What is the highest mountain in Hungary? The nature of the country. Kekes - the highest mountain in Hungary What is the height of the Kekes mountain in Hungary

Hungary is not a country where you can count on climbing high mountain peaks. Almost all of its territory is hilly, many places in Hungary are raised above sea level by about 200 meters. Despite the circumstances of the Hungarian relief, there is still a high mountain peak on the lands of the European state.

Mount Kekesh and its features

If you translate the word "kekesh" from Hungarian, then its meaning will be close to a shade of blue. The Hungarian mountain Kekes rises above sea level at 1014 meters.

The modest height of the mountain does not prevent travelers from climbing it to use the mountain as a natural viewing platform. You can look at many amazing things from this mountain: at beautiful sunsets and sunrises, at the Middle Danube Plain, at the neighboring peaks of the Matra mountain range.

Mount Kekesh has several uses. In addition to the observation deck, there is a small ski resort for beginners on the mountain. The slopes of Kekesh are gentle and even, so skiing there is suitable for those who want to master this science, avoiding injuries.

At the top of the mountain there is a TV tower, the height of which is 180 meters. There is also a cozy cafe with national cuisine open to visitors.

The natural attraction is included in several guidebooks of Hungary. Rest on Mount Kekes helps to get to know the nature of Hungary closer.

How to get to Mount Kekesh?

Near the town of Matrahaza, a motorway begins, leading straight to the top of the mountain. There is also a walking path. There is no route to the top of Kekesh transport connection, so you can get there by taxi, rented car or on foot.

Hungary is amazing beautiful country, which has its own special history, incomparable monuments of architecture and indescribable beauty of nature. The most famous natural attraction is the most high mountain Hungary, Kekes, located in the northern part of the state and belonging to the Matra mountain system.

The name of the highest mountain in Hungary comes from its bluish hue, visible from the side, the word "kek" is translated from Hungarian as "blue", in accordance with this, the name of the mountain, "Kekesh" can be translated as "bluish".

Directly on the mountain there is a TV tower, from the observation deck of which an unusually beautiful circular panorama of the highlands opens up, and if the day turns out to be cold, you can always hide in a cozy cafe inside the same tower.

The thickness of the snow cover covering Kekesh reaches 40 cm, and from a distance, framed by floating white clouds, the mountain seems iridescent and luminescent. It is known that Kekes is the highest mountain in Hungary and its height of 1015 meters, although it is not among the ten highest mountains in the world, nevertheless, almost every day a large number of tourists begin their ascent to the top. As a starting point, it is recommended to consider the small town of Matrahaza, from where it is most convenient to get to the mountain by any vehicle.

The climate in this part of Matra is quite mild throughout the year, without a sharp temperature drop, and long sunny days make this area most suitable for warm weather. summer holiday. Even at the end of autumn - the beginning of winter, when it is already dank and foggy at the foot of the mountains, in cities and villages, it is still quite warm at the top of Kekesh due to the warming gentle sun.

There are many entertainments on the mountain itself: ski slopes, various excursions, a restaurant serving Hungarian cuisine, playgrounds for children, etc. All people who have been on the mountain note the beauty of nature on the slopes: here you can see birches, spruces, firs, oaks and chestnuts, beech is a little less common, and in some places, at the foot, there are minerals: manganese, copper and lead ores.

The quiet and peaceful nature of Hungary is also adjacent to a diverse animal world: deer, hares, wild boars, foxes, etc., including such rare animals protected by the state as otters and beavers.

In addition to climbing Mount Kekes, in Hungary it will be very interesting for tourists to see other natural attractions, such as thermal springs, lakes, Danube, etc.

One of the most famous of the Hungarian lakes is Balaton, so blue and clear that on a clear day it can easily be confused with the sea, if you do not pay attention to the fact that the water there is not salty. Balaton is located in close proximity to Budapest and is the largest European lake, previously it was open only to rich people, but now anyone can stay here. Another one of the most big lakes Europe - thermal Heviz, located right on the site of a former volcano, which now heats the water and makes it possible to swim in the lake even in the cold season. Heviz is considered a quiet health resort, but many come here on their way from Budapest or Vienna just to take a break from the hustle and admire the extraordinary nature.

