Ruzhany is a city in the Pruzhany district, Brest region of Belarus. Palace, Catholic church, Church

Ruzhany is a city of Pruzhany district, Brest region of Belarus. In the city of Ruzhany, several very important architectural monuments and sights have been preserved. From the point of view of its cultural and historical heritage, the city of Ruzhany is one of the key settlements in the Brest region and throughout Belarus. And for tourists and travelers in Belarus, this city is one of interesting opportunities for a weekend trip. Also, this city is one of the most popular sightseeing destinations in all of Belarus.

The key attraction of the city of Ruzhany, due to which this city has gained such wide popularity, are the ruins of the Sapieha palace complex. Initially, this palace was built in 1602 by the Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lev Sapieha. In those days, this palace was quite well fortified, and could even be fully characterized as a castle. In the second half of the 18th century, the castle in Ruzhany was significantly rebuilt. It was then that it became a palace, and it was the fragments of that 18th-century building that have survived to this day. The palace in the city of Ruzhany was the central residence of Sapieha, one of the richest magnate families in Belarus. This palace was also one of the most majestic and beautiful palaces in the whole country. After the defeat of the uprising of 1831, in which the Sapiehas took an active part on the side of the rebels, their palace was confiscated. After that, the building of the palace complex was rented from the state by a local entrepreneur, he organized a weaving factory there. The palace in the city of Ruzhany was badly damaged in the First world war, and during the Second World War, it finally turned into ruins.

As you can see in one of the photos below, which shows the reconstruction of the appearance of the palace in the city of Ruzhany in the era of its heyday, earlier this palace complex included two side wings connected to the central building of the palace with beautiful greenhouses, as well as a very solid entrance gate. The palace in the city of Ruzhany was very successfully built on a high hill. It still looks very picturesque and can be seen from afar. Around the palace there was once also beautiful park and a whole complex of various outbuildings. To date, unfortunately, one of the outbuildings of the palace in the city of Ruzhany has been completely lost, like all other outbuildings. The central entrance gate has been perfectly restored, and today it houses a museum. And the main building of the palace and the surviving outbuilding continue to be restored very slowly, but are still ruins. Nevertheless, even in this state, the palace complex in the city of Ruzhany is an outstanding architectural monument and landmark of Belarus.

However, the city of Ruzhany might not have been so popular among tourists if the list of its attractions was limited to the palace complex alone. Indeed, there are several other very valuable architectural monuments here. One of such monuments of the city of Ruzhany is the Church of Saints Peter and Paul. Today it is an ordinary parish church, but earlier it was part of a Uniate monastery. This temple was originally built in 1778. The project of this temple was developed by the same architect (Jan Samuel Becker), who led the large-scale reconstruction of the palace, which was carried out, as already mentioned, at the same time. Well, the monastery itself was organized a little earlier, but also in the 18th century. By the way, next to the church, the monastery building, built in 1788, is well preserved. Today, the church in the city of Ruzhany functions, is in excellent condition and is an interesting landmark and architectural monument of Belarus.

Another important attraction of the city of Ruzhany is another temple, namely the Church of the Holy Trinity. This temple is located on the central square of the city of Ruzhany directly opposite the church. The church was originally built in 1617. Such a venerable age gives this temple a special value. Funds for its construction were allocated by the GDL Chancellor Lev Sapieha himself. The church in the city of Ruzhany was rebuilt and reconstructed several times. The most ambitious of these reconstructions was led by the same J.S. Becker. You can also note another interesting milestone in the history of the church in the city of Ruzhany. The fact is that, unlike most other churches in Belarus, this church was not closed during the Soviet era. Today it is also open to the faithful, is in a completely restored state and is a very valuable architectural monument of the early 17th century.

The church and the church in the city of Ruzhany form a very remarkable and traditional for Belarus architectural ensemble of historical buildings in the central part of the city. Only in Belarus, very often in different cities and towns, temples of two main Christian denominations peacefully coexist, occupying two sides of the same square.

Another very remarkable attraction of the city of Ruzhany is the Catholic chapel of St. Casimir. This temple was built in 1792. Initially, this temple was a full-fledged church, but today it is already characterized as a chapel. The state of the chapel in the city of Ruzhany is far from ideal, its restoration, apparently, is not planned yet. However, even in this form, the chapel in the city of Ruzhany is a valuable architectural monument.

