Where are the Mariana Islands located? Northern Mariana Islands

The Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, a state in Micronesia - the western part of the Pacific Ocean, occupies most of the islands of the Mariana archipelago (14 of the 15 islands. The 15th island of the chain is Guam, a US overseas territory).
The islands form two chains - northern and southern, stretching almost strictly from north to south for 736 km (460 miles). Most of the islands of the northern chain - rising above the water - volcanic cones (up to 965 m high), some of which are still active. Southern chain - coral and volcanic islands. The largest islands are Saipan (120 sq. km), Tinian and Rota, the smallest is Farallon de Medinilla, with an area of ​​about 0.5 sq. km. km.
The northernmost (uninhabited) island of the archipelago, Mogue, was ranked first in National Geographic magazine's "Best Wildlife Destination" rating.
Mariana Islands mark the dividing line between the Pacific Ocean and the Philippine Sea. To the east of the archipelago lies the Mariana Trench, which reaches a depth of 11,775 m.
The total area of ​​the Northern Mariana Islands is 480 sq. km.

The administrative center is the island of Saipan

Time: Time, relative to Moscow: ahead of Moscow by 6 hours in summer and by 7 hours - in winter.

Nature: Most of the islands of the northern chain are actually volcanic cones rising above the water (up to 965 m high), some of which are still active. Southern chain - coral and volcanic islands. The largest islands are Saipan (120 sq. km), Tinian and Rota, the smallest is Farallon de Medinilla, with an area of ​​​​less than half a square kilometer. The Mariana Islands mark the dividing line between the Pacific Ocean and the Philippine Sea. To the east of the chain of islands lies the world's deepest Mariana Trench, up to 11,775 meters deep.

Climate: Tropical, trade wind. Typhoons are frequent and tend to pass over the islands between August and December. Precipitation falls 1800-2000 mm. per year, the rainy season is from July to October. The best time to visit the Northern Mariana Islands - during the dry months from December to March.

Political system: The head of state and executive power is the governor, elected by the people. The Legislative Assembly consists of two chambers: the Senate (9 members) and the House of Representatives (18 deputies), which are re-elected every two years.

Population: The population is about 45.4 thousand people (1993), mainly Chamorro Micronesians, as well as immigrants from the Caroline Islands and the Philippines.

Language: English (official), Chamorro and Caroline are also widely used, Japanese and Korean are spoken in most hotels and some shops.

Religion: Roman Catholic Christianity, local religions and cults.

Economy: The basis of the economy of the Northern Mariana Islands is foreign tourism (233.3 thousand tourists in 1988, mainly from Japan) and Agriculture. The islands grow heat-resistant cereals, coconut palms, sugarcane, breadfruit, coffee, bananas, tomatoes, cotton, citrus fruits; breed cattle, pigs, goats; catch and process fish (mainly tuna). There are deposits of phosphorites, sulfur, iron and manganese ores. The export of the islands is agricultural products.
The main foreign trade partners are Japan and the USA.

Currency: U.S. dollar.

Main attractions: The Northern Mariana Islands is often referred to as "America's Best Surviving Mystery", referring to its relatively untouched nature, abundance of historical sites (especially those associated with the "Battle of the Pacific" period in World War II), and the islands' easy access both from the territory South-East Asia and from America. Coral reefs, sea fishing, surfing and excellent conditions for passive recreation attract more than 240 thousand tourists a year to these tiny islands.

The island of Saipan for some guests can turn into a nightmare for a package holiday, as it is literally crowded with tourists from Japan, moving in "organized columns" and constantly clicking the shutters of their cameras, the recreation infrastructure is relatively poorly developed here and is more focused on lovers of an active lifestyle, than a spoiled "shop tourist", but this island is still famous for its charm - turquoise waters, white sands and excellent conditions for diving, swimming, snorkeling and hiking are still abundant here. Saipan is the most popular destination for "historical tourism" among the citizens of the Japanese islands. In the recent past, this has enabled the island to achieve the fastest growth rate in Micronesia in terms of tourism and population growth, with new golf courses being built and numerous resorts sprouting up around the island. Tourists and foreign workers now outnumber the natives, and the island has lost many of its Micronesian character. However, Saipan still has everything that attracts tourists here - beautiful beaches on the western and south coasts, many scenic spots on the rugged and rocky east coast, hilly hinterland and majestic cliffs on the north coast. The island itself has 23 km. long and 8 km. in width.

Garapan, the largest city in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, is the fastest growing city in the region. Virtually destroyed during the fighting of the Second World War and relocated in the 1960s, Garapan has now been completely restored and is completely built up with sushi bars, karaoke clubs and other establishments that are clearly aimed at tourists from Japan. The white sands and turquoise waters of the city beach Micro are considered the most beautiful on the islands. North of the beach, the American Memorial Park stretches along the coast, which protects the habitat of forest and wading birds, and also serves as a favorite place for picnics and commemorative events dedicated to the memory of American soldiers who died during the US invasion of Saipan and Tinian. Also here is the Museum of the Second World War with an exposition of weapons, uniforms, ammunition, photographs and other military attributes of that time. Tinian is this sleepy island with a single village, just 2 km away. south of Saipan, has "happily" escaped the main influx of tourists and therefore serves as a good place to "escape from the blessings of civilization" if the hustle and bustle of Saipan seems too intrusive. It's hard to imagine that such a peaceful place could be involved in one of the most tragic events in history: Tinian "became famous" as the runway for the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. San Jose, main locality island, is the territory of the ancient Chamorro village. Those early settlers created the finest facilities that today are the main attraction for visitors. The main attraction of San Jose is the House of Tag, which served as a place of large meetings and the residence of Tag the Great, the legendary king of the ancient Chamorro state.