Almost the entire territory of the country is located in the Danube River basin, only within Budapest itself on the banks of the river there are seven islands: Csepel, Hayodyari siget, Molnar-siget, Nepsiget, Harosh-siget, Palotai and the most famous and popular - Margit.

The bend of the Danube, located just 13 km from the capital of the country, is a favorite place for visiting both tourists and local residents. It offers extraordinary picturesque views of the surrounding nature with green fields stretching into the distance and soft outlines of hills, in addition, many beautiful towns are scattered along the banks of the river, among which Esztergom stands out in particular. This is a small but historically significant city: for many years it was the capital of the state and here, in Esztergom, the legendary King St. Stephen was born.

It is interesting to visit the Hungarian city of Tokaj, which is the center of a large wine-growing region of Tokaj-Hegyalya, where the famous white wine variety or "liquid gold", as it is often called, is produced. This place has been attracting true connoisseurs and gourmets for many years, and the Hungarians are rightfully proud of this unique place and the vineyards located in it.

Hungary, and especially its nature, is also famous for its national parks, the most famous of which are the Hortobágy and the Balaon Upland Park. Hortobágy is the biggest state reserve, where you can enjoy the view of the endless steppes, various lakes and oak groves, see the nature untouched by man and the birds and animals living in it. Another national park- The Balaton Upland is located in a mountainous area (which is the reason for its name), which allows you to see caves and several extinct volcanoes, in addition, there are certain species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book and on the verge of extinction - that is why the territory of the park is strictly protected.

The nature of Hungary is unusual in its beauty and diversity, its sights fascinate at first sight: mountains, islands, resorts, parks - all these are the real national treasures of the country. In general, this state is suitable for both active rest, and for quiet contemplative tourism and health promotion, extraordinary views can forever leave a mark on the mind of any person.

What is the highest mountain in Hungary? This question can often be heard from tourists who prefer outdoor activities. The highest mountain in Hungary is called Kekes, which translates from English as "bluish". It does indeed have a bluish tint when viewed from a distance. Framed by floating clouds, Kekesh appears almost luminescent. It is the third most popular attraction in Hungary after Lake Balaton and the Danube. The mountain is located on the territory of the Matra mountain range between the local cities of Gyongyos and Eger. The height of Kekesh is 1014 meters.

Although Kekesh is not in the top 10, he has an enviable popularity. Many tourists start hiking to the top of Kekesh from the town of Matrahaza. In addition, if you don't mind paying about 500 forints ($2), you can take the elevator to the observation deck on the TV tower, which is located on Kekes. It offers a fantastic view of the rest of Matra and you can take wonderful photos of the surrounding views. A mild climate all year round and long sunny days make Kekesh a popular summer holiday destination. Even in November-December, when it is foggy and cold in the cities, it is sunny and relatively warm at the top of Kekesh. If you still freeze, you can warm up in a cafe located in the TV tower. The pride of this institution is the exhibition of mini-bottles.

To get to Kekes, you will need to either rent a car from Budapest or take a direct bus from the Nepliget bus station (Budapest). It runs three times a day, daily. It will take about 2 hours to reach the mountain.

The most big mountain Hungary is one of the few ski destinations in this country. Hotels and ski slopes are scattered throughout the Matra mountain range and conditions vary depending on the weather. It's not the most popular ski destination in Europe, but there are plenty of things to do, from night skiing to a restaurant for Hungarian food lovers. And nature lovers can hike along the slopes of the mountain and pass through dense beech forests. This is one of the interesting places

It is no coincidence that the highest mountain in Hungary, Kekes, is one of the three main tourist attractions in the country. If you climb to its top, you can look at the surroundings from a height of almost 800 meters! But the beautiful views from the main peak of the Matra range in northern Hungary are not the only reason to visit this place.

Kekesh is a major ski resort, the largest ski run in the country is laid along the southern slope with a length of 1.8 kilometers and a height difference of 230 meters. And in the warm season, the roads to the top of Kekesh turn into the final section of the track of a major cycling race. There are also hiking trails for those wishing to climb the mountain on foot. Kekesh is available for outdoor activities at any time of the year.

