Greenland island. Greenland - Green Country

Greenland me or Qalaallit Nunaat(local name). Autonomous territory of Denmark. It has maritime borders with Canada in the northwest. Iceland is located to the east of it.

Greenland is the largest island in the world. Total area - 2.166.086 sq. km. The largest island in the world is located northeast of the mainland. North America.

In the north, Greenland is washed by the seas of the Arctic Ocean (Lincoln Sea, Wandel Sea), almost constantly clogged with ice.

In the extreme south, Greenland is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, which forms the wide Danish Strait in the southeast, separating Greenland from Iceland.

The east coast is washed by the cold East Greenland current and is blocked almost throughout the year floating ice brought from the central part of the Arctic Ocean. More accessible from the sea is the southwestern coast, washed by the warm waters of the West Greenland Current.

The most powerful island in the world, Greenland, is made up of 81% ice. Glaciers cover 1,834,000 km2 (including 1,726,000 km2 of an ice sheet that occupies the entire interior and some coastal areas).

The hallmark of Greenland is the aurora borealis (the so-called "Aurora Borealis"), which can be observed here almost all year round, and polar mirages ("Fata Morgana"), which in these high latitudes sometimes show fantastic pictures of majestic sailing ships or cities surrounded by lush greenery.

Climate in Greenland

Climate in Greenland− marine, subarctic and arctic; in the area of ​​the ice sheet - continental arctic. The island is often crossed by cyclones, accompanied by strong winds, sudden changes in temperature and precipitation.

The average January temperature on the coast is from -7 °C in the south to -36 °C in the north, and in July from +10 °C in the south to +3 °C in the northwest. In the center of Greenland average temperature February -47 °C (absolute minimum -70 °C), July -12 °C.

In summer, thick fogs are frequent on the coast. From the surface of the glaciers, strong katabatic winds "piterak" often blow, the speed of which sometimes reaches 60-70 meters per second.

Last changes: 15.05.2013


Population of Greenland- about 59,000 people (2012), including about 90% Greenlanders (Eskimos).

Over 9/10 of the population is concentrated on the southwestern coast of Greenland, where the largest settlements (cities) are located - Nuuk (capital, 15 thousand inhabitants), Julianehob, Holsteinsborg, Sukkertoppen.

The main religion is Christianity.

Languages: Greenlandic (Eskimo dialect), Danish, English.

Greenlandic is spoken along the east, southwest, and northwest coasts of Greenland.

For all Greenlanders, it is the main, for many - the only language of communication.

Last changes: 15.05.2013


The Danish krone (Dkr) is equal to 100 øre.

Limited use of the crown Faroe Islands(Kr).

Banknotes in denominations of 1000, 500, 200, 100 and 50 kroons, coins in denominations of 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 kroons, 50 and 25 öre are in circulation.

There are banks in all major cities in Greenland, and you can also change money at hotels.

Credit cards can be used in many hotels, restaurants and shops, but it is recommended to take a small amount of Danish kroner with you to Greenland, some ATMs do not work on weekends.

Communication and communications

Telephone code: 299

Internet domain: .gl

Area codes are not used.

How to call

To call from Russia to Greenland from a landline phone, you need to dial: 8 - dial tone - 10 - 299 - subscriber's number.

To call Greenland from Russia from a cell phone, you need to dial: +299 - the subscriber's number.

To call from Greenland to Russia, you need to dial: 00 - 7 - area code - subscriber number.

Fixed line

The telephone system in Greenland is well developed, especially given the harsh local natural conditions. All populated areas countries are provided with a whole network of telephone lines based on both cable and satellite systems.

Public payphones operating with prepaid cards (sold in post offices) are installed in almost all post offices and have direct access to the international communication system (IDD).

mobile connection

The cellular communication system is excellently developed - there are many more owners of cell phones here than subscribers of cable networks.

The cellular communication system covers almost all the settlements of the coastal regions of the island and the adjacent island groups.


The Internet on the island is excellently developed. Terminals for high-speed network access or Wi-Fi are installed in all hotels, post offices and office complexes. Internet cafes are found in abundance in all settlements, in tourist offices and some public libraries.

Last changes: 05/18/2010


Shops in cities. In Greenland, a wide range of goods can be found in the supermarket. Since almost everything, with the exception of fish and some meat products, is imported to Greenland either by ship or by plane, therefore prices are higher than in Europe. Alcohol, tobacco, fresh fruits and vegetables and dairy products are also expensive items in Greenland.

Shopping in the settlements . In settlements, the choice of goods in stores is somewhat limited. The more inhabitants in the settlement, the greater the choice. On the other hand, you can always buy fresh fish, lamb and meat at affordable prices. In cities and towns, souvenirs are sold in shops, but they are not of the same quality as souvenirs sold in souvenir shops.

Souvenirs . Souvenirs from Greenland are unique because they are handmade, and there are no other such souvenirs to be found anywhere in the world. Each product is made by a Greenlandic artist who follows the traditions and customs of this country. As a visitor, you will have ample opportunity to find exactly what you are looking for.

Last changes: 15.05.2013

Where to stay

There are hotels in all cities, with the exception of Ittokkortoormiit, Kangaatsiak and Upernavik.

Many hotels are classified according to the European classification system up to four **** as the best. Four-star hotels include the Ilulissat Arctic Hotel, the Sisimiut Hotel in Sisimiut, and the Hans Egede Hotels in Nuuk. All hotels have a bathroom/toilet, a telephone and usually a TV.

In large cities, accommodation with a Greenlandic family can be arranged.

Boarding houses and hostels are cheap accommodation, they are located in most cities. Some of them may be on par with a boarding house in Europe. There are no showers or toilets in the rooms. Some boarding houses have beds, some require you to bring a sleeping bag with you.

Camping. If you are traveling in Greenland with a tent, you can stay as close to historical ruins and near lakes and rivers. In some cities, special camping areas have been created with various facilities.

Sea and beaches

beach holiday, as such, does not exist in Greenland.

Last changes: 01.09.2010


Around 875, the island was first discovered by the Icelandic sailor Gunbjorn (he did not go ashore).

In 982, an Icelander of Norwegian origin, Eirik Rauda (Redhead), made the first survey of the island and named it Greenland.

In 983, Norman (Icelandic) colonies were founded in the south of Greenland, which existed until the 15th century.

From 1262 until the beginning of the 18th century, Greenland actually belonged to Norway.

In 1721, the colonization of the island by Denmark began.

In 1744, Denmark established a state monopoly (existed until 1950) on trade with Greenland.

In 1814, with the termination of the Danish-Norwegian union of 1380, Greenland remained with Denmark and until 1953 was its colony.

