Where is the historical temple of Angkor. Temples of Cambodia - ancient Khmer sanctuaries

It is a constitutional monarchy with the head of the king. The legislative body is the Parliament, which consists of two chambers. Its capital is Phnom Penh, and its main attraction is Angkor Wat (Cambodia). The photo below shows it at sunset.

A little about the country and its people

A small state is lost in the green jungle. It arose in the 600s AD. Nature is still virginally beautiful and surprises the traveler with amazing plants of the wet savannah and unusual animals. In the center is A on three sides it is surrounded by mountains. And the fourth opens with a view of the Gulf of Thailand. The main artery of the country, and Tonle Sap, flow along the valley. This amazing stream periodically changes its direction. A river can flow into or out of a lake. The country's population is the Khmer people (approximately 14 million), who are 95% Buddhist. For them there are more than 4 thousand temples. The language that is used in everyday life is Khmer, the elderly speak French, the young learn English and Chinese. The climate is humid and hot. Best months to visit - from the end of October to April, when there is a dry winter with temperatures from + 22 ° C to + 26 ° C. But humidity stays at 93% all year round.

Landmarks of the country

The tourism business in the country is still poorly developed. The city of Siem Reap is known for its pagodas, temples and wats: wat Bo (wall paintings), Preah Angcherk and Preah Angchorm pagoda (very revered by the locals. There are two Buddha statues here), Yatep - local spirits live here that protect the city. Sihanoukville is different beautiful beaches and diving centers. But still, the main thing that Cambodia is proud of is the Angkor temple complex. Everything fades before it, like the stars and the moon before the light of the sun. It is located near the city of Siemrap. In all its grandeur, the sights of Angkor are located in the center of the state of Cambodia.

The temple complex can almost be considered a city. This iconic building is the largest in the world. Before you is a panorama of Angkor (Cambodia, photo below), now cleared of the jungle.

In addition, there is a temple in this historical reserve. This is also a visited and very interesting temple. It offers a magnificent view of Angkor from above. The jungle dominates Ta Prohm and is not going to leave it yet. There are more modest, but no less remarkable temples: Baksey Chhamkorg, Thama Bai Kaek and Prasat Bay.

World heritage under the supervision of UNESCO

Giant, largest - it's all about Angkor. Cambodia a thousand years ago very quickly, in just 30-40 years, erected and also decorated a temple for Hindus, worshipers of the god Vishnu. This was done at the behest of King Suryavarman II. He was a warrior who spent his time not in fun, but in caring for the strengthening and centralization of the state. But he remained in history as the creator of the Angkor temple. Cambodia has attracted all its forces for its design and construction.


By the time Angkor was created, Indian culture had existed for at least 4-4.5 millennia. The knowledge of Indian astronomers was extremely high. It can be assumed that they were involved in the creation of the layout of Angkor. Cambodia would hardly have been able to do this on its own. Moreover, the temple was dedicated to the deity Vishnu - the guardian of the universe, the protector from evil, the link between people and the universe.

At the end of the 20th century, the British historian D. Grisby concluded that the main structures in Angkor were a projection onto the ground. He was prompted to look for such a relationship by an inscription on an excavated stele of the 12th century, which reported that their country was similar to the sky. Such a connection is indicated by another inscription of an earlier time, which says that the stones of Angkor are associated with the movement of the stars in the sky. This has given rise to numerous modern studies and discussions in the world of historians and archaeologists. They don't stop today.


At that time, there was a lot of sandstone in the kingdom of Cambodia. The temple complex of Angkor was built from it. The construction took about five million tons of material. It was rafted down the Siemrap River. All stones are very smooth, as if they were polished. No mortar was used to fasten them, and they are held only by their own weight. They fit one another so perfectly that the blade of a thin knife cannot pass between them. It is believed that elephants were used in the construction. Absolutely all surfaces are covered with kilometers of carving. These are scenes from Ramayana and Mahabharata, unicorns and dragons, warriors, griffins, charming dedavasis (dancers). From all of the above, it follows that there were very skilled craftsmen who built Angkor. Cambodia, by all assumptions, had centuries of experience in such construction.


This was a period of maturity in the development of sophisticated architecture with complete harmony of all its parts. As in many ancient civilizations, the sanctuary was the home of the gods. Only the priestly class and kings gathered in it, and it was also intended for the burial of rulers. Angkor Wat, a temple complex in Cambodia, is a rectangle with dimensions of 1.5 x 1.3 thousand meters and an area of ​​two km². The area of ​​the Vatican is almost three times smaller. Along the entire perimeter there is a moat filled with water, 190 m wide. A platform is installed in the center of the courtyard, which is enclosed by a wall. A temple was built on it. Nowhere has a capsule been found that bears its original name or date of commencement of construction. The temple of Angkor Wat (Cambodia) consists of three buildings with a common center. It has five lotus-shaped towers. The tallest central tower rises 65 m from the ground. The main entrance to it leads from the west. The road to it, made of sandstone blocks, is surrounded by low parapets, on which there are sculptures of snakes with seven heads.

Today, the entrance to the gopuram (the gate tower above the entrance) is through a sacred place under the south tower. It has a huge figure of Vishnu with 8 arms. It fills all space.

The sculptural decoration is organically connected with the whole composition of the temple. On the first tier, the most remarkable are eight huge images, the area of ​​​​which is 1.2 thousand square meters. m. The walls of the 2nd tier are decorated with bas-reliefs of apsaras (celestial maidens). There are two thousand of them. From the second level you can see the entire courtyard. Stone steps lead to the third level, to huge conical towers. The highest is the center of the universe. All the towers represent, as the ancient Khmers understood it, the abode of the gods. In the highest one, the recumbent figure of Buddha is still preserved, although the temple was originally dedicated to Vishnu.

historical reserve

The temples of Angkor in Cambodia are not limited to the colossal and mysterious Angor Wat. The city of Angkor itself was a "Capital City" with a population of over 1,000,000 people who lived in wooden houses that rotted in the high humidity. Its ruins are located about five kilometers from the Angkor Wat complex. Temples built of sandstone and tuff have been preserved there: elephant terrace, Ta-Prokhm, Angor-Thom (included in the UNESCO heritage list), Preah-Kan (translated as “sacred sword”), Ta-Prum and Bayon Temple. It has 54 towers pointing to the sky, and all of them are decorated with images of the Buddha.

Angor Thom ("Great Capital") and Bayon Temple

It was the capital under the ruler Jayavarman VII. He adopted the philosophy of Buddha and built a square city in honor of him with a fantastic area of ​​900 hectares. It is divided by roads into 4 equal parts. The remains of stone buildings sprouted by the jungle. In the center stands the Bayon Temple.

Its size is smaller than other sights of Cambodia, but if you get closer to it, it strikes with grandeur. Bayon has three levels. The first one depicts scenes from peaceful life and battles. On the second, which is much better preserved, the tourist finds himself in a labyrinth of galleries with low ceilings. Faces are carved on each of the fifty towers, which, depending on the lighting, can look either good or evil. These ruins look majestic, especially when viewed from the third level.


This is a temple-monastery, which was called Rajahavira (“royal monastery”) with a complex layout. Its territory is heavily overgrown with trees with powerful trunks and branches. Its clearing began in 1920. But the jungle does not want to part with him. This Buddhist temple is very romantic, as some of the ruins and tropical trees are deliberately left in it. It makes an indelible impression on tourists. On the territory of the monastery, large silk trees and strangler trees grow among the ring structures.

If the seed remains in the gap of the masonry, then it gradually grows and breaks the wall with its roots and heavy trunk. Initially, they become the frame of the building, but when they die, they destroy it. The temple itself consists of three galleries with one center. It is surrounded by a moat. Entrances through gopuras (entrance towers) are located on the four cardinal points. The stele in the monastery describes its wealth (tons of gold dishes, silk beds), and also attributes to the king the creation of hundreds of statues of gods, decorative towers, almost half a thousand stone dwellings, as well as the presence of hospitals in the kingdom. All remaining walls are, of course, covered with exquisite carvings. The place where the episode of the film "Lara Croft - Tomb Raider" with Angelina Jolie was filmed is very popular with tourists. On one of the pillars, red paint has been preserved. As the guides say, human blood was added to it. In fact, iron oxides were added to it, which are very resistant to fading. The stegosaurus that is carved on one of the medallions is something inexplicable in Ta Prohma.

How to Get to Angkor, Cambodia

By air

There are no direct flights from Russia to Cambodia. Near the city of Siem Reap there is international Airport. Liners arrive in it through China (eastern and southern airlines), Korea (Seoul), Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand (Bangkok, Pattaya). The most expensive, but also the most popular flight is Bangkok-Siem Reap. It's easier to fly to Bangkok and then fly via Kuala Lumpur or Phnom Penh. From the capital of Cambodia, you can then go by taxi or by bus. The airport is 7 km from Siem Reap, and the hotel can be reached without complications. And if a room is booked, then the tourist will be met for free and taken to the hotel.


Siem Reap can be reached by speedboat from Phnom Penh if time and money permit. Tickets are sold at the hotel reception or travel agencies. Traveling along the lake and the river in six hours will allow you to get acquainted with the life of the local population.


From neighboring Asian countries (Thailand, Vietnam), as well as from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, you can take a bus. There are a lot of flights on offer. The cheapest are Cambodian. Bus during the day - quite safe transport. Night trips are not recommended.

Tours «Angkor Cambodia»

Tour operators offer a trip to exotic Cambodia. For example, Moscow companies Level.travel, VAND, Coral Travel, as well as TEZ-tour. Tours are designed for three days and two nights.


Angkor was the capital of the Khmer Empire for over 600 years, from 802 to 1432. During this time, the empire saw ups and downs, constant wars with neighbors: Vietnam, Siam (by Thailand) and Burma (Myanmar). Between the wars, the rulers directed their efforts to the construction of more and more temples. The temples that can be seen today are only a small part of a huge, powerful empire. It is hard to believe, but at a time when European capitals were small settlements and, for example, no more than 40,000 people lived in all of Paris, the population of Angkor was almost a million inhabitants! The reason why only temples remained from a million-strong metropolis is simple: only “god-kings” and priests were allowed to live in stone structures, and mere mortals built their dwellings from wood, which did not survive to this day.

Until 802, Cambodia was a disparate principality. King Jayavarman II managed to unite the country into a single empire. He declared himself "God-King" and built a huge temple on the top of Phnom Kulen hill, symbolizing the dwelling of Shiva, on legendary mountain Meru, at the center of the universe. Thus began the architectural “race for fame”, which gave us the beauties that we can admire today.

King Indravarman I (877-889) built an artificial lake and the temple of Pre-Ko. The lake was the beginning of an irrigation system that allowed Angkor not to depend on the vagaries of nature when irrigating the land. King's son, Yasovarman I (889-910) , continued the work of his father, creating his own mountain-temple Phnom Bakeng, from which today tourists admire the sunset over Angkor Wat. After the death of Yasovarman I, the capital briefly moved to Ko Ker, a city 80 km from Angkor. Already in 944, Angkor again became the center of power of the kings of Rajendravarman IV. (944-968) , who built Pre Rup, and Jayavarman V (968-1001) who created the temples of Ta-Keo and Banteay Srei.

The largest gems of Angkor, the temples of Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, were built during the classical heyday of the city. The first king of this period, Suryavarman II (1112-1152) , managed to significantly strengthen the empire and spread the influence of the Khmers to nearby countries. He, unlike other kings, worshiped not Shiva, but the supreme deity Vishnu, to whom he dedicated the most majestic of all Angkor temples - Angkor Wat. By that time, serious problems began in Angkor itself: the city was overpopulated, there was not enough water, and the surrounding lands were depleted. The construction of the temple undermined the economy of the capital. In 1177, the inhabitants of the kingdom of Cham - vassals of the Khmer empire - rebelled, captured and destroyed Angkor. Four years later, King Jayavarman VII (1181-1218) drove out the Chams. The walled city of Angkor Thom was built on the site of old Angkor. Jayavarman VII built many temples, including Bayon, a temple-mountain with faces facing in all directions. Jayavarman VII was the first king of Cambodia who worshiped not Hindu gods, but the Buddha.

After the death of Jayavarman VII, the empire fell into decay, Buddhism was forgotten and many Buddhist statues were destroyed. The Khmer Empire was never able to regain its former power.

In 1351 and 1431, the Thais sacked Angkor, taking gold and art with them. center of power South-East Asia moved to Thailand. The capital of Cambodia was moved to Phnom Penh, and Angkor was abandoned.

