Great Pisa! Cheap flights to Pisa City near Pisa 7 letters crossword puzzle.

Travel notes, day 2

Only very ordinary people who know nothing more about Pisa can go to Pisa just to look at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. These people often spend only a few hours in the city and leave without seeing or learning anything else. When I first came to Pisa, that's exactly what I did. I arrived, looked at the tower and left, immediately forgetting everything like a bad dream. I would never have returned here if not for Anton Borisovich Nosik:

"Another 26 million Chinese and Italians follow the same path every year. It's a beaten track - it's like coming to Moscow, seeing Red Square and returning to the airport (and according to the behavior of the GPS at the Kremlin, both are right in Vnukovo). If you understand that Moscow is not just Red Square, then there should be the same awareness about Pisa. In addition to the tower, there is amazing architecture, museums, antiquity, history - all this is in abundance here. But all this is poorly documented, and in this there are no serious documents about the Republic of Pisa except for the Divine Comedy, but the traces of past times are very well preserved here.

In addition to history, in Pisa there is such an interesting phenomenon as modern Italy. Pisa is very a good city for living, it's the exact opposite of Venice. It is very small, calm and cheap city, but at the same time absolutely cosmopolitan and university. In Venice, the bulk of the population is people 80+. And in Pisa, the majority of the inhabitants are young people, students and teachers. Half of the largest buildings in the city are universities, so Pisa is full of youth and fun. At the same time, tourists do not spoil the internal market of Pisa at all, as happens in Rome and Venice. Because the bulk of normal business in Pisa is still focused on locals. This can be seen in the prices of coffee, food, clothes and everything else. The main buyer in Pisa is a local, not a tourist. For tourists, there are only clay Leaning Towers of Pisa on the refrigerator. And if a tourist wants to buy shorts, then no one will rip off a lot of money from him just because he is a tourist. If in Moscow these shorts cost 50 dollars, then in Pisa they are sold for 10 euros.

01. There are wonderful street cafes everywhere in Italy. It is enough to put tables, chairs and umbrellas on the pedestrian street - and already buzz.

02. Another example of a good street cafe. Here, just give free rein, they are trying to build some kind of bulky structures, fence off with fences, make some kind of extensions. This, of course, is no good, because a street cafe should not only bring profit to businessmen, but also be an adornment of the city, make it comfortable and pleasant for walking, enliven. Because people sitting on the street immediately transform the urban environment.

03. There are a lot of beggars in Italy. Beggars often sit with animals and press for pity.

04. Press kiosk

05. Squares and streets turn into markets in the morning. In general, during the day the same area can be a food market, then a clothing market, then tables of cafes and restaurants will appear there. At lunchtime, the square will be completely empty, in the evening young people will walk there, and at night some kind of disco will begin. Every public space is constantly changing throughout the day.

06. Food markets unfold in just a few minutes.

07. Products are mostly local. Usually the trader signs what goods they brought from where, especially if the products are from Italy and in this case Tuscany.

08. Sicilian tomatoes - 128 rubles per kg, zucchini - 193 rubles. per kg. Fennel - 128 rubles, asparagus - 385 rubles, pumpkin - 160 rubles.

09. Peaches - 193 rubles per kg, cherry - 385 p.

10. Mushrooms at a discount: 642 rubles per pound

11. Different varieties of tomatoes from 225 to 450 rubles per kg.


13. Beans - 385 rubles. per kg, zucchini for 258 rubles. We eat zucchini like zucchini, only the lower part, and in Italy they also eat flowers. Salads, pizzas are made from them, and in general these flowers are a rather important component of the national cuisine.

14. The seller at the butcher's shop

15. Wherever you go in Italy, it is, of course, fantastically delicious. And not only pastas and pizzas, which we are already used to here, but anything in general: salads, meat and seafood - everything is prepared from the freshest local products. You can safely go to any institution and die of pleasure.

16. Shop with truffles. Now is not the season, so the truffles are only canned.

17. Apparatus for the sale of cigarettes. You can only buy them if you have a local ID. That is, tobacco is only for Italians) They insert their IDs, the machine checks the age of the buyer and only then issues the goods. But a tourist can always ask a local to buy him cigarettes, and he will certainly help.

