What to do if a flight is canceled. What should I do if my flight is canceled or delayed? If the flight was canceled while the passengers were on board

So the flight has been cancelled. Worst of all, if you found out about it at the airport, it's better in advance, but in any case, you now have several options for further action. In most cases, the airline will send you to your destination on one of the following flights, with larger aircraft if possible.

If there are several flights per day to your destination, you don’t fly anywhere from there and there are no urgent matters there (for example, we are talking about returning to Moscow on the weekend from a business trip in St. Petersburg), then this is the option you need to choose.

The ability to use an alternative route is useful if you have some important event waiting for you, for example, a concert or a conference, which you will also miss on the next flight. By the way, for this reason, it is always better to buy tickets with a margin of time in order to arrive at your destination at least a day before the event. Saving time (or money for an extra night in a hotel) can result in the fact that on a short trip you will arrive at the destination airport and immediately fly back on the same plane.

If you are flying with a decent airline, then all options for further action in case of flight cancellation will be offered to you and organized by its representative office. You can find representatives at the airline's office located at the airport, or at the check-in counter, or at the gates - in general, you can catch them somewhere. Do not forget, by the way, to ask about your luggage: you may need to get it at the transit airport, or maybe it will be re-registered for another flight without issuance.

If you can’t find anyone at all (which is extremely unlikely, but still), you will have to call the call center, and then demand compensation for communication costs.

Later you can get monetary compensation and for the very fact of the flight cancellation. In Europe, it is regulated by directive EU261/2004, according to which 200 euros are paid for distances up to 1500 km, 400 euros for distances over 1500 km in Europe or 1500-3000 km in other directions, and 600 euros in other cases. However, if the delay on the next flight or on an alternative route does not exceed 4 hours, then all amounts are divided in half.

In practice, this means that you can either return the money or buy a ticket from another airline for which you will be entitled to compensation, while you can also sue compensation, for example, for a missed concert or for a non-refundable hotel reservation. However, you will have to prove all this in court, so stock up on nerves. “Price reduction” is also an individual question in each case, there are no fixed amounts here.

What to do if a flight is canceled

What to do if the flight was canceled due to the fault of the airline

Air travel makes people's lives easier and more comfortable. Instead of two days on the train, a person spends only a few hours on the road. People plan their holidays or business meetings taking into account the exact flight schedule.

If the flight is delayed or canceled altogether, tourists are late for connecting flights, business trips are disrupted.

This happens often. Therefore, you need to know what to do when a flight is canceled and where to apply for reimbursement of ticket costs.

Airlines do their best to prevent a flight being delayed or canceled for no good reason. Sometimes a person finds out about the cancellation of a flight right at the airport. Then you need to contact the representative of the air carrier.

If the flight is canceled on the day of departure the company is obliged to explain the reason for the cancellation and, if possible, select another flight.

In a situation where a passenger has checked in, but the flight is delayed from 2 to 4 hours, you can use some benefits.

Airplane tickets are much more expensive than other modes of transport, so compensation for a missed flight is important here. If the flight was canceled 14 days or more in advance, and the passenger did nothing during this time, the ticket price is not refundable. If the carrier notified the customer 13 days or less before departure, the amount of compensation depends on the duration of the flight.

When an airline announces a trip cancellation a few days before the flight, the passenger can choose one of two types of compensation.

  • fully recover the money spent on the ticket. In the case of a flight with transfers, only the company responsible for the flight cancellation will reimburse the cost;
  • the air carrier can send the tourist on another flight, not necessarily its own company. The main thing is to match the final destination.

A canceled or delayed flight is a major disruption to an entire airport. Therefore, any change in the flight schedule does not always happen through the fault of the airline, it is often influenced by a number of unfavorable factors.

  • scheduling errors;
  • the inability to check in and take on board all passengers due to overbooking, that is, more tickets have been sold than there are seats available on the plane;
  • employees did not have time to put the aircraft in order before the next flight;
  • not all places have been bought out and this is financially unprofitable;
  • the carrier cannot give good reasons for not fulfilling its obligations to customers.

There are a number of circumstances in which the flight is not operated, but the company is not responsible for this. The air carrier is not to blame if the flight was hindered.

Charter flights are organized by travel companies. What to do if you canceled a flight that has transfers, a flight? A flight is possible when a sufficient number of tickets have been sold to make it profitable for the organizer. Charter flights are often delayed or even postponed indefinitely.

This happens because the charter is a non-priority flight in the flight schedule.

And if the aircraft has technical problems, then the tourists will have to sit and wait for them to be eliminated, the replacement of the vessel is not provided here.

When canceling a charter, all claims must be made only to the travel agencies that organized it. In the contract for the provision of travel agency services, the amount of compensation in case of transfer or cancellation of the flight must be prescribed.

Cancellation of a scheduled flight destroys both personal and business plans of the passenger. But knowing the algorithm of actions in such a situation, you can minimize problems.

When an employee of the company called in advance and informed about the cancellation, the tourist can choose to fly on another flight or take a refund for the ticket.

If the news of the flight disruption caught the passenger already at the airport, then you need to find out from the company employee at the check-in desk the reason for the postponement or cancellation of the flight. The airline must explain. If the fault of the carrier is confirmed, the tourist will be offered to fly on another flight or receive money for the ticket back.

In the event of a long delay in departure, an employee of the company must put a note on the ticket that the flight is delayed. It will make it easier to get compensation in the future.

When people cannot fly due to overbooking, the carrier is obliged to refund the money to the “extra” passengers. Additional compensation is also possible, which depends on the flight range.

It is important to know that the deadline for filing a complaint for a flight disruption on domestic routes is 60 days, on international routes - 7 days. Claims can be submitted by email.

  • keep the ticket and boarding pass with a note about the delay or cancellation of the flight;
  • checks for contingencies - a taxi to the hotel or lunch;
  • take a picture of a line on the scoreboard at the airport with information about the cancellation or delay of the flight;
  • invite the flight neighbors to unite and submit documents together.

The traveler has the right to receive compensation for flight cancellation only due to the fault of the company. By Russian laws a tourist can receive a refund of 25% of the minimum wage (SMIC), but not more than half the cost of the ticket. In November 2018, the minimum wage is 11,163 rubles.

Not so long ago, Russia began to support the Montreal Convention, which helps passengers resolve conflicts with air carriers. Under this convention, a traveler can be reimbursed for waiting or canceling a flight at a special SDR rate. It is summarized at the rates of five major world currencies and today is 93 rubles. Based on this, the maximum compensation on an international flight is 4694 SDR, which in terms of rubles exceeds 430 thousand rubles.

Compensation in this amount can only be obtained through the courts.