There are several on Tinian good places for swimming, including Cummer Beach in San José and Taga Beach south of the village, with turquoise waters and white sand. Chulu Beach, on the northwest coast of Tinian, is the site of fierce fighting during World War II, where American troops landed on the island, so massive archaeological excavations continue here. Rota Island lies halfway between Saipan and Guam, and is only now beginning to "come out of the shadows" of the larger islands, it is still a slowly developing place with little recreational infrastructure. The main village, Songsong, still does without traffic lights or shopping malls. Located on the southwest coast of Roth, Songsong extends over a narrow peninsula that rises only at its tip to the foot of Mount Taipingo (210 m). The village is literally "saturated" with various stones, which serve both to strengthen the foundations of houses and to mark "streets" and as moorings and fences. The local Franciscan Church of Borgia boasts a centennial bell. You can travel from Songsong on foot or by jeep to the northeast, where the island's shores have a particularly scenic view, or visit the white coral sands of Twixberry Beach or climb to the top of Mount Taipingo for superb views of the village, harbor and Sasanaya Bay. The Northern Mariana Islands is the perfect place to active view recreation. Saipan has the most interesting place- Grotto (Grotto), a natural cave with underground lakes up to 15 meters deep and tunnels to open sea. You can dive to WWII plane crash sites at Tanapag Harbor, caves and conger eel breeding sites at Obyan Beach, and huge coral masses just offshore at the Saipan Grand Hotel. The best place for snorkeling in Saipan is Managaha Island, on Tinian - Tachona Beach, and on Rota - Corell Gardens in Sasanaya Bay. All three islands have good conditions for hiking. In Saipan, the main route is the Laderan Tangka trail through the Marpi Commonwealth Forest. There is an excellent route along the banks of Cummer and Taga south of San José on Tinian. Other ways to relax include windsurfing, which is extremely popular here, ( the best place- Micro Beach on Saipan), tennis, golf and short underwater excursions in the lagoon between Saipan and the Managaha Islands, where you can see at the bottom of the sea, in addition to its numerous inhabitants, traces of the wrecks of Japanese ships or American "Superfortresses" B-29. Most villages hold annual celebrations in honor of their patron saint, which are the biggest events of the year. Rota and Tinian each hold one such "festival", while Saipan has six: in San Vicente in early April, in San Antonio in mid-June, at Mount Carmel Cathedral in Chalan Kanoa in mid-July, in San Rock in mid-August, Tanapag in early October and Koblerville in late October. The Tinian Festival takes place during the last weekend in April or the first weekend in May in honor of Saint José, the island's patron saint. The biggest and most popular celebration in the Northern Mariana Islands, however, is the Rota festival on the first or second weekend in October. The celebration hosted by the Franciscan Church of Borgia includes a lavish banquet featuring only traditional food and drink from the Chamorro people, religious processions, music and dance festivals.

Most events and festivals are still held in Saipan. Popular events are the half marathon and the 10 km offshore race at the end of January. The Kintetsu Buffaloes, a professional baseball team from Japan, trains and competes here in the spring, training and playing with local teams (at a fairly serious level) during the first two weeks of February. The annual Micronesian Open and Saipan Lagoon Regattas are international windsurfing competitions, as well as Hobie Cat competitions, held in the Micro Beach area in mid-February. World-class athletes swim, cycle and run nearly 80 kilometers during the Tagaman Triathlon held in mid-May. The week-long Liberation Day Festival celebrates the liberation of the islands on July 4th, the Independence Day of the United States. The festivities include theatrical performances, a beauty pageant, a full night of varied entertainment, sports games and numerous banquets. The fishing tournament takes place in August, during the marlin season. Each island also hosts various fishing competitions, on Rota it's Labor Day for the weekend in early September, and on Tinian the Fishing Prize in early November.

Historical outline: Since the 17th century, the Mariana Islands have been a colony of Spain. In 1898 Spain sold the islands to Germany. In 1914, Japan captured the Mariana Islands, and in 1945 the Americans came here. After World War II, the Mariana Islands were part of Micronesia, a territory administered by the United States. In the 1970s, Micronesia was divided into four political-administrative units. One of these units was the Mariana Islands without its southern part (Guam Islands). In 1975, the inhabitants of the islands voted for the status of "freely attached" territory to the United States. In 1976, a free association agreement was signed between the Northern Mariana Islands and the United States. On November 3, 1986, this agreement entered into force, which meant the emergence of a new state - the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

National domain:.MP

Entry rules: All visitors require visas valid for up to three months and proof of no immigration intent. To obtain a visa, you must provide two completed questionnaires, two photographs, a passport valid for at least 6 months, as well as evidence of the absence of immigration intentions (certificate from work about salary, certificate of real estate, etc.). Formally, an invitation is not required to obtain a visa. The consular fee is $45, in addition, you need to pay the cost of a visa ($20 - one-time). The term of registration - from a couple of days ("express") to one and a half months - depends on the documents provided and the appointment of an interview. The received visa is not a guarantee of entry into the territory of the United States and the Mariana Islands. Russian citizens are registered upon passing passport control. The immigration authorities at the first point of entry into the country put down on the insert the appropriate notes on the date of entry, the permitted period of stay in the country, the date of departure and the category of visa.

Customs regulations: Import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited. Any amount can be imported in cash, traveler's checks and payment cards. Only amounts over $10,000 are required to be declared. When importing gold, a declaration is required. Items for personal use are not subject to duty; perishable food, weapons, and drugs are prohibited for import into the country.

