Guide to St. Petersburg: attractions and entertainment. Guide to St. Petersburg: attractions and entertainment

The city of white nights is a magnificent brainchild of the great Emperor Peter I, often called Russian Venice or Northern Palmyra. Indeed, only a few cities in the world can compare with the brilliant St. Petersburg. It is no coincidence that he is considered cultural capital Russia, because literally at every step the traveler is waiting for a meeting with the amazing and beautiful. In terms of the number of attractions per square kilometer of territory, the flourishing metropolis, spread out on the banks of the Neva, will not yield to the most popular tourist centers on the planet.

The sights of the beautiful city on the Neva are diverse, multifaceted, and delightful. Among the abundance of what to see in St. Petersburg, it is certainly worth highlighting several places, architectural, historical and cultural monuments making North Palmyra recognizable all over the world.

  • Address: Metro stations "Admiralteyskaya", "Vosstaniya Square", "Gostiny Dvor", "Alexander Nevsky Square".

Nevsky Prospekt, stretching for 4.5 km from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra to the Winter Palace, is Peter's calling card, his soul. Each of the 240 buildings, whose facades face the famous Peter's Perspective, is architectural monument. The avenue, sometimes narrowing to 20 m, sometimes widening to 60 m, crosses the Fontanka and Moika rivers, the Griboyedov Canal with magnificent bridges. Walking along Nevsky Prospekt, travelers can admire the majestic Kazan Cathedral, the colorful buildings of Gostiny Dvor and the Passage, fountains on Malaya Sadovaya and Kazansky Square, monuments to Catherine II, M. Kutuzov, A. Nevsky, B. De Tolly. Nevsky Prospekt is always crowded, because it is customary to start acquaintance with the amazing St. Petersburg from here.

  • Address: Hare Island. Metro stations "Gorkovskaya" or "Sportivnaya".

The history of St. Petersburg, in fact, begins with the laying of the Peter and Paul Fortress in 1703 on Zayachy Island, which reliably protected the city for several centuries. The citadel, consisting of 6 forts connected by ravelins, was built according to the plan developed by the engineer Lambert and Peter I. At that time, it was considered almost impregnable. At different times, Tsarevich Alexei, Princess Tarakanova, F. M. Dostoevsky, Decembrists and Narodnaya Volya were imprisoned in the casemates of the citadel. Today it has been turned into a magnificent museum complex. In addition to the royal tomb and the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the fortress houses the Cosmonautics Museum, the Kunstkamera, the Military History Museum, and the Mint. According to a centuries-old tradition, which was not respected only in 1934-1957, a volley of cannon from the Naryshkin bastion notifies the inhabitants of the city about the onset of noon.

  • Opening hours: daily, except Monday, from 10:30 to 18:00, Wednesday and Friday from 10:30 to 21:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 400 rubles, students, schoolchildren, children of preschool age are admitted free of charge.
  • Phone: +7 812 571-34-65.
  • Website:
  • Address: Palace embankment, 34. Metro stations "Nevsky Prospekt" or "Admiralteyskaya".

The name of the museum, considered one of the largest in the world, is widely known outside of Russia. The Hermitage collection contains more than 30 million artistic masterpieces, artifacts belonging to various periods of human history - from the Stone Age to the present day. More than 5 million people who visit the museum every year can admire the creations of the greatest sculptors, painters, gunsmiths, and jewelers. Rarities from collections dedicated to history and culture ancient egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, seek to see travelers from all over the world. The expositions of the Hermitage, in addition to the Winter Palace, are located in the Menshikov Palace, the Exchange building, the eastern wing of the General Staff building.

  • Address: Senate Square. Transport stop "Admiralteisky Prospekt".

Empress Catherine II, under whom Russian empire reached its peak, positioned itself as a successor to the glorious deeds of Peter I. It was she who ordered the construction of a monument in the capital worthy of the greatness of the reformer tsar, who laid the foundation for the power of the state. As a pedestal for it, a huge boulder was chosen - Thunder-stone, which was delivered for more than three months from the village of Konnaya Lakhta, located 8 km from St. Petersburg. In 1770, a bronze sculpture, cast according to a sketch by the Frenchman E. Falcone, took its place on the pedestal. The author managed to convey the expression of the moment. The emperor, crowned with a laurel wreath, tames a rearing horse that has trampled a serpent under its hooves. The monument strikes with expressiveness. It is no coincidence that the Bronze Horseman is sung in the poem of the same name by A.S. Pushkin.

