City holidays as a phenomenon of event tourism. Event tourism: history and development prospects

Event tourism- the direction is relatively young and extremely interesting. The main purpose of the trip is dedicated to any event. Unique tours that combine traditional recreation and participation in the most spectacular events on the planet are gradually gaining more and more popularity. Event tourism is an enduring holiday atmosphere, individual conditions for relaxation and unforgettable impressions. The main feature of event tourism is a lot of bright unique moments. It is forward-looking and dynamic developing species tourism.

The target audience of event tourism is wealthy tourists with an income above the average, as well as companies consisting of several couples.

Event tourism can be classified according to the scale of the event (national or international) and the theme of the event.

In event tourism, there are several thematic types:

1) national festivals and holidays:

St. Patrick's Festival in London (Great Britain);

St. Patrick's Festival in Dublin (Ireland);

festival of cultures in Berlin (Germany);

parade of sexual minorities Pride London in London (Great Britain);

love parade (Love Parade) in Berlin (Germany);

parade of sexual minorities Pride Amsterdam in Amsterdam (Netherlands);

parade of military tattoos in Edinburgh (Scotland);

celebration of the birthday of Napoleon Bonaparte, Ajaccio (Corsica);

2) theatrical shows:

holiday on ice, show Romanza (Germany);

show Lord of the Dance (UK);

holiday on ice, show Mystery (Germany);

Festival "Circus of the Future", Paris (France);

holiday on ice, Romanza show, Vienna (Austria);

3) film and theater festivals:

short film festival in Oberhausen (Germany);

Cannes Film Festival, Cannes (France);

theatrical festival Spierlart, Munich (Germany);

festival "Cherry Forest", Moscow (Russia);

opera art festival, Verona (Italy);

4) gastronomic festivals:

international beer festival, Berlin (Germany);

Great British Festival, London (UK);

Oktoberfest, Munich (Germany);

seafood festival, about in Grove (Spain);

feast of young wine Beaujolais Nouveau (France);

Parisian Chocolate Salon, Paris (France);

5) festivals and flower shows:

flower show in Chelsea, London (UK); - flower show at Hampton Court Palace, London (Great Britain);

chrysanthemum festival (Japan);

tulip exhibition (Netherlands);

Bonsai Festival, Nara (Japan);

6) fashion shows:

Ready to Wear, Paris (France);

Men's Fashion, Paris (France);

Milano Moda Bouna, Milan (Italy);

7) Auctions:

Sotheby's auctions;

Christie's auctions;

Druot auctions, Paris (France);

8) music festivals and music competitions:

Capricies Festival, Crans Montana (Switzerland);

Ars Musica festival, Brussels (Belgium);

festival "Snow and Symphony", St. Moritz (Switzerland);

TDK TIME WARP festival, Mannheim (Germany);

Pop Music Festival Pink Pop, Landgraaf (Netherlands);

jazz festival in Montreux (Switzerland);

Henley Music and Arts Festival (Great Britain);

jazz festival in Stockholm (Sweden);

music competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, Moscow (Russia);

musical contest "Eurovision";

9) sports events:

Olympics and international competitions;

Formula 1 racing;

auto racing NASCAR, USA;

motorcycle racing;

10) international technical salons:

air show in Le Bourget, Paris (France);

aerospace salon in Zhukovsky (Russia);

air show in Zhuhai (PRC);

air show on the island of Langkawi (Malaysia);

auto show in Geneva (Switzerland);

car dealership in Moscow (Russia);

Watch Salon, Geneva, Zurich (Switzerland).

Participants of event tours make high demands on accommodation facilities, especially on their classical type - hotels, transport (convenience of delivery to the event site), catering establishments and the services of guides and interpreters. The peculiarity of event tourism is that every year it is replenished with new event tours, which go from random to regular. A strong place in event tourism was occupied by the Olympics - summer and winter Olympic Games. Currently, a large and stable segment of event tourism are "carnival" tours.

When organizing "carnival" tours, a number of tourist requirements should be taken into account:

location of the hotel - near the place where carnival events take place;

availability of restaurants and quality food;

hotel architecture - old style;

room interior and color scheme;

the number of service personnel;

availability of shops or carnival costume rentals.

Italy enjoys a reputation as one of the "holiday" countries. The most popular is the carnival in Venice, which takes place every year in February. For 10 days, the festive atmosphere of the 18th century is recreated in the city. - cavalcades, traditional ceremonies, all kinds of parades and masquerades tirelessly replace each other on noisy and colorful streets. Every year, more than 500 thousand tourists from different countries peace. The carnival opens with the Festa delle Marie, which is dedicated to the release of Venetian girls kidnapped by pirates from Istria. The festive procession starts from St. Peter's Palace and ends at St. Mark's Square, where a symbolic effigy is burned. The celebration continues with dancing and confetti fireworks. In February, the Carnival of Viareggio also takes place. It starts at Piazza Macini, where festive processions, masquerade, orchestras and musical groups take place. This carnival is famous for the participation of huge dolls of doubles, parodying famous people and famous political figures. A parade continues for several days, consisting of many wagons with dolls. The parade ends with fireworks. The city of Cento (Emilia Romagna region) is a sister city of Rio de Janeiro, so Brazilian ballerinas dance here during the festivities. In the city of Ivrea, the carnival ends with an orange fight. This tradition dates back to 1195, when Violetta, a resident of the city, opposed the "noble right of the wedding night" and cut off her master's head and threw it from the balcony. The people supported her and pelted the nobles with beans. Over time, beans have been replaced by oranges.