Mariana Islands - an archipelago of fifteen large and several small islands in the west of the central Pacific Ocean. The islands form the northern part of the Western Pacific sub-region of Micronesia and consist of two political and administrative entities: Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Both have the status of an unincorporated organized territory of the United States. This means that they are not part of the United States, but are their property, and the US Constitution has a limited effect here. Moreover, the US Congress forms the local government.
The archipelago is divided into two chains - northern and southern, formed about 20 million years ago. The appearance of both chains above the surface of the water was the result of the displacement of the Pacific plate under the Mariana plate. Along the islands in the zone of convergence of two plates formed - the deepest section of the bottom of the oceans. As of 2011, its depth is 10,994 ± 40 m below sea level.
The islands of the northern chain are represented by cones of volcanoes, among which some are active, up to 965 m high. In total, there are about 50 underwater volcanoes in the archipelago; 11 stratovolcanoes form the islands. The southern chain is represented by coral and tectonic volcanoes.
The Mariana Islands are in a zone of tectonic activity, and earthquakes are not uncommon here. In addition, the archipelago is located in the tropical climate zone, so typhoons often pass here.
Unlike many Pacific Islands, the Mariana Islands are covered with dense thickets of tropical forests; there are also areas of savannahs, the vegetation of which is represented by flowerless cryptogamous plants: ferns, horsetails.

Discovery history

The Mariana Islands, located on the edge of the abyss of the Mariana Trench, were inhabited, presumably, no later than 1500-1400. BC e. The first inhabitants of the islands of the archipelago were immigrants who arrived from the Philippine Islands.
The islands were discovered by Europeans in the 16th century. The discoverer of the archipelago was Ferdinand Magellan himself (1480-1521), a Spanish-Portuguese navigator. During his famous - and the very first in history - world travel March 6, 1521 Magellan saw a chain of islands in the ocean. It is believed that great traveler landed on the island of Guam, but it could also be a small island near Guam.
Magellan tried to start an exchange and trade with the locals, who called themselves tao-tao-tano, or "people of the earth", and received the name khachamori (chamorro) from Europeans. They were typical Micronesians, and even managed to create a semblance of civilization. Its remains have been preserved on the island of Tinian in the form of limestone latte columns dating back to the 9th century.
But Magellan failed to establish a dialogue with the natives: they stole a ship's boat from the Europeans, thus provoking a serious conflict. As a result, the sailors killed seven Chamorros, returned the boat, replenished their food supplies and left the island. Magellan, in memory of the tragic events, named the archipelago the Robber Islands (Islas de los Ladrones).
The Mariana Islands stretch from north to south. The island of Guam, which is a separate administrative unit, is the largest and most south island archipelago. Its area is 541.3 km 2 - 77.7 km 2 more than the total area of ​​the rest of the land, bearing the name of the Northern Mariana Islands.
The Mariana Islands served for many years as a transit point for the Manila galleons of Spain, and in the 20th century. acquired military significance. It was from here that the bombers took off that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The islands got their current name in 1667, when Spain officially claimed the rights to them. In Spanish, it sounded "Las Marianas", in honor of the Spanish Queen Marianne of Austria (1634-1696).
From the second half of the XVII century. the colonization of the islands began, missionaries were sent here. Local leaders prevented the spread of Catholicism, and attacks on members of the mission led to a war between the Spaniards and the natives, which broke out in 1672 and lasted 25 years.
In just a hundred years of colonization, most of the Chamorros died from diseases brought to the islands by the Spaniards. Those who managed to survive mingled with the Spaniards. Mestizos - descendants of mixed marriages - still live in the Mariana Islands.
For the Spaniards, the islands served as an intermediate stop for the so-called Manila galleons, which sailed between the Mexican and Philippine islands. The islands remained a Spanish colony until the Spanish-American War (1898), as a result of which the Spaniards handed Guam over to the Americans. This year began the political separation of Guam from other islands of the archipelago. Under an 1899 treaty, the Spaniards sold the remaining Mariana Islands to Germany, which annexed them to their New Guinea protectorate.
In 1914, Japan occupied the Northern Mariana Islands, creating large plantations of sugar cane here. Later, already during the Second World War, the archipelago became the scene of fierce battles between the Japanese and the Americans. Especially bloody for the islands was 1944, when the Americans lost more than 2 thousand people dead and wounded, and over 40 thousand Japanese were killed or committed hara-kiri. At first, the Japanese even managed to capture American Guam.
However, the Americans regained Guam and captured the Northern Mariana Islands, subsequently using them as an airfield to bomb Japan. Both aircraft with atomic bombs (Enola Gay and Boxcar), which dropped cargo on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, took off from the "Northern Airfield" of Tinian Island in the Marianas.
After the end of the war, all the Mariana Islands came under the full control of the United States. America did not begin to unite them with Guam, but created a separate administrative territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, where the head of state is a US-appointed governor.
On the island of Guam - the largest of the Mariana Islands - the Americans have equipped the largest Pacific bases of the naval and air forces, including Andersen and Apra Harbor. They are served by the majority of the island's population. Here, on Guam, the city of Hagatna is located - the main passenger and fishing port of the archipelago.
Currently, the Marianas have become a tourist center in the western Pacific. Actually, it was thanks to the American military that the Mariana Islands earned fame as one of the best resort areas in the Pacific Ocean.
The most ancient attraction of the archipelago is the preserved latte stone pillars. The origin and purpose of the pillars are unknown, there are only suggestions that they served for some mysterious cult purposes. There are about 500 of them in total, and they are often compared with stone sculptures on Easter Island.

general information

Location: western Pacific.

