7 tour official tour operator. "Favorite City" (Altai)

The most important thing for have a nice rest, which will remain in the memory of the brightest and most pleasant memories for a long time - this is a well-chosen tour operator and the right direction of travel. S7 TOUR TurEnergoServis is one of the best tour operators in this field of service provision, as over many years of successful work it has shown itself from the best side to completely different clients and in completely different situations. Therefore, the principle of working with clients is individual work with each client in order to obtain the most optimal result and the most pleasant memories of a vacation abroad. This method of work of the travel agency leaves every client who has at least once used the services of this tour operator, the desire to contact the next time to order a tour or tour, best quality and by the most low prices in the region. That is why the agency provides at the lowest prices and with the highest class of service.

One of the best vacation options offered by S7 TOUR to its clients is Bulgaria, with its unique ski resorts and pristine, untouched nature, which can impress even the most demanding tourist. At the moment, holidays in Bulgaria are one of the most popular places for a vacation or just a short vacation. For the most convenient and high-quality rest, the tour operator S7 TOUR TurEnergoService provides hotels with the best, high-class, with the most the best level service and qualified personnel. Every tourist who comes to Bulgaria will be pleasantly surprised not only by the virgin nature ski resorts but also the wonderful cathedrals of the country, architectural monuments past, which for a long time attracted tourists and archaeologists from all over the world. After a holiday spent with this company, a holiday in Bulgaria will remain a bright and pleasant moment for life, which you will want to remember every time you see souvenirs and photographs brought from the country.

Another one of the most popular countries, where S7 Tour Energo Service provides tours at the best prices at any time of the year is Germany. Germany is famous among tourists for its wonderful beer, which you can try at a variety of beer festivals that take place every year, for its architectural monuments, its interesting culture and history, great restaurants and taverns. Therefore, as the best option for buying a tour to this country for true connoisseurs of good cuisine and service, only Es Seven Tour is possible. Germany is a paradise not only for lovers of beer and good food, but also the opportunity to visit outstanding architectural monuments - ancient monasteries and churches that will make a great impression even on experienced tourist and will help to keep the most pleasant memories of your vacation in this country. By the way, most of the restaurants that have been awarded Michelin awards for the most exquisite cuisine and level of service are located in Germany. Therefore, last-minute tours that are available to almost every tourist, and only TurEnergoService is a tour operator that will take care of all the rest, giving the client the opportunity to have a full and carefree holiday in Germany.

In addition to these destinations, S7 TOUR TourEnergoService is a travel agency that provides an opportunity for a carefree vacation in exotic countries of the world. Ordering a vacation ticket is quite simple - you can contact a travel company in Moscow.

We have been cooperating with this tour operator for a long time. . Here you can also order tours, we accept orders for booking tours in St. Petersburg and many other cities of the country.

Recreation is that necessary luxury that everyone can afford, but the care of organizing all types of recreation should be trusted the best companies who will do everything for the most pleasant and carefree holiday.

Choose which country to go on vacation this time:

Tourist discount 4% for tours of the tour operator S7 TOUR in travel agencies GdeNasNet.Ru

C7 Tour is a unique model of a travel company for the Russian market, uniting an airline, a travel operator, and a retail sales network under a single brand.

S7 is 14 years of successful work in the Russian tourism market. In 2007, S7Tour teamed up with Tourenergoservice, a tour operator specializing in Egypt and Turkey. This made it possible to significantly strengthen the company's position in the Russian tourism market and increase the volume of sales of tour packages to these countries.

According to the results of the sixth annual rating "The Largest Tour Operators of Russia", prepared by the Kommersant Publishing House and the Turinfo news agency, tourist destination of the S7 group of companies entered the top five largest travel companies Russia at the end of 2007.

DIRECTIONS- these are 23 countries from traditional to exotic and the constant development of new directions! Today with S7 TOUR you can visit Germany, Bulgaria, Tunisia, Greece, Montenegro, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Austria, Norway, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Egypt, UAE, Turkey, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, Finland, Vietnam and Ireland.

Services - organization beach holiday on the popular resorts, as well as health, medical, ski, sightseeing, exhibition tours, sea cruises, sale of air and railway tickets. Any type of recreation we offer is adapted to the client's expectations and takes into account the peculiarities of family, youth and individual tourism. For companies, we offer the organization of corporate holidays, business events abroad, field conferences.