Carnivals in Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf and Mainz begin on November 11 at 11:11 am in Germany. The most famous and popular carnival takes place in Cologne. Throughout November, meetings of the carnival committees are held, at which the prince of the carnival is chosen. The chief burgomaster hands him the keys to the town hall. 3 months later, on the last Thursday of February ("Baby Thursday"), women dressed in carnival costumes capture the town hall and announce the start of the carnival. On this day, women are allowed everything. One of the most famous traditions is cutting the tie. The holiday reaches its climax on Pink Monday. On this day, about 1.5 million people take part in the festive procession and carry huge papier-mâché dolls. On Violet Tuesday, a large straw effigy is burned. The carnival ends on Ash Wednesday, when everyone draws ash crosses on their foreheads and eats fish dishes.

In France, the famous carnival since 1294 takes place in Nice in late February - early March. It usually involves about 1 million tourists. They choose a king and a queen. The central events are "flower battles" and "Parade of heads" (huge models of heads weighing up to 2 tons and up to 12 meters in size move around the city on carts).

In Spain, the center of carnivals are Canary Islands(Santa Cruz is the capital of the island of Tenerife). From the second half of XVIII in. masquerade processions are held here. Also popular are "egg battles" (eggs filled with flour or powder). Nowadays, "battles" are held with the use of confetti and serpentine. The central event is the battle on camels, as well as the famous ceremony "burial of the sardine".

In Brazil, the carnival also takes place in early February. It lasts 7 days and ends with the "Parade of Champions". Representatives of various samba dance schools participate in the parade. In 1984, a special sambadrome was built with an alley 700 m long and 13 m wide. Very often, participation in the carnival is combined with a cruise Buenos Aires - Montevideo (Uruguay) - Porto Belo (Brazil) - Buzgos (Brazil) - Rio de Janeiro.

One of the most important segments of event tourism are tours to Formula 1 competitions. The interest of tourists in these tours is huge, only tours to the Olympic Games and the World Cup are superior to Formula 1. But the Olympics are held every two years, the World Cup - once every four years, and "Formula 1" plays its Grand Prix 18 - 19 times a year. The first car races, called "Formula 1", were held in 1927 in Italy. Since then, the number of countries with courses for competitions has reached 20. Participants of the Formula 1 race tours have the opportunity to make real world travel throughout the year, moving along with the athletes to each new Grand Prix. For example, one of the routes for the tour participants is as follows: Bahrain - Malaysia - Australia - San Marino - Germany - Monaco - Hungary. Naturally, people with an income significantly higher than the average can afford to participate in such a tour.

Recently, tours to the Red Bull slalom air race, one of the most exciting and spectacular types of sports, a kind of analogue of Formula 1, have firmly entered the event tourism. The Red Bull Air Race was first held in 2003 in Zeltwein (Austria) and immediately turned into a commercial triumph. During 2004, competitions were held in Kemble (Great Britain) and in Budapest (Hungary), where in one day they gathered a record audience of 1.3 million spectators, among which 40% were tourists who came specially for these competitions. Since 2005, air competitions have been called the Red Bull Air Race World Series, i.e. World series of air races according to the Red Bull formula. Since 2006, a series of air races has been held in 9 stages in various countries of the world.

It should be noted that event tourism is a unique type of tourism, as it is inexhaustible in content. A number of experts believe that in the near future the number of participants in event tours will exceed the number of participants in excursion tours.

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Today, it can be accurately stated that event tourism stands out among other types of tourism and is particularly unique. It is also worth noting the fact that in a short time this type of tourism has gained unprecedented popularity and genuine interest, and this, together with its specificity, allows us to talk about mass tourism among tourists. Considering the role of tourism in the economy, we can talk about its importance, and for some regions about the leading role, providing stable injections into the economy of the country, region, city, this is primarily associated with meeting the needs of people and improving the quality of life of the population. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that event tourism is a unique type of tourism. In recent years, this type of recreation is gaining momentum and becoming more widespread, which leads to the awakening of interest in this type of recreation. Tourism is one of the most important areas of activity of the modern economy, aimed at meeting the needs of people and improving the quality of life of the population. However, the Russian Federation, having a high potential in this area, still occupies a very modest place in the global tourism market. It is worth noting the fact that until recently the tourism industry in our country was given a secondary role, and this despite the fact that the experience and practice of other countries indicate the opposite. And such an attitude towards the tourism industry has led to the development of tourism in one direction, namely as outbound tourism, and, as a result, this has led to the outflow of large amounts of foreign currency abroad while reducing income from foreign tourism.

event tourism

the festival


organization of the festival

tourism industry

festival destinations

types of event tourism

1. Event tourism // Russian Union of Tourism Industry [Electronic resource]: official site. Electron. Dan. M., cop. 2013. – Access mode: (accessed 11/10/2016).