In the 1860s, the French traveler and botanist Henri Muo stumbled upon a monastery on the territory of Angkor, then under the control of Thailand. Descriptions of the majestic temples in the jungles of Cambodia appeared before, but only after the publication of the discovery of Anri Muo, the eyes of Europeans turned to Angkor.

In 1907, Angkor was returned to Cambodia. Travelers, adventurers, archaeologists, historians flocked here, and Angkor gradually became one of the main attractions of Southeast Asia. The restoration of the temples was a major task. Most of them, except for Angkor Wat, were heavily overgrown with jungle, sometimes so much so that it was impossible to clean the temple without damaging it. A dispute broke out over the extent to which the temples should be restored, whether late additions should be removed, such as Buddhist images in Hindu temples, etc. In 1920, it was decided to restore the temples using the anastylosis method. The idea of ​​the method was that the restoration took place using only those materials that were used in the original construction, as well as to preserve the original structure of the temples. Modern materials were allowed to be used only if the originals were lost.

From the 1930s to the 1960s, most of the temples were restored. The Khmer Rouge almost did not damage Angkor, but restoration work was suspended and the jungle attacked the temples with renewed vigor. After the fall of the Pol Pot regime, work continued, and in 2003 UNESCO considered it possible to remove Angkor from the list cultural heritage under threat.

A small dictionary for a better understanding of the description of temples


  • Brahma is the chief of the three primary gods of the Hindu trinity, the "creator".
  • Shiva is one of the three primary gods of the Hindu trinity, the "destroyer".
  • Vishnu is one of the three primary gods of the Hindu trinity, the "protector".
  • Krishna is the eighth reincarnation of Vishnu, usually depicted in blue, most often with a flute.
  • Lakshmi is the wife of Vishnu, the goddess of beauty and wealth.
  • Parvati is the wife of Shiva, she is also Shakti or Durga, the goddess of power.

Mythical creatures

  • Asura is a demon.
  • Rakshas is a demon.
  • Yakshas are the inhabitants of the underworld.
  • Apsara - heavenly nymph, dancer.
  • Devata is a demigod.
  • Nag - naga snake.
  • Garuda - half man, half eagle. The mount of Vishnu.

Architectural and geographical terms

  • Banteay is a fortress or citadel.
  • Barai is an artificial reservoir.
  • Boeng is a lake.
  • Gopura is a gate tower in the temple enclosure of Hindu temples. Serves as an entrance to the temple complex.
  • Linga (Lingam)- a phallic symbol that looks like an unfinished circle, from the center of which a stone rod protrudes vertically - the symbol of the god Shiva.
  • Phnoma - hill or mountain.
  • Prasat - tower.
  • Preah is sacred.
  • Wat - temple or pagoda.

Temples of Angkor

The temples of Angkor are perhaps the most impressive place in all of Southeast Asia. The ancient Khmer kings spared no expense to outdo their predecessors, and each successive temple was bigger, better, and more elegant than the last.

The gem of a visit to Angkor is the magnificent temple of Angkor Wat (Angkor Wat). The profile of its spiers has practically become a symbol of Cambodia. Angkor Wat consists of five central towers of shrines, three rectangular galleries, increasing in height towards the center, surrounded by a 190 m wide moat of water. The overall profile imitates a lotus bud. From the entrance gate, on the western side, an alley with a fence decorated with seven-headed snakes leads to the Temple.

The first gallery, this is the outer wall above the moat, has square columns on the outer side and closed walls on the inner side. The ceiling between the pillars of the outer facade is decorated with rosettes in the form of a lotus, and the inner one is decorated with figures of dancers. The bas-reliefs on the walls of the three galleries depict scenes from various mythological stories and historical events. Here you can see scenes from the battles of the Ramayana and Mahabharata, the image of the army of Suryavarman II, the churning of the ocean by demons and gods, the victory of Vishnu over demons and scenes of various mythical battles.

From the first gallery a long alley leads to the second. You can climb the platform by stairs, decorated on both sides with figures of lions. The inner walls of the second gallery are covered with images of apsaras, celestial maidens.

The third gallery covers five Towers, which crown the highest terrace. The very steep stairs make it difficult to ascend to the realm of the gods. The walls of this gallery are carved with motifs of snakes, the bodies of which end in the mouths of lions.

The Temple Stones, as smooth as polished marble, were laid without any adhesive mortar. The building material is sandstone, which was brought from Mount Kulen, a quarry about 40 km to the northeast. Almost all surfaces, columns and even roof lintels are carved in stone.

The Indian Archaeological Society, between 1986 and 1992, carried out restoration work at Angkor. The temple is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Angkor Thom is a great city surrounded by a high eight-meter wall. Each side of the wall is 3 km long, outside the wall is protected by a wide 100-meter moat filled with water. It is believed that during the heyday of the empire, about a million people lived here. Angkor Thom was built by King Jayavarman VII (1181-1218) after he recaptured Angkor from the Cham warriors who captured it. Angkor Thom can be accessed through one of the five large gates, each gate leading to a bridge built over a moat. It is best to enter through the most beautiful southern gate. There are 108 stone sculptures on the bridge, guarding the city, 54 devatas on the right (deities), left 54 ​​asura (demon). Devatas and asuras supported the many-headed naga (snake)- Khmer symbol of the rainbow, the bridge between earth and heaven. In front of a row of statues are nagas, whose seven heads are ready to pour out deadly poison. Above the gate there are four stone faces looking in different directions.


Bayon - a temple complex in the center of Angkor Thom, built in honor of Jayavarman VII. The temple has three levels and is surrounded by three walls. The main part of the decor of the temple is the image of everyday life of the Khmers. There is also a blank wall 4.5 meters high, which depicts scenes of Jayavarman VII's victory over the Chams in the battle on Tonle Sap Lake.

In 1925, the temple was recognized as a Buddhist sanctuary, and in 1928, thanks to the efforts of F. Stern and J. Sedes, it was correctly dated.

In 1933, a Buddha statue was found in the foundation well, in whose features there was an outward resemblance to Jayavarman VII and which, during the Brahminist restoration (immediately after the death of Jayavarman VII) was defiled. It has been restored and installed on a terrace in the east of Khleang South.

Main article:


After enjoying the wonderful atmosphere of Bayon, you can go to the neighboring Bapuon temple (Baphuon). For a long time, only a construction site could be seen here. Only two years ago, this ancient Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva was opened to the public. Several decades of restoration work in the temple was called "assembling one of the most difficult puzzles" in the world.

In ancient times, Bapuon Temple was one of the most beautiful buildings in Angkor. However, by the early 1950s, it was on the verge of complete destruction. A restoration team led by French archaeologists decided that the only way to save the temple was to take it apart to strengthen the foundation and then reassemble the building. In the early 60s, the project was launched and Bapuon was dismantled. During the deconstruction, the blocks of the temple were transferred to the surrounding jungle, each block was numbered. In the mid-1970s, the Khmer Rouge came to power and work stopped. As it turned out later, the Khmer Rouge destroyed the documentation for dismantling the temple, and there was no information left in what order to put 300,000 stone blocks. The task was the most difficult - there were no two blocks that would be identical, each stone could only lie in its place. The architects had to rely only on numerous photographs and memories of Cambodian workers. The work was further complicated by the fact that at a later time, in the XV-XVI centuries, a 60-meter unfinished Buddha statue was carved into the wall of the second level, violating the uniform style of the temple. One way or another, today the giant puzzle has been assembled and the main work on the temple has been completed. True, there are still some finishing works left, part of the temple is still covered with scaffolding, this prevents it from being photographed.

A steep staircase with very high steps leads to the top of the temple. If you decide to climb up, do it carefully.

North of Bapuon is the famous Elephant Terrace. (Elephant Terrace), a thick wall 320 meters long, along which images of elephants, lions and garudas are carved - mythical half-humans, half-birds. You can climb the wall and walk along the top or look at the images below. It is better, if time permits, to do both - the images from the inside of the wall, which are only visible from above, are no less interesting. At one time, the terrace served as a platform from which the king and the invited public could observe official ceremonies and conduct a review of the troops. Also on the terrace were traces of pavilions in which the king could receive delegations. There are 5 massive arched entrances leading to the terrace from the Royal Square: three in the central part and one at each end. The eastern and western terraces are decorated with bas-reliefs and statues of garudas and lions, they support the terrace in the manner of the Atlanteans. At Angkor Wat, on the bas-relief of heaven and hell, the same figures support the heavenly palaces. The northern and southern sides are decorated with life-size bas-reliefs of elephants with mahouts. A small Buddha carved on the wall of the central section confirms that the terrace is the work of the Buddhist king Jayavarman VII. The central staircase is decorated in the same way as the gates of Angkor Thom - three elephant heads with trunks forming pillars are crowned with lotuses. The Elephant Terrace has an unusual relief: somewhere the figures protrude quite a bit, and somewhere they protrude very strongly. In some places, the trunks form columns; the remains of stairs have been preserved. This is an impressive sight, the only problem is a lot of tourists clicking cameras.

A little further north is another terrace - Terrace of the Leper King (Terrace of Leper King)- platform seven meters high, 25 meters long. The terrace is part of the Royal Square. On the three outer sides of the terrace, images of gods, demons, mythical nagas and inhabitants of the deep sea are carved in several rows. The best images are from the east (front) sides of the terrace. At the top stands a stone figure of a man surrounded on four sides by warriors, from which the terrace got its name. There are several versions of who is depicted on the statue and why it is a leper. According to one, this name was given to the terrace because of the spots of lichen that cover the statue. According to another, numerous chips on the face of the statue led to the idea of ​​leprosy. (they are not on the copy standing today, the original is kept in the museum in Phnom Penh). There is a theory that the statue actually depicted one of the two Cambodian kings with leprosy. However, the Khmer never depicted kings without clothes. The most common versions are that the statue depicts the god of death Yama, the terrace was used for the cremations of members of the royal family, or that the statue symbolizes the inhabitants of the underworld of the Yakshas.

Legend of the Leper King

A young king reigned in the newly built capital. He became famous in military campaigns and in governing the country, but his heart was cruel. He was hated by everyone except for the four concubines, whose whims were his law. When the women got bored with court life, they wished to go on a journey with him, and the king, without notifying anyone, left the palace. The very next day, strife broke out in the kingdom - two noble nobles began to fight for the throne and launched civil war. During the wanderings, the king and the concubines decided to visit a hermit who predicts the future. When the disguised king appeared before him, he guessed the high rank of the guest and said: “You were a great sovereign, but from now on you will never be called king. Two great armies are fighting to take your throne, and only you can put an end to the strife. But at the zenith of your glory and triumph, you will know the bitterness of life and a terrible fate will befall you. These words shocked the king. After a while, he entered the camp of one of the rebellious nobles, made an alliance with him and led his army. Putting another to flight, he subsequently killed the nobleman with whom he made an alliance. At the head of both armies, the king returned to the capital to restore peace. It was then that the prediction of the hermit came true. When the king was riding a horse through the city, an old woman in tatters suddenly plunged a dagger into the chest of the horse - it collapsed, and the old woman rushed at the king and pressed herself against him with her flabby body. The king was released from this embrace, and the woman fell, wounded by a thousand blows. The old woman took revenge, but a few years ago her daughter was kidnapped and imprisoned in the royal harem. She was a leper and infected the king. Leprosy developed rapidly, everyone left him, except for four concubines. He lost his right to the throne and had to live outside the palace, doomed to despair and starvation. In the legendary history of Cambodia, this king is identified with Prince Preah Tong, who came from India to marry the daughter of the king of Naga, he allegedly founded the first capital of Cambodia - the city of Angkor Thom.

Inside Angkor Thom there are also several small temples and chapels. An interesting one is Tep Pranam (Tep Pranam)- a large open terrace in the form of a cross with a statue of a huge Buddha sitting on a lotus in the pose "calling the earth to witness", made of stone blocks. The statue reaches a height of 6 meters and is located on a lined pedestal 1 meter high. Built from used stones, the statue has a rough appearance, the head of the Buddha, "crowned with flames", clearly belongs to a later period. The statue itself dates from the 16th century and was restored in 1950. Nearby is another restored statue of a standing Buddha in a rare “no fear” pose. Nearby is a small monastery where Buddhist nuns live.

This small Buddhist shrine in the forest north of the Leper King's Terrace at Angkor Thom is attractive enough to warrant a bit of attention when visiting the other monuments on the west side of King's Square. Interestingly, above one gate you can find the Hindu god Indra on his three-headed elephant Airavata, and above the other - "the temptation of Mara with her army of demons" attacking the Buddha, which itself has not survived. This neighborhood is very unusual for the Khmer - it is assumed that the Buddhist images of Preah Pallilaj (Preah Pallilay) managed to escape destruction by the staunch Hindu successors of Jayavarman VII due to their proximity to Thep Pranam and the Saugatashram monastery, whose official status and proximity to the Royal Palace may have saved the precious images and given them sanctity.