In 1953, Greenland was declared part of the territory of the Kingdom of Denmark.

In 1940, after the occupation of Denmark by Germany, the US government announced the extension of the Monroe Doctrine to Greenland.

1941 - signed with the American government, the so-called. agreement on the defense of Greenland (ratified by the Danish Rigsdag on May 16, 1945). The United States began to establish military bases on Greenland.

1951 - a new agreement is signed, according to which Denmark and the United States carry out joint defense of the island.
In 1971, the United States had 2 military bases and other military installations in Greenland.

The exploration of Greenland began in the 17th century and was carried out initially by the British, and after the colonization of the island, by the Danes and Norwegians.

A long journey into the depths of Greenland was the first to be made by the Swede A. Nordenskiöld (1683).

In 1888, the Norwegians crossed the southern part of the island. Nansen and O. Sverdrup. In recent years, almost continuous research, including stationary observations on the ice sheet, has been carried out by scientists from the USA and Great Britain; in 1968-1969, an expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences worked.

August 6, 2004 - The US and Denmark sign an agreement modernizing the 1951 Treaty for the Defense of Greenland.

Last modified: 10/13/2009

When traveling in Greenland, special attention should be paid to the careful selection of clothing, equipment and equipment.

Even with a simple visit to the country, which does not involve trips outside the cities, you should stock up on warm clothes with good protection from the wind, as well as warm and strong shoes.

Summer can be so warm that you need shorts and t-shirts.

Last changes: 20.01.2013

How to get to Greenland

There are no direct flights from Moscow to Greenland yet. Regular direct flights Moscow-Copenhagen are operated by SAS and Aeroflot.

You can also get to Denmark by ferry from Norway: Oslo - Copenhagen flights are operated by the ferry company DFDS Seaways.

By railway Denmark can be reached via Germany or Sweden.

Buses to Copenhagen depart daily from almost all European capitals. From Copenhagen you can fly to Kangerlussak (West Greenland) and Narsarsuaq (South Greenland).



island at north-east the banks of the North. America. In 981 G. Icelandic Eirik Turvaldson, nicknamed Raudi ("ginger") , went in search of a large app. earth. Soon he came up to her and on her south extremity found several areas relatively well protected from the wind and covered with green vegetation. In contrast to the surrounding area, Eirik gave the name Greenland to this place. (Grenland) - "green country". After more than a hundred years, there was a record (1100) that Eirik deliberately gave the name, embellishing reality, in order to attract immigrants. However, it is indisputable that Eirik attributed the name Greenland only to a small area on YU. islands, and only in the XV in. it was extended to the whole island. Cm. also Scoresby, Thule, Svalbard.

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001 .


the largest island on Earth, between the Atlantic and the North. Arctic oceans. More than 80% of the territory is covered with ice (shield thickness up to 4300 m), in coastal waters - icebergs. The coast is cut by fjords. The climate is arctic and subarctic, on the coast - maritime, in the center - continental. One of the poles of cold sowing. hemisphere (-70 °С). On the coast - the tundra. Fishing, sheep breeding. Part of Danish territory, self-governing since 1979

Brief geographical dictionary. EdwART. 2008 .


(Grønland), the largest island on Earth, between Sev. Arctic and Atlantic oceans, near the north-east. coast of the North. America. Length 2600 km, width up to 1200 km, area. 2176 thousand km². Almost 79% of the area. occupies the Greenland ice sheet (1726.4 thousand km²), the edges of which in many places break off into the sea. Ice-free coastal areas up to 250 km wide (mainly in the southwest and north) are composed of crystalline rocks and represent plateaus up to 400–600 m high and mountain ranges up to 2000 m high. The highest point of the island is Gunbjorn (3700 m ) in the ridge. Watkins to the east. coast. The coast is heavily indented by fjords. Avg. ice sheet thickness 1790 m, max. to the center. h. 3416 m, ice volume approx. 2365 thousand km³ (12% of the total ground ice). If the glacial cover of G. melted, then the level of the World Ocean would rise by 7.5 m. Two domes are expressed in the relief of the ice sheet: the center. 3231 m high and south. 2850 m high. Large glaciers slide down narrow valleys; in their terminal parts they sometimes move at a speed of 5–7 km/year ( Jakobshavn , Rinka, Karayak). Many ice streams reach the sea and form icebergs (13-15 thousand annually). Individual ice domes lie outside the ice sheet. The climate is subarctic and arctic. Avg. January temperatures from -7 ° C in the south to -47 ° C in the north and in the center. part of the ice sheet (minimum approx. -70 °С), July, respectively, from 10 to -12 °С. Precipitation in the south is 800–1000 mm per year, in the north 150–250 mm, and on the ice sheet 300–400 mm. Tundra is on the coast, crooked forests are in places in the extreme south, and arctic desert is in the north. In G. live sowing. deer, musk musk ox, polar bear, arctic fox, polar wolf, etc., many birds. The island is open approx. 875 by the Icelander Gunbjorn, and in 981 another Icelander, Eirik Turvaldson, nicknamed the Red, set out again in search of this land and, having found several areas covered with green vegetation, gave this place the name Greenland, i.e. "green country", which in the XV century. was extended to the whole island. Since 1721, the colonization of G. by Denmark began; since 1953, the island belongs to Denmark, has been self-governing since 1979. The Greenlanders are engaged in fish and fish processing, sheep and reindeer husbandry. Main us. points are located in the southwest. coast: Gotthob (adm. center), Julianehob, Holsteinsborg. Population approx. 60 thousand people (1998). On SW. islands - Greenlandic national the park .