18. In honor of the next anniversary of the march of Mussolini's supporters on Rome, the local Pisan authorities decided to recall that Mussolini also persecuted the Jews. In fact, Jews remember exactly the opposite - that under Mussolini they lived here absolutely calmly, but as soon as he was overthrown in 1943, the Holocaust began immediately. But the Pisan authorities have a different version of events: in the 38th year, Mussolini also passed a discriminatory law against the Jews. And in memory of this event, they made a city route through Jewish places.

19. Anton Borisovich Nosik says that Pisa is similar to St. Petersburg.

20. Street art

21. Streets of Pisa

22. Walking around Pisa is a pleasure. Big Old city which is well preserved. Yes, there are no sidewalks and some good public spaces, but the very charm of the narrow streets of the old city is what is missing in Russia.

23. We do not have medieval cities in the form in which they have been preserved in Europe. In Russia, cities were not built of stone, and since then, at best, we have left the Kremlin, and, of course, you will not find residential buildings.

24. It is difficult even for two people to pass each other on these streets.

25. But all these houses are residential, everything is real.

26. There is a well-known anecdote about the origin of the Russian word "stibrili" - about how Julius Caesar crossed the Tiber and was left without a horse. And the student who hears this from the professor asks: did something happen to Julius Caesar near Pisa? So, in the photo - a monument to the king and unifier of Italy, Victor Emmanuel II. In all other cities of Italy and in all the paintings you see Victor Emmanuel on horseback. Actually, it is only because they recognize it that it is an equestrian statue. But in Pisa, he was just left without a horse ...

27. Toilet


29. Even in Pisa there are traffic jams. But there are no underground passages.

30. Only scooters can enter some streets.


32. Entrance to local buses is only through the front door, as in Moscow. It's bad, it shouldn't be.


34. This is one of the most famous monuments of Tuscan Gothic - the chapel of Santa Maria della Spina. It is built around a relic - a thorn from the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ.

35. But it doesn’t matter, it’s just one of the greatest monuments of Gothic that originated a thousand years ago. It is very cool in terms of sculpture, architecture, engineering and design.




39. Artifacts of antiquity come across everywhere.

40. Here you can see the remains of the renovation of the Medici. The same thing often happened to us in the 90s and zero, when historical buildings were mutilated for modern needs. In Italy, too, this is, only it was done a long time ago.

41. These marks are like scars on the body of the city. It can be seen that the once beautiful buildings were simplified, chopped off and adapted to the needs of new generations.

42. Now, of course, this is unthinkable, but before people had a simpler attitude to history. You can imagine how many centuries the thinking of some Russian building owners has lagged behind the thinking of Europeans.

43. This is a monument to Ferdinand I, who at the age of 14 received the rank of bishop. He was the fifth son in the family, and it was clear that the fifth son would never make the career of a duke. So he had to serve as a bishop. But in general, he never put on a cassock, because after the death of his brothers, he was nevertheless appointed Grand Duke of Tuscany. And it turned out that he was a normal man: he freed the prisoners, allowed them to practice different religions, allowed them to print books in different languages, opened the port of Livorno. The city was very grateful to him, so this statue was erected in his lifetime in his honor. Ferdinand will rule for another 14 years, and a monument to him has already been erected. In front of him, women with children kneel - this symbolizes that he freed many prisoners accused of fighting against the Medici.

44. Garbage cans

45. Tanks are opened with a special magnetic card that residents have.

46. ​​Underground garbage cans are also opened only with a card. A footpath was made around so that, God forbid, someone would not park.

47. Bakunin lived for some time in Italy - though not in Pisa - and even tried to organize an uprising here. According to Bakunin, many anarchists are still fanatic, including European ones. Apparently, they left graffiti.

48. Scooter parking

49. Here Muslim Indians sell halal meat.

50. There are many Africans in the city who are trying to sell souvenirs.

51. And in general, there are quite a lot of migrants in Pisa, a lot of Arabs. Basically, they are engaged in begging, selling all sorts of junk, standing on all streets, especially where there are tourists.

52. A special postal car, which is allowed to deliver correspondence along pedestrian streets.



55. There are many cyclists in the city.

56. It’s just possible to do without a car, but there are still cars.

57. This is one of the elements of Piazza dei Cavalieri (Square of the Knights). Church of the Order of Saint Stephen, personally designed by the famous art historian Giorgio Vasari. It is part of the general Cavalieri complex, a very beautiful church. This is how the Medici asserted their cultural presence.

58. Church of San Rocco, it was founded in the 11th century, and inside it was completed already in baroque times, in the 17th century. But basically all these ceilings and layouts are from the 11th century.