Islands: 15 large islands (Agihan, Agrihan, Alamagan, Anatahan, Asuncion, Guam, Guguan, Maug, Pagan, Rota, Saipan, Sarigan, Tinian, Farallion de Medinilla, Farallion de Pajaros) and several small islands and reefs .
Origin of the islands: tectonic, volcanic, coral.

Administrative affiliation: unincorporated organized territories of the United States.

Administrative-territorial division: Guam Island, Northern Mariana Islands.

Administrative center: Hagatna (Guam Island) - 1051 people, 2010; Saipan (Northern Mariana Islands) - 48,220 people, 2010

Languages: Guam Island - English (official), Chamorro, Filipino languages; Northern Mariana Islands - Chamorro, English (official), Filipino, Chinese.

Ethnic composition: Guam Island: Chamorro - 37.1%, Filipino - 26.3%, other Oceanian - 11.3%, white - 6.9%, other Asian - 6.3%, other ethnic groups - 2.3%, mestizo - 9.8%, 2000; Northern Mariana Islands: Asian 56.3%, Oceanian 36.3%, Mestizo 4.8%, White 1.8%, Other 0.8%, 2000

Religions: Catholicism, local beliefs.

Currency unit: U.S. dollar.
The most important port: Hagatna (Guam Island).

The most important airports: international Airport them. Antonio B. Won Pata (Guam Island), Saipan International Airport. Francisco Sea Ada (Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands).


Area: 1004.9 km2.

Length: 2519 km.

Distance: 2500 km from the Philippine Islands, 2500 km from the island of New Guinea.
Guam Island

Area: 541.3 km2.

Population: 160,378 (2013).

Population density: 296.3 people / km 2.

Urban population: 93% (2010).

125.5 km.
The most high point: Peak Lamlam (406 m).
Northern Mariana Islands

Area: 463.6 km2.

Population: 51,170 (2013).

Population density: 110.4 people / km 2.

Urban population: 91% (2010).

Coastline length: 1482 km.
highest point: Agrikhan volcano on the island of the same name (965 m).

Climate and weather

tropical marine. The influence of the trade winds.
Average annual temperature:+24 - +30°С.

Rainy season: July-October.

Average annual rainfall: 1800-2300 mm.
Relative humidity: 78-82%.

Frequent typhoons.


GDP: Guam ($4.6 billion, per capita - $28,700, 2010), Northern Mariana Islands ($733 million, per capita - $13,600, 2010).

Agriculture: crop production (sugarcane, bananas, coffee, cotton, taro, citrus fruits, copra, vegetables, breadfruit), animal husbandry (poultry, pig breeding, dairy and meat animal husbandry).
Maintenance of US Air Force and Navy bases (Guam Island).
Industry: construction, food, textile.
Minerals: phosphorites, sulfur, iron and manganese ores.
Fishing (tuna).
Service sector: tourism, trade, financial.


Guam Island: Pati Point Nature Reserve, ruins of Kaca-Gobierno (Hagatna, Governor's Palace, 1736), statue of Pope John Paul II (Hagatna), mini-Statue of Liberty in Paseo de Susanna (Hagatna), Dolce Nombre Cathedral - de Maria Agaña (Hagatna), Plaza de Espain (Hagatna), Latte Stone Park (Hagatna), Fort Santa Agueda (Hagatna), World War II Memorial Park (Fonte Plateau Unit), Tailfuck Bridge (1785), Guam Museum (Adelap Point Peninsula), World War II Japanese Coastal Gun Exhibition, University of Guam Marine Laboratory, Ty Lavers Point Limestone Cliffs, Caching Zoo, China Park, Gath Pago Inalahan Village , Gadao cave, Talofofo waterfall, Historical Museum Guama, Yokoi Caves, Meriso Bell Chapel (1910), Spanish Fort Nuestra de La Soledad,
Northern Mariana Islands: latte columns, San Jose Catholic Church (Tinian, 1956), Sugar King Park (Saipan), American Memorial Park (Saipan), Banadero Limestone Cave (Saipan), Laderan Tangke Cliffs (Saipan) ), Korean Peace Park (in memory of Korean women taken out by the Japanese to work in Saipan, 1981), Grotto Natural Cave, Tag House (residence of Tag the Great, king of the ancient Chamorro state, Tinian).

Curious facts

■ The island of Guam is only three times the size of the US capital, Washington.
■ In addition to Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands have the status of an unincorporated organized territory of the United States.

■ The Limestone Latte Columns on Tinian Island are massive columns made of fossilized coral and limestone, up to 2 m wide and up to 4.5 m high, with a rounded top. Ancient Spanish sources report that burial urns of the Chamorro people were embedded in the columns. Images of the latte column are present on the flag and coat of arms of the Northern Mariana Islands.
■ In 1899, the Spaniards sold the northern part of the Mariana Islands to Germany for 837,500 German gold marks, which is about $4.1 million at the current rate.
■ During World War II, Guam became the first American territory to be occupied by the Japanese. Japan captured the island by attacking it on December 8, 1941, the same day that Pearl Harbor was raided. The Japanese actually attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7th, but the International Date Line in the Pacific must be taken into account.
■ Residents of the island of Guam are recognized as US citizens without the right to vote in national elections. Guam has one non-voting delegate, elected for two years, in the US House of Representatives.