This chapel is located on one of the local cemeteries, which in turn is located on the very high point the entire surrounding area, visually even higher than the hill on which the palace stands. The chapel offers a beautiful view of the surroundings, including all the previously described sights of the city of Ruzhany (see the last two photos). By the way, the project of this chapel was developed by J.S. Becker. This Saxon architect was invited to serve at the end of the 18th century by representatives of the Sapieha family, and, as we see, he really put his work into the creation and renovation of virtually all architectural monuments of the city of Ruzhany - the Sapieha family nest.

And finally, it should also be noted that in the city of Ruzhany there are several more historical buildings, which can also be considered small sights of the city. Among these buildings, a complex of buildings formerly belonging to the synagogue of the 18th century deserves special mention. Today, the synagogue itself is a ruin, and some other buildings that were previously part of a single synagogue together with the synagogue architectural complex, today restored (see the next two photos). The rest of the historical ordinary building of the city of Ruzhany is represented by buildings of the 19th - early 20th centuries. These buildings well complement the excellent tourist atmosphere of the city of Ruzhany. But unfortunately, at least one full-fledged historic quarter. And the described buildings are located in the central part of the city episodically, and are built up with modern buildings.

It should also be noted that although the city of Ruzhany is quite small, nevertheless, there is all the necessary tourism infrastructure. In particular, here, of course, there are: cafes, hotels, shops, a pharmacy, a bank, a gas station and more. But, by the way, for some reason, it is in the city of Ruzhany that the trade in souvenirs and other similar products is not at all developed. But, this is not so important, the main thing is that general impression from visiting the city of Ruzhany, tourists are always very good.

Date of construction: 1598-1605, 1748-86

Ruzhany Palace Complex, is the largest monument palace architecture Belarus, and is also the main attraction (visiting card) of Ruzhany. This palace complex is made with elements of late baroque and classicism. The complex was built by several generations of the Sapieha family. Here, on a high moraine hill, Lev Sapega founded his personal and main residence. In the 6th century, a two-story cruciform palace was built, which combined splendor and defensive features. The palace itself contained an extensive library, as well as a collection of portraits and paintings. Among other things, this Sapieha family residence was also a place for royal receptions.

The beginning of the construction of the castle can be attributed to the 16th century, and in the next two centuries it was rebuilt several times, becoming more and more majestic and beautiful each time.

Ruzhany Castle Sapieha played an important role in the history of not only the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Commonwealth, but also neighboring states. The castle was twice visited by kings, ambassadors were received, and it was here that proteges for the Moscow throne were prepared. The vast cellars of the castle housed the state treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the arsenal.

As a result of internecine clashes and the war with the Swedes, the Ruzhany castle was significantly damaged, so the owners of the castle decided not only to restore it, but to turn it into palace ensemble. Moreover, the castle had lost its original defensive significance by that time.

Under the guidance of the architect J.S. Becker, elongated side buildings were built, which were connected to the palace by semicircular arcades. In the eastern side building of the castle there was a theater and an arena, and in the western building there was an art gallery. Opposite the main building, an entrance gate was built in the form of a three-span triumphal arch with carved heraldic cartouches made of bog oak. In 1944, the palace complex was destroyed by the German invaders. To our time, the main (palace) and eastern buildings, as well as arcades, entrance gates and wings have been preserved.

At the moment, you can see only the ruins of the former majestic palace, which is called the "Belarusian Versailles". But even these ruins amaze with their monumental forms and give an idea of ​​the pearl of the city of Ruzhany.

Recently, in one of the restored sections of the palace ensemble, there is a functioning museum of the history of the castle and everything connected with it.

Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (and Basilian Monastery)

Date of construction: 1762-78

The Peter and Paul Church was erected in 1762-78 by the Sapieha court architect Jan Samuel Becker as a Uniate church in a transitional style from baroque to classicism.

The Peter and Paul Church (formerly Uniate) in combination with the monastic building occupies entirely one of the sides of the square.

The main facade deserves special attention. The master concentrated all his attention on it, gathered the forms and details of baroque architecture into a single and expressive artistic composition. Such a technique, when the main facade contrasts with the rest of the facades of the building, is not new - it is found in most monuments of church architecture. This technique was also widespread in the construction of Uniate churches, which absorbed many qualities of both churches and Orthodox churches.