59. Enhanced security is on duty near the main attractions.

60. Sculpture "Fallen Angel"

61. And here is the tower. At the top you can see the flag of Pisa.

62. Of course, everyone photographs her endlessly.

63. Pisa Cathedral in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

64. Box with relics of various saints. If they were brought to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, this would be enough for Moscow to stand in an endless queue. And here they do not cause any excitement.

65. Baptistery of Saint John. That is the place where they are baptized. It is even older than the Leaning Tower of Pisa.


67. They don't know how to lay asphalt here. They laid new asphalt, made markings, but look at the edges. This, of course, is nonsense, you can't do that.

68. Everything is already falling apart.

It is best to come to Pisa, a provincial Tuscan town, known throughout the world for its Square of Miracles and its main decoration - the Leaning Tower of Pisa, in late spring and early summer. This time is ideal for leisurely walks along the embankments, evening gatherings in outdoor cafes and sightseeing, because there is something to see here besides the main symbol of the city. Consider the seasons, when else is it worth going to Pisa and why.


Winter in Pisa is the time of grandiose sales, lasting from the beginning of January to the end of February. By the end of winter, discounts reach a dizzying 70 percent, but the assortment and sizes at this time leave much to be desired. The weather at this time is not happy: fogs are regular, cold icy winds, it rains, although not as often as in autumn. The days are often sunny, the thermometer rarely drops below 8 degrees, but cold gusts of wind, high humidity and fog do not in any way favor long walks.


Spring is probably the most pleasant time to visit Pisa. The picturesque Tuscan hills and valleys are covered with young greenery, bright sun, blue sky and green grass on the Square of Miracles emphasize the whiteness of the marble and the elegance of the buildings. There are not so many people here compared to summer, prices are still not very high. However, in March-April it is still rainy and quite cool at night.

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Pisa weather monthly:

Month Temperature Cloudiness Rainy days /
Number of solar
hours per day
Happy At night
January 10.2°C 6.0°C 41.3% 5 days (67.1 mm.) 9 a.m. 21m.
February 10.9°C 6.1°C 42.7% 6 days (79.7 mm.) 10 a.m. 30m.
March 14.3°C 8.2°C 34.3% 5 days (86.8 mm.) 11h. 56m.
April 18.4°C 11.1°C 27.4% 4 days (50.2 mm.) 13h. 27m.
May 21.1°C 12.9°C 25.1% 4 days (57.7 mm.) 14h. 44m.
June 26.5°C 17.0°C 15.1% 3 days (36.9 mm.) 15h. 23m.
July 29.6°C 20.0°C 12.1% 3 days (33.8 mm.) 15h. 4m.
August 30.5°C 20.5°C 10.2% 1 day (18.1 mm.) 13h. 57m.
September 25.9°C 17.5°C 18.4% 4 days (52.9 mm.) 12h. 30m.
October 21.2°C 14.2°C 29.8% 5 days (80.7 mm.) 11h. 0m.
November 15.4°C 10.4°C 38.4% 7 days (97.8 mm.) 9 a.m. 41m.
December 11.9°C 7.6°C 37.9% 4 days (69.7 mm.) 8h. 59m.

* This table shows average weather data collected over more than three years


Pisa in 4 hours

Our goal during the next Italian trip was a seaside holiday in the small town of Follonica in Tuscany. We traveled by train, accompanied by our Italian friends. They strongly recommended that we make a four-hour stop in Pisa, and then follow our route on the next train. We were worried that we had a lot of bags with us, and since the city is popular with tourists, there might not be places in the luggage room. But fortunately, for 10 euros, we all fit them all in one spacious luggage compartment right at the railway station in Pisa. We didn’t have much time at our disposal, but we didn’t take a taxi, and in about 25 minutes we walked from the station to the square where the famous tower is located. Hundreds of tourists immediately catch the eye, trying to take a photo with the tower in the palm of their hand or keeping it from falling with both hands. Near the leaning tower is the Pisa Cathedral and the Baptistery. The entire ensemble is made in one white color, around a neatly trimmed green lawn. We had very little time, and to get inside the tower, we had to stand in line for an hour and a half. But general impressions we got and had a bite to eat in a street cafe, admiring these amazing architectural structures, already ran to the railway station.

