Interesting places in Africa to visit. Interesting facts about Africa

Africa is the second most populous continent with over 1.1 billion people: great amount nationalities, languages ​​and cultures. Among the conflict and poor countries, there are also quite peaceful, safe and interesting for tourists. Many travelers are familiar with countries such as South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. And about where you can have a good time south of the Sahara, we will tell in this article.


Perhaps the most unexpected state on this list is Sierra Leone, which not so long ago was torn apart for ten years by Civil War. However, since 2002, Sierra Leone has undergone major changes and today it is already among the peace-loving countries according to the Global Security Index (GPI). Sierra Leone is considered one of the most religiously tolerant countries in the world, and the life expectancy of the local population is 57 years, which is not bad by African standards.

Sierra Leone has many beautiful nature reserves such as the Gala rainforest or the Outamba-Kilimi National Park, clean beaches on the coast of the Atlantic, and its capital Freetown - oldest city in West Africa.


Leader in security on the African continent. Whether this is due to the fact that peace and tranquility is one of the main features of both the Tswana people and the Bushmen, or the fact that the Botswana people understand the economic contribution of tourists, but anyway there is a very low crime rate.

True, no one promises that baboons will not attack you, so during the safari it is recommended not to feed these warlike monkeys and not even smile at them. In general, there are a lot of animals in Botswana; for example, the largest population of elephants in the world lives here.

One of the popular tourist attractions, along with a safari to the Kalahari Desert and visiting national parks, since the 30s of the last century, is the search for ancient treasures hidden from the colonialists in the caves of Gchvikhaba. No one has found the treasure yet, but the caves themselves with amazing stalactites up to 10 meters long are worth going to the north of the country for them.


In 2008, Ghana was ranked by the Global Security Index as the most safe country Africa and has since held the top lines in this ranking. The country rarely has internal conflicts and has peaceful relations with its neighbors. Tourists are treated very friendly here and speak English with them - this is the official language of Ghana.

Here you can visit numerous nature reserves with elephants, antelopes, monkeys and other exotic animals, visit the ruins of castles and fortresses of Cape Post and Elmina, listed world heritage UNESCO and spend time on clean, uncrowded beaches.


This country in Southwest Africa is an oasis of stability and security on a troubled black continent. It was discovered quite late (in 1878) by Europeans, quickly got out of all internal and external conflicts and is now one of the richest African countries.

Here is the oldest desert on earth - the Namib, the legendary Skeleton Coast, many national parks, the site of the fall of the largest Hob meteorite, the second largest after the Colorado Canyon and much more.
Do not miss:

Good in Namibia highways, and The Desert Express tourist train runs between the capital Windhoek and resort town Swakopmund, making stops along the way at particularly noteworthy places.


Uganda is considered safe for foreigners by both the GPI and public tourism opinion. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is not accepted here that merchants and barkers pester people, perhaps due to the fact that the share of the urban population in the country is only 13%, and the main attractions are not in the villages.

Tourists in Uganda need to have time to see a lot: one of the oldest in Africa national park queen Elizabeth, Botanical Garden Entebbe, where the first Tarzan film was filmed, the Rwenzori mountain range - most likely, it was their ancient Egyptians who called the Moon Mountains. Here they practice sailing on Lake Victoria and rafting on the Nile, which originates in Uganda.

If locals here they do not cause much concern to tourists, then you need to be careful with animals, especially if you see an elephant with a baby elephant. By the way, Uganda is located on the main migration route of northern birds: eagles, cuckoos, swallows, kites and many birds familiar to us winter here.


Cape Verde or Islands Green Cape is an archipelago off the west coast of Africa. Tranquility, tranquility, relative cleanliness and an acceptable level of service (European companies invest in local tourism) await tourists here, in the homeland of the famous singer Cesaria Evora.

There are enough picturesque landscapes on the islands: extinct volcanoes, mountain ranges where you can go trekking, flowering meadows where you just need to take a walk. But the main feature of Cape Verde is, of course, the ocean - it is used to its full capacity: from beaches with black volcanic sand, continuing to dive to shipwrecks and ending with windsurfing, whose schools are on every island, but the island of Sal is especially famous for them.



The inhabitants of Tanzania are friendly and smiling, but, as elsewhere, travelers should not lose their vigilance - there are enough robbers here. But there are still many tourists in Tanzania who come here without fear. Here, in the homeland of Freddie Mercury, there is something to see.