The main facade of the Peter and Paul Church is presented in the form of a kind of shield covering the volume of the building. The shape of the shield is close to a square. The static nature of the composition is broken only in the middle part, which is supported by layered pilasters and a turret with a cupola. The tower is rectangular in cross-section (the aspect ratio is about 1:3), its shape successfully combines with the shield of the main facade, representing its logical conclusion.

Layered pilasters, developed cornices, frames of doors and windows of the temple are elements characteristic of architecture. baroque XVIII in. Noteworthy is the decision of the portal of the main entrance, combined with the window of the second tier. A large-scale architectural fragment with a concise and at the same time not devoid of plastic construction was obtained. Such a technique for solving the entrance portal is not observed in other religious monuments of Belarusian architecture.

Church of the Holy Trinity

Dates of construction/renovation: 1615-17 / 1768 / 1787 / 1850 / 1891

The architecture of the church is dominated by a four-tiered tower, which leads the composition of the monument. The lower tier of the tower in the form of a quadrangle is cut through by an entrance portal; the rest, octahedral in their cross section, are thinned upwards. The tower ends with a tall tent. The main facade of the church is decorated with pilasters, and the side ones - with buttresses. In general, the architectural decoration of the facades has an ascetic character. On the other hand, the plastic architectural forms of the Baroque, sculpture, and painting are widely represented in the interior. The decoration used a variety of high-quality materials, including natural marble. Cylindrical vaults on the formwork, the interior architectural and artistic decoration of the church are harmoniously combined.

Church of St. Casimir (chapel in the cemetery)

Date of construction: 1792

In 1792, the church of St. Casimir (heavenly patron of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania). Currently, the chapel is in an abandoned state.


Dates of construction / renovation: end of the 18th century. / 2nd half of the XIX century.

The synagogue in Ruzhany consists of two buildings: a large late baroque synagogue and a small synagogue. The Great Synagogue today is in a deplorable, dilapidated condition. The Small Synagogue was a little more “lucky”: the building itself was not destroyed, but was adapted for the needs of the motorcade, which is now located on the territory of these architectural structures… Until now, the wall paintings have been partially preserved in the synagogue. As can be seen from this construction, the great synagogue dates back to the moment when the tendency to build from single-tier synagogues to two-tier (two-story) synagogues began to appear.

The court architect of the Sapieha Jan Samuel Becker worked on the construction of the synagogues.

The locals are offended that the Pruzhany region is perceived as a transit point on the road to Belovezhskaya Pushcha, but the local interesting places and there will be enough sights for several sightseeing days! The editors decided to check whether this is true, why it is worth going here and how long the first acquaintance with the surroundings will take.


1st stop. Belarusian Versailles

Belarusian Versailles - that's what everyone wants to see in Ruzhany. The palace of the beginning of the 17th century was originally built by the Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lev Sapieha as a defensive castle. And today, the red brick ruins in combination with the entrance gate restored in 2011 look very impressive.

Be sure to check out the museum "Ruzhansky Palace Complex Sapieha" in the entrance wings. Here you will learn about the history of Ruzhany, about where, according to legend, the underground passage from the 3rd floor of the basement leads, when the representatives of the Sapieha family were here for the last time, how many Jews returned to the village after the Second World War, how theatrical registration of marriage. It will not be boring!

The museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday inclusive, from 9 to 18.00 and a break (13.00-14.00). Entrance - 2.50 rubles, for students, schoolchildren and pensioners - 1.80 rubles. Group tour for an adult group of up to 25 people, the museum and the complex will cost 12 rubles, only the museum - 7 rubles. For singles private tour the museum and the complex will cost 7.50 rubles.

Events on the territory of the palace are becoming a frequent occurrence. So, on June 3rd, the fifth festival "Ruzhanskaya Brama" was held here with an evening fire show, an exhibition and sale of products of folk craftsmen, children's attractions and an animation program.