2. Lakomov E.A. Improving the competitiveness of Russian regions on the basis of the development of services for event tourism: Ph.D. dis. ...cand. economy Sciences. - M., 2013. - P. 10. (Accessed 10.11.2016).

3. School of Cognitive magazine: How to organize a festival? Instructions for use [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed 11/10/2016).

4. Development and holding of the festival of creativity of children and adolescents (on the materials of the regional festival of creativity of children and adolescents "Let's join hands, friends") [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed 11/10/2016).

Today, it can be accurately stated that event tourism stands out among other types of tourism and is particularly unique. It is also worth noting the fact that in a short time this type of tourism has gained unprecedented popularity and genuine interest, and this, together with its specificity, allows us to talk about mass tourism among tourists.

Considering the role of tourism in the economy, we can talk about its importance, and for some regions about the leading role, providing stable injections into the economy of the country, region, city, this is primarily associated with meeting the needs of people and improving the quality of life of the population.

With the huge and richest tourism potential of the Russian Federation, its place in the global tourism industry is depressing. To a greater extent, this is due to the fact that, until recently, tourism was assigned a secondary role, even despite the positive experience of other countries. This has led to a certain disproportion in the field of tourism and a one-sided orientation towards outbound tourism, which, in fact, led to the leakage of tourist money and a decrease in income from inbound tourism. In addition, the underdevelopment of the souvenir industry also does not allow increasing income from tourism.

Purpose of the study- analyze the theoretical aspects of event tourism.

To begin with, it is worth considering in more detail the concept of "event tourism", which refers to tourism activities linked to various social events, unique natural phenomena, attracting many Russian and foreign tourists.

This allows us to say that event tourism is a series of events and events of a cultural, sports, ethnographic, exhibition orientation. However, it is impossible to include here all events, but only those that bring some material benefit, and, therefore, can be considered a resource component of the place where they are held.

From a historical point of view, event tourism is young, which means it provides a wide field for implementation, allows you to highlight still unoccupied niches in this area. Tourists who have chosen event tourism as the head of the trip coincide with a certain event. This situation explains the growing popularity of event tourism, because the combination of traditional recreation and participation in various entertainment events creates a unique tourist tandem. This allows us to say that the key tasks of event tourism include the ability to connect the atmosphere of a holiday with individual conditions of rest, in order to create indelible impressions. Today, event tourism can be considered one of the most promising and rapidly developing areas of tourism.

Despite the prospects for the development of event tourism, it should be noted that federal agency on tourism of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, does not classify and single out this direction in any way; and on the website of the Russian Union of the Travel Industry, a rather abstract and vague definition is given “... attending bright and often unique events in cultural, sports or business life on a regional or global scale is the basis of event tourism. There are so many reasons to organize event tours.”

An analysis of literary sources allows us to formulate the following definition: “An event should be understood as a set of phenomena that stand out for their uncertainty, importance for humanity as a whole or a given society, for small individuals or groups. Such an event may take the form of a one-time phenomenon or periodically repeated, or observed annually or at certain periods of time. Based on this, it can be accurately stated that in tourism activities, most tourism products are timed to coincide with certain events, which makes it possible to make the product unique and attractive to tourists. This brings us to planning, as a key aspect in the formation of tours of this kind.

In addition, it was said above about the economic component of the event tourism event, since during their implementation the demand for all objects of the tourism industry increases, and this leads to an excess of consumer demand over supply. This situation favorably affects the development of local cultural traditions, customs and the revival of folk art.

Event tourism can be classified in several directions, which are presented below.

By scale:

International level events;

National level events;

Events at the regional level;

By functional focus:




International exhibition and fair;


Informative .

Also in event tourism it is worth highlighting thematic types:

National festivals and holidays;

Theatrical shows;

Film and theater festivals;

gastronomic festivals;

Festivals and flower shows;

fashion shows;


Music festivals and music competitions;

Sport events;

International technical salons.

Thus, event tourism is an exceptional opportunity to become one of the eyewitnesses of an unforgettable event of sports, culture and art. Such events remain in the memory as one of the brightest moments in life.

The table shows the events used in tourism products.

Let's stop in detail and consider such a type of event tourism as a festival.

According to the definition, the festival (from the French festival - a festival) is a numerous holiday, a show of the achievements of professional and amateur art.

