What is the most convenient mode of transport. What type of transport is statistically the safest?

Comparative characteristics of transport modes in terms of safety.

Many passengers, when choosing a transport, are guided by their own preferences. Moreover, every second person is mistaken in the relative safety of this or that type of transport. A lot of people think about safety when choosing a vehicle. At the same time, there is an opinion that the train is the safest. In this article, we will dispel all the myths regarding the safety of movement.

The most unsafe and dangerous mode of transport in the world: statistics

Oddly enough, but the most dangerous mode of transport can be considered a motorcycle. In total, 42 people die per 100 ml miles. This is great amount, as it turns out several thousand people a year.

In second place are cars, minibuses and buses. You yourself often become witnesses of car accidents. 1.2 ml of people die in car accidents per year. Just think about these numbers.

The rating does not take into account unusual modes of transport. That is, no dog sledding and space ships. Otherwise, the safest could be considered a spaceship. But since so far no one makes intergalactic daily flights, the statistics speak in favor of the aircraft.

Many people think that the plane is the most unsafe mode of transport and it is completely in vain. In the world, it is customary to calculate the danger of displacement as the number of victims per 100 million miles. As a result, it turns out that the death rate from the aircraft is only 0.6 people. In 2016, there were 21 air crashes, while the total number of deaths was about a thousand people. You will think that this is a lot. But in fact, more cyclists die every year in the world.

Despite the delusion of many, in the first place among safe transport the plane is located. Mortality is very low. Perhaps this is due to the higher speed of movement than that of the train. Accordingly, it turns out that the plane flies these 160 ml kilometers much faster than the train. Therefore, the mortality statistics are lower. In principle, mortality directly depends on the speed of transport. On average, 0.9 people die per 100 ml miles when moving a train, and only 0.6 on an airplane. That is, the death rate in trains exceeds the death rate in airplanes by one and a half times.

Now many people have a lot of phobias about traveling in airplanes. This is due to the fact that almost every year there are colossal accidents that all the media talk about. But this does not mean that flying in airplanes is very dangerous. In fact, many more people die from car accidents. The most interesting thing is that most people believe that there are no survivors after a plane crash. Actually it is not. A third of all passengers die. While in a car accident half.

The statistics of insurance companies also speak in favor of aircraft. In case of a car accident, the payments are small, and in case of a plane crash, they are simply huge. Therefore, we can agree that no one would pay a lot of money if air crashes happened very often.

According to statistical estimates, which were based on the number of victims in air crashes, aviation turned out to be the safest mode of transport. The second and third place belongs to water and rail transport, respectively.

The most interesting thing is that passengers, on the contrary, consider the plane the most dangerous mode of transport. This is due to the fact that the media publicizes any plane crash. At the same time, few people talk about train accidents. If you resort to statistics, with daily travel by plane, the probability of death is very low. With daily use of air transport, you can get into a plane crash in the 21st century.

There are certain statistics of the most reliable modes of transport. This is confirmed by insurance companies. Most of the money is given in the insurance of water and air transport.

Security stats:

  1. Airplane
  2. A train
  3. Bus
  4. Automobile
  5. Shuttle taxi
  6. Ship
  7. Underground
  8. A bike
  9. Motorbike

According to statistics, you can safely use air transport, it is really the most reliable.

As you can see, people's opinions and statistics are completely different. Many people are afraid of the plane, although in fact this mode of transport is the safest.

VIDEO: A safe mode of transport

Are you afraid to fly, preferring a car or a train? Absolutely in vain. Today we will determine the safest mode of transport based on dry statistics, which, as it turns out, have little to do with our fears.

It was not in vain that we started with fear, because it is they who clearly show the extent to which our emotions and speculation can prevail over facts and common sense. It is no coincidence that absolutely all sociological surveys give approximately the same result. People consider the train to be the safest mode of transport, the second place is the car, and the most dangerous, of course, is the plane. But it gives slightly different results.

In the world, there are several methods for calculating mortality in different types transport. The most accurate and common is the ratio of the dead per segment of the distance travelled. The starting point is considered to be 100 million miles (160 million kilometers).

True, based on these statistics, the safest mode of transport is space transport. Indeed, in its entire history, only three accidents have happened, and colossal distances have been covered. However, space tourism is a prospect, albeit not far away, but the future, so we will consider more common means of transportation.

Especially for you: airplane is the safest mode of transport The statistics confirm this 100%. 0.6 people die per 100 million miles. If we take 2014 as an example, there were 21 plane crashes all over the world. Of these, 10 are cargo ships, 11 are passenger ships. A total of 990 people died. This is less than the number of dead cyclists, and even less than the number of people who died in a year from the “hands” of donkeys.