Firstly, Mount Kilimanjaro, to the top of which numerous hiking trails lead. Secondly, the island of Zanzibar - resort place, where the most beautiful city, founded by the Arabs in the 9th century, is located stone city. From here they go on tours for spices, during which you can chop cinnamon and try unfamiliar spices. Thirdly, the famous Serengeti National Park, which occupies a huge area and is home to more than three million large wild animals.

Fourthly, the Ngorongoro Biosphere Reserve, located in a colossal (21 km in diameter) crater extinct volcano. It is home to about 25,000 different animals and has the highest concentration of predators in all of Africa.


Madagascar is a separate continent in miniature: it is so unlike Africa or any other place on earth. Here are amazing landscapes, and 80% of the living animals and plants are found nowhere else.

The island has many natural parks and protected areas. The largest reserve of Tsingy de Bemaraha, which, like many others, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The country is rich beautiful beaches; Traditionally it is believed that swimming on west coast safer - there are fewer sharks.
Take a look at this:


Zimbabwe is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa: it is here, on the border with Zambia, that the famous Victoria Falls is located. In Zambia, by the way, there are fewer tourists, so those who prefer a more secluded environment are advised to admire the miracle of nature there.
It's definitely worth seeing:

In Zimbabwe, the conservation structure works very well and there are unusually many animals here even for Africa, so hunting is allowed in some places (it is already prohibited almost everywhere on the continent).

In addition to countless national parks, there is also a unique historical site - the stone ruins of Great Zimbabwe: a pagan temple complex built over a thousand years ago.

Tourists who are going on a trip to Africa must definitely do all the vaccinations, their list is usually on the website of the embassies. Even in those countries for which vaccination is not required, it is necessary to take antimalarial pills, and start taking them even before the trip. It is strictly forbidden to use raw water even for brushing your teeth.

Are you going on a trip? Don't forget about

Africa is the second most populous continent with over 1.1 billion people. This is a huge number of nationalities, languages ​​and cultures. Among the conflict and poor countries, there are also quite peaceful, safe and interesting for tourists. Many travelers are familiar with countries such as South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. And about where you can have a good time south of the Sahara edition of

Sierra Leone

Perhaps the most unexpected state on this list is Sierra Leone, which not so long ago was torn apart by a civil war for ten years. However, since 2002, Sierra Leone has undergone major changes and today it is already among the peace-loving countries according to the Global Security Index (GPI). Sierra Leone is considered one of the most religiously tolerant countries in the world, and the life expectancy of the local population is 57 years, which is not bad by African standards.

There are many beautiful natural reserves, such as the Gala rainforest or the Outamba-Kilimi National Park, clean beaches on the Atlantic coast, and its capital, Freetown, is the oldest city in West Africa.


Leader in security on the African continent. Whether this is due to the fact that peace and tranquility is one of the main features of both the Tswana people and the Bushmen, or the fact that the Botswana people understand the economic contribution of tourists, but anyway there is a very low crime rate.

True, no one promises that baboons will not attack you, so during the safari it is recommended not to feed these warlike monkeys and not even smile at them. In general, there are a lot of animals in Botswana; for example, the largest population of elephants in the world lives here.

One of the popular tourist attractions, along with a safari to the Kalahari desert and visiting national parks, since the 30s of the last century, is the search for ancient treasures hidden from the colonialists in the caves of Gchvikhaba. No one has found the treasure yet, but the caves themselves with amazing stalactites up to 10 meters long are worth going to the north of the country for them.


In 2008, Ghana was ranked as the safest country in Africa by the Global Safety Index and has been at the top of the ranking ever since. The country rarely has internal conflicts and has peaceful relations with its neighbors. Tourists are treated very friendly here and they speak English with them - this is the official language of Ghana.

Here you can visit numerous nature reserves with elephants, antelopes, monkeys and other exotic animals, visit the ruins of castles and fortresses of Cape Post and Elmina, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and spend time on clean, uncrowded beaches.


This country in Southwest Africa is an oasis of stability and security on a troubled dark continent. It was discovered quite late (in 1878) by Europeans, quickly got out of all internal and external conflicts and is now one of the richest African countries.

Here is the oldest desert on earth - the Namib, the legendary Skeleton Coast, many national parks, the site of the fall of the largest Hob meteorite, the second largest after the Colorado Canyon and much more.