Exit Angkor Thom through the south gate. Ahead, a few hundred meters away stands the 67-meter Phnom Bakeng hill (Phnom Bakheng), with the construction of the temple on top of which began the entire development of Angkor. Crowds of tourists used to come here at sunset to take pictures of Angkor Wat in the setting sun. The views remain the same, but now no more than 300 people are allowed upstairs at sunset, so if you want to enjoy the sunset from above, arrive early. The staircase leading to the top is closed for repairs, you can climb up along a winding path from the south side of the hill. For $15, you can climb to the top on an elephant, but as a rule, you need to reserve a place in advance.

Construction of Ta-Keo (Ta Keo) was started in 975 by Jayavarman V (968-1001) . This is the first temple of Angkor built of sandstone. The temple is dedicated to Shiva. For unknown reasons, probably due to the death of the king, he was left unfinished and unpainted - it seems that he escaped from an underground cave, pushing the surrounding jungle. It is known that the temple was originally called Hemasringagiri - "Mountain of Golden Peaks", possibly prasat (towers) the temple was planned to be covered with gold. Ta-Keo is modern name meaning "tower of crystal".

According to tradition, the main temples were built in the center of the royal city, Jayavarman V broke the tradition by building Ta-Keo not in the center of his capital, but to the north - near East Baray. With a bar (body of water) the temple is connected by an alley for processions with two rows of columns. The temple itself is a 22-meter rectangular pyramid. Conceived as the embodiment of the five peaks of Mount Meru, Ta-Keo has five prasats located in the center of its main tier, and is surrounded by a now dry moat, symbolizing the ocean.

On the first level, on a high plinth, there is a fence measuring 120x105 meters and a blank wall with axial gopuras (gate towers), the main one facing east. The two rectangular buildings are preceded by porticos parallel to the east wall.

The second level rises to a height of 5.6 meters - there is a solid gallery measuring 79x73 meters with a false stepped brick vault, blind windows taken away by columns from the outside and open windows with columns from the outside. Gopuras are built into the walls with corner towers. The gallery, formed by older rectangular buildings, cannot be entered, testifying to its purely symbolic purpose. Inside the enclosure, two rectangular buildings line the eastern wall, with two "libraries" flanking the driveway. In order to make room for these buildings, the eastern side of the terrace was made wider than all the others. Libraries have an interesting structure: inside they have only one room, but outside, thanks to two lowered semi-cylindrical vaults resting on the walls around the perimeter, a kind of nave and two aisles are formed. Compared to Angkor's other ornate temples, Ta Keo looks spartan, but that doesn't detract from its unique atmosphere. Steps lead to the very top of the pyramid of the temple. Each step has a height of about 40 cm, while about 10 cm wide, so that the foot can only be placed sideways, holding on to the upper steps. And so 22 meters - the climb is not for the faint of heart, but we strongly advise you to climb up. It is not known whether the Cambodians chose any energy nodes for the construction of their temples, but the feeling of an amazing atmosphere and closeness to the sky is indescribable here. At some point, it becomes unclear whether it is necessary to descend from here back to earth ...


Kipling was describing some abandoned temple in India, but this description is just perfect for the Ta-Prom temple. (TaProhm)- a huge temple-monastery, swallowed up by the jungle. Of all the temples of Angkor, Ta-Prom is the most poetic, with the most amazing atmosphere created by huge trees that wrap around walls that have sprouted through stones and hang over the towers. Over the centuries, the roots have grown together with the walls to such an extent that it is impossible to remove the trees without the buildings collapsing. Ta Prohm was built in the 12th century by King Jayavarman VII as a Buddhist temple. The territory of Ta-Prom is very large, like the territory of Angkor Wat, but the architecture of the temple is completely different from other temples of Angkor. It consists of a chain of one-story long buildings, interconnected by through passages and galleries. In fact, this temple-monastery is a series of concentric galleries with towers and many additional buildings, surrounded by powerful walls. It is known from various sources that there were 39 prasats, 566 stone and 288 brick structures in the temple, in which there were 260 statues of gods.

Many passages are littered with stones and are inaccessible. The uniqueness of Ta-Prom lies in the fact that many ancient inscriptions are carved on the stones here - more than in any other Angkorian temple. On a stone stele, now in the Angkor National Museum, it is written that in better times 3140 villages belonged to the temple, 79,365 people worked in the temple, including 18 high priests, 2800 clerks and 615 dancers. More than 12,000 people lived permanently inside the temple. In place of the forest that surrounds the temple today, there was once a large, bustling city, and many treasures were kept in the treasuries of the temple. Now all this is hard to believe, because most of the buildings have turned into ruins. Stones and trees are so intertwined, forming a common ensemble, that sometimes you begin to doubt what served as the basis in this complex - a stone or a tree. There are two varieties of trees: large - banyan (Ceibapentandra) characterized by thick, pale brown roots with a knotty structure, and the smaller one is the strangler fig tree (Ficus gibbosa) with a lot of thin, smooth and gray roots. Usually the seed of the tree falls into a gap in the masonry of the building and the roots grow down to the ground. The roots work their way between the masonry and, as they grow thicker, actually become the frame of the building. When a tree dies or falls during a thunderstorm, the building collapses with it.

French Far East School (Ecole Frangaise d "Extreme-Orient) Angkor Restoration Company decided to leave the temple in its "natural state" as an example of how most of Angkor's temples looked like when they were opened in the 19th century. Yet Ta-Prom had to be fairly thoroughly cleared of the jungle in order to prevent further destruction and make it possible to visit the temple. To see a truly jungle-conquered temple, visit Beng Mealea Temple (Beng Mealea).

One of the interesting mysteries of Ta-Prom is the image of a stegosaurus carved on the wall, which guides like to lead to. Few people know that there is another image of a dinosaur here, it is almost impossible to find it without a guide, and only experienced guides can show it. Where the ancient Khmers could see the dinosaur and how it ended up on the wall, no one can explain. Ta Prohm's most popular tourist spot is the fig tree roots courtyard where Lara Croft: Tomb Raider was filmed. At this point, the main character picks a jasmine flower and falls into the ground. It would be ideal to walk along Ta-Prom when there are no dense masses of tourists around. Unfortunately, this is almost impossible. The only chance is to come here right at dawn and be the first or be here just before closing, when most tourists are busy contemplating the sunset.

Kipling on Ta-Prom Temple

The Monkey People in the Cold Lairs did not think of Mowgli's friends at all. They dragged the boy to an abandoned city and were now very pleased with themselves. Mowgli had never yet seen an Indian city, and although this city lay all in ruins, it seemed to the boy magnificent and full of wonders. One sovereign prince built it a long time ago on a low hill. Still visible were the remains of the stone-paved roads leading to the ruined gate, where the last bits of rotten wood still hung from rust-eaten hinges. The trees were rooted in the walls and towered over them; the battlements on the walls collapsed and crumbled to dust; creepers broke out of the loopholes and spread out along the walls of the towers with hanging shaggy lashes. Grand Palace without a roof stood on top of a hill. The marble of its fountains and courtyards was all covered with cracks and brown spots of lichens, the very slabs of the courtyard, where the princely elephants used to stand, were raised and moved apart by grasses and young trees. Behind the palace, one could see row after row of roofless houses and the whole city, like an empty honeycomb, filled only with darkness; a shapeless stone block, which had been an idol before, was now lying on the square where four roads crossed; only pits and potholes remained on the corners of the streets where wells once stood, and dilapidated domes of temples, on the sides of which wild fig trees sprouted.

R. Kipling. The jungle book

Preah Can

One of Jayavarman VII's largest projects, Preah Kan (Preah Khan), was much more than just a temple - it was a Buddhist university with over a thousand teachers, surrounded by a large city. As in Ta-Prom, a stele with information about the temple was found here: the inscriptions reveal the history of its foundation and purpose. The Royal Palace of Yasovarman II previously stood on this site, and the inscription on the stele about the "lake of blood" recalls that the temple was built on the site of a major battle with the Chams, which prevented the capture of Angkor - in that battle the king of the Chams was killed. The city was named Nagara Jayasri in honor of King Jayasri, who became famous in this battle. (in Sanskrit, nagara means "city"), and the modern name Preah-Kan - "Sacred Sword" - is a translation of the name Jayasri from Sanskrit.

If Ta-Prom was dedicated to the mother of Jayavarman VII, then Preah Kan five years later, in 1191, was dedicated to the king's father, Dharanin-dravarman. A statue of the bodhisattva Lokeshvara was created from it. There were 430 minor deities in other chapels in the city. Behind the entrance alley with pillars is a naga bridge, exactly the same as the one that crosses the ditch of Angkor Thom - the bodies of two giant naga snakes on either side of the dam hold a row of devatas (demigods) left and asuras (demons) on right. Unfortunately, the temple's relatively remote location allowed treasure hunters to steal their heads. In general, this kind of giant figures resembles the famous scene in the bas-relief of Angkor Wat "Churning the Milky Ocean". As in Angkor Thom, the nagas take us across the moat - it is likely that here they symbolize the bridge between the world of people and the gods.

The eastern tower of the outer fence has three entrances, the central entrance is the largest, a cart could pass through it. On the walls are magnificent stone statues of giant garudas, who hold in their hands by the tail a naga serpent - their traditional enemy. These 5-meter figures are located at 50-meter intervals around the entire perimeter of the fourth environment - there are 72 of them in total, the largest garudas are located at the corners. The gopura of the third enclosure is the largest in Angkor. In front of it is a large cruciform terrace with balustrades of nagas and lions. On the right, the so-called House of Fire is one of the 121 chapels built by Jayavarman VII along the main roads of the empire. All the chapels are built the same way, oriented west to east, with towers on the western exits and windows on the south sides only. From their names on the engravings, one can understand that they were related to the arks with the sacred flame and, possibly, served as staging posts on a ritual journey. The gopura of the third enclosure is the most richly decorated. Its three widely spaced towers and small pavilions at either end are connected by colonnaded galleries on the outer sides. The length of the gopura is 100 meters, there are five entrances in total, as well as a gallery on the left side. The entrance was guarded by two demon guards, today only one of them remains - only the surviving pedestal reminds of the second. Two giant beautiful trees grow between the central and southern towers, their trunks are located at an angle to each other. The trees are very old - there is a great danger that they will fall and seriously damage the masonry.

Immediately behind the gopura, just like in Ta-Prom, there is a large building - the Hall of Dancers (now without a roof). The building consists of four small courtyards, each surrounded by 24 columns, and together they form a gallery. The building got its name from the bas-reliefs of the Apsaras depicted in the dance. Pay attention to the empty niches above the bas-reliefs of dancers. Here at one time there were carved statuettes of Buddhas, they were destroyed during the reign of Jayavarman VIII, the restorer of Hinduism, along with thousands of others throughout Angkor. Inside the galleries of the second enclosure, let your eyes adjust to the darkness and you can admire the finely carved garudas. In the vestibule to the west of the sanctuary there is a lingam - the symbol of Shiva, installed here, probably in the second half of the 13th century.

Immediately behind the gopura of the second enclosure is a small temple of Vishnu with a long pedestal at the eastern entrance, on the pedestal there are holes for three statues and a spout for the ritual of consecrating water, like on a linga. The inscription on the doorpost states that the missing statues depicted Rama, Lakshmana and Sita, and the side surface of the same doorway is decorated with carvings. The west pediment depicts a scene in which Krishna lifts Mount Govardhana. Further, three small rectangular temples surround the temple of the Buddha: the northern one is dedicated to Shiva, the southern one is dedicated to deceased kings and queens, and the western one is Vishnu.

The central sanctuary, as usual, is shifted to the west. The inner walls here are dotted with small holes, which served to fasten bronze facing sheets. The engraved inscriptions of the temple claim that more than 1500 tons were used. In the center is a small stupa added around the 16th century. In the morning, at a certain angle, you can achieve the illusion that the top of the stupa is dazzlingly glowing. Initially, there was a statue made from the father of Jayavarman VII - Jayavarmeshwar, it was probably destroyed by Jayavarman VIII during the restoration of Hinduism in Angkor. As in Ta-Prom, huge trees grow here right on the walls, it is impossible to remove them without damaging the masonry. Nevertheless, Preah Can is much more cleared of the jungle than Ta Prohm.