In total, about 33 million flights were made during the year. On average, there is one accident per 1 million flights. It should be noted that most of them are in small private aircraft.

The probability of dying in a crash on a regular passenger flight is extremely small, 1/8,000,000. Even flying every day, it will take 21 millennia to get on that ill-fated flight that crashes.

The myth that there is no chance of survival in a plane crash also has little to do with reality. Aircrafts designed by people who know firsthand about aerodynamics and gravity. Therefore, in order to hit the ground on a grand scale from a height of 10,000 km, you need to try hard.

Let's go back to the statistics. Over the past 20-odd years, there have been about 500 aircraft accidents in the United States. The death toll in them was only 5% of the passengers on board at the time of the accident. Even if we ignore minor incidents and analyze only serious disasters with impacts on the ground, a fracture of the aircraft hull and fires, then the number of survivors in them is approximately 50%.

Railway transport

According to statistics, this is the safest type land transport. The death rate due to train accidents is 0.9 passengers per 160 million km. Sounds incredible, given the speed at which ultra-modern trains travel. However, you can't argue with the numbers. At the same time, to a large extent, global statistics are spoiled by such countries as, where the concept of safety has a very specific meaning.

Automobile transport

For every 160 million kilometers travelled, 1.6 people die in road accidents. According to these statistics, the car can be safely attributed to the most dangerous form of transport. Every year, about 1.2 million people die on the world's roads, which is a thousand times more than in plane crashes. Thus, you are more likely to get into an accident on the way to the airport than to die on the plane itself.

Moreover, these figures apply only to four-wheeled vehicles. If we talk about motorcycles and mopeds, then there are many times more deaths: 42 people per 160 million km.

emergency landings: a video showing that even the most difficult situations there is a way out.

It is hardly possible today to find a person who would not love or dream of traveling. New cities, people, unforgettable impressions, discoveries, rest - what many people are waiting for and striving for.

When choosing a route, the final destination for their vacation or weekend, everyone tries to find the most interesting option. However, in addition to the direction, you have to choose the way to move. In the modern world, you can travel by air, by land, by water. A variety of modes of transport allows you to choose, not only based on your own preferences. Lack of finance sometimes also dictates its own terms.

Each mode of transport has its fans. And each of the ways to move has its pros and cons. Let's consider each of them.

Travel by car

Traveling by own car is available to many. This type of travel has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Freedom of movement;
  • Acceptable cost of the trip;
  • No baggage restrictions (other than the physical dimensions of the car);
  • Possibility to change the route at any time.

Traveling on your own, a person independently chooses a schedule of movement, stops and rest. Having noticed something interesting along the way, a motorist can always change his route, visit some interesting places. In addition, choosing this type of travel, you can be absolutely sure that there will be no surprises with unpleasant random fellow travelers. Such a trip may be shorter than, for example, by train.

The cost of traveling by car is quite democratic and acceptable compared to traveling by train or air travel. In addition, today all kinds of services for finding fellow travelers are quite popular, which makes the trip even cheaper. At the present time, in conditions, the ability to find fellow travelers and pay only part of the costs allows you to significantly save your budget. And if you thoroughly approach the selection of a company, you can also brighten up the road with exciting communication. It is important to approach this issue responsibly.

However, there are a number of disadvantages of this type of travel. First, driving long distances can be quite tiring for the driver. It is good to travel in a company, to change each other while driving. Otherwise, fatigue and reduced concentration of the driver can lead to trouble on the road. In addition, the driver is unlikely to get pleasure from such a trip. In the event that it is not possible to periodically change while driving a car, it is important to think over comfortable places for stops and a good rest. It is also important to remember to factor in the costs of such stops when planning your travel budget.

It is also important to remember that even the most modern car is just a mechanism that is subject to breakdowns and malfunctions. When planning your route, it is better to ask in advance about the condition of the roads in the chosen area, as well as the presence of auto repair shops along the route. Traveling by car is always associated with the risk of getting into an accident, even through no fault of your own.

Going on a trip by car, you need to think in advance and find secure parking spaces. Unfortunately, it is people who travel in this way that often become victims of all kinds of scammers and swindlers on the road. In addition, by conducting financial analysis for a trip, it is worth foreseeing paid parking in advance and, because this can become quite a tangible expense item on the way.