Types of event tourism

National Events

National holidays, championships and competitions, carnivals, sales days, parades, balls, shows, fairs, celebrity birthdays, masquerades, music competitions and festivals.

Sports events

Football matches, world tennis, rally, boxing, hockey, figure skating, horse racing, regattas, golf, cricket, sports dances, ski competitions, rugby, polo.


The largest exhibitions in various fields: transport, business, advertising, information technology, culture, industry, medicine, construction.


Performances by world stars, jazz concerts, famous tenors of the world, music competitions and festivals.

A distinctive feature of the festival is certain calendar dates and established spatial frameworks, namely the country, region, city, theater or concert venue. Here it is worth noting the presence of a special audience, which is focused on the artistic concept of the festival.

The first festivals were musically oriented, and they originated in England. From year to year the popularity of festivals only increased and now we can talk about the whole industry of festival activities with a wide range of directions.

The analysis of literature in the field of arts showed the absence of a detailed definition of the festival as an organizational and artistic form. The only definition of this term is given by the dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova: "The festival is a wide public, festive meeting, accompanied by a review of the achievements of some kind of art." Undoubtedly, this definition bears the imprint of understanding the significance of the festival, first of all, as a socio-political, and not an artistic action, characteristic of the cultural policy of the Soviet era.

Currently, the classification of festivals by type is very conditional, this is due to the fact that today's festival has a mixed character due to the variety of events that make it up.

Consider the general classification of festivals.

Depending on the time and place of the event:


Closed, held in closed areas, in a chamber setting;

open, held under open sky”, in open areas, against the backdrop of landscapes.

Depending on the scale of the event:








Depending on the ideological orientation:


Historical, retrospective (recreating historical event, era, legends and rituals of the area). For example, the festival of the Middle Ages in Staraya Ladoga, the Saami festival in the village of Lovozero, the Viking festival in Finland, etc.

Festivals of modern technologies. For example, the British festival of cars, the Canadian festival "Arcadia", dedicated to computer technology, the international animation festival in Brazil.

Depending on the main audience:




Depending on the type of art submitted to the competition program for evaluation:

Art festivals (drawing, painting, plastic festivals);

Mixed (festivals of creativity).

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the holding of the festival implies a large scale and mass character, which means that it does not go without the attention of the press, which often makes it possible to use the festival as an effective PR campaign. In addition, it is indisputable that the festival has a positive effect on the cultural, social and economic life of the region. Therefore, municipalities of cities, regional administrations provide comprehensive assistance in organizing festival events, as they have the opportunity to receive additional income from their holding.

Participation in the festival brings mutual benefits to both participants and spectators:

For the audience of the festival, it is an opportunity to become an eyewitness of an unforgettable event, get impressions, learn new things, meet and chat with interesting people.

However, one should not forget about the organizers of festivals, without whom it is simply impossible to hold such events; here there is a symbiosis of enthusiasm, creativity, and entrepreneurial talent.

All of the above allows us to put an equal sign between festivals and folk festivals, and this gives them mass character and popularity. Earlier it was pointed out that festivals are used as disguised PR campaigns, which are very effective, which allows them to be used with enviable regularity. And here the organizers are required to have a special ability to combine the performances of pop stars and creative teams with various promotions. The result of the festival will be mutual benefit - bringing diversity to the cultural component and growth in sales for the organizing companies. Such a solution for promoting goods to the masses can be called simple and ingenious.

The organization of the festival is based on comprehensive monitoring and the ability to notice all the details. The mass nature of the event requires mandatory coordination with local authorities, since the concentration of people in one place can cause big problems. And here the security of all those participating in the festival event comes to the fore.

Therefore, the next stage of organizing the festival is its careful planning and taking into account all the features, including such elements as site selection, technical equipment, negotiations with artists and arrangement of scenery, announcement in the media about the upcoming event, obtaining permission from local authorities, etc. By the totality of the components, we can say that the preparation is quite serious and will not tolerate an amateurish approach. It is the creative approach, originality of thinking and communication that can ensure the effectiveness of the festival. With all this, one should not forget about the time frame that is allotted for the preparatory work.

The festival can be both bright thematic (for example, Beer Day), and be timed to coincide with a specific holiday. In any case, it will be covered in the media, which will have a beneficial effect on attracting potential viewers.

Despite the great responsibility of the organizers of festivals to ensure safety, local authorities are very supportive of their holding. Local authorities provide three mandatory components of any mass event: police squads, ambulance and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which allows, if necessary, to guarantee quick and effective assistance. Of course, I would like to hope that the intervention of specialized services will not be needed, but a precaution will not be superfluous.

When organizing and holding the festival, a significant role is assigned to advertising, the purpose of which is to attract viewers.