According to the results of the sixth annual rating "The Largest Tour Operators of Russia", prepared by "Kommersant" and the information agency "Turinfo", the tourist destination of the S7 group of companies took first place in air ticket sales. In 2007, S7 TUR group companies sold 1.12 million air tickets.
$21 million.

Every year the number of offered destinations is growing. In 2005 alone, 417,000 people used the Company's services.

Rested in Hurghada hotel "Citadel Azur" in October. Everything is super, it took a long time to get there, they were looking for tourists who got on the wrong bus and were brought to the hotel last. the hotel is remote from the city. They placed it right away, although it was 12 o'clock, for a fee of 20 bucks they provided the desired room. There are no complaints, everything is fast, tasty, ... Read more

2012-01-27 21:28:12

Dear gentlemen! do not evaluate travel agencies by hotels - they did not build them and create infrastructure (and thank God). Of course hotels can be excellent. We visited the Hilton Long Beach. Everything is fine, it was his visit that distracted from the most unpleasant moment. Our flight was supposed to take place at 6:00 on April 29., moved to 23:30.- sort of... Read more

2011-05-15 20:12:39

We are very dissatisfied. My father had a birthday - a round date. They decided to celebrate it in Turkey. They were going to go with a large group, because they also invited some relatives. As a result, we were placed in 2 different hotels. How about celebrating? There are no complaints about flights and excursions, but the staff really spoiled the mood. For everything... Read more

2010-10-26 15:08:15

I want to say "many thanks" to the S7 travel company for the excellent organized vacation and wonderful, simply unforgettable experience! We chose a hotel called Sinbad, which turned out to be just great, the food is good, the cuisine is close to home. I thank the host for the wonderful and informative tours, the guide for the honest...


Posted on the site
December 20, 2018

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This Privacy Policy governs the processing and use of personal data of individuals using the Site _____LLC "OM Tour"_____ (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).

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    1. OM tour LLC Legal address:
      125480, Moscow, st. Turistskaya, 33
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      Gearbox 773301001
      BIC 044525659
      Checking account 40702810600350000578 
in PJSC Moscow Credit Bank, Moscow
      Corr. check 30101810745250000659
    2. Email: [email protected] website
    3. Phone: +7 495 608 86 81


Check-in and check-out any day

Tour program:

On the day of arrival: tourists arrive at the hotel on their own, guaranteed accommodation after 12-00. Meeting with the accompanying person (guide) at the specified time according to the schedule, the sign "Favorite city". The program for the time of the excursions is issued at the meeting.
Tourists arriving before 12.00 can check in luggage at
hotel (extra charge)
On the day of departure: tourists vacate the room before 12:00 noon and leave their luggage in the luggage room at the hotel.

Free day

  • Excursion "Ancient monasteries of Moscow"
  • The Novodevichy Convent is almost half a thousand years old. In 2004 the monastery was listed world heritage UNESCO. This is one of the most significant sights of the capital after the Kremlin and one of the most amazing in terms of beauty and harmony. architectural ensembles Moscow. For an experienced tourist, this attraction is from the category of "Do not miss it." The monastery is not only an Orthodox shrine and arena historical events but so rare true beauty. Next to the monastery is Novodevichy cemetery, where many outstanding personalities of our country are buried. Walking along the alleys of the cemetery, you will bow to the graves familiar to every great compatriot. Nowhere in Moscow are so many statues of the best sculptors of the country collected in one place.

Free day

  • At extra charge:
  • 1) Excursion "Moscow theatrical and cinematic"- the history of the life of the Russian theater stage, will introduce you to all the legendary theaters: the Bolshoi, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, the Moscow Art Theater, Chekhov, Youth Theater, Pushkin, Satire and many others from the brilliant galaxy. A visit to one of the museums dedicated to cinema: either the Mosfilm film studio / or the museum-apartment of the film actress L.M. Gurchenko / or the museum - the apartment of the acting family of M.V. and A.A. Mironovs - A.S. Menaker. (adults 2000 rubles, schoolchildren (under 16) 1500 rubles)

