Administrative map of spain. Spain on the modern world stage

Detailed map of Spain in Russian. Map of roads, cities and resorts on the interactive map of Spain. Show Spain on the map.

Where is Spain located on the world map?

Spain is one of the world leaders in terms of tourist flow, located in the southwest of Europe and partly in Africa.

Where is Spain on the map of Europe?

Spain is a South European state that occupies more than 80% of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the Pitius and Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and Canary Islands in the Atlantic. Spain has borders with five countries - the British possession of Gibraltar in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal in its west, France and Andora in the north and Morocco in North Africa (the semi-enclaves of Ceuta, Peñon de Velez de la Gomera and Melilla).

In addition to holidays on the mainland, Spain can also offer excellent island tourism in the Canary and Balearic Islands. The Canary Islands are located northwest of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean and include seven large ones - Tenerife, La Palma, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, La Gomera, El Hierro, Gran Canaria, and several small islands of volcanic origin. The Balearic Islands are located in the west of the Mediterranean Sea - this is the island of Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca and Formentera.

The geographical position of Spain

The geographical position of Spain distinguishes it from its European neighbors - it is the center that unites three continents at once: Europe, Africa and America. Spain washes mediterranean sea in the east and south, and the Atlantic Ocean in the north and west. Geographical coordinates Spain: 40.0 N and -4.0 W.

Interactive map of Spain with cities

Spain is one of the main cultural centers of Europe, where every city is unique in its own way. Here are majestic cities with their outstanding architectural monuments and sights, and cozy, sparsely populated villages and towns, charming with the tranquility and traditions of the local inhabitants.

Spain is divided into 17 autonomous regions and includes Andalusia, Asturias, Aragon, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Valencia, Galicia, Canary Islands, Castile La Mancha, Cantabria, Castile and León, Madrid, Catalonia, Murcia, Rioja, Navarro and Extremadura. Also Spanish are two autonomous cities in Africa - Melilla and Ceuta - and sovereign territories in continental North Africa.

Territory of Spain

Spain covers 504,782 square kilometers and is 51st in the world and 4th in Europe. Most of the territory of Spain is covered with mountain ranges and plateaus, between which there are picturesque lowlands and plains. Forests occupy about a tenth of Spain. The country stretches for 870 km from north to south, and about 1000 km from west to east. Length coastline Spain is about 2100 km, including 1130 km on the Mediterranean coast and 970 km on the Atlantic and Bay of Biscay.


Every year, statistics are released that show which countries tourists from Russia fly to the most. And from these data we can conclude that half a million Russians visit Spain every year, and the annual increase in tourist flow is about 15%. And if so, then it is worth booking a tour in advance. To be able to travel cheaper and get into best places countries. New map Spain in Russian with all cities and resorts. Help you choose the right place to stay. The map is fully interactive, which gives you the ability to zoom in on the roads in the city. Thanks to the map, you can easily make a route and your trip will be the best.

Spain, or as it is officially called - the Kingdom of Spain, is located in the south-west of Europe and attracts tourists not only the most memorable resorts with numerous sandy beaches, as well as the famous Canary Islands with picturesque nature, but also multifaceted historical architecture, historical monuments, culture.
Any visiting tourist will find something for themselves in this bright and cheerful country.

Particular attention should be paid to resorts located in picturesque places, such as the Balearic and Pitius Islands, which are located in the warm Mediterranean Sea and, of course, the Canary Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean. Tourists like to relax on the islands, and they are happy to fly to them. Moreover, the season Spanish islands goes all year round, and even in winter there are many vacationers on them. This is possible due to the location of the islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

The capital of Spain is Madrid. Surprisingly, this is not the most popular city among tourists. People mainly come here for the weekend to stroll through the streets, admire them and take photos of the Spanish capital. There are almost no tourists who spend a week or more in Madrid. On weekdays, there are hundreds of thousands of Spaniards who come to the capital to work. They are everywhere, and the city these days is like a huge anthill, where everyone is busy with something. For this reason, Madrid is not very attractive for tourists, but for the population of the country it is even very attractive in terms of earnings. And besides, there is no sea in Madrid. And this is a huge minus.

It is not difficult to guess that the most popular city tourists - Barcelona. Three out of five tourists who generally fly to Spain come here. There is a lot to see in Barcelona. There are hundreds of attractions that you can go around for days and weeks. But, unfortunately, in Barcelona there is no beach resorts. They are all outside the city. Tourists rent a room in the resorts. During the day they rest on the beaches. And in the evenings they come to the city itself to enjoy the rest to the fullest. The trip is not long, the main resorts are within 10-15 minutes by car. public transport. So tourists are quite happy with it.

Valencia is another popular resort city in the country. In Valencia, it is convenient to relax because you can easily get to the island of Mallorca from the city. Ships depart daily from the port towards the island, and this walk will be the most memorable.

Spain unique country. It neighbors with Portugal and France, and from the side of the Strait of Gibraltar with Morocco. By the way, if you are going to rest near Gibraltar, you will witness how tankers, ships and yachts pass through the strait. The sea stream does not stop here for a minute, and this is a super sight.

In Spain great amount castles, many of them under five hundred years old. And this is not surprising. After all, the country is still ruled by a king. Most of the tourists come to the country for the sake of castles. They build their route in such a way that they pass along roads that have castles or cities with castles. Unfortunately, not all castles can be seen from the inside. Some are closed for renovations. Some are too old and dangerous to visit. And some have been completely sold into private hands, where businessmen and famous people. But do not be upset about this, because no one will forbid you to approach the castle and take photos.