  • Opening hours: from Wednesday to Sunday inclusive, from 11:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 400 rubles, preferential 200 rubles.
  • Phone: +7 812 230-84-40.
  • Website:
  • Address: Petrogradskaya embankment. Metro station "Ploschad Lenina" or "Gorkovskaya".

The October Revolution can be treated differently. At the same time, it is impossible not to admit that the cruiser Aurora, which has become one of its main symbols, is a landmark of St. Petersburg. He became world famous after a single volley that gave the signal to storm the Winter Palace, where the Provisional Government met. Meanwhile, in the long history of the cruiser there were many other events. The ship took part in the Battle of Tsushima, retaining its buoyancy after being hit by 18 shells of various calibers. During the Second World War, he was part of the Leningrad air defense system, survived many bombings and shelling. Artillery guns taken from the Aurora rained down on the Nazis a flurry of fire and metal. After the end of the war, the ship, launched in 1900, was restored and assigned to eternal parking. In subsequent years, the cruiser was repaired several more times, and its underwater part was completely replaced.

Delightful churches of St. Petersburg

The splendor of the temples of Peter can easily compete with the most popular tourist centers planets. The creations of Russian and European architects delight with the diversity of architecture, amaze with the ideal proportions, grandiosity of designs.

  • Working hours: from Thursday to Sunday inclusive, from 10:30 to 22:00, Monday and Tuesday from 10:30 to 17:30, closed Wednesday.
  • Ticket price 250 rubles.
  • Phone: +7 812 315-97-32.
  • Website:
  • Address: St. Isaac's Square, 4. Metro station "Admiralteyskaya".

The ingenious creation of Montferrand can be enjoyed for hours, admiring its proportionality, grace, grandiosity. The construction of the majestic building, towering 101.5 meters above the ground and crowned with a gilded dome with a diameter of 25.8 meters, lasted 39 years. The exterior of the cathedral reflected all the best that architectural classicism is famous for - delightful porticos supported by columns, luxurious bas-reliefs decorating the pediments, beautiful sculptures of the apostles. The interiors of the temple are no less magnificent. Panels, stained-glass windows, painting of arches and walls, openwork stucco molding, statues amaze the imagination. The cathedral keeps revered Orthodox shrines - the image of the Tikhvin and Korsun Mother of God, a cross containing particles of the Tree of the Lord.

Of course, one of the symbols of St. Petersburg and its main attraction is Winter Palace, the residence of the tsars, and Palace Square with the dominant Alexander Pillar, sung by Pushkin.

The palace was built in 1762 by the famous architect Rastrelli in the Elizabethan Baroque style, opulent and full of details and gilding. Now the main exposition of the State Hermitage is located here, the collection of which was started by Catherine the Great. They say that the entire collection of exhibits cannot be viewed even in 5 years, therefore, in order to fully enjoy at least a small part of it, it is better to set aside a whole day.

St. Isaac's Cathedral is the most monumental, largest and famous cathedral in St. Petersburg. Many are associated with its construction. mystical stories, the most famous of them is that the clairvoyant predicted a quick death to the chief architect Auguste Montferrand after the construction was completed, so the construction dragged on. Coincidence or not, he died of an acute heart attack in the same year that the new cathedral was consecrated. For every guest northern capital you must definitely climb the colonnade of St. Isaac's Cathedral, from where a stunning view of the city opens, and the interior of the cathedral impresses with its splendor, severity and solemnity. By the way, Petersburgers call Isaac the inkpot because of its shape, reminiscent of this stationery item.

One more calling card city ​​and one of the main attractions of St. Petersburg is the Church of the Savior on Blood, which is located on the Griboyedov Canal. The place was not chosen by chance - it was here in 1881 that an attempt was made on the life of Alexander II, who was mortally wounded as a result. The temple was built in the Russian style and looks like a painted tower, bright even in cloudy weather. The history of the temple is tragic - during the Soviet era, there was a warehouse of vegetables and decorations, a hospital, and during the war a landmine hit the building. Started in the nineties complete reconstruction temple, which lasted for many years, and now the Savior on Blood is carefully guarded by the townspeople and is open to the public.

The main attraction of the city is Peter-Pavel's Fortress, the first building laid in the year of foundation of St. Petersburg. The fortress was planned as a military fortification, then barracks were located in it, as well as casemates, where the Decembrists, Tsarevich Alexei, and Princess Tarakanova were kept at different times. On the territory of the fortress there was also the Mint, which was moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg. In the Peter and Paul Cathedral there is a tomb of emperors with sarcophagi of all Russian emperors and tsars, starting with Peter I. Not so long ago, the remains of the last royal family were also transferred to the cathedral.