2.5 km to the east, a narrow path leads to the temple of Neak Pean (Neak Pean), translated "Coiled Serpents". It was built by the same Jayavarman VII in the XII century. This unusual, small by Angkor standards architectural monument with a cruciform arrangement of reservoirs and a sanctuary tower on a round island in the middle is very symbolic. Laid out in the form of lotus petals, the base of this building makes it look like a huge flower that has floated to the surface: however, this can only be seen for a short time - during the rainy season, when the pools are filled with water. At this time, the temple is reflected in the water and is unlike any other. Neak Pean is undoubtedly one of the gems of Khmer art.

A stone stele at the Preah Kan Temple mentions this temple, calling it the "Happiness of the Kingdom", and tells that King Jayavarman VII built the "Northern Lake" "as a mirror, decorated with stones, gold and garlands." The pond sparkled, illuminated by the light of the golden temple and adorned with red lotus flowers. Inside is a towering island, especially beautiful due to the waters surrounding it. An inscription on one of the walls found during the clearing of Preah Can mentions Neak Pean "as a famous island, attracting with its pools - they wash away the dirt of sins from those who come there." The temple was a place of pilgrimage: people came here to bathe, and "the sick returned healed." In the 13th century, the Chinese Zhou Daguang described the temple as follows: “The North Lake lies a quarter of a mile north of the walled City. At its center stands a square tower of gold with several dozen stone rooms. If you are looking for golden lions, bronze elephants, bronze oxen, bronze horses, you will find them here.” Two nagas encircle the base round island, from which the name Neak Pean arose. Their heads part in the east to allow passage, and are in the style of the head of the serpent king Mucalinda, who protected the Buddha in meditation when a thunderstorm was approaching. The upper platform appears as a huge corolla of a blooming lotus. There is no statue in the Buddhist sanctuary, but the entire environment has been preserved - two tiers with lotuses and pediments decorated with bas-reliefs from the life of the Buddha: “Hair Cutting” in the east, “Great Departure” in the north and “Buddha meditating under a bodhi tree” in the west. On the outer walls of the temple there are bas-reliefs in the form of three beautiful groups with large images of Lokeshvara, a compassionate bodhisattva.

There are four identical chapels inside the steps of the central pond. They served to cleanse the pilgrims, who, as can be judged from the bas-reliefs on the pediments, came here in the hope of being cured of illnesses or getting rid of misfortunes. The bas-reliefs on the walls of the chapels depict scenes where the deity stands in the center - the savior Avalokiteshvara: on one side of him, an infirm patient crawls along the ground with difficulty, and on the other, the same person straightens up and regains the ability to walk. In the south you can find a number of ling (symbols of Shiva), no doubt part of the "thousand ling" described in the Preah Kan inscriptions.

In the east, a sculptural group, unfortunately badly damaged, represents a horse carrying small men hanging on it. This image is related to a legend taken from a Sanskrit text: the merchant Simhala, along with his companions, went in search of precious stones. A terrible storm sank his ship off the coast of Tamradvipa. (Island of Ceylon), and the merchants became the prey of terrible cannibals who threatened to eat them. And then the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara turned into a horse, found himself on the island, and then rose into the air and carried the merchants to the Buddha, saving them from death.

Eastern Mebon

Huge East Baray (reservoir), which surrounds East Mebon (Eastern mebon), is now dry. The reservoir was built by King Yasovarman I almost half a century earlier than the temple to regularly supply water to the new city of Yasodharapura and was 7.5 km long and 1830 meters wide. Steles engraved with Sanskrit verses were erected in each corner of the barai, proclaiming the patronage of Ganges, the goddess of the sacred river Ganges in India. Barai was filled with water from the nearby Roluos River. A rather non-standard construction method is interesting - the reservoir was not dug into the ground, instead walls were poured - this is how a huge “pool” turned out.

King Rajendravarman decided to build a temple on the island. East Mebon is not actually a "temple-mountain", despite its similarity. The visibility of the height is due to the fact that the water has left the reservoir surrounding it before, exposing a powerful five-meter base. The temple ends with a rather modest platform with five towers. In pairs, around the surroundings, there are eight small brick towers with interesting lintels with leafy ornaments and octagonal stone columns. Built by the king's architect Kavindrarimathan (only the Khmers left us the names of their architects), the main deity of the temple - Rajendreshvara was consecrated on Friday, January 28, 953 at about 11 am, as evidenced by the corresponding inscription. Since the temple stood on an island, there was no need for fences, ditches and passages along the dams; instead, four piers were built on the foundation on the cardinal points. The outer enclosure, 108x104 meters, is walled with a cutout in the middle of each side to provide enough space between the jetties and the four gopuras. The enclosure is surrounded by a series of long galleries. The next level of internal fencing is a 2.4-meter laterite terrace. Its low walls are also cut out, giving room for the northern, eastern and southern gopuras. In the open space between the inner wall of the encirclement and the central platform, eight small brick towers and five laterite buildings stand in pairs, on the cardinal points - three facing west and two facing east. The central platform, 3 meters high, is lined with sandstone and bears the east-facing brick towers of the sanctuaries. The central tower, as usual, is larger than the others and stands on a two-meter platform.

Behind the eastern gopura, made of laterite and stone, on both sides are the remains of a series of long galleries, the gallery is best preserved on the south side. All galleries were built of laterite with balustraded windows and tiled roofs. On the next terrace, two elephants are standing in the corners, looking out - they are made of monolithic stone. Eight almost identical elephants stand just outside the walls, at the corners of both fences. To get to them, one must climb the stairs leading to the gopura of the interior, turn left along the ledge to the door and follow the elephant in the southeast corner.

Buildings on the east side have all the hallmarks of "libraries" - this is indicated by their position in the corners, orientation to the west and size. It looks like they originally had brick vaults. The western doorposts of the building in the northeast corner are decorated with two elephants sprinkling Lakshmi with water from their trunks. On the lintel of the eastern door of the western gopura is depicted Narasimha, an avatar of Vishnu in the form of a lion tearing the king of the asuras. Of particular interest in the towers are the lintels and false doors in the north, west and south. On the central tower, the eastern lintel depicts Indra on the three-headed elephant Airavata, and on the western one, Varuna, the guardian of the West, along with figures holding lotuses. The southern lintel depicts the god of death, Yama, on a buffalo. On the southeast tower, in which stands the statue of Brahma, on the northern lintel, a monster devours an elephant. Ganesha is depicted on the eastern side of the northwestern tower. Not far from East Mebon, there is a temple similar to it, Pre-Rup. The building itself is not so interesting, but wonderful views open from its top, this is a great place to watch the sunset.

Rulos group of temples

The Rulos complex is located southeast of the main Angkor complex. Centuries before Angkor, King Jayavarman II (802-850) founded the first capital of the Khmer Empire Hariharalaya on this site.

Construction of Indratataka ("Pond of Indra") in Hariharalaya, around the Lolei temple, where the waters of the Rulos river flowed, allowed the constant supply of water to the rice fields and various temple complexes adjacent to the settlements, where, according to rough estimates, at least 15,000 people lived. The waters of Indratataka were channeled into canals around the temples of Preah Koh, Bakong, Preah Monti, near the last temple, the palace of Jayavarman II's successor, Indravarman I, may have been built. the beginning of the era of classical Khmer art. Before the construction of Roulos, even for the construction of religious buildings, only light (and short lived) Construction Materials.

Build a Hindu temple bakong (Bakong) King Jayavarman III began, but he did not have time to finish it during his lifetime. The temple was completed and consecrated by his successor Indravarman I in 881. The five tiers of the pyramid of the temple and other elements symbolize the sacred Mount Meru, and the temple itself was dedicated to the god Shiva. A stele erected at the founding of the temple records the consecration in 881 of its linga, Sri Indreshrava. Although the Ak-Em temple on the south bank of the West Baray was built earlier, Bakong is considered the first true "temple-mountain" - in part because it is the first such structure made of sandstone, and also because it is larger and structurally more complex. relation. Bakong is the largest and most interesting temple in the Rulos group. Its dimensions are very significant: 900x700 meters, inside there are two moats and three concentric fences. The outer ditch, on average 3 meters deep, is the boundary of the outer, third enclosure without a gopura, but with the remains of two sidewalks leading one to the east, the other to the north. Between the outer and inner moats are 22 evenly spaced brick towers, not all of them finished. The second fence, from which only laterite ruins have survived to this day, formed the border of a plot about 25 meters wide - servants lived here. Currently, in the northeast corner of this site is Buddhist monastery. The whole complex is surrounded by a moat 59 meters wide, forming a rectangle measuring 315x345 meters. From east to west, the moat is crossed by two dams - the continuation of two of the four axial roads of Hariharalaya. The roads run between rows of giant stone nagas, the forerunners of the magnificent balustrades of the classical era.

Eight small square brick buildings remained at the corners of the inner enclosure, one at the northwest and southwest corners with entrances to the east, and two each at the northeast and southeast corners with an entrance oriented to the west. The ventilation holes in them led some researchers to the idea that cremations were carried out in these prasats. The other two are later, long "libraries" made of stone oriented from east to west. Immediately after the east entrance are the remains of two other long "libraries" of laterite, oriented north-south, and traces of another, oriented east-west in the southeast corner.

The pyramid itself, almost square in plan, has a clear profile. Each of the five tiers represents the kingdoms of mythical creatures, from bottom to top: nagas, garudas, rakshasas (demons), yakshas (tree deities) and finally devat (demigods). The pyramid is 67x65 meters at the bottom and 20x18 meters at the top, decreasing with each step. Four gopuras lead to four staircases, on each landing the next march is preceded by an elegant semicircular threshold, on both sides there are statues of lions. To correct visual perception, the height and width of the stairs imperceptibly decrease as they rise - the craftsmen applied the law of proportional reduction, which until then was used only in the construction of prasat roofs. Each terrace of the pyramid is slightly recessed to the west, again to correct perspective.

Elephant statues at the corners of the first three steps of the pyramid are reminiscent of the legendary animals that support the earth. They are designed to convey their power and stability to the building. In addition, the elephant was the mount of the god Indra, as well as earthly rulers. The fourth terrace contains 12 sandstone towers, each of which probably contained a linga. Remains of bas-reliefs are still visible on the wall of the fifth and last terrace.

The pyramid is crowned with a tower of a much later period. (XII century), similar in style to the towers of Angkor Wat, with three false doors and one real. The goddesses carved in niches on both sides of the doors are badly damaged, as this tower was almost completely destroyed and restored only in 1941, but in some places they are still well preserved. The entrance to the shrine is guarded by lions in the traditional Khmer style. The tower is crowned with a dome in the form of a lotus.

Bakong corresponds exactly to the Hindu cosmic symbolism: the temple depicts Mount Meru, the first ditch is the cosmic sea from which this mountain arose, and dry land is the land inhabited by people, which, in turn, is surrounded by mountain ranges (city walls) and another sea (second ditch).

This elegant little brick temple with six towers and lime-mortar stucco was the first shrine built by Indravarman I in the 9th-century capital of Angkor, Hariharalaya. Its surrounding moat is so large in relation to the temple that there is a version according to which it was part of the royal palace, traces of which have not yet been found.

(Preah Ko)- the modern name of the temple, meaning "sacred bull", in honor of Nandin, the flying mount of Shiva. The temple got its name because of the three statues of a large bull, installed on its territory and indicating that the temple is dedicated to Shiva.

On the superbly preserved stele at the base of the temple, after the traditional eulogy of Shiva, a brief genealogy of Indravarman I is given, followed by a eulogy in Sanskrit for the "prince's right hand" which says, "Long, strong and fearsome in battle, his shining sword falls on his enemies, conquering kings in every direction. Invincible, he calmed down only when his two enemies showed their backs and, valuing their lives, offered themselves to his protection. The inscription is accompanied by a reference to the cult of Devaraja, or "god-king" on Mount Mahendra. (Phnom Kulen) and ends with a mention of the installation in 879 of three statues of Shiva and Devi. The other side, written in Khmer, dates from a later year, 893, and describes offerings to the deities of Parameshwar and Prithivindreshwar. The temple begins in the west with a laterite pavement that separates the surrounding moat. Once upon a time, two parallel galleries passed on both sides, but only the foundation has survived from them to this day. A small terrace leads to the gopura of the second environment.