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Prices for holidays in Pisa. August 2018.

tour cost

A bus ticket from Lviv to Florence costs from 80 to 100 euros. Visa not required if applicable biometric passport. You can get from Florence to Pisa by train - the ticket is about 10 euros. A hotel room costs about 30-40 euros. Hostel - from 15.

Food and products

Panino or bread sandwich with different fillings from 4. For example, panino with tuna, tomatoes and lettuce - 6-7. A glass of wine - from 6 euros. Pasta with chicken and vegetables somewhere in the center will cost 8, salads - 7-15. Farther from the center is cheaper. Slice of spinach pie - 2. Products in the supermarket by affordable prices: half a baked chicken - 2-2.6 euros. Chocolate Lind - 1. Paste - from 0.5. Lots of delicious cheeses. Mozzarella - 0.57. A stick of parmegiano regano - 3. A small package of grana padano - about 4-7. Fruits are some expensive. The cost of a raspberry vessel is 200 grams - 3-4.

Souvenirs and other goods

In August, sales, I bought a summer dress for 5 euros, a rag bag for 2, a T-shirt for 2 and from a new collection for 10, magnets from 1 euro, postcards from 0.5.

What to take with you on vacation?

I recommend bringing running shoes or other sports shoes. After all, it is by walking a lot on foot that you can see more. On the way to the main square, you can admire the embankment, architecture and stunning views of the Arno River from there. Sunglasses, beach gear, a foot patch (here it costs more and is better to have on hand) and sun cream for the face will also come in handy.

Where is the best place to stay?

Housing near the Leaning Tower of Pisa is quite expensive. It is better to stay in a hotel or hostel near railway station. From there it will be about 20-30 minutes walk to the center, at the same time you can see the city properly. Prices: about 40-50 euros for a simple room, in a hostel - even cheaper.

What to do at the resort?

Of course, when it comes to Pisa, the famous Leaning Tower immediately comes to mind. Although they say that there is nothing else there, but this is not so. Finding out where Piazza dei Miracoli is located is easy - everyone goes there. Therefore, you can join the flow of tourists and go quietly. Climbing the tower costs 18 euros. Next to it is the majestic Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta.

On the Square of Miracles you will see the largest baptistery in the world, it is called San Giovanni. The cost of a ticket to these two buildings is 5 euros. Nearby is a monumental cemetery, there are chapels and ancient frescoes. You can also take a walk to the square of the knights, where the University of Pisa and various palaces are located, go to Botanical Garden and National Museum San Matteo.

From Pisa, the sea can be reached by bus or by car. Many tourists and locals travel to popular destinations such as Marina di Pisa (pebble beaches) and Tirrenia (beautiful sandy beaches). Nearby is the island of Elba and the resort town of Viareggio.

There are many different cafes in the city where you can have a delicious lunch. Establishments located near Main Square Miracles, the prices are quite expensive. Good Trattoria San Omobono, with great food. Lunch will be about 20 euros.

Pros of staying in Pisa

The undoubted advantage of Pisa is that it is located near the sea and other beautiful places Tuscany. By train and bus you can easily get to any city.

Should you visit Pisa?

If your task is to swim, sunbathe and see the beautiful, magical Tuscany, of course, you should come to Pisa. The town is very conveniently located, and in itself it is cozy and calm. You can travel around the area and enjoy a beach holiday.

  • Pisa is known to the world thanks to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Tourists who think the tower is the only attraction here will miss out on the rest of the wonders of architecture and art in this beautiful city.
  • Half hour walk from Campo dei Miracoli (Field of Miracles) to railway station flows through a pedestrian street with many attractions, shops and restaurants. The best way get to know Pisa - walk along the streets, because the center is very small.
  • The city comes alive thanks to students who organize parties, shows and cultural events. They fill the central street of the city at night. The University of Pisa has 60,000 students when the total population of the city is about 100,000. You will feel the student spirit as soon as you leave the touristic Campo dei Miracoli.
  • Pisa is a quiet city, you don't have to worry about your safety (except in some places at night, like the area around the station). Be that as it may, you should take obvious precautions (if you are staying in a very cheap hotel, keep valuables with you) and beware of pickpockets in tourist places.
  • You can book a hotel in Pisa at, and you can check if there is a better price anywhere else at. Some travelers prefer to rent private apartments - you can see such offers. If you are looking for a package tour from Russia to Pisa - go

How to get there

By plane

Pisa Galileo Galilei Airport

Main airport Tuscany with several airlines making hundreds of departures per day, both domestic and international. Countless companies offer charter flights from several European and not only destinations. Flying to Pisa is really easy and convenient: the most famous and cheapest airlines serve flights to Pisa. You can choose the best option. The airport is located close to the city center - in just a few minutes you can reach the center by bus, train or taxi. The airport can also be easily reached on foot, which takes about twenty minutes.