The air carrier has 60 days from the date of application for a refund for an unused ticket. Money can be credited to the account earlier, but this happens infrequently.

Upon learning of a canceled or delayed flight, immediately contact the carrier's representative. Due to the fact that airlines try to maintain their reputation, they try to deliver the tourist to their destination on another flight as quickly as possible or to negotiate a refund of the cost of the ticket.

Flight canceled

  • Schedule inconsistencies
  • If the crew did not have time to prepare or remove the aircraft
  • If at the check-in desk there were problems with boarding a passenger due to overbooking. Overbooking is when an airline sells more seats than there are actually on the plane, because statistics show that not all passengers come to their flight.
  • If this flight is not profitable for the airline
  • Other situations in which the carrier was unable to prove and explain the circumstances that affected the failure to fulfill its obligations.
  • Weather conditions and natural disasters (fires, snowdrifts, floods)
  • Martial law and hostilities
  • Termination or restriction of transportation of goods in certain directions;
  • Airline personnel strike or aircraft malfunction that endangers the passenger.

If you have been warned about a flight cancellation 7-13 days in advance and offered a new flight, and fate played a cruel joke on you and new flight also canceled, then you have the right to claim compensation depending on the duration of the flight and the length of the delay. If the flight was delayed from 2 hours, then it is already worth going and receiving your compensation from 125 euros and more.

A flight can be canceled for any reason, as well as through the fault and without the fault of the air carrier. In this case, the airline employees must explain to you why the flight was canceled and if they are to blame, then it is possible to offer you a flight by another company (for free). If you are flying with a national company within the European Union, then you may be able to claim special benefits, depending on the situation.

If the flight was postponed for more than 8 hours during the day and more than 6 hours at night, then the air carrier is obliged to provide you with a hotel and a round trip transfer at the expense of the airline. And know that by law you should not be placed in the same room with a stranger, and you have the right to demand a separate room.

The proceedings will always take place in the country in which the flight was canceled. You can file a complaint at the airport. If there is no office of your airline at the airport, then a complaint can be written on the company's website, but to be honest, such complaints are not considered or simply deleted, and we have had experience with this. It is best to write a complaint and send it by registered mail to the airline office (in this case, you must keep a copy and all related documents with the flight - you will need this in court).

If the flight is canceled or delayed, it is in your interest to collect as much information about the flight delay (photo of the departure board, a note on the air ticket about the delay or a written receipt), receipts for the cost of food and drinks, etc. With more evidence on hand, everyone this will help in litigation with the company or in court.

Flight delay and cancellation: passenger rights and airline obligations

On flights of foreign carriers Russian rules apply if it is explicitly written in the contract. If not, then the rules of the country of the carrier and, possibly, the rules of international treaties signed by this country (for example, EU Regulation No. 261/2004 on flights to the European Union) apply.

or cancel the flight and return the full cost of the unused part of the ticket: in case of cancellation and overbooking - in any case, in case of rescheduling - only after 5 hours of delay. If the flight is connecting and the remaining flight has lost its meaning, then the money will be returned for all parts of the ticket and delivered to the original airport of departure free of charge.

“Under the Montreal Convention, the airline compensates for damage caused to a passenger due to a flight delay, damage or loss of baggage. The amount of damage is calculated individually for each passenger. This can be, for example, the cost of a taxi and a hotel. For confirmation, the passenger attaches checks and receipts &

There are no uniform rules that all Asian airlines would follow. Laws differ in different countries, besides, the rights of passengers in case of cancellation and delay of flights are usually vaguely stipulated in them, therefore, the rules are often set by the carriers themselves. To know what to expect, carefully read the rules of your airline.

In China most airlines, including Air China and China Southern Airlines, pay compensation of 200 yuan for a flight delay of 4 to 8 hours and 400 yuan for a flight delay of more than 8 hours. In the minority are airlines that only compensate for a delay of more than 8 hours, which pay a maximum of 300 or 200 yuan, or even do not compensate at all.

If you are traveling in Egypt with EgyptAir and the flight is canceled or delayed, the airline undertakes, at your choice, to either put you on the next flight free of charge or refund the full cost of the ticket. If the fare for a seat on the new flight is lower than the fare you originally bought the ticket for, you will be refunded the difference.

Kingdom of Morocco in 2006 signed an agreement with the European Union under which all Moroccan airlines, including Royal Air Maroc and Air Arabia, are subject to Regulation 261/2004. This means that if your flight to Morocco is delayed or canceled, you can expect compensation under European law.

If you cancel your SAA flight, you will be offered a free alternative flight or a full refund. If the flight was delayed at first and you managed to use the services of food and accommodation at the hotel, if the flight is canceled, the airline will reimburse you for the costs of food, hotel and transportation for the first 24 hours.

If you are forcibly removed from a South African Airways flight due to overbooking, you are entitled to free ticket on the nearest SAA board to your destination, a meal voucher for delays over 2-4 hours depending on the itinerary, and a voucher for ZAR 1,000-5,000 (

83–416 $) depending on the waiting time - they can pay for air tickets or other services of the leading South African airline. If a new flight departs every other day, you are also entitled to free meals, two phone calls, fax or email, hotel accommodation and transfer between the hotel and the airport.

If your flight is canceled or delayed, you have the right to cancel your flight, return your ticket and receive a full refund, even if it was purchased at a non-refundable fare. This is called a forced return. You will not be entitled to compensation for a delayed arrival.

“In practice, passengers issue an involuntary refund when waiting for a flight for more than 2-3 hours. Everyone understands that in the event of a forced return, they will have to spend their nerves, time and money on buying a new ticket and, possibly, incur other expenses on the spot, and then recover it all from the airline through the courts.”

In Asia refund conditions depend on the airline, for example, AirAsia will refund the money for the ticket if the flight was canceled or delayed for more than 3 hours. In India, if an airline cancels a flight and fails to offer a replacement, it is required to refund the full price of the ticket and compensate 400% of the price of the base fare and fuel surcharge for one way, up to a maximum of Rs 20,000.

In Russia, get a stamp on your boarding pass or itinerary receipt for a canceled or delayed flight. This can be done at the representative of the airline or at the information desk at the airport of departure or arrival. In America, such a stamp is not needed, in Europe - only in case of denied boarding during overbooking;

If there is no representative office of your airline at the airport or its employees are not on site (for example, everything happens at night), you can also send a claim through the official website of the carrier. Just be prepared for emails and web form requests to be ignored. Duplicate your request by calling the airline.

If there were two tickets, that is, you paid for the flights Moscow-London and London-Edinburgh separately, then you will be able to return only the amount for the canceled sector. A ticket from London to Edinburgh in this case will have to be returned according to the usual fare rules. Read what to do then and how to return the money.