2nd stop. Church of the anniversary

In the center of Ruzhany there is a Trinity Church built in 1617 on the site of a wooden stone church. In the 18th century, 2 symmetrical chapels were completed in it - the Holy Cross and St. Barbara, and later several more reconstructions were carried out. The last one was in 1997-2003 with the support of Maria Sapieha and the Ministry of Culture of Poland, as stated commemorative sign at the entrance. Architecture lovers will recognize Baroque and Classicism features in this historic building. It is interesting that many things inside are original, for example, the bench on which representatives of the magnate Sapieha family prayed. By the way, this summer the Trinity Church will celebrate its 400th anniversary.

3rd stop. Icon-savior

On the opposite side of the church, passing small park, take a look at the Peter and Paul Church. If you are lucky and you find Father Alexander, you will hear from his lips amazing story about how in 1895, after a strong fire in the entire village, only the temple remained unharmed, in which the windows only burst from the high temperature. The inhabitants who were hiding in a stone church from trouble were saved by the Ruzhany icon of the 17th century, the most revered in this area.

4th stop. In the park

In the park near the church, and in some other places in the village, you will notice beautiful wooden sculptures. They appeared in Ruzhany in 2013 after the open air of wood carvers. Here is the great chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Leo Sapieha, and his son Casimir, also the Polish king Vladislav IV Vasa with his wife, and the Polish queen Bona Sforza. Notable craftsmen from different cities In Belarus, dozens of figures were carved in honor of bright and active personalities who influenced the historical and cultural heritage of Ruzhany. A few meters from the wooden composition you will see a monument to Soviet soldiers - it was here that the city hall once stood.

5th stop. Papernya

In the summer, after a walk around the village, Papernya Lake with coastline 12 km. Its name comes from the fact that in the early 1600s, Lev Sapieha built a paper manufactory here. scenic area with pine forest and swans on the shore inspires and soothes, and thanks to the bright coniferous aroma, it is easy to breathe here. Perhaps that is why the sanatorium "Ruzhansky", which is located in the Ruzhanskaya Pushcha, is always full of vacationers. People come here for mud therapy, hirudotherapy, halotherapy in salt cave, hypoxic therapy - breathing mountain air.

6th stop. Unique village

Locals will advise you to go from Ruzhany to the surroundings, namely to the village of Lyskovo. On the way, you can have a bite to eat at the Taverna cafe, decorated in the spirit of the Middle Ages. There is nothing left of the ancient castle in the swamps near Lyskov, except that in some places defensive ditches are visible. But in the village itself, you can admire the majestic and dilapidated building of the Trinity Church, which previously belonged to the monastery of 1751. Another attraction of the village is the Orthodox Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, built - attention! - in 1933. The year of construction is explained by the fact that until 1939 the territory was part of Poland, and there was no Soviet power here. It is also noteworthy that this is the only monument of wooden architecture in Belarus, made under the influence of the architecture of Transcarpathia and the Art Nouveau style. Lyskovo is unique not only for its preserved wooden church, but also for the fact that it was here that the famous “Chronicle of Bykhovets” was created - a collection of Belarusian-Lithuanian annals of the 16th century.

Given the rich excursion program, you can stay overnight in Ruzhany. But there's only one here private hotel. It is better to go to Pruzhany, where there are more accommodation options and there are certainly free rooms. We recommend the Mukhavets hotel.


1st stop. miraculous icon

Three portraits will look at you from the building next to the Mukhavets hotel - these are famous fellow countrymen of Pruzhany. One of them is Mikhail Zabeyda-Sumitsky, the first Belarusian to perform in the Milan opera house"La Scala". Nearby are the two main sights of the city center - the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and the shopping arcade of the late XIX century. The temple was built in just two years with donations from the townspeople, landowners and peasants, Moscow merchants. It contains an icon, which in 1934 performed a miracle - tears flowed from the eyes of the Mother of God. The malls were originally wooden, and in 1867 they acquired a modern look. In each niche there was a separate shop, where, as a rule, Jews traded.

2nd stop. “Fly and Vets”

A couple of minutes walk from the Palace of Culture, which, like many other things in the city, was transformed in preparation for Dozhinki 2003, there is the only sculptural composition in Belarus over the Mukha and Vets River. Installed in 2009, it symbolizes the confluence of the Mukha River and the Vets Canal, where the Mukhavets River, the right tributary of the Western Bug, originates. Let the sculptures do not look grandiose, but they will completely pass for a sweet business card cities.