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


the largest island on Earth, between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, off the northeastern coast of North America. Part of ter. Denmark (since 1953); has been self-governing since May 1979. Pl. 2176 thousand km², us. OK. 60 thousand people Adm. center - Gotthob. Length islands 2600 km, lat. up to 1200 km. Almost 79% of the area of ​​Greenland is occupied by the Greenland Ice Sheet. In many areas, the edge of the ice sheet breaks off into the sea, but in some places the coast is ice-free. Such areas are wide. up to 250 km stretch along the coast (especially in the southwest and north), are composed of crystalline rocks and represent high plateaus. up to 400–600 m and mountain ranges high. up to 2000 m. The highest point of the island is Mount Gunbjorn (3700 m) in the ridge. Watkins to the east. coast. The coast is heavily indented by fjords.
Greenland ice sheet 1726.4 thousand km² occupies the entire interior of the island. Wed shield thickness 1790 m, max. to the center. part - 3416 m. Ice volume approx. 3 million km³ is 12% of the total volume of land ice. If the ice sheet in Greenland melted, then the level of the World Ocean would rise by 7.5 m. Two domes are expressed in the relief of the ice sheet: the center. (height 3231 m) and south. (height 2850 m). Large glaciers slide along narrow valleys; in their end parts they sometimes move at a speed of 5–7 km per year (glaciers Jakobshavn, Rinka, Karajak). Many ice streams reach the sea and form icebergs(13-15 thousand annually). Separate glacial domes with a total area. 76 thousand km² lie outside the ice sheet.
The climate is subarctic and arctic, on the coast of the sea, in the center. parts of the shield are glacial. Wed January temperatures on the coast from -7 ° C in the south to -36 ° C in the north, in July from 10 ° C in the north to 3 ° C in the north-west. To the center. parts of the ice sheet cf. January temperature -47 °C, July -12 °C. In winter it is ok. -70°C. Annual precipitation is 800–1000 mm in the south, 150–250 mm in the north, and 300–400 mm on the ice sheet. Tundra is on the coast, crooked forests are in places in the extreme south, and arctic desert is in the north. In Greenland live: sowing. deer, musk musk ox, polar bear, arctic fox, polar wolf, etc.; many birds. On S.-V. islands - Greenland nat. the park. Greenlanders are engaged in fishing and fish processing, sheep and reindeer husbandry. Main us. points are located in the southwest. coast: Gotthob, Julianehob, Holsteinsborg. The island is open approx. 875 Icelander Gunbjorn, and in 981 a resident of Iceland Eirik Raudi, nicknamed Red, went a second time in search of this land and, having discovered several areas covered with green vegetation, gave this place the name Greenland, that is, a green country. In the 15th century this name was extended to the whole island.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