Don't expect the airport to be open 24/7. Many small airports in Europe operate on certain schedule.

How to get to the city?

You can buy bus tickets at the information desk in the arrivals hall. The bus (The Red Line or LAM Rosso to Jacobo) runs every 10-15 minutes. The bus goes to Piazza dei Miracoli and to the central station. Since the ticket vending machine "speaks" only Italian, it is better to buy tickets at the information desk. The cost of one ticket is €1.20, but if you buy them from the bus driver, it will cost you €2.00. You can buy a ticket in all shops and bookstores. Now an automated road is being built, along which it will be possible to move between the airport and the station.

Bus station

The bus station is opposite the airport. Once you're in the city, it's easy to locate all the main attractions that are within walking distance. If you are taking the bus from the train station, then you will need to cross the road in front of the station and go right.

If you prefer a more convenient way to travel, a taxi will cost you around €6-8. Otherwise, as an alternative, you can pre-order transport to the airport. This service is especially convenient for large groups.

"Easy Private Taxi" will provide transport to the city for €36 Mercedes class E, €43 minivan.

123 Transfers offers transport to the city for €37.50 sedan (3 people), €50 minivan (8 people).

By car with a companion

This is one of the most convenient ways get to Pisa. You can spread the costs and make travel cheaper. You can find a car that will take you to Pisa on the website:

By train

In Pisa, trains run daily to Florence and to Lucca (usually every hour), you can also take a bus, there international Airport.

Pisa Centrale is the main station in Pisa. Trains from Rome to Genova stop at Pisa Centrale. If you plan to move only within Pisa, then this is also convenient. Pisa Centrale has left-luggage offices available from 6 am to 9 pm. The storage of each bag costs three euros. If you are in the city just to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa, then you can go down to the Pisa S. Rossore station, which is closer to the tower. Be sure to check the train schedule as not all trains may stop. Be that as it may, there are regional trains to Florence that run every hour at the forty-sixth minute (as of July 9, 2012).


Pisa - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Yekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season. When is the best time to go

Pisa - monthly weather


Pisa - monthly weather

Main attractions. What to watch

Pisa is divided into four historical squares. There is something to see, in addition to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Several different routes are available.

Piazza dei Miracoli or Field of Miracles located in the north of the center of Pisa. This is an object world heritage UNESCO presents various sights of the city:

Other historic buildings include: the Church of San Rocco, the Rectory, the Palazzo Carovana and the Palazzo dei Dodici.

Museo di San Matteo, Piazza San Matteo, 1, lungarno Mediceo, +39 50 541865. This is a fantastic history and art museum whose buildings are full of paintings. It is quite small, but one of the largest for Tuscan Renaissance painting, located in the premises of the monastery of San Matteo. This treasure is overlooked by many tourists.

Lungarno Mediceo and Lungarno Pacinotti on the north side of the Arno River, Lungarno Galilei and Lungarno Gambacorti on the south side: these coastal streets give Pisa a completely unique character, especially in the evening when the lanterns are reflected in the waters of the Arno. Along the Lungarni are interesting places:

Piazza Garibaldi and Piazza XX Settembre, two opposite town squares, at the ends of the Ponte di Mezzo (middle bridge). Considered the center of the city. From Piazza Garibaldi begins Borgo Stretto - old street with many shops that, together with the Corso Italia, create a pedestrian area (interrupted only by a bridge) that is the center of the city. In Piazza XX Settembre you can find the Logge dei Banchi, a textile market building from the 1600s and the town hall in the Palazzo del Comune.

Santo Sepolcro, on Lungarno Galilei, is an octagonal Romanesque church with a conical spire built by Diotisalvi.

Ussero Café, founded in 1775, lungarno Pacinotti 27. Monument to Italian culture in the 1400th Palazzo Agostini, on Lungarno. In 1839, the first meeting of the Congress of Italian Scientists took place here.

Santa Maria della Spina. A very small gothic church on Lungarno Gambacorti, built in 1230 to house a spike from the crown of Jesus. This church is considered one of the most prominent representatives of Gothic art. In view of its small size, the church was moved a little higher from the Arno River in 1800 to protect it from flooding.