St. Petersburg with the magnificence of its architecture, museums, bridges, palaces, sculptures, gardens and embankments has long been one of the most famous tourist cities in Europe. Living in Russia and not visiting St. Petersburg is simply unthinkable. After all, tourists from different parts of the world strive to get into this stunning city, which surpasses many European capitals in beauty.

The impression of St. Petersburg will not be complete without visiting its brilliant suburbs with the former residences of Russian emperors - Peterhof, Pushkin and Pavlovsk. It is worth coming to St. Petersburg once to fall in love with it and return again and again.

Acquaintance with St. Petersburg always begins with the main street of the northern capital - the famous Nevsky Prospekt, sung by many poets and writers. And although the length of Nevsky is 4.5 km, it is worth walking along it, at least from Vosstaniya Square, where the Moscow railway station is located, to the Admiralty, to get an impression of the grandeur and unique beauty of the city.

Such a walk will allow you to see a lot at once. iconic places, cross the bridges over the Fontanka River, the Griboedov Canal and the Moika, admire the stunning architecture of buildings and palaces, including Gostiny Dvor, the Singer House, the Eliseevsky Store and the Admiralty building.

Address: Nevsky prospect.

As soon as you turn at the beginning of Nevsky Prospekt under the arch of the General Staff, Palace Square, the heart of St. Petersburg, unsurpassed in beauty, opens before your eyes. In the center of the square is the famous, designed by O. Montferrand from a monolith of pink granite, crowned with the figure of an angel.

The face of the angel is turned to the architectural pearl of the architect D.-J. Rastrelli, the Winter Palace, where, as you know, the treasures of the Hermitage are located. The portico of the building of the New Hermitage adjacent to the palace is decorated with ten giant atlantes, which have long become a symbol of the city on the Neva. On the other hand architectural ensemble The square is complemented by a semicircular building of the General Staff building with a pompous chariot above the arch in honor of the victory in the war of 1812.

Address: Palace Square.

This world famous museum is the pride of Russia. It is one of the twenty most popular museums in the world and surpasses many of them in terms of the number of masterpieces of painting, sculpture, and art treasures in its collection. Them in the Hermitage about three million. It must be understood that the Hermitage funds are located not only in the Winter Palace, but in five buildings located on the Neva embankment, connected by passages.

However, when a museum visitor enters the Hermitage for the first time along the stunning beauty of the Jordan Stairs and begins to inspect one hall after another, he often, having lost track of time, does not notice that he has long since moved from the Winter Palace to another or third building.

Address: Palace Square - house 2.

The most famous monumental cathedral of St. Petersburg - St. Isaac's, is a symbol of the city. Every tourist considers it a must to visit St. Isaac's Square and see the cathedral, whose height is more than 101 meters. This masterpiece of architecture, built for 40 years according to the project of O. Montferrand, strikes the imagination not only with its size, but also with its decor; various types of natural stones are used in its design.

Monolithic columns and sculptures adorn the cathedral. And the giant sparkling dome of Isaac, covered with hundreds of kilograms of pure gold, is visible from different parts of St. Petersburg. It is worth climbing the cathedral colonnade along the spiral staircase to admire the beauty of the city from its height.

Address: St. Isaac's Square, 4.

On Senate Square, the bronze monument to Peter I, created by the French sculptor E. Falcone in 1782 by order of Catherine II, has been captivating people since its opening.

The monument sung by Pushkin in the poem has since become known as the Bronze Horseman. The emperor on a mighty horse invariably attracts tourists who want to capture him as a keepsake.

Address: Senate Square.

The stunning beauty of the Russian-style cathedral, towering on the Griboyedov Canal next to the entrance to the Mikhailovsky Garden, famous for its openwork forged lattice, leaves no one indifferent. At this place, Alexander II was mortally wounded.

The cathedral has become a real gem among the numerous churches of St. Petersburg. The height of the temple is impressive - more than 80 meters, its nine domes evoke an association with the Moscow Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed. In the decoration of the temple used:

  • Multicolored enamels.
  • Mosaic.
  • Marble.
  • Gilding.
  • Bronze.

Address: embankment of the Griboyedov Canal - 2B.