The sandstone plinth forms a common platform for six towers. On the east side, it is cut by three stairs, the side walls of which are richly decorated with guards. (dvarapalami) and dancers (apsaras) and guarded by seated lions. In front of each staircase lies Nandine. There is one central staircase on the west side. The brick towers of the sanctuaries are arranged in two rows and vary in size. In the eastern, first row, the middle tower is higher than the others and is shifted slightly back. As usual, all six towers of the sanctuary are open to the east. Each tower has four tiers. The towers are covered with lime plaster with sculptural bas-reliefs - it is amazing how, after 11 centuries of existence, they have survived to this day. Notice the sandstone false doors with the superb octagonal columns on the east side - they are undoubtedly one of the finest examples of Khmer art.

three prasat (towers) in the background, similar to the towers of the first row, but somewhat lower and intended for female deities. They are entirely made of brick, except for the sandstone door frames. In niches in the recesses of the walls of the prasat of male ancestors, statues of young armed dvarapalas are placed. (guards) and statues of devatas (demigods) guarding the prasats of female ancestors.

The sanctuary was intended for male deities. The corner piers are richly decorated, guards stand in the blind arches. (dvarapala). Here, unlike those in Bakong, they are unique in style - made of sandstone and inserted into the brickwork. The northern prasat holds the Rudreshvara linga, the emblem of Rudravarman, the maternal grandfather of Indravarman I, and the southern prasat holds the Prithivindresvara linga, the emblem of Indravarman I's father. (devi means "goddess"). Like Bacong, only a few sculptures survive at Preah Co. Of these, only Shiva in the southeast corner tower and the headless goddess in the rear central tower were left in the temple. Both of these statues date from the period of the temple's construction.


Another small temple in the Rulos group, Lolei (Lolei), was built by the successor of Indravarman I, Yasovarman I (889-910) on a small island in the Indratataki reservoir - today this place is rice fields. All that remains of the temple are four towers, following the design of the Preah Co towers. Sanskrit inscriptions on the doorways say that the king dedicated the temple to his parents and maternal royal ancestors.

(Banteay Srei)- the modern name of the temple, it means "The Citadel of Women", or perhaps the "Citadel of Beauty", the latter reflecting the size and beauty of its decoration. The actual name of the temple, inscribed on its central linga, is Tribhuvanamaheshvara, which means "Great God of the Triple World." The monument is built of red sandstone and is unusual in that there is no monumentality typical of other temples. Its buildings are miniature by local standards and very beautifully decorated with intricate patterns and carvings. For the first time in the history of Khmer architecture, not individual elements, but entire mythological scenes are depicted on the pediments of the sanctuary. Banteay Srey is deservedly called the "Pearl of Khmer Art".

The buildings of the temple are divided along the central axis, oriented from east to west. Buildings south of the axis were dedicated to Shiva, while those north of the axis were dedicated to Vishnu. Later, in the 12th century, Banteay Srei was "re-dedicated" to Shiva, as evidenced by a found tablet made by one of the priests.

Unlike the main temples in Angkor, Banteay Srei was not royal. It was built by one of the advisers of King Rajendravarman II - Yajnavaraha on the land donated to him by the king on the banks of the Siem Reap River. As it always happened, a settlement of ordinary people surrounded this temple, and thus a small city called Iswarapura was formed. Discovered by the French only in 1914, Banteay Srey gained notoriety when, in 1923, the writer André Malraux, who later became Minister of Culture under de Gaulle's government, stole four apsaras from it. He was immediately caught and the stolen parts were returned to the temple. It was this temple that was first restored in 1931-1936 using the anastylosis method. The method, developed by Dutch restorers in Java, involves the restoration of destroyed objects using only original materials. Thanks to the success of this method in Banteay Srei, the French archaeological service involved in the restoration of Angkor began to apply it everywhere in the restoration of other treasures of the ancient city. On the one hand, the task at Banteay Srei was made easier by the small size of the buildings, small blocks of stone carved from durable sandstone, which retained its clear carvings with an abundance of decoration. On the other hand, the restoration process was complicated by the remoteness of the temple, minimal funds and the inexperience of the workers who learned in the process.

To eliminate the threat of damage to the temple due to flooding, a drainage system was made under a joint Cambodian-Swiss project in 2000-2003. Measures were also taken to prevent damage to the walls of the temple by trees. Unfortunately, the temple was constantly exposed and is still exposed to theft and vandalism. By the end of the 20th century, the authorities replaced the original statues with exact copies, but this did not stop the thieves - copies began to steal. The statue of Shiva, placed in the National Museum in Phnom Penh for safety, was tried to be stolen directly from the museum itself.

After the discovery in 1936 in the eastern gopura of the stele of the foundation of the temple, it became clear that Banteay Srei was designed as a whole, this is also confirmed by the uniformity of style. Engraved in 968, the first year of the reign of Jayavarman V, the inscription gives the start date for the construction of the temple: April-May 967, along with the positions of the sun, moon, and planets. This was the last year of the reign of Rajendravarman II. After the traditional prayer to Shiva, the text of the stele contains a eulogy to the ruler Jayavarman V and his guru Yajnavarah, who founded Banteay Srei together with his younger brother, installing the Shiva linga in the central sanctuary. Other inscriptions engraved on the doorposts mention the placement of another linga in the south shrine and a statue of Vishnu in the north. The temple is greeted from the east by a laterite cruciform gopura with sandstone columns and fine decorations.

The pediment on this gopura depicts Indra on a three-headed elephant and, in addition to the beautiful pink hue of the stone, gives the temple a rich decoration. Banteay Srei is surrounded by three walls measuring respectively 95x110 meters, 38x42 meters and 24x24 meters. A wide pavement leads from the gate to the third fence, decorated on both sides with posts - in former times they were destroyed every year by wild elephants. On the left side of the pavement on the pediment of the "library" is a plot known as "Umamaheshvara", in which Shiva holds a trident and rides the bull Nandina with his wife Uma. On the right side is a “library” with an excellent pediment, where Vishnu, appearing in the form of a lion Narasimha, tears apart the asura king Hiranyahasipu at the moment when he was about to kill his son, a great devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

On the pediment of the eastern tower of the second enclosure, under a garuda holding a branch with leaves, two elephants pour water from pots on Lakshmi, the goddess of beauty and fertility, the wife of the god Vishnu. Inside the third, most recent, central fence, on the “library” to the right of the entrance, the famous bas-relief of the pediment depicts an equally famous story from the Ramayana, as depicted by the many-armed and many-headed rakshas Ravana tries to shake Mount Kailash, where Shiva lives. The mountain itself is depicted as a multi-tiered pyramid against a stylized forest background. At the top sits Shiva with his wife Uma, squatting beside him in a delightful pose. Shiva presses down on the mountain with his right foot to stop the shaking. The second row depicts clearly alarmed priests and pilgrims pointing fingers at Ravana. On the right is a praying female figure. On the third row worshipers with the heads of elephants, lions, birds and horses. On both sides of the monkey in exquisite headdresses. The lower tier is occupied by animals that flee in horror from Ravana.

On the pediment of the “library” on the left is another famous bas-relief, this time a plot from another epic, the Mahabharata. Krishna and Arjuna, who were resting on the banks of the Yamuna River near the Khandava forest, were approached by a brahmin who turned the god Agni (God of fire). Further options differ: either Agni said that he wants to burn the Khandava forest to eat its vegetation and animals, or he wants to destroy the Takshaka snake, or Krishna and Arjuna wanted this forest to be burned to found the city of Indraprastha. One way or another, Indra, on the three-headed elephant Airavata, prevents the fire by releasing torrents of rain to protect his friend, the snake Takshak, who lives in the forest. Krishna and Arjuna, in turn, oppose Indra, blocking the rain with a hail of magical arrows, and block the exit from the forest for its inhabitants on both sides.

On the western side of the same "library" - Krishna kills King Kamsa. This scene is taken from the holy book Srimad Bhagavatam and takes place in a palace - its image gives us an idea of ​​how beautiful wooden palaces were in Angkor. The two large figures are shown in perspective, which is rare in Angkor bas-reliefs. Krishna is holding Kamsa by the hair and is about to kill him. In the corners, on horse-drawn chariots, apparently, Krishna and Arjuna, armed with bow and arrows, arrived at the palace. In the rest of the rooms, excited women are depicted watching what is happening.

The western pediment depicts a scene from the Ramayana: the battle between Valin and Sugriva. Valin, the son of Indra, took from Sugriva, the son of Surya (sun god), the kingdom of monkeys. Rama promised to help Sugriva regain the kingdom in exchange for the help of the monkey army led by Hanuman against Ravana's army in order to free his wife, Sita. During the duel, Sugriva won, but Valin resorted to a trick - he pretended to be dead and was ready to deliver a mortal blow to Sugriva, and then Rama (right with bow) pierced him with his arrow. Behind Rama stands his brother Lakshman. Magnificent in expressiveness, the bas-relief of the dying Sugriva in the arms of his wife Rati is depicted in Angkor Wat. Inside, closer to the southern wall, in a doorway with three geese, there is a most beautiful apsara, one might say, a symbol of the beauty of Banteay Srei and partly of the whole of Angkor.

Beng Melea

Beng Melea (Beng Melea) interesting primarily because it was not cleared, like almost all the temples of Angkor, but left in the condition in which it was found. The jungle has completely taken over the temple. Here you can climb roofs, ride vines and feel like an inhabitant of the jungle (which one, choose yourself). Beng Melea built during the reign of King Suryavarman II (1113-1150) . Created in the same style, but a little earlier than Angkor Wat, Beng Melea may have served as its prototype. Despite the fact that there are many carved vaults and doorways, there are no bas-reliefs in the complex, and the carving itself is quite rare. When the temple was active, the walls may have been covered with frescoes. In those days, Beng Melea stood at the crossroads of several important roads to Angkor, Koh Ker and North Vietnam. The temple covers an area of ​​​​one square kilometer, it is covered with jungle and very little visited - this creates the feeling of " lost world". The trees here grow straight out of the ruined towers and galleries, these are probably the most impressive views of the “trees in the temple”. Around the temple of Beng Melea a large ditch was dug, overgrown with lotuses, like burdocks...

Ko Ker

Temple complex of Ko-Ker (Koh Ker)- the most distant temple from Angkor in this region. From Siem Reap, it is located at a distance of about 100 km on the same road as Beng Melea. The temple is the remains of one of the capitals of the Khmer empire of the Angkor period. In 928, King Jayavarman IV, who usurped the throne, founded a new capital, Ko Ker, 100 km from Angkor. The king was rich and powerful, he erected an impressive royal city Ko-Ker, Brahmin monuments, temples and towers, built a huge barai (pool-reservoir) Rahal. Jayavarman IV ruled Koh Ker until his death in 941. His son Harshavarman II stayed here for another three years before returning the capital to Angkor. The Ko-Ker complex has not been restored. There are no crowds of tourists here, and therefore one can try to imagine what such structures were like before they were cleared from the jungle absorbing them.

The main ruins of the complex are Prasat Thom, an impressive 7-tier pyramid and temple complex, towers and small temples near the road and numerous lingams. An interesting part of Ko-Ker is the sanctuary of Shiva. Here stands a gigantic, human-sized lingam - the largest in Cambodia. By the way, the lingam can be used as a compass: the open channel of the lingam always points to the north.

The main building of the complex is a large seven-tiered pyramid Prasat-Thom. There are many legends around her. The Khmers believe that the shaft in the center of the pyramid is the link between the earth and the underworld. By order of the king, guilty subjects were thrown into it. It is said that a Khmer peasant who fell into a mine in 1996 somehow got out with a ten kilogram gold bar. After this incident, the peasant lost his mind and could not explain where he got the gold from, or how he got out. Later, in 2004, two archaeologists again tried to get into this mine, and, judging by the legend, one of them was found dead a few hours later with completely gray hair, and the other completely disappeared. Also, according to the testimony of local residents, marked coconuts thrown into this well float up the next day in the Andomprey river basin, 3 km away. And no one can hear the sound of such a nut falling - no matter how much you listen. Entrance to the pyramid is prohibited, the dilapidated staircase leading to it is closed. However, if you really want to try your luck, give the guard $5 and he will look the other way. However, without special equipment to go down into the mine still will not work.

Walking around the sanctuary of Ko-Ker, exploring the ruins and untrodden paths, be extremely careful. A proven path leads past all the main objects, it is better not to go deep into the thickets - although no one has been blown up by a mine for a very long time, it is believed that the complex has not been completely cleared of mines after the Pol Pot terror. Entrance ticket to Koh Ker costs $10.

Neighborhood of Angkor

Phnom Kulen

Phnom Kulen (Pnom Kulen)- small mountain range 50 km north of Siem Reap and 25 km from Banteay Srei. His highest point- 487 m. If you are planning a trip to Phnom Kulen, keep in mind that the mountain road is so narrow that two cars cannot pass, so all transport goes up until 11 am and back after 11. Taxi to Phnom Kulen and back will cost $30-40.