The Mariana Archipelago is located in the very west of the Pacific Ocean, in almost fabulous Micronesia. Amazing nature and an American-style beach holiday with a touch of civilized exoticism - everything about the Mariana Archipelago: map, photos, weather and tours.

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Mariana Archipelago - offspring American democracy. These islands have been unlucky with their owners all their lives. Either Spain will take them to itself, then Germany, then Japan. As a result, "beloved" by many US residents, President George W. Bush united the Northern Mariana Islands with Guam, and the Marianas archipelago thus became a "star-striped" territory.

The Mariana Islands is another place on earth that competes for the title of paradise. Once here, you realize that the best thing in the world is doing nothing. On one side of this archipelago is the Pacific Ocean, on the other, the Philippine Sea has crept up. Here you can jump from island to island and quickly "sing along" your summer.

Time difference with Moscow

7 o'clock

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How to get there

This archipelago has two important points- Guam and Northern Mariana Islands. There are no direct flights from Russia in both directions. You can fly to Guam with a connection in Tokyo or Seoul, or use a charter via Manila. Everything about everything will take you about 16 hours.

About the same amount of time you will spend flying to Saipan - via Shanghai, Tokyo or Seoul.

Search for flights to the Marianas Archipelago


From October 1, 2019, citizens of the Russian Federation to visit the Mariana Archipelago will need a visa, which must be issued in advance. In addition, do not forget about the medical policy for the entire duration of the trip.

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In the Northern Mariana Islands best hotels located in Saipan. There is a good selection of three and four star hotels. The cost of living - from 90 dollars per night.

On Guam, the center of high-end hotels, shops, and restaurants is located in Tumon Bay. Work here international networks hotels - Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott and many others. Most often, near the bay you can find luxury hotels that take huge chunks of the cleanest beaches. Cheaper rooms are located a little deeper into the coastline.

Currency of the Marianas

The monetary unit of the country is the US Dollar (USD), in 1 dollar 100 cents. Current exchange rate: 1 USD = 75.12 RUB.


In the Northern Mariana Islands, the most convenient mode of transport is by plane. An indispensable means of transportation, given the remoteness of the islands. There is no railway and public transport is poorly developed. It is best to rent a car or use the tourist buses that stop at the hotel, shops and restaurants.

On Guam with public transport take it easy. 15 people work here bus routes. Buses run every day, except Sunday, with an interval of 30 minutes. True, drivers will not go anywhere after 7 pm. The trip costs a dollar. Day pass is $3.

Also, open-top buses run around the island - they are best suited for excursions so that you can view and photograph the sights in detail.


The archipelago has several beaches that attract the most tourists. One of the cleanest and most beautiful is Micro Beach. For fans of snorkeling, Lao Lao Bay is suitable, and for fans of outdoor food - Ladair Beach, picnics are often arranged here. And Paupau Beach offers playgrounds for sports.

In principle, anyone can choose a beach to their liking. It is not necessary to go to the territory crowded with tourists - within a few minutes you will definitely find a secluded corner where no one will bother you. There are enough wild beaches on the archipelago. True, while swimming, it is worth taking into account the strength of receding waves, as well as monitor the coral rubble that scratches bare feet.

Cuisine and restaurants

The cuisine of the Mariana Archipelago is a bizarre mixture of traditions from many countries. This is not surprising given the history of the area. Each owner left a mark in food.

The cuisine has incorporated recipes from China, France, Italy, the USA and Japan. Cafes and restaurants serve traditional meat dishes with spicy sauces - fried lamb and beef ribs. Chefs prepare simple poultry soups with corn, rice, potatoes and spinach. In the course of coconut soup with vegetables and curry, as well as broth with tomatoes and minced meat.

Naturally, not a single self-respecting establishment can do without fish dishes: grilled, boiled, smoked or baked with all kinds of vegetables, fish is served with sauce, mussels, beans or ordinary noodles.

And on the archipelago they make tuba coconut wine - this is a naturally fermented juice of a young coconut with a very specific taste.

Shopping and shops

The Mariana archipelago is a whole heap of souvenirs that tourists buy in tons. This is what vacationers most often take home: souvenirs from shells and coconuts, hats and bags from the leaves of tropical plants, textiles and paintings, products made from agate, corals and pearls.

Each store has its own work schedule, but none of them will open their doors on Sunday - they rest. The exception is large shopping centers that do not want to lose profits.

The archipelago is full of duty-free shops that sell products from global brands - from Chanel and Louis Vuitton to Gucci and Rolex. Prices here are an order of magnitude lower than in the US itself.

Payment in stores - in US dollars or credit cards, however, cards may not be accepted on the outlying islands. On the major islands there are commercial banks if you need to cash a check. Going to a small island, it is best to take plenty of cash with you.

3 things to do in the Mariana archipelago

  1. Snorkeling is a type of swimming with fins and a breathing tube. With such equipment, you can spend a lot of time in the ocean, exploring the underwater world. Snorkeling is a favorite pastime of the locals. They are used by adults and children. You will be taught too.
  2. Visit the Micronesian Arts and Crafts Fair - this event takes place annually in Guam. Representatives of exotic states like Nauru, Kiribati and Belau flock here. The highlight of the program is the dance and song festival. The fair is visited by about 20 thousand people.
  3. Save the Guam shepherd is an endangered species of native bird, otherwise known as "ko-ko". Every year, the Ko-Ko Road Half Marathon is held in her honor. People gather and run 20 kilometers, drawing attention to the problem of the disappearance of the bird. You will have to run along the beaches and villages, so a beautiful landscape is guaranteed during the rescue action.