Not far from the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, on Inzhenernaya Street, in the Mikhailovsky Palace, there is the world's largest collection of Russian art - the Russian Museum. It is here that you can see the works of the most famous Russian painters and sculptors.

The museum has almost 411 thousand exhibits of painting, sculpture, graphics, applied art and is very popular with tourists.

Address: Engineering street, 4.

Mikhailovsky (Engineering) Castle

Petersburg is known to be a city of palaces. But there is only one castle here - Mikhailovsky, aka Engineering. Located right behind the Mikhailovsky Garden, on the banks of the Moika, the castle impresses not only with its size and unusual architecture, but the gloomy story of the assassination of Emperor Paul I.

Address: Sadovaya street, 2.

The largest temple in St. Petersburg in the center of Nevsky Prospekt is a true decoration of the city - this is the Kazan Cathedral. It was conceived by Paul I and is similar in shape to St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. The Kazan Cathedral symbolizes the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, M. Kutuzov is buried in it and trophies are stored, including the keys to the captured cities. Monuments to M. Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly are installed on both sides of the cathedral.

Address: Kazanskaya Square, 2.

The Anichkov Bridge on the Fontanka is rightfully considered a unique landmark of Nevsky Prospekt. There are about 800 bridges in St. Petersburg, but Anichkov is considered the most unusual in beauty, decorated with four magnificent bronze sculptures of horse tamers created by P. Klodt.

Next to the bridge is the magnificent Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace, on the other side of the river is the Anichkov Palace.

Address: Nevsky prospect.

it legendary place Petersburg, sung by poets from Pushkin to Akhmatova. Not to visit here means not to get a complete impression of the city on the Neva. Founded at the beginning of the 18th century, the Summer Garden was the brainchild of Peter I and became a masterpiece of landscape gardening art.

The summer garden is decorated with beautiful creations of Italian masters - marble sculptures, they, like fountains, ponds with swans and a stunningly beautiful forged lattice from the side of the Neva, attract thousands of visitors here.

Address: Kutuzov embankment, 2.

An unusual architectural ensemble is seen by everyone who, from the Winter Palace to Palace Bridge crosses the Neva. Arrow Vasilyevsky Island- this is amazing place, washed on both sides by the waters of the Neva.

Reminiscent of an ancient temple, the building of the new Exchange (now the Naval Museum) with two powerful Rostral columns in front of it, decorated with sculptures of river gods, is a delightful sight.

Address: Exchange Square, 4.

From the Rostral Columns, it is worth walking quite a bit to the left along the Neva embankment, as you will see the magnificent building of the Kunstkamera, which has become a symbol of the Academy of Sciences, where M. Lomonosov also worked. Now it is the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after Peter the Great of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

It presents a unique collection of anatomical rarities, acquired by Peter I, the largest collection of household items in Europe of the peoples of the world.

Address: Universitetskaya embankment, 3.

From the Spit of Vasilievsky Island, it is within easy reach of the famous Peter and Paul Fortress, located on Hare Island. The golden spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral crowned with an angel is another well-known symbol of the northern capital.

A tour of the bastions and ravelins of the fortress is a real excursion into the history of the country, many famous people in Russia were imprisoned here, every day at noon a cannon shot is heard from the Naryshkin bastion. The Peter and Paul Cathedral became the tomb of the Romanov dynasty, Peter I was also buried here.

The square with the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, an Orthodox male monastery, completes Nevsky Prospekt. It attracts hundreds of tourists seeking to visit the 18th-century necropolises, which are part of the architectural ensemble, and artists. Both necropolises provide an opportunity to visit the graves of many celebrities. M. Lomonosov, V. Zhukovsky, P. Tchaikovsky, F. Dostoevsky and many others found peace here.

Address: Monastyrka river embankment - 1.

For the first day, you can adhere to the already indicated excursion program maximum, and for the second day of rest in St. Petersburg, consider a different format. An interesting option— an excursion to the palace complexes in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, for example, to Peterhof (Grand Palace), Pushkin (Ekaterininsky, Alexander Palaces, Pushkin Lyceum) or Pavlovsk (Pavlovsk Palace).

The second popular format is a "museum day" with an overview of several treasure museums of the capital. But here you need to be careful: for a detailed acquaintance, it will be possible to plan only 2-3 large museums for the day, such as the Kunstkamera, the Hermitage, the Peter and Paul Fortress complex, the Aurora cruiser museum. The best end to the evening (any day) is going to a play or a musical performance in one of the St. Petersburg theaters.