3rd stop. Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary opened its doors to parishioners as a church only in 1998, although construction began in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The history of the Catholic church was influenced by the uprising of 1863, as a result of which the practically completed building passed to the Orthodox believers. Local residents say that during the Great Patriotic War, soldiers warmed themselves in this temple, kindling a fire from an organ. Now it is the only church in Pruzhany.

Walking in the city in hot weather, you can refresh yourself - go to the ice or water palace. For adults, an hour of skating with skate rental will cost 3 rubles, for children under 16 years old - 2.45 rubles. And in the water palace there is a swimming pool and a small water park. Its visit will cost 5.35 rubles (70 minutes) for an adult, 4 rubles for children.

4th stop. Pruzhany Palace

"Museum-Estate Pruzhany Palatsik" we recommend to see both outside and inside. In the building of this unusual early Renaissance rural villa today there are several museum expositions: ethnographic, a salon with a piano and copies of the works of Napoleon Orda, a hunting cabinet, an exhibition of contemporary artists, an icon hall. The guide will tell you in detail about the owners of the estate, built according to the project of the Italian architect, and their fate. And in the hall of ethnographic composition you will see products of glossy and black-smoky ceramics, widely known in the Pruzhany region since the 16th century and, unfortunately, are practically not developed in our time.

5th stop. "Wooden" people

In the Pruzhany region there is a village where the famous folk master of traditional arts and crafts Nikolay Tarasyuk, a tenth generation peasant, lived all his life. In the village of Stoyly, Nikolai Vasilievich remained the last inhabitant, except for his beloved "wooden people", who still live in a small house next to the master's. The figurines, skillfully made by the craftsman from wood, vines and straw, “tell” about rural life and the way of life of Belarusian peasants. Unfortunately, Stoyly does not yet have a full-fledged museum where anyone can come, but the daughter of a famous master is always happy to have guests. You can see the work not only in the village, but also in National Museum history and culture, in the Brest Museum of Local Lore.

If the second day of such a mini-trip seems to be eventful for you, and there really is something to see in the Pruzhany region, do not rush home. There are many good estates in the surrounding villages where you can stay for the night with a hot homemade dinner.

Text: Veronika Linnik Photo: Yuri Shevtsov

May 3, on the road from Brest to Grodno, we stopped at the small village of Ruzhany, which followed 25 kilometers from the same village, with the consonant name of Pruzhany. The maximum that we were going to do in this locality so is to buy water. But suddenly a huge ancient abandonment appeared, where we rushed. One and a half hours were spent here not in vain!

1. It can be seen from a distance from any road, no matter where you enter the city. The palace in Ruzhany, even at the entrance, should have evoked in the mind of any person thoughts about the power and wealth of the magnate who built it. Here is the gate through which the carriage entered and overcame the remaining hundred meters to the palace itself. They have already been touched by time more than once or twice: here a brick has fallen off, there is a crack, there are inscriptions ... This place has a dark and sad history.

2. In 1552, according to the first written sources, the town belonged to the princes Tyszkiewicz. According to one of the toponymic versions, the old versions of the name - Rozhana, Rzhana - go back to the word "harvest" and indirectly speak of the wealth of the surrounding fields. but locals Those who constantly use the palace courtyard as a shortcut to their home will tell you that the meaning of the name is quite different.

3. At the same time, as usual, how many people, so many opinions. And now some of those who came up say that the prince, who lived here in ancient times, had two daughters - Ru and Zhanna, and the city was founded in their honor. But his opponent from a neighboring courtyard claims that, in fact, the daughters were called Ru and Pru, which is why two neighboring cities are named (and one is now administratively subordinate to the other) - Ruzhany and Pruzhany. Be that as it may, historical information about the origin of the name has not been preserved, but this is what is known for certain.

4. After the Tyshkeviches, the city belonged to the Bruhalskys, one of whom, Bartosz, sold the estates of Lososin and Ruzhany in 1598 to the Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Lev Sapieha. Sapieha, as you know, were almost richer than the Grand Duke himself; they had vast lands in the Vitebsk region and near Slonim; owned the lands of the extinct family of the princes Golshansky. The balls given by Sapieha were envied even by the Radziwills (see photo reports from Mira And Nesvizh), - and they knew a lot about secular entertainment and their price!