Giardino Scotto, on Lungarno Fibonacci at the end of Lungarno Galilei. Former fortress, converted into a public park, open in summer for film screenings under open sky, concerts and other events.

La Cittadella (The Citadel). Fortress at the end of the Lungarno Simonelli, built to guard the entrance to the river Arno, as well as a former shipyard from the Middle Ages.

University Botanical Garden, via Luca Ghini 5. The first botanical garden in Europe, commissioned by Cosimo de' Medici in 1544. The garden is open weekday mornings, admission is free.

Beautiful Romanesque churches - San Paolo a Ripa d "Arno, San Michele in Borgo, San Paolo with a gallery of sculptures inside.

Tuttomondo, mural by Keith Haring. Keith Haring visited Pisa and fell in love with the city, so he decided to paint a magnificent mural as a gift. Although it is incredibly large, it is easy to miss, so be careful. It is located between Giuseppe Mazzini and Massimo D "Azeglio, not far from Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II.

Food. What to try

Make it a rule not to eat near the Leaning Tower of Pisa as the prices are high and the quality is low. Instead, go to the central part (5-10 minutes walk from Piazza dei Miracoli). You will find very good and cheap restaurants there. For example, there are nice cafeterias with respectable prices in the small but lively vegetable market, Piazza delle Vettovaglie. Also Via San Martino, not far from south coast rivers there are a couple of places with good food and low prices.

It is known that not far from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, in via Roma, there is a good Indian restaurant with a great atmosphere and very good, though not always cheap, dishes. Piazza dei Miracoli has a good restaurant-pizzeria Kinzica. In any case, don't miss the Salza, at Borgo Stretto, with delicious chocolates, sweets and pastries of all kinds. Don't sit inside, if only because you end up paying €10 for two coffees.

Finally, there is a good pizzeria next to the Hostel, on the road leading to Leclerc.

Safety. What to watch out for

Don't buy sunglasses, umbrellas, and other knick-knacks from illegal vendors. Stay away from fake luxury items. Upon arrival in Pisa, tourists are surrounded by merchants. Some may be pushy or openly aggressive. Even a simple “No thanks” can attract unwanted attention. Better to just ignore them. Don't be afraid to be rude.

But low prices seductive, especially when you are on a budget on a trip, please remember that lately the Italian police have been fining tourists for buying from illegal merchants. These fines can be very hefty (up to €1,000). Opposite the Tower there are several merchants who are allowed to sell various items. Be responsible and buy from them. Legal traders are located at the stalls along the main road.

Things to do

On June 16, the Luminaria festival takes place in Pisa, in honor of the patron saint (San Ranieri). At sunset, all the lights along the Arno die out and over 10,000 candles are lit. Various actions take place in the streets, and the night ends with a big fireworks display.

Another summer attraction is the Gioco del Ponte (Bridge Game). Held every year on the last Sunday of June, when the two parties (Tramontana and Mezzogiorno, geographically separated by the Arno River) take part in a historic procession in the company of 709 extras, and then compete with each other in physical strength. Teams of twenty try to conquer the Ponte di Mezzo (the main bridge in Pisa) by pushing a cart off the bridge to force the opposing team off the bridge.

Mineral springs

Casciana Terme: thermal water in Casciana Terme has been used since ancient times. In recent years, its use has been expanded to modern methods of rehabilitation and treatment of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, treatment of digestive functions.

San Giuliano Terme: water with a positive effect and calcium-magnesium water with sulphates, rich in vital healing elements, gushing at the foot of the San Giuliano mountain from the source, where various springs originate, collected in two groups and called "Oriental Baths" (temperature 40°C) and "Western baths" (temperature 38°C).


Pisa School of Advanced Studies of St. Anna or Scuola Superiore Sant "Anna. A public university of applied sciences, formed from the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (School of Higher Education in Italy, i.e. Scuola Superiore Universitaria).

Location: Scuola Superiore Sant "Anna, P.zza Martiri della Libertà, 33 - 56127 - Pisa ()

Scuola Normale or Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa was founded in 1810 by decree of Napoleon, as a branch of the Parisian École Normale Supérieure. Recognized as a "national university" in 1862, a year after the reunification of Italy, and named during this period the "Normal School of the Italian Kingdom". (School of Higher Education in Italy i.e. Scuola Superiore Universitaria).