Entertainment and attractions of the Mariana Archipelago

One of the most interesting sights of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Chamorro street

This street is located in Guam. They gather here every evening locals, play, sing, dance, prepare delicious meals and sell souvenirs. Chamorro is the name of the natives of the island. Their history, among other things, can be studied from the ancient Latte stones - the columns on which dwellings were built.

Fort Apugan

Fort Alugan is located near the capital of Guam. Here in 1944 there were battles between the armies of Japan and the United States. Hundreds of soldiers are buried in a large meadow, and the remains of a German cruiser and Japanese ships lie at the bottom of the sea. Divers like to descend here in search of interesting finds.


The Mariana Archipelago is a kind of transit point for divers, who then go to Fiji, Yap, Truk, Palau. There are some good dive sites on Guam. For example, near Fort Alugan. Or the well-known Kingdom of black corals is a large deep-water reef with a sheer wall that goes 100 meters deep.


Hiking enthusiasts are best off heading to the Northern Mariana Islands. The main islands - Saipan, Tinian and Rota - are good for walking. One of the main trails is the Laderana-Tangka trail leading through the Marpi Commonwealth Forest.

The Mariana Islands in the western Pacific Ocean attract travelers with their beauty tropical paradise. A chain of 15 tiny patches of land is located north of the equator, bordering the eastern part of the Philippine Sea. There are two independent state formations on the territory of the archipelago. One of them is called the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands or simply the Northern Mariana Islands (CMO), the second is Guam.

tropical paradise

The Mariana Islands offer a warm climate, evergreen forests and picturesque lagoons. The archipelago is surrounded by fantastically beautiful and vibrant underwater world promises exciting adventures. In this part of Micronesia, it is warm in summer throughout the year, the atmosphere of cordial hospitality and celebration reigns. Tourists like to go snorkeling, diving, surfing on the islands. Many come to soak up the white sandy beaches. The hotels on the large islands have a high level of service, there are golf clubs, gourmet restaurants.

Where is the archipelago located, how to get there?

The Mariana Islands on the map stretched between the parallels 12 and 21º, they form an arc along 145 ° E. sh. with a total length of about 810 km. In the south, the archipelago borders on the Carolines, and in the north - on the territory. In this territory, the time difference with Moscow is +6 hours. To travel to the Mariana Islands, Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa if the stay does not exceed 45 days. You can get to the archipelago by plane with one change in cities in the southeast of the mainland. You will need an amount of 1200-1300 US dollars for a flight with 1-2 transfers on the route "Moscow - Mariana Islands". Rest, prices in hotels depend on the city where the tourist chooses. Air transport, ferries, boats and inflatable boats run between the islands of the archipelago.

When is the best time to go? Climate and seasons

Tours to the Mariana Islands are organized all year round, because in all parts of the archipelago summer lasts 12 months a year. The climate is due to the favorable location of the islands between the Tropic of the North and the equator. Tourist season is open all year round, but travelers need to be aware of the differences between dry and wet periods. Temperature conditions during the year are not very diverse - +27 ... +29 ° С (maximum +33 ° С). Precipitation falls on the order of 2000 mm/year. There is a dry period, its duration is 8 months - from December to July. Then comes the wet season, which lasts until November. The trade winds at this time bring an abundance of moisture from the ocean, and most of the precipitation falls. In August-November, there is a high probability of typhoons and storms. The water temperature on the beaches almost all year round is +28...+29 °С, only in February and March it drops to +27 °С. The most comfortable months for rest are December-March.

State structure and population

The Northern Mariana Islands is a territory freely associated with the United States and is self-governing. Citizens are considered subjects of the United States but do not vote in national elections. The population of the island of Guam (Marian Islands) has the same rights. Other important information for tourists about the states of the archipelago:

  • the administrative center of the SMO - about. Saipan;
  • the capital of Guam is the city of Hagatna;
  • English is the official language, Chamorro Aboriginal language and Caroline dialects are also used;
  • Catholicism is the dominant religion;
  • The US dollar is the monetary unit.

The indigenous people have retained their language and traditions associated with cultivating the land, hunting and fishing. Natives from other territories of Micronesia and the Caroline Islands maintain the cultural heritage of their ancestors in the form of national music, dance, crafts and needlework.

History of Chamorro Land

Presumably in the III millennium BC. e. catamarans delivered the first inhabitants of the Mariana Islands to the outskirts of the Philippine Sea from the territory of modern Indonesia. From these ancient seafarers descended the Chamorro people. The name of the archipelago was given by the Spaniards in honor of the actual head of Spain, Marianne of Austria. In 1565, Miguel Lopez de Legaspi annexed the Mariana Islands to the possessions of the Spanish crown. Large-scale colonization began 100 years later and was associated with missionary activities. The population was converted to Christianity and taught to grow cereals and raise cattle.

At the end of the 19th century, Spain ceded Guam to the United States, along with Puerto Rico and the Philippines, and sold the other Mariana Islands to Germany. Saipan became the center of coconut cultivation for the Germans. Japan in 1914 seized control of the islands of the archipelago, held the territory until the US Navy and the US Army land landing in 1944. From the airport to about. Tinian took off from the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. At the same time, the UN recognized the US protectorate over Guam, and in 1947, the guardianship of the United States over northern islands archipelago.

The amazing nature of the islands

The relatively young Mariana Islands on the map represent a chain of land areas of volcanic and coral origin. They arose more than 25 million years ago. In the same part of the ocean is the most deep place in the World Ocean - the Mariana Trench with the Challenger Trough (more than 11 km). On the northern island of Agrihan is the highest active volcano in the archipelago (965 m). Soils, flora and fauna were formed under the influence of a warm, humid climate and the proximity of the ocean. Isolation from the mainland also had an impact. The richness of the nature of the large islands is:

  • valleys covered with fertile lands;
  • rainforests;
  • sandy beaches gleaming in the sun.
  • majestic cones of extinct volcanoes;
  • picturesque underwater caves and grottoes.