5. Once Ivan Sapega even received King Zhigimont I the Old and treated him from a huge crystal goblet. This goblet could hold a whole garnet of good wine - that is, more than three liters at a time! For more than two hundred years, the precious vessel was kept in Ruzhany, and then it was confiscated and taken to Russia. Where he is now, unfortunately, is unknown.

6. By the beginning of the 17th century, Ruzhany, which was then part of the Slonim district of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, was a prosperous place: there were over 400 households, brick and tile factories; Trinity Church of the Dominicans and Peter and Paul Church. Every Monday, a fair was held in Ruzhany, and on Sundays and holidays it was forbidden to trade. But a large crowd always gathers in the city for the holidays - how can you not earn a penny or two here! Therefore, they traded secretly, from door to door, without witnesses. During this heyday, Lev Sapieha erected a palace, in which in 1617 he received the prince Vladislav.

7. Initially, the palace was conceived as the implementation of the slogan "my home is my fortress": a two-story brick building in the shape of a cross with three tetrahedral towers. In the central part there was a front hall and a vestibule with a staircase that rose on both sides of the entrance. Living rooms, offices, and a library were arranged in the side parts of the castle. On the first floor, the ceilings were arched, semicircular, and on the second - beams, even. Archival documents, an arsenal of ammunition, and gourmet food were stored in two-story basements. In 1644, Vladislav - this time already as the King of Poland Vladislav IV (with his wife Cecilia Renata and the court) again visited the Ruzhany Palace. The son of Leo Sapieha, Kazimir, met and regaled the rulers. Long after that, even the wealthiest magnates were impressed by the reception: the banquet lasted nine days, during which each of the guests got what they wanted. On this occasion, a memorial plate was embedded in the wall of one of the halls. One more Memorial plaque testified that during the "flood" - the bloody war of the middle of the 17th century between Sweden and the Moscow Kingdom - the relics of St. Casimir, the heavenly patron of Belarus, were kept in the Ruzhany residence of the Sapiehas; they were brought here from Vilna cathedral. By the way, when in 1637 the Ruzhany received the Magdeburg right, a town hall was built for the meetings of the magistrate, and a coat of arms was granted to the city. A wreath of red roses flaunts on its silver field, and in the center of it is the figure of St. Casimir with a cross and lilies in his hands. But "roses" in Belarusian - "guns". Coincidence?

8. By the end of the 17th century, the Sapieha clan came out on top in terms of influencing the policy of the Principality. This was not liked by other magnates - the Radziwills, Oginskys, Vishnevetskys, Pats; and in 1698 they united in a confederation against the Sapieha. In those days, all wealthy princes kept their own army, so it is quite logical that the confrontation between the Sapiehas and the Confederation turned into a war. Armed clashes continued with varying success for several years. And in the spring of 1700, in a bloody massacre near the village of Alkeniki, in the Oshmyany region, the Sapieha troops were completely defeated by a 20,000-strong Confederate army. They plundered Ruzhany and destroyed the castle. And in the spring of 1706, at the height of the Northern War, the Swedish king Charles XII entered Ruzhany.

9. Until now, Swedish warriors have blown up all the castle fortifications and fortifications on their way, but disappointment awaited them in Ruzhany: the castle was already destroyed and devastated without their participation. The power of the Sapieha family was undermined, and never again did it reach the heyday that marked their life in the 17th century. The cherished dream did not come true: to become a Grand Duke and move into his Ruzhany residence as the lord of the state.

10. Nevertheless, the family still had enough money, and in the second half of the 18th century, the new grand-ducal chancellor Alexander Sapieha was able to recreate the family nest from the ruins. The new time dictated new conditions - and the former defensive, outwardly not very attractive castle is being rebuilt into a strictly symmetrical palace that meets the canons of classicism. The court architect Jan Samuel Becker worked on this in the early 1880s. He managed to very successfully combine the styles of baroque, classicism (which gradually replaced the former throughout the country) and even rococo (cartouches, roof lucarnes, curlicues, rusticated shoulder blades, etc.). Two damaged towers from the old castle were dismantled, and the third, western one, dynamically fit into the overall volume of the new palace, which became symmetrical in composition.