There are several forms of information support of the festival:

Written request: article, note, advertising text, digest, leaflet, invitation, postcard, application (written request for a grant), sponsorship offer, press release;

Carrying out a large-scale advertising campaign about the festival involves drawing up a plan that clearly indicates the form of information presentation, advertising text, placements, venues for press conferences, reportage footage from the event, advertising on radio and TV, on the Internet, interviews with participants, organizers festival, posting posters, flip tapes, etc.

Press release;

Poster sketch;

The original layout of the poster;

Public distributors who sell tickets in educational institutions, at enterprises, in organizations, at stations public transport, in large stores.

Sale directly by the organizers of the event for collective applications.

The city's theater box office network that sells tickets for festivals, concerts, circus performances, performances and other cultural institutions and organizations involved in theatrical and concert activities.

It is worth emphasizing the close interconnection of all stages of the organization and holding of the festival, which gives grounds to say that only with effective planning of the organizational process, including the process of selling tickets, it is possible to achieve the expected result of attending the event.

In conclusion, I would like to note that at present event tourism is a relatively young and promising direction in the development of the tourism industry. The uniqueness and attractiveness of the event tour in the combination of traditional recreation and participation in the most spectacular events on the planet, which makes it quite popular. The main feature of event tourism is a lot of bright unique moments. Such trips remain in the memory as one of the brightest moments in life. The festival is one of the varieties of event tourism, which allows you to combine the scale of the event with the effectiveness of a PR campaign. With all this, festivals make a significant contribution to the social and economic life of the region where they are held.

Bibliographic link

Naruta Ya.S., Garina T.A. EVENT TOURISM: CONCEPTS, TYPES, CLASSIFICATION // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2016. - No. 11-6. - S. 1158-1162;
URL: (date of access: 08/06/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Having a good time is a natural desire of every person. After all, the pace of life is now incredibly stressful, so much so that it often does not allow you to fully relax. Therefore, many of those who, for whatever reason, cannot allocate enough time to relax, put it off for the holidays. How to make it as bright as possible? For many ordinary beach holiday is no longer of particular interest, as, indeed, are the standard excursion tours. That is why some people prefer to plan their vacation for the duration of any event, which allows them to make their vacation truly bright and unforgettable. This type of travel is called event tourism. What else can be said about the essence of this type of travel? What are its advantages both for the tourists themselves and for the host settlements? How did this trend develop? What events are the most popular? What can be said about event tourism in the Russian Federation? You can find detailed answers to all these questions by reading the article in question.


To begin with, it is important to understand in detail what constitutes event tourism. A small but very illustrative example will help to clarify this. Suppose there is a nice little town that has a number of attractions that, however, do not really attract tourists to it. At some point, the city government makes an important decision: to establish a flower festival in this locality. Only a few years pass, and now thousands interested tourists visit this city to plunge into the sea of ​​colors and aromas. This is what event tourism is all about. In other words, it is the conscious, purposeful movement of travelers to attend a particular event that takes place outside their hometown or country. It can be any show, ceremony, concert, various theatrical performances, festivals. Also very popular sports tourism. For example, visiting the Olympic Games or the World Cup. As you can see, the essence of this term is extremely simple and understandable. The situation with its other features is a little more complicated.

Event tourism: development and role

Tourism of this kind entered into the theory and practice of the international tourism industry only at the end of the previous century. And over the past fifteen years, this special field of travel has developed incredibly dynamically. Every year great amount people leave their home area in order to attend some attractive event. Why are such events interesting for their guests?
As a rule, they are absolutely unique, their analogue cannot be found in another territory. This is an affordable way to get new vivid impressions. However, for this, the tourist must be at a specific time and in a specific place.

What role does event tourism play? The projects are diverse and perform a number of important functions. Among them are the following:

  • provoke the further development of the infrastructure of a certain settlement;
  • create an attractive image of the area;
  • attract new tourists;
  • revive "stagnant" settlements.

And although the role of event tourism is not often discussed, the above functions of this type of travel confirm that it is of great importance for the economic situation of certain territories. It would be extremely unwise to ignore this fact. After all, not everyone locality has the opportunity to discover for itself such an additional source of income. Therefore, those cities that have such potential should use it to the maximum. Within a short time, such efforts will bring noticeable results.

Main types

There are various types of event tourism. They differ, for example, in the goals set by their organizers. Some events are intended solely for entertainment, entertainment and recreation, while others are for the promotion of certain sports. And some have even more worthy goals (for example, educational or educational).

So, what types of events are distinguished within the framework of event tourism? Among them are the following:

  • Cultural tourism. This type includes exhibitions, carnivals, concerts and festivals. The subject matter doesn't matter.
  • Sports tourism. Within this type, events such as the Olympic Games, as well as European and world championships in various sports are distinguished.
  • Business events. Namely: presentations, meetings, business fairs and meetings.
  • Scientific and educational events. This type includes symposiums, conferences, lectures and seminars.
  • Children's event tourism. Entertaining and educational activities for children of all ages.