Free day

  • Excursion for an additional fee:
  • Excursion "VDNKh - yesterday, today, tomorrow" The Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNH), famous throughout the Soviet Union, has still retained its former grandeur; architectural masterpieces of the pavilions of the republics and industries, spread over 238 hectares, rise above the alleys and squares. (adults 2000 rubles, schoolchildren (under 16) 1500 rubles)


  • Excursion"Moscow of artists and patrons": The tour is dedicated to Zamoskvorechye and its inhabitants, those who lived here in the old days. The former merchant district of Moscow has retained the flavor of a bygone era to this day: temples, monasteries, merchant mansions in quiet lanes. visit Tretyakov Gallery. This excursion will open the doors to the world of the richest collection of masterpieces of Russian painting, collected by P.M. Tretyakov. The scope of the collected collection in the museum is striking, all Russian artists are represented here, and the directions of painting from the middle of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century. The Tretyakov Gallery will enchant not only connoisseurs of art: literally every visitor will recognize the paintings that have accompanied him since childhood.


  • 09.45 Meeting with the guide in the lobby of the hotel "Altai" (building number 7 main building) sign "Favorite City".
  • bus sightseeing tour: embankment of the Moskva River with a panorama of the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and Sparrow Hills, Poklonnaya Hill with Victory Park and the Triumphal Arch, Moscow State University and Moscow City, Garden Ring road and Novodevichy Convent, Zamoskvorechye and Zaryadye. Visiting the territory of the Kremlin with one of the cathedrals– The Moscow Kremlin is located in the very center of the capital of Russia. The Kremlin Ensemble is included in the List of World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO and on its territory there are majestic cathedrals and temples, a magnificent palace ensemble, the Arsenal, the Senate, the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell
  • 16:30 End of the program in the city center


  • 09.45 Meeting with the guide in the lobby of the hotel "Altai" (building number 7 main building) sign "Favorite City".
  • Excursion "Moscow noble" in the city center. The famous Arbat is full of addresses of great writers, poets and artists. Monuments and street troubadours, souvenir shops and museums are today's Old Arbat with a visit Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Main Orthodox church Moscow is open for prayer and for the word. You will get acquainted with its unique artistic decoration, hear a story about the history of construction, destruction and reconstruction of the main Orthodox shrine of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • 14.00 end of the program in the city center


  • 09.45 Meeting with the guide in the lobby of the hotel "Altai" (building number 7 main building) sign "Favorite City".
  • Excursion to the museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno"- a unique palace and park Ensemble XVIII c, made by brilliant architects V. Bazhenov and M. Kazakov. The park with a cascade of ponds and figured bridges on the territory of the ensemble of the residence of Catherine II, the Grand and Small Palaces, the Opera House amaze with their unique beauty. Tsaritsyno Park is a great place to relax and walk.
  • Excursion to the museum-estate "Kolomenskoye". The estate was first mentioned in 1336 in the will of Ivan Kalita. In 1605, False Dmitry I stopped here, in 1606 the leader of the rebellious peasants I. Bolotnikov set up camp, in 1662 the events of the Copper Riot unfolded. Since the 14th century, all the great Russian princes, almost all tsars, emperors and empresses lived in a summer country estate or visited a family nest.
  • 14:00 End of the program in the city center

- ATTENTION! Meeting with the guide / escort on the day of the tour takes place strictly according to the schedule in the program. The tour program with information on the meeting time for the excursion days is issued to tourists at the first meeting with the guide.
- If tourists are late by the time of the group gathering, services not provided during the delay are not compensated.
- The company reserves the right to change the order of the excursions while maintaining their volume and quality
- Breakfast at the hotel is provided from the next day after arrival.
- The time of the meeting and the beginning of the tour may change.
- The end of excursions - according to the program in the city center
- Luggage storage services in hotels are not included in the tour price.
- Directions public transport or by taxi is not included in the price of the tour and is paid by the tourists themselves.
- All Additional services booked and paid in advance.
- For a group of less than 5 people walking tours.
- For a group of up to 19 people, Mercedes Sprinter, Ford Transit or equivalent is provided.
- For a group of more than 19 people, Mercedes, Man, Neoplan, Setra, Yutong, ShenLong or equivalent transport is provided.