Another attraction of Spain is wine. Vineyards grow in the country, and they have excursions that are popular. Tourists are told about how grapes grow in these conditions, they show how wine is made and give it a try and buy it for themselves.
For sports fans, Spain is just a godsend. There are sports teams in every town. different types sports. The most popular games are football and basketball. Stadiums are almost always packed with spectators and this is a real holiday.
In general, in Spain there is something to see and where to go. So see the map, download it and travel brightly.

The fourth most visited country in the world by tourists is ready to meet you! pleasant climate, picturesque archipelagos, ski resorts, many historical monuments, entertainment for every taste.

An ideal year-round beach holiday is provided by the Canary and Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Andalusia, Valencia. You can enjoy the culture and feel the historical spirit of the settlers of the Iberian Peninsula, of course, in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​which are also famous for the world-famous impressive nightlife with an incredible number of clubs and discos.

Do not miss the opportunity to participate in carnivals, Sonar or Primavera Sound music festivals, visit the Seville Fair or the Fallas in Valencia. And if you want to go skiing, then go ahead to the northern region - the Pyrenees, the Cordillera, or to the south - the Sierra Nevada. You'll like it!

Spain on the world map

Shown below interactive map Spain in Russian from Google. You can move the map to the right and left, up and down with the mouse, as well as change the scale of the map with the "+" and "-" icons, which are located at the bottom right side of the map, or with the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Spain is located on the world map or on the map of Europe, zoom out the map even further in the same way.

In addition to a map with the names of objects, you can look at Spain from a satellite if you click on the switch "Show satellite map» in the lower left corner of the map.

Below are two more maps of Spain - a map of the coast with resorts and a map of Spain with cities. To see each of them in full size, click on the map and it will open in a new window. You can also print them out and take them with you on the go.

You were presented with the most basic and detailed maps Spain, which you can always use to search for the object you are interested in or for any other purposes. Happy travels!

Has a unique climate beautiful cities and resorts in Spain? this is a rest of the European level against the backdrop of world cultural values.

Here you will find such natural features as the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, the proximity of Africa, the Pyrenees.

These elements, combined with national traditions and ancient monuments, do not allow us to single out best resorts on the map of the country. Everything, therefore, depends on your preferences and wallet.

Excursion programs are available throughout the year. Seasons beach holiday, treatment, skiing, which offer cities and resorts in Spain, depend on a particular region.

Beach resorts in mainland Spain

The word "costa" in Spanish means "shore". On this basis, it is easy to distinguish beach towns and resorts in Spain. Among them are the following.

  • . Replete with cozy bays, here are the water parks Aqua Brava, Playa de Aro, Lloret de Mar.
  • . It is especially interesting for children with its Port Aventura rides, owned by the famous Universal Studios.
  • Fans of a "soft" beach holiday will surely like the Costa del Maresme and the Costa del Garraf.
  • Expensive bohemian Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca attract vacationers with high incomes.

The absence of large enterprises of heavy industry in the cities of Spain leads to high environmental performance.

Spanish cities for history buffs

Excursions are interesting throughout the country. Small villages provide an opportunity to see the life of various ethnic groups. Architectural monuments, museums, galleries of Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Seville reflect the history of development not only of Europe, but of the whole civilization.

Many cities in Spain have bullfighting arenas. lovers thrill can watch the spectacle, the finale of which? the death of a bull, and sometimes a bullfighter. The dates of the fights should be known in advance in order to take care of the tickets.

An unforgettable holiday in the Spanish islands

The island part of the country consists of the Balearic and Canarian archipelagos. The hot breath of Africa allows you to have fun on local beaches almost all year round. Majorca? a real gem of the Mediterranean. The prices of hotels, yacht clubs, elite restaurants are equal to the cost of products of a local pearl factory.

Gained fame thanks to medicinal properties black sand beaches of volcanic origin. The local rates are lower than in Mallorca, but they are not particularly democratic. At the same time on neighboring islands having the same climate, the cost of rest is quite affordable for tourists with an average budget.

The cities and resorts of Spain located on these islands attract representatives of the "high society". Here are the summer residences of the Spanish royal house.

Natural health resorts

Many thermal clinics operate on sources known since ancient Rome. Spas in Aragon combine mineral waters with walks in the Pyrenees national parks. The chain of lakes of Covadonga? these are water and air procedures, acquaintance with the pre-Roman era, a pilgrimage to the altar of the Virgin of Covadonga.

Ski slopes in ski resorts

Ski resorts in Spain are located at a low altitude (2–2.5 km). For this reason, you should choose only the winter months for skiing. Sierra Nevada? the most popular, but quite expensive area for ski holidays. More affordable is the combined Aramon Ski Area on the Sierra de la Demanda, which includes a lot of ski resorts. The well-maintained bases of the Aragonese Pyrenees claimed to host the 2010 Olympics. In addition to skiing, there are healing springs here. mineral water. The slopes of Baqueira-Beret, Macella, La Pinilla, Alto Campo are equipped for professionals, beginners, families with children.

From a financial point of view, new winter tracks are attractive: Val de Nuria, Rasos de Peguera, Walter 2000.