Going on a trip by car, it is worth considering the physical capabilities of everyone who is in the car. Not everyone will be comfortable being left without a full-fledged movement during a long trip. It is worth taking this moment into account in advance and foresee stops in order to stretch. This may affect the travel time.

Travel by car

Nevertheless, despite the disadvantages and difficulties of such travel, this type of transport remains quite popular among the population. The only exceptions are very long distances. So, for example, a trip from Moscow to Vladivostok by car will hardly be justified in terms of cost and time spent. Unless travelers plan to visit all the cities and towns of our vast country. Which can also become one of the most unforgettable adventures and remain in your memory for a long time.

Train travel

Going on a trip to work or on vacation, many prefer. There are many reasons for this choice. Compared to traveling by car, the train benefits from the ability to sleep in a comfortable position in long road, move around the wagon. Ticket prices are quite reasonable, in addition, it is possible to choose the class of your seat. Currently available:

  • Second-class carriages (cheapest);
  • Coupe;

The latter are the most expensive on the train, but also, of course, the most comfortable for those who do not like excessive noise and an abundance of strangers around.

The ability to choose the class of travel, of course, should be attributed to positive aspects trips by rail. This is not only a choice in the direction of amenities. Different classes of wagons make it possible to order tickets based on the state personal finance which is important to many.

The time spent on the trip depends on the distance and type of train. So, for example, the high-speed "Sapsan" of the direction Moscow - St. Petersburg goes somewhat faster than usual. True, the cost of tickets is almost twice the price of a trip on a regular train.

For example, it is worth considering a trip from the capital to St. Petersburg. A trip by an ordinary train will cost a Russian citizen 1,500 rubles. But for 1 ticket to Sapsan you will have to pay 2,800 rubles. Travel time by regular train will be approximately 9.5 hours. High-speed train"Sapsan" will take the traveler to the destination in just 5 hours.

When choosing rail transport for travel, it is important to remember some of the disadvantages. For example, not all settlements railroad tracks were laid. And therefore, you will have to spend additional money and time on a taxi or bus to get to your final destination.

Train travel

Do not forget about the additional costs in terms of time and finances for a trip to railway station. This, too, may take some time, plus you will have to pay the cost of a bus or taxi ride. When planning a trip, it is important to take into account such details, as it affects the cost of the entire trip. In addition, the time needed to get to the station, not taken into account in advance, can play a cruel joke on the traveler.

The disadvantages of this type of transport include the tedium of traveling long distances. It may take several days to get from one end of the country to the other. From a psychological point of view, such a trip can become burdensome for some people, because you should not forget about the presence of fellow travelers who do not always please with their behavior or manners.

However, the very affordable prices for travel by rail make it a popular means of travel, especially during holidays or holidays.

Travel by bus

This type of travel has become widespread due to the abundance of budget offers from tour operators. Today, many companies offer weekly tours to neighboring countries for quite affordable prices. Moreover, if desired, you can find offers in which in 10-12 days they will offer to travel around almost half of Europe. Thus, the use of buses has gradually moved from the category of trips to the country or close distances, to the category of trips abroad or comfortable travel around the country.

When choosing this type of travel for yourself, it is worth remembering that on the bus, for quite a long time, you will have to be practically motionless. Rare stops, of course, allow you to stretch swollen limbs. However, this will not be enough for everyone. The result of such a trip may be exacerbated diseases.

Despite the comfort of modern buses long distance, this type of travel may not be suitable for those prone to motion sickness. In addition, those who are overweight, who have some problems with the spine, with blood vessels and in general with health, should think about choosing another type of transport for traveling.

Travel by bus

From the point of view of psychology, such a trip is perfect for sociable and cheerful people for whom small road troubles and some discomfort cannot spoil the impression of the trip. Those who prefer silence and their own freedom of sensations should think about other modes of transport. Or, provide yourself with exciting reading, movies or music throughout your stay on the road. Otherwise, the traveler risks spoiling his impression of the trip thoroughly.

The advantage of this type of transport for vacation trips can definitely be called reasonable and affordable prices. Affordable cost such a trip will favorably affect the entire budget of a vacation or weekend. However, in an effort to save money, it is still worth evaluating your physical capabilities and state of health. In the case of traveling with a company or with a family, it is important to take into account the interests of everyone. Otherwise, no savings will save you from a spoiled vacation or worsened health problems. The choice of transport for travel should be approached responsibly, taking into account every little thing, from your own health to character traits. Then the trip by bus will not be a burden and will be a pleasure.