Height of Mount Kekesh

The mountain belongs to the Matra range, located in the Northern Hungary region. It is located on the territory of Heves county, the capital of which is the city of Eger. The slopes are covered with beech forests, at the foot of the mountain system and at the lower heights there are orchards and vineyards. Farming has become possible here due to the smooth transitions of heights - the slopes of the mountains are gentle.

The height of Mount Kekesh above sea level is 1014 meters, the relative height is 774 meters.

In 1985, a stone painted in the colors of the national flag of Hungary was placed on top of the mountain. It indicates geographical name and the absolute height of the peak.

Information about the highest mountain in Hungary

The first documentary mention of the mountain is found in the journal Matra Conductor for 1897. It is also known that at the end of the 19th century a tower was erected here, named after the Minister of Welfare of the People Jozef Vass. It has not survived to this day, as it was very dilapidated and was closed to the public in 1938. The building was completely destroyed during the battles of the Second World War.

The first hotel appeared on the slope of Kekes in 1933. Then they laid the first road to the top from the town of Matrahaza. The length was 5 kilometers. The development of skiing began, but it was interrupted by the war. The first lift was built only in the middle of the century. At the same time, the existing hotel was nationalized and turned into a state sanatorium, since the local climate made it possible to improve the health of patients with diseases of the respiratory and nervous systems.

In 1958, Kekesh was chosen to install the antenna tower. The structure served for a little over 20 years, and in 1981 it was replaced by a new television tower. It stands on the mountain to this day, serving not only technical, but also tourist purposes. The height of the tower is 180 meters. The first 80 meters is a concrete part, above the same volume is occupied by a steel fragment, the last 20 meters is a fiberglass cylinder.

At a height of 45 meters in the TV tower there is a large observation deck, which you can climb for a fee.

In summer, the site is open to tourists daily from 9:00 to 18:00, in winter - from 9:00 to 16:00. Prices can be found on the information site about the rest on Mount Kekesh. In the neighboring observation deck The premises houses a private collection of mini-bottles, numbering more than 8 thousand copies collected from all over the world.


Both on Mount Kekesh itself and in other parts of the Matra Range, there are many mini-hotels. You can also stay in the hotels of the towns of Gyengyes and Parade, between which Kekes is located. To the first city it faces the southern slope, to the second - northern. Ski slopes are located on these slopes.

For those who are not new to skiing, the north slope track is suitable. With a length of 600 meters, the height difference is 180 meters. The route on the south side is flatter: it has a slightly higher elevation difference, but it is 3 times longer than the northern one. Typically, trails remain open for approximately 60 days a year.

On the western side of Mount Kekesh, there is a road leading from the small town of Matrahaza to the summit. It is convenient to climb this path either by bicycle or motorcycle, or on foot.

It is almost always sunny on Mount Kekesh. There are more than 2,000 hours of good, clear weather per year, which is well above the national average. At the same time, the majority sunny days falls not in the summer, but in the first half of autumn, the second half of winter and March.

The climate is mild, in summer the temperature rises to an average of +26 °C, in winter it does not fall below -15 °C. Atmospheric pressure at the summit is about 10% lower than the Hungarian average. There is no dust, no pollen, no impurities in the air. There is a lot of snow, the local record is 106 centimeters.

How to get to Mount Kekesh

Several buses depart from Gyengyes and Budapest to the top of the mountain. You need to get off at the final stop, which is called "Kekesteto, Szanatorium". Buses No. 1045 from Budapest and No. 3471 and 3655 from Gyöngyös follow it.

If you want to climb to the top on foot, you can choose a bus that goes to the city of Matrahaza (for example, No. 1046, 1378, 1515, 1521, 3492 and others). Next, you need to get to the northern outskirts of this settlement, since there the road leading to the top of Kekesh branches off from highway No. 24.