If a flight with a transfer was purchased with one ticket and the cancellation affected the second part of the trip, you should be provided with alternative flight options. If the airline has not done this, and the trip has lost its meaning, the carrier is obliged not only to return the money for the ticket to Edinburgh, but also to provide you with a free return to Moscow.

Even if you bought tickets from a travel agency, the claim must be submitted to the airline that was supposed to operate the flight. The agency through which you bought tickets can help with this: it happens that intermediaries take upon themselves the solution of passengers' problems and deal with the carriers themselves. For some agents, insurance against non-departure and flight delays can be included in the ticket price.

Russian legislation does not establish exact terms for the return of funds in the event of a forced cancellation of a flight or payment of compensation and a fine in case of a significant flight delay. Therefore, each airline operates within its own understanding of the reasonable period.

We recommend that you immediately be persistent in negotiations with the airline - most of these disputes are resolved out of court. It is worth filing a lawsuit against the airline only if you have exhausted attempts to resolve everything amicably and there are irreparable differences between you. Defending your interests in court is not easy.

Do not be greedy and do not try to benefit from an unfortunate set of circumstances: this may turn against you. For example, if your flight was postponed and you lived in a suite and dined on lobsters, you will have to prove the need for these expenses in court, which is unlikely to succeed. If you behave correctly, airlines often reciprocate.

The terms and scope of services are generally established by the contract of carriage, and the representatives of the airline are responsible for their reasonable interpretation on the spot. Usually this is food (not necessarily hot) after 4 hours of delay and a hotel and transport to it if you had to stay overnight at the airport. Airlines usually do not provide a hotel when departing from the city where you live.

When you buy a ticket from an American airline, you enter into a Contract of carriage, which clearly states what rights you have if the flight is canceled or delayed. The contract cannot go against consumer protection standards, so the basic rights (for example, to return money for the unused part of the ticket) are the same in all American airlines.

The basic rules in Asia and Africa are similar to those described above: if a flight is canceled or severely delayed, you will almost always be offered a refund for your ticket or flight on another flight at no extra charge. When they will be fed, whether they will provide a hotel and pay compensation, depends on the country and even on the specific airline.

In Russia, you are required to put a stamp about the cancellation or delay of departure on the itinerary receipt or boarding pass. It is worth asking for it from an airline employee or at the information desk at the airport of departure or arrival. In Europe, if your flight is canceled or delayed, you don't need this stamp, but don't forget to get it if you were denied boarding due to overbooking.

Dear Ivan Petrov! Your flight with booking code MYE6KC has been cancelled. We have booked for you another flight Moscow-Barnaul, number 6E 495, September 21 16:40 - 20:40. Please follow the link to agree with the proposed flight, choose an alternative or cancel the flight and return the money. Thanks!

Click on the link in the letter or enter the PNR booking code in the "View / Change my booking" field on the airline's website and you will see all the flights that you are offered as a replacement. Sometimes airlines ask you to call the call center, where the operator will tell you the same thing. You may be offered a flight with connections, for other dates and even to other cities, but in any case - at no extra charge.

If the flight is canceled when you are already at the airport contact your airline representative. They will offer a replacement flight (possibly with a different airline) as well as airport service. If you are not satisfied with the new flights, you have the right to cancel your ticket and receive a full refund. If you are not offered a different flight, ask directly about this possibility.

If the flight is delayed when you are already at the airport contact your airline representative. If the delay is long, the airline may offer alternative flight options, in some cases at a surcharge. You can also issue an involuntary refund: in Europe - if the delay is more than 5 hours, in Russia and the USA there is no minimum delay.

If the flight is delayed by more than 2 hours, the airline must provide free drinks, two phone calls or two emails. If you are traveling with children under the age of seven, you must also be offered a mother and child room.

In America, there is no law obliging an airline to provide passengers whose flight is canceled or delayed with meals and a hotel. Despite this, most airlines serve passengers. Usually after 4 hours of delay they offer food, and if you had to wait for your flight at night, they provide a hotel and transport to and from it for free. What exactly you can count on is written in the contract of carriage.

The main condition for payment of compensation is that the flight must be canceled or delayed due to circumstances for which the airline is responsible. For example, due to technical reasons, lack of an aircraft, crew, schedule changes not related to force majeure circumstances.

The influence of force majeure circumstances (for example, bad weather or a strike) must be proven by the airline. In this case, the airline does not have to pay compensation, but is obliged to carry out transportation and service at the airport, or refund the full cost of the ticket if the passenger refuses transportation.

The amount in compensation for losses under paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights". For example, if you lost a pre-paid tour or concert tickets, if the carrier changed the airport of arrival and you had to get to the place by taxi, just remember to keep supporting documents.
In some cases, money is returned for a burned-out connecting ticket and the purchase of a new one.

“In fact, overbooking for a passenger who does not fly because of it is a change current contract carriage with new conditions, which, as a rule, provide for compensation for the passenger: for example, new ticket business class, free hotel, transfer or additional monetary compensation. Quite often, one of the passengers is ready to take advantage of this.”

In the case of overbooking, the European airline must look for volunteers who agree to fly on another flight or to receive a full refund of the ticket. What to offer volunteers as compensation for the inconvenience, the carrier decides at its discretion.

If there are no volunteers, the airline may refuse boarding to any passenger of its choice. In this case, the passenger must be compensated 250 € for flights up to 1500 km, 400 € for flights within the EU over 1500 km and for all flights from 1500 to 3500 km, 600 € for all others.

In America, if more tickets are sold on a flight and more passengers come to land than there are seats on the plane, then the airline first looks for volunteers who are ready to fly on another flight, offering them compensation at their discretion. This could be, for example, free food and a hotel while waiting for a proposed replacement, plus a $500 voucher that can be used to pay for tickets for future trips.

If there are no volunteers, the airline may refuse boarding to any passenger of its choice. In most cases, such passengers are transferred to other flights, and are also required by law to pay compensation in the amount of up to $ 1,350 depending on the delay at the destination airport.

There are no uniform rules that all Asian airlines would follow. Laws differ from country to country, and the rights of passengers in case of flight cancellations and delays are usually

Cancellation of flights in Moscow today, for tomorrow. Rain and wind in Moscow led to the delay of 20 flights and the delay of another 28. This is evidenced by the data of the Yandex.Schedule service. As of 18:30 Moscow time, due to bad weather, 20 flights could not take off from Domodedovo Airport. Another 12 are delayed.