Air travel

Today it is the fastest mode of transport. The convenience and comfort of air travel is beyond doubt. The complete absence of traffic jams and parking. Choosing an airplane for your trip, the tourist receives:

  • Comfort;
  • Saving time;
  • The opportunity to enjoy breathtaking views from the porthole.

When ordering tickets for air travel, there is a choice of flight class: economy class or business class. A flight in a business class cabin will cost significantly more, but it will add additional options to the service during the journey. In addition, it is important to consider that some destinations cannot be reached by anything other than om or sea transport. The latter, by the way, will cost more.

Air travel to distant corners saves a lot of time compared to land transport. For example, it will take more than two days to get from Moscow to Novosibirsk by train. The flight will take about eight hours. At the same time, the cost of a train ticket will be 6,200 rubles, and for an airplane, 8,100 rubles. It is important to take into account the additional costs of travel to the airport. As a rule, airport terminals are built at some distance from cities. Accordingly, when planning your trip, you should calculate the time taking into account the trip from the city to the airport. This will also affect the amount of travel expenses. Departing from Moscow to the same Novosibirsk by plane, the traveler will have to pay extra for the Aeroexpress or taxi to the airport. This can range from 530 to 1,200 rubles.

Air travel

The disadvantages of this type of transport for travel include high cost, as well as personal intolerance to flights. In addition, when traveling for long distances, for example, to another continent, you will most likely have to transfer at the airport of another city. It takes some time. And to everything else, in an airplane there is practically no opportunity to move in order to stretch stiff limbs.

It is important to consider age and health conditions before embarking on an air travel. And people with certain types of diseases, such as diabetes or asthma, should take care to have the necessary medicines at hand.

Given the high cost of air travel, many are wondering if it is possible to save money on tickets? If desired, this is possible. First of all, you can plan your trips in advance and book tickets well in advance of the flight. This will provide some cost savings. Buying tickets at the last moment, the traveler is likely to pay the most high price, and besides, during the holiday season, there may simply not be tickets for the desired date. As a rule, most go on trips in the summer or on holidays. On such days, tickets are more expensive, and you won’t be able to save money. In order not to spend a large part of your budget on flights, do not main finance for a trip, it is important to book tickets in advance.

Travel by ship

This is perhaps the most expensive type of travel. But at the same time, the most comfortable. Cozy private cabins, restaurants and bars, entertainment on the way - all this makes a cruise on a ship extremely attractive. However, such a trip will be the longest in time.

Travel by ship

The undoubted advantages of this type of trip, in addition to maximum comfort, include the opportunity to visit many cities and ports along the way. If the journey by ship will run through foreign ports, you need to take care of the availability of visas. Otherwise, you will have to stay on the ship all the time.

The disadvantages of this type of trip include, of course, the high cost and duration of the cruise. In other words, this type of travel can be recommended to people who have a lot of free time and have enough free finances. Going on such a trip, it is important to make sure that the tourist is not prone to seasickness. Otherwise, the traveler risks completely spoiling his impression of the cruise.

Regardless of which mode of transport is chosen for the trip, it is important to take into account all the details of the trip in advance. Calculate possible costs, take into account all costs over time. A carefully thought-out travel plan and budget will give you the opportunity to enjoy your vacation and trip. Then no unpleasant surprises along the way can spoil the impressions of visiting new interesting places, meeting people. Such a trip will remain in memory for a long time and will provide an opportunity to relax and unwind. It will be nice to remember her, and there will be something to tell her friends for a long time.

There are many different types of transport in tourism: from cruise ships, trains and state-of-the-art aircraft to gondolas, balloons and rickshaws. This diversity allows you to choose fast and convenient modes of transport for a comfortable journey or sightseeing tours. To make it easier for you to decide, we have created a list of the best Vehicle for traveling.


Air travel is considered to be the safest and most popular form of transport in tourism. It is very comfortable in it: polite stewards who are always ready to help, comfortable seats, you will not go hungry. A plus is the availability of restrooms, which is a must when traveling with children. As for tickets for children, it is not necessary to pay the full price. Children under the age of two can travel free of charge in their parents' arms.

Air travel is the fastest way to get to your destination than any other means of transport. For example, a seven-day train journey can be replaced by a 7-8 hour flight. Despite the fact that all this time you need to sit inactive, but this saves almost 6 days of travel by train. If you can't sit through this time with little movement, then you can go to the restroom or stretch your limbs while sitting disperse the blood with special exercises.