Namibia has good highways, and The Desert Express tourist train runs between the capital Windhoek and the resort town of Swakopmund, making stops at especially noteworthy places along the way.


Uganda is considered safe for foreigners by both the GPI and public tourism opinion. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is not customary here for merchants and barkers to pester people, perhaps due to the fact that the proportion of the urban population in the country is only 13%, and the main attractions are not in the villages.

Tourists in Uganda need to see a lot: one of the oldest in Africa, the Queen Elizabeth National Park, the Entebbe Botanical Garden, where the first film about Tarzan was filmed, the Rwenzori mountain range - most likely, it was them that the ancient Egyptians called the Moon Mountains. Here they are engaged in sailing on Lake Victoria and rafting on the Nile, which originates in Uganda.

If the locals here do not cause much trouble to tourists, then you need to be careful with animals, especially if you see an elephant with a baby elephant. By the way, Uganda is located on the main migration route of northern birds: eagles, cuckoos, swallows, kites and many birds familiar to us winter here.

Cape Verde

Cape Verde or the Cape Verde Islands is an archipelago off the west coast of Africa. Tranquility, tranquility, relative cleanliness and an acceptable level of service (European companies invest in local tourism) await tourists here, in the homeland of the famous singer Cesaria Evora.

There are enough picturesque landscapes on the islands: extinct volcanoes, mountain ranges where you can go trekking, flowering meadows where you just need to take a walk. But the main feature of Cape Verde is, of course, the ocean - it is used to its full capacity: from beaches with black volcanic sand, continuing to dive to shipwrecks and ending with windsurfing, whose schools are on every island, but the island of Sal is especially famous for them.


Kenya, country of the Maasai tribe and business card real African nature, very beautiful, friendly and tourist developed. Mount Kenya is the second highest on the continent after Kilimanjaro. Flocks of migrating birds can be observed across the country, and the view of Africa's highest mountain (Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania) from Kenya's Ambosseli Park is perhaps even better than the view from the mountain itself.


The inhabitants of Tanzania are friendly and smiling, but, as elsewhere, travelers should not lose their vigilance - there are enough robbers here. But there are still many tourists in Tanzania who come here without fear. Here, in the homeland of Freddie Mercury, there is something to see.

Firstly, Mount Kilimanjaro, to the top of which numerous hiking trails lead. Secondly, the island of Zanzibar is a resort place where the beautiful Stone Town founded by the Arabs in the 9th century is located. From here they go on tours for spices, during which you can chop cinnamon and try unfamiliar spices. Thirdly, the famous Serengeti National Park, which occupies a huge area and is home to more than three million large wild animals.

Fourthly, the Ngorongoro Biosphere Reserve, located in a colossal (21 km in diameter) crater of an extinct volcano. It is home to about 25,000 different animals and has the highest concentration of predators in all of Africa.


Madagascar is a separate continent in miniature: it is so unlike Africa or any other place on earth. Here are amazing landscapes, and 80% of the living animals and plants are found nowhere else.

The island has many natural parks and protected areas. The largest reserve of Tsingy de Bemaraha, which, like many others, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The country is rich in beautiful beaches; It is traditionally believed that swimming on the west coast is safer - there are fewer sharks.


Zimbabwe is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa: it is here, on the border with Zambia, that the famous Victoria Falls is located. In Zambia, by the way, there are fewer tourists, so those who prefer a more secluded environment are advised to admire the miracle of nature there.

In Zimbabwe, the conservation structure works very well and there are unusually many animals here even for Africa, so hunting is allowed in some places (it is already prohibited almost everywhere on the continent).

In addition to countless national parks, there is also a unique historical site - the stone ruins of Great Zimbabwe: a pagan temple complex built over a thousand years ago.

Tourists who are going on a trip to Africa must definitely do all the vaccinations, their list is usually on the website of the embassies. Even in those countries for which vaccination is not required, it is necessary to take antimalarial pills, and start taking them even before the trip. It is strictly forbidden to use raw water even for brushing your teeth.

Africa is one of the most amazing continents in the world. Some scientists believe that it was in Africa that the first life on Earth originated. Africa is both the poorest and richest in the world. After all, it is here that almost the lowest standard of living is observed. At the same time, it is possible to single out lands rich in flora and fauna, which captures with its improbability. Next, we suggest reading more interesting and exciting facts about Africa.