What to see in St. Petersburg in 3 days

The three-day recreation program in St. Petersburg also involves the choice of priority routes, since even during this period (and in a week) it is impossible to cover all the main sights of the city and the nearest suburban palace complexes.

If the weather is good, one of the days can be devoted almost entirely to rest on Krestovsky Island - in the Divo Ostrov amusement park. On cloudy days, it is not difficult to find alternatives in indoor complexes such as Maza Park or large water parks.

Another direction is to discover literary Petersburg on your own: visit the museum-apartments of your favorite writers, take pictures of the monuments dedicated to them, or even walk along the Raskolnikov route. You can choose others according to your taste. unusual places: mark on the map sculptures of lions, extraordinary architectural objects, park of miniatures, routes along the embankments. For many tourists, the obligatory program also includes a cruise on the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg and a photo of the sky from the courtyard-well.

Sights of St. Petersburg for children

Standard routes around St. Petersburg for schoolchildren are excursions: trips to palace and park complexes, studying museum expositions or walking around the city center along the Neva Embankment, past the Bronze Horseman and St. Isaac's Cathedral.

You can diversify the cultural program by visiting unusual sights that children will definitely like: for example, go to the Chocolate Museum near Gostiny Dvor for half an hour or to the Museum of Soviet Slot Machines. For a group of schoolchildren, you can organize a visit to the Wax Museum or where master classes are held on Sundays. It will be interesting for high school students to go to the museum-apartments of famous writers who lived in the city on the Neva at different times: to see where Gumilyov, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Blok, Akhmatova, Nabokov lived and worked. A universal recreation route for children and adults is a trip to the Leningrad Zoo.

Amusement parks and water parks in St. Petersburg deserve special attention, which are so often forgotten when compiling a recreation program. In summer or spring-autumn, in good weather, it is worth going all day to one of the amusement parks: Divo Ostrov, Gagarin Park (there is an ice town in winter) or a rope park. There is entertainment for every taste: children's and classic, extreme rides, interactive performances. Aquaparks "Piterland" and "Rodeo Drive" are open all year round like the amusement parks in the major shopping malls. Sights of St. Petersburg in winter - open skating rinks on Palace Square, on Krestovsky Island, in Peterhof.

More places of interest family vacation you will find in the material

Every year the city of St. Petersburg is visited by about two and a half million foreign tourists. Approximately the same number come from the Russian hinterland. Such interest in the northern capital is due to its rich cultural and historical past. It may take several weeks to see only the most famous sights.

In 2010, St. Petersburg was in seventh place in the list of the most visited cities in Europe by tourists. A huge urban agglomeration is located in the Neva Delta along east coast Gulf of Finland. The historical center of St. Petersburg and the complexes of monuments associated with it were the first objects on the territory of Russia (then still the USSR) to be included in the list. The abundance of historical and cultural attractions is of great interest to tourists from all over the world. And this, in turn, forces the city authorities to create comfortable conditions in the service sector. Tourism is one of the basic sectors of the city's economy. The city of white nights, canals and bridges, museums and theaters is fashionable today modern capital. There is something here that is not found anywhere else in the world.

Sights of St. Petersburg - PHOTO

1. State Hermitage

The State Hermitage must certainly be on the list of must-see objects in St. Petersburg. This is one of the largest art museums in the world. Within the walls of the huge museum complex you can see thousands of art objects, find interesting cultural exhibitions, impressionist curtains, artifacts of Egyptian and ancient antiquity, ceramics, sculptures, works of contemporary authors and much more. Of particular note is the main building of the Hermitage - the Winter Palace. Its facade, appearance and incredible architectural style are no less impressive than the treasures kept behind the walls of this former imperial residence.

2. Peter and Paul Fortress

The fortress surrounded by water is another interesting and iconic landmark of St. Petersburg. The Peter and Paul Fortress is located on Hare Island at the mouth of the Neva. It was built in the early 18th century to protect the city. Today you can touch the history of the northern capital by walking among the numerous buildings and monuments located behind the high defensive walls. Peter and Paul Cathedral occupies here central location and is the main attraction. Other noteworthy objects - the Military History Museum, the Mint, the Grand Duke's burial vault, the Trubetskoy Bastion Prison (now a museum). In addition to historical buildings, the island also has green areas that are perfect for leisurely walks.