Flora includes many types of heat-loving trees, shrubs and flowers. Banana, coconut palm, hibiscus, orchids grow here. Representatives of 40 species of birds live on the islands, giant crabs and pangolins, whose sizes reach 1 m. Among the lush tropical vegetation on the island. Sarigan find shelter wild ungulates.

Tourism on the islands

On about. Saipan is home to 90% of the Commonwealth's population and is the majority beach hotels. The picturesque islands of Tinian and Rota are inhabited, where many hiking trips are organized. tourist routes. The uninhabited parts of the archipelago are also popular due to the opportunity to get to them in one day and practice water sports sports. Travelers go to the islets to watch birds and dive to coral reefs. Saipan has golf courses, excursions around the surrounding area are offered. Tourist favorites include:

  • swimming in boats with a transparent bottom;
  • yacht cruises;
  • windsurfing;
  • jungle walks;
  • mountain biking through mountains and jungles;
  • flights and parachute jumps over the Saipan lagoon;
  • attending courses in golf clubs.

Diving, snorkeling and fishing

The coastal waters of the archipelago are clean and transparent. Such conditions are favorable for various forms of living beings.

Dozens of species of coelenterates form the coral reefs that border the Mariana Islands. A photo underwater world do not leave indifferent any diver and snorkeler.

Often come across clown fish, tuna, barracuda, swordfish. Dolphins, whales and other sea creatures (octopuses, lobsters, sea turtles) are found in the waters of the ocean near the islands.

Attractions of the archipelago

The abundance of natural conditions for an unforgettable holiday is complemented by a developed tourism infrastructure on the large islands - Saipan, Tinyan, Rota and Guam. Popular with fans of water recreation, the coral reef and Lau-Lau Beach are located on the southeast coast of about. Saipan. Grotto is a natural cave with lakes up to 15 m deep and an underwater exit to the azure waters of the Pacific Ocean. In the Marianas, prehistoric latte structures are formed by two parallel rows of slabs. The height is about 1.5 m, the width is over 3.5 m, there are stone ceilings on top. Structures with a length of 12 m could serve as a support for religious buildings or houses. On the island of Tinian is the most famous of these artifacts, called the House of Tag. The eventful history of the Mariana Islands is reflected in museum expositions and memorial monuments.

8 mysteries of the Marianas

What is interesting to see in the Mariana Islands?

O.Saipan, 23 km. long and 8 km. wide - the largest among the Marianas and is the administrative center of the Commonwealth. Saipan impresses with its beauty and attracts tourists all year round. warm sea and bright sun. The center, Gararan, is the most…

Video from the Mariana Islands

How to get to the Mariana Islands?

From Russia to about. Saipan can be reached by flying via Seoul, South Korea, or Tokyo, Japan. There are daily flights from both states to the Mariana Islands.

flight time: 3 hour flight from Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya),

4.5 hour flight from South Korea (Seoul, Busan),

5 hours flight from China - Shanghai (regular charter flights from Beijing and Guangzhou are also available)

vaccinations: No vaccinations are required to visit the Mariana Islands.

How to comfortably move around the Mariana Islands?

road traffic: Driving is right-hand drive, cars are left-hand drive. The rules of the road are the same as in Russia with small exceptions, for example, at a red light, you can turn right, letting cars from the opposite lane turn left.

Traffic and rules are very simple. There are no huge traffic jams like in big cities. Top speed is 35 mph, on some big roads 40-45 mph. For renting a car, the age limit is 21 years and older.

Traffic Laws:

Wear seat belts (fine from $50.00)

Children under 4 must be fastened in child seats, from 4 years and older - with a car seat belt

At the stop signal (STOP) on the school bus, you must stop

It is forbidden to enter the oncoming lane

Parking on the blue (with a sign for the disabled) is prohibited

The middle lane (yellow solid or dotted on both sides) is allowed to be used only during a left turn or a full U-turn, but only after a complete stop.

After sunset, it is necessary to turn on the dipped beam (18:30)

When the car is stopped by the police, do not get out of the car. You need to open a window.

Driving while intoxicated is strictly prohibited.

car rental: Car brands

Toyota, Ford, Nissan, KIA


It is enough to have a Russian license with you. You can pay by card or cash.

The car is rented with a full tank and the car must be returned with a full tank. In case of violation of the contract, the amount for gasoline is tripled.

In some car rental offices, it is offered to pay for gasoline in advance.


Each car rental office offers several types of insurance.

Car insurance is not required. You can opt out of insurance, but in this case, you must leave your credit card details.

Taxi: Taxis in Saipan can only be hailed from hotel stands. Taxi services, although metered, are expensive.

buses: Saipan, Tinian and Rota do not have an urban transportation system. There is a free duty free bus from the store to the hotels and back.

hitch-hiking: It is possible to hitchhike in the Marianas, but this is not a common practice.

airports: Each island: Saipan, Rota and Tinian has international/local airports. The main airport of the Mariana Islands is an international airport on about. Saipan.

airlines: Asiana Airline (O.Z.)

Delta Airlines (DL)

Shanghai Airline (FM)

Continental Airline (CO)

Freedom Air (FRE)

railway: There are no railways in the Marianas.

ports: The only one international port- on Saipan, and three local - on the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota.