Among the disadvantages of air travel can be noted turbulence, as well as the risk of losing luggage. By the way, due to turbulence, air crashes do not occur, despite the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis phenomenon. In addition to these moments, travelers are simply haunted by the fear of airplanes. Statistics say that about 80 percent are afraid to fly, and five percent have a phobia about it, so they completely excluded this type of transport for travel. Probably, this comes from surprise and misunderstanding "how such a huge thing is kept in the air." A little self-development and fear will disappear.

A train

Money is a huge factor in choosing transport for travel. More recently, the cost of air tickets was beyond the reach of many lovers of excursions. Now you can see a lot of discounts and offers, which will not be difficult to fly for a small price and with great comfort. Some tickets end up being cheaper than train tickets. As a result, a trend towards a reduction in the number of rail transport has been observed.

However, trains remain in the background for tourists. Although on the train there is a relative opportunity to sleep with some comfort, visit the dining car and eat. You can walk along the carriages, thereby stretch your bones, spend time with a cup of tea, talking with new friends or playing chess. Train people are attracted by a certain charm that is given: a uniform rumble of wheels, a change of scenery outside the window, swaying, as well as stops at stations, during which you can discover new places.

If you want to travel to a small town, the train is a great option. It will turn out to be a transport for recreation and will not require transfers, because now there are plenty of directions railway. This has another plus: you do not have to go through the tedious procedure of registration and inspection, as, for example, at the airport. In addition, you will not need to overpay for extra baggage. If the landing can be delayed, and the flight schedule can change, then incidents with trains happen quite rarely. This means that you will be at the right place at the right time.


More and more people are becoming lovers of traveling on their own transport. If you decide, nevertheless, to go on a trip by car, then remember that this determines a certain degree of responsibility for you. First of all, you need to take care of a transit visa, which should cover all the countries that you will be passing through. The car needs to be fixed. It's not just about maintenance. Ask if, for example, your favorite tinting is prohibited in the country where you are going. Otherwise, you will need to pay a fine or, in general, remove it right on the spot.

If traveling by other modes of transport involves only buying a ticket and driving, then the autotourist needs to take care of gasoline, stopping points, insurance, as well as funds for unforeseen situations (additional refueling, accident, breakdown on the road).

It must be remembered that one person can be behind the wheel for no more than 12-13 hours, after which such driving becomes dangerous. Well, if someone can replace the driver. Having prepared in advance for the trip, you can travel at your own pleasure, taking with you all the things that will make your stay comfortable, and large suitcases. You will have a great opportunity to stop to enjoy the scenery and take pictures of it. You can also sometimes deviate from the assigned route when you see signs with any points of interest.

Traveling in the so-called motorhomes has become very popular. This is a great recreational vehicle. with which you do not need to spend money on hotels, staying at campsites. These cars have comfortable beds, air conditioning and heating, a dry closet with a shower, a refrigerator with a stove and a sink. In some countries with suitable climates, people live entirely in such cars.

Sea transport

most romantic and the best transport for recreation can be called a cruise ship. It cannot be called just a ship, it most likely resembles an amusement town. It has everything: casinos, bars and restaurants, saunas and baths, beauty salons and gyms, theaters, swimming pools, clubs, libraries. Many services are absolutely free. Here you can easily leave your child in the kids club, where he will not be bored at all, and go bowling or go to the skating rink yourself. Do not be afraid of rolling, the liners are built in such a way that you will not feel it even in a storm.

Public transport

In addition to traveling to different countries, the tourist also needs to choose transport for traveling within the selected state. Often the journey begins already at the airport or train station. Always the cost of a taxi ride in these places is much higher. It would be nice if you yourself know the telephone numbers of the city's taxi services. So, you will pay strictly according to the meter, avoiding overpayment. Almost always near the stations there is a bus stop. This transfer will be much cheaper than a taxi.

In the city itself, the best option is to travel by metro or bus. For some countries, the subway is a unique transport. For example, the inhabitants of Athens equate a ride on the subway with a visit to a museum. Bangkok is known for its ground metro. Literally at the level of 3-7 floors, the trains seem to fly in the air.

Sightseeing transport

When choosing a transport for recreation, pay attention to the vehicles from which the view will accurately convey the flavor of the area. For example, in Venice, you can ride a gondola, listening to the whistling and lingering songs of the gondoliers. Many European countries offer hot air balloon tours. And some sights are best viewed from a helicopter, such as the Great Wall of China or the Victoria Falls. You can explore the desert by jeep, camel or quad bike. It is rare to find a person who returned from Sri Lanka and did not ride an elephant or from Japan - a rickshaw. Discover optimal types transport and travel in comfort!