One of the most amazing continents in the world is Africa. Some scientists believe that it was in Africa that the first life on Earth originated. Africa is both the poorest and richest in the world. After all, it is here that almost the lowest standard of living is observed. At the same time, it is possible to single out lands rich in flora and fauna, which captures with its improbability. Next, we suggest reading more interesting and exciting facts about Africa.

1. Africa is the cradle of civilization. It is the first continent where human culture and community emerged.

2. Africa is the only continent on which there are places where a person has never set foot in his life.

3. The area of ​​Africa is 29 million square kilometers. But four-fifths of the territory is occupied by deserts and tropical forests.

4. At the beginning of the 20th century, almost the entire territory of Africa was colonized by France, Germany, England, Spain, Portugal and Belgium. Only Ethiopia, Egypt, South Africa and Liberia were independent.

5. The mass decolonization of Africa only happened after World War II.

6. Africa is home to the most rare animals that are not found anywhere else: for example, hippos, giraffes, okapi and others.

7. Previously, hippos lived throughout Africa, today they are found only south of the Sahara desert.

8. Africa has the most big desert in the world - Sahara. Its area is larger than the area of ​​the USA.

9. The second longest river in the world, the Nile, flows on the continent. Its length is 6850 kilometers.

10. Lake Victoria is the second largest freshwater lake in the world.

11. "Thundering smoke" - the so-called Victoria Falls, on the Zambezi River, local tribes.

12. Victoria Falls is over a kilometer long and over 100 meters high.

13. The noise from the fall of water from the Victoria Falls extends for 40 kilometers around.

14. On the edge of Victoria Falls there is a natural pool called the Devil's Pool. You can swim along the edge of the waterfall only during the drought period, when the current is not so strong.

15. Some African tribes hunt hippos and use their meat for food, even though hippos have the status of a rapidly declining species.

16. Africa is the second largest continent on the planet. There are 54 states here.

17. Africa has the lowest life expectancy. Women, on average, live 48 years, men - 50.

18. Africa is crossed by the equator and the prime meridian. Therefore, the continent can be called the most symmetrical of all existing ones.

19. It is in Africa that the only surviving wonder of the world is located - the pyramids of Cheops.

20. There are more than 2,000 languages ​​in Africa, but Arabic is the most widely spoken.

21. This is not the first year that the African government has been raising the issue of renaming all geographical names obtained during colonization, to the traditional names used in the language of the tribes.

22. In Algeria is located unique lake. Instead of water, it contains real ink.

23. In the Sahara desert there is a unique place called the eye of the Sahara. This is a huge crater, with a ring structure and a diameter of 50 kilometers.

24. Africa has its own Venice. The houses of the inhabitants of the village of Ganvie are built on the water, and they move exclusively by boat.

25. Howik Falls and the reservoir into which it falls are considered by local tribes to be the sacred abode of an ancient monster similar to Loch Ness. Livestock is regularly sacrificed to him.

26. Not far from Egypt in the Mediterranean Sea, is the sunken city of Heraklion. It was discovered very recently.

27. In the middle great desert there are Ubari lakes, but the water in them is several times saltier than in the sea, so they will not save you from thirst.

28. Africa has the most cold volcano in the world Oi Doinio Legai. The temperature of the lava that erupts from the crater is several times lower than ordinary volcanoes.

29. Africa has its own Colosseum, built in the Roman era. It is located in El Jem.

30. In Africa, there is a ghost town - Kolmanskop, which is slowly swallowed up by the sands of the great desert, although 50 years ago, it was densely populated by residents.

31. The planet Tatooine from the Star Wars movie is not a fictitious name at all. Such a city exists in Africa. It was here that the shooting of the legendary film took place.

32. There is a unique red lake in Tanzania, the depth of which changes depending on the season, and along with the depth, the color of the lake changes from pink to deep red.

33. On the territory of the island of Madagascar there is a unique natural monument - stone forest. High thin rocks resemble a dense forest.

34. There is a large landfill in Ghana, where household appliances from all over the world are brought.

35. Unique goats live in Morocco that climb trees and feed on leaves and branches.

36. Africa produces half of all the gold that is sold in the world.

37. Africa has the richest deposits of gold and diamonds.

38. In Lake Malawi, which is located in Africa, the most species of fish live. More than in the sea and ocean.

39. Lake Chad, over the past 40 years, has become smaller, by almost 95%. It used to be the third or fourth largest in the world.