11. Among the premises there was an archaeological museum, and a rich library (which the tsarist authorities, together with the archive, confiscated in 1832 and taken to Grodno, and then to Vilnius), and even a small, "home" chapel. But the rebuilding of the main building alone did not end the matter. The talented architect formulated a great park ensemble: several buildings were symmetrically grouped around the front courtyard with an area of ​​one and a half hectares. Long rectangular two-story buildings stood perpendicular to the palace and were connected to them by wide arcades that ran in a semicircle on either side of the main facade. The high paired columns of the Tuscan type were covered with thick oak beams, and the brackets were also made of oak. In addition, garlands, sculpture, rusticated pilasters and plastic-ornamental decoration were used as decoration.

12. In the western building there was an art gallery, and in the eastern (which, like the main one, was divided into two equal parts by a staircase) - an arena and a theater, which was considered one of the largest in Belarus. Thanks to the well-designed backstage on a deep stage, during the performance it was possible to change the scenery three times; dressing rooms were located next to the stage. The auditorium was organized in the form of a horseshoe and consisted of two tiers: the first had 14 isolated boxes, the other 15, along with the royal box in the center. The theater troupe was recruited from a private school of court actors who played in plays by French and Polish playwrights.

13. In 1784, Alexander Sapieha again received guests of honor - King Stanislav August Poniatowski, who was heading to the Grodno Seim. During the rest, the king looked into the theater, where he watched the ballet "Grace of Titus" and the musical comedy "The Magic Tree" by Malin. It was the last grand reception that the Ruzhany Palace remembers.

14. At the end of the 18th century, the heyday was again replaced by decline. In 1786, a cloth factory was located in the palace. In 1795, according to the third section of the Commonwealth, Ruzhany retreated to Russia; Alexander Sapieha leases the palace and factories to businessman Mordukh Pines.

15. The new owner, together with his family, began to live on the first floor of the palace, and on the second and in the basements he arranged warehouses for the products of factories - weaving, cloth, silk belts and tapestries. The Sapiehas themselves, together with the entire princely court, moved to a neighboring residence - to Derechin. And in the castle - for the umpteenth time! - Decline began: after 30 years, the weaving industry turns into a modest spinning of wool. According to the 1897 census, there were two tanneries, linen and cloth factories, five small enterprises, and a public school in the town. In 1914 the palace complex was on fire; in the thirtieth it was partially restored, and in the 44th it was again ruined - this time by the departing fascists; they also burned the last small weaving factory.

16. What can you see in Ruzhany now? And you can see a heavily damaged, literally corroded palace: until 1965, there was a tile shop in the outbuildings next to the gate, then - agricultural chemistry ...

17. Geese, turkeys and sheep walk around the castle courtyard, as if in a pasture; A tied horse is grazing next to the outbuilding. For a complete idyll, only a herd of black and white cows is missing, which would cross the castle courtyard from end to end. Some kind of zoo. Local kids climb on the floors of the palace, along the preserved arcades. In the shadow of the walls, the peasants settled down to rest; after which a simple snack and a container from an even more simple drink remain lying in the grass.

18. There is no theater building - houses now stand in its place. However, what you can see here will pass for a comedy, a comedy of the absurd. Here comes a granny from the main building - she carries a couple of bricks and takes them to her bicycle. A woman who happened to be nearby from a house on the site of a theater wing says that this is their neighbor - she is dragging herself building materials "for new ganaks." And then she herself offers me to break off something from stucco or even a piece of a wooden cartouche from the gate (it has been preserved in very good condition), but not as a keepsake, but in order to submit it for examination and find out "how old is this castle?"

19. In what way: people whose hut stands in the castle courtyard itself do not know the history of the Ruzhany Palace! The son of this woman - a man of about thirty years old - leads to the gate and points to its arched vault - there is stucco molding in the form of flowers. There are no twenty buds - it was he and his friends who beat them with bricks in childhood; such was the competition for accuracy and force of impact. It seems, he says, and now they are still lying somewhere in the barn ...

20. Let's take a look at the main building together. From front staircase only a trace of bricks remained on the wall. The columns that used to end in a triangular pediment now stand pointed, without endings. In some places, among the old masonry, new bricks are visible. And one more thing... And here's another thing... The guy says that restorers worked here ten or fifteen years ago, but instead of building materials, the money went to alcoholic materials.