You can also get to the peak by your own or rented car. Coordinates to be guided by: 47.872261, 20.011168. It is worth considering that in winter the path becomes dangerous due to icing and steepness. You can also take a taxi to Matrahasa or Gyengyes. Transportation services are provided by companies: Taxis Szemelyszallitas, Matra Taxi Egyesulet and others.

Video about Mount Kekesh:

Matra mountain range

The Matra mountain range is located just a hundred kilometers from the capital of Hungary, Budapest. This province, called nothing more than the soul of Hungary, here is the most high point of this mysterious, beautiful country is a mountain called Kekesh.

The top of these Kekeshteto mountains has a height above sea level of 1014 meters, and the top of Gagliateto - 965 meters, which made it possible to equip excellent ski slopes on their slopes. They are intended for trained athletes and "dummies" who have the opportunity to study at a sports school. The slopes are equipped with six tracks 3500 meters long with a height difference of 146 meters. Evening lighting allows tourists to ski after sunset on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Snow cannons provide high-quality snow cover in any weather. For lovers of luge sports there is a toboggan run.

Due to many eruptions, the soil around the mountains was so fertile that soon dense deciduous forests grew on the highlands. In the following millions of years, the mountains were further shaped by weather and rivers. For Hungarians, the Hungarian mountains have always been a very important aspect. During the Middle Ages, dozens of castles were built to take advantage of geographical advantages and protect against attackers. At the same time, the mountains were an important economic factor, since in addition to food and forest from the century, they also offered rich veins from ores.

From a cultural point of view, the mountains offer Hungarians a special hobby. Mostly flat landscapes, mountains are interesting and varied. Hiking on mountain ranges has been a tradition for centuries, and in recent years and decades, Hungarian tourism has greatly expanded its offer.

In the mountains of Matra, in addition to ski slopes, there are famous resorts Buksek, Parade and Matrafured. The basis of balneology in Hungary is thermal springs with a rich mineral composition of water. Without exception, all guides conducting tours of Matra advise tourists to breathe as deeply as possible. In Matra, everything has a healing power and, first of all, air. This province is known throughout Europe as one of the best climatic resorts. All year round life is in full swing here, in winter numerous vacationers go skiing, the famous troikas with jingling bells, and in summer, hiking, cycling, give all the guests of Matra an incomparable pleasure.

The Hungarian mountains can be grouped into 4 regions, with each individual region having its own characteristics. In the west of the country are the mountains of Alpokal, which can be translated from Hungarian as the foot of the Alps. Along the western border of Sopron stretch the easternmost parts Alpine mountains. The nearest region is the Transdanubian Mountains, which run along the northern part of Lake Balaton and reach the Danube slope north of Budapest. A special feature are the witness mountains at Lake Balaton, which emerge from a flat environment.

The Matra mountain range is covered with oak and beech forests. The mild climate favors the development of horticulture and vineyards. Therefore, the foothills of Matra are considered one of the leading areas for the production of quality Hungarian wines. And enotherapy, better known as the wine cure, is out of season. Connoisseurs of the divine, intoxicating drink know that Matra is the birthplace of white wines.

In the southwest of the country there is another region of the Hungarian mountains, namely the Metsek mountains. Not far from the city of Pécs, the strongly joined mountains offer excellent hiking. The most impressive region is, of course, the northern Hungarian mountains. The mountains lead the entire north of the country, and here are the highest mountain peaks. Besides hundreds of caves, mountain rivers and gorges, this region offers a whole new picture of the Hungarian landscape. If you drive, for example, on the mountain road between Eger and Miskolc, after a few minutes you will forget that you are still in Hungary, because the mountain landscape immediately resembles Austria or Switzerland.

Almost all the inhabitants of the surrounding villages have been engaged in winemaking since the time they came to this fertile land. Tourists will be able to get acquainted with the magical properties of local wines on a sightseeing trip, on an amazing retro train. At each of the stops, everyone is invited to visit the wine cellars and taste the gifts of Matra. One of the most famous cellars, Heller's wine cellar, stretches 542 meters in the bowels of the earth. It is quite easy to get lost in its labyrinths if you inadvertently fall behind the tourist group, but the guides, knowing Heller's peculiarities, closely monitor the tasters.