most big Island Land located northeast of mainland North America, between 59°45" and 83°39"N. In the past, a colony, and since 1979 a self-governing territory within Denmark. The length of the island from north to south is 2690 km, the maximum width is 1300 km. The total area is 2175.6 thousand square meters. km. The Canadian island of Ellesmere is separated from the northwestern coast of Greenland by a strait 19 km wide. The Danish Strait, 320 km wide, separates Iceland and the southeast coast of Greenland. The distance from Greenland to Svalbard is 440 km, the Greenland Sea stretches between them. In the west, Greenland is separated from Baffin Island by the Baffin Sea and Davis Strait. Main city- Nuuk (Gothob).
Geographic features. Approximately 83% of the area of ​​Greenland is occupied by an ice sheet. Only coastal areas are suitable for settlements. The total area of ​​ice-free land is estimated at 410.4 thousand square meters. km. A broken band of such lands borders the island; its average width is 80 km, and its greatest width is in the southwest and north of Greenland (up to 200–259 km). In many places it is cut by fjords. The highest surface of the ice sheet is 3230 m above sea level. (at 73° N), and its maximum thickness is 3400 m (at 72° N). The ice cover gradually decreases towards the coasts, where icebergs calve at the ends of outlet glaciers. Collision with one of these giant icebergs in 1912 led to tragic death the steamship Titanic. The coast of Melville Bay in western Greenland is an almost continuous high ice cliff.
The mountains stretch along the eastern and western coasts of the island and act as a barrier to the ice sheet. Most high mountains are at east coast. Mount Forel north of Angmagssalik in southeastern Greenland reaches 3360 m. The highest point Mount Gunnbjorn (3700 m) is located somewhat to the north. The eastern coast, like the western one, is strongly dissected; lowlands stretch along the coast and are confined mainly to the tops of the fjords. The ice-free lands in northern Greenland are low and rugged. In some places, ice shelves approach the coast of the Arctic Ocean, having a connection with the ice sheet.
The climate of the coastal regions of Greenland is changeable. It is the mildest on the southwest coast. The average July temperatures in Qaqortoq are 9.6°C, in Nuuk 8.3°C, and in January, respectively -7.8°C and -10.7°C. In summer, sometimes the temperature is slightly above 21°C, but often even in midsummer temperatures stay around 0°C. The coldest temperatures are on the east coast. In Pituffik, the average January temperature is -27°C. Here, strong katabatic winds often blow from the surface of the ice sheet at a speed of up to 70 m/h. In winter, the bays and fjords, even on the western coast north of Disko Island, freeze over. The southwestern coast of Greenland receives quite a lot of rainfall. The average annual precipitation in Qaqortoq is 1080 mm, in Nuuk - 660 mm, on far north- only 100–200 mm. In summer, the coast is often foggy.
In the extreme south of Greenland there is a birch crooked forest (forest tundra). Some vegetables can be grown in these areas and sheep can be herded. On the western coast, tundra vegetation is common, in places there are thickets of shrubby willow. Most of the coast of northern and eastern Greenland is a polar desert.
The fauna of Greenland itself is not rich. Reindeer, polar bear, arctic fox, ermine, hare and lemming live here. Sometimes there are wolves. The musk ox population is now greatly reduced. On the coastal rocks - bird colonies.
In the waters of Greenland common halibut, striped catfish, cod, sea bass, flounder and other fish species. Plentiful shrimp. In addition, there are several species of seals, beluga whales, narwhals and walruses.
Population. In 1998, 59.3 thousand people lived in Greenland. Most of the population is concentrated on the west coast. Only 8% of the population are Europeans, mostly Danes, the rest are Greenlandic Eskimos (self-name - Inuit). 38.2% of Greenlanders are Lutherans.
The official languages ​​are Greenlandic and Danish. In the Greenlandic language, there are three very different dialects - West Greenlandic, East Greenlandic and North Greenlandic. The literary norm is based on the West Greenlandic dialect.
In eastern Greenland, the population is sparse and concentrated in the areas of the trading posts of Angmagssalik and Itokortormiit (Scoresbysund). Along the southwestern coast, settlements are found from the southern tip of Greenland (Cape Farewell) to Upernavik on the east coast of Baffin Bay. The administrative center of Greenland, the city of Nuuk, is home to 13.3 thousand people (1996). In northwestern Greenland, the polar Eskimos live, who have experienced less of the influence of civilization compared to other natives. In this area there are small trading posts Kanak (Thule) and Eta.
Economic and social conditions. Greenland has limited natural resources, and Denmark annually allocates large subsidies to it (427.2 million dollars in 1995). Most of the inhabitants are engaged in seal fishing, shrimp and cod fishing. Sheep breeding, organized on the initiative of the Danish government in 1913, was developed in areas with a milder climate in the south and southwest of Greenland. In small settlements, natives live in huts lined with turf or stone, while in larger towns and cities, standard frame houses have been erected.
Under laws passed in 1950-1951, Greenland became open to foreigners who received permission from the Danish government, and Greenlanders acquired the right to emigrate. Fish canning factories, refrigerators, shipbuilding workshops and other industrial enterprises have been set up in Greenland. The schools have established technical training for Aboriginal people. The state monopoly has been abolished, although at the same time new restrictions have been introduced for Danish citizens on business and trade. Under Danish law, all persons living in Greenland benefit from free medical care. The work of doctors is paid by the state. Education is compulsory for children between the ages of 7 and 16. Education is conducted mainly in Greenlandic. The island has several weekly and monthly periodicals in Danish and Greenlandic.
The economic basis of the life of the population is marine fishing. Large whales were once abundant in coastal waters, but their population was on the verge of extinction as a result of the predatory activities of Dutch, English, American and Scandinavian whalers. Currently, fishing for marine mammals is the main source of income for only 2.5 thousand inhabitants of Greenland. The most important is the seal fishery, the skins of which, after processing, are supplied to the domestic market and exported. In northern and eastern Greenland, the importance of sea fishing and land hunting as the basis of the diet of the natives is preserved.
In some areas in the extreme south, sheep and vegetable growing are developed.
In Greenland's exports, 85% (by value) is accounted for by shrimp and fish (including salted cod), with the former predominating in the composition of exports. In addition, wool is exported. The main sales markets are the countries of the European Union and Japan.
Greenland is rich in mineral resources. Graphite, coal, lead, zinc, cryolite and marble have been mined in the past, but development of the deposits has now been curtailed, mainly due to unprofitability. In the mountains of Greenland, precious stones are found: garnets, rubies, moonstone, as well as a very rare tuttupit.
International tourism is of great importance in Greenland. However, while the number of tourists does not exceed 5,000 people a year.
Story. Greenland was discovered by Scandinavian pioneers in the 10th century. The Norwegian navigator Eric the Red spent three years there, exploring the southwestern coast, and in 984 gave the island the name Greenland (translated as “green country”) to show its attractiveness for a settlement. In 986, Eric founded two colonies near the modern city of Qaqortoq (Yulianehob). They flourished for a while, but probably ca. 1500 disappeared for an unknown reason. The last written reports about the Old Norse colonies in Greenland date back to 1408. Scandinavian explorers landed on the deserted east coast of the island in 1472, and Dutch sailors saw it in 1539. The English navigator Martin Frobisher, who was searching for the Northwest Passage, saw Cape Farvel in 1576, and in 1578 landed on the south west bank Greenland. The English sailor John Davies mapped most of east coast during voyages in 1585 and 1587. Davis Strait, which washes the island in the west, is named after him.
In the 17th century Dutch traders made numerous attempts to establish trade with the natives of Greenland. The Danes only became involved in this trading activity in 1721, when the missionary Hans Egede founded a permanent settlement on the west bank. In 1729 Greenland was declared a Danish colony, its administration was in Copenhagen. From 1776 trade with Greenland was declared a Danish monopoly. In 1825 the Greenland Commission was established. On May 10, 1921, Greenland was declared a territory of Denmark, and the mooring of foreign ships on its coast was prohibited. Norway put forward territorial claims to a part of eastern Greenland between 71°30" and 75°40" N, but in 1933 this issue was resolved in favor of Denmark.
The Americans showed interest in Greenland as early as the beginning of the 18th century. American whaling ships entered the Davis Strait in 1732 hunting for the bowhead whale. In 1737, twelve ships were specially equipped in Provincetown (Massachusetts) for whaling in this strait. However, in 1741 whaling expeditions were forced to curtail their activities due to the opposition of French and Spanish privateers.
Rear Admiral Robert Peary began exploration in the Arctic with a voyage to inland Greenland in 1886. He crossed northern Greenland in 1891–1892 and subsequently used the island as a base for expeditions to the North Pole. Since then, many travelers and scientists have visited Greenland. Among them was a professor at the University of Michigan, William Herbert Hobbs, who in 1926-1931 conducted aerological research there, which greatly contributed to the development of polar meteorology. In 1939, two expeditions - German and British - penetrated the hard-to-reach inland regions of the island with altitudes of 2400–3050 m to conduct meteorological and glaciological studies. In the second half of the 1950s, an international glaciological expedition led by P.-E. Victor worked in Greenland, which made a great contribution to the study of the ice sheet.
Currently, Greenland is used as a base for US submarines, aircraft, radar and radar installations and weather stations. The main US air base is located in Kanak (Tula) on the northwest coast of Greenland.
Immediately after the German invasion of Denmark during World War II, the United States and Denmark entered into an agreement granting the United States rights to establish bases in Greenland. Subsequent negotiations within NATO in 1951 culminated in the conclusion of an agreement on the joint use of these bases by both countries. At the same time, the sovereignty of Denmark was invariably recognized, and special rules were developed for the presence of American troops in Greenland. In 1986, the area of ​​two American radar bases was halved, and the vacant land was returned to the locals.
Control Greenland until 1953 was carried out by the National Commissioner and the Council for Greenland Affairs, elected by the inhabitants of the island, and coordinated by the administration of Greenland Affairs in Copenhagen. In 1953, the colonial regime in Greenland was abolished, and under the new Danish constitution, Greenland became part of Denmark and received two seats in the Danish parliament. In 1979, following a referendum, local government was transferred to Greenland. The Council for Greenland Affairs was abolished and instead a parliament was created, which elects the executive body of local government - the Landsting. Denmark remained in charge of foreign policy, defense, justice and finance. The people of Greenland elect two representatives to the Danish Parliament, the Folketing. All Greenlanders, upon reaching the age of 18, have the right to elect a legislative body - the Landsting, which controls internal affairs. The leader of the majority party becomes prime minister, heading the cabinet of ministers, the Landsture, who is elected from the Landsting. In Greenland, after the introduction of self-government in 1979, two political parties were formed - Siumut (Forward) and Atassut (Cohesion). The first of them advocates the expansion of autonomy, especially in the sphere of the economy and the use of natural resources, the second one advocates the preservation of the state community with Denmark. Siumut's representatives have served as prime minister in the Greenland government: Lutheran pastor Jonathan Motsfeldt (1979–1991 and 1997–present) and Lars Emil Johansen (1991–1997). There is also a left-wing socialist Inuit atagatigiit (Inuit Brotherhood) party that demands complete separation from Denmark. In the elections to the Landsting in 1995, Siumut received 12 seats, Atassut - 10, Inuit atagatigiit - 6, other groups - 3.
The national holiday of Greenland is celebrated on June 21 as the day of the granting of autonomy. His official name– Ullortunek (the longest day).
Greenland. Digest of articles. M., 1953
Ignatiev G.M. Greenland. M., 1956
Vozgrin V.E. Greenland and the Greenlanders. M., 1984

Encyclopedia Around the World. 2008 .