During the construction of Angkor, stones were mined here in quarries for the construction of temples and floated on rafts along the river. Phnom Kulen is considered a holy mountain in Cambodia, the peak of the mountain is sacred place for both Hindus and Buddhists who come here as pilgrims. It is also significant to the Cambodians as the birthplace of the ancient Khmer Empire, it was on Phnom Kulen that King Jayavarman II declared independence in 804. There is some controversy as to who exactly declared independence. Most believe that Cambodia was a vassal of Java, according to other scholars - Cambodia at that time was under the rule of Laos. Jayavarman II did not limit himself to the proclamation of freedom, at the same time introducing a new cult of the "king-god", also called the cult of the linga, which existed for many centuries after his death.

An interesting attraction of Phnom Kulen is the stream of a thousand Lingams, here more than a thousand small religious images are carved in stone. The uniqueness lies in the fact that the images are under water, 5 cm below the surface. This is not an accident, but the original idea of ​​​​the artist: by order of the king, the riverbed was set aside so that the craftsmen could carve the figures, and then returned to its original place. Among the particularly interesting figures is Vishnu reclining on his snake Ananta with his wife Lakshmi at his feet, a lotus flower grows from Vishnu's navel with the supreme deity Brahma.

Phnom Kulen is a national natural park with beautiful waterfalls, the largest of which you can take a break from the Cambodian heat and swim. Phnom Kulen also played a role in modern history. It was here that the last battles between the Khmer Rouge and the Vietnamese took place in 1979. Near the mountain is Preah Ang Thom, a 16th-century Buddhist monastery with Cambodia's largest reclining Buddha statue.

Siem Reap is one of the most major cities Cambodia. It's calm cozy city, spread out on the shady banks of the river of the same name. Most tourists come to Siem Reap to visit Angkor, which is only 5 km from here. But if Siem Reap used to be a quiet sleeping area for travelers, today the city has grown and offers tourists a choice of numerous hotels and restaurants with cuisines from all over the world. The name Siem Reap means "Siam Defeated". The city is named so in honor of the Khmer defeat of the Siamese (Thai) capital of Ayutthaya in the 17th century.

There are few attractions in Siem Reap. It will be interesting to coincide with a trip to Angkor to visit Angkor national museum (Angkor National Museum), which contains a wonderful collection of artifacts from the ancient city, including about a thousand Buddha images made of wood, stone and precious stones.

The French Quarter is a pleasant place to walk along the river in the southern part of the city. To the south of it is the Old Market. (Psar Chaa). In addition to looking at the stalls of merchants, here you can buy interesting souvenirs, for example, pencil "prints" of temples on rice paper, they are inexpensive, and look very nice on the wall. Behind the market, by the river, many vendors sell silk scarves and sarongs, wood carvings, silverware, and more.

An evening in Siem Reap can be spent on the bustling Pub Street (pub street) with lots of restaurants, cafes and bars. Lovers of peace and romance can walk along the river bank to the south, to the southern outskirts of the city. Intrusive taxi drivers often offer tourists trips to art schools and silk factories. The main purpose of such an excursion is to persuade travelers to buy a painting or something made of silk, and at a price much higher than that for which you can buy a similar thing in the market.


Almost all tourists, when planning a route, ask the main question: which temples to visit? In and around Angkor great amount temples, and it is impossible to see them all - and it is not necessary. You should not try to fit as many temples as possible into the trip - by the end of the day, the sensations will become dull, the temples will begin to merge into one and the impressions will be blurred. Better focus on the minimum program: Bayonne , Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm, Ta Keo inside Angkor, Banteay Srei and Phnom Bakeng, as well as Beng Melea and Ko Ker outside of it.

Classic routes

The traditional routes around Angkor are the "small circle" and the "big circle". As practice shows, they are convenient from a geographical point of view, but not quite optimal for getting the most impressions. It is better not to stick to the classic routes, but to make your own travel plan for the most interesting temples.

To visit the distant temples of Ko Ker and Beng Melea, you can save day time. If you arrive in Ko Ker early in the morning, you will walk along it almost alone. Then you can go towards Angkor and stop by Beng Melea on the way. Please note that Khmer taxi drivers really do not like to work at night, even if you find a driver who agrees to this, the cost of a trip at night will be at least 50% more expensive. It is also possible to spend the night in a guesthouse (tourist hotel) near Koh Ker.

small circle

This 17 km route starts from the western wall of Angkor Wat and heads north past the temples of Ta-Prom-Kel (Ta Prohm Kel)(Phnom Bakheng) (beautiful view at sunset) and Baksei Chamkrong (Baksei Chamkrong) to the south entrance of Angkor Thom (Angkor Thom). On the central square Angkor Thom behind Bayon Temple (Bayon) the path turns east to the Gate of Victory (Victory Gate) and between the surprisingly similar twin temples of Chau Sei Tevoda (Chau Say Tevoda) and Tommanon (Thommanon) follows to Ta-Keo temple (Ta Keo). At this temple, the path turns to the southeast and bypasses the dried-up reservoir East Barai (East Baray) leads to Ta-Prom Temple (TaProhm). Then you need to go between the huge Buddhist temple of Banteay Kdei (Banteay Kdei), surrounded by four concentric walls, and the dry basin of Sras Srang (Sras Srang), turn southwest and past the Prasat Kravan Hindu temple (Prasat Kravan, easily recognizable by its five brick towers)

In the southeastern part of Asia is located unusually beautiful country with a great history - Cambodia. For a long time this kingdom was closed from tourists, but today it has become very popular. tourist destination. This exotic country attracts travelers with its mild climate, warm waters of the Gulf of Thailand, white sandy beaches, and, of course, majestic temple structures.

People come from all over the world to see the mysterious shrines with their own eyes - ancient temples of cambodia built over a thousand years ago.

How and when were temples built?

The construction of the sanctuaries was carried out by the ancestors of the current Cambodians - the Khmers, who from time immemorial inhabited the territory of the kingdom. This people originated, according to legend, from the connection between the daughter of the king of snake-like creatures - the Nagas, and an Indian hermit.

Grandiose construction began in the 9th century, when numerous Khmer principalities under the leadership of Emperor Jayavarman II united into a great state - the Khmer Empire with its capital in the city of Angkor. In it, the founder of the dynasty built the first temple complex, and his successors subsequently continued this work. Today all the surviving temples ancient capital form the main attraction of the country - the temple complex of Angkor. Its size is astounding temples of angkor in cambodia spread over an area of ​​over 200,000 sq. km.

The construction of religious buildings in the capital continued until the 12th century - it was during this period that the most famous temples Cambodia. By that time, a huge city had already been built around them, which was inhabited by more than a million inhabitants. In the X-XIII centuries. the great Khmer Empire became the most developed state in all of Southeast Asia militarily and economically.

However, already in the second half of the 15th century, after a long siege by the Siamese, its capital fell and was destroyed.

Residents were forced to flee and abandon the city. Over the years, Angkor was swallowed up by the jungle, the humid climate did not spare many living quarters and soon there was nothing left of them, but the temple structures managed to survive. For 400 years, people forgot about ancient Angkor, until in 1860 the French traveler and naturalist Henri Muo came across it in impenetrable thickets.

angkor wat

The largest temple on the entire globe is the Cambodian Angkor Wat, towering a few kilometers from the city of Siemreal. This shrine was erected in the first half of the XII century in honor of the supreme god in Hinduism - Vishnu. King Suryavarman II ruled the empire in those days.

According to scientists, the construction of this structure required 5 million tons of stones - the same amount as was spent on the construction of the second largest Egyptian pyramid Khafra (Chephren).

The ancient builders put a lot of effort into creating an amazing architectural creation - all boulders, from which this sacred building is built, are artistically processed - plots from the history of the Khmers, Hindu mythology and ancient Indian epics are carved on all surfaces.

But the most surprising thing is that the Khmers did not use any solutions to fix the blocks together - the stones are hewn and fitted to each other so that sometimes it is simply impossible to find joints between them.

Main cult complex Cambodia angkor wat temple consists of 3 buildings, inside - 5 lotus-shaped towers, the height of the central one reaches 65 meters. The complex is surrounded by a moat 190 meters wide, which is always filled with water due to heavy rains. According to the plan of the builders, this grandiose project symbolizes the abode of Brahma - the sacred mountain Meru: the central tower is the peak, the walls are rocks, and the huge moat is the world ocean, washing the Universe from all sides.

Undoubtedly this temple in Cambodia - 8th wonder of the world , after all that's what historians around the world call it.


Not far from Angkor Wat is the second largest ancient religious building. This is the Bayon temple, rebuilt in the 12th century under the ruler Jayavarman VII.

Bayon Temple in Cambodia has 54 towers, and not by chance - each of them was a symbol of the province, which was under the rule of the ruler. 4 faces are carved on each tower - one from each side of the world.

The ancient builders managed to do the impossible - the expressions of all these faces change depending on the lighting and time of day.

They can be kind, smile, be sad, and sometimes with their eyes they completely inspire chilling horror. It is noteworthy that in whatever part of the temple a person is, he will always be under the gaze of stone eyes. It is believed that the carved faces are the face of the deity of compassion Avalokiteshvara. The prototype of his appearance was King Jayavarman VII.

Initially, the central tower of the temple had a gold coating, but it was torn off by the Siamese who captured the city. A four-meter figure of Buddha was located on it, but it was also destroyed. The walls of the temple are covered with beautiful bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the life of Cambodians - military campaigns, bloody battles, worship of gods, circus performances, feasts and much more.

Ta Prom

Ta Prohm Temple (Ta Prohm, Ta Prum) is another Buddhist religious building that is part of the structure of the city of Angkor. This temple-monastery was built at the end of the 12th century in honor of the mother of King Jayavarman VII. That is why, according to scientists, in its design in bas-reliefs and sculptures Apsaras predominate - the demigods of Hindu mythology, the spirits of water and clouds.

Great popularity Ta Prohm temple in Cambodia acquired in 2001 after the release of the film "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" - it was on this abandoned structure that Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie wandered.

At present, the complex is an amazing spectacle in the best traditions of surrealism - all buildings from the base to the roof are entangled in bizarre dense vegetation. Here the roots and trunks of trees have climbed walls for centuries, framed doors and windows, broken stone roofs, making their way to freedom.

It seems that in this territory there was once a merciless battle between the gods and nature, and the latter won, making the unique structure part of the earth. Now Ta Prohm and the jungle are an indivisible whole.


In the very center of the holy city of Angkor Thom, there is another amazing temple 49 meters high - Bapuon. It appeared in the 11th century during the reign of Udayadityavarman II. This building is shaped like a five-stage pyramid, consisting of three tiers.

Special bas-reliefs distinguish Bapuon from other sanctuaries - they are made in the form of small squares in which scenes from the everyday life of the Khmers are carved. In its young years, the temple struck with splendor.

Back in the 13th century, the Chinese diplomat Zhou Daguan admired him, calling him "a truly amazing sight." Bapuon has reached our days in a very deplorable state, and the reason for this is the sandy foundation on which it was built. It turned out to be unstable, and the grandiose building began to rapidly collapse.

Lesser known temples in Cambodia

In Cambodia, there are several hundred ancient places of worship that fascinate with their beauty and original architecture. The Koh Ker temple complex, located 90 km from Angkor, is considered very interesting. Tourists rarely visit this place, because it is not easy to get there. The temple-mountain Prasat Prang, 32 meters high, attracts the most attention in this complex.

This temple in Cambodia also called the "pyramid of death" due to the fact that at its top there is a deep well. According to legend, after sacrifices to demons, lifeless bodies were thrown into it. It was believed that this well leads to the underworld.

Another amazingly beautiful temple is Preah Vihea, or, as it is also called, the “Temple in Heaven”. It was erected on a mountain, at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level. It is considered a very significant building for the ancient Khmers, since it was built for a very long time - the construction stretched out during the reign of seven kings.

The Buddhist temple of Neakpean, built in the 12th century, is distinguished by its originality. It is located in Angkor, near the city of Da Nang, on a small artificially created island in the middle of a reservoir. According to an ancient legend, the water in these places is endowed with healing properties. Actually, this prompted King Javayarman VII to build a temple here.

Another miracle of Khmer architecture is the Banteay Srei Temple, located in the province of Siemreal. It was built in honor of the god Shiva in the X century. The temple became famous for its decoration - all its walls are covered with jewelry carvings, which were practically untouched by time. Another feature of this building is that it houses ancient pink statues of guardian monkeys.