40. The world's first sewer system appeared in Africa, on the territory of Egypt.

41. In Africa, there are tribes that are considered the highest in the world, as well as tribes that are the smallest in the world.

42. In Africa, the system of health care and medicine in general is still poorly developed.

43. More than 25 million people in Africa are considered to be living with HIV.

44. An unusual rodent lives in Africa - a naked mole rat. His cells do not age, he lives up to 70 years and does not feel pain at all from cuts or burns.

45. In many tribes of Africa, the secretary bird is a domestic bird and serves as a guard against snakes and rats.

46. ​​Some lungfish that live in Africa can burrow into dry ground and thus survive drought.

47. Most high mountain Africa - Kilimanjaro is a volcano. Only he had never erupted in his life.

48. In Africa, the hottest place in Dallol is located, the temperature here rarely drops below 34 degrees.

49. 60-80% of Africa's GDP is agricultural products. Africa produces cocoa, coffee, peanuts, dates, rubber.

50. In Africa, most countries are considered third world countries, that is, poorly developed.

52. The top of Mount Dining Room, located in Africa, has a top that is not sharp, but flat, like the surface of a table.

53. The Afar Basin is a geographical area in eastern Africa. Here you can watch active volcano. About 160 strong earthquakes occur here every year.

54. Cape Good Hope is a mythical place. Many legends and traditions are associated with it, for example, the legend of the flying Dutchman.

55. Pyramids are not only in Egypt. There are over 200 pyramids in Sudan. They are not as tall and famous as those located in Egypt.

56. The name of the continent comes from one of the Afri tribes.

57. In 1979, the oldest human footprints were found in Africa.

58. Cairo is the most densely populated city Africa.

59. The most populous country is Nigeria, the second largest is Egypt.

60. A wall was built in Africa that was twice as long as the Great Wall of China.

61. The first person to notice that hot water freezes faster in a freezer than cold water was an African boy. This phenomenon was named after him.

62. Penguins live in Africa.

63. South Africa has the second largest hospital in the world.

64. The Sahara Desert is increasing every month.

65. In South Africa, there are three capitals at once: Cape Town, Pretoria, Bloemfontein.

66. The island of Madagascar is inhabited by animals that are not found anywhere else.

67. There is an ancient custom in Togo: a man who compliments a girl must certainly take her as his wife.

68. Somalia is the name of both a country and a language at the same time.

69. Some tribes of African natives still do not know what fire is.

70. Matabi tribe living in the territory West Africa loves to play football. Only instead of a ball they use a human skull.

71. Matriarchy reigns in some African tribes. Women can maintain male harems.

72. On August 27, 1897, the shortest war took place in Africa, which lasted 38 minutes. The Zanzibar government declared war on England, but was swiftly defeated.

73. Graça Machel is the only African woman to have been "First Lady" twice. The first time she was the wife of the President of Mozambique, and the second time - the wife of South African President Nelson Mandela.

74. Official name Libya is the world's longest country name.

75. African Lake Tanganyika is the longest lake in the world, its length is 1435 meters.

76. The Baobab tree, which grows in Africa, can live from five to ten thousand years. It stores up to 120 liters of water, so it does not burn in a fire.

77. The sports brand Reebok chose its name in honor of a small but very fast African antelope.

78. Baobab trunk, can reach 25 meters in volume.

79. Inside the baobab trunk is hollow, so some Africans arrange houses inside the tree. Entrepreneurial residents open restaurants inside the tree. In Zimbabwe, a railway station was opened in the trunk, and a prison in Botswana.

80. Very interesting trees grow in Africa: bread, dairy, sausage, soap, candle.

82. The African tribe Mursi is considered the most aggressive tribe. Any conflicts are resolved by force and weapons.

83. The largest diamond in the world was found in South Africa.

84. South Africa has the cheapest electricity in the world.

85. Only off the coast of South Africa there are more than 2,000 sunken ships, whose age is more than 500 years.

86. In South Africa, three Nobel Prize winners lived on the same street at once.

87. South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique are tearing down some national park boundaries to create one big nature reserve.