The charm of the Hungarian mountains has been preserved to this day. Hiking is one of the most popular leisure activities in Hungary, and therefore, in recent years, tourism routes have been significantly expanded. In addition to the beautiful mountain trails, forest trails and paths through nature reserves, many other activities are available. For example, you can drive through the mountains on a nostalgic narrow gauge railway or enjoy a delicious meal at one of the mountain restaurants. At the same time, skiing has also become popular in Hungary, as the slopes are especially suitable for beginners.

Hungarians are known in Europe as one of the most enterprising peoples, they try to get maximum benefit and profit from their national wealth. After tasting the amazing desserts of local culinary specialists, such as grape pudding with nutmeg sauce, for example, you begin to understand what truly delicious food is. Those who are not tired of the abundance of medieval castles, for which Hungary is extremely rich, should definitely visit the tiny town of Paradshasvar.

Despite an already impressive range of activities, the tourism sector is expanding its capabilities even further. One of the most popular destinations for tourists from abroad is Matra Mountains. The rich fauna and flora, as well as numerous trails and viewpoints, make an unforgettable hike possible. If you want to feel some comfort after a long hike, you can book a room in the surrounding villages in a cozy pension.

Whether you are traveling with your family or with an active group of seniors, the Hungarian mountains offer everything from nature. The Bukk Mountains are the centerpiece of the Bukk National Park. Situated between Eger and Miskolc, this Hungarian mountain offers a great combination of culture and nature. In addition to special national park, there are some world famous attractions such as Lake Hamori near Lillafured. The mountain road can be used with your own car and gives an excellent overview of the regional geology.

Most beautiful building, a hunting castle, its walls are pale pink, in the rays rising sun, evoke a feeling of silent delight in the guests. The castle was once converted into a hotel, and in our time, its doors are open to everyone. This city was chosen as a resort, not by chance, if you go around the hotel and go a little further, you can see the healing, mineral spring, beating from the ground "Čevice". This spring, far from the only one, in the wonderful province of Matra, on the outskirts of the village of Matraverebey, there is a spring that, according to legend, the Mother of God visited, and with the help of water from this source she cured one sick shepherd. Whether you believe or not believe in this legend, it is necessary to walk to the source, along the path, admiring the beauty of the virgin forest, listening to the chirping of birds and the quiet rustle of leaves.

Culturally, Eger and Miskolc are two rich chests of Hungarian history. For guests who spend their holidays in Budapest, the Börzöny Mountains have long been good advice for a little walking tour. Located just north of the Danube Cathedral, this Hungarian mountain has long been a popular recreational area, not only among the people of Budapest. Not too strenuous heights, some mountain restaurants and observation towers make these mountains a great place. In addition, you can enjoy a magnificent view of the Danube bend and Visegrad from the southern peaks.

Many tourists, admiring the pristine beauty of Matra, do not notice how they are imbued with the spirit of this amazing, fabulous province.

Medical tourism

Paradfurdo - "Pearl of Mount Matra" - a healing bath, located among picturesque forests in the valley of the crystal clear mountain stream Tarn. The Parade State Clinic is located at an altitude of 214 m above sea level in a valley with a surprisingly mild, balanced climate, since this place is reliably protected from the northwest winds by the ridge of Mount Matra. The bath is known in Hungary as one of the centers medical tourism, thanks to the healing thermal water, containing arsenic, iron, alum. “Acid” water from the Čevice spring has been used for more than 2 centuries for the treatment of mainly gynecological diseases, as well as drinking water for stomach diseases.

If you want to explore the mountains quickly, you can hop on the narrow gauge railway and see the most important sites during the day and then return to Budapest. It is clear why hiking in Hungary is almost a national sport. The numerous and varied Hungarian mountains are hallmark culture, nature and health. Each region has its own unique characteristics, from simple restaurants to exclusive spa hotels in the mountains. In addition, all levels of difficulty are available in the mountains, from easy walks to moderate mountain tours requiring a lot of energy.

The Hungarian State Clinic Paradfurdo is one of the most equipped specialized rehabilitation clinics in Hungary.