  1. English researchers G. Hancock and D. Grisby conducted large-scale computer research and came to a very interesting conclusion: the main religious buildings of Cambodia are associated with a star map of 10,500 BC. e. In their opinion, the Angkorian temples of Cambodia on the map, if connected by one line, recreate the outlines of the Draco constellation.
  2. The temples of Cambodia were not meant to be visited by believers. These religious buildings were considered the abode of the gods; only priests and monks could enter them. In some temples, tombs were erected for the rulers, whom they considered the incarnation of God on earth.
  3. Each Khmer king followed the tradition - having ascended the throne, he began the construction of two temples - for himself and his ancestors. If he was dying, and the structures had not yet been completed, they were left unfinished, and immediately began a new construction site.
  4. An image is carved on the wall of the Ta Prohm temple, which to this day haunts scientists around the world. And a herbivorous dinosaur is captured there, or rather, a stegosaurus that lived on the planet more than 150 million years ago. How the ancient Khmers learned about this animal is still a mystery.
  5. On the territory of Cambodia there are several temples in the form of a pyramid. As is known, such grandiose structures found only in Peru, Egypt and Cambodia. An old legend explains this fact - they were all built by the same people who roamed these countries.
  6. Many Cambodian temples are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Angkor (Cambodia) is the center of the ancient Khmer Empire, a complex of temples that have survived to this day. This cultural property is listed world heritage UNESCO is rightfully considered the most popular attraction in the country. How to get to Angkor, the schedule and the cost of visiting the temples - everything you need to have a good trip information in this article.

angkor wat

Do not confuse! Angkor is an ancient city, on whose territory there are over 20 temples, among which the largest is Angkor Wat.

Excursion into history

The construction of the Angkor complex was started by the founder of the local dynasty - the prince who declared the independence of Cambujadesh (today's Cambodia), Jayavarman II. Since then, almost every king erected one or more sacred buildings during his reign, often marking a certain event. The construction of the complex was completed in 1218, after the death of Jayavarman VII, by whose order the temples of Preah-Kan (in honor of the victory over the tyams), Ta-Prohm (in memory of the mother of the majestic ruler) and others were erected.

Interesting fact! The largest temple in history, Angkor Wat, was built over 30 years. It occupies the same territory as the state of the Vatican.

The majestic Khmer empire fell in the middle of the 15th century as a result of a centuries-old struggle with the Tyams and Tays. In 1431, Siamese troops occupied Angkor, and all its inhabitants left their homes, deciding that it was better to live in peace, albeit far from their homeland. In the end, the devastated city, along with all the temples, was swallowed up by the jungle.

Angkor was rediscovered in 1861 by the French scientist Henri Muo, but due to the difficult times in the history of Cambodia, accompanied by bloody wars, no one was involved in its restoration. Only 130 years later, UNESCO will add the temple complex to the World Heritage List, and an organization will be created in China that brings together specialists who are still engaged in the restoration of this majestic landmark of Cambodia.

Amazing details! All the temples of Angkor are built without the use of cement and other binding materials.

Where is Angkor

To temple complex can be reached by tuk-tuk (about $ 2), bicycle ($ 0.5 / hour) or taxi (from $ 5), having previously hit the city of Siem Reap, located in western Cambodia. For this you can use:

Siem Reap airport

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Angkor opening hours and cost of visiting

The cash desks of the temple complex open at 5 am and work until 5:30 pm, at the same time tourists are allowed in here. According to official rules, all travelers must leave the territory of Angkor before 18:00, but if you do not get caught by the police, you can stay there a little longer and enjoy the beauty of the temples in the setting sun.

The price of entry to Angkor varies depending on the number of days. There are three options in total:

  • One day visit for $20;
  • Three-day cultural education for $40;
  • Seven-day walk through the temples for $60.

You can use a 3-day pass within a week of purchase, while a 7-day pass will be valid for a month. On the front side of such a ticket there should be your photo, it is made at the box office directly upon purchase.

Note! You can buy a day-to-day ticket only until 17:00, the remaining half an hour tickets are sold for the next day.

Structure of Angkor (Cambodia)

Within the territory of ancient city there are over 30 temples covering an area of ​​500,000 square meters. It is absolutely unrealistic to visit them all in one day, most often travel agencies and travelers who have visited this attraction of Cambodia are advised to spend three to five days walking around the temple complex.

The most popular Angkor itinerary is designed for three days and is divided into temples of a small circle, a large circle, as well as distant temples, which are reached by the most persistent and curious.

Advice! If you are going to visit the temple complex with a group, rent bikes or bicycles. This will help you save time and effort (since the length of the same route through the temples of the small circle is 20 km), and not lose your rented property if you are distracted to take a photo of Angkor Wat and other places.

small circle

This includes those temples that every traveler must see - the most majestic, beautiful and valuable. The distance of the route is 20 km, designed for one day. The direction of travel is shown in the titles of the following sections: first Angkor Wat, then Angkor Thom, etc.

angkor wat

This temple occupies a vast territory and can rightfully be considered a whole complex. It is surrounded by a moat that fills with water during the rainy season, there are many trees, green grass, flowers and wild animals around.

In the center of Angkor Wat is a temple-mountain, built in such a way that its five identical turrets can be seen from any side. The second key attraction of the complex is the library - a one-story building surrounded by palm trees and tourists.

No less interesting are the galleries of Angkor Wat, which can also be viewed from above by climbing the stone stairs in the backyard. In total, 8 galleries with bas-reliefs were built on the territory of the temple, densely covering the walls. The most famous among them is the Hell and Heaven Gallery.

Advice! If you want to take a deserted photo of Angkor Wat, wait for the full sunrise and look into the backyard of the temple. At this time, all the tourists who met the dawn go to rest, and the newly arrived travelers disperse to the main parts of the complex.

angkor thom

This is another must-see in Cambodia, the last capital of the Khmer empire and a majestic 13th-14th century city of over a million people. Its name explains its popularity in the modern world - " Greater Angkor» really impresses with its scale, unusual architecture, harmony and splendor.

The structure of Angkor Thom is very logical - the city is a square with stone walls, inside which there are various buildings. The most significant of them:

In addition, Angkor Thom has the Terrace of the Leper King, the Terrace of the Elephants, several prasats, the Gate of Victory and an unusual bridge with figures of gods and demons. The recommended time to visit this attraction is 3-4 hours.

Advice! Head to Bayon before sunrise to avoid crowds of tourists and get the most spectacular photos.

Ta Prom

Another of the most beautiful buildings in Cambodia is Ta Prohm, which became popular after the filming of the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and today bears the proud name of Angelina Jolie Temple. For seven centuries, this building played the role of a monastery and a university, where local residents received education and conducted scientific research.

Ta Prohm is several times smaller than Angkor Wat or Angkor Thom, there are no separate significant sights on its territory, they are all part of the temple itself. Thus, the galleries of Ta Proma are among the most interesting in the entire complex, as they are built into one another and resemble a small labyrinth.

Another feature of the temple is its proximity to the jungle - the roots of trees wrap around stone walls and amaze with their size. To this day, Ta Prohm cannot be cleared of vegetation, because it is due to it that the building has survived to our times.

Millennium Mystery. Among the picturesque bas-reliefs of the temple there is an image of a dinosaur. Both scientists and tourists have been struggling with the question of what this ancient creature is doing on the walls of Ta Proma for more than a year.

Small temples of the small circle

This category includes Pre Kan (built by the last king of Cambodia in honor of his father), Ta Keo (the highest temple-mountain, the construction of which was not completed because lightning struck the building, which was considered a bad sign) and Phnom Bakheng (temple in the rock , which offers a panoramic view of the whole of Angkor). The total duration of the visit to all three buildings is 4-5 hours.

big circle

Banteay Kdey

The route includes more than ten small temples, the total duration is 25 km. The most popular buildings worth visiting in the first place:

  1. Banteay Kdey. It was built as a Buddhist temple, consists of many galleries, decorated with bas-reliefs.
  2. Pre Rup. Temple-mountain, created in honor of the god Shiva.
  3. Banteay Samre. It is distinguished by the grace of architecture and unusual carved walls. It was erected in honor of the ancient Indian god Vishnu.
  4. Ta Som. A place for spectacular photos showing the unity of nature and ancient buildings.
distant temples

This category includes several temple complexes located at a decent distance from the center of Angkor. You can only get there by taxi or rented car (do not take a bike or bicycle, otherwise you will get mired in the dust of Cambodian dirt roads). The cost of such a trip is $ 50-60, so try to find fellow travelers or become one yourself.

Beng Melia

Located 67 km from Siem Reap, this temple is definitely worth visiting. At the entrance you will be met by unusual guards in the form of seven-headed snakes, and once inside you will understand what is the beauty of stone chaos. The peculiarity of Beng Melia is that the hands of restorers did not touch its walls, so you have a great opportunity to see it as it was found at the end of the 19th century.

Important! The cost of visiting the temple is $ 5, not included in the general ticket for Angkor.

banteay srey

It is called the "Fortress of Beauty", the citadel of women and the pearl of Angkor. This is a unique building, unlike all other buildings of the complex due to:

  • Your size. Banteay Srei is really miniature, which is very impressive, especially after visiting Angkor Wat;
  • materials. The temple is built of pink sandstone (the rest are yellow), which gives it a special charm and beauty, especially early in the morning;
  • Handmade carvings and bas-reliefs that cover the walls of Banteay Srey.

On the territory of the temple there is a library, a central sanctuary, many statues. Recommended visiting time is 2-3 hours. Distance from Siem Reap - 37 km.

This place is sacred to all the inhabitants of Cambodia, because it was here that the country's independence was proclaimed 1200 years ago. Here is the famous statue of the reclining Buddha, the sacred temple, where pilgrims go every year, the river of a thousand lingams and the most picturesque waterfall in Cambodia.

The cost of visiting Phnom Kulen is $ 20 (paid separately from the general ticket to Angkor), located 55 km from Siem Reap. You can only get there by taxi or rented car.

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A map of the city of Siem Reap showing landmarks, including Angkor Wat and some important infrastructure.

Once upon a time I read in a beautiful picture book about ancient temple in the middle of the jungle. And I had a dream to see Angkor - an amazing temple complex built in the period from the 9th to the 13th centuries by the ancient Khmers. It's ancient architectural structure is the main attraction of Cambodia and its pride. located a few kilometers from the city of Siem Reap. They are popular among tourists from all over the world and each of them wants to visit Angkor Wat - the largest Hindu temple in the world and a real treasure of the Khmer Empire. To look at them, I came to Cambodia three times in different times, and each time I discovered something new for myself.

What is Angkor?

Angkor- This is an area in Cambodia, in which numerous ruins of the temples of the ancient Khmer Empire are concentrated, which flourished at the beginning of the last millennium. It contains entire constellations of ancient Khmer cities, which combine a variety of architectural styles. Each of the temple cities is connected to the other, and at the same time they are independent and are different stages in the development of the empire. Some temples (for example) were forgotten immediately after the overthrow of the king who built them, others ceased to have value after another form of construction was found, like the unfinished Ta Keo. But each of them is unique.

The central part of the territory of Angkor is city ​​of angkor thom, surrounded by a deep moat with water and walls 8 meters high and 3 kilometers long. On it was huge palace, built under Jayavarman VII, in which the king and people close to him lived, as well as temples and important government institutions. The most famous of them are the Bayon Temple, the terraces of the elephants and the leper king, as well as the Royal Palace and the temple-mountain Bapuon located next to it.

Basic information:

What isAn area in Cambodia containing the ruins of temples of the ancient Khmer Empire. Also, the word Angkor means a lot of Hindu temples built by the Khmers from the 9th to the 16th century and are distinguished by a unique architectural style.
Where isIn the Kingdom of Cambodia, on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia
Cultural and historical affiliationKhmer Empire, Khmer Civilization
How to get thereFly by plane to the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia or arrive there by bus or car. After that, rent a transport with a driver-guide or rent a bicycle / motorbike / electric bike and go to the Angor temple complex, located a few kilometers north of Siem Reap.
Main Attractions1) Angor Wat Temple, 2) Angor Thom Temple City, 3) Bayon Temple Mount, 4) Koh Ker Pyramid, 5) Ta Prohm Monastery Temple and Beng Melia, a miniature pink temple of Banteay Srei.
Ticket priceFor 1 day - $37, for 3 days - $62, for 7 days - $72. Entrance to some temples of Angora is paid extra (from 5 to 15 dollars).
Angor in films1) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, 2) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Where is Angkor and how to get there

Angkor is located in Cambodia, north of the lake near the city of Siem Reap. It is located on a flat area, like ancient city, among the fields and forests south of the Kulen plateau. GPS coordinates Angkor: 13° 26′ 0″ N, 103° 50′ 0″ E. The size of Angkor is amazing, its length is 24 kilometers from west to east and 8 kilometers from north to south.