Cancellation of flights in Moscow today - Domodedovo

At Domodedovo Airport, flight 6W 765 from Moscow to Saratov was scheduled to depart at 12:30. As a result, the plane will take off at 21:00. Flight 6W 775 from the capital to Saratov is delayed for five hours (the departure was scheduled for 16:50, but the flight will only take place at 22:00).

Two flights S7 97 and SQ 1935 from the capital to Ufa are slightly late - the departure will take place at 18:18 (originally at 17:45). Flight S7 949 to Varna will depart with a delay of 20 minutes (18:50 - 19:05). The 6W 70 plane from Moscow to Penza is delayed by more than an hour - departure is scheduled for 20:50 (originally 19:35). Flight 6W 763 to Saratov was rescheduled to 01:00 from 21:15. Flight NN 185 to Novosibirsk was also rescheduled for 45 minutes.
One flight 5 °F 124 to Chisinau has been cancelled.

Cancellation of flights in Moscow today - Sheremetyevo

16 flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo Airport. Two flights from Moscow to Sochi; two flights to Madrid; one and Malaga; two to Kaliningrad; one in Tokyo; two to Shanghai; one to Berlin; one to Blagoveshchensk; one in Almaty; two in Kemerovo and one in Nizhnekamsk.

Cancellation of flights in Moscow today - Vnukovo

According to the service, flights from Vnukovo and Zhukovsky operate without delay.

In Moscow, due to rain and wind, two dozen flights were delayed at Moscow airports, almost the same number were canceled, and there are no departures to alternate airfields yet.

"Despite the bad weather, the visibility at the capital's airports is sufficient for regular takeoff and landing. Taking into account the all-weather class of airports, aircraft commanders make their own decisions about whether to land at this or that airport or not, but so far no diversions to alternate airfields have been recorded," - a source in the air traffic control services told Interfax on Monday.

Weather forecast for Moscow

Earlier on Monday, forecasters warned of a sharp deterioration in the weather. As Interfax was told in the capital's weather bureau, from 12.00 to 21.00 in Moscow, rain and strong winds with gusts of 15 m per second and higher are expected. According to the forecast of Roshydromet, up to 12 mm can fall in places on Monday afternoon in Moscow, and up to 2 mm more on Tuesday night. In total, in the city in the coming days, the increase in precipitation in some places can be up to 14 mm, or about a fifth of the monthly rainfall, which in June is 75 mm.

Cancellation of flights in Moscow today. Reasons for flight cancellations

Of course, canceling a flight is an unpleasant procedure. However, this is not always the fault of the air carrier. Before claiming compensation for a canceled flight at a company representative office, it is necessary to clarify the reason for the incident.

Flight cancellation is the fault of the airline if:

  • there are inconsistencies in the schedule;
  • the aircraft crew does not have time to prepare the aircraft or clean up before departure;
  • the passenger was not checked in due to overbooking (i.e. more seats were sold than actually available on the plane);
  • the flight is unprofitable for the enterprise;
  • the carrier cannot provide evidence or explanation of the reasons for non-fulfillment of its obligations.

The carrier is not to blame if the cancellation was caused by the following circumstances:

  • weather conditions;
  • natural disasters;
  • war activities;
  • introduction of martial law in the country;
  • imposition of prohibitions and restrictions on cargo transportation along certain routes;
  • strike of airline employees;
  • aircraft defects that pose a threat to the life of passengers.

Cancellation of flights in Moscow today. How to be?

So what do you do if your flight is cancelled? First of all, you need to contact the representative of the air carrier and get an explanation from him of the reason for the cancellation. As a rule, the representative office will immediately offer you Alternative option flight. However, companies are not always ready to send their passengers to their destination on the same day, so sometimes they offer a refund. We will talk about this in detail below. The passenger must record the date and time when the announcement of the cancellation of the flight took place.

If the cancellation happened several days before

What should I do if the airline canceled a flight a few days before the expected departure date? In this situation, passengers have the right to demand:

  • replace tickets (drawing up an alternative route of transportation);
  • return the money (if the airline has assumed responsibility).

It is important to note that a transit passenger has more rights. The fact is that the responsibility of the air carrier is determined by the legislation of the state in which the passenger arrives in transit. In the United Kingdom, for example, if the cancellation of a flight inevitably led to the fact that the purpose of the trip failed (a business meeting did not take place, the passenger missed the competition), the British carrier provides a free flight to the Russian Federation.

If the passenger found out about it on the day of departure

What should I do if my flight is canceled on the day of departure? The first thing that a company representative will offer in this case is to re-register travel documents to another flight. If flights from the airport of departure on a particular route are operated by only one carrier, the passenger will have to wait for the next flight. Sometimes it can take several hours or days.

If another airline is ready to carry passengers, then two options are possible:

  • free ticket reissuance if the cancellation was due to the fault of the carrier;
  • reissuing a ticket with a surcharge if the carrier is not at fault.

According to Russian law, for each hour of waiting for an alternative flight, the carrier undertakes to pay compensation. Its size is 3% of the ticket price + 25% of the minimum wage. The same law states that the maximum fine cannot be more than half the price of an air ticket, even if the wait was relatively long.

In Europe, the amount of compensation depends on the waiting period and usually ranges from 100 to 600 euros. The number of days before which the company warned the passenger about the cancellation also plays a significant role.

The situation with flight cancellations in the United States is fundamentally different. Each air carrier has the right to establish its own rules. In the US, the exchange of tickets is at the expense of the passengers themselves. Tickets can be exchanged free of charge only due to overbooking.

Cancellation of flights in Moscow today. Refunds for flights

If an unpleasant situation occurred on the territory of the Russian Federation, then Russian legislation will apply here. If in another country, then, accordingly, the return will be carried out according to local laws.

In order to get a refund, you must first make a written claim to the airline. The following documents must be attached to the claim:

  • copies of air tickets;
  • copies of boarding passes (if available);
  • tickets for an event that was planned during the trip;
  • copies of hotel reservations.

A transit passenger (if the route included several transfers) can receive compensation both for a separate segment and for the entire round trip. If the passenger purchased two separate tickets, compensation will only be for the canceled flight.

In Russia, the carrier is required to refund money for a canceled flight within a 30-day period. At European airlines this period is reduced to 7 days. If the return has not been made, the passenger has the right to file a claim with the court.

Tickets to charter flights usually sold by travel agencies. It is they who will return the money for the flight.

Cancellation of flights in Moscow today. Providing an alternative route

In 90% of cases, air carriers offer passengers an alternative to a canceled flight. These can be flights of other carriers, with transfers, with a changed date and time of departure. Options are offered depending on the availability of free seats in the declared aircraft. It is important to note that the point of departure cannot be changed.

If the passenger agrees to an alternative route, the tickets are reissued at the expense of the airline. When the departure time of the original and alternative flights do not match, compensation is provided to passengers, as is the case with a delayed aircraft.