Location: Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7 - 56126 Pisa ()

The University of Pisa or Università di Pisa is one of the oldest universities in Italy. It was officially founded on September 3, 1343 by decree of Pope Clement VI, although lectures on law have been held in Pisa since the eleventh century. The University has the oldest botanical garden in Europe, i.e. Orto botanico di Pisa, founded in 1544.

Location: Università di Pisa - Lungarno Pacinotti, 43 - 56126 Pisa ().

The cost of the flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets to Pisa, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

Statistics will help determine the season of low prices. For example, in July, prices reach an average of 17,275 rubles, and in November, the cost of tickets drops to an average of 8,709 rubles. Plan your trip right now!

We analyze this information and create schedules to make it easier for you to plan your travels.

What is more profitable - to buy tickets in advance, avoiding the general hype, or take advantage of a "hot" offer closer to the departure date? The graph will help you determine best time to purchase air tickets.

See how the price of flights to Pisa has changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the beginning of sales, their value has changed by an average of 61%. The minimum price for a flight to Pisa is 54 days before departure, approximately 10,134 rubles. The maximum price for a flight to Pisa is on the day of departure, approximately 22,146 rubles. In most cases early booking saves money, take advantage of it!

Airfare to Pisa is not a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes is visible on the graph.

According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights to Pisa is on Sundays, their average cost is 11,112 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Saturdays, their average cost is 16,952 rubles. It is worth considering that departures on holiday days are usually more expensive. We hope that this data will help you plan your travels in the most efficient way.

The cost of air tickets depends not only on the date, but also on the time of departure. In one day, the airline can operate several flights, and they will differ in price category.

The graph shows the cost of departure depending on the time of day. For example, the average cost of a ticket to Pisa in the morning is 15,862 rubles, and in the evening 14,288 rubles. Evaluate all the conditions and choose the best offer.

The graph shows the comparative prices for flights to Pisa of the most popular airlines. Based on this information, you can plan your trip and buy tickets to Pisa from the carrier that suits you.

Statistics will help you choose a flight, focusing on your financial capabilities, as well as your wishes in terms of comfort and flight conditions. The lowest prices for flights to Pisa are offered by Blue Panorama Airlines, the most high prices– Ukraine International Airlines.

How to get to Pisa

Pisa is considered one of the most famous cities not only in Tuscany, but throughout Italy, and all thanks to the tower of the same name, whose architectural slope has been delighting more than one generation of tourists. Meanwhile, in Pisa there are a lot of other historical monuments, and another 15 km from the city center is its beach part, called Marina di Pisa. Thanks to this, Pisa can be considered an all-season resort, suitable for sightseeing holiday, and for the beach.

The good news for tourists from Russia is that there are direct flights to Pisa from Moscow, and the Russian low-cost carrier Pobeda carries out transportation, thanks to which holidays in Pisa can become very budget-friendly. Also, flights on the route are also operated by S7, so you can fly to Pisa without transfers from Moscow almost daily. The flight time will be only 3.5 hours. From other cities in Russia, a transfer is required at one of the Moscow airports (Vnukovo, if you fly Pobeda, and Domodedovo, if you fly S7). You can check the flight schedule on the search service Aviasales.

Pisa has its own international arrival airport named after Galileo Galilei. The airport is located 5 km from the center of Pisa, you can get there by train or taxi. From the arrivals terminal to the railway station in Pisa, the so-called Pisa Mover electric trains run, which operate fully automatically. Electric trains operate on schedule from 6 am to midnight daily, with a frequency of every 10 minutes. The one-way fare is from 2.7 euros, round trip from - 5.4 euros.

Dimitris Kamaras/Pisa, top view

If you arrive in Pisa at night, when the trains do not work, you can use the transfer service. Order private transfer can be done in advance at various specialized services, for example, at or . Travel time will be about 10 minutes.

If you plan to travel a lot not only in Pisa itself, but also travel around the surroundings and visit neighboring cities, then it makes sense to rent a car. A car will also come in handy in order to drive to local beaches. - the option is very popular and is in demand among tourists almost all year round. You can rent a car directly at the arrivals terminal or at one of the city offices.