Such a variety will help everyone to find something to their liking. Don't be afraid to try new things, expand your horizons. Attending an event that was not previously interesting to you can give you a new hobby or even change your tastes and preferences. Be open to new information. And then life will be able to sparkle with truly bright colors.

What to consider when organizing

Often the organization of event tourism is the task of specialized organizations. However, they sometimes make mistakes. What should be taken into account when organizing weekend tours or carnival tours? There are a number of special requirements for the place of residence of tourists during the journey. Among them are:

  • The correct location of the hotel. It should be close to the venue of the event.
  • The architecture of the hotel should be a reflection of the old style.
  • The hotel must have an appropriate number of staff.
  • The color scheme of the room and its interior should look dignified and harmonious.
  • It is important that there are restaurants and other quality food establishments nearby.
  • Nearby there should be shops where you can buy themed goods corresponding to the event.

If the organizers take into account all these rules for accommodating travelers established by world standards, event tourism will give guests only the most pleasant emotions. After all, this is exactly what they expect from such trips.

Most famous events

Youth event tourism, along with its other types, is developing extremely dynamically today. This is partly due to the fact that this type of travel not only provides an opportunity to get new emotions and relax, but also become an integral part of big family that share common interests. Such eventful events give people unforgettable impressions and memories that warm them for a long time.

For example, among carnivals around the world, Brazilian and Venetian are considered the most popular. Most tourists are impressed by their duration and scale. After all, these cities for several weeks become festival venues colossal size.

Amsterdam attracts flora lovers year after year. Every September there is a parade of flowers. Others enjoy attending the Bonsai festival held in Japan. Connoisseurs of good alcohol gather at the Wine Festival in Moldova and the world-famous Oktoberfest in Germany. Fashion trends can be followed by attending shows held in Paris and Milan, which attract the close attention of socialites. Others prefer sporting events or a variety of musical events (for example, the Montreux Jazz Festival, the Salzburg Music Festival, and the Eurovision International Popular Music Competition).

Benefits of events

Why is event tourism so attractive to travelers? There are a number of obvious advantages of various event events. Among them are the following:

  • As a rule, this event is harmoniously woven into the overall outline of the trip. In this case, the audience experiences the feeling of the deepest immersion, which helps to achieve an extremely high receptivity.
  • Emotions are formed massively among tourists as a group, and not as individuals. This creates a sense of unity, belonging to the common. In this way, much stronger impressions are generated.
  • Such events are attended by tourists on a voluntary basis. This means that they do not get the impression that they are being forced into a variety of promotional information.
  • Positive emotions that a successful event evokes are transferred to the territory where it took place. This helps to form the loyalty of the population to tourists.
  • Events of this kind provide an opportunity to establish contact with journalists and create a good reputation for the event in the press.
  • If the event is successful, it can become a brand within a short time. This is quite easy to use in the future in order to correctly build a development strategy for the region.
  • Sales of thematic attributes, souvenirs related to a particular event are increasing significantly.
  • Such events provoke active cooperation between business and city authorities in order to significantly reduce the costs of their implementation.
  • Possibility to organize a long-term marketing campaign. It should start long before the event (creating posters, announcements, invitations, holding thematic press conferences), and such a campaign will continue for a long time after the event (articles in the media, tours, various final speeches).
  • Among other things, travel companies may consider the audience of the event as a large focus group, on which a variety of offers and services are tested. This helps to collect preliminary information about consumers.
  • Event marketing can be used even where advertising would normally not work or even be prohibited.

All of the above proves that event tourism can give a lot to the territory in which the corresponding event is held. This cannot be ignored in long-term planning.

Brazilian Carnival

Cultural tourism attracts a huge number of tourists. One of the popular events in this context is the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (however, similar events are held in other cities of this country). The roots of this holiday are related to approximately the same ancient traditions as the Russian Maslenitsa. Carnival marks the beginning of Lent. This is how Brazilians say goodbye to their usual food for forty days. Carnival has become one of the most important holidays of this state. Such an unusual tradition came from Portugal 400 years ago. For several centuries, the carnival has undergone changes under the influence of the culture of other European countries (in particular, Italy and France). And only in the 19th century this holiday was enriched with colors, unusual costumes and bright characters. That is why tours to Brazil for the carnival are such a success. Is it worth it for you to attend such an event? Judge for yourself.


What else is event tourism? Examples can be given for a long time. One of the most striking is the Oktoberfest. This is a large-scale annual Munich beer festival. This holiday lasts for about two weeks. Beer really flows like water there: for each festival, its guests drink about six million liters of this drink.

How many tourists does Munich receive during this period of time? About six million people. In general, the turnover of financial resources at the festival is about 450 million euros. Of course, not every organism is able to stay at a festival of this type for two weeks without loss of health. In order to help those who have become unwell, more than a hundred competent medical workers are constantly on duty at the holiday.