Cancellation of flights in Moscow today. If the charter is canceled

As mentioned above, tickets for charter flights are sold by travel agencies. Therefore, in case of cancellation of flights, all responsibility falls on the shoulders of these organizations. Please note: compensation related to flight delays and cancellations must be specified in the service agreement.

Cancellation of flights in Moscow today. Where and when to complain?

What to do if a flight is canceled and your rights are violated? In all situations, legal proceedings take place in the country where the incident took place. You can write a claim directly at the airport of departure. If there is no office of a specific air carrier at the airport, a claim can be submitted through its website. It is also possible to send a claim by registered mail to the representative office of the company.

If the carrier did not return the money for the canceled flight or violated the rights of the passenger, within six months you can file a claim with the court. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the claim and all documentation related to the flight.

Flight cancellation is not such a rare occurrence as it might seem at first glance. Most recently, two flights were canceled at once: Perm-Moscow and the return one. And different airlines. S7 moved my morning flight an hour late, which was not suitable for my next connection to Europe. Transaero canceled the night flight and offered to fly 20 hours later. I didn't want to spend an extra 20 hours at the airport. I requested a cancellation through the agency I purchased from. A couple of days later, I was returned the funds minus the commission of the agency.

There are many reasons for cancellation. If the flight is canceled shortly before departure, it is likely that technical faults or weather conditions were the culprit. However, the flight can be canceled a few weeks before departure and even a month before. What to do in any of these cases, we will tell below the article.

Flight canceled before departure

If the check-in board, which is located opposite your flight, says “Canceled”, then first you need to contact an employee of the airline operating the flight. It is located at the ticket office of the airline, at the check-in desk at the airport, if it is not there, then you should check with the airport staff.

He will offer you options and then explain the plan of action to be taken. However, if you wish to return the ticket, you will need to contact the ticket seller from whom it was purchased.

The flight was canceled a couple of days, weeks, and so on before departure

In this case, you need to immediately contact the place where you purchased the ticket. Only the agent who issued the ticket can return or exchange a ticket. If the purchase of the ticket took place at the airline, then you need to contact them, if you bought it at the agency, then directly to the agent. Most airlines are unable to exchange or refund tickets purchased through agents. Only the seller has the right to do so.

It should be emphasized that, regardless of where the ticket was bought, the airline will have to confirm the forced refund, and it does this very slowly. As a rule, you will need to wait up to 3 months for the receipt of money in your account. In extremely rare cases, this period can be extended up to six months.

What to expect if a flight is cancelled?

The airline, according to the rules, must offer the passenger a choice of the following options:

1. Alternative flight.

Usually, this carrier offers alternative routes, for example, a flight with a transfer, on a different day of departure or at a different time. Options are subject to availability.

It is worth noting that it will be impossible to change the final destination of the direction. That is, if the Moscow-Washington flight is canceled, then it cannot be changed to Moscow-New York. If the alternative flight departs a few hours after the original flight, then the time between the new flight and the original flight counts as a flight delay and you can claim the same benefits as other passengers who experience a flight delay.

2. Refund of the ticket price in full, that is, a forced refund.

In this case, there are some subtleties that need to be paid attention to. For example, if a flight with a transfer is purchased with one ticket (Moscow-Vienna-Berlin), then a refund can be received for the full route. In the case of 2 separate tickets - Moscow-Vienna and Vienna-Berlin, then a refund can only be received for a canceled flight, for example, Moscow-Vienna. Another Vienna-Berlin ticket will need to be returned according to the fare rules.

A similar situation will occur with return tickets, if you bought one ticket at the round trip fare, then the refund will take place both for the return flight and also for the return flight.

When buying 2 separate tickets, the refund will be for the actually canceled flight, for example, the outward flight, the return ticket will need to be returned according to the fare rules.

In the event that the flight is canceled halfway through, then you have the opportunity to claim compensation for the route section that you already had to overcome. For example, you are flying on a through ticket Moscow-Vienna-Berlin. Arriving in Vienna, you will find out that the flight to Berlin has been cancelled. If you are not provided with an alternative flight, the carrier must provide a return ticket, as well as compensation for the Vienna-Berlin and Moscow-Vienna flights. But in this case, you will have to provide evidence that your trip is no longer relevant due to the cancellation of flights.

Are passengers compensated for canceled flights?

In certain cases, yes.

The EU airline has the following rules:

  1. Compensation is not allowed if the passenger is notified of the cancellation two weeks or more before departure.
  2. If you do not report the cancellation before departure 13 - 7 days, provided that the flight is canceled due to the fault of the carrier and you are offered another route that allows you to depart earlier than the scheduled time by no more than 2 hours and arrive less than 4 hours later at the final destination destination.
  3. If you are informed of a flight cancellation less than 7 days before departure and you are offered an alternative itinerary that allows you to depart no more than 1 hour earlier than the scheduled time and arrive less than 2 hours later at your final destination.

The amount of compensation is as follows.

Passengers choose the aircraft as the fastest and convenient transportation. Just a few hours, and he overcomes distances that a bus or train would have to travel in a day. But unforeseen situations happen when no one expects them. How to find out that there was a cancellation of the flight on the plane, find out the reason and what to do for the passenger who was supposed to fly, but will not be able to do so due to the cancellation or delay of the flight. Sometimes such situations are taken by surprise and completely change all plans for vacation or business trips.

What does a flight cancellation mean?

A flight cancellation is a change in the departure time by the carrier company, which is notified in advance. Most often, a flight change is warned several days in advance, but due to unforeseen situations, passengers may find out that the flight is canceled when they are at the airport.

There are two cancellation options:

  • the flight was delayed and rescheduled for another departure time or date;
  • the flight was cancelled.

The rights of the passenger in both cases are regulated by the Rules of Air passenger traffic Russian Federation or EU Regulation No. 261/2004, depending on which airline owns the aircraft - Russian or foreign.

Important! Regardless of the country in which the situation occurred, you have the right to take the following actions when a flight is delayed or canceled:

  • return the ticket
  • wait for a flight
  • receive compensation.

Reasons for flight cancellations

It's not always the airline's fault that a flight is cancelled. There are a number of reasons why these situations occur.

The airline is at fault if:

  • there was a discrepancy in the schedule, because of which the plane could not take off on time;
  • the crew did not have time to prepare the aircraft for departure, which led to a delay;
  • if overbooking occurred - when more tickets were sold for the flight than the airliner can accommodate;
  • sometimes it is unprofitable for a company to fly by distance, these can be inexpensive domestic flights or charters;
  • if the carrier failed to explain the reason for the cancellation.