An island that is part of Denmark with the right of self-government. Most of Greenland lies within the Arctic Circle. It is separated from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago by the Davis Strait and Baffin Bay, and from Iceland by the Denmark Strait. Greenland is the largest island in the world: from north to south it stretches for 2655 km, and from west to east for 1290 km. The area of ​​Greenland is about 2,175,600 km2, of which about 1,834,000 km2 is glacier.
The population of Greenland (estimated in 1998) is 59,300, which gives a population density of less than 1 person per km2. Ethnic groups: Greenlanders (Eskimos and descendants of the first settlers) - 86%, Danes - 14%. Language: Danish (state), Eskimo dialects. Religion: Most of the population is Lutheran. The capital is Nuuk (formerly Gotthob). Largest cities: Nuuk (12,600 people), Sisimut (Holsteinsborg) (4,839 people). In a referendum in January 1979, the Greenlanders voted for self-government, in April of the same year a local parliament was created. However, the general leadership of the country is carried out by Denmark. The head of state is Queen Margrethe II. The Danish leadership on the island is represented by the governor (rigsombudsman). The head of government is Lare Emil Johansen. The monetary unit is the Danish krone. Average life expectancy (as of 1995): 61 years. The birth rate (per 1,000 people) is 15.8. Mortality rate (per 1000 people) - 6.9.
Greenland is almost completely covered in ice, except for a narrow strip along the coast. The thickness of the ice in the center of the island reaches 3000 m. The climate is very cold, although in the summer in the south the average temperature rises to 9 ° C. The fauna of Greenland is more American than European: musk ox, wolf, lemming and reindeer. There are also polar bear, polar fox, polar hare and ermine. Rare tourists are attracted by the picturesque mountains near Nuuk.

Encyclopedia: cities and countries. 2008 .


Greenland (Grenland) - the world's largest island, washed by the waters of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, is a possession of Denmark (cm. Denmark), since May 1979 enjoys internal self-government. Territory with a total area of ​​2176 thousand square meters. km, administratively divided into three inspectorates. The population of Greenland is over 56.9 thousand people. A significant part of the Greenlanders are descendants of mixed marriages of Eskimos and European settlers, primarily Danes. Ethnically pure groups of Eskimos remained only in the remote northern regions of Greenland. 90% of the population lives on the southwest coast of the island. The official languages ​​in Greenland are Greenlandic and Danish. The Greenlandic literary language was created in the middle of the 19th century on the basis of the Inuit dialect. The dominant religion in Greenland is the Danish Lutheran Church. The administrative center is Gotthob (Nuuk) with a population of 14.8 thousand people.
More than two-thirds of the island is located north of the Arctic Circle, its dimensions are 2650 km long and 1200 km wide. Over 80% of the territory is occupied by a cover glacier with a thickness of up to 3400 m. The volume of the ice mass is 2.6 million cubic km. It is the largest glacier in the Northern Hemisphere. Under the weight of its own mass, the ice moves towards the coast and sliding in separate blocks into the ocean. Off the coast of Greenland, 13-15 thousand icebergs are formed annually. The Jakobshavn Glacier moves 30 meters per day and is one of the fastest moving glaciers in the world. The highest point in Greenland is Mount Gunbjorn (3700 m). The climate in Greenland differs significantly in its coastal and continental parts. The climate of the coast is maritime subarctic and arctic, on the glacier - continental.
On the southern coast of the island, the average temperature in January is -8 °C, July 10 °C, on the northern coast, respectively -22 °C and 8 °C. In the interior of Greenland in February, the average temperature is -47 ° C, in July -12 ° C. Tundra vegetation is distributed only on south coast. Many birds live in Greenland, reindeer, musk ox, polar bear, arctic fox; walruses and seals are found in coastal waters. Greenland is located in the northeast of the island. national park.

Greenland was settled by the ancestors of the Eskimos from North America starting from the 4th millennium BC. Around 875, the island was discovered by the Scandinavians, who called it the "green country" - Greenland. Between 980 and 985, the Norwegians, led by Erik the Red, founded the first European settlement in the New World. It was called Brattahlid (Brattahlid) or Tunigdliarfik (Tunigdliarfik). The Scandinavian colony in Greenland existed until the end of the fourteenth century, but due to the general deterioration of the climate in the North Atlantic, European settlers were forced to leave the island.
In the 16th century, Greenland was rediscovered by Europeans. In 1721, the Norwegian missionary Hans Egged declared Greenland to belong to the Danish king (Denmark and Norway were at that time in a dynastic union). In 1729, the island officially became a colony of Denmark, which tried to protect its polar acquisition from contacts with other states. In 1774, a state monopoly was established on trade with Greenland, which remained until 1951. During the Second World War, when Denmark was occupied by the troops of Nazi Germany (cm. Germany), Greenland was taken under the protection of the US army (cm. USA). In 1946, the United States offered to sell the island to the Danes, but was refused. The United States received permission to maintain a military base in Tula, the most important radar and meteorological station, in the north of Greenland.
According to the constitution of 1953, Greenland received the status of an overseas amt (province) of Denmark. On May 1, 1979, the island received internal self-government, a legislative body was elected - Landsting, and a Greenlandic government - Landsstyure was formed. The population of Greenland is divided into 18 communes, which have their own municipal authorities, elected for a term of four years. The Danish government on the island is represented by a governor (rigsombudsman). Greenland has two seats in the Danish Parliament (Falketing). With regard to Greenland, the competence of the Danish government is increasingly limited to purely foreign policy functions. Since 1979, the use of the Greenlandic language has been expanding, especially the use of Inuit forms of place names (Greenland in Inuit - Kalaallit Nunaat). Since 1984, Greenland has withdrawn from the EEC, retaining the status of "associate member".

The climate of Greenland is unfavorable not only for Agriculture but also the conduct of economic life in general. Only 15% of the island's area is free from continental ice (342 thousand sq. km). The basis of the economy of Greenland fisheries, which employs 25% of the working population. The Greenlanders have a significant fishing fleet (440 vessels). Fishing for sea animals (50 thousand skins annually), mainly seals, is carried out. Sheep and reindeer husbandry is developed in the south of the island. In the life of the Eskimos, traditional forms of farming are of paramount importance.
Deposits of many minerals have been discovered on the island, including zinc, lead, copper, nickel, iron, uranium, molybdenum, thorium, chromium, gold, silver, coal. Oil reserves have been discovered in the sea. In 1989, the richest deposit of gold-bearing ores was discovered. But the development of mining is hampered by the too high cost of mining ores. Nevertheless, cryolite, zinc, lead and silver are mined. 83% of Greenland's exports are fish products, primarily processed shrimp. Greenland is the world leader in shrimp production. Another 11% of exports are zinc and lead ores. Main exporters of Greenland products: Denmark (30%), Japan, France, United Kingdom, Sweden. 65% of imports come from Denmark.
One fifth of the Greenland budget is intended for the development of fisheries (construction of trawlers, re-equipment of the fish processing complex, expansion of shipyard capacities). The island maintains a gap in the standard of living of natives and immigrants from Denmark. At the same time, the social protection system is being improved, gradually approaching the standards adopted in Denmark. The currency used in Greenland is the Danish krone.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .

Synonyms: The World History

This article is about the island, about the autonomous territory of Denmark, see Greenland (administrative unit). Greenland grenl. Kalaallit Nunaat dat. Grønland Coordinates: ... Wikipedia

The largest island in the world, located in northeast from mainland North America, between 59°45 and 83°39 N In the past, a colony, and since 1979 a self-governing territory within Denmark. The length of the island from north to south is 2690 km, ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

- (Grønland, literally green country) an island in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, to the northeast of North America. G. the largest island in the world, part of the territory of Denmark. The area is 2176 thousand km2. Population 47 thousand people. (1970). … … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (Gronland, lit. green country) an island in the North. Ledovit and Atlantic. approx., to S. N. from Sev. America. Area 2 176 t. km 2 (most of 1834 t. km 2 is covered continental ice), us. 30.6 t. h. (1960), Tues. h. ok. 23 thousand Eskimos, the rest ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

- (Grønland), an island in the Arctic Ocean, the largest in the world. Territory of Denmark (since 1953); enjoys self-government since May 1979. 2176 thousand km2. The population is over 56 thousand people (1996), including about 90% Greenlanders (Eskimos). ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Greenland- an island near the north. east coast of the North. America. In 981, a resident of Iceland, Eirik Turvaldson, nicknamed Raudi (red), went in search of a large west already known to the Icelanders. earth. Soon he came up to her and to her south. discovered ends... Toponymic Dictionary

GREENLAND- An island that is part of Denmark with the right of self-government. Most of Greenland lies within the Arctic Circle. It is separated from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago by the Davis Strait and Baffin Bay, and from Iceland by the Denmark Strait. Greenland is the largest ... ... Cities and countries

GREENLAND- (Gronland), pl. 2176 thousand km2. Us. 53.7 thousand people (1989). Official Eskimo languages ​​(Greenlandic dialect) and Danish. Adm. Gotthob center. According to the constitution of 1953, Greenland is part of the Kingdom of Denmark, which uses the internal autonomy. Adm. power on about ve ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

Greenland is almost completely covered in glaciers. Its area is 2,130,800 sq. km. This circumstance makes Greenland the most major island on the planet. Today, the island territory belongs to Denmark, although in the past the ownership of Greenland caused a lot of controversy.

Why did Denmark get Greenland?

Only 60,000 people live in Greenland. There are 18 cities and about 60 villages on the island. Despite the fact that Greenland is covered with glaciers, there are many minerals in its bowels, which makes this land a tasty morsel for all nearby states.

The Vikings discovered Greenland. From the 10th century until 1536, the land was part of Norway. After some time, Norway and Denmark entered into an agreement between themselves, because of which Greenland was under Danish citizenship..

The Second World War also made adjustments to the definition of the island's ownership. While hostilities lasted, Greenland was supervised by the United States, as well as Canada. The land was then returned to Danish protection.

Today, the people of Greenland dream of independence from Denmark. Local politicians have achieved autonomy for the island, and they want to finally separate the land from any domination.

Greenland and its features

The indigenous people of the island are the Inuit. The Eskimo tribe has lived in the Greenland lands for a long time, being engaged in fishing. The reason for separation from Denmark, the Inuit consider the oppression of the local population by the Danes.

On a huge island are the largest reserves fresh water. This complicates the struggle of the Greenlanders for independence. After all, no one wants to voluntarily release rich lands from their hands. It is known that Greenland managed to withdraw from the European Union, but so far the unrecognized country still enjoys Danish subsidies.

Greenland is an island located in the northeast of North America. The area of ​​the island is 2,130,800 km². This is the largest island on earth. Currently, Greenland belongs to Denmark and is included in its autonomous unit of Greenland.

The word "Greenland" means "Green Land", although the local Inuit Eskimos call it "Kalaallit Nunaat", which means "Land of the people".

Greenland is the largest island on the planet. Its area exceeds 2 million square kilometers. Such an area could accommodate eight Englands or five Norways with the same population. But, despite the vast territory, just over 63 thousand people live here.

Nearly three-quarters of Greenland is completely covered in permanent ice.

Despite this, according to the UN in terms of living standards, Greenland is among the ten most prosperous countries in the world. The paradox is easy to explain. The climate of Greenland is not conducive to idleness, so its inhabitants are hardworking and do not miss any opportunity to make their lives better.

The discovery of Greenland is considered to be 875, when the first of the Europeans, the Norman Gunbjorn, visited here. In 982, Erik Raudi settled on the island with several comrades expelled from Iceland for the crimes they committed.

In 983, the first Viking colony was founded in Greenland. However, long before their arrival, for several thousand years, the Greenland Eskimos lived on the island. They call themselves Inuit, and the name "Eskimo", which means undersized, is considered offensive. The Inuit have adapted to the extreme conditions of the Arctic climate and feel quite comfortable on the island. From time immemorial they have been engaged in fishing and hunting.

The main part of the island is a kind of platform, the average height of which is about 125 m. The inner part of the island has significant depressions, and although the glacial cover rises significantly above the island, the soil base under the glacier in many places is below ocean level. These depressions most likely appeared from the huge weight of the glacier.

There are mountains in Greenland. The mountain ranges of the south rise to 1500-1600 m, and in the east and north up to 3000 m. In the northern part there is Mount Gunbjorn, whose height is 3700 m. Mount Gunbjorn is highest point throughout the Arctic.

The northern and eastern parts of the island are almost constantly under snow and glaciers. A little further south, on the east and northeast coasts, the climate is somewhat milder, but there are only a few Inuit settlements here.

The coastal strip of the south and west of the island is covered in summer with green meadows and forest-tundra vegetation. It grows here mainly polar birch and willow bushes, as well as thick and juicy grass - an excellent fodder for grazing. The fertile soil is quite suitable for growing vegetables. Here, in the south and west, the main part of the population of Greenland lives. These areas are relatively warm. In summer, the temperature here is about + 8-10, and in winter -8-10.