Where is the best place to stay while traveling in the Mariana Islands?

Climate in the Marianas

The climate is tropical. O. Saipan is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the most constant round-the-clock year-round temperature in the world of +27 degrees C. The season for tourists in the Mariana Islands is open all year round.

There are 2 seasons - dry and wet. The wet season falls for 6 months from July to December. A special characteristic of the wet season is intermittent rains during the day and heavy rains at night, which does not prevent tourists from enjoying the warm sea and the bright sun. The average air temperature during the wet season is +33 - +35 degrees Celsius and the average rainfall is 1800-2000 mm.

The dry season falls for 6 months from January to June. The weather this season is cool with a light breeze and the air temperature drops to +27 degrees Celsius. The average water temperature is +25 degrees Celsius, precipitation is reduced to a minimum, droughts are possible.

Between July and November, tropical storms and typhoons are possible in the Pacific Ocean. Basically, they become infected in the Mariana Islands and go north, gaining their strength already off the coast of the Philippines, China, Taiwan, Korea or Japan.

National cuisine of the Mariana Islands

The cuisine in the Marianas is international. Initially, with the development of the textile and tourism industries on the islands, a multinational population developed. The Chinese, Filipinos, Thais, Japanese, Koreans, Americans, Australians and other nationalities have influenced the diversity of the islands' cuisine. Accordingly, the island has many restaurants and eateries to the liking of each of these nationalities.

The locals are very hospitable, and if you make friends in Saipan, you will definitely be invited to visit, where they will offer local dishes such as red rice, meat or poultry grilled or in coconut milk, corn tortillas, spicy chicken calaguen, apigigi (young coconut with starch flour wrapped in a banana leaf), tropical fruits and many other dishes. You can taste local dishes in hotel restaurants or at the local fair on Garapan on Thursdays.

Most popular restaurants:

Restaurant "Tony Romas" is famous for ribs prepared according to traditional American recipes, and "Capriciosa" - Italian cuisine, are located not far from the Duty Free shopping center. Delicious cuisine, fast service and convenient location and opening hours have made these restaurants very popular among Russian tourists.

The big guitar of the restaurant "Hard Rock Cafe" attracts the attention of every tourist. The restaurant itself is located on the second floor of the Duty Free shopping center. Homemade nachos, combo burgers, steaks, fried chicken, soups, salads and delicious desserts can all be tasted in an atmosphere of rock and roll relics and your favorite music.

The Thai House Thai restaurant is a favorite place for both residents of Saipan and tourists. Seafood delicacies, papaya salad, vegetable rolls and many other dishes will be served to your table with a smile and Thai goodwill.

In the only Indian restaurant on the islands, "Test of India", you can try the famous Indian dish "Tandori Chicken".

Numerous Korean, Chinese and Japanese restaurants are scattered throughout the island of Saipan. The Hankukwan restaurant specializes in traditional Korean cuisine for cooking nabe (soups). Seafood, meat, mushrooms, vegetables, or all at once can be added to the cooked spicy broth of your choice. Restaurant "Tori Hide and American Sushi Bar" offers a variety of Japanese dishes, sashimi and sushi, including California rolls.

Tourist safety in the Marianas

History of the Marianas

The first settlers migrated from Southeast Asia to the Marina Islands 1500 BC. Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer and navigator, discovered the Marianas and mapped them in 1521, and in 1565 Spain declared the islands its territory and…

Mariana Islands souvenirs

Coconut crafts Bojobo mascot crafts Bojobo seed crafts Shell and coral jewelery Traditional wood crafts Traditional bone crafts Coconut leaf wicker crafts Traditional bead crafts Pictures Medicinal noni fruit products Noni …

Mariana Islands: interesting facts

The deepest trench in the world, the Mariana Trench, which is over 11,000 meters deep, is located to the east of Saipan.

Guinness book records:

Temperature: in the Mariana Islands, the most stable temperature in the world is +27 C.

In 2007, Marine Dive magazine put 18 categories of dive-related sites around the world up for readers' votes. After voting, 5 prestigious awards were determined for the Mariana Islands.

Managaha Island Lagoon won first place as “Best Snorkeling Spot”

Fourth place was shared by Managaha for "Best Beach" and Saipan, Tinian and Rota for "Best Diving Area"

Fifth place was shared by Rota for "Teteto" beach as "Best Beach" and the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota as "Best Resort Area".

Underwater cave "Grotto" is considered the second most beautiful place in the world among diving specialists. Skin Diver magazine has listed this place as one of the top 10 scuba diving spots.

Four years in a row, Managaha Island has been awarded and won the title of "Best Snorkeling Destination" at the Tokyo International Fair.

Saipan - Treasure Island! The Saipan Museum of History and Culture has the world's largest collection of artifacts and treasures from Spanish galleons! In 1638, at Cape Aguingan in the Saipan Strait, not far from the PIC Hotel, the galley Nuestra Señora de la Conception wrecked with a cargo of gold. Only a small part of the cargo was found by an underwater expedition in the 80s of the last century. Most of the treasures still remain at the bottom of the strait. The most expensive part of the treasure is in the museum and their duplicates can be seen in one of the halls: gold jewelry inlaid with diamonds and other precious stones, necklaces, chains, fine porcelain, etc.

On the island of Saipan lived the artist Douglas Rankin, who created a unique painting technique - banana painting. Instead of a brush, he used cuttings from a banana tree. He cut and wrapped leaves, carved dies and rollers from trunks. Then he created unique paintings with his unusual instruments. Douglas Rankin died in 2007.