Event tourism in Russia

And what can be said about the Russian Federation? How developed is this subspecies of tourism on the territory of our state? Despite the opinion of some, Russia also offers a number of interesting and well-organized events for foreign tourists. What events can be attributed to this group? Among them are:

  • Film festival in Sochi "Kinotavr".
  • Theater Festival "Golden Mask".
  • Yakut summer holiday Ysykhak.
  • Victory Day at Borodino.
  • Kaliningrad International Arts Festival.

Of course, in terms of the diversity of topics, event tourism projects in Russia have caught up with foreign ones in many respects. However, the level of organization and preparation, the scale of holding and the amount of funding for Russian events are significantly inferior. While event tourism could become an inexhaustible source of income for certain regions of the Russian Federation. This is clearly demonstrated by the situation in Tobolsk. This city has become home to more than two dozen different events. Annually they bring to the city budget more than fifty million rubles. What is the essence of the problem of Russian event tourism?

  • Weak development of infrastructure in the state, including an insufficient number of hotels of a decent level, poor quality road surface.
  • Passive position of officials, unwillingness to take measures that would contribute to the development of event tourism.


So, what is the type of travel in question? This is the movement of people from their locality to a specific place in a specific period of time, when an event of interest to a tourist takes place in it. For the travelers themselves, this means a huge amount of positive emotions, vivid impressions and colorful memories. This is an opportunity to have a pleasant weekend or vacation, to feel like a part of something big and whole.

For the localities where the event is actually organized, this means significant additional income. So, for example, hotels, restaurants and other catering establishments, shops selling souvenirs and other thematic paraphernalia earn money. However, the city itself must meet certain requirements in order to be able to host such events. Moreover, the larger the event, the higher the requirements for the settlement. It should contain a sufficient number of decent hotels with good level services, the required number of cafes and restaurants, it must have a well-developed infrastructure (good roads, for example).

Unfortunately, with regard to the Russian Federation, far from all cities that have the potential in this regard meet the established requirements, and there is no need to talk about the settlements of the outback at all, even if they are unusually original and colorful. So, Russian cities, which have many attractions and which could become an excellent venue for festivals and other cultural events, lose this opportunity only because local officials do not pay enough attention to the development of their subject. Meanwhile, such investments in development would be excellent investments, and would pay off very soon. After all, interest in event tourism is growing uncontrollably. Competent specialists have long seen this as an opportunity to significantly increase revenues to the local budget.

Is it difficult to make your locality a point of event tourism? Of course, this requires certain efforts, including financial investments, the creation of a team of creative specialists who would plan events. By the way, the organization of such events also needs to be approached extremely responsibly. You need to take care of a huge number of nuances. And not only about those that relate to the event itself, but also about those that are related to the accommodation of guests.

Event tourism is definitely worthy of your attention. A detailed study of this topic can help you choose your type of tourism, have an unforgettable time and keep warm memories for a lifetime. Be bold! Develop and live interestingly!

The highlight of the event tours is in diversity: today is the Oktoberfest in Bavaria, tomorrow the carnival in Rio, tennis in Australia, and in Monaco Formula 1, the Venetians are walking in masks, and the Italians are throwing tomatoes. Event tours for all 365 days - schedule, programs and prices.

In recent years, there has been an increase in popularity event tours, rightfully considered fundamentally new and undoubtedly interesting direction in tourism. The main purpose of these tours is not to visit certain places, but - as their name suggests - events. So such tours are perfect for both experienced travelers, whose foot has never set foot except on the ice of Antarctica, and those whose track record is not yet so extensive.

Event tours cover the entire spectrum of important events taking place around the world. Among them, there will surely be something interesting even for those who are not at all touched by the comfort of narrow Swedish streets or the grandeur of ancient temples. After all, it is difficult, for example, to find a fan who does not dream of personally attending the World Cup final, and a rare film fan has never wanted to be at a film festival. Not to mention the fact that any of us will surely be attracted by the opportunity to take part in a colorful carnival and fully immerse ourselves in the culture of the country.

Carnivals and holidays

Many tourists have long been attracted by bright and noisy holidays held in various parts of the world. The most popular of them is the Venice Carnival, the oldest of all carnivals on the planet. The first mention of the carnival dates back to 1094, when the inhabitants of Venice hid their faces behind masks for a whole month and entertained themselves with dizzying pranks and practical jokes (as well as bloody crimes, by the way), remaining unpunished. The carnival flourished during the Renaissance. Chic dresses and rich costumes were added to the masks, the masks themselves turned from a way to hide the face into a work of art, and on each day of the holiday, exotic trained animals, jugglers and acrobats performed on the streets of the city.

If you want to visit one of the world-famous events, it is better to organize your travel as early as possible in order to be sure to have time to book tickets and find free accommodation.

Now the whole of Venice for two weeks turns into a huge stage, which unfolds the most grandiose performance in the world. Celebrations, dances and music do not stop day or night, concerts and fireworks are held on the main squares of the city, thematic performances are held in theaters, and costume balls are held in palaces.