During its entire existence, after the Europeans settled Greenland, the island was repeatedly passed from hand to hand. From the time of the development by Europeans, the island was Norwegian, but in 1536 it passed to Denmark, in accordance with the union between Denmark and Norway. In 1721, a Danish colony was officially established on the island, called Gothob.

After the dissolution of the union between Norway and Denmark in 1814, Greenland became wholly a Danish possession.

In 1931, Norway again wanted to take over the eastern part of Greenland, but the International Court in The Hague did not recognize its harassment. During the Second World War, the United States, with the consent of Denmark, placed several of its military bases in Greenland. True, now only heaps of iron and the remains of rusted equipment remain from them.

The administration of the country has undergone significant changes over the years. If in the 13th-19th centuries it was completely a colony, then in 1953, in accordance with the Danish constitution, Greenland received internal autonomy. Since then, the parliament of Denmark has been considered the legislative power, and Greenland's own parliament of 31 people elected for 4 years.

Until 1979, the executive branch was represented by a commissioner who was appointed by the Danish government. In 1978, after many years of protests by the Greenlanders, the Folketing, Denmark's unicameral parliament, ratified the island's full autonomy. Since 1979, it came into force, the city of Nuuk, the old name of Gotthob, was approved as the capital.

Currently, legislative power in Greenland belongs to the Landsting, the local parliament, which is also elected for 4 years. And the political party that wins the election forms the cabinet of ministers headed by the prime minister.

The internal political life of modern Greenland is built on generally accepted standards in the world. In the 1970s - 1980s, two main political parties were formed in society: Siumut, which means "Forward" in translation, and Atassut, which translates as "Cohesion". The Siumut party is dominated by the Greenlandic Inuit, who advocate further expansion of autonomy, especially in the sphere of the economy and the use of natural resources. The Atassut Party is represented by local Danes who are trying to maintain ties with Denmark. There is also a socialist party, formerly the Greenland branch of the Danish Communist Party "Inuit atagatigiit", which means "Brotherhood of the Inuit", this party seeks complete separation from Denmark.

The less representative Democratic Party, which includes both Danes and Eskimos, is in favor of maintaining the current status of Greenland. Despite the radical differences in demands, the debates of these parties are held in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere.

From time immemorial, the main activity of the population of Greenland has been fishing. But at the end of the 20th century, the breeding of reindeer and sheep was added to this, in addition, in recent years, a significant part of the budget has been formed by oil production.

An important role is played by tourism and air transport. Greenland has the world's largest national park, its area is almost 70 million hectares. It is not surprising that about 20 thousand tourists visit the island every year.

The climate of the coastal part of Greenland is maritime subarctic, arctic and continental arctic. Quite often, there are cyclones on the island, bringing strong winds, sudden changes in temperature and precipitation. Most precipitation occurs in autumn and winter, but snow can be expected here at any time of the year. In summer, thick fogs are not uncommon on the coast.

Flora of Greenland

Sixty-seven families of plants are represented in the nature of Greenland.

Flowering plants are found in Greenland only in a narrow coastal strip, from one to five kilometers in the east and north to several tens in the southwest. The vegetation is mainly represented by tundra species, only in the south there are undersized shrubs and crooked forests. Moss-lichen vegetation of arctic deserts prevails on the northern coast.

Several species of saxifrage (Saxifraga), violets (Viola), bedstraws (Galium), buttercups (Ranunculus), pondweeds (Potamogeton), sorrel (Rumex), saxifrages (Puccinellia), fescue (Festuca), reedweeds (Calamagrostis), mytnikov (Pedicularis), fireweed (Epilobium), rush (Juncus), sedge (Luzula), sedge (Carex), grits (Draba), cat's paws (Antennaria). Arctic willow is widespread far to the north.

In the extreme south, there are dwarf and downy birch, Greenland mountain ash (Sorbus groenlandica), blueberry, crowberry, green alder (Alnus viridis), several species of willows.

Fauna of Greenland

Reindeer, musk ox, polar bear, arctic fox, polar wolf, lemming live on the shores of the island. The bowhead whale, harp seal, walrus and other mammals are found in coastal waters.

Of the birds, eiders, gulls and white partridges are especially common.

Of the fish of commercial importance, there are cod, halibut, capelin, salmon, shark. There is also a shrimp fishery.

Insects of Greenland make up about 700 species from 13 orders, 4 more orders have been introduced. Of these, more than 300 are diptera, 90 are hymenoptera (including 2 species of bumblebees, Bombus hyperboreus and Bombus polaris), 60 are beetles (including the endemic of the island Atheta groenlandica), 50 are butterflies. Arachnids - 100, freshwater crustaceans - about 60 species, Collembola - 40, bug Nysius groenlandicus. The fossil entomofauna is represented by several dozen species of beetles and other insects, including the remains of the modern Arctic beetle Amara alpina.

The population of Greenland as of July 2010 is 57,600 people, which gives a population density of the entire archipelago of 0.027 people / km². The main peoples on the territory of Greenland are the Greenland Eskimos-kalaallits, who make up about 90% of the total population; the remaining 10% are mostly Danes and other Europeans.

The vast majority of the population lives on the southwest coast, where the most big cities Greenland - Nuuk (Gothob - the capital, 15,469 people (2010)), Qaqortoq, Sisimiut, Maniitsok. Occupations of the population - most often hunting, fishing.

The main language of Greenland is Greenlandic. Danish is also common.

Usually a trip around the country begins with a tour of the capital. Now it is, though small, by European standards, but quite modern city with a population of just over 14,000 people. It is considered the smallest capital of the planet. Here it is worth visiting the old quarters, where the reception hall of the local parliament is located, the churches of Savur Church and Hans Egged Church, the Arctic Garden and Ilisimatusarfiyk University, the seminary, the Kayak Club and the memorial to Queen Margrethe. However, the main attractions of the country and the capital are, of course, natural. There are many viewing platforms, from which anyone can enjoy views of the coastline, as well as frolicking whales. The Greenland National Park is located in the northeast of the island, although it has long been closed to outside researchers. The reason for this is the vast zone of relic tundra, located on the territory of the reserve, which is inhabited by musk oxen, polar bears and polar wolves, as well as many species of arctic plants.

Landmarks of Greenland

Greenland is a dream for those who love the atmosphere of snow and ice. Here you can admire the colossal glaciers, the bright northern lights, stay in an igloo hotel and go dog sledding, kayaking or cruise along the coast of Greenland.

Fans of fishing and hunting will get an unforgettable experience here. Here you can even catch a shark from the ice with a fishing rod or hunt a musk ox.