3. Grand Peterhof Palace

The magnificent Grand Peterhof Palace is part of a stunning palace and park ensemble in the city of Peterhof. Once here, even the most sophisticated tourist will be amazed amazing beauty and a laconic combination of magical green parks, colorful gardens, majestic palaces and fountains. Impressive facade view Grand Palace during the summer months. A cascade of flowing fountains and many golden statues are the perfect backdrop for memorable photographs. The interiors of the palace are spectacularly decorated: stucco, forged metal, gilded woodcarving, oil painting and wall painting, various sculptures, bas-reliefs, vases and statues. The Great Peterhof Palace, and indeed the whole of Peterhof, are undoubtedly worthy of a visit.

4. Catherine Palace

The Great Catherine Palace is certainly a majestic and inspiring sight. It is located in the center of Tsarskoye Selo (today it is the city of Pushkin), 25 kilometers from St. Petersburg. The building was founded in 1717 by order of Empress Catherine I. The blue-and-white residence, located in the middle of a picturesque garden and decorated with numerous statues and pilasters, is an example of the late Baroque. The interiors of the summer palace convey the breathtaking atmosphere of the 18th century. Gold decorations, massive ceilings and windows, frescoes and works of art create a pleasant, captivating environment.

5. Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

Memorial Orthodox Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood is a very colorful historical landmark of the city. The temple was built on donations on the spot where a fatal attempt was made on the life of Emperor Alexander II. In the historical center, right in the middle of the city landscape, a church with huge multi-colored domes, complex mosaics and carvings suddenly appears before the eyes of tourists. This original masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture, strongly reminiscent of, today is a museum. Next to it is the Field of Mars Square and the Mikhailovsky Garden.

6. Smolny Monastery

Smolny Monastery, headed by a huge cathedral of the same name, is picturesquely located along West Bank Neva in the center of St. Petersburg. This attraction is worthy of attention due to its rich history. And also thanks to its architectural style - a combination of lush Elizabethan baroque with neoclassicism. The facades of the buildings are painted in light, soft, blue tones, and the picturesque domes are decorated with golden elements. Today, various exhibitions can be found in the Smolny buildings. The cathedral itself is a concert venue for classical music. The large well-kept courtyard of the monastery is well suited for leisurely walks. All in all, this is a place worth visiting.

7. St. Isaac's Cathedral

St. Isaac's Cathedral is the second highest Orthodox church in the world and the largest Orthodox church in St. Petersburg. Unique architectural structure, which is an example of late classicism, today has the status of a museum. The building is decorated with various statues and bas-reliefs, as well as 112 granite columns, forming a very characteristic, memorable facade on all four sides. The cathedral is dominated by a huge ornamented gilded dome. Once inside the temple, you can enjoy mosaics, stained-glass windows, granite and marble carvings, altars and various works of Orthodox art. There is a small picturesque park right in front of the cathedral.

8. Summer garden

During your holidays in St. Petersburg, be sure to take a relaxing and exciting walk among the scenery of the Summer Garden. Immerse yourself for a while in this quaint and picturesque park, enjoy relaxation and silence away from the noisy central streets of the city. White statues and sculptural groups bordering the aisles adorn the numerous alleys and paths. You can wander along them for a long time and with interest, and in the evenings summer garden it is pleasant to relax sitting on a bench and enjoying the rays of the setting sun breaking through the tops of the trees.

Nearest hotels: Summer Garden

9. Vasilyevsky Island

Vasilyevsky Island is located at the mouth of the Neva River, south of Petrogradsky Island. It's another one interesting place for visiting. On Vasilevsky Island you can find many historical and cultural monuments, as well as numerous picturesque parks and recreation areas. Some of the most impressive buildings dating back to the 18th century are concentrated in the eastern part - the so-called Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. Vivid examples are the Kunstkamera, the Menshikov Palace, the Exchange Building and the Rostral Columns, the University Embankment and the Academy of Sciences, St. Andrew's Cathedral and the Church of the Three Saints, museums and houses of noble noble families. The island is connected to the mainland by two picturesque bridges, Palace and Blagoveshchensky, which complement the incredible appearance of the historical architectural ensemble.

In the southern part of Tsarskoe Selo there is another impressive sight - palace and park ensemble in Pavlovsk. The palace, which became the embodiment of the neoclassical architectural style, was the summer residence of Emperor Paul I. On both sides of the palace there is an extensive landscape gardening area, arranged in the valley of the Slavyanka River. Green meadows and forests, lakes and walking paths, bridges and monuments, gazebos, dozens of different buildings and structures. A total of 600 hectares of territory can be divided into 9 thematic zones. Every year Pavlovsk Park is visited by one and a half million tourists.