The airline is not to blame if:

  • the cancellation occurred due to sharply worsening weather conditions, as a result of which the aircraft could not take off, as this would put not only the crew, but also passengers at risk;
  • hostilities broke out in the country or in the city, martial law was also introduced, due to which flights outside the country or from a specific region were canceled due to the danger of air travel over certain territories;
  • airline staff strike;
  • malfunction of the aircraft, which endangers the lives of passengers.

Important! Most often, flights are canceled due to weather conditions, which can be excellent in the city of departure, but where the plane is supposed to land, the weather is not suitable for landing. Passengers who go on vacation to exotic countries should be prepared for such situations.

How to find out about a flight cancellation

An airline notifies passengers that a flight has been canceled in several ways. This can be an SMS notification to your phone number or an email. But sometimes the fact that the flight is canceled, the passenger finds out already at the airport. Often information about changes to flight plans appears on the official website of the carrier company.

Be sure to check with the airline why the situation happened and the flight was canceled. It depends on whether you continue the journey or abandon it. If in the country of arrival there was Civil War or other emergency that endangers the lives of passengers, it makes no sense to fly on vacation. You are obliged to inform in time about changes in the schedule and offer options for resolving the issue.

Important! In Russia, it is imperative to put a stamp on the cancellation of departure on the boarding pass. To do this, you need to go to the registration desk and find a company employee. In Europe, when canceling a flight, you do not need to put a stamp, only in case of denied boarding due to overbooking.

If the flight is canceled at the airport

A common situation is when passengers arrive at the airport and find out that their flight has been canceled or rescheduled. In such cases, airline employees are required to explain the reason for the cancellation. If it's the company's fault, they can offer you another flight, it's free.

Also, passengers are entitled to compensation, depending on the delay time:

  • up to 3 hours - no compensation is provided;
  • more than 3 hours for a distance of up to 1500 km - 250 euros according to EU rules;
  • more than 3 hours for a distance from 1500 km to 3500 km - 400 euros;
  • more than 4 hours at a distance of 3500 km, 600 euros of compensation is due;
  • You can return the cost of the flight if the flight is delayed by more than 5 hours.
  • all passengers must be given the opportunity to make 2 phone calls or send an email, as well as:
  • provide a rest room for those who fly with children under 7 years old;
  • free soft drinks;
  • if the delay is more than 4 hours, hot meals are supposed every 6 hours, at night the provision of a hotel with a free transfer.

Important! If the company did not provide all the services it is required to provide and you paid money, you should keep your receipts so you can apply for compensation later.

If the flight was canceled while the passengers were on board

Such situations happen infrequently, their reasons may be:

  • a sharp deterioration in weather conditions at the airport of departure or at the place of landing;
  • military operations that have begun in the country;
  • sudden an emergency situation on board;
  • an accident that resulted in the cancellation of the flight.

Important! Legally, canceling a flight on board is no different than canceling it at an airport. All passengers are entitled to compensation in the amount established by the rules of the carrier.

In the United States, passengers on an aircraft have priority and additional rights compared to passengers who are in the airport building. They are required to feed and provide everything necessary services after 2 hours delay.

If the flight was canceled a few days before departure

It also happens that passengers learn about the cancellation of a flight a few days before departure. In this case, according to the rules, the carrier has the obligation to:

  • provide an alternative flight, the route can be changed, the flight of the same company or another, but you cannot change the destination;
  • make a full refund.

Important! If you bought a flight with one ticket, then you must return the money in full. If two tickets were purchased, then only the funds for the first part of the trip will be returned. If the second part of the flight was canceled and you were not provided with another ticket to continue the journey, the airline is obliged to return the money for the already completed flight and ensure that the passenger returns to the starting point of the journey.

For example, you can analyze the situation if you bought a ticket for the flight Moscow - London with a single ticket. In case of cancellation, if it would be necessary to make a transfer on the way, you will be refunded for all parts of the journey.

If the ticket was purchased on two separate forms, the company compensates only for the part of the flight that was canceled due to its fault. In the case when the passenger has already covered part of the journey and is at the intermediate airport waiting for the next flight, which was canceled due to her fault, the money for the first part is compensated and the passenger is returned free of charge to the point of departure.

If the flight was canceled 7-13 days before departure

The airline may offer a new flight, or is obliged to compensate the cost of the ticket if such conditions are not suitable for the passenger. The amount of compensation depends on the duration of the flight and is regulated depending on whether it was a flight of Russian or European carriers.

If the flight was canceled 14 days before departure

In this case, it is impossible to return the cost of the ticket, since, according to the rules of the carrier, he fulfilled all obligations and warned the passenger in advance about the cancellation. If you have planned and purchased a separate ticket for the next connecting flight, you have the right to change the ticket at a time that is convenient for the transfer.

Amount of compensation in case of flight cancellation in Russia

What to do if a flight is canceled - apply to receive compensation. It consists of two parts:

  • 3% of the ticket price for each hour of delay if the flight was canceled and rescheduled;
  • 25% of the minimum wage for each hour of delay, but not more than 50% of the ticket price.

To receive compensation, you should contact the check-in desk and find a representative of the airline that was supposed to make the flight there. Here you will be given a special stamp on your boarding pass, which confirms the cancellation of the flight.

Be sure to keep all receipts for food, taxi, hotel and others, if the company has not provided you with legal rights - this way all funds will be returned, because the rules that apply when canceling or delaying a flight were not followed through the fault of the carrier.

The claim should be submitted to the airline's legal department by e-mail, setting out all the facts in a free form and indicating the necessary data:

  • date;
  • flight number;
  • delay or cancellation time;
  • your requirements.

Important! A claim can also be submitted to an airline representative directly at the airport. In total, the passenger has 6 months from the date of cancellation of the flight to apply.

If the company agrees to refunds and payouts, you may be asked to send original receipts and other documents by certified mail. Be sure to make copies for yourself.

According to the Air Code of the Russian Federation, a response to a claim must follow within 30 days. The money will be returned to the account you specified when writing the letter. If you do not receive a response or if the complaint is canceled, you should file a lawsuit. Remember that compensation is provided only for reasonable expenses - your purchases in duty free and other expenses that are not related to the natural needs of the passenger in the event of a cancellation of a flight, the carrier is not obliged to compensate.

Russian rules for receiving compensation apply:

  • for everyone domestic flights Russian companies;
  • on international flights of Russian companies, including the Montreal Convention, if the rules differ, then international consumer protection rules take precedence;
  • on flights of foreign carriers, if it is specified in the contract, if not, the rules of the carrier country and the norms of international treaties, which are prescribed in EU Regulation No. 361/2004, apply.

