhny Kok-Asan, located near the Belogorsk-Privetnoye road.

It should be warned that Karabi has a reputation as one of the dangerous places Crimea. It is practically uninhabited, only a post of mountain rescuers works at the former weather station, there is no water on the plateau. BUT weather unpredictable: the wind often changes its direction, fogs appear on a clear day and cloud everything around. And in the fog you can easily fall into a deep funnel. Therefore, it is best to go to Karabi-yaila accompanied by an experienced guide.

Yayla (translated in Turkish as a plateau), or mountain pasture, in the summer, intended for cattle pasture.

The name itself, by origin, refers to Turkic words. The Turkish version of it borrows only the root from him. Yay (yay) in Turkic means "summer", and already in Turkish it is transformed into Yayla (yayla).

Yayla is a horizontal area with sufficient vegetation cover and a significant amount of water in the soil.

Yayla are both large and small pastures in the mountains. Shepherds give preference to large yayla, but small yayla can also be used for several days of grazing. Large eggs are used throughout the season.

Housing is made by shepherds right on the spot and settle here during the season, without driving cattle.

Water resources pass close to the soils, which is a feature of these plateaus, and therefore abundant vegetation grows on the plateau, which provides food for livestock.

This distinctive feature of mountain formations has been widely appreciated by people since antiquity. People believed that such places were endowed with magical powers and often installed a stone idol on the yayla, which they called "vishaps".

In Russian, the expression yayla is most often used in the Crimean peninsula.

The main animals grazing here were goats and sheep. Due to the huge destruction of vegetation by cattle grazing on the plateau, which can lead to soil erosion in these places, grazing on the Crimean yayla was prohibited.

For Crimea, the main location of such pastures is the main ridge of the Crimean mountains. Its area is about one and a half thousand square kilometers.

List of Crimean Yayla

  • Ai-Petri Yayla
  • Babugan yayla
  • Baydarskaya yayla
  • Gurzuf Yayla
  • Yayla Demirdzhi
  • Dolgorukovskaya Yayla(yayla Subatkan)
  • karabi yayla
  • Nikitskaya Yayla
  • Yayla Orta-Syrt
  • Chatyr-Dag-yayla
  • Yalta Yayla

Let's consider one of them in more detail.

Yalta Yayla

Yalta Yayla is an array of mountains (yayla), the main part of the Crimean mountain range.

This array from the north and from the west covers the bay and the sloping plain of the foothill coast with the city of Yalta located on this coast. Mount Lapata is a more visible point from Yalta. Also there you can see several nameless peaks in the northeast direction from Mount Lapaty.

Magnificent forms of karst relief are located in this Mediterranean-type mountain range - dips and caves. Yalta mountain hilly upland plateau, which has an unusual similarity with alpine meadows with fabulous meadows of flowers and a small area of ​​woodlands.

From the western direction, the Yalta massif passes into the Ai-Petrinsky yaila, from the eastern side it rests against Mount Kemal-Egerek.

The Yalta Yayla is delimited by the Uch-Kosh Gorge from the Nikitskaya Yayla. The Yalta mountain and forest reserve includes the southern slopes of the mountain range.

Three parallel ridges are part of the Crimean mountains, running from the northeast to the southwest, which separate two longitudinal valleys.

The nature of their slopes is the same: they are gentle from the north and steep from the south. Taking into account the age of the rocks, Cape Fiolent should be considered the beginning of the first, since the composition of the cape includes the same rocks as in the first ridge. It is so long that it reaches the city of Stary Krym.

Near Sevastopol, the inner ridge (Sapun Mountain) originates and ends near the city of Stary Krym.

In the west, the main ridge originates near Balaklava, and Mount Agarmysh is its end, near Stary Krym. The top of the main ridge is a plateau with a wavy surface, which is called a yayla.


More than 280 mines have been discovered on the Ai-Petri Yaila, caves and wells; two caves equipped for excursions - Trekhglazka and Yalta, these caves are specially equipped for mass visits by tourists, which helps to protect people from the unpredictability of natural treachery, as well as to protect them from humans.

It's wonderful underworld excursions for children are also possible.

Both caves are located near each other and from cable car top station. These caves are not impressive in size, and a tour of them will be interesting and informative, which will not take much time.

Yalta cave on Ai-Petri Yaila

The cave is located just a few steps from the Three-Eyed Cave. Its opening for excursions took place relatively recently; tourist route: paths were laid, the entrance was cleaned and restored, lighting was installed.

The main unimaginably beautiful sight are stalagmites and stalactites, and stone flowers. If you turn on your imagination, you can imagine a variety of pictures of animals, fairy-tale heroes, dragons, fantastic creatures. This cave helps to get completely new impressions and feel like a pioneer. A visit to this cave will plunge you headlong into adventure - one of the best caves of the Ai-Petri massif.