To rent a car, it is enough to have a passport, driving license and bank card to pay for services. Below is the distance grid and numbers highways between Pisa and the most popular destinations from Pisa:

Where Where Distance Route
Pisa Marina di Pisa 15 km Route No. SP224
Pisa Viareggio 24 km
Pisa Forte dei Marmi 38 km Highway No. A12/E80
Pisa Lido di Camaiore 27 km Strada Statale 1 Via Aurelia
Pisa Montecatini Terme 47 km Highway No. A11/E76
Pisa Lucca 18 km Routes No. SS12 and SS12 radd
Pisa Arezzo 160 km SGC Firenze - Pisa - Livorno and A1/E35
Pisa Florence 87 km Track SGC Firenze-Pisa-Livorno
Pisa Rome 357 km Route number A1 / E35

Pisa Hotels

Pisa is a tourist city, so the hotel infrastructure is developed very, very significantly. Especially popular in Pisa are such accommodation options as bed and breakfast hotels, this is due to the fact that most often, tourists stay in Pisa for a few nights, and then move to other cities or to beach resorts. However, Pisa also has a good selection of standard hotels ranging from 1 to 5 stars. There is also a certain demand for apartments, guest houses, hostels. Please note that in order to have access to the beaches of the coast, it is better to stay in the coastal area of ​​Marina di Pisa, otherwise you will have to travel 15 km daily from the historic city center to the beach area.

When choosing a hotel in Pisa, you should pay attention to the area where it is located. If you want to stay close to the main attractions of the city, then you should choose hotels in the center. The pricing policy of hotels in Pisa is very moderate, even when placed in the historical center. For example, such Pisa hotels as Hotel Di Stefano 3*, Hotel Bologna 4* or Hotel Rome 3*. They provide wireless internet, parking and breakfast included in the price. The advantage is the central location. Among the B&B ("bed and breakfast") options are in demand such as Five Roses Bed and Breakfast , B&B Di Camilla , B&B Contessa. They are also located in the very center of Pisa. B&B hotels are perfect for a short stay in the city.

If you are flying to Pisa purposefully to relax by the sea, then it makes sense to look for hotel offers in the resorts of the Tuscan Riviera, one of the closest is Marina di Pisa, located just 15 km from the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Marina di Pisa is a small and chamber town, although even here in the summer you can find a whole scattering of open-air beach cafes. You can stay in Marina di Pisa in hotels or apartments. For example, hotels are popular Di Boccadarno 3* , B&B La Papaya , Il Pescatore. In the neighborhood of Marina di Pisa, there are more famous and major resorts, such as Forte dei Marmi and Viareggio, there are much more places to stay, and the infrastructure is considered to be more developed.

You can check the prices for all possible accommodation options in Pisa on specialized search engines Booking, Hotellook and others that allow you to compare all existing offers for the required dates.

Allie_Caulfield/On the streets of Pisa

Sights of Pisa

The sights of Pisa are all entirely historical. The old city center is literally full of architectural monuments, and the Cathedral, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the baptistery are considered the central composition. In addition, in the city you can also see many old churches made in different styles and belonging to different eras. Local palazzos are not as elegant as, say, in neighboring Genoa, but they also have historical and architectural value. In general, to see the sights of Pisa, it is enough to have 1-2 days left, because. the city, despite its size, has a relatively small historical center.

Pablo Cabezos/Baptistery of Pisa

Cathedral, Leaning Tower of Pisa and Baptistery of Pisa

These three main attractions of Pisa are located on the so-called Cathedral Square which makes their inspection very convenient, because they are all concentrated in one place. All three compositions are made of gray stone and white marble, it is difficult to determine a single style, but it is a mixture of Romanesque and Byzantine heritage. And this is not surprising, since the age of the cathedral, for example, is more than 10 centuries. The interiors of the cathedral are no less significant than its facades, so it's definitely worth going inside.

Concerning leaning tower of pisa, then here are a few facts about it: the height of the tower is 57 meters, and its roll is almost 4% of the angle of inclination, its construction began back in the 12th century, and the tower does not fall because its center of gravity is at the foundation at the base, and not at the top, as is customary in many other architectural structures.

pisa baptistery- This is a semicircular building located next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Cathedral, is often found in photographs and postcards, but for some reason is rarely mentioned in contrast to its “neighbor” - the tower. The Baptistery of San Giovanni began to be built also in the 12th century, and its height is almost equal to the height of the tower and is 55 meters. The architectural style of the baptistery is a mixture of Romanesque and Gothic, while the external facades look quite impressive, while the interior decoration is rather modest.

Greg_Men/Cathedral Square in Pisa