Get to Angkor can be done in several ways:

Angkor Wat on the map of Southeast Asia

What is the Angkor Temple Complex?

Angkor temple complex is an architecturally unique collection of temples made of stone (mainly sandstone and laterite), differing in shape: temple-mountain, temple at ground level, Angkor Wat (a unique combination of temple-mountain and temple at ground level), temple-monasteries , as well as the huge cities of Angkor Thom and Koh Ker. The complex of temples was built by the Khmer civilization in the period from the 9th to the 12th century on the territory of modern Cambodia. The main attraction of the temple complex is the temple of Angkor Wat, covering an area of ​​2.5 km2. And Banteay Srei, built in 967, is considered the most beautiful temple of Angkor, according to many travelers, and this is especially noticeable in the morning rays of the rising sun.

Pink sunrise and Angkor Wat temple silhouette

- These are amazing Khmer ceremonial structures that are not similar to each other. They are combined into a grandiose temple complex in terms of scope and historical significance, built during the reign of the Khmer Empire (IX-XVI centuries).

It will take several days to see all the temples of Angkor, as the archaeological park covers an area of ​​​​about 200 km 2. The most famous of the temples is Angkor Wat, and the neighboring Angkor Thom and Bayon are known as the most prominent architectural monuments Khmer Empire, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Basic information about the temples of Angkor:

NameTemples of Angkor
Where areOn the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. The main temples of Angkor are concentrated north of the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia, but there are many separate temples in other provinces of the Kingdom of Cambodia, as well as in Thailand and Laos.
What areReligious and religious Hindu buildings built by representatives of the Khmer Empire in the period from the 9th to the 16th century, the main distinguishing feature of which is the unique architecture.
The main temples of AngkorAngkor Wat, Bayon, Ta Prohm, Banteay Srei, Koh Ker, Beng Melia, Kbal Spean, Preah Khan, Phnom Bakeng
1) Temple Mount; 2) Temple at ground level; 3) Temple-monastery; 4) City-temple.
Division by geographic location1) Nearest temples of Angkor (next to Angkor Wat); 2) Far Temples of Angokra
How to watchThe best way to see the temples of Angkor is independent travel in Cambodia (Siem Reap city).
Number of Angora templesOver 1000
main building materialSandstone, laterite

temple mountain- This is a ceremonial structure on the territory of modern Cambodia in the form of a stepped pyramid, personifying Mount Meru and fully embodying the cosmogony of Hinduism. It was dedicated to the god Shiva, was the center of religious life among the ancient Khmers and the repository of the royal linga. This form of the temples of Angkor was characteristic of the beginning of the heyday of the Khmer civilization (from the 9th to the 10th century). The ditch around represents the ocean in which the earth is located, the walls of the temple are mountain ranges, and the second ditch is considered the sea. Examples of a temple-mountain are Bakong, Phnom Bakheng, and the Ta Keo temple, also part of the Angkor temple complex, was never completed.

Temple at ground level- Khmer type of temples dedicated to ancestors, a characteristic feature of which are massive platforms at the base, as well as rich sculptural decoration of stairs, facades and passages and skillfully carved stone pediments. A real masterpiece of such carving was the design of the temple of Banteay Srei. This form of temple construction was also characteristic of the first half of the existence of the Khmer empire. Preah Koh is said to be the first ground level temple, followed by Prasat Kravan and Lo Lei.

During the construction of Angkor Wat in the 12th century, Khmer engineering tried to embody both of these temple forms in one structure, and the result was temple-mountain at ground level. This time is considered the golden age of Khmer architecture. There were other attempts to build a similar engineering and architectural masterpiece, as a result of which Beng Melia and Banteay Samre appeared in the temple complex of Angkor.

Temples-monasteries- These are huge ceremonial structures that occupy a vast territory as part of the Angkor temple complex in Cambodia. They were mostly built under King Jayavarman VII (a supporter of Mahayana Buddhism) and were surrounded by numerous buildings richly decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures. The most famous temple-monasteries are Ta Prohm and Preah Khan.

angkor wat in cambodia

Angkor Wat- This is the main temple of the huge complex of Angkor. It was built in the XII century and became the pearl of the Khmer architectural style - a balance was finally found between cosmology, between politics, architecture and people's capabilities. And now Angkor Wat still amazes people with its sophistication and it is its five lotus towers that adorn the coat of arms of Cambodia.

Angkor Wat is located next to Siem Reap, and all the routes that tuk-tuk drivers offer tourists pass through it. So, when you come to Siem Reap, you will definitely see it!

Angkor Wat on the map

Basic information about Angkor Wat in Cambodia:

NameAngkor Wat
Where is6 km from the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia on the territory of the Angkor temple complex
GPS coordinates13° 24′ 45″ N, 103° 52′ 0″ E
13.4125, 103.866667
What isHindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu, built during the heyday of the Khmer empire. It is the largest religious building in the world, protected by UNESCO.
How to get thereArrive in the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia, and then go on an excursion to Angkor on your own or by hiring transport with a personal driver in the city. You can also buy a place in an organized tour to Angkor Wat with a tour guide
Working hoursFrom 5:00 to 18:00
Cost of visitingTicket price for 1 day - 37 dollars per person. A ticket for three days costs 62 USD, and for a week - 72 dollars.
When and by whom it was builtXII century. The construction of Angkor Wat was started by Suryavarman II and completed by Jayavarman VII.
Architectural styleKhmer
Square200 ha
Height of central prasat65 meters
Wall dimensions1.5 x 1.3 km (rectangular)
The width of the moat around190 meters
Best time to visitNovember to February (during the dry season)
Attendance (number of tourists)Over 2.5 million people per year
Page on the UNESCO websitehttp://whc.unesco.org/en/list/668

Routes around Angkor

A visit to Angkor should be carefully prepared, because there are many temples, and all of them are interesting in their own way. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a route, deciding which of the temples of the huge temple complex will be included in it and which will not. Fortunately, travelers and tukers in Siem Reap have long since solved this problem.

What is the big and small circle of Angkor

is an inspection of the main attractions of the temple complex, built during the power of the Khmer Empire. During organized excursion tourists who come to the city of Siem Reap, which is located near Angkor Wat, are accommodated in hotels, and during the day they visit ancient temples. Self-guided tour in Angkor is more popular among travelers. There is nothing difficult in how to organize it. To do this, you need to hire a transport with a driver in Siem Reap, who will take you from one inspection site to another, or you can rent a bicycle or motorbike in the city and ride yourself.

It is possible to come to Angkor from neighboring countries. A very popular tour from Pattaya to Cambodia, during which an organized group with a Russian-speaking guide is brought by bus to Siem Reap for 1-2 days to show the main attraction - Angkor Wat. There are also excursions from Ho Chi Minh City and Sihanoukville.

The most interesting thing that awaits you during an excursion to Angkor:

  • Go watch the sunrise at Angkor Wat
  • Admire the many-faced Bayon temple, whose faces, in different lighting conditions, are either smiling or sad
  • Visit the ruins of Ta Prohm from Lara Croft: Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie
  • Rise above Angkor hot-air balloon
  • You can ride an elephant to Mount Bakeng and watch the sunset there
  • Buy souvenirs, knitwear and black pepper at the market
  • Go to the evening Apsara dance show

Hotels in Siem Reap

Upon arrival, first of all, you need to stay in a pre-booked hotel or find it with the help of a tuker, who will certainly offer his help in exchange for a promise to take you to the sights of Angkor. There are a lot of hotels in Siem Reap - for every taste and budget: cheap guesthouses for $10 and expensive villas for $100 or more.

  • Important: all the details about the city of Siem Reap and what hotels there are,

You can compare prices for hotels in Siem Reap and choose the most suitable one right here:

How to watch Angkor - all options

Apart from organized trip by bus to Angkor or by hiring a tuk tuk with driver in Siem Reap, there are several other options. Starting in 2016, it became possible to view the temple complex on a rented motorbike or electric bike. This is the most important innovation and it concerns mainly independent travelers.

  • The first thing that catches your eye when walking around Siem Reap is the rows of new motorbikes. Now they are rented out to everyone! So there was an opportunity independently explore the temples of Angkor on a motorbike. Previously, the tuk-tuk guild was against tourists moving around the temple complex on their own (unless no one touched the cyclists, they just waved their hand at them!). But now tukers have lost some of their audience. You can rent a motorbike on any street - prices are from 12 to 20 dollars. From an enterprising Chinese, the owner of a souvenir shop, we took a motorbike, which is convenient to ride together. Initially, he rented for $15 (in other offices he went for $20), but we bargained for $13. And the bike was good, Japanese, new and powerful. And the number on this bike was capital. Motobike is, of course, real freedom for independent travelers who have either already been to Siem Reap and roughly represent the territory of the archaeological park, or for independent and courageous people who need only a map or navigator for adventures.
  • Bicycles are also rented - the price is from a dollar to two a day, depending on the place. We rented from our hotel and paid $1.5 for one day, and if we had been riding for two days or more, the price would have dropped to a dollar a day. In addition, cycling tours of the temples of Angkor with a guide are now in vogue. Indeed, in Europe it is customary to ride bicycles, why deny yourself this on vacation? And the whole company, 5-10 people each, hires a guide, sits down on bicycles and rides together between the temples. How much they pay the guide for his torment, I can’t even imagine.
  • There is also a new option - electric bikes. But, they say, they are still low-power, slow and they have weak batteries. That is, they will fit to ride around the city of Siem Reap. But it’s better not to ride them to temples, otherwise who knows who else will carry whom ... The price of electric bikes is $10. On the roads, we even sometimes saw green signs where you can charge your electric bike for free. How it works in reality is not tested on myself. We rode an electric bike around Bagan at the time, and decided that, subject to certain rules, an electric bike is quite useful when visiting the countless pagodas of Bagan. About our e-bike rental experience in Bagan.
  • Tuk Tukers there are still a lot and they are happy to offer their services and take you around the temples of Angkor. Read about how important it is to choose a good tuker. By the way, as we found out, tuk-tuk is the name for tourists. But the Cambodians themselves call their carts with a motorcycle - remork.
  • angkor wat hot air balloon. There is also the opportunity to view the main temple of Angkor from a bird's eye view. You can go up in a hot air balloon for $20.

Nice bikes for rent

Motobikes are also now available for rent

Tuk-tuk prices in Siem Rim

Here are approximately these prices you can navigate in 2016-2017 on excursions to Angkor Wat

Tickets to Angkor

The cost of tickets for visiting the temples of Angkor has not changed for many years.

  • 1 day - $37
  • 3 days - $62 (ticket valid for 10 days)
  • 7 days - $72 (valid for a month)

Tickets - nominal, more precisely "facial". They have your instant photo taken by the cashier at the sale, they cannot be shared with other people.

The availability of tickets is now checked at every temple, and they look not only for their validity period, but also often compare your appearance with the photo on the ticket. The caretakers at the entrance every day put a mark that you have already visited the park today, so that you cannot cheat and walk on a three-day ticket for more days.

You can skip days and visit the temples of Angkor at a convenient time. During the day, you can enter and leave the park as many times as you like. At the first visit, the workers of the archaeological park will still note that you have already been there that day.

What else you need to know about Angkor

Rules for visiting Angkor:

  • Working hours. All temples open at 7:30 am and close at 5:30 pm. Before and after tourists are not allowed into the territory of the temples. The exceptions are Angkor Wat, which opens at 5 am so that travelers have the opportunity to meet the dawn here, and Pre Rup and Phnom Bakeng are open from 5.00 to 19.00. Here you can watch both sunrise and sunset. But in fact, almost everyone goes to meet the dawn in Angkor Wat, and at sunset they gather on Bakeng Hill. It is worth adding that guards are on duty near each of the temples, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to easily enter at the wrong time.
  • Dress code. The temples of Angkor are not active, so you can walk around the territory in shoes that should be comfortable, because in the heat the stones become very hot. However, in flip-flops walking up the stairs will be extremely inconvenient. It is better to choose clothes that are light and comfortable, but not overly open.
  • Be careful on stairs. Some temples, especially Ta Keo, with its steep and high stairs, are worth visiting with caution. Keep your hands free when you're on ladders so you can always grab on. Be as vigilant as possible and look under your feet!
  • Mines in Cambodia. Do not forget that Cambodia experienced a terrible civil war just a few decades ago, and not all of its lands are freed from mines. Areas near Phnom Kulen Mountain, the Kbal Spean River and the Koh Ker Pyramid are still mined. Don't stray off the hiking trails and don't ignore the "Danger! Mines!" This is not a joke or a prank.
  • Drink water. Always take enough drinking water with you!