88. In Africa, the first heart transplant was performed in 1967.

89. About 3,000 ethnic groups live in Africa.

90. The largest percentage of malaria cases is in Africa - 90% of cases.

91. The snow cap of Kilimanjaro is rapidly melting. Over the past 100 years, the glacier has melted by 80%.

92. Many African tribes prefer to wear a minimum of clothing, putting on the body only a belt to which weapons are attached.

93. Fez is home to the oldest functioning university in the world, founded back in 859.

94. The Sahara desert covers as many as 10 African countries.

95. Under the Sahara Desert is located underground lake with a total area of ​​375 square kilometers. That is why oases are found in the desert.

96. large area deserts are not occupied by sands, but by petrified earth and pebble-sandy soil.

97. There is a map of the desert with marks of places marked on it, in which people most often observe mirages.

98. sand dunes the Sahara Desert can be taller than the Eiffel Tower.

99. The thickness of loose sand is 150 meters.

100. Sand in the desert can heat up to 80°C.

Africa is an amazing continent, captivating with its natural charm and naturalness. Many scientists consider it the cradle of civilization. Indeed, on this big land human civilization began to develop. Slightly open unusual world, which lives on the mainland, a selection will help, which presents all the most amazing things about Africa.

Interesting facts about the local population

Africa is home to 16% of the world's population. Of these, experts identify about 3 thousand ethnic groups. The second largest continent of the planet has 54 states.

Among the 2 thousand languages ​​spoken on this mainland, Arabic is the most common.

Not everyone knows the amazing fact about Africa that the smallest people on the planet live on its lands. The Negrilli are a group of undersized peoples, better known as the Pygmies. The height of adult men of people of a special race varies between 125-150 cm. The growth limiter in pygmies starts even during fetal development. Children are initially born short and grow much more slowly than Europeans.

At the same time, it is quite remarkable that among the blacks of other African countries there are many tall people. The tallest people in the world are the representatives of the Nilotic people. Their average height is 184 cm.

This continent has the lowest life expectancy. Men live on average 50 years, and women even less - 48 years. Among the total number of cases of malaria in the world, 90% of cases occur in the inhabitants of this continent. About 3,000 African children die from this disease every year. The number of HIV-infected people living in the south of the Sahara is also estimated in the hundreds of thousands.

Attractive countries of the continent for tourists

Africa is considered both the poorest and richest on the planet at the same time. Here the lowest level of well-being is noted. At the same time, there are lands on the mainland with amazing flora and fauna, the depths of which are rich in such precious metals and stones as gold, emerald, diamond, garnet, tanzanite, amethyst, ruby.

The most populous state is Nigeria. The second place in terms of number and attractiveness for tourists is occupied by Egypt. The list of peaceful and safe countries for tourists also includes: Botswana, Ghana, Namibia, Cape Verde, Zimbabwe.

It is in Africa that you can see the only surviving wonder of the world - the pyramids of Cheops. But few people know the amazing fact about Africa that the pyramids were built not only on the lands of Egypt. In Sudan, the number of "desert temples" reaches 223 pieces. True, the dimensions are much smaller.

Among the most amazing countries Africa is worth mentioning:

  1. Kenya. The equatorial line passes through the lands of this state. Tourists are interested in the country because it gives them the opportunity to witness the great migration of animals, including representatives of the "African Big Five": buffaloes, rhinos, elephants, leopards and lions. Fans of studying the peculiarities of the cultures of different nationalities can get acquainted with the tribes that have preserved the traditional way of life: measure, samburu, maasai.
  2. Uganda. The pearl of the mainland is located in the fault zone of the earth's crust. It is famous for its amazing and diverse nature. Of the natural attractions, popular among locals and visitors: the Cabarega waterfall, the White Nile mountain river, as well as the picturesque lakes Edward, Kyoga, Victoria, Alberta. On state-protected natural parks Uganda can meet representatives of the fauna of endangered species, including mountain gorillas.
  3. Tanzania. This country is attractive due to its primeval jungle. Tourists come here in an effort to admire exotic animals during a safari. In Tanzania there is the legendary Kilimanjaro volcano and formed at the bottom of the crater salt Lake Ngoro-Ngoro.

But still, most of the mainland countries belong to the third world countries that are still on the path of development. Visiting them for an ordinary tourist may be associated with a risk to life.