Travel Company "7-Tour" has been operating in the Russian tourist market since 1996. The company specializes in domestic tourism and organizes tours in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries (CIS).

The company has adequately established itself in the market of tourist services. While working "7-Tour" confidently gained an impeccable reputation as a reliable partner among Russian travel companies. For 15 years of successful work in the service sector, the company has become a leading tour operator in Abkhazia, Krasnodar Territory, Crimea, Excursion tours, tours around the Golden Ring, Veliky Ustyug, Central Russia, Moscow region.

Travelers and travel agencies receive a full range of tourist services, and managers also help to choose vacations and travels, taking into account the best price-quality ratio.

Today since "7-Tour" more than 2,000 agencies work, where, in addition to Moscow travel agencies, there are many regional travel companies from different cities Russia and CIS: Balakovo, Voronezh, Vladimir, Dmitrov, Dubna, Izhevsk, Kazan, Kotlas, Kostroma, Krasnodar, Lipetsk, Minsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Penza, Plesetsk, Podolsk, Pyatigorsk, Ryazan, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Saratov, Sergiev Posad, St. Petersburg, Stavropol, Severodvinsk, Sochi, Sevastopol, Saransk, Tula, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Elektrostal, Yaroslavl and many other.

"7-Tour" annually takes part in the largest tourist exhibitions "MITT", "Intourmarket", and also participates in regional exhibitions and fairs (Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Kyiv, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Perm, Ufa) .

Along with the organization of recreation in the main areas, the company offers recreation in countries around the world. Since 1998, tours to Turkey, Egypt, Italy, France, Finland, Spain and other countries have been organized, cooperating only with reliable and time-tested tour operators for foreign tourism, which allows us to offer quality holidays anywhere in the world.

Travel company "7-Tour" every year expands the range of offers in various directions.

Activities of the tour operator "7-Tour":

  • Individual tours
  • Excursion tours
  • beach holiday
  • Medical tours
  • Booking rooms in hotels, sanatoriums, houses and recreation centers
  • promotional tours


  • Russia (Abkhazia, Krasnodar region, Crimea, Golden ring, Veliky Ustyug, middle lane Russia, Moscow region)
  • Belarus (Minsk region, Grodno region, Brest region, Gomel region, Vitebsk region)
  • Ukraine (Yalta, Alushta, Sudak, Koktebel, Feodosia, Evpatoria, Saki, Nikolaevka, Sandy, Kerch, Sea of ​​Azov, Odessa).

For 13 years now, S7 Tour has been successfully operating in the tourism market, offering high quality services. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that an airline, a retail sales network and a tour operator have united under one brand.

Where did it all begin?

The year of foundation of S7 Tour is 2003, and the company is part of the S7 Group, which has been in the travel services market for 18 years. One of the main events in the history of S7 Tour is its merger with Tourenergoservice. This made it possible to expand the range of offers, and, accordingly, strengthen its position in the Russian market, and increase the volume of sales of tourist packages to countries such as and.

In 2008, S7 Tour managed to take the second place in the nomination of the largest sellers of tours of the year, as well as the first in the nomination of the largest sellers of air tickets. The company managed to maintain its position for several years.

Destinations and own airline

As it was said, S7 Tour is a kind of association, one of the main elements of which is an aviation company, which is included in the TOP-50 of international air carriers. It is known that S7 Airlines is the largest network of domestic routes in Russia. In addition, flights are made every day to Europe, the Middle East, South Asia and even to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Today S7 Airlines maintains one of the youngest fleets aircraft with an average age of 6 years.

Basically, S7 Tour works with 13 countries, both traditional, which are in high demand, and exotic ones. Today, with the support of a well-known tour operator, you can visit Germany or. You can fly to or, or go to and. Flights to or, as well as, are very popular. You can buy tours to and Malaysia.

Range of services

Turning to S7 Tour, you can count on assistance in organizing not only a beach holiday, but also health, medical, sightseeing and skiing. The company will also take care of a sea cruise for you, an exhibition tour, or simply sell tickets for a plane or railway transport. It is worth noting that any holiday is fully adapted to the wishes of the client. You can be sure that family, youth or individual rest will be organized according to the rules. There is even an opportunity to organize corporate trips, business events in other countries, field conferences.