The country has an extremely low crime rate, and even old-timers will not remember earthquakes, tsunamis or volcanic eruptions. Inappropriate equipment can bring much more trouble. Even within the city limits, a tourist runs the risk of getting seriously cold when traveling in clothes without protection from the wind, as well as without strong warm shoes. When leaving for the tundra or the area of ​​ice fields, you should show maximum forethought: find out the weather forecast in advance, pick up equipment, find a guide and be sure to stock up on water, maps and a walkie-talkie. It is good if representatives of the local tour office or the rescue service know about the trip. Habitual public transport or there are no taxis on the island, you will have to travel long distances either by water or by air - the national airline organizes flights around Greenland by planes and helicopters. During the flight, you can see fantastic landscapes of glaciers and snowdrifts.

Nearby cities and towns are communicated using dog sledding, snowmobiles and snowmobiles. The most popular with tourists is the northern part of Greenland. Here you will see the mighty beauty of icebergs, which have the most incredible fantastic shapes and sizes. Northern lights give special beauty to these places, which will not leave anyone indifferent. It is impossible to convey, it just needs to be seen.

The ice canyon, formed as a result of the melting of glaciers, is located in the central part of the island, its depth reaches 45 meters. It is an amazingly beautiful combination of snow-white ice walls and bottomless blue water.

Arctic fox, polar wolf, reindeer, polar bear live here on the ice. More than 30 species of various mammals live in coastal waters, including walrus, harp seal and bowhead whale. Birds are also found here - gulls, eiders, white partridges. Shrimps, commercial fish species - shark, salmon, halibut, cod, capelin are caught here.

Scoresby Sand Fjord is the largest and longest fjord in the world. Named after its explorer, William Scoresby, the fjord stretches 250 kilometers inland to a depth of 1,450 meters.

William Scoresby explored the fjord, created a detailed map of it and founded the only settlement in the region - Ittoqqortoormiit, which now has 469 inhabitants. The region is known for its unusually rich flora and fauna for an island. Here you can meet polar bears, musk ox, arctic fox, white hare, deer and others. No less rich is the world of birds - white geese, swans, various types of eiders, gulls and other birds.

The decoration of the fjord are the hills rising above the water and icebergs, creating stunning arctic views.

The fjord is located on the southeast coast of Greenland.

Disko Bay is one of the largest along west coast islands. Moving among the icebergs along the bay, you can penetrate deep into the shores of the island and see its ancient natural beauty. Some waterways are completely ice-covered, while others are suitable for boating. At sunset, all whites and blues are tinged with a warm golden glow.

The Rocky Mountains in East Greenland are an attractive place to go boating while admiring the dramatic mountain ranges. These places are called fjords, they are created by an alloy of glaciers and mountains.

Turquoise Lake is created by the fusion of glacial meltwater and high dark coastal mountains. The colors of the blue lake take on a slightly turquoise color due to the water in the ice sheet that melts into the lake. The landscapes here are impressive, thanks to the fact that the Turquoise Lake is surrounded by giant, almost vertical slopes.

Qaqortoq - Big city in southern Greenland, beautiful place perfect for an arctic vacation. Qaqortoq is known for its vibrant cityscapes and colorful buildings, while the rocky landscape provides plenty of impressive panoramic vistas. The colorful facades of traditional buildings can be seen literally everywhere, on the tops of cliffs, engulfed by lush green meadows, or nestled by the open sea.

How to get to Greenland

The most convenient way to get to Greenland is from Denmark by plane. The island has its own Nerlerit-Inaat airport, located in the east of Greenland. It is necessary to take care of a visa in advance - it can be obtained at any visa center. best time to visit the country is considered the period of the polar "white nights", that is, the months from May to July. And for lovers of winter fun, April is suitable.

Denmark who owns Greenland owns this huge island for several centuries now. Until 1536 it was part of Norway. After Greenland went to Denmark, almost nothing has changed here for many generations. In 1979, the inhabitants of the island received wide autonomy from the government in Copenhagen.

History of the island

At first glance, it may seem that a huge north island It is an independent state, but it is not so at all. So who owns Greenland? Formally, it is part of the Danish kingdom, but it has its own authorities that manage the island much more effectively than far European autonomy.

Since time immemorial, these uninhabitable lands have been of interest only to brave navigators and scientists. The island of Greenland was discovered by the Vikings, who were the first to visit here in the early Middle Ages. European colonies appeared much later. In the XVIII century, the Danish authorities began the construction of seaside towns, where fishermen and hunters mainly lived. This order continued for several centuries.

During the Second World War, it was occupied by the troops of Nazi Germany. When the United States joined the allies, the Americans began to build bases on the free island, it was they who helped in the fight against the Wehrmacht. After the onset of peace, the authorities of the States and Denmark signed several documents stipulating the organization of the defense of the island. These arrangements were updated after Copenhagen decided to join NATO in 1949.

Relations with Denmark

The colonial policy of European states became a thing of the past when, in the second half of the 20th century, most of the colonies declared independence (in Africa and other continents). Denmark, who owns Greenland, also did not escape these transformations. Greenland was too large and sparsely populated to create an effective state of its own. Therefore, it was decided to agree on autonomy, which suited both parties. The capital held referenda several times, in which the population of the island expressed their opinion regarding the future of the country.


The last changes in the legal status took place in 2009. Extended autonomy provided for many new things. For example, Greenlandic became the official language on the island. Local authorities have received new powers. Now they have become responsible for the courts and the police.

The small population of the island (56,000 people) gained complete control over natural resources. Many of them are located deep in the arctic bowels. Their development is a matter of the future. These are oil, gas, gold and diamonds that Greenland owns. Denmark retained control of foreign policy as well as money printing. The krone remains the official currency.

Denmark, who owns Greenland, often makes it clear that it will not resist if the autonomy wants complete independence. In this case, the island can become an independent Eskimo state.

Life in Greenland

The Danes did a lot to ensure that Greenland acquired all the infrastructure necessary for life. Missionaries and colonists founded several cities that are now the administrative centers of the island's communes. The capital Nuuk was built in the 18th century. Since then, its population has never exceeded 20,000 permanent residents.

The city is home to the only university on the island. There are also many churches left by Protestant missionaries. In Nuuk, as in other Greenlandic cities, the extraction of crabs, as well as halibut, is developed. Sea delicacies are sold all over the world, including in Denmark.

Greenland is also an exotic place that tourists love to visit. Nuuk has a museum dedicated to the history of the island. However, many guests who come here buy tickets in order to admire the secluded nature of the harsh Arctic region with its unusual panoramas and beauties. On the southern coast of Greenland, the climate is quite mild for these latitudes due to warm sea ​​current. But even here in summer the temperature does not exceed ten degrees above zero.