For many years, the Venice Carnival has attracted hundreds of thousands of tourists who simply watch or, having bought a mask and costume from one of the street vendors, join the very thick of the holiday.

No less popular is the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, held seven weeks before Easter. According to tradition, exactly at seven o'clock in the evening, the coronation of King Momo takes place, for the role of which one of the fattest residents of Rio de Janeiro, who knows how to dance Samba, is elected. During a solemn ceremony, the mayor gives him the keys to the city and for five whole days the power of the city passes to the king. Moreover, this is not just a symbolic action - during the entire holiday, King Momo can cancel and issue any laws. The only immutable law is the obligation of the inhabitants of the city to have fun, walk and dance until the very end of the carnival.

Another world-famous holiday that attracts many tourists is the Amsterdam Flower Parade, held every September. During the holiday, the city is covered with many flowers, and carnival floats, decorated with the best florist designers, drive through the streets. Concerts and performances are held all day long, music sounds from everywhere, and in the evening, when the holiday comes to an end, the sky above the city lights up with grandiose fireworks.

At the end of May in Belgium, in the city of Mons, a battle with a dragon is arranged every year. According to legend, a dragon named Lumekon invaded the city many centuries ago, and since then more than 200,000 people, led by St. George, have defended the city from him during a magnificent holiday.

Another battle takes place every year in France during the Festival of the Middle Ages in a camp located under the walls of the largest ancient fortress in Europe in Sedan. Fights during the festival are interspersed with equestrian competitions, knightly tournaments and craft fairs, and everything ends with a rich feast in honor of the winners.

Residents and guests of Denmark are somewhat more peacefully minded, annually watching a large-scale carnival, also taking place at the end of May in the town of Aalborg. The main part of the carnival is a costumed procession moving through the streets and rivers of the city. More than 30 thousand people participate in the parade, and every year a new theme is announced for their costumes.

AT Italian city Ferrara annually hosts the Palio equestrian competition, whose history dates back to 1279. The holiday begins with a parade, the participants of which are dressed up in medieval costumes, and then the competitions, divided into four stages, begin. As a rule, most of all the guests of the competition like the third stage, during which a donkey race is arranged, and the competitors are forbidden to touch the ground with their feet, even if their donkey suddenly decides to lie down.

Venice Carnival

Sports events

Surely any fan wants to watch with their own eyes how the fate of their favorite sport is decided, or support their team in competitions away from home - and this is what sports tours are for. You can choose a tour for any more or less large-scale event in any sport, and it is hardly possible to list them all - but football, tennis and auto racing have been the undoubted leaders in this direction for many years.

Most football fans prefer to travel to the most important important events in the world of football - the European Championship and the World Cup. A huge number of spectators gather for them and the atmosphere of empathy and excitement captures even people who are far from football. In addition, at both championships there is always an excellent entertainment. Almost as popular are the UEFA Cup and the Champions League.

Fans come to tennis tournaments for roughly the same reasons. Of these, major international tournaments such as the WTA, ATP and the Grand Slam are the most popular. There is rarely as much entertainment as at football matches, but the opportunity to observe great athletes up close, their behavior and emotions, fully pays for it. In addition, it is always a pleasure to see charming tennis players live.

Auto racing is popular not only among ardent fans, but also among people who are not particularly interested in sports. Probably, this is due to the fact that the thirst for speed is inherent in very many, and it is difficult not to admire the skill and fearlessness of the riders who write out completely unthinkable turns. The palm among auto racing belongs, of course, to Formula 1, which is rightfully called the queen of motorsport.

If you decide to attend some major sporting event, you will also face the problem of buying tickets. If any carnival can accommodate as many visitors as they wish to come to it, then the number of seats is limited and sometimes all tickets are sold out long before the start of the event itself.

beer festivals

Another event that gathers hundreds of thousands of guests from all over the world are various beer festivals.

At such festivals, there are extremely diligent tasters who are highly respected by the regulars. During their lives, they managed to taste at least a thousand varieties of beer.

The largest of them, of course, is the German Oktoberfest, which has been held for 200 years now. It was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest holiday in the world and was recognized as the "most popular" holiday, however, without documentary evidence. Every year, about six million connoisseurs of good beer come to Bavaria, who manage to drink almost a third of the annual production of Munich breweries during the festival. The holiday traditionally begins on Saturday and lasts for two weeks - until the first Sunday in October.

On a smaller scale, but just as fun are other beer holidays. For example, the Belgian beer weekend in Brussels, held in early September, is famous for its extremely democratic prices - the price for a mug of beer there rarely exceeds one EUR. Two more major festivals are held in the Czech Republic. One of them lasts more than two weeks and starts in mid-May, the second - the Pilsner Beer Festival - takes place in Pilsen in early September and lasts two days, during which guests are entertained not only with excellent beer, but also with many concerts and competitions.