Compensation for canceled flights in Europe

In addition to the rules that apply to all airlines without exception and include:

  • providing telephone calls;
  • drinks and food;
  • overnight stay

there is a set of rules that obliges the company, the fault of which the passenger could not fly, to pay compensation to him.

Its size depends on the flight distance and on the flight delay time. It ranges from 125 to 600 euros.

Important! On international flights, the passenger has the right to claim payments in accordance with the established rules of the Montreal Convention.

Each passenger is also entitled to:

  • fly away on other tickets without additional payment;
  • wait for departure with the provision of all needs that occur after 3 hours of waiting;
  • cancel the flight and return the full cost of the ticket in case of cancellation, as well as in case of a delay, after the 5th hour of waiting.

Important! A refund of the full cost of the ticket is given to each passenger by default, and if you decide to wait, the entitlement to compensation begins only after 3 hours of waiting. Therefore, it makes sense to return the ticket, buy a similar one, since the cost of the first one will be returned to you, and in this case, the passenger does not lose money.

rules air transportation for all global airlines are set in the country that provides the service. The amount of compensation is also different, which depends on the flight range and on the waiting time. In case of disputes, you should always contact the management, in case of refusal to satisfy the rights of the passenger, he has the right to go to court.

We all experience flight cancellations or delays from time to time. Especially difficult situation occurs when parents travel with children. How to behave in such cases and what should be done first? Olga Ryabykh, a lawyer from the national legal service AMULEX, tells more about the legislative nuances, transportation rules and the rights of passengers in Russia, the EU and the USA.

So, the flight was canceled or delayed. First of all, it is necessary to quickly establish who is to blame for the current situation. To do this, the passenger must contact the air carrier for clarification.

Airline liability

Departures from Russian airports are governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which does not depend on the airline whose services you used. According to the norms of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation (Articles 794 and 795 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the air carrier will not be liable to the passenger we in the following cases:

  1. Natural phenomena of a spontaneous nature (earthquakes, floods, fires, etc.). Moreover, this rule applies to natural phenomena both at the point of departure and at the point of arrival.
  2. War activities.
  3. Strikes.
  4. Announcement of quarantine at the state level or the introduction of restrictions on transportation in certain directions.
  5. Flight delay or cancellation due to troubleshooting vehicle, which could threaten the life and health of passengers.

In all other cases the fault lies with the airline. Here are some examples:

  1. Schedule inconsistencies.
  2. Unpreparedness of the crew or board for the flight.
  3. Refusal to board a passenger on a flight due to "overbooking" (such situations when more tickets are sold than seats on the plane, with the expectation that some passengers will not appear on the flight).
  4. Other situations in which the carrier failed to prove the impact of force majeure circumstances on the failure to fulfill the terms of the contract with the passenger.

Depending on when the flight was postponed or canceled, the passenger needs to choose for himself the course of action in such a situation.

First of all, the airline must offer you an alternative flight along with a flight cancellation message, which may be operated by your original carrier or a third-party carrier, and the flight dates may differ from your flight date or include a transfer.

In addition to an alternative flight, the airline may offer you a full refund of the cost of the ticket due to an involuntary cancellation. Such rules are established by clause 227 of the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 "On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules" General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Servicing Passengers, Consignors, Consignees "(hereinafter referred to as the Federal aviation regulations).

Remember: if you have purchased one ticket for a flight with a transfer, you can count on a refund of the cost of the entire route. If there were two tickets, and only the first flight was canceled / replaced, only the amount for the canceled flight will be refunded. The ticket for the second flight will have to be returned according to the fare. If the cancellation or replacement affected the second part of the flight, and the airline did not provide alternative options, the carrier is obliged to refund you for the specified ticket and provide a free return to Russia.

As for round-trip tickets, it is possible to return their full cost in case of flight cancellation / replacement only if they were purchased at the same time (both tickets on the same form).

You can also request a refund for a ticket in cases where the alternative flight option offered by the air carrier did not suit you.

You learned about the cancellation/delay of your flight already at the airport

This situation is uncomfortable for all passengers, but especially for parents with children. The first thing to do in this case is not to panic and contact the air carrier staff to clarify:

  • why and how much your flight will be delayed (clauses 73-74 of the Federal Aviation Rules);
  • is it possible to provide you with an alternative flight.

It is also necessary to obtain from the representative of the air carrier a document-certificate or a mark on your ticket on the cancellation/delay of the flight (clause 228 of the Federal Aviation Rules).

If you agree to wait for the next flight, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits that passengers have in case of a flight delay (article 99 of the Federal Aviation Rules). All of the following services can be claimed by the passenger free of charge.

If the wait takes more than 2 hours, you can count on:

  • Mother and child room, which is provided for one passenger with a child not older than 7 years.
  • Two phone calls or two emails while waiting for a flight to depart.
  • Cold drinks.

If the wait takes more than 4 hours, you are entitled to a hot meal every 6 hours during the day and every 8 hours at night.

If the wait takes more than 8 hours during the day and more than 6 hours at night you are entitled to:

  • Free hotel accommodation.
  • Transfer from the airport to the hotel and back in cases where the hotel is provided at no extra charge.
  • Free luggage storage.

Delayed flights by Aeroflot on December 1-2: we analyze the situation

On December 1-2, 2017, Aeroflot delayed 40 flights from Moscow due to the lack of permission from Sheremetyevo Airport to start the engines. Flights were delayed for more than 2 hours, all passengers were not just at the airport, but on board the planes. According to the company itself, everything was already ready for departure, the crew commanders were waiting for permission from Sheremetyevo to tow from the parking lot, start the engines, etc. As Aeroflot explained: permission to launch could be given at any minute, so passengers were not disembarked.

It is known that passengers had the opportunity to leave the board, but in this case, the passenger would lose the flight, since the plane could leave at any time. The company added that the passengers of the remaining delayed flights, who were waiting for departure at the terminal, were served in accordance with aviation rules, they were provided with vouchers for drinks and meals.

In such a situation, it is recommended not to take a wait-and-see attitude, but feel free to contact the airline's desk for information about the reasons, possible delays in your departure and the procedure for your further actions. It is important to remember: the crew of the aircraft cannot keep passengers on board at the airport (point along the transportation route) if the passenger wishes to leave the board and not continue the trip.

Passengers leaving the aircraft must declare their refusal to travel. In this case, the refusal due to violations of obligations by the carrier - cancellation or delay of the flight - will be considered forced (clause 227 of the Federal Aviation Rules). The passenger can also use the right to involuntarily refuse transportation on board the aircraft if the flight delay became known only there. In the event of a forced refusal, the passenger will be refunded the carriage fee paid for air transportation (part 2 of article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation).