21. So the new masonry lies only on the arcades and next to the western wing. I go down to the cellars. Previously, they went deep into several floors and branched into several underground passages. The parent of my guide shows a place in the center of the courtyard, where they climbed with friends, girlfriends in early childhood. Now the cellars are half-filled; they have a lot of garbage and a persistent unpleasant smell. It is said that dead animals are secretly dumped here. Some of the cellars are littered with sand, while others, on the contrary, have been dismantled by archaeologists. So it is not possible to stumble upon any reddened tome from the Sapieha archive. The guy shows the place where the ancient daggers were found, as well as a niche in the eastern part of the gate: in the early nineties, someone knocked out the bricks that hid the cache. Rumor has it that these are the heirs of the Sapiehas, who have preserved the plan of the palace, arrived at night and took out the gold.
Children aged 12-14 climb the ceilings of the palace, climb to the very top of the pediment, boldly climb into the narrowest stove manholes. From here, from above, a picturesque view of the city, the park below, the church, the road going into the distance opens up. And on a herd of geese that gracefully nibbling grass among the ruins ..
(The author of the text - artyku )

22. View from the castle to the city church.

23. On the site of the former theater building.

24. This is the village itself, one of the houses on the central square. In its center is Ilyich, they are unremarkable, and therefore did not begin to shoot him.

25. Village shop. What struck me to the core was that they accept cards there.

26. Bicycle as the main means of transport. This didn't surprise me. In Belarus, you get used to it.

Road bonuses:

27. Modern cowboy on a German horse, and his black and white cows.

28. The road from Brest to Grodno runs just a few kilometers from the border with Poland, the locals have never seen Russian license plates and were very surprised to see my car, but the road surface is perfect here too. And FM radio stations work, and they catch the signal very well - you see, there are repeaters. Several Belarusian and Polish stations - only about five pieces. And in our homeland - 100 kilometers from Moscow - one AM radio station-talking shop plows.

30. It's just like that.

Ruzhany(Belarusian Ruzhany) is an urban settlement located in the Pruzhany district of the Brest region of Belarus.

Located in a hilly area on the Ruzhanka River, 140 km from , 38 km from railway station Ivatsevichi, 45 kilometers northeast of Pruzhany. Located at the intersection of highways Vysokoye - Pruzhany - Ruzhany - Slonim R85 and Ivatsevichi - Kossovo - Ruzhany - Skidel R44.


The first written mention of Ruzhany (Razhany) dates back to 1490. And already in 1552 the place belonged to the Tyshkeviches. After Tyszkiewicz, the city passed to the Bruchalsky family. In 1598, Bartosz Bruchalsky sold the estates of Lososin and Ruzhany to the chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Lev Sapieha, who made the place his main residence. The Ruzhany were part of the Slonim Povet of the Novogrudok Voivodeship.

Through the efforts of Sapieha, on June 20, 1637, Ruzhany received the right to self-government. A town hall was built for the meetings of the magistrate. The city was granted a coat of arms: in a silver field, a wreath of red roses, in its center - the figure of St. Casimir (heavenly patron of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) with lilies and a cross in his hands.

By the beginning of the 17th century, Ruzhany was a prosperous place: there were over 400 households, brick and tile factories; Trinity Church of the Dominicans and Peter and Paul Church.


The most famous landmark of Ruzhany is the former residence of the Sapieha family. The beginning of its construction dates back to the 16th century, and in the next two centuries it was rebuilt several times.

The palace in Ruzhany played a significant role in the history of not only the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Commonwealth, but also neighboring states. It was twice visited by kings, ambassadors were received in it, and it was in it that proteges to the Moscow throne were prepared. At one time, the state treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and an arsenal were stored in the cellars of the palace [ source unspecified 1256 days].

As a result of internecine clashes and the war with the Swedes, the castle was badly damaged, so the owners decided to turn it into a palace ensemble. Moreover, the castle had lost its original defensive significance by that time.

In addition to the ruins of the palace, other sights have been preserved in Ruzhany. Most of them are concentrated in the central square of the village. Here is the Trinity Church (1617), the Church of Saints Peter and Paul (1778) (both temples were built at the expense of Sapieha), as well as the residential building of the former Basilian monastery (1788). In addition, in Ruzhany you can see the building of the synagogue (the end of the 18th century), the church of St. Casimir (1792), the building of the austeria (the second half of the 18th century).