The article tells about Hungary, briefly outlines the history of this European country, its main attractions, tells about ski resorts, and Hungary itself is not forgotten.

Brief historical background

Hungary is one of the oldest countries. Its more than a thousand-year history is known for numerous battles and conquests. The country is also famous for the launch of the first European subway in 1869. Since the middle of the twentieth century, due to the invasion of Soviet troops into the country in order to overthrow the German occupiers, the communist regime prevailed in it. However, at the end of the 90s, Hungary switched to a capitalist system and is currently a member of NATO and the EU.

Thanks to the ever-improving infrastructure, visitors to Hungary are increasingly able to explore forests and survey rivers, and a halt in tourism development is far from a prospect. Although Hungary is mostly known for its vast plains, the Hungarian mountains are an exceptional tip for wonderful and unforgettable trips to the heart of the Hungarian countryside.

Other relevant information

Number of Hungarian mountains: There are 20 different mountain ranges in Hungary. Tourism infrastructure: Pedestrian networks and tourism infrastructure are improving every year and are already in good condition for the most part. Variety of excursion destinations: Depending on the region, guests have many natural and human attractions at their disposal.

The area occupied by Hungary on the Central Danubian Plain is relatively small, which does not guarantee an exceptional diversity of climatic zones. The climate here is temperate continental, without sudden temperature fluctuations. Thousands of tourists from all over the world flock to Hungary to get in touch with the special atmosphere of the Middle Ages prevailing in the capital, as well as visit the ski resorts of this tiny country.

Tour difficulty level: everything can be arranged from simple walks to stressful extreme tours. In northern Hungary, the Matra Mountains are one of the most diverse mountains in the country, the city of Gyöngös is often considered the capital of the local mountains. The forests in the mountains are sometimes thousands of years old and can be explored along trails, some of which are already part of European hiking trails.

Access: Probably best point access to the mountains is the city of Gyonyos, from which roads and hiking trails lead to the region. Necessary equipment: for long-term storage of shoes, for long hikes, a complete hiking equipment is recommended.


Why do tourists love the country?

The main tourist attractions of the country, in addition to Budapest, are the city of Miskolc, Lake Balaton, the Aggtelek caves and several sources with thermal and mineral water. This also includes Heviz, located near Lake Balaton. At all healing springs Hungary is considered the most valuable asset and brings a stable income from visiting tourists.

Variety of excursions: the mountains offer trips of several hours, half a day, full day or several days. Information: The sign is available in Hungarian. Where the Alps meet the Mediterranean Sea and the Pannonian Plain with the karst world, Slovenia. This small green country has an extension of 273 km². Slovenia is among the countries with an exceptional number of excellent athletes and has a rich cultural heritage. In Slovenia, it is not difficult to compare the cost of goods and services, since they are expressed in one of the world's most important currencies -.

ski resorts

Ski resorts in Hungary have recently begun to gain popularity among connoisseurs of this sport. Several Hungarian mountain ranges especially loved by skiers.

the most famous ski resort in Hungary it is considered mountain system Matra, located one hundred kilometers from the capital. This area is famous for the long preservation of snow cover (up to 100 days). At the time when real snow leaves the mountain range, it is replaced by artificial snow, which is supplied by specialized guns. The tourist influx here does not decrease year-round.

More interesting information on the web pages of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. It is located in the center of Europe, forever discussing old and new, tradition and sophistication. Its exoticism comes from the countless cultural influences this country has had over the centuries.

In all corners of the country this cultural diversity is present, from the timeless capital, passing through the bucolic landscapes of the vineyards along the Danube, to the beautiful and beautiful national parks, you can appreciate the importance of this fact.

What is the highest mountain in Hungary?

The country does not have high mountain peaks, although almost all of it is located 200 m above sea level. We can assume that almost all of its territory is a hill.

The most in Hungary is the top of Kekes. It is part of the Matra mountain range and has the longest ski slope in Hungary. Its length is about two kilometers, but skiing from the slopes of Kekes is more to the liking of inexperienced and novice skiers.