Breathtaking corners of nature

Since Africa is crossed by the central line of the earth's surface and the prime meridian, it is rightfully considered the hottest and most symmetrical of all continents. The area of ​​the mainland is 29.2 million square kilometers. And four-fifths of that was swallowed up by rainforests and deserts.

One of the amazing facts about Africa is the fact that the Sahara is the largest desert not only on the scale of the mainland, but of the entire planet. It accounts for 30% of the area of ​​the entire continent. The area of ​​this uninhabited expanse of land is larger than the total territory of the United States. At the same time, the Sahara continues to expand. Every year it increases in size, expanding its boundaries to 10 km. In the middle of the Sahara there are lakes with salt water. But their life-giving moisture is not able to quench their thirst.

Amazing natural sights of Africa:

  • Nile- the river with a length of 6850 km is considered the longest on the planet.
  • Victoriafresh lake, whose impressive size makes it the second largest on Earth.
  • ink lake- a natural phenomenon. Instead of transparent water, it contains ink created naturally, but at the same time poisonous to living organisms.
  • "Thundering Smoke"- the grandiose Victoria Falls, over 100 m high and almost 1000 m long, the noise from falling streams in which spreads over 40 km in the district.
  • Oh Doinio Legai- A volcano spewing black natrocarbonate lava is rightfully considered the coldest in the world.

Very amazing trees grow on the mainland. For example: soap, the fruits and leaves of which have soapiness, or candle, the elongated seeds of which contain a high concentration of oils. Dairy, sausage and breadfruit trees also grow here.

Lives in desert lands big number rare animals: elephants, bongos, giraffes, rhinos, cheetahs, gazelles, zebras, hippos, lions, okapis, aardvarks. Some species are not found anywhere else in the world.

The most dangerous African animals are hippos. Previously, they were widely distributed throughout the territory. Today, hippos live only in the southern part on the border with the Sahara. Therefore, they have been given the status of a rapidly declining species. Despite this, individual tribes continue to hunt forbidden animals.

Among the most amazing animals of Africa, rodents “naked mole rats” deserve special attention, the skin of which does not age and does not feel pain from exposure to fire and cuts. Lungfish also live here, which in critical dry periods are able to burrow into the ground.

Africa is a huge continent, which usually even tourists do not pay much attention to. And in vain, in the meantime, there is its own, special, original, unhurried life, in the middle of a centuries-old cultural heritage. Today we will make a short trip to some bright points of this continent, we will see interesting African places without getting up from the couch.

Interesting places in Africa - desert cinemas

Every part of Africa has its own cultural identity. The northern part often encountered Europeans and Arabs. Here you can see the Egyptian pyramids, the ruins of Carthage, the Moroccan deserts and much more. Central Africa is more distinctive than its neighbors - it rarely had contact with the outside world. Here you can meet the famous Voodoo, Somali pirates and endless savannas. The southern part of the mainland was actively friends with the Portuguese, Spaniards, Belgians, British and Boers, thanks to which it has a rich colonial heritage. But let's look at some interesting places Africa in detail.

Would you ever like to watch a movie in an empty cinema? Then welcome to Sinai peninsula, where in the middle of the desert there is a real cinema "Doomsday". Despite the ruined condition, the building is only 10 years old. The initiator of the creation of such a cultural institution was a Frenchman who used the equipment of an abandoned cinema in Cairo. However, the local authorities did not accept the idea, which is why the Frenchman's plans were not successful.

If list interesting places in africa, you can not ignore the monument to the "African objection". The statue, by the way, got into the Guinness Book of Records. Currently, this is the main attraction of Senegal. Despite the fact that Senegal is one of the poorest countries on the continent, it is on this territory that a delightful monument flaunts. The idea invested in the construction is the liberation of the "black continent" from the colonial oppression of Europeans. The monument depicts a man holding a child in his left hand and embracing a girl with his right. Above such a statue, only some Egyptian pyramids which makes this attraction popular among visitors.

Mosque of Ketshava, interesting places in Africa

visiting interesting places in africa, you will definitely stumble upon the Ketshava Mosque - one of the religious shrines of the "black continent". It is located in Algiers. Initially, the building of the mosque had a different purpose, only a few centuries after the founding by the Turks in the 17th century, the building was converted into a mosque. The attraction is made in a hybrid of the Byzantine and Moorish style. An important feature of the mosque is that all the bewitching beauty is presented today in its virgin form.