Compensation for a flight delay in the Russian Federation

In the event of a canceled/delayed flight, you are entitled to claim compensation if: Russian airline will not be able to prove his innocence in this event.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On consumer protection" (clause 5 of article 28), if the airline is at fault in canceling / delaying the flight, you have the right to demand payment of 3% of the ticket price for each hour, and according to the Air Code of the Russian Federation (Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation) - 25% of the minimum wage for each hour of delay, but not more than 50% of the ticket price.

In addition, according to the same law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (clause 2, article 13, article 15), if the air carrier is guilty of canceling / delaying the flight, you will be able to claim damages and compensation for non-pecuniary damage, if due to with a canceled/delayed flight were forced to bear additional costs or your child suffered physical and mental suffering.

The actions of carriers and passengers in the event of a delay or cancellation of a flight on the territory of the European Union are determined by the EU Regulation No. 261/2004 (Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004).

The algorithm of actions of the carrier and passengers in case of delay or cancellation of flights in the European Union is almost the same as in Russia. First of all, you will need to contact the airline representative to obtain information about the possibility of providing an alternative flight and get a note on the ticket that the flight was delayed or canceled.

The compensation rules apply to all carriers flying over the territory of the European Union or from EU airports in any other direction. In addition, airlines registered in the EU are also required to provide compensation in case of transportation to the EU from any other countries. Passengers are entitled to compensation whether they are EU citizens or not. You can count on compensation if the flight was canceled less than two weeks before departure.

When "overbooking" in the European Union, the airline is obliged to offer all "extra" passengers to voluntarily abandon the flight. All those who refused will be refunded the money for the ticket and will be offered compensation in the amount of 250 to 600 euros, taking into account the distance of the flight. In addition, if there are no volunteers, you can be removed from the flight - with a full refund of the cost of the ticket and with all compensation.

While waiting for a flight, you will also be entitled to receive free services from the airline:

  • Food and drinks
  • Hotel accommodation (if you need to stay longer)
  • Transfer between airport and accommodation
  • Two phone calls, fax or email

In the US, the law provides for ticket refunds and/or compensation when a passenger misses a flight due to "overbooking". In America, each airline has its own rules, and the law does not require carriers to provide passengers on delayed or canceled flights with food, drinks, or phone calls. Also, the law does not provide for a refund for long delays or cancellations, but in most cases the airline will offer to change the ticket for its next flight or a flight of another company. But if the new ticket turns out to be more expensive, the difference in price will have to be covered at your own expense.

What will the Montreal Convention change?

This summer, Russia joined the Montreal Convention for the unification of the rules for international air transport (the relevant document is published on the official Internet portal of legal information). Thus, payments for a flight delay increased by almost 15 times - up to 344 thousand rubles from 1,950 rubles per hour of waiting. The Convention applies only to international scheduled and charter flights.

The Convention expands the limits and size of the carrier's liability: compensation to passengers or their relatives is tied to an artificial means of payment - drawing rights (SDR), which are calculated on the basis of several world currencies (Japanese yen, euro, dollar and pound sterling). Thus, according to the Montreal Convention, the passenger is entitled to compensation up to 4150 SDR, or 344 thousand rubles, instead of the previous 25% minimum wage for each hour of delay, but not more than 50% of the ticket price.

The changes also affected the carriage of luggage. Now, in case of destruction, damage or delay, compensation will be limited to 1,000 SDRs (about 83,000 rubles). For comparison: earlier the amount of compensation was determined by Art. 119 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation and could not exceed 600 rubles for 1 kg of baggage and 11 thousand rubles for hand luggage where the value cannot be accurately determined.

Payments also increased in the event of the death of a passenger - up to 100 thousand SDR, which is about 8.3 million rubles, previously the norm was regulated by clause 12 of Art. 117 of the Air Code, and the maximum amount was 2 million rubles. In addition, passengers have the opportunity to choose the place of filing a claim against the carrier - now this can be done at the passenger's place of residence.

However, now, as mentioned above, according to EU regulation 261/2004, the carrier pays the passenger an amount from 250 to 600 euros for the delay, depending on the distance of the flight. The Montreal Convention does not oblige airlines to voluntarily pay any amount for each flight delay. In Russia today, these EU rules do not apply. And even after the ratification of the Montreal Convention, the passenger, in order to receive payment, will have to go to court to prove the amount of losses incurred and recover them from the carrier.

How to get a refund for a ticket

If the airline ignored your right to a refund of the money paid for the ticket even during the flight delay, did not offer an alternative flight and / or did not give any explanations, then you can collect the documents and resolve the dispute out of court: in Russia - within 6 months from the moment cancellation/delay of a flight in accordance with the Air Code of the Russian Federation (Article 126 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation), and in European countries - from 2 to 6 years (depending on the rules of transportation).

In order to resolve a dispute with the airline out of court, the air carrier will need to hand over the claim, attaching to it the documents confirming the circumstances specified in it: a ticket with a note on the cancellation or delay of the flight or a certificate from the airline, a boarding pass, receipts and checks for food and accommodation while waiting, letters and invitations, other documents confirming expenses for you and your child or moral harm caused to you and your child.

You can hand over the claim with a copy of the documents to the representative of the airline personally or send a registered letter with notification to the airline's address.

The carrier has 30 days to consider your claim and give an answer (Article 128 of the RF VC). During this time, the money paid for the tickets must be returned to you and the amount of compensation due must be transferred.

In EU countries, the money for the ticket will be transferred to your account within 7 days, as required by EU regulation No. 261/2004 Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004.

Information for parents when traveling with children

  1. When traveling with a child, always take documents for the child with you, even if you do not need to issue a separate air ticket for him. Think in advance about the things you need in case of cancellation / replacement of air travel.
  2. Get clarification from the representatives of the airline about the reasons for the cancellation / delay of the flight, put a mark on the ticket or receive a relevant certificate.
  3. Receive further instructions on where and how to wait for your next flight.
  4. Depending on the waiting time for the next flight, demand free meals, hotel accommodation, and other services (in the Russian Federation and the EU). If the flight was delayed in the USA, then you can find out on the airline's website what are Additional services for waiting passengers.
  5. Inform the airline staff that you are expecting a flight with a child, remind them of your rights as passengers with children.
  6. Collect all checks and receipts for food and accommodation during your forced wait, so that later you can prove the losses and moral damage caused to you.
  7. Don't be afraid to defend your rights. In case of violation of your rights, apply with claims to the air carrier, and in case of refusal to pre-trial settlement of the dispute - to the court.

These are the general rules of conduct for parents with children in case of cancellation or delay of a flight, compliance with which will give a fairly serious guarantee that the trip will take place without excesses.