For all lovers of history, art and beauty in general, the capital of the country, Budapest, offers a fantastic journey through different eras and artistic styles, such as Baroque, Neoclassical or Art Nouveau, with examples such as the Buda Castle or the Roman ruins of the city.

For those who love to travel and discover new destinations, we recommend the cities of Szeged, Soprano, Debrecen and Kecskemét offering other types of attractions, or the city of Pécs where you can enjoy its exotic mosques and impressive public buildings.

The highest mountain in Hungary, whose height is 1014 meters above sea level, is famous for its magnificent landscapes that open to the eye, the snow cover here is quite soft, and the slopes are gentle, without drops. Accordingly, professional skiers who prefer more adrenaline visit other slopes.

Nature is one of the main attractions of the country. Flora and fauna

One of the pleasures that you cannot miss if you visit Hungary is to take a dip in one of the 300 natural springs. thermal water in the country. For Hungarians it is a way to socialize and socialize with their neighbors and for visitors it is a way to enjoy medicinal properties these waters or a way to simply rejuvenate and relax.

The Great Hungarian Plain occupies half of the country's surface and is a paradise with a wide extension that nature lovers can enjoy. The country has ten natural parks and many nature reserves and protected areas, some of which are inaccessible to tourists.

In general, Mount Kekes belongs more to the class of sights than to The name of the highest mountain in Hungary means "bluish" in translation. This mountain is extremely picturesque. That is why it attracts guests who, after the Danube, prefer to visit nature that is practically untouched by civilization.

The forest on the hills is represented by well-known oaks, birches and firs. In some places you can find chestnuts and fir. By the way, forests occupy only 1/5 of the country's area. This guarantees visibility from the summit for many kilometers ahead and creates an unforgettable, virtually unchanged landscape for several generations. In addition, in some hills of Matra, minerals are found that lie at the foot in the form of copper, lead and manganese ore.

Hungarian gastronomy comes from the Magyar culture and is heavily influenced by the traditions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Turks, who made it a well-defined gastronomy with simple and delicate flavors. The main ingredients most associated with this cuisine are paprika and sour cream, which appear in dishes such as stews, soups, goulash or stews. Goulash is a star dish and each region has its own speciality. Summer - best time to visit almost everywhere, and Hungary is no exception.

With the exception of Budapest, which has great cultural events throughout the year, winter is not the best time to visit the country. By air, Hungary is less than three hours from Spain and a number of airlines have direct routes. With €95 you can get a ticket to the Hungarian capital and in a few hours you can explore its treasures.

The diversity of the animal world, the lion's share of which falls on wild boars, in addition to the usual foxes, hares and deer, includes several rare animal species. These include beavers and otters, which are under state protection.

On the top

You can get to the top of the bluish mountain by car or on foot from the town of Matrahaza, which itself is interesting for miniature temples and a chapel. Certainly, walking tour rather difficult due to its range. However, it is worth it, because the trails leading to the summit have exceptionally beautiful surroundings, which will brighten up the walk and allow you to take amazing photos.

What You Can't Miss in Hungary

If you prefer, you can also use the train as transport for beautiful Hungary. High speed trains have connections from various European capitals to Budapest. Book a day trip to explore the ancient medieval cities Visegrad, Esztergom and the village of baroque artists, Szentendre. The tours leave from Budapest and then you can return by boat on the Danube.

To relive the past, you can visit the wonderful city of Sopron, which has a beautifully preserved medieval historic center called Belvaros. The city is also known for its wine production and is also one of the most picturesque cities in Western Hungary.

The TV tower on a mountain 180 meters high, with an observation deck and a cafe, will allow you to appreciate the beauty of the middle mountains in the north-east of the country. It helps not to get lost on the way to the top on numerous paths. According to visitors, all the paths towards the mountain lead to the top. The cafe serves Hungarian cuisine - hearty and fragrant. Pork is the main product for cooking. Here you can also see a delightful exhibition of miniature bottles of locally produced drinks.

From time immemorial, the black earth lands of Matra have been famous for their vineyards. Tokay is recognized as the world-famous wine here.

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